Bigots – Melanoid Nation Foundation Mon, 02 Nov 2015 09:15:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Klan Members Set To Be Exposed By “Anonymous” Group Mon, 02 Nov 2015 09:15:19 +0000 If you can recall a story that surfaced earlier this year in which former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke threatened to expose some of his Klansmen brethren (who serve as Republcans in high positions of government) for their opposition to Steve Scalise’s decision to speak to a white supremacist group in 2002, then this most recent story will seem eerily similar.

Anonymousthe online hacker group which has unveiled extremely explosive information regarding race soldier cops and white extremist murderers of Black people, has threatened to release the names of approximately 1,000 Klan members who happen to be holding various positions of influence throughout the country.

Here is a link to the video which was shown on the group’s Facebook page

The list, which is featured on the video in the link above, has compiled the names of several government officials who allegedly serve in sizable Southern/”Middle American” cities. Ironically, this could possibly explain in part why much of the police violence against Melanoid people have occurred in these areas in recent months and years and has gone unpunished and ignored by many of these same politicians.

For more on this story, follow this link.

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Black Woman In Ohio Suffers Property Damage By White Extremists Wed, 12 Aug 2015 18:42:41 +0000 In the minds of many, the South is where the majority of the U.S.’s racism occurs. However, events that have occurred in recent years have dispelled that theory.

In Youngstown, Ohio, a Melanoid business owner by the name of Nicole Rhodes has been forced to fear for her life. Earlier this week, she was met with the sight of her Ford pickup truck destroyed by fire. Attached to the truck was a menacing letter left by white extremists. The following photo reveals the content of the letter and her truck that was destroyed:


After being exposed to such horrific imagery, Ms. Rhodes went on to say “This can’t be real. This just can’t be real,” Rhodes told the New York Daily News on Wednesday. “It just cannot be this serious. Black skin just can’t be this serious. Black skin just can’t make you go destroying property.” Although Ms. Rhodes is currently an owner of a building which houses a beauty salon in the area, she is working towards relocating her business elsewhere.

The attack on Nicole Rhodes and her family appears to be a tactic long used by white supremacists when attempting to disenfranchise Melanoid people from positions of power and ownership. Attacks of this caliber have taken place numerous times in this country’s history, and it is no exception in 2015.

For more on this story, follow this link.

B. Clark

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