Black Community – Melanoid Nation Foundation Sat, 04 Aug 2018 11:44:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Key to Survival Sat, 04 Aug 2018 11:29:34 +0000 Written by Dr. Tiffany Tubman



We are experiencing daily murders of Black people (more males than females) of all ages. However, many suspected white supremacists and their minions (sympathizers) often ask those of us with some of a brain, “why do we feel like we are under attack?”. The day we begin to state collectively, and certainly as a critical mass, that we are dealing with a system of racism, white supremacy and that system is about white genetic survival. We have been given a fragmented struggle so that we would think that America was a democracy and not a system of racism and white supremacy. Because that is what we wanted to believe: That things could really be drastically different for Black people. It is not a crime to want to believe something, but then we have to come back and deal with reality. The system was opened up to a gesture towards to inclusion, but what has really happened is a refinement to the system of white supremacy. We have been given nigga trinkets, tokens, and accessories, some of us even cash, but no wealth and no real power.


There has been an increase of white women dating and procreating with Black men and as such, we are witnessing a reaction to “we are not going to have it” by white men. Parallel our current situation to Semites of Jewish religion in Germany. The Jews were not focused on because of their religion but focused on because of beliefs that they were not white, according to Adolf Hitler. Jewish men started marrying German women and that is when Hitler came to power very similar to how Donald Trump came to power. With the same comments and goals of putting things back in order, surrounded by his entire team of known white supremacists, extremists, and Nazi collaborators. This is why white men (and women) are flocking to him and supporting his hate-filled policies, actions and banter.


Black people pose the greatest threat to white genetic survival; therefore, Blacks are the targets of the gun, the chokehold, and every other method the suspected white supremacist can implore to eliminate us and thereby eliminate the threat to their survival. Blacks can go in jail and the government will spend 50K per year to house you for free labor, but Blacks cannot have 50K grant/loan to start a small business or build generational wealth. Blacks cannot earn that money if we get a job. This is a clear-cut example of white supremacy. This is the system that we live in.


Do not slide away from declaring that this is a system of racism, white supremacy. Based on that, it is logical that they can kill people with impunity, like in Nazi Germany. This is what the system is about. They wanted to be assimilated and accepted. But when your survival is an issue of genetic survival, you cannot assimilate. WE want to believe that we can be American. Through nearly 500 years of formal and informal slavery, we are still fighting to be accepted. Until America is a democracy and practices a system of justice, versus the current (a republic that practices a system of white supremacy), we cannot be accepted as Americans. We cannot assimilate because there is no room for us.


The most important card that can be played right now to put the murders in check is to call it what it is, systematic white supremacy/racism. We must declare we are in a system of white supremacy daily, on every outlet and venue we can (social media, television interviews, 911 calls, letters to congress, etc.). The reality is that they system of white supremacy is the highest form of terrorism that has ever been conceptualized on planet Earth. It is a system that is designed to protect 1/10 of the population on Earth that are a genetically recessive mutated species.


Our only chance is the critical mass of Black people speak out. Not out in the streets saying “we hate white people” that is a cheap waste of energy. Hatred is not the answer. That is like turning up the heat and opening the windows. Instead, we must address the issue by speaking to the system. The majority of white people will say they are not racists. We have to ask then why the last 500 years. However, instead of questioning them, allow the non-racist white people show they are not racist. Let the non-racist white people speak up and march. Blacks must stop marching. We must stop acting like we are lost and confused about why race soldiers keep executing our family members. Every time we say, “I don’t know why this is happening to us” we are reinforcing the system of white supremacy. Every time we act like the murdering of unarmed Black people is not supposed to be happening, we are in denial about the system of white supremacy in which we live.  We are denying ourselves the potential of escaping this situation.


Start saying, if we are in fact in a system of white supremacy, we will continue to see this carnage. If we are in a democracy, the executions will stop. Ask yourself, what are we seeing? Therefore, what system do we live in? To all non-racist white people, it is your job to get out there and stop it.


Racism, white supremacy, is a local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined. This includes and consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war) for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth. A planet by which the vast and majority of people are classified as non-white (black, brown, red, and yellow) by genetically recessive white people.


The fear of white people is causing our death. If we are being honest, when I first learned about this and the ongoing Race War (Rahowa) I was in disbelief, then shock, followed by denial. However, I had to separate my emotions from facts. The facts continually prove that we are in a Race War, and we must defend ourselves for our own survival.


We are asking all Melanoid Nation family to stay safe, stay on code, and get your Second Amendment game strong. We have the right to protect ourselves and stand our ground. Remember to treat all others exactly as they treat you, no better no worse. We should be practicing the Platinum Rule at all time.


DAILY AFFIRMATION/DECLARATION: I live in a system of racism white supremacy. I am willing to dedicate all of my life energy to create a system of justice.

     Twitter: @montswife16



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The Implosion of White Supremacy; Stay on Code Thu, 19 Oct 2017 03:12:38 +0000 An essay governing actions of Black Americans during this critical time as the Melanoid Nation Family works to strategically destroy systematic global white supremacy.


Written by Tiffany Tubman

October 18, 2017



We are witnessing the sudden failure and collapse of systematic white supremacy, starting in the United States but reaching all nations. The global system of white supremacy is undergoing an internal civil war and this is not our problem. We must let every other group hold their own nuts during this implosion. We can pick up the pieces to develop a true system of justice and bring peace to planet Earth, during this transition.



Unfortunately, family, things for us will get a lot worse before they get better. For this reason alone, we must stay on code. At this point in the RaHoWa, it is “Us or Else”.  Anyone who is not one of us, can be one of them. During this time, many Black Americans and other Melanoid people are scared and afraid. Many have not yet accepted the fact that cooning and bedwenching/bedbucking (bedwork) will not save you. Our skin makes us a target and whether we accept it and call ourselves “Black” or deny it and try to classify by your name or hide under the illusion of being “bi-racial”, you and your children will still be a target.


This code is our only saving grace. By now, we should all know the code. It starts with being alert at all times, keeping your second amendment game strong, and aggregating our resources. It is imperative that we are not spending money unnecessarily and when we do spend money, we are keeping in the Melanoid Family. This means buy black, shop black, and stay black first 365 days per year.


We are witnessing systematic white supremacy implode on itself. Trump has changed the game and made overt white supremacy the new main stream. I will go back to this relation of ball games as symbols.



Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing discussed these games at length. Right now, it ever so important that we are reading and studying from “The Isis Papers” for understanding during this period we live in. She has likened the game of golf with the small white balls (white male testicles) to a psychological link to defeat and humiliation. There is a strong correlation with white supremacy and balls.



There is no coincidence in the amount of time Trump has spent golfing since taking office. He has spent over 2/3 of his time in office golfing at a club he owns. It seems the more powerful the white male becomes in the context of the white supremacy culture, the smaller the ball that becomes his focus of attention. Their attention then shifts *masochistically to hitting the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation-in full realization of white genetic recessiveness.


(*1. The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts that involve being made to suffer physical or mental pain. Also called sexual masochism. 2. The deriving of pleasure from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.)

As of Saturday, October 14, 2017 Trump has spent 72 days of his presidency golfing and 92 days at a Trump property as president. He has been in office 271 days.

White people may never be able to verbally say most things so we must learn to read, decode, and understand symbols. By decoding and translating symbols, we can confront those aspects of reality that generally we would prefer to ignore.


Ball games merely reflect the white supremacist’s admiration and fear of Black testicles, their contempt for white testicles, and their willingness to fight-no matter how violently-to maintain control of the balls on the field and courts, which for them symbolize every place on Earth.

As white men lose control of the ball game of football and the NFL (teams and players), you can expect other areas of our everyday to be turned upside down with more violence and hate crimes as the white supremacist struggle to maintain control.



In final acts of desperation, we have learned that the FBI has designated a group called the “Black Identity Extremists or BIE”, which is a last-ditch effort for law enforcement (formerly called “the slave patrol”) to criminalize all Black Americans. This will give law enforcement legal justification to place a stronger and permanent police presence in black and/or low-income communities.


With limited information available to the public, we learned that the BIE profile was released from the FBI to local police departments on August 3, 2017. This was a few days ahead of the “Unite the Right” domestic terrorism event on August 11-12, 2017 that was planned months in advance.


Prior to this event, the FBI created a narrative of a dangerous, racially motivated group of blacks whose perceptions of police brutality have led to and is responsible for increased violence against law enforcement. The only thing this group had in common was melanin. That is right, our blackness put us in this group should it be convenient for law enforcement or the race soldiers that have infiltrated that group.

This erroneous claim provides justification for the killing of blacks on sight and as needed as the race soldiers continue to deliver state sanctioned genocide to our people.


The alarming and unjust part of this situation is that white supremacists and right-wing extremist (White Identity Extremists or WIE) have commited73% of deadly US Domestic Terror Attacks since 2001. The WIE have killed over 70% of police officers, yet we hear no cries of #BlueLivesMatter. As a matter of fact, Melanoid Nation coined the name WIE and not the law enforcement officials who refuse to acknowledge white men as terrorist.


Law enforcement (police officers) kill unarmed Black men 7 times the rate they kill unarmed white men. In 2009, the FBI Counterterrorism Division released a report that right wing extremist ideology are the most dangerous terrorist threat to the United States.



After release of this report, Republicans had this department closed. The shutdown left no control or oversight to properly monitor and investigate this deadly group of terrorists. They then formed the Counter Islamic Extremism group to monitor Muslim terrorist. Muslim=Black as all Blacks are targeted in this group as well. However, the WIE have killed more people in the United States than any other terrorist group in the history of the United States.

There are at least 450 known white extremists groups currently operating in the United States. Of all Domestic Terrorism, blacks have been responsible for 6% events and this includes slave revolts where we fought for basic human rights. This is an attack on all Black people.


Black Identity Extremist = BIE = Being black = Systematic White Supremacy = Racism




For tomorrow, please make #1804 trend. Where you see another # trending, add our brand to that. For example, you may see #ThursdayThoughts so you would close your message with #ThursdayThoughts #1804. Let us all support each other by searching the #1804 and liking, retweeting, and sharing what we are so proud of. We are living our code!



You will start hearing talks about “November 4th”. This does not pertain to us. Please carry on with business as usual, staying on code, and stacking that paper for our time. Every attempt is being made to pull us into the struggles of others and right now, they must hold their own nuts. We need to focus on us.


There are plans to “end the nightmare” and protest until Trump and Pence are removed. Do not engage. The nightmare is described as follows:


This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

A Nightmare:

Immigrants living in terror—their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones.

A Nightmare:

Muslims and refugees demonized, banned and cast out.

A Nightmare:

Millions—children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor—denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live.

A Nightmare:

Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law.

A Nightmare:

LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized, and denied civil rights recently won.

A Nightmare:

Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred.

A Nightmare:

People all over the world facing bombings, occupations, war and the threat of nuclear war with Donald Trump’s “America First” finger on the nuclear trigger.

A Nightmare:

The truth bludgeoned—lies and more lies—critical thinking being destroyed in education and public discourse.

A Nightmare:

The whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections.

A Nightmare:

A regime step by step discarding basic democratic rights, targeting group after group, and suppressing dissent and resistance. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-semites, and fascist thugs. This is fascism—a qualitative change in how society is governed. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

THIS NIGHTMARE MUST END. Millions feel this and ache with the question of how to stop this unrelenting horror. The stakes are nothing less than the future of humanity and the planet itself.

Who will end this nightmare? We will. Only the determined struggle of millions of people acting together with courage and conviction can drive this regime from power.

Get Organized! Leaflets, Posters, Graphics for November 4

ON NOVEMBER 4, 2017:



This has already been our nightmare for far too long. Where was the outrage then? Now Trump is treating everyone like a nigga and showing people who thought they were Team White Supremacy for so long, what the real white supremacy looks like. Now they don’t like it and they have a problem. Oh well, we will use it to reform the laws and create justice, when the time is right.


Black folks, stay out of sight and wait for our time. We should not be partying, spending money unnecessarily or engaging with these activities in anyway. We must also examine ourselves to rid ourselves of any underlying white identity we may be internally struggling with that would make us prone to cooning, bedwork, or further enabling white supremacy. That too must be destroyed because their system only exists while we allow it. Fear, hate, violence and ignorance occupy the mind of the white supremacist. Do not let that mindset paralyze or destroy us. Be bold, be fearless, seek justice by any means necessary. Rinse and repeat. #1804





Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



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White Privilege & Systemic Racism: Exposing White Supremacy Fri, 15 Sep 2017 21:16:02 +0000 Racist male wants to lynch all Black people and create a “master race” of white men and women

By Kenny Anthony


Lawrence Burns, 23, member of white supremacist terrorist group National Action, ended up having his prison sentence reduced because the Court of Appeal decided that he was “not as racist as some of his friends on Facebook”. Lawrence has a history of inciting violence, and was found guilty of stirring up malicious racial hatred, which led to him being jailed for four years in 2016.

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However, three judges have recently come out in defence of Lawrence, and claim that his prison sentence was somewhat “severe”, and blame Lawrence’s white supremacist views on his “educational background” and “young age”. In one of his YouTube comments, Lawrence openly expressed his desire to “hang the Black race”, while sharing and owning Hitler artwork, Neo-Nazi memorabilia, scarves, clothing, books and phone material portraying 125 images of racialist ideas. This was referred to as “moderate racism”, and Mr. Justice Phillips, one of the three judges, said that his sentence was “manifestly excessive”.

So, to show Lawrence fairness, (a man who wants to execute racial genocide and domestic terrorism), his prison-time was cut to two-and-a-half years instead of four. In other words, the judges are indirectly saying that white feelings are more valuable than Black lives.

This level of “understanding” and consideration is never shown to Black people, and we’re still being mass incarcerated for petty non-violent offenses. Popular music artist, Bobby Shmurda, 23, is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence because he was railroaded into taking a guilty plea for a shooting which he was not involved in. In the Black community, it’s extremely common for gang-injunctions to be enforced on the entire neighborhood. This means that law enforcement will use the “I’m white and I say so” law to indict you, even if you weren’t anywhere near the crime scene.

According to reports, one out of every eight African-American youth involved in a murder case will be given a life sentence without parole. In the white community, only one out of every thirteen European-American youth will be sentenced to life without parole.  Other examples would include the school system, which shows that Black youth are more likely to be expelled or suspended, but no evidence can be presented which proves that they misbehave more than their white peers. On a higher educational level, Black men that went to Harvard University have the same chances of getting a call-back from potential employers as white men that graduated from state colleges, according to a 2014 study by Social Forces.

The systemic racism runs a lot deeper, as a report by the advocacy group Young Invincibles found that Black men need twice as many qualifications than white men to get the exact same job. Which brings us onto sentencing, and the Human Rights Watch have reported that Black youth are more likely to be sentenced to an adult court, given longer sentences and are even given more grown-up/adult prison sentences in comparison to every other group.

In addition, white men with criminal records have a better chance of receiving positive responses to job applications than Black men with no criminal history, says Harvard Professor and Sociologist, Ms. Pager. You could also point to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which revealed that white people take illegal narcotics more than any other race, but the prison population for drug offenses is majority Black for both men & women.

Black people do not commit the most crime, our statistics are high because we are disproportionately charged for the majority of crime per race. So, this is an incorrect notion just like the racist deflective “Black on Black crime” narrative, because proximity applies to every racial demographic. Data from the Bureau of Statistics show that between 1980 – 2008, white people were responsible for the majority (53.3%) of gang related homicides. Also, according to the U.S Department of Justice Statistics, 84% of white people killed each year are killed by other whites. Coincidentally, mainstream media and the dominant society have never mentioned the idea of “high crime-rates in the white community”, or “white on white crime”.

The current Meth Epidemic happening in the white community (which has exceeded the C.I.A orchestrated Crack and Heroin Epidemic), is being swept under the rug and handled discreetly. Black Heroin and Crack addicts during the 80’s and 90’s got treated like animals & criminals, while today, white Meth addicts are being treated like helpless patients. In short, this exposes the blatant hypocrisy and wickedness of white supremacist America which is indisputably unmatched.


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While we continue to be at war with white supremacy, our number one focus as Melanoid people should be self-preservation by any means necessary. Our advice: Be alertdo not let your children go outside unsupervisedconnect with like-minded Melanoid peoplecreate international allies, and exercise your Second Amendment.

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The Ongoing Rahowa and Living as Prisoners of War Mon, 21 Aug 2017 08:05:10 +0000 Written by Tiffany Tubman

August 20, 2017

I dedicate this article to the legend Richard Claxton “Dick” Gregory comedian, civil rights activist, presidential candidate 1968 (Nixon won), author, nutritionist and father to us all. From the inception of civil rights until yesterday.


Sunrise: October 12, 1932

Sunset: August 19, 2017



Those of us remaining on this earth are living during a race war, the Rahowa. All Melanoid people are a part of this war, whether we want to be or not. Your melanin places you in this war and all persons with melanin are victims or this war. Melanoid people are prisoners of war.


The online dictionary defines a prisoner of war (POW) as a person who is captured and held by an enemy during war, especially a member of armed forces. Let us be clear, the dictionary does not limit this term to armed forces member. Any person can be a POW. Another name for POW is prisoner of war.

Because Melanoid people are held captive in this war that we cannot escape, by definition, we are POWs of America.


POW definition as described by Wikipedia: Belligerents hold prisoners of war in custody for a range of legitimate and illegitimate reasons, such as isolating them from enemy combatants still in the field (releasing and repatriating them in an orderly manner after hostilities), demonstrating military victory, punishing them, prosecuting them for war crimes, exploiting them for their labor, recruiting or even conscripting them as their own combatants, collecting military and political intelligence from them, or indoctrinating them in new political or religious beliefs.


The Code of Conduct also requires service members to resist giving information to the enemy (beyond identifying themselves, that is, “name, rank, serial number”), receiving special favors or parole, or otherwise providing their enemy captors aid and comfort. For this reason, cooning violates the code of conduct.


Many Melanoid people, consciously or subconsciously, understand that we are POW because we do not have freedom. Freedom is defined in the online dictionary as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.


Simply put, freedom is living without fear. As Melanoid people in America, our group experiences realistic fears on daily basis. We fear becoming a hashtag do to race soldiers or their deputized agents, we fear our children and elderly could be beaten or attacked at any times, we deal with church shootings in our places of worship, and the fear of losing our jobs if we act “too black” or expect racial equality in the workplace. Speaking out or resisting the system of white supremacy in America makes a Melanoid person a target and you could lose your life, your livelihood, or both.


If we look at the historical context of this belief, history easily explains this perspective. This is the US leading up to civil rights under the Jim Crow era.


As you can see above, into the 1940s America had no concept of how to deal with the freed Blacks in America. With slavery abolished, there was much concern over the future of these captive people that were not recognized as equal to a white person.


The Euro-centric interpretation of history would have you to believe that Black people got fed up in 1954 and the civil rights movement began. The challenge is to think critically and go beyond that narrative provided. Black folks were always tired and always resisting. America had to design a new form of psychological control.


Then in 1949, 196 state parties from around the world came together (Post WW2) at the Third Geneva Convention to develop treaties relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. The treaties defined humanitarian protections for prisoners of war.


The articles of the treaty described religious, intellectual, and physical activities, discipline, limiting financial resources (controlling their economy), and the allowance of a power structure among POWs that establishes rank and integration with the captors.


After this guidance, had been set, America was ready to end segregation and introduce a new formation to maintain the system of white supremacy. Although many whites opposed, the political majority decided it would be the best way to handle these freed Africans and continue their captivity and oppression with the least resistance from the group as possible.


Civil rights begin in 1954:











By the time The Civil Rights movement lost force, everybody had rights and Affirmative Action protections.





We must develop the prisoner of war mentality. We are beaten and murdered with impunity. Fortunately, there are some methods to bolster your mental strength which are proven to work in everyday life and which will also help a POW:


A positive outlook on your future will make you more resistant to psychological stress. Never give up hope!

Autosuggestion: Tell yourself that you’re strong and that you are a survivor. The human psyche is surprisingly susceptible to pep talk, even when it comes from yourself. I always called this method “Lying to myself.” It works miracles in all kind of situations.


Accept what you can’t change and live for the day: You must survive your captivity one day after the other, so don’t worry about tomorrow but be prepared. Keep at least a month food supply of non-perishable food and bottled water. Be armed and ready to protect yourself and your family by any means necessary.


There has been a sudden shift in focus from systematic racial injustice to removing statues. The focus should be on punishing white supremacists who harm Black people, but it is being ignored. The dominant society has used the recent domestic terrorism events in Charlottesville, to make symbolic changes and not systematic changes that would lead to a system of justice. There is a blatant refusal to disrupt the system of white supremacy that governs us.


However, if Melanoid people push equal rights or Black rights, we are labeled as a hate group. Recently the Southern Poverty Law Center (a white run organization claiming to fight racism) has identified a new category of hate called a black separatist including a black bookstore. Black empowerment in America is a war crime/hate crime.




The messages we communicate should be clear, concise, and consistent. We must be repeating to every person interested in how to help or how to make the racial conditions better in the United States the following:


  1. We must replace the system of white supremacy with a system of justice.
  2. We demand honest, critical thinking, and objective perspectives based on fact.
  3. We demand reparations. That is the only way to have true justice and repair this country build by our Ancestors with no benefit. White people passed down property and wealth to their children that we generated and Blacks have passed down debt.














Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16




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MARTIN LUTHER KING MONUMENTS PLANNED ATTACK Tue, 15 Aug 2017 06:11:49 +0000 Update-Domestic Terrorist are Armed and Dangerous

Written by Tiffany Tubman


MARTIN LUTHER KING MONUMENTS PLANNED ATTACK: Melanoid Nation Family we must remain vigilante and on high alert. We have just recently learned that the domestic terrorist cells are moving into more aggressive battle plans to engage more concentrated groups of African Americans and incite violence.


Please see the Timeline of Events below. This article will be updated as more information becomes available as we are working to bring you as much information as we can. The Melanoid Nation family of writers have been working around the clock so please watch for updates to these breaking news stories as they develop.

Aug-11 20:00 #UnitetheRight Domestic Terrorists began to assemble in Charlottesville, VA with tiki torches, flags, and uniforms with the primary intent to start a Civil/Race War with bloodshed while harming and killing as many people as possible.
Aug-12 8:00 Both the United Alt-Right groups of 14 members and the Anti-fascism group, Antifa, took to the streets of Charlottesville to protest monument removal and allow their leaders time to plan next steps
Aug-12 12:00-14:00 State of emergency called. Although random black people were present, the violence took place between two predominately white groups. The desire to kill black people and provoke a Race War failed. To have bloodshed, white sacrifice of domestic terrorist and bastard child James Alex Fields, Jr. got in his Dodge Challenger and ran into a group of pedestrians with the largest number of blacks he had seen all day. Because the groups were mixed, he successfully hit 20 people, injuring 19 and killing 1 white female named Heather Heyer.
Aug-12 14:30 A police operated helicopter fell from the sky, killing the 2 officers abroad the aircraft.
Aug-13 All day All white supremacists and all white nationalists group continued to execute their coordinated pledge from 8/12/17 to host and organize as many of the violent hate rallies across the country that they could in hopes of igniting the next Civil War. Rallies begin to pop up all over the country in major cities and college towns.
Aug-13 All day Marked a day of political responses varying in range, pointless because no laws/policies were changed and key White House staff involved remained employed with the Current President unwilling to address the acts of domestic terrorism carried out by his base in his name with coordination from his staff members.
Aug-14 All day A day of peaceful demonstrations protesting the hate and bigotry shown in Charlottesville, VA as well the lack of a proper response from the current President of the United States.
Aug-14 13:00 President Donald Trump had second press conference to call the Charlottesville Civil War attempt an act of hate by white supremacist and condemning the attack through teleprompter reluctantly. His body language proved he was doing something he did not believe in and he continued to use white supremacy coded language, body language and hand gestures to appease his core supporters.
Aug-14 19:00 As peaceful protests continued, and no presence from any Black groups was noticed, a diverse group of US Citizens decided to remove a civil war statue in Durham, NC of Lord Marquess of Londonderry that fought for the Confederate States of America. There were over 790 events nationwide to protest this overt and dangerous domestic terrorism fueled by white supremacy.
Aug-14 20:30 Alt-right leader Paul Ray Ramsey, also known as “@RamZPaul” and “smiling Nazi” set a plan in motion with his followers to start physically removing Martin Luther King Jr. statues in retaliation of the removal of the Confederate statues and with the hopes of inciting a racial clash and war with African Americans, that were not present in Charlottesville, VA.


He is a known member of Vanguard America, the same group responsible for the murder of Heather Heyer on 8/12/17. He considers himself a white nationalist, which means he believes in the total elimination of Melanoid people. He should be considered armed and dangerous.

Aug-14 21:00 Paul, @RamZPaul, and his followers including Yirmyah Fox (@RealYirmyahFox) used Twitter to determine the first MLK monument they would target would be downtown Atlanta, GA. They are actively planning and coordinating the time but they have promised swift retaliation and will be heavily armed to murder and execute genocide on any person, hopefully African American, that stops them. Together the two masterminds have over 60,000 subscribed followers witnessing the plan. The plan then went offline to a conference call.
Aug-14 21:00 Yirmyah Fox (@RealYirmyahFox) and follower Awakened Saxon (@shitlordUSA) set plans under way to take down “the communist politician Vladimir Lenin statue in Seattle, Washington.
Aug-15 All day Surrounding Melanoid Family Members in Atlanta, GA commit to 24/7 surveillance of MLK Jr. Monuments, statues, and legacy. Atlanta Officials and mainstream media outlets were notified by Melanoid Nation and are on high alert.
Aug-15 13:00 Trump back peddles on condemning white supremacists and goes into full support of their actions. Receiving praise from KKK Leader, David Duke. Trump went on to equate Robert E. Lee in importance and necessity to the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Trump continued to use coded verbal and nonverbal body language during the address today to the media throwing up white supremacy terrorist gang signs. Trump asked for press to define the “Alt-right” and began talking about the “Alt-left”, a term no one in the US has ever used.


After this speech, “Black Lives Matter” group became named as a participant. This group had never been mentioned as involved before this point. Black Americans are still confused as to who “Black Lives Matter” is and whether if it is a group or term. Right now, all Melanoid people are being called “Black Lives Matter”.

Aug-15 4:00 Lincoln Monument vandalized with explicit graffiti painted in red. The hate filled language was promptly removed this later in the day and no permanent damage was done to the historic stone. However, the alt-right united groups have announced a full open season on all historic United States statues and will continue to vandalize, destroy, and remove any statue they can.


Again, Donald Trump has provided no comment about this behavior. Anyone with information is being asked to call the US Park Police at 202-610-7515.

Aug-15 18:00 African American woman, Takiyah Thompson, who helped take down the statue in Durham, NC was arrested. None of the white males with her have been arrested now. None of the domestic terrorists working to form the Charlottesville Lynch Mobs have been arrested. She was charged and released within the hour.

Early threats identified:

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We have identified local white supremacists’ leaders in Atlanta, GA. Please see below:

Atlanta Racists

As this story develops, we are asking all people of African Ancestry to be safe and protect yourselves. You have a right to defend yourself, if necessary. Travel in groups and watch over each other. Remember, these cowardly white supremacists love soft targets. Keep a watchful eye on all children, elderly, and those who are unable to defend themselves.

Family-Law enforcement is not going to protect you. S. Lee Merritt, Esq had this to say regarding the Battle of Charlottesville, VA, which set the temperature and tone for future events:
merritt law



Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



Article updates to include more details and timeline information 8/16/2017 1:57AM EST

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Race War NOW…How to Survive Part Intro Fri, 11 Aug 2017 05:15:09 +0000 Written by Tiffany Tubman


Family, we have been listening to the teachings of respected elders (like Tariq Nasheed) and others heavily involved in Black Empowerment and understanding white supremacy.  Since the start of the Trump Administration, we have all witnessed more of the overt white supremacy; however, we should all be aware that covert white supremacy is still increasing and being practiced at an all-time high. These practices have been illustrated through policy on both the local and national level, as well as attacks on prominent members of the Melanoid community such as Zach Randolph of the Sacramento Kings. Brother Randolph was maliciously charged with intent to sell marijuana based on the “I’m white and I say so” law governing the new Jim Crow 2.0 in the continued war on Melanoid People. This is a show by white supremacy and main stream media news outlets to make the charges more severe and costly for him to fight. The latest attack on Melanoid sports players such as Zach Randolph, Colin Kaepernick, and LeBron James further prove that socioeconomic status, having money, or fame does NOT exempt you from systemic white supremacy. Check out this powerful diagram below outlining some major actions in what you can expect during this current climate of mixed overt and covert white supremacy and the attack on Melanoid people. (Table 1)


Table 1. Overt and Covert White Supremacy Actions 2017


Historically, there have been four major battles of this Race War under the system of white supremacy in the United States, starting in 1625 with the first recorded inception of chattel slavery orchestrated as a genocide attack on African people, kidnapped and forced into enslavement by people today commonly called white people. Our battles and fights (as explained in depth by Dr. Umar Johnson) have included:


  1. Humanity-Battle Phase 1 where Melanoid people fought to get non-melanoid people to understand we are human. We are not property to be bought, sold, traded, or inherited for their demonic purposes.
  2. Liberty-Battle Phase 2 where Melanoid people fought for freedom from slavery
  3. Equality-Battle Phase 3 where Melanoid people fought for the end of Jim Crow 1.0, desegregation, and items that non-melanoid people lumped into a term called “Civil Rights” that includes basic human rights.
  4. Survival- Battle Phase 4 where Melanoid people currently fight for survival against genocide through the attacks of both overt and covert white supremacy.


Family, while the phases of the battle can be overlapping and ongoing, our current phase of Survival is the most critical fight that we have ever encountered. The purpose of this article series to is help us with Battle Phase 4.


To better understand this series, I am asking all persons interesting in helping with special emphasis on all Melanoid people to engage this article series. Learn from the articles, but also bring something to the articles. Provide feedback and engage the topics.


I have provided you with the basic background and relevance. To prepare for future articles and survival for our families and communities, we are making a few requests. “Stop marching! Unless you are marching to the nearest Black Owned Business and balling out!” in the words of Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene. I will request one march from you in all seriousness: March to a Black Owned bookstore and purchase the following:


  1. There is a required reading list that every family member of Melanoid Nation must have:
    1. Racial Matters: The FBI’s Secret File on Black America 1960-1972 by Kenneth O’Reilly
    2. The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept: A Compensatory Counter-Racist Code by Neely Fuller, Jr.
    3. The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
  2. There is a required documentary list that every family member of the Melanoid Nation must have:
    1. The Wannsee Conference
    2. Hidden Colors 1: The Untold History of People of Aboriginal, Moor, and African Descent
    3. Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin
    4. Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism
    5. Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy

These materials will enlighten you and encourage you as we progress through the solutions for survival during these trying times. As seen in Table 2 below, we have come a long way, yet we have so far to go. We can make it, we will make! We have seen that the system of justice and the system of white supremacy cannot co-exist. We will not stop until we have created a system of justice in the United States and beyond. All Melanoid people across the world will benefit from this new system.
Table 2-Survive

Table 2. The History of Melanoid People in the United States of America.


We are asking all Melanoid Nation family to stay safe, stay on code, and get your Second Amendment game strong. We have the right to protect ourselves. We will be posting more articles on survival methods during this high alert times.


Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16


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How To Shake Off The Blues Created By Current Events Wed, 04 Nov 2015 09:27:54 +0000 This month marks the 1 year anniversary of We here at the site have worked tirelessly to serve you, Black Society, with stories (good, bad, and ugly) that you are more than entitled to be informed of. This has been done because many of the stories we have featured here on the site would have never seen the light of day under the watch of the dominant society’s media outlets, which further emphasizes the need for Black media to counter such media biases and blackouts that do not serve the best interests of Black Society.

As we move into the waning moments of 2015, Black Society has weathered one of the most violent storms in history that doesn’t seem to have any ending in sight. This year alone, we’ve been bombarded with news stories upon news stories that consist of the following: lynchings, members of the dominant white society spewing “racial tourettes”, mass media propaganda which paints us in an extremely inferior–and one sided–manner, and the ever-accumulating stories of race soldier cops beating up and/or murdering Melanoid people in cold blood. However, we here at Melanoid Nation bring you these types of stories to light the proverbial fire under the collective backsides of Black Society.

In the midst of this tumultuous year, we have listened to the cries of frustration from many good Brothers and Sisters in Black Society who often wear the heavy burden of racism/white supremacy like an albatross around their necks. In reading many of these stories and/or sharing them via social media, the general consensus among many is that there appears to be much anger and fear which has been conjured up after they receive word of the inhumane acts that have committed against people who look like them. We most certainly empathize with your pain, because your pain mirrors ours.

Despite the gut-wrenching effects often felt from consuming these stories into our collective psyches, all hope is not lost. Listed below are a few ways to shake off those negative feelings which could ultimately cause you to sink into the muck and mire of a counterproductive life.

1. Dialogue with others about the material you’ve read.

Bad news, just like any other negative external force, should never be internalized without a method to properly channel the pain. For a lack of better words, just…vent. Disseminate these stories with family, friends, and loved ones who have your best interests at heart..especially those of the like-minded variety. Assess how you all can do your parts to counter–or change–what you’ve just read about in these articles.

2. Avoid pettiness. 

Since the launching of this site last year, the stories that we have provided for you have been generally well-received by our readers and supporters. Yet, sometimes the feedback of the stories can be sidetracked by trolls, who are oftentimes nothing more than white supremacists who seek to derail any progressive activity among Melanoid people. Learn to realize when these detractors are at work, and completely ignore their presence. Stay away from dabbling in emotionalism as they aim to bait Melanoid people into irrelevant activity such as namecalling and arguing with them.

3. Connect.

In the midst of the somber nature of some of the stories that have appeared on this site, we are proud to state that we feature stories of empowerment and inspiration as well. Some of these uplifting stories profile individuals, businesses, and movements that serve as an asset to Black Society. While covering these positive stories, we have included ways that you can reach out to them to contact them for their services. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them and show your support, and you could possibly even forge business connections with these movers and shakers as well.

4. Support the cause.

In its short existence, the Melanoid Nation Foundation has already financially supported a plethora of noble causes in Black Society. This is due to your generous contributions to the site which has funded a movement that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. From paying for the funerals of Melanoid people who have been senselessly murdered, to supporting Afrikan-Centered Schools, just these examples alone are plenty of reasons to smile.

5. Know that the best is yet to come.

Because of your support, our stories are reaching Black people in record numbers, and counting. “The People” are becoming much more cognizant of what is happening to them, why it’s happening, and what must need to be done to rectify our current standing. It is because of you, Melanoid Nation, that we exist. We will continue to reciprocate the love.

B. Clark

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Black Man Killed By White Man Who Used Excessive Force Fri, 23 Oct 2015 20:06:09 +0000 WALKER COUNTY, GA — This past Monday, a 31-year-old Melanoid man had his life taken away for no reason other than the fact that the shooter likely subscribed to the oft-used narrative that he ‘feared for his life’.

Johnny “JJ” Montgomery and two other men were invited to a social gathering at the mobile home of Nicole Carroll, a white female whose stepfather Michael James Gobert (the killer of Montgomery) lived in a home next door with her (Carroll’s) mother.

According to varying reports, an argument ensued late Monday evening, which stemmed from a disagreement between Carroll and one of the other two Black men who accompanied Montgomery on the visit to the “party”.

After hearing their daughter’s screams, Gobert and his wife both came outside with guns, with Carroll’s mother firing warning shots into the ground, and Gobert shooting 14 shots into the vehicle driven by Montgomery as he and the two other men attempted to escape the barrage of bullets fired.

As a result of the shooting, JJ Montgomery was hit in the head, killing him . Edrius Jamel Putman–the man involved with the dispute with Nicole Carroll–suffered mild damage, with a keychain preventing him from being severely injured. The third man, Deisman Harrison, was not hurt.

Gobert has been charged with murder and is currently in a Walker County jail.

Montgomery was well-known throughout Northwest Georgia and the Chattanooga, TN areas as he was not only a native there (Ringgold, GA), but he was also an aspiring singer and musician who frequented many of the local venues to perform under the stage name “J-Mont“.

In an interview with Chattanooga NBC affiliate WRCBtvMontgomery’s mother says she spoke with Nicole Carroll, who even admitted to Montgomery’s innocence in the incident, even going further to mention that he (Montgomery) had attempted to diffuse the disagreement between she and Harrison. This would explain the late Montgomery’s reasoning for also attempting to flee the property.

JJ’s mother, Ruth, discussed the emotional, legal, and financial aspects of this entire ordeal. A Go Fund Me page has been created to assist Mr. Montgomery’s family with the burial costs and the support of his four children that he left behind.

B. Clark

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There Is New Information Revealing Black People’s Exposure To Deadly Vaccines Thu, 22 Oct 2015 01:30:26 +0000 ATLANTA, GA — This upcoming weekend (Oct. 23-25), a rally has been organized to take place in the Georgia state capital to raise awareness of vaccinations, and the dangers that they bring.

The Vaccine-Injury Awareness League are gathering in front of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to demand mercury-free vaccines. Extensive studies have long linked mercury to debilitating–and deadly–side effects, such as various forms of cancer in adults, and autism in vaccinated newborns.

Among the people in attendance this weekend will be Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who delivered a pre-recorded message in regards to the disturbing trend of the negative side effects of vaccines. The video message of Kennedy was viewed by a gathering of a predominately Black crowd at a follow-up meeting to October 10th’s historic “Justice Or Else” rally. Kennedy mentioned that these poisonous vaccines are being dumped into Black areas across the country, with many young Melanoid children experiencing autism at an unprecedented rate. The majority of those affected by these harmful vaccines are Black boys, which could also very well explain the correlation with the miseducation (and eventual incarceration due to being denied opportunities during their formative years) they receive all too often.

Kennedy also went on to state that mercury is 1,000 times more fatal than lead, and that the “problem with African-Americans are the mercury-filled vaccines that make their way into your communities. This is similar to the infamous and wicked Tuskegee syphillis experiment exposed by my uncle in the 1970s.”

In a related story that appears to be more than coincidental, members of the white Jewish community have expressed the need for vaccines with kosher ingredients to ensure that it not only infringes upon their religious beliefs, but also keeps them exempt from being exposed to the mercury-filled vaccines.

Here is the video of Robert F. Kennedy’s message.

B. Clark


]]> 192 Black NBA Player Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:57:43 +0000 For starters, John Henson is a 6’11” young Black male who chose to shop at an upscale jewelry store in the Greater Milwaukee area. Based on the demographics of the area where his shopping trip took place on Monday (Whitefish Bay), it would be a safe bet to conclude that there aren’t many Melanoid people in the vicinity ost would automatically assume that he was either a professional athlete and/or a man of means. Contrary to conventional belief, the employees of Schwanke-Kasten had an opposing perception of Henson.

“They (workers of Schwanke-Kasten) locked the door and told me to go away. After I rang the doorbell twice everyone went to the back. No one answered the door or told me what was going on,” Henson wrote on his Instagram account that was later removed for some reason. Henson was followed by two police cars, which parked across the street and watched him for approximately 5 minutes.

After being interrogated about his reasons for being outside of the jewelry store, cops eventually explained to the store’s employees that “it was safe” for him to come into the store to look at a watch that he (Henson) wanted to see. “The employees finally came out of the back and proceeded to conduct business like they previously were as we walked up,” Henson wrote on the now deleted Instagram post.

The cops ran his license plates, and eventually the Milwaukee Bucks power forward was escorted inside the store by the officers.

According to a statement written by the store owner on Monday night, Henson’s vehicle was deemed “suspicious” because of the license plate, which was issued by the dealer.

Henson also wrote in the Instagram post that “This was one of the most degrading and racially prejudice things I’ve ever experienced in life and wouldn’t wish this on anyone. This store needs to be called out, and that’s what I’m doing.”

Here’s John Henson’s reaction to the situation.

B. Clark

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