Election – Melanoid Nation Foundation https://www.melanoidnation.org Thu, 10 Nov 2016 04:54:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 White Supremacist Groups Around The U.S. Celebrate Trump’s Win https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-groups-around-the-u-s-celebrate-trumps-win/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-groups-around-the-u-s-celebrate-trumps-win/#comments Thu, 10 Nov 2016 04:43:16 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=3707 Last night Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States, and today there were protests in almost every major city with thousands of people opposing his win. But there were also several white supremacist groups celebrating Trump’s victory. There was also several incidents of white supremacist Trump supporters celebrating by engaging in anti-Black vandalism in cities around the country as well.

All of the following incidents happened on the first day Donald Trump became president:


In Philadelphia, a white supremacist Trump supporter spray painted a nazi symbol on a storefront.













Also in Philadelphia, it appears that another Trump supporter spray painted the words “Yes Trump Black Bitch” on someone’s vehicle.










Former Ku Klux Klan leader and major Trump supporter David Duke has been celebration Trump’s victory on his twitter timeline for hours. Duke also stated that the Trump win was a great victory for “our people” (meaning white people).













At Maple Grove High School in Minnesota, some suspected white supremacist students who are evidently Trump supporters, wrote anti-Black graffiti in the school’s restroom.

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In the Wellsville area of Buffalo New York, a baseball dugout at Island Park was vandalized with a swastika and a variation of Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan with the words “Make America White Again”.









Also in the Buffalo area, At Canisius College, a black doll was found hung by a noose in an elevator directly after Trump’s victory on Tuesday night in Frisch Hall, a freshman dorm













In San Francisco, a homeowner flew a Nazi flag over his home after Trump’s victory.












In Mebane, NC, a suspected white supremacists associated with the group Alamance County Taking Back Adamance County (ACTBAC)- a group who once raised money to line Interstate 40 with Confederate Flags- were on a freeway bridge celebrating Trump.



https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-groups-around-the-u-s-celebrate-trumps-win/feed/ 221
White Supremacists Threaten To Wage War Against Blacks if Trump Loses https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-threaten-to-wage-war-against-blacks-if-trump-loses/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-threaten-to-wage-war-against-blacks-if-trump-loses/#comments Sat, 22 Oct 2016 22:13:58 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=3645 Republican nominee Donald Trump has made himself the face of open white supremacy. The rise of Trump has emboldened white supremacists all over the U.S.

If Trump loses the presidential election to Hillary Clinton next month, where will all of this white rage go? Many officials believe that there will be a wave of violence directed at Black people in the event of a Trump loss.

In Democratic circles, there is fear of a violent uprising by white supremacists and neo-Nazis if Donald Trump loses, according to a Washington Times article.

Even President Barack Obama has voiced concerns about possible outbreaks of violence if Republican Donald Trump loses the Nov. 8 presidential election.

And this week, a Trump supporter and suspected white supremacist from Greenville, South Carolina named Jim Moseley, posted threats against Black citizens on his Facebook page.

“Liberals will have targets on their backs, as their behaviors are pretty much evident,” Moseley posted. “Race wars will begin as well, as your skin color will be your uniform!”

Melanoid people around the country should be on full alert during this election, and they should take preemptive measures to protect themselves and their families in the event that white extremists carry out these numerous threats.


https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-threaten-to-wage-war-against-blacks-if-trump-loses/feed/ 423