Melanoid Empowerment – Melanoid Nation Foundation Thu, 07 Sep 2017 01:35:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Smoke, Mirrors, and DACA: The Real Deal with Trump Administration Thu, 07 Sep 2017 01:35:01 +0000 An overview of the changes being quietly made under the Trump Administration under the surface of the controversies and overt racism we see. With a special focus on how DACA effects Melanoid People and what the Administration is doing to maintain power and avoid impeachment.


Written by Tiffany Tubman

September 6, 2017


The term smoke and mirrors is a North American term that refers to the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of the situation with misleading or irrelevant information. More specifically, it refers to something intended to disguise or draw attention away from an often embarrassing or unpleasant issue. This term is the most accurate way of describing the Trump administration. The latest bit of smoke has been with the termination of the DACA program for immigration.


What is DACA?


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an American immigration policy founded by the Obama administration in June 2012. DACA allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit, they must be free of any criminal charges and meet the quota requirements governed by the Constitution on groups entering the US.  Approximately 800,000 such young people (referred to as “dreamers” after the DREAM Act) were enrolled in the program as of 2017.


In November 2014, President Barack Obama attempted to expand DACA to cover additional immigrants, but multiple states sued to prevent implementation of the expansion and it was ultimately blocked by the courts. The United States Department of Homeland Security rescinded the expansion on June 16, 2017, while continuing to review the existence of the DACA program.


On September 5, 2017, DACA was formally rescinded by the Trump administration, but implementation was delayed six months to give Congress time to come up with a solution for the population that was previously eligible for DACA. Currently, there are no people of African ancestry (Melanoid) people enrolled in the program. The participants are all white (Hispanic) and Asian, with a very small amount being from Western Europe (less than 1%).


What is Trump hiding?


Per Seth Abramson, an Attorney and correspondent with CNN, MSNBC, BBC, PBS, NPR, and the Washington Post, Trump—via Trey Gowdy—is AGAIN attempting to use the House Intel Committee to END the Russia probe. Trump is surely hiding something serious as it relates to Russia. In April, America learned that Trump secretly conspired with House Intel Committee Chair Devin Nunes to prematurely end the Russia probe. That sordid episode—and illegal behavior—is likely now part of Special Counsel Mueller’s Obstruction investigation against the president.


The aim of the Trump-Nunes conspiracy was to delegitimize the FBI probe by proving the evidence that birthed it was false and/or illegal. The result of the conspiracy—besides fodder for Mueller’s Obstruction probe—was Nunes “recusing” himself from the Intel Committee’s work. While Nunes never REALLY recused himself—he continued (crucially) overseeing the Committee’s subpoenas—with Trey Gowdy assumed a leading role. Trey Gowdy is a US Congressman representing the 4th District of South Carolina and the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee.


Gowdy now seeks—in EVERY sense like Nunes—to delegitimize the FBI probe by proving the evidence that birthed it was false and/or illegal. While HARD evidence Gowdy is coordinating with Trump remains elusive, there’s enough CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence that media MUST investigate.


First, some context: as an ex-criminal investigator Abramson states the House Intel Committee—even post-Nunes—is running a sham investigation. There have been no formal open session interviews and very few key people have been interviewed, those that have were in closed session.


The result is the public never hears the testimony and the witnesses can block Mueller from seeing their testimony. Yesterday, CNN reported Manafort has used his agreement with the Committee to keep his testimony from the FBI.



As to secondary persons of interest—or other material witnesses of ANY kind, eyewitness/otherwise—the Committee’s spoken to almost none. And yet—with only TWELVE legislative days left in 2017—the House Intel Committee is making noise about finishing all its work this year. When the Mueller probe began in May, members of the House Intel Committee tried to use it—entirely fraudulently—to end their *own* work.


And of course, intel-sharing agreements ensure Congress asks witnesses the same sort of questions the FBI would have planned to ask them. Instead the House signed agreements for witnesses to testify in closed session without permitting their testimony to be seen by the FBI. And the House avoided interviewing any witness the FBI was likely to interview—even though Mueller was not stopping them from doing so.


Now, a little context on Gowdy that really is CRITICAL information to have to frame what’s happening. Trey Gowdy, who once worked for the DOJ, was on Trump’s *short-list* for Jeff Sessions’ job (Attorney General).


Trey Gowdy giving the known white supremacy hand signal for interview on this topic.


Gowdy was also in the running for Comey’s job. (Trump’s claim is this precludes someone from investigating him.)


With Trump the titular head of the GOP, Gowdy was given, in June, his DREAM committee assignment—head of the House Oversight Committee. Democrats charged Gowdy with acting as a “second attorney” for Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner during his recent closed-door testimony.


Gowdy is now RAISING MONEY off his purported role as Kushner’s “second attorney,” per a POLITICO story. On July 11th, Gowdy told Trump’s White House in the *clearest possible terms* it needed to come clean on Russia. But within 30 days of that extraordinary admonishment of the White House over its response to the Russia probe, Gowdy did an about-face.


A KEY question right now is to discover what happened with, or to, Trey Gowdy between July 12th and sometime in early to mid-August. The most significant event in the House Intel investigation during that period—BY FAR—was its interrogation of Jared Kushner on July 25. Trump—almost certainly illegally—called Sen. Chuck Grassley prior to one of his sons testifying before Congress.


That said, it’s not conspiracy theory—just sound investigation—to ask if Trump spoke to Gowdy before ANOTHER of his sons testified to Congress. Specifically, we would want to know if there is ANY evidence Trump spoke to Gowdy about the Russia investigation between July 11th and 25th. Please watch 60 seconds of this July 25 video, in which Gowdy seems to slip up momentarily at 3:30 in the video.


On July 25, Trump had ONLY said publicly that he was angry at Sessions *over his recusal*, and had NOT said he had no confidence in him. On July 25 Gowdy said on FNC, “I think the president’s frustration is *not* the recusal…” before changing his statement to “I hope…” Trey Gowdy’s statement of the president’s thinking—quickly “fixed”—contradicted ALL public statements of the president up to that point. Later in the interview, Gowdy stated—as fact, not supposition—that Trump had “no confidence” in Sessions, though Trump had not publicly said that leading to support there had been some private conversations to take place between Gowdy and Trump, directly or through an intermediary (back-channel).


You MUST understand this with one KEY fact in mind: Trey Gowdy was the runner-up for Sessions’ job, and would be the TOP PICK to replace him. And remember too that if Trump fired Mueller, Gowdy would be a top pick for THAT job and has said he *wants* it. Now, with all THAT in mind, read the September 5, 2017 BREAKING NEWS, which is mind blowing.


Just as Steele’s dossier—a good deal of which has been verified—is gaining credibility nationally, Gowdy is setting out to undermine it. His MO is identical to Nunes’—when Nunes sought to undercut the FBI investigation by saying it improperly declassified witnesses’ names. Just so, Gowdy says the July ’16 FISA warrant the FBI got on Carter Page is an original sin that ends the legitimacy of the whole probe.


Nunes’ *big lie*—crafted with Trump Administration aid—was that President Obama used illegal Trump Tower intercepts to initiate an FBI probe. Subsequently, this acqusation was proven false by Trump’s DOJ, led by Jeff Sessions within the last few days.


Gowdy’s *big lie*—which parrots Administration disinformation—is the FBI illegally used dodgy human intelligence to initiate its probe. Just as Nunes warred with the FBI by implying it acted illegally, Gowdy is *subpoenaing his investigate partner* to make the same claim.


It is *extraordinary* for *one* governmental body to subpoena *another* governmental body when *both have the same mission*. It is *especially* stunning when the subpoenaing body—House Intel—has deliberately cut deals with Trump aides to hide info from the FBI. And it is a *historic* level of oddity for the subpoenaing body to have a theory of FBI misconduct based on *literally no information*. Nunes was fed disinformation by the White House. Right now, it’s *only* the White House that’s implying Steele’s sources were paid liars.


Trump agent Devin Nunes secretly sent his aides on an overseas trip to find Steele and question him before Congress could. This was part of a disinformation effort designed to libel Steele—focusing particularly on the question of WHO paid him and his sources. At a time, we have SOME reason to suspect Trump and Gowdy discussed Russia, Trump agents were hunting for Steele to ask him about payments.


Right after the effort fails, Gowdy announces—with no evidence—that he’s adopted Trump’s evidence-free view on Steele’s funding tactics. And in doing so Gowdy declares war on the FBI just as Nunes did—with the same type of argument Nunes had—and with an equal lack of info. But it gets better! Because Gowdy has subpoenaed SESSIONS and is going to demand SESSIONS come testify before Congress. However, there is no way in which Sessions can comply.


According to Attorney Abramson, Sessions is 1) a witness in Trump’s Obstruction case, 2) facing (even Gowdy implies it) perjury charges and 3) cannot speak about Russia. Remember, Sessions recused himself due to a legal “conflict of interest.” If he answers Gowdy’s subpoena, he could face new charges. Gowdy’s subpoena for Sessions to testify could force Sessions to resign—which both Trump/Gowdy want (some same, some different reasons). And if Sessions instead answers the subpoena and testifies, it’d be such a violation of his Oath of Office, he’d have to resign (so, same result). The mere sending of the subpoena (a) undermines the Mueller probe, (b) libels key evidence without proof and (c) wastes FBI resources.


Abramson cannot imagine any criminal lawyer/investigator not thinking, on hearing these facts, that Gowdy is acting on bad faith—and WITH Trump. And he’s doing it at a time Trump is loading Congress up with so much work, baggage, and nonsense the Russia probes will HAVE to suffer. He’s doing it knowing that if Congressional probes can’t be effective by the time midterm campaigning starts, those probes will sputter. More smoke and mirrors!


Gowdy is doing it knowing he will, given Trump’s past short-lists for these positions, possibly be offered a job if either Sessions OR Mueller go. He does it amidst HORRIFIC news about Trump/Russia—including proof Trump was negotiating business deals with the Russians while running. He does it as the “salacious” claims in Steele’s dossier are closer than ever to being proven—with witnesses coming out of the woodwork. He does it as *he himself is running* one of the sloppiest, most lackadaisical criminal investigations Abramson has EVER seen from a prosecutor during his long career.


So maybe Trump cannot fire Mueller directly—but he can use Gowdy as he did Nunes to slander the FBI and seek an end to the Russia probe. The media MUST report this effort AND the context within which it occurs—as it helps prove intent, design, and, yes, a conspiracy.


In summary, during June, the GOP mantra was, “do NOTHING to interfere with Mueller.” Now, it’s “either Mueller gives us ALL WE WANT or we sue him.” This may also be the first time in American history Congress has attempted to challenge a warrant the FBI received from a secret court. This may also be the first time an Intel committee has exercised a dilatory Oversight committee function on an *in-progress* FBI probe.


The GOP lead Congress is certainly complicit and one must ask why they would go to such extremes and ruin democracy for one so unfit to lead. The GOP is reluctant to impeach and remains complicit.


Why Trump’s impeachment is highly unlikely?


Trump Laws-Protect him by maintaining white supremacy and the power/financial control prevents impeachment.















When you say “America First,” I have no choice but to see it through a white supremacist framework, because it’s an old KKK mantra. – “Left” from Twitter @LEFTsentThis


Through executive order and using authoritarian powers since term onset for the office of US President, Jan. 20, Trump’s administration has enthusiastically and systematically undone or uprooted rules, policies and tools that predated his time in office. Below, a list of those changes, roughly organized by subject area. Here is a major overview of the changes under this administration:

  1. Withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The trade deal would have established a trade partnership between the United States and countries on the Pacific Rim.


  1. Revoked a rule that expanded the number of people who could earn overtime pay.


  1. Reversal of a rule that would mandate that oil and gas companies report payments to foreign governments. The Securities and Exchange Commission will no longer receive this information.


  1. Stopped a rule that would require large companies to report worker incomes by race and gender. The rule was aimed at reducing pay disparity.


  1. Ended limits on the ability of states to drug test those seeking unemployment benefits.


  1. Reversed a policy allowing states to develop their own work requirements for welfare recipients.


  1. Revoked an executive order that mandated compliance by contractors with laws protecting women in the workplace. Prior to the 2014 order, a report found that companies with federal contracts worth millions of dollars had scores of violations of labor and civil rights laws.


  1. Repeal of a rule allowing states to create retirement savings plans for private-sector workers.


  1. Cancelled a rule mandating that financial advisers act in the best interests of their clients.


  1. Repeal of a bill that mandated that employers maintain records of workplace injuries.


  1. Removed information about worker injuries from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration website.


  1. Killed a rule mandating that government contractors disclose past violations of labor law.


  1. Rescinded an Obama effort to reduce mandatory sentences. Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered that prosecutors seek the most stringent penalties possible in criminal cases.


  1. Cancelled a phase-out of the use of private prisons.


  1. Reversed restrictions on providing surplus military gear to police departments. Those restrictions were implemented by the Obama administration after the unrest in Ferguson, Mo.


  1. Reversed a ban on civil forfeiture. Law enforcement officials are now once again able to seize assets from suspects who haven’t been convicted of any crime.


  1. Reversed the government’s position on a voter ID law in Texas. Under the Obama administration, the Justice Department argued that the law had discriminatory intent. Under Sessions, Justice withdrew that complaint. On Wednesday, a federal court threw out the law.


  1. Reviewed Justice Department efforts to address problematic police departments. An effort to address concerns in the Baltimore Police Department was delayed.


  1. Reversed an Obama ban on drilling for oil in the Arctic.


  1. Reviewed the status of national monuments for possible reversal. In April, Trump signed an executive order ordering a review of monuments added in the past 20 years, opening up the possibility that some areas previously set aside would have that status revoked.


  1. Withdrew a rule regulating fracking on public land.


  1. Postponed an EPA rule that would have had chemical plants better evaluate and inform the public about possible safety issues. This decision, made in June, drew new attention after Hurricane Harvey flooding led to an explosion at a facility new Houston.


  1. Rejected a proposed ban on the pesticide chlorpyrifos. The month after this decision, a group of farmworkers were sickened by exposure to the chemical.


  1. Reversed a ban on plastic bottles at national parks.


  1. Repealed a ban on lead bullets. The bullets were banned under Obama because the lead can poison wildlife.


  1. Rescinded a limit on the number of sea animals that can be trapped or killed in fishing nets.


  1. Delayed and potentially rolled back automotive fuel efficiency standards.


  1. Repealed the Waters of the United States rule. This rule expanded the definition of water bodies that were protected by the Environmental Protection Agency.


  1. Ended a rule banning dumping waste from mining into streams.


  1. Reversed a rule banning hunting bears and wolves. The ban applied to federal refuges in Alaska and prohibited hunting predators using certain methods.


  1. Repealed a rule that would have centralized federal land management.


  1. On Friday, Politico reported that some representatives of oil and gas companies are worried that Trump’s moving too quickly to reverse regulations on their industry. “[Y]ou don’t need to roll things back so far that it opens an opportunity for outsiders to criticize, or something bad happens,” one analyst said.


  1. Withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.


  1. Blocked the Clean Power Plan. The plan implemented under Obama focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.


  1. Ended a study on the health effects of mountaintop-removal mining. The process involves blasting away the tops of hills and mountains to get at coal seams under the surface.


  1. Rescinded a rule mandating that rising sea levels be considered when building public infrastructure in flood-prone areas.


  1. Removed a bike-sharing station at the White House.


  1. Plans to scale back or end a policy under which people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally as children could work legally and avoid deportation. The program, begun under Obama, is called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA.


  1. Cut the number of migrants and refugees allowed from seven predominantly Muslim countries.


  1. Repealed a rule allowing transgender individuals to serve in the military.


  1. Rolled back of Obama’s outreach to the Cuban government.


  1. Ended the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program. DAPA extended protections for some immigrant parents whose children were citizens of or residents in the United States.


  1. Rolled back school lunch standards championed by Michelle Obama.


  1. Withdrew federal protections for transgender students in schools. Under the rule approved by Obama, transgender students could use school bathrooms that corresponded to their gender identities.


  1. Reversed a rule that mandated how achievement is measured in schools.


  1. Repealed a rule mandating certain requirements for teacher-preparation programs.


  1. Halted or cancelled hundreds of other minor regulatory actions.


  1. Revoked a ban on denying funding for Planned Parenthood at the state level.


  1. Repealed a rule mandating that Internet service providers seek permission before selling personal information.


  1. Cut outreach aimed at bolstering enrollment in Obamacare.


  1. Reversed a rule that would ban gun sales to those deemed “mentally defective” by the government.


  1. Slow or nonexistent staffing at the Senate-confirmed and management level across administration agencies.


  1. Repealed a rule mandating consolidation of transit planning authorities.


  1. Ended the declaration of June as Pride Month and the practice of recognizing the end of Ramadan with an after dinner.


  1. Cancelled public reporting on visitors to the White House and other online data.


  1. Changed the definition of domestic terrorist to remove the alt-right, include the alt-left and reduced funding to combat hate groups in the US.


  1. Ending accountability for equal pay.


  1. Ending affirmative action.


  1. Arming police with military gear, and inviting police brutality.


  1. Taking away the right to protest and threatening the media, placing the First Amendment in grave danger.


  1. Banning transgender troops.


  1. Ending accountability for campus sexual assault


  1. Rounding up all immigrants, regardless of criminal records and placing them in internment camps.


  1. Defending neo-Nazis and white supremacists, using their signals, speaking in coded language to give the approval of the assault/attack on all non-white people empowering the Rahowa.


  1. Muslim Ban


  1. Removal of all LGBTQ protections under Title 9.


  1. Reduction of the EPA staff to lowest levels since Reagan while allowing a poisonous pesticide, Monsanto, to poison impoverished communities. Also, these pesticides interfere with the hormone levels in kids which is causing boys to have more breast growth and girls to mature faster.


  1. Hiring industry insiders who do not require Senate confirmation to run our shadow government while all the positions requiring confirmation remain open. This has consolidated all power into the hands of few.


  1. Cancelled the DACA program, phasing out in 6 months with a plan to deport DREAMERS or hold them in internment camps until deportation.

Black people and immigration/DACA


Prior to 1965, policies such as the national origins formula limited immigration and naturalization opportunities for people from areas outside Western Europe. Exclusion laws enacted as early as the 1880s generally prohibited or severely restricted immigration from Asia, and quota laws enacted in the 1920s curtailed Eastern European immigration. The Civil Rights Movement led to the replacement of these ethnic quotas with per-country limits.


The new law maintained the per-country limits, but also created preference visa categories that focused on immigrants’ skills and family relationships with citizens or U.S. residents. The bill set numerical restrictions on visas at 170,000 per year, with a per-country-of-origin quota. However, immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and “special immigrants” had no restrictions.


Since 1642 there have been laws in place by the US government to restrict the number of Blacks/African ancestry people in the US. There is a required 9:1 white to black population rate governed by the US Constitution and put in the books 1779.


Immigration and DACA have nothing to do with us and is not our cause. The Constitution of the US welcomes the citizens and immigrants to the US with the rights to life, liberty, and property. Melanoid people, we are the property. Blacks are the US dream that the founders were pursuing. Land was given and money based on the amount of slaves a white person owned until the late 1800s.

Immigration does not affect Black people. Our focus needs to be our people and our issues. We need policies and action, beyond photo opportunities.

What next?


We must become a race of people who compete for economics and power. We must have every other group hold their own nuts as we create solidarity and fight for our causes. Causes that create policies that empower our people. Imagine if #Black Rights or #ReparationsNOW would trend the way #DACA or #DREAMERS have trended the past week.


We must all demand that our local town and city mayors create an ordinance that make us a protected class. In United States, federal anti-discrimination law, a protected class is a group of people with a common characteristic who are legally protected from discrimination based on that characteristic. (See the City of Alexandria We need the protection associated with policies to empower us.


We need businesses and policies that make this easier for our group specifically because with only a job, we have no inheritance for our children. We are not generating wealth. The lack of wealth is the lack of power.









Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16


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Today in America Wed, 16 Aug 2017 06:22:49 +0000 Surviving this Rahowa and Creating a System of Justice

Written by Tiffany Tubman

August 16, 2017


Today was an eventful day as we observed the shifts in the Trump Administration stance during and leading this Rahowa, Racial Holy War, in America. The purpose of this war is to execute an ethnic cleansing and rid the land of all non-white people and Jews based on the ill-informed and delusional belief that the white race is superior to all other races on planet earth.

The status of where all non-white people stand in the US currently lead by Donald Trump was evident today in his remarks. As he again changed his position in a hostile and hate filled press conference today, the authoritarian leader continued to used white supremacist coded nonverbal and verbal signals to support his extreme followers without condemning or punishing them in anyway. Trump said that, white nationalist protest included “some very fine people”.

trump 1 trump 2







Image of “very fine people” that Trump identified. However, all Melanoid people have identified these people as Domestic Terrorists and emboldened white supremacists.

As Melanoid People, we had no expectations from Donald Dumbass Trump. He has a history of white supremacy, bigotry, and unjust practices against Melanoid People. We can only assume that by design and/or denial, so many others have missed this fact.





Trump’s Business Logo- A Swastika in the Negative Space (First). Traditional Swastika (Second).

trump 3 trump 4

More WS code exposed.















Per the FBI and DHS, “White supremacists ‘were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016…more than any other domestic extremist movement’.” Based on this fact alone, a reasonable person could presume that the white nationalists event planned in Charlottesvile, VA for August, 12, 2017 would be violent and deadly. As a matter of fact, the leaders and organizers of the event knew. As a result, before attending the rally, all leaders and organizers from 14 alt-right organizations took out insurance policies.



trump 5
















As the day progressed, Trump’s manufacturing committee to build infrastructure within America continued to fall apart. To date, 10 companies have withdrawn their support. Six of the 10 came after the violent events in Charlottesville, after Trump failed to condemn the racism and domestic terrorism while making attempts to unite the country.


The remaining companies are being asked to withdraw support as well as the call from all normal members of society to impeach Donald Trump.


Here’s the list of remaining companies to Trump’s manufacturing committee. The ones that have already left are in red. #BoycottWalmart

trump 6






We will continue to provide updates and remove companies from the list on as new information becomes available. When stories are updated, I will add “Update” to the title and tweet out the link. Until a company is removed from the list, please do not patronize or publicly support the company in any way.


Partial list of products/people to avoid until CEOs #QuitTheCouncil:


-baby shampoo and lotion




-chunky soup all Campbell’s soup



Although Walmart is not listed as a part of this council because it is not centered in technology or manufacturing, Walmart’s CEO, Doug McMillion, released this statement criticizing Trump but pledging his support:






trump 7 trump 8






Walmart went as far as thanking Trump for representing their company and values today and every day. #BOYCOTTWalmart


Family, you cannot have it both ways. If you support someone, you stand behind them. If you condemn them, you walk away. We are no longer listening to words, we will only judge intent based on actions. Based on the actions of Walmart, we are calling on a full boycott of Walmart. If you have anything recently purchased from Walmart, with tags and a receipt, take it back and demand a full return of your money. Do not spend one dollar with any company that does not value our group.


This includes the silent Asian community. We have not seen one nail shop or beauty supply store lining up to condemn Trump. As such, please do not spend one dollar in their community. We are asking the Melanoid Nation Family and Supporters to shop at Target, Amazon, or any company that has publicly distanced themselves from Trump.



Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



Questions Submitted: (This is long)



  1. “What is Antifa? What is the difference between Antifa and the Alt-right? Are they all white supremacists?


Antifa is short for Antifascists. They oppose white supremacist and fascist organizing in the US via regional offices through education, confrontation, and building a grassroots culture of resistance. Antifa openly opposes sexism, homophobia, anti-trans bigotry, and all other forms of oppression. We want a classless, free society.

Antifa is against the alt-right who openly hates about every group outside of the white male. Some of the alt-right groups will allow white women, however all of them have a weight requirement. Regardless of height, you must be under 140 pounds. Antifa openly accepts any member dedicate to their cause; however, majority of the members are not Black.


Lastly, are they all white supremacists. The short answer, yes. Listen, I know this truth hurts. But I am sent here by the Ancestors to give you this knowledge, wake you up, keep you woke, and create this system of justice.


My response is based on these facts, all white people (whether knowingly or unknowingly) are complacent in white supremacy. Main stream media uses this term as a noun (person, place, or thing) but for the Melanoid Nation family, we use this as a verb (describing an action or event). Follow me.


Antifa opposed the noun, we oppose the noun and the verb. You must accept the principles of white supremacy. Always keep in mind that ALL white people are racist. This does not mean all white people hate black people. Racism has nothing to do with emotion and it is totally based on policies, economics, and control of resources. Racism is merely a currency of power. Because all white people benefit from white privilege (voluntarily or involuntarily) they will voluntarily abandon or give away white supremacy/racism.


How hard would be have $50,000 in your savings account and walk up to a total stranger with a smile and give ALL that money away? If easy, go ahead and hit my PayPal up. If not so easy, keep reading.


To have white privilege, you must have Black oppression. This ensures and protects white supremacy. Racism is not personal, it is business. As Melanoid people, we must stop playing and think business. A white person can be nice to you and want to help you, but it is not about you. This is about the group. The system and code of the system is ruthless, immoral, deceptive and cunning.


At the end of the day, they want to keep that money. The flaw in the system is it only works if BOTH parties uphold it. Which is why, we as Melanoid people cannot count on Antifa to save us. There is no white savior. (Not even Jesus, but I will hold that one for you.) Melanoid people must begin the process of Breaking the Willie Lynch Syndrome and getting over the Stockholm Syndrome the disease of white supremacy leaves behind.


Simplistically, we must value ourselves and our Melanoid family as much as White people value their group WITHOUT allowing how any other group perceives us to shape that value. To do that, we must give white people exactly what they give us. No more no less. Treat it as you would your business or savings account. That is the code.


You cannot change a system. There is no changing the system of white supremacy. It must be destroyed so that a new system of justice can be created.


  1. If White Supremacy is a disease, what is the cure?


Think of White Supremacy as a disease that has been passed down from generation to generation. Like must mental illnesses, it is difficult to see, diagnose and understand. But there is a cure for all white and non-white people suffering under this unjust and sick system.


Speak truth to power. Call person, places and things exactly as they are. Do not sugar coat any part of any conversation. You can be professional, respectful, and honest all at the same time. Awake you inner African.


Uphold social responsibility and serve or jury duty or in your community as if the people involved as defendant and victim are BOTH in your bloodline.


Do not create laws that oppress other groups and do not abide by laws that oppress you.


Have a moral code. Because white supremacy is amoral, you are already half way there. Once you practice all these things, you have destroyed the system of white supremacy and conquered the disease.


To keep it from returning, we must create justice which will involve reparations and economic empowerment within the currently oppressed communities.

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Getting The Help We Need: Advocacy Of Sound Mental Health For Black People Sun, 05 Mar 2017 23:36:57 +0000 Written by B. Clark

What do the new presidential administration, violent race soldiers, gentrification, slavery, systematic discrimination in every industry imaginable, and unnecessary infighting among Melanoid people (to name just a few things) all have in common?

There is no particular one-worded answer to that question, but what’s for certain is that the lingering effects of these things are enough to make anyone go insane, let alone the people who suffer from them the worst–and longest. A case can be made for therapy being a key factor in the reversal of Black people’s 400+ year plight. While the dominant society readily acknowledges war veterans’ battles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Black Society have been unofficially diagnosed with the same thing.

In fact, the psychological damage that Melanoid people have carried for centuries can be scientifically verified. Research has revealed that the Ancestors took on such an overwhelming amount of trauma, that much of it has been carried on down to ensuing generations, as shown in the video below.


One of the byproducts of our collective PTSD is the very stigma that surrounds seeking out counseling. For years, getting therapy was viewed as a sign of weakness, or it made us the target of ridicule and jokes from our family and friends. Much of this ridiculous way of thinking has triggered a heightened rate of suicides among Melanoid people–mainly our youth. There is, however, a changing outlook on our need for better mental health.

Perhaps the greatest trauma victims in history, Melanoid people in this country are unsurprisingly far behind in contrast to other racial groups when it comes to many categories, but in order for true progress to be made, the mind has to be sound first and foremost. If and when reparations are finally given to Black people, therapy and/or counseling should be a complimentary service included in the reparations package, as a means of working to deprogram and rebuild the minds and spirits of countless Black souls who are suffering in silence.

]]> 6 R.I.P. To The “Conscious Community” Mon, 27 Feb 2017 11:53:23 +0000 Written by B. Clark

What a time to be alive.

There’s a change in the air, yet the sensation can’t be felt physically, but rather metaphorically. The same way that we are currently witnessing a literal shift from winter to spring, we are also experiencing another transition; perhaps it’s a shift that even the sharpest minds of Black Society have yet to pinpoint. It is a slow death of what many of us have perceived to be the “conscious community”.

Before you, the knowledgeable reader of Melanoid Nation reaches an untimely conclusion about the context of this particular story, please be mindful of the fact that there can never be a true death of tried and true information, hard scientific data, and the efforts brought about by Melanoid people to evoke genuine change in our own respective ways. However, We’d be remiss to take note of the fact that there is a steady growing wave of frustration that is sweeping across Black Society. What is this frustration, you ask? The frustration that we speak of at the present moment is our collective “fed up” approach to many of the semantics, over promising/under delivering, and a vomit-inducing disgust with the overall theatrical production that has billed itself as the “conscious community”.

It was Yours Truly who, in 2014, wrote about essentially the same movement–with a much more heightened sense of optimism with this “conscious renaissance” that would surely shake Melanoid people worldwide at our cores to rally us to a call to action. While the same optimism and love for my people never waned, it has simply been re-channeled into more constructive outlets…but my outlook on the concept of the “conscious community” definitely has.

I am quite confident that the frustrations I have suffered with this once-promising movement are also shared with a substantial number of other progressive-minded individuals throughout Black Society, who at this point, want nothing more than just a tangible solution for remedying the ills brought upon African people worldwide by the lingering effects of racism/white supremacy. In spite of all of the vivid concerns expressed to this point, all hope is not lost on Melanoid people’s salvation. Certain individuals have stood the test of time, and used their God-given talents and resources to contribute to the repairing and uplifting of Black Society. Whether these people are business owners, activists, educators, or filmmakers, they have exemplified what it takes to bring about authentic change (for the better) for our people.

If I appear to be overly skeptical of the “conscious community”, then don’t take my word for it. For instance, just take a look at some of the recent dialogues occurring on your social media timelines. Black folks are asking questions, and demanding legitimate answers from (not all) the key figures associated with the “conscious community”, even using their platforms to openly express their own concerns with this ‘movement’ that was slated to bring about something that we haven’t seen in our lifetimes as Melanoid people.

The perpetual bickering among some of our most beloved Brother and Sisters in the “conscious community” would prompt many a person new to the information to feel as if they were better off ‘unwoke’. The “conscious community” has produced religious/spiritual sects that clique up and take sides as if both sides were preparing for an actual knockdown/drag out fight — all because of minor ideological differences. You might come across another person affiliated with the “conscious community” who will seek to shame the rest of Black Society through excessive dogmatic commentary and/or passive-aggressive preaching that would be fit for soapboxes everywhere. The foul stench of the “holier-than-thou” aroma has permeated its way throughout the “conscious community”, which has only hastened its demise.

Perhaps the most unfortunate–and downright terrifying–thing to consider as we witness the “conscious community” crumble to pieces is that all of this dysfunction is occurring in a time in which we can least afford to entertain such behavior. The current political and racial climate in this country has made no bones about its anti-Black agenda.

The so-called “conscious community” is even being denounced by some of the greatest minds that Black Society has ever produced. This is food for thought, and they aren’t the only ones escaping a burning building known as…the “conscious community”.

From this point on, here’s to a more practical and sustainable approach to Melanoid Empowerment.

What a time to be alive, indeed.

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White Lies Matter Sun, 14 Feb 2016 00:33:20 +0000             White supremacy is impotent without Melanated acquiescence. For over 500 hundred years, Melanated people have striven to live the “American Dream;” but, in a system that was never intended to provide Melanated people with justice and freedom, “White lies matter.” One might ask, “What white lies?”

            The first and most insidious white lie is that white supremacy does not exist. Many in the dominant society would like Melanated people to eschews over 500 years of American history and codified law in what the great documentary filmmaker, Mr. Tariq Nasheed, refers to as the “500 Year Long Coincidence.” This is the notion that blatant incidences of racial discrimination by suspected white supremacists toward Melanated individuals are merely by happenstance and does not indicate a larger structural flaw in society. The acknowledgment of the existence of white supremacy is important because it affects every part of the Melanated individual’s life. Without the acknowledgement of the existence of white supremacy, esteemed social scientist, Mr. Neeley Fuller Jr. says nothing in the areas of economics, labor, religion, education, law, sex, entertainment, politics, or war will make sense to the Melanated individual. The non-acknowledgement of white supremacy will eventually lead the Melanated person into making unyielding compromises to the dominant society and down a lonely road chasing after the elusive “American Dream.”

“Meritorious manumission” is the second white lie the dominant society uses to subjugate Melanated people and is the assertion that if a Melanated person is “exceptional” enough, he or she may be granted a full pass into white society; thereby avoiding all laws and pitfalls that have been set to ensnare Melanoid people. This white lie leads Melanoid people into courses of actions that are harmful on both the micro and macro level. Melanoid people seeking meritorious manumission will often couch their actions in religious terms; placing allegiance of their faith above the well-being of their race. This is contrast to those in the dominant society that places the well-being of the system of white supremacy above any religious differences. Meritorious manumission is a white lie that is intended to cause confusion and force Melanated people to appeal to the morality in white supremacist. However, if white supremacists had morals, there would not be a system of white supremacy. This fact leads the Melanated individual to three equally important conclusions.

First, Melanated individuals must cease any form of financial patronage with non-Melanoid people. This means that Melanated individuals should not spend their money with those who do not look like them. Boycotting works, as study of the Montgomery bus boycotts shows, and is an act of ethnic and economic solidarity. Along with boycotting non-Melanated businesses, Melanoid individuals need to build their own businesses and do for self.

The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey has shown that Melanated people can practice cooperative economics and build businesses that both empower and unite the entire African Diaspora. White supremacy was created with mechanisms in place to keep Melanated people economically subservient to the dominant society. Melanated people cannot and must not wait for wealth and resources to be given from white supremacist. Melanated people must take what is rightfully theirs.

In a system that is continually being refined, Melanated people have no choice but to practice cooperative economics and protect their families and communities by any means necessary. With the proliferation of violence against Melanated people by white supremacists and race soldier police officers, Melanated people must be fully aware of current laws and actively practice their 2nd Amendment privilege. Also, Melanated people need to protect their own communities, instead of seeking assistance from the police, because white supremacy has been created to withhold justice from Melanoid people.

In the grand view, integration has come at the detriment of Melanoid people by making them economically reliant upon White supremacy for jobs and welfare. To become completely free, Melnaoid people must move to cities that have a large percentage of Melanated individuals, in order to effectively practice cooperative economics. The less interaction that Melanoid people have with white supremacists, the less white lies matter. In the words of the immortal Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, “Up, you mighty race, accomplish what you will.”

J. Ali

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The Fight For Clean Water Thu, 21 Jan 2016 20:50:39 +0000 We tend to neglect and at times even forget the bare essentials that are needed within our daily exercise of living.  We wait alongside to defend ourselves from foreign threats that appear to us in familiar forms. Yet we are as blinded to the threats directly in front of us as they play a larger part in our development and evolution. The contamination of our natural resources becomes dire to our very existence. Purification of our minerals isn’t often seen as a plight, due to the many levels of our oppressive circumstance, this crisis falls under “out of sight, out of mind”.  With so many external forces against impoverished communities, the crisis for clean drinking water becomes ever so eminent. The infliction that is contributed to intoxicated water circulates with in our communities, contributing to illnesses that have claimed numbers with no end. Without the proper education brought to the forefront surrounding much of our public drinking water, we are watching the roots being poisoned from below before life has the ability to spring forth.

A variety of chemicals exist in public water, a few that can be named are fluoridation, chlorine, aluminum, lead, mercury, zinc and many other detrimental chemicals without a resistant force to stop it. This isn’t a secret and many rumors have circulated causing a widespread of critical thinking. This thinking has allowed people to do there due diligence regarding chemicals in the water supply. Still a majority of people have yet to be made aware of the effects of the drinking water being contaminated through fluoridation and other deadly pollutants. With the lack of formal education on when, why and how the procedure was started and how it affects us, creates a blind-spot for us with immense vulnerability. Fluoride is a major chemical that has been put into many types of products that we use on a regular basis. What the chemical is most famously known for is being a key ingredient in toothpaste and its wide promotion in the dental industry.

What many people don’t know about Fluoride and some of its more historical uses, is its early beginnings and manifestation in Germany. Fluoridation had its first instances in the water during the second world war, in Nazi Germany’s ghetto’s and prison camps. Nazi soldiers had used fluoride on the inmates’ water for sterilization, other deliberate reasons aided in making the detainees become more docile and subservient subjects willing to comply with orders. We found this to be a fact that water is being contaminated with over a dozen different toxic chemicals. Where many of these chemicals are being deliberately implemented into the impoverished neighborhoods within America, which consist of the highest populations of the Black and Brown communities.  America has deliberately contaminated its drinking supply to target ethnicities of poorer, impoverished, poverty stricken communities in all corners of the United States. This has created the water to be formulated into a toxic concoction with no hard evidence on the adverse effects of these mixtures within a chemical reaction. We will find local government officials involved on conspiratorial levels. It will continue funneling all the way up while being federally mandated by high ranking congressional staff, they will be the root of allowing such monstrosities to take place.

In 1954 a research chemist by the name of Charles Perkins wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. What the letter entailed gave intriguing details supporting the effects of fluoride. Charles stated that in low doses over a long period of time fluoride will destroy the part of the brain that is resistant to tyranny and unlawful coercion and control. In 1944, a year before water fluoridation first took instances in the United States, the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that fluoride in water would cause 50% of Americans to need false teeth. They had done a global study with over 400,000 students showing that tooth decay increased by 25% with just 1ppm (parts per million) of fluoride in drinking water.

Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients in military grade nerve gas, Sodium Fluoride is the hazardous waste by-product from the manufacture of aluminum and fertilizer and it’s also a common ingredient in roach and rat poison. The misconception is that fluoride is a chemical that is globally used, but the facts remain that many countries have rejected it for its negative connotations. Internationally chemicals such as Fluoride, Chlorine, Mercury, Zinc, Arsenic and Aluminum are not globally receptive in public drinking water. Countries such as France, Germany, Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Finland, India and Great Britain just to name a few. While many communities in the United States have taken action to provide clean drinking water for their children and neighborhoods. This chemical is still being induced into impoverished and on a lighter scale middle class neighborhoods all across the country, if we know all this why? Fluoride has been found to be directly linked to Premature Births, Brain Degradation, Bone Loss, Cancer and Hormone Disruption. This chemical has never been approved by the FDA, yet is on the market, this is why toothpaste with Fluoride even contains a disclaimer to call poison control if ingested. A silent yet deadly eugenic mass experiment that is being practiced on countless minorities inside various communities.

Many alternatives exist to rebuke the need of ingesting fluoride, yet at a higher cost. Getting alkaline and ionized water with a strong PH balance or that which retains a high level of electrolytes. Fluoride can also be removed through the process of reverse osmosis or non-existent in spring water. Creating a platform where a higher grade of water can be brought into the communities vs. the acidic water that exists. Using substitutes for toothpaste that don’t contain the fluoride chemical, such as the natural cleaning compound Neem, which is another way to reduce your fluoride intake. Poorer neighborhoods are not educated nor provided the resources for access to the abundance of these non-chemical contaminated minerals. Being aware of the many levels where there are disadvantages in turn creates new advantages, removing the psychological shackles placed around one’s mind, where in-turn we become conditioned to entrapping ourselves. The conditioning program is deep, this is a single step in taking back power on the road to thinking, drinking and allowing our children a legacy of becoming free.

Cory Austin

]]> 140 Dr. Frances Cress Welsing: Celebrating The Life Of A Brilliant Mind Sat, 02 Jan 2016 22:38:04 +0000 Before we proceed with making 2016 a productive and happy new year, it is only right that we–the family here at Melanoid Nation–would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to the family of the Late Great Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.

It was reported that her transitioning occurred earlier today (Jan. 2nd), and the news of her passing sent shockwaves throughout Black Society. Today alone, her name has received the noteworthy status of becoming a trending topic on the Internet and throughout social media. While her legacy cannot be reduced to that of a hashtag, let us realize that today we here at Melanoid Nation have not forgotten her legacy as an educator, author, speaker, and embodiment of a Black woman who truly loved her people.

Her most notable work to date–The Isis Papers: The Keys To The Colorsserved as a literary guide that changed the way that we as Melanoid people have to think forever. From etymology to the symbolism found in colors and shapes, Dr. Welsing cracked the code on the innerworkings of the race in America. Her work also shed light on the evil system of racism/white supremacy, and how it is utilized to keep its foot on the necks of Melanated people worldwide.

Dr. Welsing’s work was so prolific, that it was referenced in pop culture. Whether it was referenced in comedic fashion, like the famous “pool scene from the 1992 film Boomerang“, or if it was referenced with more serious overtones, such as the opening lines delivered by Tyrese Gibson in the “intro to the 2001 film Baby Boy“, there is no denying the everlasting impact that the many years of her extensive research and work has not fallen on deaf ears.

Although she was fortunate enough to reach elder status, she remained as relevant now as she was years ago…perhaps her work is even more pivotal to the education and liberation of Melanoid people now. As one of the featured speakers in the critically acclaimed Hidden Colors seriesshe was reintroduced to a newer, younger audience in recent years by blessing Black Society with her wealth of knowledge that enlightened yet another wave of Black minds in this new millennium.

While everyone deals with the loss of family members in their own way, we want to let it be known that in the gloomiest of hours, the work she left behind shines brilliantly through the veil of sadness and grief. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing has joined the ranks of the ancestors, and everything she’s worked for will not be taken for granted.

]]> 75 TAG TEAM Marketing: Making Group Economics More Convenient Than Ever Mon, 28 Dec 2015 11:41:03 +0000 Despite the varying ideological perspectives and oft used phrases circulating in Black Society alone, one word alone holds the key to the salvation of the African Diaspora, and that is ECONOMICS. 

In fact, the lion’s share of Black people’s ability to combat the systemic evils of racism/white supremacy are deeply rooted in building a thriving and respectable economic base. In doing so, we in Black Society are not only enabling ourselves to experience individual financial  success, but we also position ourselves to do business with other like-minded and thorough Black business owners, thus building a thriving Black Community in the process..reminiscent of the grandiose vision of Black economic empowerment originally spearheaded by Black leaders such as the Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

One man lives by the economic-centered principles of Garvey–a man by the name of Delxino Wilson de Briano. In August of 1994, Delxino and his wife Debbie Wilson de Briano founded TAG TEAM Marketing in Atlanta, GA. Even though the company’s title includes the word “Marketing”, there is no need for alarm–which is justifiable based on consumers’ long-held suspicions with companies that operate with such a moniker.

According to TAG TEAM Marketing’s website,TAG TEAM Marketing is a “Black-owned and operated marketing company that specializes in marketing the products and services of Black-owned businesses to Black consumers.” In a nutshell, this means that if you are a Black entrepreneur with a quality product or service to offer prospective customers, the the platform that TAG TEAM Marketing has provided is the perfect place for you to “set up shop” online.

As you can see by following this linkTAG TEAM Marketing’s online store offers a plethora of products that are Black owned, operated, and manufactured. From cleaning supplies to financial services, this virtual store for all things Black appears to be well on its way to becoming a one-stop shop for Blacks who possess the good intentions of spending their hard earned Black dollars with other Melanoid people.

For more on the founders of TAG TEAM Marketing, follow this link.

B. Clark

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The Need For Mentorship In Black Society Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:59:34 +0000 The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a mentor as “someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person”. In Black Society, there lies a misconception that our youth lack the intelligence and/or the motivation to reach great heights in their lives, and in many cases, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. One of the fundamental issues that our youth face as they strive to “get their weight up” in an increasingly competitive society is their lack of mentorship.

One interesting element to consider when addressing this issue is the fact that other racial groups are inclined to be rich in social capital–a system put in place that benefits countless non–Melanoid people–as they continue to ensure that they will have the resources in place to succeed.

 Another sobering aspect in regards to the issue of mentoring in Black Society is that it appears that many of the men and women who once served as mentors for legions of young Black youths are nowhere to be found. In an age of mere children being led by children, it is critical that the life experience and abundant wisdom of some of our elders be utilized to guide our youth as they embark upon their careers.

There is statistical data that strongly supports the call for mentorship…particularly in Black Society. According to information in a 2015 report provided by the Young People’s Perspectives on the Outcomes and Availability of Mentoringthe youth benefit from mentoring in the following ways:

  • 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor.
  •  81% more likely to report participating regularly in sports or extracurricular activities.
  •  More than twice as likely to say they held a leadership position in a club or sports team.
  •  78% more likely to volunteer regularly in their communities.
  •  Nearly nine in ten respondents who had a mentor said they are now interested in becoming mentors.

Although this wasn’t included in the aforementioned itemized statistics, mentoring is also guaranteed to invoke the spirit of entrepreneurship and political/social activism among Melanoid youths, thus empowering them to become greater assets to Black Society and bigger threats to systematic racism/white supremacy which wields a debilitating effect on Melanoid people worldwide.


B. Clark

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Not One Dime: Black America Takes Buying Power Into Its Collective Hands Sat, 28 Nov 2015 06:40:33 +0000 The social media age has made it easier than ever before to convey messages, spread the word(s) of movements, and create platforms. In spite of some notoriety that this recent method of communication has received by detractors, social media has given birth to the #NotOneDime movement, a movement created last year in response to innocent Melanoid citizens being murdered by race soldiers who usually walk away from the courts unpunished. The premise of the response was to not only boycott the dominant society’s businesses, but also to encourage a time period of action and service from Black Friday through Cyber Monday.

Although the concept of the “Not One Dime” movement appears to be both a noble and revolutionary act in itself, we’d be remiss to acknowledge that boycotting non-Black businesses alone doesn’t necessarily equate to Black Empowerment at its full potential. As a matter of fact, many concerned Melanoid citizens have made it their responsibility to not only refuse the patronizing of non-Black establishments during this time period, but they’ve also made a conscious decision to “Buy Black” at a higher rate during this same time period–more so than they usually would at any other time.

While the “Buy Black” concept has been in discussions for many years, perhaps it is because of Internet’s far-reaching power that it has become a more commonplace activity. Last year, we featured a story which profiled several ways to locate Black-Owned businesses throughout the country, and this year we will be taking a slightly different approach to giving your Black-Owned business the shine that it deserves. If you are a Black business owner, please list your business info (and link to the business’s site) in the comments section of this story.

Let’s not limit buying Black to a short weekend alone. Remember to buy Black, and sell to the world as much as possible. Much success to the hardworking and entrepreneurial minded Melanoid people who exude top-flight professionalism and have provided goods and/or services of excellent quality.

B. Clark

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