Melanoid Nation – Melanoid Nation Foundation Thu, 28 Sep 2017 20:57:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Understanding the 15 Religious Creeds of White Supremacy Thu, 28 Sep 2017 20:57:45 +0000 An essay using the 15 Point Creed of White Supremacy to strategically destroy systematic global white supremacy.


Written by Tiffany Tubman

September 28, 2017



In 1914 there was a book published called Race Orthodoxy in the South that listed a racial code, and this list is still applies today. The book was written by Thomas P. Bailey establishing what is called the “15-Point Creed of White Supremacy”, which according to him as summed up in point 15, is a “Holy Creed” sanctioned by God for the “White” man.


Tariq Nasheed goes into great detail in his Podcast on the material covered in this book.

The 15 Point Creed of White Supremacy


The excerpt listing the “15-Point Creed of White Supremacy” is shown below:


Mr. Bailey would have you to believe that the same God that created the sun and the universe, ordained a chosen people with special privileges that are genetically recessive and cannot withstand the Sun for any substantial period of time. Unfortunately, this circular and ridiculous argument lacks logic or scientific support in any religion that the White man has created, except White Supremacy.


Knowing and understanding this 15-Point Creed is essential for our survival and destruction of this system to create a system of justice for all humans on planet Earth.


Our Creed to Destroy White Supremacy:

  1. Genetics will determine survival, complexion and physical features. This is scientific so we let this stand. Nature has already established recessive and dominate genes and will sort this out without any assistance. Blood will tell.

  2. Race must end. The true classification should be “Has Melanin” and “Lacks Melanin”. We should seek to immediately remove any other “Race” identifier. The term needs to be retired. “White” is made up and “Black” for people is ridiculous. We have accepted it. In the meantime, checking “Other” holds us a numerical disadvantage. There must be no domination of any one race. Justice comes with equality, which is why a redistribution of wealth for all Black Americans suffering from the impact of slavery is necessary through Reparations.

  3. A system of justice will remove any inferiority or superiority. The non-white people will not remain inferior. We must fight for all our rights, voice our opinion, create our economy and not back down.

  4. Demand social and political equality through reparations.

  5. Reclaim our human rights and speak specifically to Black Rights. Make sure old laws are destroyed and future laws demand and spell out Black Rights. Any other groups needing rights will have to establish their own until the system of justice is created.

  6. Knowledge makes anyone unfit to be a slave. We must educate each other. Read and study to protect ourselves from only being at a level that serves the needs of the White man. Challenge all definitions, think critically, and ask questions. Do not accept anything as fact. (As an epidemiologist, I will have to go in detail on statistics and how we create those charts. As the spook that sat by the door, I can tell you to reject them without proof. Demand to be walked through the data set and how the raw data was collected. Then be walked through the calculation and that will eliminate much of the foolishness surrounding the fake data.)

  7. Open your own business, build your own wealth, shop Black and buy Black. We are not settling for peasantry. Demand food stamps and Section 8 be repealed and replaced with reparations.

  8. Accept this as the leadings of Providence and the New Testament of the Bogus Holy Creed previously in place.



We must also understand the type of white identities we will encounter and how they will work to oppose us and empower us.


Barnor Hesse, PhD.  is an Associate Professor of African American Studies, Political Science, and Sociology at Northwestern University in Chicago, IL. Dr. Hesse obtained his Ph.D. in Government (Ideology and Discourse Analysis), University of Essex (UK) and has been working to understand racism and identity since 2000.


Through his life of research and studies, one of his major accomplishments has been the establishment of “The 8 White Identities” under the global system of white supremacy. Through his efforts, we can now understand how to classify white people that we encounter and how to utilize each type in our efforts as non-white people to destroy white supremacy.



We must also examine ourselves to rid ourselves of any underlying white identity we may be internally struggling with that would make us prone to cooning, bedwork, or further enabling white supremacy. That too must be destroyed because they system only exists while we allow it. Fear, hate, violence and ignorance occupy the mind of the white supremacist. Do not let that mindset paralyze or destroy us. Be bold, be fearless, seek justice by any means necessary. Rinse and repeat.





Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



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The Ongoing Rahowa and Living as Prisoners of War Mon, 21 Aug 2017 08:05:10 +0000 Written by Tiffany Tubman

August 20, 2017

I dedicate this article to the legend Richard Claxton “Dick” Gregory comedian, civil rights activist, presidential candidate 1968 (Nixon won), author, nutritionist and father to us all. From the inception of civil rights until yesterday.


Sunrise: October 12, 1932

Sunset: August 19, 2017



Those of us remaining on this earth are living during a race war, the Rahowa. All Melanoid people are a part of this war, whether we want to be or not. Your melanin places you in this war and all persons with melanin are victims or this war. Melanoid people are prisoners of war.


The online dictionary defines a prisoner of war (POW) as a person who is captured and held by an enemy during war, especially a member of armed forces. Let us be clear, the dictionary does not limit this term to armed forces member. Any person can be a POW. Another name for POW is prisoner of war.

Because Melanoid people are held captive in this war that we cannot escape, by definition, we are POWs of America.


POW definition as described by Wikipedia: Belligerents hold prisoners of war in custody for a range of legitimate and illegitimate reasons, such as isolating them from enemy combatants still in the field (releasing and repatriating them in an orderly manner after hostilities), demonstrating military victory, punishing them, prosecuting them for war crimes, exploiting them for their labor, recruiting or even conscripting them as their own combatants, collecting military and political intelligence from them, or indoctrinating them in new political or religious beliefs.


The Code of Conduct also requires service members to resist giving information to the enemy (beyond identifying themselves, that is, “name, rank, serial number”), receiving special favors or parole, or otherwise providing their enemy captors aid and comfort. For this reason, cooning violates the code of conduct.


Many Melanoid people, consciously or subconsciously, understand that we are POW because we do not have freedom. Freedom is defined in the online dictionary as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.


Simply put, freedom is living without fear. As Melanoid people in America, our group experiences realistic fears on daily basis. We fear becoming a hashtag do to race soldiers or their deputized agents, we fear our children and elderly could be beaten or attacked at any times, we deal with church shootings in our places of worship, and the fear of losing our jobs if we act “too black” or expect racial equality in the workplace. Speaking out or resisting the system of white supremacy in America makes a Melanoid person a target and you could lose your life, your livelihood, or both.


If we look at the historical context of this belief, history easily explains this perspective. This is the US leading up to civil rights under the Jim Crow era.


As you can see above, into the 1940s America had no concept of how to deal with the freed Blacks in America. With slavery abolished, there was much concern over the future of these captive people that were not recognized as equal to a white person.


The Euro-centric interpretation of history would have you to believe that Black people got fed up in 1954 and the civil rights movement began. The challenge is to think critically and go beyond that narrative provided. Black folks were always tired and always resisting. America had to design a new form of psychological control.


Then in 1949, 196 state parties from around the world came together (Post WW2) at the Third Geneva Convention to develop treaties relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. The treaties defined humanitarian protections for prisoners of war.


The articles of the treaty described religious, intellectual, and physical activities, discipline, limiting financial resources (controlling their economy), and the allowance of a power structure among POWs that establishes rank and integration with the captors.


After this guidance, had been set, America was ready to end segregation and introduce a new formation to maintain the system of white supremacy. Although many whites opposed, the political majority decided it would be the best way to handle these freed Africans and continue their captivity and oppression with the least resistance from the group as possible.


Civil rights begin in 1954:











By the time The Civil Rights movement lost force, everybody had rights and Affirmative Action protections.





We must develop the prisoner of war mentality. We are beaten and murdered with impunity. Fortunately, there are some methods to bolster your mental strength which are proven to work in everyday life and which will also help a POW:


A positive outlook on your future will make you more resistant to psychological stress. Never give up hope!

Autosuggestion: Tell yourself that you’re strong and that you are a survivor. The human psyche is surprisingly susceptible to pep talk, even when it comes from yourself. I always called this method “Lying to myself.” It works miracles in all kind of situations.


Accept what you can’t change and live for the day: You must survive your captivity one day after the other, so don’t worry about tomorrow but be prepared. Keep at least a month food supply of non-perishable food and bottled water. Be armed and ready to protect yourself and your family by any means necessary.


There has been a sudden shift in focus from systematic racial injustice to removing statues. The focus should be on punishing white supremacists who harm Black people, but it is being ignored. The dominant society has used the recent domestic terrorism events in Charlottesville, to make symbolic changes and not systematic changes that would lead to a system of justice. There is a blatant refusal to disrupt the system of white supremacy that governs us.


However, if Melanoid people push equal rights or Black rights, we are labeled as a hate group. Recently the Southern Poverty Law Center (a white run organization claiming to fight racism) has identified a new category of hate called a black separatist including a black bookstore. Black empowerment in America is a war crime/hate crime.




The messages we communicate should be clear, concise, and consistent. We must be repeating to every person interested in how to help or how to make the racial conditions better in the United States the following:


  1. We must replace the system of white supremacy with a system of justice.
  2. We demand honest, critical thinking, and objective perspectives based on fact.
  3. We demand reparations. That is the only way to have true justice and repair this country build by our Ancestors with no benefit. White people passed down property and wealth to their children that we generated and Blacks have passed down debt.














Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16




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“What Makes The Barcelona Terror Attack Different From Charlottesville?” Fri, 18 Aug 2017 11:53:08 +0000  

Written by Tiffany Tubman

August 18, 2017

The system of white supremacy is global and effects every area of our daily life. One cannot deny the institutional racism we witness everyday here in the United States. We have a system of white supremacy that empowers institutional racism that has allowed the only black person actively participating in the destruction of hate to be immediately arrested, while even the white men who assisted her remained at large at large for 2 additional days.


And who drove the truck? Her putting the rope around the statue is not what took it down. Who told the driver to go? This morning it was announced that 8 other arrests had been made about this event. There was also a search of participant’s homes that resulted in complete disarray and mattresses being split open. However, an angry hate-filled lynch mob attacked Deandre Harris. The men pictured are wanted for felony assault.


We have used social media to identify 3 of the attackers. However, almost a week later, these domestic terrorists remain at large. Let us further explore the double standards of white supremacy.


Today we witnessed a motor vehicle strike pedestrians in Barcelona, Spain. Before all the details could be presented, Donald Trump immediately jumped on social media (Twitter) and released statement condemning the attack. His tweet said: “The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!” There was no confirmation was that this event was terrorism. However, it took Trump 2 days to disingenuously condemn the domestic terror here in the United States. Trump has referred to the alt-right domestic terrorist group as “very fine people”.


Trump continuously proves himself to be a cold-hearted white supremacist and supporter of the global system of white supremacy. He has expressed high regard for Confederate monuments in support statements released on Twitter today as well.






However, as a business leader prior to being president of the United States, Mr. Trump orchestrated and executed museum demolitions and fine art was lost in New York to support the location of Trump Towers.



Mr. Trump then tweeted out another threat to the Muslim community (Muslim=Blacks as well) of a false study about General Pershing of the United States. Trump has once again cited a completely unproven legend about murdering Muslims to send a message. Snopes has stated this legend is false.

However, this is a known talking point and example of the radical white nationalists Trump so proudly supports and surrounds himself with.

Because of these radical actions and belief, some people have experienced extreme outrage to this overt form of white supremacy. The citizens of the US, have started movements to disrupt many of Trump’s advisory councils.

The outrage was so intense, majority of the business leaders and CEO in the Manufacturing and Technology Advisory Councils resigned. Trump changed his original stance that he would replace them, and disbanded the entire Advisory Council.














This brought satisfaction to many consumers who were planning a boycott of products and services. However, there is another council a reasonable person would expect to be very concerned with moral code, equality and social justice. Trump’s Evangelical Council has remained in total silence. Not one single member has resigned. We have learned that corporate America has a greater moral compass.







While Trump is making hateful allegations, endorsing mass genocide, and being supported by the many political and civil leaders, Senator Maria Chappelle Nadal is being punished and harassed.






Senator Nadal has an impressive record of service as both Congresswoman and now Senator for MO. However, as she was passionately representing her constituents, she responded to a post on Facebook in this manner:








Moments later, Maria deleted the post without being asked. However, a Facebook user managed to take a screenshot of the post and sent it to several major news outlets. Senator Nadal is being urged to resign. We must stand with her and support her as these hypocrisies must end to create a system of justice in the United States.


Senator Nadal represents constituents in a specific area targeting blacks for mass extermination, incarceration, and deadly attacks. The area is so intense for Melanoid people, that the NAACP has issued its first ever domestic travel ban urging all non-white people to avoid this area for any reason. She has confirmed that she is already receiving death threats and hate mail via all social media platforms.





WS8 WS9 WS10















Missouri State Senator from District 14-Maria Chappelle Nadal


“I am not resigning. When POC are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I’ll sit down with them. People are traumatized!”-Senator Chappelle-Nadal 8/17/17














Stay woke!

Although life feels unreal, this is not a Jason Movie. This is our life, our future, our legacy. Do you want your children to endure the same injustices we have?  We can no longer say “It’s 2017” because we never fixed the problem in 1817, 1917, 1957 or at any other time. We need a counter racist code, which is a system of justice. Guaranteeing no person is mistreated and the person who needs help the most, gets the most constructive help.



Remember the system of white supremacy is tactical in that way that it is meant to argue every side. The white supremacist, or suspected white supremacist, will position themselves strategically to be on every side of an argument to protect and propel the system of white supremacy. This will make the system stronger. Remember, if you play both sides, how can you lose? In a basketball game, can you one player be on two teams? Can you be a Cavalier and a Laker? We must draw a line in the stand because it is time to pick a side. Will you support a system of justice or will you support the system of white supremacy? They cannot co-exist.


The goal is keep you distracted and confused. Our goal is to be logical and focused on creating a system of justice.






Important Notes: Concepts and arguments presented are always based on the materials listed for Survival of the Race War. For more information and support with your current issues, please refer to:



    1. Racial Matters: The FBI’s Secret File on Black America 1960-1972 by Kenneth O’Reilly
    2. The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept: A Compensatory Counter-Racist Code by Neely Fuller, Jr.
    3. The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing


    1. The Wannsee Conference
    2. Hidden Colors 1: The Untold History of People of Aboriginal, Moor, and African Descent
    3. Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin
    4. Hidden Colors 3: The Rules of Racism
    5. Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy



Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



Questions/Comments Submitted: (This is long)




  1. “I’m a white person and I want to help. I have asked my black friends and now I am asking you. What can I do to help?”

If you want to help, never say anything to a non-white person that is not true. If you do, you will be labeled a suspected white supremacist and lose even the benefit of doubt that you want to help. A white supremacist thrives on lies, so to differentiate yourself from that, you must show us with actions. Black people are tired of talking about this. We must all speak to truth to power always.


Do not use code words or send messages among your white community friends to strengthen the system of white supremacy. Use your powers of manipulation to convince your white friends, black people only want a system of justice.


Do not remain silent. Be constructive and approach issues in a logical manner using the proper historical context. When you ask a question, go silent and wait for the answer. Do not cut the person off and never help with the answer.



  1. How do we get rid of the global system of white supremacy?


Think of White Supremacy as a disease that has been passed down from generation to generation. Like must mental illnesses, it is difficult to see, diagnose and understand. But there is a cure for all white and non-white people suffering under this unjust and sick system.


Speak truth to power. Call person, places and things exactly as they are. Do not sugar coat any part of any conversation. You can be professional, respectful, and honest all at the same time. Awake you inner African.


Uphold social responsibility and serve or jury duty or in your community as if the people involved as defendant and victim are BOTH in your bloodline.


Do not create laws that oppress other groups and do not abide by laws that oppress you.


Have a moral code. Because white supremacy is amoral, you are already half way there. Once you practice all these things, you have destroyed the system of white supremacy and conquered the disease.


To keep it from returning, we must create justice which will involve reparations and economic empowerment within the currently oppressed communities.

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Is The Terrorist Website Daily Stormer Being Hosted In Russia? Thu, 17 Aug 2017 01:22:46 +0000 Written by Tiffany Tubman

August 16, 2017


Russia (Putin) and Trump have many weird connections that have yet to be conclusively proved. We have heard Putin wanted to help Trump win to have control over the US. We know about money, emails, and the collusion with Russia involving many members of the Trump Cabinet and Crime Family. They have been named as being involved with these Russian meetings and events.


We have since learned that Trump and every person he has on his cabinet and surrounds himself with is a white supremacist with strong KKK/alt-right or tokenized Black collaborator. Why and how does this impact the Daily Stormer?


Despite current violent racially charged attacks, Trumps allegiance to the Alt-right group have stopped Trump from standing up to the Alt-Right and white supremacy during their most recent attempt to start a Race War. Trump refuses to stand up to Putin and Russia despite how much they harm the US citizens and democracy. Trump also refuses to cast blame or negative light on the activities and behavior of the alt-right terrorist activity, although they have resulted in assault, vehicular manslaughter, death and violence as recently as Charlottesville, VA incident August 11 and 12.


This lead to a complete uproar in all US Citizens that were not members of the Alt-right group. An online social media campaign was started to eliminate the online propaganda and presence of the DailyStormer, operated by Andrew Anglin.



Prior to this initiative to shut down the DailyStormer, the website was hosted by GoDaddy and Google. However, due to many contacts to both service providers, the domains were shut down. The Alt-Right gets their American Website banned and Russia saves the day. Daily Stormer, the Neo-Nazi website that was kicked off GoDaddy and Google, had found a new home in Russia:


But hours later, the site was shut down by an Antifa, an antifascism group that vehemently opposes hatred and the views of the Alt-right.


In the image below, Andrew Auernheimer (German name) represents the Alt-right and Jester Actual, represents the Antifa computer expert working to bring down the DailyStormer from any internet safe haven it may find.














The groups essentially played cat and mouse all day. As of now, they are still at chasing each other.

Let’s just say, the Daily Stormer had a rough day. Our thoughts and prayers should be with them that they get their site back up because they are so incredibly stupid, we gain a wealth of knowledge from the online leaks. After all, we did discover the wild sex ring disguised as book club and so much more.



Understand that country names and organizations have changed, but Continents have not. Russia contains most of Western Europe, which was under Hitler Nazi Germany control. Nazis are Russians. Facts.





November 9, 1938 under the control of Hitler, Germany Nazi forces took control of government and initiated the beginning of the comprehensive program to eliminate Jews and Melanoid people. This night is called “Crystal Night” where all Jews and non-white people were arrested and all synagogues were burned.


September 1, 1939 World War 2 starts with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany to control Poland and exterminate every human essentially without blonde hair and blue eyes. Initially, all “genetically inferior” people were placed in ghettos. This would include Jews and Melanoid people.


However, due to the low number of Melanoid People present, the focus of the Holocaust became the Jews. The belief was that certain genetics would lead to a master race. Nazi Germany was successful in defeating Poland and as history records the story (accounts from Wannsee Conference) by June of 1941 Nazi Germany was in control of Germany, Poland, various parts of  Europe (including Russia), Netherlands, and Amsterdam.

In fact, an entire Russian generation (of Jews and non-white people), villages, families, all wiped from the face of the Earth, buried in mass graves all around the former Soviet Union. Most of the Jews killed by Adolf Hitler were killed in the USSR. Because Europe is not a legitimate Continent like Asia and Africa, many historians and Nazi soldiers who later testified in the Wannsee Conference documentary struggled with exact places and locations for certain events.


Now the other details are not important for this story but I will close by saying other countries going involved due to humanity, financial, and political reasons and defeat Nazi Germany. The war ended September 2, 1945 lasting 6 years and 1 day.


We may never know all the real reasons, but a sane person can surmise that the Nazis were never able to extinguish as many non-white people as they wanted for geographical reasons. However, today we have the same white supremacist plot in motion with the same feelings and goals of  those white supremacist Nazis from Germany. They suffer from the incorrect notion that  they are genetically superior and cannot get any good jobs or opportunities because of  the Jews and non-white people. Because of this delusion, they lack the total ability to accept responsibility for their actions.


Their response? Ban the immigrants, deport the illegals, contain the ghettos, wrongfully imprison non-white people and start a race war. Very original I know.


We might not have all the details but there is enough there to know, we have way more than a Nothing Burger and we must now find out conclusively why Russia is aiding and abetting the alt-right to continue to circulate hateful propaganda and enact domestic terrorism on US citizens.


We will also monitor whether Russia continues to host the site for the Alt-right. As the cat mouse game progressed, all future sightings were via Russian domain but none of them lasted long enough to report.


For these reasons alone, white supremacy is governed by many principles including the need to be ahistorical. White supremacist will immediately tell you to get over, deny, or ignore the past. The distractions are endless so you are unable to put any pieces together. But this is certainly a story worth following. Melanoid Nation stay tuned.


We must stay ready, stay woke and on Code.



Keep that second amendment game strong and protect the children. Let them know how to be safe and who to trust.



Tiffany Tubman


Article updated 8/17/17 to correct Andrew Anglin and Russia’s location in Europe.

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Today in America Wed, 16 Aug 2017 06:22:49 +0000 Surviving this Rahowa and Creating a System of Justice

Written by Tiffany Tubman

August 16, 2017


Today was an eventful day as we observed the shifts in the Trump Administration stance during and leading this Rahowa, Racial Holy War, in America. The purpose of this war is to execute an ethnic cleansing and rid the land of all non-white people and Jews based on the ill-informed and delusional belief that the white race is superior to all other races on planet earth.

The status of where all non-white people stand in the US currently lead by Donald Trump was evident today in his remarks. As he again changed his position in a hostile and hate filled press conference today, the authoritarian leader continued to used white supremacist coded nonverbal and verbal signals to support his extreme followers without condemning or punishing them in anyway. Trump said that, white nationalist protest included “some very fine people”.

trump 1 trump 2







Image of “very fine people” that Trump identified. However, all Melanoid people have identified these people as Domestic Terrorists and emboldened white supremacists.

As Melanoid People, we had no expectations from Donald Dumbass Trump. He has a history of white supremacy, bigotry, and unjust practices against Melanoid People. We can only assume that by design and/or denial, so many others have missed this fact.





Trump’s Business Logo- A Swastika in the Negative Space (First). Traditional Swastika (Second).

trump 3 trump 4

More WS code exposed.















Per the FBI and DHS, “White supremacists ‘were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016…more than any other domestic extremist movement’.” Based on this fact alone, a reasonable person could presume that the white nationalists event planned in Charlottesvile, VA for August, 12, 2017 would be violent and deadly. As a matter of fact, the leaders and organizers of the event knew. As a result, before attending the rally, all leaders and organizers from 14 alt-right organizations took out insurance policies.



trump 5
















As the day progressed, Trump’s manufacturing committee to build infrastructure within America continued to fall apart. To date, 10 companies have withdrawn their support. Six of the 10 came after the violent events in Charlottesville, after Trump failed to condemn the racism and domestic terrorism while making attempts to unite the country.


The remaining companies are being asked to withdraw support as well as the call from all normal members of society to impeach Donald Trump.


Here’s the list of remaining companies to Trump’s manufacturing committee. The ones that have already left are in red. #BoycottWalmart

trump 6






We will continue to provide updates and remove companies from the list on as new information becomes available. When stories are updated, I will add “Update” to the title and tweet out the link. Until a company is removed from the list, please do not patronize or publicly support the company in any way.


Partial list of products/people to avoid until CEOs #QuitTheCouncil:


-baby shampoo and lotion




-chunky soup all Campbell’s soup



Although Walmart is not listed as a part of this council because it is not centered in technology or manufacturing, Walmart’s CEO, Doug McMillion, released this statement criticizing Trump but pledging his support:






trump 7 trump 8






Walmart went as far as thanking Trump for representing their company and values today and every day. #BOYCOTTWalmart


Family, you cannot have it both ways. If you support someone, you stand behind them. If you condemn them, you walk away. We are no longer listening to words, we will only judge intent based on actions. Based on the actions of Walmart, we are calling on a full boycott of Walmart. If you have anything recently purchased from Walmart, with tags and a receipt, take it back and demand a full return of your money. Do not spend one dollar with any company that does not value our group.


This includes the silent Asian community. We have not seen one nail shop or beauty supply store lining up to condemn Trump. As such, please do not spend one dollar in their community. We are asking the Melanoid Nation Family and Supporters to shop at Target, Amazon, or any company that has publicly distanced themselves from Trump.



Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



Questions Submitted: (This is long)



  1. “What is Antifa? What is the difference between Antifa and the Alt-right? Are they all white supremacists?


Antifa is short for Antifascists. They oppose white supremacist and fascist organizing in the US via regional offices through education, confrontation, and building a grassroots culture of resistance. Antifa openly opposes sexism, homophobia, anti-trans bigotry, and all other forms of oppression. We want a classless, free society.

Antifa is against the alt-right who openly hates about every group outside of the white male. Some of the alt-right groups will allow white women, however all of them have a weight requirement. Regardless of height, you must be under 140 pounds. Antifa openly accepts any member dedicate to their cause; however, majority of the members are not Black.


Lastly, are they all white supremacists. The short answer, yes. Listen, I know this truth hurts. But I am sent here by the Ancestors to give you this knowledge, wake you up, keep you woke, and create this system of justice.


My response is based on these facts, all white people (whether knowingly or unknowingly) are complacent in white supremacy. Main stream media uses this term as a noun (person, place, or thing) but for the Melanoid Nation family, we use this as a verb (describing an action or event). Follow me.


Antifa opposed the noun, we oppose the noun and the verb. You must accept the principles of white supremacy. Always keep in mind that ALL white people are racist. This does not mean all white people hate black people. Racism has nothing to do with emotion and it is totally based on policies, economics, and control of resources. Racism is merely a currency of power. Because all white people benefit from white privilege (voluntarily or involuntarily) they will voluntarily abandon or give away white supremacy/racism.


How hard would be have $50,000 in your savings account and walk up to a total stranger with a smile and give ALL that money away? If easy, go ahead and hit my PayPal up. If not so easy, keep reading.


To have white privilege, you must have Black oppression. This ensures and protects white supremacy. Racism is not personal, it is business. As Melanoid people, we must stop playing and think business. A white person can be nice to you and want to help you, but it is not about you. This is about the group. The system and code of the system is ruthless, immoral, deceptive and cunning.


At the end of the day, they want to keep that money. The flaw in the system is it only works if BOTH parties uphold it. Which is why, we as Melanoid people cannot count on Antifa to save us. There is no white savior. (Not even Jesus, but I will hold that one for you.) Melanoid people must begin the process of Breaking the Willie Lynch Syndrome and getting over the Stockholm Syndrome the disease of white supremacy leaves behind.


Simplistically, we must value ourselves and our Melanoid family as much as White people value their group WITHOUT allowing how any other group perceives us to shape that value. To do that, we must give white people exactly what they give us. No more no less. Treat it as you would your business or savings account. That is the code.


You cannot change a system. There is no changing the system of white supremacy. It must be destroyed so that a new system of justice can be created.


  1. If White Supremacy is a disease, what is the cure?


Think of White Supremacy as a disease that has been passed down from generation to generation. Like must mental illnesses, it is difficult to see, diagnose and understand. But there is a cure for all white and non-white people suffering under this unjust and sick system.


Speak truth to power. Call person, places and things exactly as they are. Do not sugar coat any part of any conversation. You can be professional, respectful, and honest all at the same time. Awake you inner African.


Uphold social responsibility and serve or jury duty or in your community as if the people involved as defendant and victim are BOTH in your bloodline.


Do not create laws that oppress other groups and do not abide by laws that oppress you.


Have a moral code. Because white supremacy is amoral, you are already half way there. Once you practice all these things, you have destroyed the system of white supremacy and conquered the disease.


To keep it from returning, we must create justice which will involve reparations and economic empowerment within the currently oppressed communities.

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MARTIN LUTHER KING MONUMENTS PLANNED ATTACK Tue, 15 Aug 2017 06:11:49 +0000 Update-Domestic Terrorist are Armed and Dangerous

Written by Tiffany Tubman


MARTIN LUTHER KING MONUMENTS PLANNED ATTACK: Melanoid Nation Family we must remain vigilante and on high alert. We have just recently learned that the domestic terrorist cells are moving into more aggressive battle plans to engage more concentrated groups of African Americans and incite violence.


Please see the Timeline of Events below. This article will be updated as more information becomes available as we are working to bring you as much information as we can. The Melanoid Nation family of writers have been working around the clock so please watch for updates to these breaking news stories as they develop.

Aug-11 20:00 #UnitetheRight Domestic Terrorists began to assemble in Charlottesville, VA with tiki torches, flags, and uniforms with the primary intent to start a Civil/Race War with bloodshed while harming and killing as many people as possible.
Aug-12 8:00 Both the United Alt-Right groups of 14 members and the Anti-fascism group, Antifa, took to the streets of Charlottesville to protest monument removal and allow their leaders time to plan next steps
Aug-12 12:00-14:00 State of emergency called. Although random black people were present, the violence took place between two predominately white groups. The desire to kill black people and provoke a Race War failed. To have bloodshed, white sacrifice of domestic terrorist and bastard child James Alex Fields, Jr. got in his Dodge Challenger and ran into a group of pedestrians with the largest number of blacks he had seen all day. Because the groups were mixed, he successfully hit 20 people, injuring 19 and killing 1 white female named Heather Heyer.
Aug-12 14:30 A police operated helicopter fell from the sky, killing the 2 officers abroad the aircraft.
Aug-13 All day All white supremacists and all white nationalists group continued to execute their coordinated pledge from 8/12/17 to host and organize as many of the violent hate rallies across the country that they could in hopes of igniting the next Civil War. Rallies begin to pop up all over the country in major cities and college towns.
Aug-13 All day Marked a day of political responses varying in range, pointless because no laws/policies were changed and key White House staff involved remained employed with the Current President unwilling to address the acts of domestic terrorism carried out by his base in his name with coordination from his staff members.
Aug-14 All day A day of peaceful demonstrations protesting the hate and bigotry shown in Charlottesville, VA as well the lack of a proper response from the current President of the United States.
Aug-14 13:00 President Donald Trump had second press conference to call the Charlottesville Civil War attempt an act of hate by white supremacist and condemning the attack through teleprompter reluctantly. His body language proved he was doing something he did not believe in and he continued to use white supremacy coded language, body language and hand gestures to appease his core supporters.
Aug-14 19:00 As peaceful protests continued, and no presence from any Black groups was noticed, a diverse group of US Citizens decided to remove a civil war statue in Durham, NC of Lord Marquess of Londonderry that fought for the Confederate States of America. There were over 790 events nationwide to protest this overt and dangerous domestic terrorism fueled by white supremacy.
Aug-14 20:30 Alt-right leader Paul Ray Ramsey, also known as “@RamZPaul” and “smiling Nazi” set a plan in motion with his followers to start physically removing Martin Luther King Jr. statues in retaliation of the removal of the Confederate statues and with the hopes of inciting a racial clash and war with African Americans, that were not present in Charlottesville, VA.


He is a known member of Vanguard America, the same group responsible for the murder of Heather Heyer on 8/12/17. He considers himself a white nationalist, which means he believes in the total elimination of Melanoid people. He should be considered armed and dangerous.

Aug-14 21:00 Paul, @RamZPaul, and his followers including Yirmyah Fox (@RealYirmyahFox) used Twitter to determine the first MLK monument they would target would be downtown Atlanta, GA. They are actively planning and coordinating the time but they have promised swift retaliation and will be heavily armed to murder and execute genocide on any person, hopefully African American, that stops them. Together the two masterminds have over 60,000 subscribed followers witnessing the plan. The plan then went offline to a conference call.
Aug-14 21:00 Yirmyah Fox (@RealYirmyahFox) and follower Awakened Saxon (@shitlordUSA) set plans under way to take down “the communist politician Vladimir Lenin statue in Seattle, Washington.
Aug-15 All day Surrounding Melanoid Family Members in Atlanta, GA commit to 24/7 surveillance of MLK Jr. Monuments, statues, and legacy. Atlanta Officials and mainstream media outlets were notified by Melanoid Nation and are on high alert.
Aug-15 13:00 Trump back peddles on condemning white supremacists and goes into full support of their actions. Receiving praise from KKK Leader, David Duke. Trump went on to equate Robert E. Lee in importance and necessity to the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. Trump continued to use coded verbal and nonverbal body language during the address today to the media throwing up white supremacy terrorist gang signs. Trump asked for press to define the “Alt-right” and began talking about the “Alt-left”, a term no one in the US has ever used.


After this speech, “Black Lives Matter” group became named as a participant. This group had never been mentioned as involved before this point. Black Americans are still confused as to who “Black Lives Matter” is and whether if it is a group or term. Right now, all Melanoid people are being called “Black Lives Matter”.

Aug-15 4:00 Lincoln Monument vandalized with explicit graffiti painted in red. The hate filled language was promptly removed this later in the day and no permanent damage was done to the historic stone. However, the alt-right united groups have announced a full open season on all historic United States statues and will continue to vandalize, destroy, and remove any statue they can.


Again, Donald Trump has provided no comment about this behavior. Anyone with information is being asked to call the US Park Police at 202-610-7515.

Aug-15 18:00 African American woman, Takiyah Thompson, who helped take down the statue in Durham, NC was arrested. None of the white males with her have been arrested now. None of the domestic terrorists working to form the Charlottesville Lynch Mobs have been arrested. She was charged and released within the hour.

Early threats identified:

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We have identified local white supremacists’ leaders in Atlanta, GA. Please see below:

Atlanta Racists

As this story develops, we are asking all people of African Ancestry to be safe and protect yourselves. You have a right to defend yourself, if necessary. Travel in groups and watch over each other. Remember, these cowardly white supremacists love soft targets. Keep a watchful eye on all children, elderly, and those who are unable to defend themselves.

Family-Law enforcement is not going to protect you. S. Lee Merritt, Esq had this to say regarding the Battle of Charlottesville, VA, which set the temperature and tone for future events:
merritt law



Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16



Article updates to include more details and timeline information 8/16/2017 1:57AM EST

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Getting The Help We Need: Advocacy Of Sound Mental Health For Black People Sun, 05 Mar 2017 23:36:57 +0000 Written by B. Clark

What do the new presidential administration, violent race soldiers, gentrification, slavery, systematic discrimination in every industry imaginable, and unnecessary infighting among Melanoid people (to name just a few things) all have in common?

There is no particular one-worded answer to that question, but what’s for certain is that the lingering effects of these things are enough to make anyone go insane, let alone the people who suffer from them the worst–and longest. A case can be made for therapy being a key factor in the reversal of Black people’s 400+ year plight. While the dominant society readily acknowledges war veterans’ battles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Black Society have been unofficially diagnosed with the same thing.

In fact, the psychological damage that Melanoid people have carried for centuries can be scientifically verified. Research has revealed that the Ancestors took on such an overwhelming amount of trauma, that much of it has been carried on down to ensuing generations, as shown in the video below.


One of the byproducts of our collective PTSD is the very stigma that surrounds seeking out counseling. For years, getting therapy was viewed as a sign of weakness, or it made us the target of ridicule and jokes from our family and friends. Much of this ridiculous way of thinking has triggered a heightened rate of suicides among Melanoid people–mainly our youth. There is, however, a changing outlook on our need for better mental health.

Perhaps the greatest trauma victims in history, Melanoid people in this country are unsurprisingly far behind in contrast to other racial groups when it comes to many categories, but in order for true progress to be made, the mind has to be sound first and foremost. If and when reparations are finally given to Black people, therapy and/or counseling should be a complimentary service included in the reparations package, as a means of working to deprogram and rebuild the minds and spirits of countless Black souls who are suffering in silence.

]]> 6 Have Conspiracy Theories Hindered Black People? Thu, 05 May 2016 17:22:37 +0000 Throughout the history of progressive human thought, a common notion has been expressed that one of the roots of evil is fear–a transgression that is perhaps one of the most excused in the context of what is deemed “moral” and “just” in the eyes of many. If fear does indeed spawn evildoing of any sort, then have Melanoid people perpetually committed such “sinful” acts unknowingly?

In Black Society, we have a wealth of examples to choose from in regards to true Black Excellence…too many to name here, but nonetheless, our impact on the world is monumental to this very day.

In spite of such a consistent track record of Melanoid people contributing to society, the past century has seen its fair share of Brothers and Sisters who truly doubt how great they truly are as a people. They have succumbed to not only doubt, but the previously mentioned debilitating effects of fear. These are the same Brothers and Sisters who will, at any moment’s notice, shoot down any talk of progress, because according to them, “The white man will find out about what we’re doing and do away with all of us”. Although the occurrence of the Black person who exudes a high dose of skepticism towards Black progress has become an upward trend in recent years, our history–in particular, our history here in the States–has seen its fair share of Melanoid ladies and gentlemen who refused to empower themselves or their people because of what’s commonly known as conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories involving any instance of harm, defamation of character, or outright murder have indeed been proven to be true in years past. A prime example would certainly involve the family of Dr. King receiving some sense of closure after a years-long deliberation on who MLK’s murderer was. However, we’d be remiss to note several examples of conspiracy theories that we as Black folks have allowed to serve a brutal blow to our overall morale.

1. The Air Jordan Conspiracy

“Is it the shoes?”

This is probably one of the latest in a long line of conspiracies that we as Black people have found ourselves deeply fixated on. Message boards, barbershop conversations, and social media feeds alike have been rife with more-than-questionable information that suggests that basketball Hall-Of-Famer Michael Jordan owns several prisons. Because of this dialogue, many Melanoid people have begun to assume that a Brother with the latest “J’s” on his feet has been rendered useless to Black Society–all because of his taste in athletic footwear. This example was in no way intended to go to great lengths to defend Michael Jordan. It was, however, provided to illustrate that instead of focusing on the semantics surrounding this issue, let’s celebrate and support the up-and-coming  Black entrepreneurs who have created their own line of sneakers, and/or learned to monetize their hobby as a sneaker enthusiast. On another note, the easiest way to not give credence to the “Air Jordan Conspiracy”? Just don’t buy the shoes!

2. End-Time Biblical Prophecies 

It’s no secret that much of Black Society has used Christianity as a spiritual resource for the past few hundred years after being discouraged from practicing all of the other spiritual systems that were part of our African culture. Some of the greatest people in our history–from Nat Turner, to Marcus Garvey–were devout Christians who effectively utilized their faith to evoke change and provide sound leadership for our ancestors. While the Turners and Garveys of the world relied on their faith to counter systematic white supremacy, there were more Black people who were the “rule” in reference to how we have conducted ourselves as “good Christians” (in the eyes of the dominant society) as opposed to the “exception” (Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey)…which brings us to the heavy influence of eschatology over Melanoid people.

Eschatology, better known as the study of the “end-times”, has served as that perpetual little voice in the back of our heads that have told our grandparents (and now us) that there’s no need to create long-term plans for future generations of Melanoid people, because the world as we know it will be ending at a moment’s notice. Even individuals such as Edgar C. Whisenant capitalized on this movement, writing a book on the matter, which was titled 88 Reasons Why The Rapture Will Be In 1988“. Unfortunately, far too many of us in Black Society have bought into this ideology to our own detriment.

3. The Illuminati

Our most romanticized conspiracy theory to date, this concept of the “hidden hand” is nothing new, but it sure has been used as an excuse for mediocrity and lack of progress among a sizable segment of Black Society. Sadly enough, the illuminati has been referenced by certain Black folks as a reason for them not being further ahead in their lives…as if to imply that they have to “join the dark side” in order to achieve great things. Are we dismissing the fact that there have been certain covert forces at work throughout the course of history that have worked against the best interest of Black people? Absolutely not. However, let us remind that hapless family member of ours that the illuminati hasn’t prevented them from going out and applying for that job that they desperately need.

4. The “Truther” Movement

Because of the continual threat of racism/white supremacy, we as Black people generally feel a false sense of relief when we see someone from the dominant society seem to expose certain elements of corruption in the system. These people have been known as “Truthers”. One of the most prominent faces of the “Truther” Movement is none other than Alex Jones, a white man who made a name for himself in the early 2000’s after “exposing” the real deal behind the September 11th (2001) attacks, and allegedly infiltrating places like Bohemian Grove. To many Black people, it was assumed that Jones was an ally to us in the fight against “The Man”, yet some of his views have shown that nothing could be further from the truth. By the way, Jones is a longtime proud supporter of former presidential candidate Ron Paul, and we know how Paul gets down.

5. Black Celebrity Conspiracies 

This particular example is one that we should tread lightly. In light of the untimely passing of music great Prince, we have been given reasons to believe that his death was highly suspicious. On the contrary, we must steer clear of any demoralizing talk that comes from critics when it comes to the deaths of these talented Black celebs. This means disregarding any talk that aims to derail us from working towards ownership in any sector of business. In other words, we need more “Michael Jacksons” and “Princes” in terms of us handling our business (especially in the entertainment industry, where our impact runs deep). While we’re speaking on Black celebrity conspiracies, can we stop wasting time on the “Is Tupac alive?” talk, please!

B. Clark

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Dr. Frances Cress Welsing: Celebrating The Life Of A Brilliant Mind Sat, 02 Jan 2016 22:38:04 +0000 Before we proceed with making 2016 a productive and happy new year, it is only right that we–the family here at Melanoid Nation–would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to the family of the Late Great Dr. Frances Cress Welsing.

It was reported that her transitioning occurred earlier today (Jan. 2nd), and the news of her passing sent shockwaves throughout Black Society. Today alone, her name has received the noteworthy status of becoming a trending topic on the Internet and throughout social media. While her legacy cannot be reduced to that of a hashtag, let us realize that today we here at Melanoid Nation have not forgotten her legacy as an educator, author, speaker, and embodiment of a Black woman who truly loved her people.

Her most notable work to date–The Isis Papers: The Keys To The Colorsserved as a literary guide that changed the way that we as Melanoid people have to think forever. From etymology to the symbolism found in colors and shapes, Dr. Welsing cracked the code on the innerworkings of the race in America. Her work also shed light on the evil system of racism/white supremacy, and how it is utilized to keep its foot on the necks of Melanated people worldwide.

Dr. Welsing’s work was so prolific, that it was referenced in pop culture. Whether it was referenced in comedic fashion, like the famous “pool scene from the 1992 film Boomerang“, or if it was referenced with more serious overtones, such as the opening lines delivered by Tyrese Gibson in the “intro to the 2001 film Baby Boy“, there is no denying the everlasting impact that the many years of her extensive research and work has not fallen on deaf ears.

Although she was fortunate enough to reach elder status, she remained as relevant now as she was years ago…perhaps her work is even more pivotal to the education and liberation of Melanoid people now. As one of the featured speakers in the critically acclaimed Hidden Colors seriesshe was reintroduced to a newer, younger audience in recent years by blessing Black Society with her wealth of knowledge that enlightened yet another wave of Black minds in this new millennium.

While everyone deals with the loss of family members in their own way, we want to let it be known that in the gloomiest of hours, the work she left behind shines brilliantly through the veil of sadness and grief. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing has joined the ranks of the ancestors, and everything she’s worked for will not be taken for granted.

]]> 75 Race Soldier Cop Found Guilty After Being Shown On Video Threatening Black Man With Gun Sat, 05 Dec 2015 18:07:29 +0000 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD — There is a recent phrase that has been coined that goes, “Black people are only one police stop from having their names become a hashtag on Twitter”. If the saying holds true–and unfortunately it does a disproportionate number of times–then a Melanoid man named William Cunningham was certainly in danger of having his name as a trending topic on social media. An incident occurred on the afternoon of May 10, 2014 which saw Mr. Cunningham’s life hang in the balance at the hands of a white supremacist race soldier named Jenchesky Santiago, who served as a member of the Prince George’s County Police Department.

According to various sources, Santiago (who is white) allegedly felt emboldened to partake in an over-the-top demonstration of his authority as a law enforcement official when he was reported to have had two friends riding along with him in his squad car, which he wasn’t supposed to do. Another glaring violation committed by Santiago reported by various sources was that he engaged in extremely tasteless and threatening commentary towards Cunningham. According to Raw StoryCunningham and his cousin Kennieth Smith were innocently minding their business when Santiago aggressively approached them with the following statements:

“Y’all gonna learn about officer Santiago today. I just got back from Iraq. I’m not scared of you all (Blacks).” Cunningham made a testimony in court that Santiago also said, “You need to watch your attitude because us P.G. cops, we shoot people.”

Here is a video snippet of Jenchesky Santiago’s unprofessional and unruly behavior.

The video above was obtained from a cell phone video recording which has been under wraps in the possession of the PG County officials until it eventually went viral. PG County Police Chief Mark Magaw is “recommending termination”. Magaw released the following statement in regards to the suspension of Jenchesky Santiago.

“The actions Officer Santiago chose to take that day are his alone. His behavior is flagrant, appalling and isolated,” Magaw said at a press conference. “His actions are among the worst I’ve seen as Chief of Police and that will be taken into account when I make a decision about his employment.”

Santiago is currently suspended without pay and will be sentenced on January 8th, 2016.William Cunningham and his wife Shaketta are seeking $12 million dollars in damages via a separate lawsuit they filed, due to William’s civil rights violations being violated by the race soldier.

B. Clark

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