Police Killing – Melanoid Nation Foundation https://www.melanoidnation.org Wed, 14 Oct 2015 00:56:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 Police Shown On Video Tasering An Unarmed, Innocent Black Student In His Genitals https://www.melanoidnation.org/police-shown-on-video-tasering-an-unarmed-innocent-black-student-in-his-genitals/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/police-shown-on-video-tasering-an-unarmed-innocent-black-student-in-his-genitals/#comments Wed, 14 Oct 2015 00:56:34 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2679 SAVANNAH, GA — It has been nearly a year in the making, but the heinous deeds of race soldier cops have been exposed.

On New Year’s Day of this year, 21-year-old Matthew Ajibade, who was well-known and loved as an artist/photographer who was a student of Savannah College of Art & Design, was taken into custody by cops as a result of a mental health episode, of which he was in need of assistance to cope with.

Unbeknownst to the family of Ajibade, who instructed that he NOT be taken to jail (but rather a mental hospital instead), he was taken to the Chatam County (GA) jail, where he would meet his fate. After being restrained by cops in a jail cell, his genitals were tazed, and you can hear the screams of anguish coming from Matthew Ajibade in the moments leading to his premature–and outrageous–death. His death was ruled a homicide by the Chatam County coroners.

Follow this link to see the footage of Matthew Ajibade’s torterous death.

B. Clark

]]> https://www.melanoidnation.org/police-shown-on-video-tasering-an-unarmed-innocent-black-student-in-his-genitals/feed/ 165 Melanoid Teen Dies After Being Shot in the Back by Police https://www.melanoidnation.org/melanoid-teen-dies-after-being-shot-in-the-back-by-police/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/melanoid-teen-dies-after-being-shot-in-the-back-by-police/#comments Fri, 21 Aug 2015 16:13:28 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2367 Mansur Ball-Bey, a Melanoid teenager in St. Louis, was shot and killed by law enforcement officials on Wednesday. The autopsy reveals a mortal wound in the teen’s back. Sadly enough, this incident occurs shortly after the one year anniversary of the death of Mike Brown, the Melanoid teen who was murdered by race soldier Darren Wilson.

Follow this link for the story on Mansur Ball-Bey’s untimely death.


B. Clark

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