Race Soldiers – Melanoid Nation Foundation https://www.melanoidnation.org Sat, 04 Aug 2018 11:44:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 The Key to Survival https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-key-to-survival/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-key-to-survival/#comments Sat, 04 Aug 2018 11:29:34 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=5215 Written by Dr. Tiffany Tubman



We are experiencing daily murders of Black people (more males than females) of all ages. However, many suspected white supremacists and their minions (sympathizers) often ask those of us with some of a brain, “why do we feel like we are under attack?”. The day we begin to state collectively, and certainly as a critical mass, that we are dealing with a system of racism, white supremacy and that system is about white genetic survival. We have been given a fragmented struggle so that we would think that America was a democracy and not a system of racism and white supremacy. Because that is what we wanted to believe: That things could really be drastically different for Black people. It is not a crime to want to believe something, but then we have to come back and deal with reality. The system was opened up to a gesture towards to inclusion, but what has really happened is a refinement to the system of white supremacy. We have been given nigga trinkets, tokens, and accessories, some of us even cash, but no wealth and no real power.


There has been an increase of white women dating and procreating with Black men and as such, we are witnessing a reaction to “we are not going to have it” by white men. Parallel our current situation to Semites of Jewish religion in Germany. The Jews were not focused on because of their religion but focused on because of beliefs that they were not white, according to Adolf Hitler. Jewish men started marrying German women and that is when Hitler came to power very similar to how Donald Trump came to power. With the same comments and goals of putting things back in order, surrounded by his entire team of known white supremacists, extremists, and Nazi collaborators. This is why white men (and women) are flocking to him and supporting his hate-filled policies, actions and banter.


Black people pose the greatest threat to white genetic survival; therefore, Blacks are the targets of the gun, the chokehold, and every other method the suspected white supremacist can implore to eliminate us and thereby eliminate the threat to their survival. Blacks can go in jail and the government will spend 50K per year to house you for free labor, but Blacks cannot have 50K grant/loan to start a small business or build generational wealth. Blacks cannot earn that money if we get a job. This is a clear-cut example of white supremacy. This is the system that we live in.


Do not slide away from declaring that this is a system of racism, white supremacy. Based on that, it is logical that they can kill people with impunity, like in Nazi Germany. This is what the system is about. They wanted to be assimilated and accepted. But when your survival is an issue of genetic survival, you cannot assimilate. WE want to believe that we can be American. Through nearly 500 years of formal and informal slavery, we are still fighting to be accepted. Until America is a democracy and practices a system of justice, versus the current (a republic that practices a system of white supremacy), we cannot be accepted as Americans. We cannot assimilate because there is no room for us.


The most important card that can be played right now to put the murders in check is to call it what it is, systematic white supremacy/racism. We must declare we are in a system of white supremacy daily, on every outlet and venue we can (social media, television interviews, 911 calls, letters to congress, etc.). The reality is that they system of white supremacy is the highest form of terrorism that has ever been conceptualized on planet Earth. It is a system that is designed to protect 1/10 of the population on Earth that are a genetically recessive mutated species.


Our only chance is the critical mass of Black people speak out. Not out in the streets saying “we hate white people” that is a cheap waste of energy. Hatred is not the answer. That is like turning up the heat and opening the windows. Instead, we must address the issue by speaking to the system. The majority of white people will say they are not racists. We have to ask then why the last 500 years. However, instead of questioning them, allow the non-racist white people show they are not racist. Let the non-racist white people speak up and march. Blacks must stop marching. We must stop acting like we are lost and confused about why race soldiers keep executing our family members. Every time we say, “I don’t know why this is happening to us” we are reinforcing the system of white supremacy. Every time we act like the murdering of unarmed Black people is not supposed to be happening, we are in denial about the system of white supremacy in which we live.  We are denying ourselves the potential of escaping this situation.


Start saying, if we are in fact in a system of white supremacy, we will continue to see this carnage. If we are in a democracy, the executions will stop. Ask yourself, what are we seeing? Therefore, what system do we live in? To all non-racist white people, it is your job to get out there and stop it.


Racism, white supremacy, is a local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined. This includes and consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war) for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth. A planet by which the vast and majority of people are classified as non-white (black, brown, red, and yellow) by genetically recessive white people.


The fear of white people is causing our death. If we are being honest, when I first learned about this and the ongoing Race War (Rahowa) I was in disbelief, then shock, followed by denial. However, I had to separate my emotions from facts. The facts continually prove that we are in a Race War, and we must defend ourselves for our own survival.


We are asking all Melanoid Nation family to stay safe, stay on code, and get your Second Amendment game strong. We have the right to protect ourselves and stand our ground. Remember to treat all others exactly as they treat you, no better no worse. We should be practicing the Platinum Rule at all time.


DAILY AFFIRMATION/DECLARATION: I live in a system of racism white supremacy. I am willing to dedicate all of my life energy to create a system of justice.

     Twitter: @montswife16



https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-key-to-survival/feed/ 7
The Implosion of White Supremacy; Stay on Code https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-implosion-of-white-supremacy-stay-on-code/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-implosion-of-white-supremacy-stay-on-code/#comments Thu, 19 Oct 2017 03:12:38 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=5072 An essay governing actions of Black Americans during this critical time as the Melanoid Nation Family works to strategically destroy systematic global white supremacy.


Written by Tiffany Tubman

October 18, 2017



We are witnessing the sudden failure and collapse of systematic white supremacy, starting in the United States but reaching all nations. The global system of white supremacy is undergoing an internal civil war and this is not our problem. We must let every other group hold their own nuts during this implosion. We can pick up the pieces to develop a true system of justice and bring peace to planet Earth, during this transition.



Unfortunately, family, things for us will get a lot worse before they get better. For this reason alone, we must stay on code. At this point in the RaHoWa, it is “Us or Else”.  Anyone who is not one of us, can be one of them. During this time, many Black Americans and other Melanoid people are scared and afraid. Many have not yet accepted the fact that cooning and bedwenching/bedbucking (bedwork) will not save you. Our skin makes us a target and whether we accept it and call ourselves “Black” or deny it and try to classify by your name or hide under the illusion of being “bi-racial”, you and your children will still be a target.


This code is our only saving grace. By now, we should all know the code. It starts with being alert at all times, keeping your second amendment game strong, and aggregating our resources. It is imperative that we are not spending money unnecessarily and when we do spend money, we are keeping in the Melanoid Family. This means buy black, shop black, and stay black first 365 days per year.


We are witnessing systematic white supremacy implode on itself. Trump has changed the game and made overt white supremacy the new main stream. I will go back to this relation of ball games as symbols.



Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing discussed these games at length. Right now, it ever so important that we are reading and studying from “The Isis Papers” for understanding during this period we live in. She has likened the game of golf with the small white balls (white male testicles) to a psychological link to defeat and humiliation. There is a strong correlation with white supremacy and balls.



There is no coincidence in the amount of time Trump has spent golfing since taking office. He has spent over 2/3 of his time in office golfing at a club he owns. It seems the more powerful the white male becomes in the context of the white supremacy culture, the smaller the ball that becomes his focus of attention. Their attention then shifts *masochistically to hitting the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation-in full realization of white genetic recessiveness.


(*1. The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts that involve being made to suffer physical or mental pain. Also called sexual masochism. 2. The deriving of pleasure from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.)

As of Saturday, October 14, 2017 Trump has spent 72 days of his presidency golfing and 92 days at a Trump property as president. He has been in office 271 days.

White people may never be able to verbally say most things so we must learn to read, decode, and understand symbols. By decoding and translating symbols, we can confront those aspects of reality that generally we would prefer to ignore.


Ball games merely reflect the white supremacist’s admiration and fear of Black testicles, their contempt for white testicles, and their willingness to fight-no matter how violently-to maintain control of the balls on the field and courts, which for them symbolize every place on Earth.

As white men lose control of the ball game of football and the NFL (teams and players), you can expect other areas of our everyday to be turned upside down with more violence and hate crimes as the white supremacist struggle to maintain control.



In final acts of desperation, we have learned that the FBI has designated a group called the “Black Identity Extremists or BIE”, which is a last-ditch effort for law enforcement (formerly called “the slave patrol”) to criminalize all Black Americans. This will give law enforcement legal justification to place a stronger and permanent police presence in black and/or low-income communities.


With limited information available to the public, we learned that the BIE profile was released from the FBI to local police departments on August 3, 2017. This was a few days ahead of the “Unite the Right” domestic terrorism event on August 11-12, 2017 that was planned months in advance.


Prior to this event, the FBI created a narrative of a dangerous, racially motivated group of blacks whose perceptions of police brutality have led to and is responsible for increased violence against law enforcement. The only thing this group had in common was melanin. That is right, our blackness put us in this group should it be convenient for law enforcement or the race soldiers that have infiltrated that group.

This erroneous claim provides justification for the killing of blacks on sight and as needed as the race soldiers continue to deliver state sanctioned genocide to our people.


The alarming and unjust part of this situation is that white supremacists and right-wing extremist (White Identity Extremists or WIE) have commited73% of deadly US Domestic Terror Attacks since 2001. The WIE have killed over 70% of police officers, yet we hear no cries of #BlueLivesMatter. As a matter of fact, Melanoid Nation coined the name WIE and not the law enforcement officials who refuse to acknowledge white men as terrorist.


Law enforcement (police officers) kill unarmed Black men 7 times the rate they kill unarmed white men. In 2009, the FBI Counterterrorism Division released a report that right wing extremist ideology are the most dangerous terrorist threat to the United States.



After release of this report, Republicans had this department closed. The shutdown left no control or oversight to properly monitor and investigate this deadly group of terrorists. They then formed the Counter Islamic Extremism group to monitor Muslim terrorist. Muslim=Black as all Blacks are targeted in this group as well. However, the WIE have killed more people in the United States than any other terrorist group in the history of the United States.

There are at least 450 known white extremists groups currently operating in the United States. Of all Domestic Terrorism, blacks have been responsible for 6% events and this includes slave revolts where we fought for basic human rights. This is an attack on all Black people.


Black Identity Extremist = BIE = Being black = Systematic White Supremacy = Racism




For tomorrow, please make #1804 trend. Where you see another # trending, add our brand to that. For example, you may see #ThursdayThoughts so you would close your message with #ThursdayThoughts #1804. Let us all support each other by searching the #1804 and liking, retweeting, and sharing what we are so proud of. We are living our code!



You will start hearing talks about “November 4th”. This does not pertain to us. Please carry on with business as usual, staying on code, and stacking that paper for our time. Every attempt is being made to pull us into the struggles of others and right now, they must hold their own nuts. We need to focus on us.




There are plans to “end the nightmare” and protest until Trump and Pence are removed. Do not engage. The nightmare is described as follows:


This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

A Nightmare:

Immigrants living in terror—their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones.

A Nightmare:

Muslims and refugees demonized, banned and cast out.

A Nightmare:

Millions—children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor—denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live.

A Nightmare:

Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law.

A Nightmare:

LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized, and denied civil rights recently won.

A Nightmare:

Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred.

A Nightmare:

People all over the world facing bombings, occupations, war and the threat of nuclear war with Donald Trump’s “America First” finger on the nuclear trigger.

A Nightmare:

The truth bludgeoned—lies and more lies—critical thinking being destroyed in education and public discourse.

A Nightmare:

The whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections.

A Nightmare:

A regime step by step discarding basic democratic rights, targeting group after group, and suppressing dissent and resistance. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-semites, and fascist thugs. This is fascism—a qualitative change in how society is governed. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

THIS NIGHTMARE MUST END. Millions feel this and ache with the question of how to stop this unrelenting horror. The stakes are nothing less than the future of humanity and the planet itself.

Who will end this nightmare? We will. Only the determined struggle of millions of people acting together with courage and conviction can drive this regime from power.

Get Organized! Leaflets, Posters, Graphics for November 4

ON NOVEMBER 4, 2017:



This has already been our nightmare for far too long. Where was the outrage then? Now Trump is treating everyone like a nigga and showing people who thought they were Team White Supremacy for so long, what the real white supremacy looks like. Now they don’t like it and they have a problem. Oh well, we will use it to reform the laws and create justice, when the time is right.


Black folks, stay out of sight and wait for our time. We should not be partying, spending money unnecessarily or engaging with these activities in anyway. We must also examine ourselves to rid ourselves of any underlying white identity we may be internally struggling with that would make us prone to cooning, bedwork, or further enabling white supremacy. That too must be destroyed because their system only exists while we allow it. Fear, hate, violence and ignorance occupy the mind of the white supremacist. Do not let that mindset paralyze or destroy us. Be bold, be fearless, seek justice by any means necessary. Rinse and repeat. #1804





Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16

Email: TubmanFights@gmail.com


https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-implosion-of-white-supremacy-stay-on-code/feed/ 303
Jason Stockley and The Government Sanctioned Genocide of Black Americans https://www.melanoidnation.org/jason-stockley-and-the-government-sanctioned-genocide-of-black-americans/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/jason-stockley-and-the-government-sanctioned-genocide-of-black-americans/#comments Sat, 16 Sep 2017 04:12:34 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4823 A review of the Jason Stockley Race Soldier Case.


Written by Tiffany Tubman

September 15, 2017


Today was another marking of the federally and state sanctioned genocide of Black Americans carried out by the race soldiers posing as police officers paid by our tax dollars. These race soldiers murder us with impunity and are rewarded socially and financially for Black executions.


We are not surprised that Jason Stockley gets to walk free. But the murder of Anthony Lamar Smith was particularly egregious. According to a citizen’s watch group, the Advancement Project, here’s why:


Stockley first approached Smith after claiming to witness a drug transaction. Race Solider Stockley was carrying an unauthorized AK-47. When Smith fled the scene, Stockley fired on Smith’s car – a direct violation of police department policy. Stockley and his partner then pursued Smith’s car. They claimed “shots fired” even though the only shots fired were their own.


During the pursuit, Stockley tells his partner, Brian Bianchi, “We’re killing this motherfucker, don’t you know.” – CLEAR premeditation. Stockley orders Bianchi to “hit him now” w/ vehicle. Bianchi exits the vehicle, approaches smith with hand on his firearm and re-holsters his weapon.


Stockley then approaches Smith with his AK-47 in dominant hand, service pistol in the other. He shoots Smith 5 times. Smith likely had to switch service pistol to his dominant hand, this seems to negate the claim that there was clear and present danger. Stockley claims that Smith was reaching for a gun – a fact that none of the videos – dash cam and street surveillance – can corroborate.


Stockley returns to his vehicle to access his service bag. He positions his body to block body cam and appears to adjust his waistband. After video shows Anthony Lamar Smith’s body removed from the vehicle, Stockley appears to climb inside. He then “finds” a .38 revolver. The weapon retrieved from the vehicle—alleged to be Smith’s—the weapon did not contain a shred of DNA from Smith. It contained DNA from Stockley only.



Police in St. Louis, MO  continue to kill Black Americans with impunity. There have been roughly 10-11 police killings this year in the area, only 2 of the killings received national coverage. It took more than 4 years for charges to be filed against Stockley. Today when police and city officials call for peace, having already called in the national guard, remember these facts.


The militarized response to the community’s outrage is an attempt to chill or silence first amendment activity. This is directly in line with the federal agenda to use military personnel & weapons against civilians – particularly Black communities under the Trump administration lead by suspected former Klansman and white supremacist Jeff Sessions.


This case is following the pattern of so many others. The trials for 22 high profile Black executions by race soldiers have been followed since 2016. High Profile Executions


Of those cases, the following states have had serious race issues and executions have been carried out by race soldiers with impunity: Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Louisiana, Mississippi, Delaware, Ohio, Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, Illinois, and New York.


Missouri, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Illinois and New York have had 2 high profile executions of unarmed Black people. Ohio has experienced three of the high-profile executions of Black Americans with NO consequence. There has been no justice in any of these cases and the race soldiers remain at large, financially well off, ready to kill again.


Here’s a look at the Race Soldier/Police response in the United States:


Not only was Jason Stockley acquitted of the premeditated murder of a Black American, Anthony Lamar Smith, Trump’s Department of Justice headed by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, announced that ending a program developed under the Obama administration aimed at advising and reforming police units around the country and now will only focus on helping cops fight crimes like gang activities and drug trafficking. (DOJ Policy Change Report)



This means the DOJ will now focus on helping the police departments infiltrated with white supremacist race soldiers’ carryout the genocide of Black Americans.


Meanwhile, another Black mother mourns the premature loss of her child.


In response to these events, Black Americans in Missouri were witnessed taking to the streets and marching in protest. Here’s a clip: Missouri Protest for Justice Clip


We are reminded that global system of white supremacy effects and dominates every area of our existence and has governed the judicial system with no exception. Here’s a look at the flow and relation within the criminal “justice” system in the US designed to maintain injustice and white supremacy:



Anti-racism strategist and US Constitutional advocate, Tariq Nasheed, has made these remarks and cautioned all people, especially Black people:


“[Marching]”Protesting” in front of city hall is completely pointless at this stage of white supremacist terrorism. Who are we protesting to? No one is going to help Black Americans against this state sanctioned racial terrorism. We must get on code to remedy this ourselves. There is no “flaw” in the system. The entire system is SET UP to allow white supremacist terrorism against Black American citizens.

Always be aware that race soldiers have a green light and financial incentives to execute Black Americans with complete impunity. Don’t let people waste your time citing laws and policies. We are under ONE LAW. And that’s the “I’m white and I say so” law. Do NOT let non-Black people come around to pacify you. Unfortunately, no non-Black people are going to help Black Americans against this.

Unfortunately, Black people making submissive gestures is not going to save us. The white supremacists are on an extermination campaign. Being emotional and crying to non-Black people to get them to understand our pain is pointless. No one cares and the ones who do cannot help. Black people are going to have to stop wasting time and energy on symbolic actions that do not bring justice. [We] Must be more strategic.”         -Tariq Nasheed


There is a Race War going on known as the Rahowa. We must remember racism is a group phenomenon and the groups are in a contest to acquire and control wealth and resources. Unfortunately, Black people have unknowingly dropped out of the race and we are not building wealth. That is a part of the race. White people control everything and black people get nothing, not even justice. This is how the system of white supremacy works.


Racism is not about discrimination or bigotry. There is no equality in a race. Can you imagine Olympic racers complaining to Usain Bolt about losing, wanting a fair race, or equality? Well he would not hear them anyway because he would be busy WINNING!  The purpose of a race is to separate winners from losers and this is economic based.


Black power is equivalent to the Black dollar. Currently, Blacks do not have power or wealth. Therefore, it is not possible for any Black person to be racist. At this point in the game, we need to be on code, practicing our second amendment, and protecting ourselves and each other.


Hold on to every dollar you can. Shop black, buy black. Do not spend a penny of unnecessary money, especially with anyone who is not Black. We need to be quietly building and preparing at this point for our next move, especially our Missouri family who are under a relentless attack from the leaders who refuse to be puppets of white supremacy like Maria Chappelle Nadal to the everyday citizens like Anthony Lamar Smith and Philando Castille.



Come together, build business, create a home school network and teach our children, and use our muscle to police our own communities so that race soldiers do not have to come into our communities. #NoMoreMarching #TrueBlackPower



Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16

Email: TubmanFights@gmail.com



https://www.melanoidnation.org/jason-stockley-and-the-government-sanctioned-genocide-of-black-americans/feed/ 81
Baltimore Race Soldiers Execute Young Mother Korryn Gaines And Wounds Child https://www.melanoidnation.org/baltimore-race-soldiers-execute-young-mother-korryn-gaines-and-wounds-child/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/baltimore-race-soldiers-execute-young-mother-korryn-gaines-and-wounds-child/#comments Mon, 01 Aug 2016 23:55:41 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=3540 Baltimore County police say they shot and killed a young Black woman and wounded one of her children Monday after what they claim was an hours-long standoff at a home in Randallstown.

Sources say Gaines 5-year-old boy involved in the race soldier attack was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. The child is expected to survive.

Police said earlier that the woman was armed and was with a child in her apartment. She was identified as Korryn Gaines, 23.

The suspected race soldiers posing as police claimed that Gaines threatened to shoot officers with a shotgun. But recent race soldier attacks have proven that suspected white supremacists will lie on a Melanoid citizen in order to justify attacking them.

Police have released few details of the incident, which happened in the unit block of Sulky Court. A news conference is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at police headquarters in Towson.


https://www.melanoidnation.org/baltimore-race-soldiers-execute-young-mother-korryn-gaines-and-wounds-child/feed/ 183
Race Soldier Cop Found Guilty After Being Shown On Video Threatening Black Man With Gun https://www.melanoidnation.org/race-soldier-cop-found-guilty-after-being-shown-on-video-threatening-black-man-with-gun/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/race-soldier-cop-found-guilty-after-being-shown-on-video-threatening-black-man-with-gun/#comments Sat, 05 Dec 2015 18:07:29 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2957 PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD — There is a recent phrase that has been coined that goes, “Black people are only one police stop from having their names become a hashtag on Twitter”. If the saying holds true–and unfortunately it does a disproportionate number of times–then a Melanoid man named William Cunningham was certainly in danger of having his name as a trending topic on social media. An incident occurred on the afternoon of May 10, 2014 which saw Mr. Cunningham’s life hang in the balance at the hands of a white supremacist race soldier named Jenchesky Santiago, who served as a member of the Prince George’s County Police Department.

According to various sources, Santiago (who is white) allegedly felt emboldened to partake in an over-the-top demonstration of his authority as a law enforcement official when he was reported to have had two friends riding along with him in his squad car, which he wasn’t supposed to do. Another glaring violation committed by Santiago reported by various sources was that he engaged in extremely tasteless and threatening commentary towards Cunningham. According to Raw StoryCunningham and his cousin Kennieth Smith were innocently minding their business when Santiago aggressively approached them with the following statements:

“Y’all gonna learn about officer Santiago today. I just got back from Iraq. I’m not scared of you all (Blacks).” Cunningham made a testimony in court that Santiago also said, “You need to watch your attitude because us P.G. cops, we shoot people.”

Here is a video snippet of Jenchesky Santiago’s unprofessional and unruly behavior.

The video above was obtained from a cell phone video recording which has been under wraps in the possession of the PG County officials until it eventually went viral. PG County Police Chief Mark Magaw is “recommending termination”. Magaw released the following statement in regards to the suspension of Jenchesky Santiago.

“The actions Officer Santiago chose to take that day are his alone. His behavior is flagrant, appalling and isolated,” Magaw said at a press conference. “His actions are among the worst I’ve seen as Chief of Police and that will be taken into account when I make a decision about his employment.”

Santiago is currently suspended without pay and will be sentenced on January 8th, 2016.William Cunningham and his wife Shaketta are seeking $12 million dollars in damages via a separate lawsuit they filed, due to William’s civil rights violations being violated by the race soldier.

B. Clark

https://www.melanoidnation.org/race-soldier-cop-found-guilty-after-being-shown-on-video-threatening-black-man-with-gun/feed/ 25
One-Legged Homeless Black Man Brutalized By San Francisco Police https://www.melanoidnation.org/one-legged-homeless-black-man-brutalized-by-san-francisco-police/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/one-legged-homeless-black-man-brutalized-by-san-francisco-police/#comments Mon, 28 Sep 2015 19:57:49 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2584 It took 14 San Francisco Police Department officers to take down and restrain a one-legged, Black homeless man, who was “armed” with crutches and apparently “dangerous”. The incident is the latest embarrassment for the US police, who face constant accusations of illogical brutal use of force.
The confrontation was captured on video and shows white police officers taking down a one-legged homeless black man on the city’s central Market St. According to witnesses, police were called in to the scene to take care of a suspicious man waving some “sticks” around in the middle of the street.
The video was shot in August by Chaedria Labouvier, who is heard calling out to police throughout the video, shows the extent of humiliation and brute force exercised immediately after the man was wrestled to the ground by SFPD officers. As the disabled- and believed to be mentally challenged  Black male struggles to move, 4 cops pin him down,  after  officers called for an Extended Range Impact Weapon (ERIW) which is a less lethal use of force due to the circumstances.
“These are my crutches. I use these to walk,” the man tried to explain. But even after realizing that the man had a prosthetic leg, the police officers continued to use overwhelming physical restrain and man-handled him, forcing his head to the ground.
In the video you can clearly hear the homeless man complying with the cops and asking them to get off his prosthetic leg while hand-cuffed, as well as a Woman saying “Oh my God –you´re on his prosthetic leg?”
The video shows that the officers used their body weight to subdue the subject by attempting to hold him still for no reason-since the man was restrained.
San Francisco police spokeswoman Grace Gatpandan said officers encountered the 42-year-old man waving around wooden sticks and detained him for a mental health evaluation as he walked toward street traffic.
Witnesses in the video can be heard saying the man used the sticks as his crutches and was simply crossing the street.
Police chief Greg Suhr and others would “look into this situation thoroughly and determine if there were any violations of department policy”. She said the case was also sent to the independent office of citizen complaints.
This incident comes after a recent incident where San Francisco’s chief of police has moved to dismiss eight officers who sent and received racially charged and homophobic text messages that included references to lynching’s, white power and burning crosses.
Here’s the video of the incident below.

Written By Carlos G 
https://www.melanoidnation.org/one-legged-homeless-black-man-brutalized-by-san-francisco-police/feed/ 77
NYPD Officers Now Required to Issue Receipts During Stop-And-Frisk Attempts https://www.melanoidnation.org/nypd-officers-now-required-to-issue-receipts-during-stop-and-frisk-attempts/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/nypd-officers-now-required-to-issue-receipts-during-stop-and-frisk-attempts/#comments Mon, 28 Sep 2015 17:33:05 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2579 For the entirety of its existence, the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy has been deemed highly questionable and controversial in the way that it targets Melanoid people in New York City.  According to the New York Civil Liberties Unionthe first half of 2015 saw New Yorkers getting stopped by the police 13,604 times, with 11,124 of them being totally innocent. 7,158 of the people stopped were Black.

In what appears to be an attempt to curb such a heavy trend in NYC, police are now required to give a slip with a title that reads “What Is A Stop?” to the people they stop for questioning. As of Sept. 21st, NYPD cops will no longer be able to stop-and-frisk a person because they “look nervous or suspicious”. Stop-and-frisk is an ongoing problem that has even caused long-term trauma among Melanoid people who were targeted by this policy. Watch the following video to see the report about the debilitating affects of stop-and-frisk on Black Society.

Here’s a link to the story.

B. Clark

]]> https://www.melanoidnation.org/nypd-officers-now-required-to-issue-receipts-during-stop-and-frisk-attempts/feed/ 3 How Quickly We Forget: George W. Bush & The 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina https://www.melanoidnation.org/how-quickly-we-forget-george-w-bush-the-10th-anniversary-of-hurricane-katrina/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/how-quickly-we-forget-george-w-bush-the-10th-anniversary-of-hurricane-katrina/#comments Sat, 29 Aug 2015 05:12:40 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2402 This week, the previous U.S. President George W. Bush visited New Orleans to join the city’s citizens in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the violent storm that caused severe damage to the city’s infrastructure, causing 1 million people to evacuate the flooded city. In addition to “The Big Easy” traditionally recognized as a city comprising of predominately Melanoid citizens, the good Brothers and Sisters in that particular city failed to receive the aid they needed in such a dire situation as the onset Katrina’s catastrophic presence on that fateful late August day back in 2005.

Below is a short video clip that effectively highlights the hypocrisy of George “Dubya” Bush as he cozies himself up with young Melanoid girls for selfies, dancing a jig with his wife (Laura) for the cameras, and makes his overall presence felt in New Orleans by delivering speeches and interviews which expressed contrived nuggets of contrition. Keep in mind that it was Bush and his administration that were slow to respond to the cries of the thousands of Melanoid people who were displaced from their homes because of Katrina, infected with illnesses as a result of being exposed to unsanitary conditions in the storm’s aftermath, and outright murdered in cold blood by suspected white supremacists who saw the storm’s Melanoid victims as ‘looters’.


B. Clark

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White Supremacists Around The Country Unify To Pay For Ray Tensing’s Legal Fees https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-around-the-country-unify-to-pay-for-ray-tensings-legal-fees/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-around-the-country-unify-to-pay-for-ray-tensings-legal-fees/#comments Fri, 31 Jul 2015 18:44:00 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2233 Those in Black Society who still disregard the fact that we should have a Code of Conduct should take notes from the dominant society in the U.S.

According to a report on Raw Storywhite supremacists from across the country have offered to pay for the $1 million bail set for Ray Tensing, the race soldier who murdered Sam DuBose, a Melanoid man who was pulled over for allegedly having no license plate on his car. Ray Tensing’s father, Paul, a former firefighter, paid 10% of his son’s bond. This has allowed him to be free on bail until his trial.

Of course, in this current elevated racial climate, white supremacists–and suspected white supremacists alike–will rally around Tensing’s lawyer’s claim that his client is “depressed and extremely worried“. This reason alone will give them a contrived sense of justification to support a race soldier who murdered an innocent Melanoid man in cold blood. Such is the mindset of those who empathize with the perpetuated subjugation, mistreatment, and destruction of Melanoid people of African descent. White supremacy–with its disciples aggregating their resources to support a murderous race soldier–is not only a way of thinking, it is a religionits faithful followers want to continue to spread its gospel by letting putting their money where their ideologies are.

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Sandra Bland, And The Criticism Of Courage https://www.melanoidnation.org/sandra-bland-and-the-criticism-of-courage/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/sandra-bland-and-the-criticism-of-courage/#comments Thu, 23 Jul 2015 20:16:55 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=2210 In the midst of the tragedy that was Sandra Bland’s recent murder at the hands of race soldiers in a jail cell in Waller County, TX, Black Society is mourning the loss of yet another senseless death in the Melanoid family. Mainstream news outlets are giving varying accounts of what occurred on the events leading up to, and surrounding her death, via the seemingly botched video footage of her arrest that has been released. The Late Sandra Bland’s mother has already vowed to seek justice for her daughter’s death. Last but not least, the unjust system of white supremacy rears its ugly head–albeit from the state of Texas–once again.

Although this developing story is guaranteed to spark much debate from many schools of thought, perhaps one of the most confusing (and disappointing) ideologies emanating from Black Society throughout this ordeal is the lambasting of Sandra Bland’s outspoken and unapologetic celebration of her own Blackness. Earlier this year, we here at Melanoid Nation touched on a topic that relates to the issue at hand, and that is some Melanoid peoples’ tendencies to not want to care about systematic racism/white supremacy “as long as it doesn’t affect them directly”. This particular topic stems from the Sandy Speaks” series of videos that she would upload on social media, in which she would openly speak on topics such as racism/white supremacy, white privilege, and the empowerment of Melanoid people.

In some circles of Black Society, there is a belief that if Sandra wouldn’t have been as outspoken or unapologetically Black, then she would be alive now. This same method of assumptive thinking also applies to the “Maybe they just shouldn’t have sagged their pants” sector of Black Society as well. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as Melanoid men, women, and children were senselessly lynched during  the first half of the 20th century in large numbers wearing suits, dresses, and school uniforms. It’s quite safe to acknowledge that many of these innocent people did what they could to stay out of trouble, and were highly productive citizens of society at that time before being killed by white supremacists.

Everyone in Black Society has a role to play in making their racial family a better one, and it is understandable that everyone doesn’t choose to be as public on their racial views as other Melanoid people. However, let us honor and support those who aren’t afraid to openly use their voices speak truth to power at the risks of losing ruining their reputations, losing their livelihoods, and even their lives. Perhaps this particular matter alone has provided enough incentive alone for us to create larger and more prevalent Black-owned and operated media outlets. This should be done in order to allow revolutionary spirits such as the Sandra Blands of the world to be our voice of reason without censorship or apprehension.

Today, we applaud the late, great Sandra Bland for her courage, and her beautiful spirit. She illustrated that there is indeed more honor in dying on our feet than living on our knees.

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