Many mainstream media outlets are trying to shift this incident into a political spin, by pointing out that the gunman, who was killed by police, has “radical” ties to the Democratic party. Many of these same media outlets are reporting on the background of Steve Scalise, who is in critical condition as of now.

Some people on social media have pointed out that Black shooting victims will have their entire background exposed and reported on by the mainstream media. People are saying is a common policy for the media to find the most negative aspect of a Black shooting victim’s background and report it-even if it’s something minor like child support payments, or accumulating parking tickets.

But the media is reporting on the background of Steve Scales, and surprisingly, they are ignoring his ties to white extremist groups. The Washington Post published an article in 2014 where Steve Scalise confirmed that he spoke at a white supremacist rally in 2002.

This article here  confirms that members of the white supremacist website Stormfront actually celebrated the fact that Scalise was the honored guest and speaker at this white nationalist convention.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who has come out as a full fledged white supremacist, said in an interview that he stood by Scalise and believed that many conservatives in the House’s hard-right bloc would do the same. Steve King even compared Scalise to “Jesus”:

“Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners,” King said. “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, it’s the sick. Given that piece of Scripture, and understanding that Scalise probably wasn’t staffed thoroughly, I could understand how something like this happened. But I know his heart, I’ve painted houses with him post-Katrina, and I know he is a good man.”

Steve King has also thrown out dogwhistles to other white supremacists by openly endorsing books like Camp Of The Saints-a racist novel about committing genocide against non-whites. These are the types of people who endorse Steve Scalise.

Reporter for the Advocate Stephanie Grace reported that Steve Scales compared himself to Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

“This is what I remember about the first time I met Steve Scalise nearly 20 years ago: He told me he was like David Duke without the baggage”, Grace reported.

Even so-called “conservative” media outlets confirmed this.