White Extremists – Melanoid Nation Foundation https://www.melanoidnation.org Thu, 19 Oct 2017 03:12:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20 The Implosion of White Supremacy; Stay on Code https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-implosion-of-white-supremacy-stay-on-code/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-implosion-of-white-supremacy-stay-on-code/#comments Thu, 19 Oct 2017 03:12:38 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=5072 An essay governing actions of Black Americans during this critical time as the Melanoid Nation Family works to strategically destroy systematic global white supremacy.


Written by Tiffany Tubman

October 18, 2017



We are witnessing the sudden failure and collapse of systematic white supremacy, starting in the United States but reaching all nations. The global system of white supremacy is undergoing an internal civil war and this is not our problem. We must let every other group hold their own nuts during this implosion. We can pick up the pieces to develop a true system of justice and bring peace to planet Earth, during this transition.



Unfortunately, family, things for us will get a lot worse before they get better. For this reason alone, we must stay on code. At this point in the RaHoWa, it is “Us or Else”.  Anyone who is not one of us, can be one of them. During this time, many Black Americans and other Melanoid people are scared and afraid. Many have not yet accepted the fact that cooning and bedwenching/bedbucking (bedwork) will not save you. Our skin makes us a target and whether we accept it and call ourselves “Black” or deny it and try to classify by your name or hide under the illusion of being “bi-racial”, you and your children will still be a target.


This code is our only saving grace. By now, we should all know the code. It starts with being alert at all times, keeping your second amendment game strong, and aggregating our resources. It is imperative that we are not spending money unnecessarily and when we do spend money, we are keeping in the Melanoid Family. This means buy black, shop black, and stay black first 365 days per year.


We are witnessing systematic white supremacy implode on itself. Trump has changed the game and made overt white supremacy the new main stream. I will go back to this relation of ball games as symbols.



Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing discussed these games at length. Right now, it ever so important that we are reading and studying from “The Isis Papers” for understanding during this period we live in. She has likened the game of golf with the small white balls (white male testicles) to a psychological link to defeat and humiliation. There is a strong correlation with white supremacy and balls.



There is no coincidence in the amount of time Trump has spent golfing since taking office. He has spent over 2/3 of his time in office golfing at a club he owns. It seems the more powerful the white male becomes in the context of the white supremacy culture, the smaller the ball that becomes his focus of attention. Their attention then shifts *masochistically to hitting the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation-in full realization of white genetic recessiveness.


(*1. The deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts that involve being made to suffer physical or mental pain. Also called sexual masochism. 2. The deriving of pleasure from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.)

As of Saturday, October 14, 2017 Trump has spent 72 days of his presidency golfing and 92 days at a Trump property as president. He has been in office 271 days.

White people may never be able to verbally say most things so we must learn to read, decode, and understand symbols. By decoding and translating symbols, we can confront those aspects of reality that generally we would prefer to ignore.


Ball games merely reflect the white supremacist’s admiration and fear of Black testicles, their contempt for white testicles, and their willingness to fight-no matter how violently-to maintain control of the balls on the field and courts, which for them symbolize every place on Earth.

As white men lose control of the ball game of football and the NFL (teams and players), you can expect other areas of our everyday to be turned upside down with more violence and hate crimes as the white supremacist struggle to maintain control.



In final acts of desperation, we have learned that the FBI has designated a group called the “Black Identity Extremists or BIE”, which is a last-ditch effort for law enforcement (formerly called “the slave patrol”) to criminalize all Black Americans. This will give law enforcement legal justification to place a stronger and permanent police presence in black and/or low-income communities.


With limited information available to the public, we learned that the BIE profile was released from the FBI to local police departments on August 3, 2017. This was a few days ahead of the “Unite the Right” domestic terrorism event on August 11-12, 2017 that was planned months in advance.


Prior to this event, the FBI created a narrative of a dangerous, racially motivated group of blacks whose perceptions of police brutality have led to and is responsible for increased violence against law enforcement. The only thing this group had in common was melanin. That is right, our blackness put us in this group should it be convenient for law enforcement or the race soldiers that have infiltrated that group.

This erroneous claim provides justification for the killing of blacks on sight and as needed as the race soldiers continue to deliver state sanctioned genocide to our people.


The alarming and unjust part of this situation is that white supremacists and right-wing extremist (White Identity Extremists or WIE) have commited73% of deadly US Domestic Terror Attacks since 2001. The WIE have killed over 70% of police officers, yet we hear no cries of #BlueLivesMatter. As a matter of fact, Melanoid Nation coined the name WIE and not the law enforcement officials who refuse to acknowledge white men as terrorist.


Law enforcement (police officers) kill unarmed Black men 7 times the rate they kill unarmed white men. In 2009, the FBI Counterterrorism Division released a report that right wing extremist ideology are the most dangerous terrorist threat to the United States.



After release of this report, Republicans had this department closed. The shutdown left no control or oversight to properly monitor and investigate this deadly group of terrorists. They then formed the Counter Islamic Extremism group to monitor Muslim terrorist. Muslim=Black as all Blacks are targeted in this group as well. However, the WIE have killed more people in the United States than any other terrorist group in the history of the United States.

There are at least 450 known white extremists groups currently operating in the United States. Of all Domestic Terrorism, blacks have been responsible for 6% events and this includes slave revolts where we fought for basic human rights. This is an attack on all Black people.


Black Identity Extremist = BIE = Being black = Systematic White Supremacy = Racism




For tomorrow, please make #1804 trend. Where you see another # trending, add our brand to that. For example, you may see #ThursdayThoughts so you would close your message with #ThursdayThoughts #1804. Let us all support each other by searching the #1804 and liking, retweeting, and sharing what we are so proud of. We are living our code!



You will start hearing talks about “November 4th”. This does not pertain to us. Please carry on with business as usual, staying on code, and stacking that paper for our time. Every attempt is being made to pull us into the struggles of others and right now, they must hold their own nuts. We need to focus on us.




There are plans to “end the nightmare” and protest until Trump and Pence are removed. Do not engage. The nightmare is described as follows:


This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

A Nightmare:

Immigrants living in terror—their next step could mean detention, deportation, being torn from children and loved ones.

A Nightmare:

Muslims and refugees demonized, banned and cast out.

A Nightmare:

Millions—children, the elderly, disabled, the sick, the poor—denied healthcare, food assistance, the very right to live.

A Nightmare:

Women objectified, degraded, and denied the basic right to control their own reproduction, with fundamentalist Christian fascism increasingly being made law.

A Nightmare:

LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized, and denied civil rights recently won.

A Nightmare:

Black and Latino people openly threatened by the President, with maximum sentencing, stop-and-frisk going national, intensified police brutality and murder of our youth with no holds barred.

A Nightmare:

People all over the world facing bombings, occupations, war and the threat of nuclear war with Donald Trump’s “America First” finger on the nuclear trigger.

A Nightmare:

The truth bludgeoned—lies and more lies—critical thinking being destroyed in education and public discourse.

A Nightmare:

The whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections.

A Nightmare:

A regime step by step discarding basic democratic rights, targeting group after group, and suppressing dissent and resistance. A regime unleashing the violence of white supremacists, anti-semites, and fascist thugs. This is fascism—a qualitative change in how society is governed. History has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

THIS NIGHTMARE MUST END. Millions feel this and ache with the question of how to stop this unrelenting horror. The stakes are nothing less than the future of humanity and the planet itself.

Who will end this nightmare? We will. Only the determined struggle of millions of people acting together with courage and conviction can drive this regime from power.

Get Organized! Leaflets, Posters, Graphics for November 4

ON NOVEMBER 4, 2017:



This has already been our nightmare for far too long. Where was the outrage then? Now Trump is treating everyone like a nigga and showing people who thought they were Team White Supremacy for so long, what the real white supremacy looks like. Now they don’t like it and they have a problem. Oh well, we will use it to reform the laws and create justice, when the time is right.


Black folks, stay out of sight and wait for our time. We should not be partying, spending money unnecessarily or engaging with these activities in anyway. We must also examine ourselves to rid ourselves of any underlying white identity we may be internally struggling with that would make us prone to cooning, bedwork, or further enabling white supremacy. That too must be destroyed because their system only exists while we allow it. Fear, hate, violence and ignorance occupy the mind of the white supremacist. Do not let that mindset paralyze or destroy us. Be bold, be fearless, seek justice by any means necessary. Rinse and repeat. #1804





Tiffany Tubman

Twitter: @montswife16

Email: TubmanFights@gmail.com


https://www.melanoidnation.org/the-implosion-of-white-supremacy-stay-on-code/feed/ 303
Ku Klux Klan Spotted Recruiting Students At High School Football Game https://www.melanoidnation.org/ku-klux-klan-spotted-recruiting-students-at-high-school-football-game/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/ku-klux-klan-spotted-recruiting-students-at-high-school-football-game/#comments Thu, 12 Oct 2017 18:16:51 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4987

KKK fliers were stuck on car windows at a high school parking lot during a sports event

By Kenny Anthony


Onlookers at a high school football game saw the Ku Klux Klan attempting to recruit new members. However, the KKK is not alone, and similar domestic-terrorist hate-groups have been following this white supremacist recruitment code.

As we reported in August, Confederate Blood and Honour (C28), international white supremacist terror-group, were seen at the Indiana University campus passing out leaflets and stickers to white students, which is a recruitment scheme that they refer to as “Operation Brickyard”.

On October 6th at the 44% non-white Gray’s Creek High School, KKK pamphlets were put on cars and handed out to individuals that attended the football game. The fliers were filled with racially derogatory comments, specifically targeting Black athletes that were kneeling during the national anthem and “Black Lives Matter”, which is a code word for all Black people.

The message on the flier also stated: “Removal of Confederate monuments and memorabilia is a sign that people do not respect the white majority in America”.

This generational obsession with treasonous confederacy validates what Black people have always known. White supremacists do not love America, and their counterfeit patriotism is simply a smokescreen for white supremacy.

In addition, it seems that the Ku Klux Klan were successful in Southern Iowa at Creston Community High School, as a photograph of multiple students burning a cross in KKK attire circulated on social media.




The five students involved were suspended.

More white supremacist propaganda brochures were dispersed in Florida, Mississippi, Alabama and Kentucky. On October 9th, KKK notices in Jacksonville, Florida, made threats towards Black men that weremaking eyesat white women. Also, death threats directed at Black people were included in the notice, which has allegedly led to an ongoing criminal investigation.

In other words, the KKK in Jacksonville have put a target on the backs of all Black people, especially Black males that are having interracial relations with white women.

Iconic Black liberation figure, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, eloquently exposed the hidden psychology behind white inferiority, guns and white supremacists. Dr. Welsing stated: “The gun as a symbol in the white supremacy system/culture… Cannot be banned because it is the symbolic phallus substitute for the white male. The white male’s penis and testicles genetically cannot annihilate Black and other non-white males, but his gun can. Therefore to ban the gun for the white male is to castrate him symbolically, to remove his defense mechanism for the ever present threat of white genetic annihilation.

This partly explains why sexual and non-sexual interactions between Black men and white women are viewed as rape by the dominant demographic, even when it’s consensual. Throughout history, white supremacist males have used interracial unions as an excuse to terrorize and murder all Black people.

Black sexuality & masculinity is fetishized, dehumanized, demonized, and has been constantly viewed as a threat for centuries.

Neo-Nazi Alt-Right leader and president of the National Policy Institute, Richard Spencer, is one of the more “open” personalities in the white supremacist community. Spencer supports “ethnic cleansing” (Black genocide), and legal access to abortion because he believes that it would reduce the number of Black people, and he stated: “It would be a great boon for white people”. He also admits that their fear is “white annihilation” and the “deconstruction of European culture”, while ignorantly claiming that white people are “underrepresented”.

White supremacist news outlets such as Fox News have not been able to run away from the truth, and in 2008, they published an article proving that white people are genetically weaker than Black people: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/02/22/whites-genetically-weaker-than-blacks-study-finds.html.

Scientific reports show that non-whites will be the majority in America and Europe by 2050. Whites are the minority worldwide, making up less than 8% of the world’s population and they have a consistently declining birth rate.

Many white supremacists try to use these facts to justify their degenerate views and inhumane behavior. In reality, they are too incompetent to compete on an equal playing field, and their survival is dependent on how well they subjugate, oppress and disenfranchise Melanoid people.

While we continue to be at war with white supremacy, our number one target as Melanoid people should be self-preservation by any means necessary. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outdoors unsupervised, connect with like-minded Melanoid people, create international allies, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/ku-klux-klan-spotted-recruiting-students-at-high-school-football-game/feed/ 23
“There’s No Difference Between The Alt-Right, KKK & White Nationalists”: Former Neo-Nazi Exposes White Supremacists https://www.melanoidnation.org/theres-no-difference-between-the-alt-right-kkk-white-nationalists-former-neo-nazi-exposes-white-supremacists/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/theres-no-difference-between-the-alt-right-kkk-white-nationalists-former-neo-nazi-exposes-white-supremacists/#comments Tue, 10 Oct 2017 18:43:44 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4960 So called “reformed” white supremacist skinhead confirms the obvious facts about white nationalism & white extremism

By Kenny Anthony


Ancient military strategist and philosopher Sun Tz states in his treaties titled The Art of War: all war is based on deception”, and in the system of white supremacy, this is the main tactic used to dominate Melanoid people.

Self-proclaimed whitenationalists” and members of the Alt-Right often try to separate themselves from open white extremists such as the Ku Klux Klan and neoNazis. In reality, these groups follow a white supremacist code that keeps them in alliance with white supremacy. The only difference between each hate-group is the methodology and strategy used to subjugate Melanoid people. However, everything else is completely identical and their white supremacist agenda is one & the same.

One of the most prominent figures in this new age political white supremacist movement is Alt-Right leader and president of the National Policy Institute, Richard Spencer. He (Richard) denies that white extremist movements are “racist”, and he personally rejects that label.

When Donald Trump felt compelled to lightly condemn open white supremacy in Charlottesville due to social media pressure, it led to him reluctantly “denouncing” neo-Nazis and the KKK on his second attempt.

Richard flippantly responded by stating: “Racist means an irrational hatred of people, I don’t think he meant any of us”.

Self-proclaimed “former” skinhead white supremacist of Italian origin, Christian Picciolini, 30, called out Richard’s hypocrisy & deceptive comments.




Christian stated: “Onlookers shouldn’t be fooled by Spencer or other white supremacists claims that they aren’t racist. The Alt-Right and white nationalist movements are the culmination of a 30 year effort to massage the white supremacist message”.

At age 14, Picciolini joined the Chicago Area Skin Heads in 1987, which is allegedly the first organized neo-Nazi group in the United States of America. He then moved up the ranks, and was appointed as the leader in 1989.

Christian gave details of his time as an active white supremacist, and claims that he & other white supremacists realized how they were turning away average white Americans with their aggressive approach. So in order to be more “inviting”, they disguised their message of hatred with softer rhetoric, and concluded that looking and speaking more like their neighbors was crucial if they were to further expand and recruit new members.

Christian: “The idea we had was to blend in, normalize, make the message more palatable”.

For example, using codewords and dog-whistles have become a much more frequent practice among white supremacists. Instead of saying “Black people” or “niggers”, they now say “Black Lives Matter Movement” as a way to make all Black people a monolith.

Signature white supremacist tropes like “Jewish global conspiracy” and “Jewish media” have been updated to phrases such as: “liberal media” & “globalism”, says Christian. A tactic that he says has become more prevalent in Alt-Right rhetoric since and during Trump’s 2016 campaign.

This is what Picciolini had to say when addressing why the Alt-Right and “white nationalists” attempt to distance themselves from white extremists: “We lied all the time. To the media, we weren’t a hate organization — we were a pro-White organization. We felt that our white pride was being taken away. It was all spin, behind closed doors, it was all about supremacy and power and eliminating people that weren’t like us.”

Christian claims to no longer live a white supremacist lifestyle, and he now runs a non-profit “peace advocacy” organization. The focus of his company is on “helping” neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan members, and Alt-Right/far right white supremacists leave their hate-groups and hate-filled doctrines.

While we continue to be at war with white supremacy, our number one target as Melanoid people should be self-preservation by any means necessary. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outdoors unsupervised, connect with like-minded Melanoid people, create international allies, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/theres-no-difference-between-the-alt-right-kkk-white-nationalists-former-neo-nazi-exposes-white-supremacists/feed/ 86
White Lives Matter “Unite The Right 2.0” Rally Scheduled For Oct. 28 https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-lives-matter-unite-the-right-2-0-rally-scheduled-for-oct-28/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-lives-matter-unite-the-right-2-0-rally-scheduled-for-oct-28/#comments Mon, 09 Oct 2017 17:20:59 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4937 A Charlottesville inspired white supremacist “rally” in the upcoming weeks is set to be catastrophic 

By Kenny Anthony


Numerous white extremist groups have created an alliance and plan to terrorize the streets of Shelbyville, Tennessee, on October 28th. The entire neo-Nazi event is being held by Nationalist Front, which is a syndicate for multiple white suspected domestic terrorist hate-groups such as the Traditionalist Worker Party, White Lives Matter, Vanguard America, National Socialist Movement, and League of the South.

These organizations will be present at the “rally” on October 28th, but more importantly, these groups were also active at the Unite The Right domestic-terrorist riot in Charlottesville, which led to the murder of an innocent non-violent and anti-white supremacy activist, Heather Heyer. In fact, the man behind Heather’s murder (James Alex Fields Jr.), was wearing Vanguard America attire the day he committed second-degree murder.

Reports claim that the original name of this event was “Unite The Right 2.0”, but the organizers have recently changed it to “White Lives Matter”. According to the Nationalist Front, they’re holding this pro-white supremacy “rally” to protest against “refugees” settling in Tennessee, and to bring more awareness to a September shooting.

Hiding behind code-words such as “refugee” is a common white supremacist smokescreen in order to terrorize non-white people, recruit new members, spew anti-Black rhetoric, and promote xenophobic propaganda. In reality, this is another neo-Nazi riot and it’s expected to end in a disastrous fashion.

In 2006, the FBI put out a report to warn the public about white supremacists infiltrating law enforcement. The consistent enabling of white domestic-terrorism by police departments across the nation has unquestionably validated the FBI’s assessment.

Sources tell us that every hate-group in attendance on the 28th will privately meet in a closed off facility, and this will happen either before or after the “rally”. The purpose of this meeting is for them to “get to know each other”, allegedly.

Shelbyville police have not responded to a request for comment.

While we continue to be at war with white supremacy, our number one focus as Melanoid people should be self-preservation by any means necessary. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outdoors unsupervised, connect with like-minded Melanoid people, create international allies, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-lives-matter-unite-the-right-2-0-rally-scheduled-for-oct-28/feed/ 72
White Supremacists Are Creating Fake Twitter Profiles & Pretending To Be Black https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-are-pretending-to-be-black-by-creating-fake-twitter-profiles/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-are-pretending-to-be-black-by-creating-fake-twitter-profiles/#comments Thu, 05 Oct 2017 12:11:47 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4914 Racist right-wing twitter users are continuously terrorizing social media platforms with hate speech, trolling and fake accounts

By Kenny Anthony


For those of us that engage in political debates on twitter, specifically if you speak out against white supremacy, there’s a common and growing trend that you may have noticed. Throughout the past year, there’s been an influx of suspected white supremacists that have created fake accounts for the sole purpose of pretending to be Black online. Their main agenda is to troll Black people, while engaging in time-wasting deflective discussions about race such as the “what about Black on Black crime” narrative.

One of the most obvious ways to spot a suspected white supremacist troll that’s posing as a Black person is by paying close attention to their vernacular. They tend to misuse Ebonics and regurgitate outdated slang words from the 80’s. Also, they frequently choose stereotypical ghetto “Black names” and steal random photos of Black people to use as their profile picture.

If the account has an unbalanced following-to-follower ratio, a low number of tweets, a recent “joined” date of creation underneath their bio, it’s usually a clear indication of a suspected white supremacist troll. These accounts usually have a “republican” political standpoint, “MAGA” symbolism, follow known white supremacists such as Richard Spencer, and openly support Donald Trump.

Self-proclaimed “white nationalist” (which is a code-word for white supremacist), Andrew Anglin, a neo-nazi that only dates East Asian women, also a suspected former pedophile sexpat in the Asiatic Western Pacific Islands (The Philippines), along with being a degenerate terrorist sympathizer and founder of the website Daily Stormer, admitted over a year ago that their “big campaign” was to have Alt-Right white supremacist minions infiltrate twitter with fake accounts.




Andrew considered this as an act of retaliation because he felt “censored” by media outlets for his white supremacist views.

These are the direct instructions that were given to other white supremacists by Andrew Anglin: “Just go on Black Twitter and see what they look like, copy that model. Start filling it with rap videos and booty-shaking or whatever else these blacks post. Read through their posts to get an idea of how they post. You need to be able to post in a manner which is indistinguishable from normal black tweeters.”

He (Andrew), also stated: “Twitter is about to learn what happens when you mess with Republicans.”

Twitter have not responded to a request for comment.

Melanoid people should not feel obligated to engage in the mental gymnastics that suspected white supremacists manifestly and consistently present as valid arguments. Their goal is to keep us focused on trivial and more or less non-existent issues by debating in a non-sequitur argumentative fashion, while those at the top of the white supremacist food chain continue to further their developments & progress with systemic white supremacy.

While we continue to be at war with white supremacy, our number one focus as Melanoid people should be self-preservation by any means necessary. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outdoors unsupervised, connect with like-minded Melanoid people, create international allies, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacists-are-pretending-to-be-black-by-creating-fake-twitter-profiles/feed/ 83
White Supremacist Trolls: Racist Codewords https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-trolls-racist-codewords/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-trolls-racist-codewords/#comments Fri, 01 Sep 2017 16:17:49 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4641 White supremacists are using coded language on media platforms to brainstorm xenophobic schemes

By Kenny Anthony


White supremacists are constantly creating new code-words to openly further their racist agendas. These code-words are intended to create confusion among victims of white supremacy, and they’re often used to manipulate the truth. When confronted with data and statistics, the last resort for a white supremacist is to engage in deflective discussions by mentioning “Black on Black crime” or “Liberals/Democrats”. In addition, time-wasting white supremacist trolls usually result to derogatory racist insults and extreme death threats.

Here is a list (with photographic evidence) of the white supremacist code-words that can be found all throughout social media:

14 Words – A white supremacist slogan meaning: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”.

88 Represents the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with “HH” standing for “Heil Hitler“.

Far Right – White supremacist.

Alt-RightWhite supremacist.

White Nationalist White supremacist.

Fascist White supremacist.

MuslimsAnybody non-white.

Looters All Black people.

Illegal Aliens/Immigrants – Anybody non-white.

Rioters All Black people.

GangsAll Black people.

Thugs All Black people.

Black Lives MatterAll Black people.

GoogleAll Black people.

Yahoo – Latino/Mexican”.

Antifa – Anybody willing to fight against white supremacy.

Normies – Anybody against injustice & white supremacy. Used by the “Kekistan” cult.

Snowflake –  Anybody against injustice & white supremacy (usually a white person).

Skittles – Brown and Black Muslims/people.

Reggin – A racial slur meaning “nigger”, just spelled backwards.

Skype –  White people that class themselves as Jewish.

Dindus – A racial mockery/insult initially referring to innocent Black people that are wrongly convicted, and it’s also a general term used for all Black people.

Western – All white people.

We Wuz Kangz & Shiieet – A racial insult designed to discredit/mock the accomplishments and advancements of Black people throughout history. They use “I’m White and I Say So” logic to refute the information.

SS – When the “SS” are shaped like lightning bolts, it represents Hitler’s secret police. Commonly used by numerous white supremacist groups.

Cuck – In white supremacist culture, any white person that speaks out against white supremacy and Black oppression tends to be called a “cuck”.



Also, it’s fair to suspect people of being a white supremacist if they use Pepe The Frog memes because it’s now an official hate symbol.

This list is designed to make the process of identifying a white supremacist uncomplicated and effortless. However, it’s important to note that somebody could still be a white supremacist even if they do not subscribe to these specific code-words. This calls for us as Melanoid people to be attentive and socially aware. At this current moment, white supremacist domestic-terrorist groups are using racial tensions as ammunition to recruit members. To ensure that they lose this war, we must consistently be prepared and organized.

Our advice: Be alert, connect with like-minded Melanoid people, do not let your children go outside unsupervised, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-trolls-racist-codewords/feed/ 416
The Dangerous Neo-Nazi Cult: “Kekistan” https://www.melanoidnation.org/dangerous-neo-nazi-cult-kekistan/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/dangerous-neo-nazi-cult-kekistan/#comments Tue, 22 Aug 2017 20:19:21 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4482 A racist craze is gaining social and political momentum through social media

By Kenny Anthony


Kekistan is a degenerate social-engineering white supremacist cult created by 4chan users. One of the early promoters of Kekistan is a suspected racist YouTuber named Sargon of Akkad. Many would say that he’s responsible for its popularity, specifically for its emergence on Twitter.

One noticeable aspect of Kekistan is their obsession with anime and Pepe The Frog. The character has become so tainted by racists that the Anti-Defamation League were forced to list it as an official hate symbol. Ironically, Kekistan get their name from an ancient African deity (which they allegedly worship), named: “Kek”.

Stealing and claiming African inventions is unquestionably the norm in the system of white supremacy. White supremacists have relentlessly used cultural appropriation as a deceptive mechanism throughout history, and unfortunately the cycle continues today. It must be mentioned that aside from being extremely xenophobic, “Kekistanis” are devoted to online trolling. This explains why they revere the writing on the Kek statue, which has been interpreted by them as a person sitting in front of a computer-desk. It somewhat symbolizes their agenda, one that’s centred around harassing and attacking anybody that is anti-white supremacy. For centuries, white supremacists have used deception as their primary tool to completely subjugate Melanoid people.


A key principle of Kekistan is “Meme Magic”, which is an idea that can only be achieved through social media. The goal of Meme Magic is to make political agendas come true by excessively sharing memes, no matter how illogical or racist the memes may be. This concept was used numerously by European terrorist & dictator, Adolf Hitler. He (Hitler) once stated: “If you tell a big enough lie and repeat it frequently, it will be believed”. It is fair to say that Kekistanis are greatly inspired by 20th century Nazi propaganda. More importantly, white supremacists claim that Meme Magic was used to create the deplorable Donald Trump fanbase, and they say that Meme Magic is what helped him get elected. Although, at the time of his presidential campaign, white supremacists dismissed this notion. Instead, they called it a “harmless joke” which “shouldn’t be taken seriously”. From the Ku Klux Klan to Donald Trump becoming the president, history has taught us to never ignore or disregard anything a white supremacist portrays as a “joke”. Especially since Kekistan members were seen promoting Nazism at the “Unite The Right” domestic-terrorism riot in Charlottesville, Virginia.


(Below are pictures of Neo-Nazi white supremacists with Kekistan-esque flags on the top left side of their shirts, while they march and do the Hitler/Sieg Heil salute).





















This brings us onto the Kekistan code-words which you may not be aware of. They call people that are against white supremacy Normies”, and they preach that Normies belong to another fictional country called “Normistan” and sometimes “Cuckistan”.



The name (Cuckistan), is a play on the porno word “cuck”, which is an emasculating slur commonly used by white supremacists. The term is usually applied to a white male that enjoys watching his girlfriend, wife, sister, or mother, enagage in sexual affairs with a Black male. Also, any white person that speaks out against Black oppression and wants equality, tends to be called a “cuck” by white supremacists.

Another popular term in their community is “Snowflake”. A term from the days of World War II Germany, used by Nazi soldiers when referring to the remains of those incinerated in concentration camps. This is not surprising because after careful investigation, research has shown that Kekistan are affiliated with “Alt-Right” Neo-Nazi, Richard Spencer.

For those that are unaware, Richard Spencer not only throws the Sieg Heil (Nazi salute) at his rallies, he also promotes Black genocide and white racial superiority based on pseudoscience & ahistoricism. He (Richard), has publicly used Kekistan to support his ideas, which only solidifies the claims of this being a white extremist movement.






In modern times, credible historians admit that there were Jewish people helping Nazis conduct the Holocaust. Today, there’s an abundance of non-white people collaborating with systemic white supremacy. In the Kekistan cult, there’s a Black man who goes by the name of “Big Man Tyrone”, and he is referred to as the president of their white supremacist “country”. On his YouTube channel, he spends his time regurgitating Fox News talking-points in a dim-witted fashion.





Though this may sound odd, what must be remembered is that Barack Obama was once president of the most racist nation to ever exist. Many speculate that Mr. Obama’s presidency was a ploy to create the illusion of a post-racial society. One that was designed to manipulate and desensitize the masses, so that when blatant acts of racism occur, there’s a lack of outrage & immediate dismissal. This would explain the disingenuous camaraderie that Kekistani white supremacists have with Big Man Tyrone.



In conclusion, Kekistan is a terrorist group governed by white supremacists. Their basis is online trolling, racism, separatism, harassment, violent protesting and Neo-Nazism, while downplaying their racism by passing them off as “jokes”.
























Kekistan are heavily linked with the “Alt-Right”, which makes them a significant threat to the safety of Melanoid people worldwide.

Our advice: Be alert, connect with like-minded Melanoid people, do not let your children go outside unsupervised, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/dangerous-neo-nazi-cult-kekistan/feed/ 335
White Supremacist Group “Blood and Honour” Have Returned https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-group-blood-and-honour-have-returned/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-group-blood-and-honour-have-returned/#comments Fri, 18 Aug 2017 18:54:11 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4393 White people across the country are being recurited by a racist organization

By Kenny Anthony


Confederate Blood & Honour (C28) is an extremist “white power” movement with a xenophobic social ideology. The official U.S branch identify themselves as the “Blood & Honour American Division”, and their doctrine is heavily inspired by Hitlerism. Like all Neo-Nazi gangs, they support ethnic cleansing and promote racial superiority based on pseudoscience & ahistoricism. Their name “Blood & Honor” (Blut und Ehre), is a 20th century motto which comes from the “Hitler Youth”, an illegal children’s division of the Nazi Party in Germany. The organization was created by a “musician” from London, England, named Ian Stuart Donaldson. He (Ian), was the lead singer of the RAC band Skrewdriver in 1987.

C28 often use labels such as “white nationalist” or “our folk”, which are simply code-words for white supremacist. According to them, they are a “network for socio-political white activism”. In truth, they’re a dangerous international hate-group that pose a threat to our safety as Melanoid people.

Reports show that the group have 10 state chapters and they’ve been known to host white supremacist rallies, concerts, gatherings & public demonstrations across the nation. They also produce books and literature that glamorize Nazi propaganda and anti-diversity principles.

Following the consistent rise of right-wing militia groups, it’s not surprising that C28 have an affiliation with a mixed martial arts fight club named “Confederation of Volkisch (CVFC)”. More importantly, they’ve now followed in the footsteps of the Alt-Right by engaging in political affairs.

Also, C28 have joined forces with Bill Roper, a “ChristianNeo—Nazi whose father and grandfather were active members of the Klu Klux Klan. He (Roper), continued this degenerate family legacy by becoming a skinhead thug as a teenager in the 1980’s.

Roper would be what we call a traditional white supremacist, which is why he’s condemned other Neo-Nazis such as Richard Spencer and Brad Griffin for having intimate relationships with East Asian women. In reference to Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer, Roper called him a “gay loving, Asian dating libertarian”.

It must be mentioned that prior to dedicating his life to complete Nazism, Roper was given the opportunity to miseducate Melanoid people by being a public-school history teacher. Not only does this prove that every area of society is governed by white supremacy, but it also confirms the existence of institutionalized racism. Roper now runs a social media network called “ShieldWall Network”, which many white supremacist groups (including C28) use as an outlet to publicize their material.


(Below are photos from a white supremacist meeting organized by TradWorker, in the greater Chattanooga area. Multiple white supremacist groups attended this congregation, and Confederate 28 Blood & Honour were one of them).


















Even though C28 have cowardly kept their identity hidden, they were exposed thanks to a photo taken four years ago at a Tom Pierce white supremacist gathering. Tom Pierce, last known to be a Council of Conservatives board member, is a self-proclaimed “white separatist”, which is just another popular code-word for white supremacist. He’s also a close C28 associate, and frequently attends Blood and Honour American Division events & meetings.


        (Photo of Tom Pierce with suspected white supremacist C28 members).


In addition, C28 were spotted at the Indiana University campus attempting to recruit members by passing out stickers & pamphlets. This is a recruitment scheme which they refer to as “Operation Brickyard”. The college security knew of their presence, but they were still given the privilege and respect to conduct their Nazi agenda. At a soccer game on July 15th, two C28 skinheads were kicked out for openly doing the Hitler-salute, although the suspected white supremacist security guards only removed them once numerous complaints were made.

Confederate Blood & Honour (C28) were on a five-year intermission which started just before President Obama’s second presidential term. Coincidentally, the year that Donald Trump is elected as President of the United States of America, happens to be the same year that C28 decided to make a mainstream re-emergence.

Credible sources tell us that within the next month, C28 plan to “march” in Southern California and Tennesse. Melanoid Nation will continue to update the family on any new information. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outside unsupervised, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/white-supremacist-group-blood-and-honour-have-returned/feed/ 128
Donald Trump: The Man Empowering White Supremacists https://www.melanoidnation.org/donald-trump-the-man-empowering-white-supremacists/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/donald-trump-the-man-empowering-white-supremacists/#comments Wed, 16 Aug 2017 01:22:03 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4259 Trump refuses to denounce the support of Neo-Nazi domestic terrorists in Virginia

By Kenny Anthony


The Alt-Right white supremacist terrorism in Charlottesville has caused a global feeling of outrage and vexation. Although people want a solution to the problem, many want to address the people responsible for this violent white power rally. Rightfully so, fingers are being pointed at the so-called President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Alt-Right YellsHeil Trump”: https://twitter.com/tomperriello/status/896405681837936642


White supremacists nationwide traveled to be a part of this catastrophic event. The local governments decision to remove the statue of white supremacist Confederate General, Robert E Lee, is allegedly what triggered the “Unite The Right” march. He (Trump) is being blamed for the Neo-Nazi acts of terror, which has resulted in 3 dead (2 from helicopter crashes) and more than 30 people injured.


A dangerous Nazi domestic-terrorist named James Alex Fields Jr. murdered Heather Heyer, 32, an innocent activist from Greene County, Virginia. James ploughed his vehicle at full-speed into a group of peaceful anti-white supremacy protesters, which is what caused Heather’s death. The act was caught on camera and the video has been circulating on social media.

VIDEO: https://twitter.com/KevRincon/status/896436174457368577



The Mayor of Virginia, Michael Singer, openly expressed his views and stated that the responsibility must lay with Mr. Trump for inflaming racial prejudice during his presidential campaign in 2016. In his own words, he said: “I place the blame for a lot of what you’re seeing in America today at the doorstep of the White House, and the people around the president”.


David Duke, current member of the Klu Klux Klan and ex-leader, came out & confirmed that the “Unite The Right” march was to “fulfil the promises made by Donald Trump”. In other words, the chaos and destruction, the fascist and anti-Black rhetoric, the violence and Nazism, was on behalf of their elected president. Trump is hesitant to condemn these racists, because he knows that white supremacists are his base and core audience. Instead, he deflected and minimized the severity of these terror acts by claiming that bigotry & hate is coming from “many sides”. In reality, white supremacists that self-identify as “white nationalists” are the only people guilty of perpetuating bigotry & hatred.


White supremacist female that shouted, “you sound like a n*gger”, with suspected domestic-terrorist/confirmed white supremacist, Baked Alaska.

VIDEO: https://twitter.com/TheTizio/status/896263195056275456


Racist white men and women have been roaming the streets shouting “n*gger” & chanting the 19th century Nazi motto “Blood and Soil”. In addition, white “militia groups” (many dressed in Nazi attire), were intimidating innocent bystanders with machine-guns. This situation needs to be carefully monitored, because if these people aren’t punished, it means that the government is subliminally proclaiming a war on Melanoid people.


Black Kids Being Terrorized: https://twitter.com/ChuckModi1/status/896409728959606789



One noticeable aspect about this “Unite The Right” riot is that the majority of these white terrorists where unmasked. Typically, they’d go out of their way to keep their faces and identities hidden. However, with Trump in office (one of their own), they’ve now become extremely bold and they no longer fear prosecution.


If the roles were reversed and an innocent unarmed Black man was killed, Trump would openly condemn the entire Black community for peacefully protesting & demanding justice. In fact, the streets would be filled with S.W.A.T teams, police tanks, riot gear, tear gas and water hoses. Something we haven’t seen during this Neo-Nazi terror demonstration.


Violent Domestic Terrorism: https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/896245781014888448


The blame is deservedly placed on Trump, but we cannot forget the racist mainstream media that have empowered hate-groups like the Alt-Right. They’re undeniably complicit because they’ve consistently enabled white supremacy.


The ADL have announced that the “Unite The Right” catastrophe is possibly the largest white supremacist gathering in the last decade. Also, white terror organizations across the country have made a re-emergence, including the KKK who are now active in 33 states with over 40 affiliated groups. This is possibly the first time in history that white supremacist coalitions have put personal differences aside, and united under the same umbrella to declare war on Melanoid people.


Melanoid Nation will continue to update the family on any new information. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outside unsupervised, and exercise your Second Amendment.

https://www.melanoidnation.org/donald-trump-the-man-empowering-white-supremacists/feed/ 68
Charlottesville Terror: Identifying The Neo-Nazis By Name https://www.melanoidnation.org/charlottesville-terror-identifying-the-neo-nazis-by-name/ https://www.melanoidnation.org/charlottesville-terror-identifying-the-neo-nazis-by-name/#comments Tue, 15 Aug 2017 08:03:44 +0000 http://melanoidnation.org/?p=4189 Exposing the Alt-Right thugs, killers and domestic terrorists in Charlottesville, Virginia

By Kenny Anthony


At this current stage of white supremacy, knowing the difference between white people and white supremacists is critical for our safety & survival as Melanoid people. The “white power” terrorist organizations that were present during the “Unite The Right” riot should be named, shamed and immediately punished with no exceptions. So, while these men continue to roam the streets and create an unsafe living environment for our children, elderly, men, women and all the above, we at Melanoid Nation must consistently update Melanoid people to protect our families.


This is the man guilty of murdering Heather Heyer, an innocent protester fighting against white supremacy at the “Unite The Right riot. His name is James Alex Fields Jr., 20, from Maumee, Ohio, and a member of Vanguard America which is a white terrorist organization. People that knew James often labeled him as “disillusioned”, and his former teachers stated that he’d write reports that were “along the party lines of the Neo-Nazi movement”. According to sources, he was fond of military history, idolized Hitler, and felt sympathetic towards Nazism.



The man pictured with the thick moustache is Matthew Colligan, 27, a white supremacist that resides in Boston, originally from Southborough, Massachusetts. He is a close friend and associate of popular suspected white terrorist Basked Alaska.

Twitter: @Millennial_Matt




This man has been identified as William Fears, a Neo-Nazi white supremacist from Texas. He’s been seen traveling all over of the country to attend Alt-Right marches. Here’s a video of him being chocked for in-sighting xenophobic hatred at a rally in Houston: https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=69s&v=KF8rMGJWnLo

Twitter: @FearsWilliam




Pete Tefft, Alt-Right white supremacist from Fargo, North Dakota, was seen in a video at the “Unite The Right” riot when a camera-man was violently assaulted.

VIDEO: https://twitter.com/UR_Ninja/status/896216429065850880




Richard Spencer, 39, originally from Boston, now residing in Alexandria, Virginia. He’s a dangerous Neo-Nazi white supremacist, president of the National Policy Institute (racist think-tank), and leader of the Alt-Right.





Ken Reed, founder of the Facebook Group: “White Lives Matter”, and one of the Neo-Nazis present at the “Unite The Right riot.







White supremacist YouTuber, Chris Cantwell, seen at the “Unite The Right” riot being aggressive and intimidating while spraying peaceful students with mace. However, in self-defense, innocent non-racist protestors fought back. Here is a video of him after the incident: https://twitter.com/JordanUhl/status/896425715201175552





Peter Cvjetanovic, a menacing Neo-Nazi that works for Benteler Automotive and attends the University of Nevada. On the right, he is pictured with Sen. Dean Heller. People in high positions of power being associated with white supremacists is a serious threat for Melanoid people.




Tyler TenBrink, a savage white supremacist from Kalamazoo, Michigan, but currently lives in Richmond, Texas. Here is a suspected white supremacist female reminding him that his agenda is: “Seek and Kill”.





Cole White, an Alt-Right Neo-Nazi white supremacist residing in Berkeley, California



He participated in a bloody right-wing demonstration on April 15th and sucker-punched innocent protestors. Once pictures of him surfaced on social media at the “Unite The Right” riot, his former workplace (Top Dog), made an official statement stating that he no longer worked for the company. To clarify, Cole resigned and was not fired. Top Dog did not condemn him for his actions in Charlottesville. Top Dog response: “we respect our employees right to their own opinions”. In the system of white supremacy, white supremacists hardly ever get fired, they either resign or get transferred.





Michael Ramos, a Neo-Nazi domesticterrorist spotted assaulting and attempting to murder an innocent young Black man named Deandre Harris. Michael had an improvised weapon (covered with a blue shirt), wrapped around the hand that he assaulted Deandre with.





Neo-Nazi Daniel Borden from Mason, Ohio, seen assaulting and attempting to murder Deandre Harris.


Melanoid Nation will continue to update the family on any new information. Our advice: Be alert, do not let your children go outside unsupervised, and exercise your Second Amendment

https://www.melanoidnation.org/charlottesville-terror-identifying-the-neo-nazis-by-name/feed/ 278