Identifying Members Of Shea Butter Twitter

Shea Butter Twitter is a term that has been floating around “Black twitter” and other Black social media circles for the past couple of years. But there has never been clear and concise explanation of who and what Shea Butter Twitter (SBT) is.

Shea Butter Twitter is basically a loose network of pretend Black “feminists” and sexually confused Black male nerds who troll and gossip on twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And they all try to disguise their trolling behind a false veil of political or social activism.

Many people in Shea Butter Twitter are struggling freelance “writers” who etch out a living by begging for odd jobs writing freelance articles for white run companies. Many of these white run media companies will sometimes prop up members of Shea Butter Twitter to act as the voice of Black society. They do this because they know that SBT will not do anything to seriously challenge white supremacy. As a matter of fact, Shea Butter Twitter will actually attack other Black people who do challenge systematic white supremacy.

The common denominator with most members of Shea Butter Twitter, is they will never talk about independent empowerment specifically for Black society. These people are the main proponents of non-reciprocal “intersectionality” with other groups who generally places white supremacy first.

The only thing “Black” that SBT supports is the use of Black hair care products for many of their natural hairstyles, and their use of Jojoba oil and shea butter. Hence the name, Shea Butter Twitter.

But other than the use (and sometimes they will actually sell shea butter themselves) of shea butter and African hair products, SBT has zero interest in uplifting Black society as a collective. In fact most of SBT has a secret disdain for Black society. And there is particularly an anti-Black male sentiment among members of SBT.

Many members of SBT will try to pretend their natural hairstyles are forms of African affinity. But the only reason many of them wear natural hair is because their white male and oftentimes white lesbian sexual partners think it’s more exotic to them.














Though there are several people who represent SBT, some of the central figures of Shea Butter Twitter are: Luvvie Ajayi, Damon Young, Jamilah Lemieux and Feminista Jones.

The holy trinity of Shea Butter Twitter:Luvvie Ajayi, Damon Young and Jamilah Lemieux

The holy trinity of Shea Butter Twitter:Luvvie Ajayi, Damon Young and Jamilah Lemieux




Lets focus on these four key people. We will start with:

Jamilah Lemieux




Jamilah Lemieux is one of the head editors at Ebony magazine, and many people have attributed the decline of that publication to the antics of Lemieux. Lemieux has allowed all types of anti- Black male propaganda to sully the reputation of Ebony mag. Jamilah also gives a platform to other Shea Butters to write freelance articles on Ebony to further promote their “intersectional” agendas. Jamilah was recently on The Breakfast Club radio show where she and another “feminist” promoted their anti-Black male rhetoric by telling the vicious lie that “the number 2 cause of death for Black women was Black men.” After her appearance on that broadcast, many people thoroughly debunked her lies citing numerous sources.




Luvvie Ajayi




Luvvie Ajayi is a blogger and “intersectional” pretend feminist, and this image of Luvvie here should explain everything you need to know about her.





Damon Young





Damon Young is a Gay Lives Matter advocate and a writer for Ebony and GQ magazine. His whole schtick is being the nerdy-non-threatening-negro who whites can be comfortable around. He writes a “relationship” blog for other Black nerds called “Very Smart Brothas”, where he basically gossips about Black celebrities.




Feminista Jones


Feminista Jones is one of the most active trolls who make up Shea Butter Twitter. Jones pretends to be a “Black feminist”, but the only thing “feminist” about her is her nickname. Jones could care less about the plight of Black women (based on the lack of tangible things she has done or produced to help Black women), and she has shown utter contempt for Black males. Jones has actively worked with suspected white supremacists who have tried to implement public policies to harm Black society.



So the next time you see SBT spreading their usual rhetoric, you will now have an understanding of what their real agenda is.

369 thoughts on “Identifying Members Of Shea Butter Twitter

  1. 1234 says:

    Members of Shea butter twitter:


    1. des says:

      A long list of traitors of our ppl. These ppl and their followers are very annoying. They claim their gender/sexuality first, Black 2nd.

      1. Rayaan Qureshi says:

        You are fucking stupid if you think sexuality is not as important as ethnicity and race

        1. Trock says:

          What? No one cares who you’re fucking nim nut.

        2. Cave Crusher says:

          Homophile be quiet

    2. Brellow says:

      Can you put those names in alphabetical order?

      1. Bill Reed says:

        Here is the list in alphabetical order:


        1. Mahsood says:

          This is missing Zoe Samudzi who just conflated “hotep Twitter” with Nazis today

    3. lisa says:

      i gotta lot of bed wenches to block

    4. Robert Smothers III says:

      We shouldn’t even be giving them a LOOK let alone an entire article. We are supposed to be looking and seeing what the racists are up to next, not the shadowboxers. whats the goal of this article?

      1. Eric says:

        I smell some shea butter .

      2. cass says:

        to inform

  2. AJ says:

    Thank you for point them out because they’re put on by the predominant society has “The Face of Black People” in media which I’m glad we’re not taking them seriously and recognizing what their agenda truly is

    1. Romano M Coombs says:

      @AJ They are “brownface”; using their Black/Brown skin to ATTACK/HARM the Black Community! I had the term added to UrbanDictionary. It’s clearly needed in the Black/ADOS lexicon!

  3. Jimi Parm says:

    Wow!!!!! Information with muscle to it!!!! I dig this article!!! It truly pulls back the cover….Shea butter Twitter!! Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

  4. John Scott says:

    Those Batty Butter Bed Wenches can go ALL THE WAY to hell. I’m so sick of these broads attacking black men I don’t know what to do. These coons are going down in 2017.

  5. james says:

    all those niggas look ashy

  6. Wodesan says:

    Perfect. It’s good we’re identifying these folks because when things get real they’ll try to slip back into our circles like it’s all good. Naw, u ain’t on our team! Lol

  7. AKSourGod says:

    This is a immensely appreciated article here. Especially with the Twit handles at the end damn!!!

  8. S says:

    Thanks for calling them out.

  9. Kris Morris says:

    Great information. Thanks for sharing and bring this to light.

  10. BlksBdumb says:

    Brainless monkey’s

    1. Me says:

      Then get off of a black webpage about black people and go back to your cave. You need protection for that pig skin of yours.

  11. Shea Butter says:

    There are white women on this list. You gotta be an inbred fatherfucker to have written this, and even more ignorant to believe any of it.

  12. Ghost says:

    Everyone on the list is ashy. More coon than Cam Newton.

  13. Who's woke? says:

    I wonder how many people on this list you have actually met and what is the specific criteria you base you assumptions on because I see names who are organizers, have publications with both Black and white run companies and are considerably educated in regards to the Black experience in America. As always, it is imperative that if we criticize people specifically, we know every aspect about who we are criticizing because we may end up simply being an uninformed troll ourself.

  14. MissZindzi says:

    This is one of the saddest blogs I’ve ever seen, and the list is even sadder. All this shit reeks of “I ate lunch in the principal’s office because no one let me sit at their table”.

  15. Tara Johnson says:

    Tariq talk mad shit about black women but this nigga is buck dancing with his half breed, half white wife. Ask Tariq what does his mother in law look like and if she’s white. If his mother in law was black she would be called a negro bed wench for having his wife.

    1. Deez Nuts says:

      Wow… you comment… your miserable…. anyways half Black ppl aren’t Black? And when does Tariq call regular Black women bedwenches he doesn’t he calls the black women who down Black ppl including Black women and sleep with white ppl who don’t wanna destroy the system of Racism White Supremacy…. your probably one

    2. cass says:

      she would be called this by whom?

    3. Really?! says:

      You are full of shit with your lying ass! I’ve never heard Tariq talk shit about black women. Are you another one of these miserable bitches who can’t think for themselves that just follows whatever ideology your social media friends tell you? Many of you just want constant spotlight and attention and can’t stand for anyone other than yourselves to get recognition. You play in your fake ass digital world where you get to finally be somebody childishly attacking soft targets over the most stupidest & trivial shit like fucking bullies thinking you’ve done something because someone changes, deletes, or apologizes over a god damn tweet. Meanwhile there’s real shit going on in the world, but your weak immature ass would rather clique up with other childish ass women and engage in high school antics. When you’re not doing that, you let these white feminist sic you on whoever they tell your dumb ass to target like loyal dogs who get nothing in return. Smfh

      “Wonder why they call you bitch…”

  16. D'Juan says:

    Real Black media exposing the plants. Respect

  17. lillian says:

    need to do symbols he went moon important good

  18. Patty Petteh says:

    ‘preciate the list, Love *saves* makes the click worth it. HNY!

  19. Patty Petteh says:

    *announcer’s voice*


    I prolly only scrolled by a few folks from this list on my tl, but it’s really kind of sad how the few I’ve read trying to lend facts & thereby shed light on some real shit, and maybe lead a mind or two away from toxic thinking, were described in the preamble. Ion’follow either of the three ladies highlighted, so this aineem about them. But to me it all feels like the Nieces & Nephews rising up against the Aunties & Uncles. Not just this flimsy ass blog piece, but the whole movement against “pretend feminists” & they male counterparts. Yall lil young ass 90s babies/old ass ‘Grown’ babies, mad at the Mama & the World, spittin on folks who tryna tell you some shit you think you know too much to hear. Some of these folks be tryna unlearn yo ass to some shit you misperceived in yo early youth but didn’t have anyone to break it all down for you & so you built a whole damn belief system around it. Ijs. Sit yall lil asses dahn somegatdamnwhere & lisssstennnn for a change. And yeah I saved that gatdamn list, because I can use some more ppl to check out & perhaps follow. So, thanks again.
    Be well.

    1. Big Neechi says:

      nigga shut your bitch ass up with that dumb shit

    2. Endless says:

      As an 80s baby, I can attest that the majority of my friends & family DISAGREE with the antics & platform of most of, if not all of Shea Butter Twitter. It has absolutely nothing to do with nieces & nephews rising up because good & grown folks don’t agree with their asses either lol

      With that said, I found this article informative & the comment section hilarious. I was not aware that the one girl wrote for Ebony. I haven’t read Ebony in over a decade. It has been on a decline for a while now. Essence Magazine is still okay from time to time.

  20. Hannibal says:

    I nominate the new 2017 bed wench award to serena williams

    1. Endless says:

      You’re clearly a hater & deflecting from the core topic. Serena is marrying someone on her financial level. Are you mad that she didn’t marry one of your broke ass cousins named Tyrone or Pookie? lol

      I’m all for going “in” on Shea Butter Twitter but not at the expense of Black people who have actually accomplished something. Serena is accomplished & not up for discussion. She’s in the history books. Leave it there & get a life.

      1. Truespit says:

        OJ has well accomplished too.
        Is he above criticism for his infatuation with whites? I’m not comparing Serena to OJ just debunking your argument that she’s somehow above reproach because she’s accomplished.

        Serena’s not above criticism. I don’t what the white boy’s financial level is but he’s certainly not on her racial level. As someone who’s always defended Serena against the constant racial abuse that her and her sister have been subjected to in their tennis careers, I won’t be defending her anymore now that she’s decided to marry into white supremacy.

        1. Lukester says:

          Truespit. I guess that you could call Serena marrying a White guy as “marrying into White supremacy”. But then what would you call it if she went with one of these low-hanging-drawers, gold gleaming in yo teefus thug Negroes? It would be like Don Cornelius playing a soul version of Elvis’s “In The Ghetto” lol.

          1. Yall Don't Fool Me says:

            As if those are the only black men that exist. Please stfu! Serena is just another black woman that yearns to be validated by white approval. When whites (and SOME blacks) were claiming how manly she was built Common rocked with her and Drake did too, but suddenly it became ONLY black men that weren’t feeling her because Bed Wenches needed something to hide their yearning for white male attention behind. Serena couldn’t wait to show the world that she was going to have a mixed child because we all know having a child with white daddy makes it SO SPECIAL! Gosh who but someone that feels inferior would think having a mixed child versus a child of their own race is such an accomplishment? FOH! We know she drank that self hating Kool-Aid and wasn’t going to feel complete until white daddy gave her the nod that she was desirable. You can use your lame excuses of black men not being on her level all you want, but some of us see thru that bullshit. Go get your white men, but when you fuck that up who’s fault will it be then? Guess it’ll be time to become a lesbian, huh?

      2. SwtTea says:

        NOT! She has WAY more money than her fiance!

      3. Fuckyoubitch!!!! says:

        And she’s still a fuckin bed wench even wit all that money. Things that make you go hmmmm……

  21. Just me says:

    I never understood why blk people put their sexuality ahead of the race. Being gay myself , ive lost friends because I did the complete opposite. I refuse to wear any “gay colors” ’cause I feel like im supporting white supremacy and most gay white people have a strong hate towards blk gays… Im all about black empowerment not all this white gay , feminists junk!.

    1. Lukester says:

      Unfortunately, the level of hatred against gay or so-called “same gender loving” men in the Black community in the U.S. is astounding. And don’t even get me started about gays & lesbians in most of Dictator governed sub-Saharan Africa. If you are not executed or beaten to death, you will be stripped of your property and rights (not that the average Black man in sub-Saharan Africa has much property or many rights that are respected by the brutal political thugs that control most of those countries today…since the White man left).

      1. You Need Some Milk says:

        And while you’re worried about that, your white buddies in the U.S. ain’t gonna do shit to help your sad gay ass if you get caught up in this racist ass country. I guess being gay doubles for being bulletproof. Probably a white troll anyway though making those talking points as if anyone here is responsible for what may be going on in Africa. Oh I forgot it’s only blacks that have a problem with gays. The rest of humanity never said or did anything but be angels with the arms spread wide glowing with acceptance lol

  22. Vangie Griffin says:

    This is a very interesting and important read. I saw those two frauds on the Breakfast club….it was embarrassing!!!

  23. Valpvcinox says:


  24. Theo says:

    Wow, this article is VERY informative, whoever wrote it, Thank you very much

  25. Lana says:

    Very impressive feat, I hope someone deals with these coons because white supremacists deal with theirs.

    1. Lukester says:

      Coons you say? Like that great old ragtime number “All Coons Look Alike To Me”

      1. Robert Smothers III says:

        EXACTLY. while collectively black folk are trying to “expose coons” etc, the white supremacists are practicing racism/white supremacy on ALL OF US. This poison is so deep in us its sad sometimes.

  26. Lukester says:

    Wow. All this hatred within the Black community. Everybody fighting each other like they back in the jungle. Shea Butter & Natural Hair be good for Black folks. The weaves is making Black ladies bald and they is nasty!

  27. Rick Richi says:

    Those folks got a gang!

  28. Pro black says:

    The irony in this article is astounding.

  29. Bill Reed says:

    Alphabetized List:


  30. michelle says:

    Y’all love to write and post articles with no facts or evidence. You claim this woman has worked with suspected white supremacists but never name any. And your only reason for disliking another woman is the fact that she’s a lesbian. That’s all. You lose members of the black community with your blatant homophobia. I hope no one takes this ridiculous site seriously

  31. Thomas says:

    Great post! Have nice day ! 🙂 ugodw

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    انواع الميكرويف لا تتردد فى الاتصال بنا اذا
    صادفك عطل فى جهاز الميكروويف فنحن مستعدون دائما للصيانة الفورية ب بيتك فى اى مكان و لآى موديل من موديلات كما من واجبنا ان نحذر من كثيرمن مراكز الاصلاح التى تدعى انها
    تنفذ الصيانة بمنزلك\مكانك ولكنها فى الحقيقة بمجرد ان تصل لبيتك تتحجج بأى سبب و تقنعك
    انه لا يصلح التصليح بالمنزل و يجب
    ان يتم نقله و تلك المراكز غير حقيقية و هى فى
    الاساس لا تمتلك فنيين تخصصوا على الاصلاح بمنزلك و كل هدفهم هو
    نقل الجهاز بعيد عن عين العميل لجعله حقل تجارب و لفرض تكلفة صيانة ضخمة على العميل نحن الوحيدون الذين يوفروا تصليح بالمنزل
    فعلا لذا نختلف عن اى مركز اخر ، يقوم مركز تصليح ميكروويف ببتوفير ارشادات ما قبل الاصلاح لاجهزة , فيمكنك تعلم
    استعمال اجهزة من البداية , والتعرف علي الطرق الصحيحة للمحافظة
    علي سلامة منتجات الالكترونية, كما نقوم
    بتدريب فيين اصلاح على احدث اساليب تكنولوجيا صيانة والتدريب على احدث اجهزة كشف الاعطال الحديثة الخاصة فى
    اجهزة الالكترونية ،معنا تستطيع الحصول على نصائح و ارشادات للمحافظة على
    ميكرويف من الاعطال و ايضا
    لزيادة العمر التشغيلى لفرن الميكروويف و ذلك عن طريق التواصل معنا اما عبر موقعنا
    لتصليح الميكروويف او عن طريف الاتصال عبر التليفون على الرقم
    الموحد و التى تتم على جميع افران ميكروويف
    المحلية و المستورده و نحن بحرصنا على تركيب
    قطع غيار اصلية نضمن تقديم خدمة بكفاءة عالية
    و بارخص الاسعار حيث اننا نوفر على
    العميل مصاريف نقل الجهاز من و الى المراكز
    لآننا لا ننقل جهاز ابدا من منزل العميل ما عليك سوى ان تتصل بنا نصلك اينما كنت وفى نفس اليوم و التصليح
    فورى مهما كان صعوبة عطل ميكرويف
    لاننا لدينا المهندسين و الفنيين
    القادرين على تحديد العطل و التصليح بمهارة فى اى جهاز كما اننا نقدر وقت العميل من حيث الوصول اليه
    فى نفس اليوم و القيام بالخدمة كاملة فى منزله دون تعطيل
    لذا نحن مركز التصليح الاول لميكروويف و المتخصص الوحيد فى تقديم ال خدمة الفورية فى اصلاح
    ببيتك بافضل الاسعار خبراء الصيانة المتخصصون فنيون خبراء فى مجال
    عملهم اكتسبوا الخبرة اللازمة في
    مراكزنا مدربون على فنون التصليح المتقدمةبشهاده خبرة وجودة اكفاء
    في عملهم ، مهندسون وفنيون لتصليح افران الميكرويف وهم مهارة في كشف الاعطال بالاجهزة لاننا نستخدم
    احدث الامكانيات الموجوده بالاسواق
    والتكنولوجيا العاليه في مجالنا مما يجعلنا نتميز عن غيرنا لاننا
    اول من عمل فى مجال تصليح الميكرويف فى مصر
    تتم الخدمة بنركيب قطع الغيار الاصلية التى تضمن
    مهارة مستوى الاصلاح المقدم من مركز صيانة منتجات الالكترونية
    و افران الميكروويف لذا نحن نعتبر المتخصصون الاوائل في مصر فقط اتصل على علي الرقم المخصص فى خدمة عملاء ميكرويف مصر تجد لدينا مفهوم الخدمة المثالبة المدعوم بقطع الغيار الاصلية و المقدم بفريق عمل
    فنيين المركز المدربيت على تنفيد طلب الاصلاح اللازمة لأجهزتكم المنزلية على
    اعلى مستوى يزيد من الكفاءة العالية لميكروويف و يطيل العمر التشعيلى لجهاز , تحقيق ما يتمناه
    العميل من مهارة و تميز وارضاء العميل عن
    طريق فريق عمل من الفنيين من هم علي درجة عاليه من المهارة ويدركوا جميع التفاصيل الفنية المدربين على الاصلاح الفورى ومعنا الدعم الفنى من المركز الى العميل مباشرةً من الجمعة الى الخميس طوال اليوم نصلك
    اينما كنت بالخدمة الفورية المميزة
    و التقنية العالية فى اصلاح و باقل التكلفة مما يحقق لك شيئا مميزا يعانى منها العملاء من سوء
    أختيار ” المهندس او المراكز ” الغير مناسبة
    لتصليح ميكروويف نحن الاقوى ،
    الافضل ،المتميزون ،رقى الفنى فى التعامل مع عملاء
    ميكروويف الاعزاء خدمة فورية وسريعة بالمنزل بدون ازعاج فى جميع
    طلبات خدمات الاصلاح المنزلية تتوفر تلك قطع الغيار مع مندوب المركز الذى يقوم بتقديم
    خدمة تصليح ميكرويف لعملاء المراكز الكرام مما يعنى
    اسرع خدمة تصلك و الاصلاح فورى فى نفس اليوم و هذا لا يتحقق مطلقا فى اى
    مراكز تصليح منافس اخر

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