Why Black People Should Not Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election

By Tariq Nasheed


It’s Presidential election season, and like clockwork, the Democratic candidates are pandering for the Black vote with the same empty rhetoric that we hear every four years.

Hillary Clinton is on the campaign trail doing the latest negro dances like the Whip and the Nae Nae. And Bernie Sanders is surrounding himself with groups of Black people without actually committing to doing anything specific for Black Americans.

It’s no secret that many Black Americans are disheartened by president Barack Obama’s hateful neglect of the issues plaguing Black society. Consequently, this has cause many Black people to be disheartened by the election process in general.

History has shown, when people are not interested in participating in the election process, this is a sign of potential rebellion. Centuries ago in Europe, rulers were either born into political positions or appointed by small organizations into rulership. The general public did not elect the kings and queens. And whenever the general public became dissatisfied with their rulers, they simply rebelled. And oftentimes, these rebellions were violent.

When the United States was formed, the power elite wanted to prevent the “storming of the castle” mindset that could potentially overthrow the appointed leadership. So the general public was allowed to participate in an election process to give the impression that the popular vote elected a President into leadership.

So now, when people became dissatisfied with their leadership, they were now told that they shouldn’t be too upset because they were the ones who chose the leaders. The reality is, Presidents are selected by the Electoral College, and not by the popular vote. But it is still imperative for the general public to participate in the process, so they will not rebel against the people put into office.

In 2008 and 2012, President Obama received around 90% of the Black vote. And since he has been in office, there has been a government backed, and white supremacy fueled wave of violence and terror reaped upon Black Americans that has captured the world’s attention. And Obama, as well as the other Democrats and Republicans, have continued the political tradition of benign neglect when it comes to addressing the desperate needs of Black society.

Now its election time. The GOP frontrunner Donald Trump-whose extreme rhetoric has galvanized the white supremacist crowd- is being heavily promoted by media to scare Black voters into participating in the elections. Now Black voters feel that they have to make a choice between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders: two candidates who have not committed to actually doing anything specific for Black people. And Black people feel that they have to vote for the lesser of two evils because they are afraid of what will happen if Trump got into office.

The reality is, Black people should not vote for any of these Democratic or Republican frontrunners. If we are honest with ourselves,exactly how much worse would it be for Black society if Trump was elected? We have been programed into believing that the Democrats have treated Black society better than the Republicans. And both parties are dominated by white supremacy, and they have both maintained systematic white supremacy over Black people collectively.

When Bill Clinton was in the White House, Bill Clinton-with the full support and backing of Hillary, implemented some of the worst crime laws that targeted Black people and created a wave of extreme mass incarceration that is still plaguing Black Americans today. Barack Obama has sat in the White House and watched unarmed Black men, women, and children get  slaughtered by race soldiers who have infiltrated law enforcement. And not only has he not lifted a finger to do anything to thwart or address this, he called Black people “thugs”, for reacting to this wave of racial violence out of desperation and abandonment.

Black people need to understand that the Republicans and the Democrats and two faces on the same coin. Lets not forget:

*Ferguson prosecutor Bob McCulloch who allowed Mike brown to be killed with impunity was a Democrat

*Ohio prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty who allowed 12 year old Melanoid child Tamir Rice to be killed with impunity was a Democrat

*Chicago prosecutor Anita Alvarez, who has repeatedly protected race soldiers who kill Black people with impunity, was a Democrat

With all of these racial injustices under the watch of the Democrats, Black people still feel that there should be this blind allegiance to whatever Democratic candidate thats pushed in front of us.

And I say its time we say no..

In this 2016 presidential election, Black people should not vote at all. Because Black people are the only group of people who will give away their vote without requiring anything in return. Black people simply vote out of “tradition”. This is why candidates like Bernie Sanders will surround himself Black Civil Rights figures. because when this generation of Black people see Sanders with a group of people who “fought for the right to vote”, on a subconscious level, many of us feel an obligation to carry on this tradition.

But we need to understand when certain traditions are no longer practical and they actually work against us. Black people have been systematically mistreated in this country with the full backing and support of the government, non-stop for centuries. We have been enslaved, Jim Crowed, lynched, impoverished, miseducated, poisoned, mass incarcerated, etc, based on race. And these actions have been refined so that they are still carried out in more covert ways today. And Black people need resources specifically allocated towards us, to correct these white supremacist actions that have placed us in this position collectively. And voting for people who will not do anything to address these issues is complete insanity.

Hillary Clinton and her husband placed masses of Black men in the new slave plantations, which is the prison industrial complex. Many people don’t know that it is mandatory for prisoners to work in federal prisons. And the products created from this prison slave labor is sold on the open market. This is no different from antebellum slavery that occurred on the Southern plantations. So many Black people are weary about supporting Hilary in the elections.

But many Black people are gravitating toward Bernie Sanders. Yet when Sanders is asked about reparations, he has repeatedly shot that idea down. He has claimed that “reparations would be divisive”.  Yet other specific groups have received monetary and tangible resources from the government.

*It wasn’t “divisive” when Japanese Americans received reparations from being placed in internment camps in the US

*It wasn’t “divisive” when Jewish families got payments for the holocaust from the US

*It’s not “divisive” when Native American groups get billions of dollars in money and resources from the US

*It’s not “divisive” when Hispanic and gay groups are addressed and their specific needs are being met

Yet, when Black people who have been specifically disenfranchised, and disempowered by racially based laws and policies in every area of activity in our society, ask for the damage from these policies to be corrected, we are told that would be “divisive”.

This is why Black people should not vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. And obviously we should not vote for Trump. What we should do is leverage our vote by withholding our vote. If no candidate will commit to doing something specifically for Black people, then we simply should not vote for them. If Black people choose to vote, they should vote independent. Or Black people should vote in their local election where the popular vote has more of an impact.

Bernie Sanders has a tendency of using the “I’m going to help everybody, and Black people are included in that” type of rhetoric. That is not good enough.This is a trick bag that Black people were put in starting in the 1960’s with the whole “minority”  label. official pretend to  do things for Black people by giving things to “minorities”. But minority is such a broad term, Black people are never given the proper resources thats needed because the resources are given to “minorities” like  white women, Asians, white Hispanics, white gays, white handicap,etc, first.

Bernie Sanders is currently trying to appeal to the Black population by stating how he “marched with Dr. Martin Luther King”.  The thing is, Dr. King specifically stated he wanted reparations for Black Americans because we deserved it. So if Sanders is going to invoke the name of Dr. King yet dismiss Dr. King’s wishes for Black people, is disrespectful. And if Sanders is not willing to commit to allocating resources specifically to Black people-who deserve resources more than any group, then he should not get the Black vote.

As famed economist Dr. Claud Anderson has stated, Black people do not need anymore rights..We need resources. And if Black people support the Don’t Vote Campaign (by using the hashtag #dontvote) we can withhold our vote and leverage it to make politicians work for our support.

Because supporting people without requiring anything in return is the epitome of the slave mentality.






Tariq Nasheed is a New York Times Best-Selling author and critically acclaimed filmmaker. Tariq produced the hit documentary series Hidden Colors ( www.hiddencolorsfilm.com ) Follow Tariq on twitter @tariqnasheed

184 thoughts on “Why Black People Should Not Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election

  1. Props to the Brother. His manifesto is timely. We’ve supported a ineffective narrative (hold your nose and vote ) for generations. Since we are good at doing nothing, this might actually work!

    1. Vicky Burks says:

      Presidents are not Elected, they are Slected! Republican are RED , Democrates are BLUE Niether one gives a DAMN about YOU!

      J.K.I.R. @ Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu AND YES U

      1. Dehliaa says:

        Im not black but I like peole of color and they should and will vote as Citizens of the United States. I do not live in an all White country country to wishful thinking. There are twice as more Democrats who love all people! Thats the vote I’m choosing. It no longer bothers me to find racist & bigotry in this country bc there are 1000s of bigots living in 1968; a lost era. I’ve spent too much time here attending college, sacrificing, and working full time, becoming educated, smarter, intelligent with others of all races. We’ve learded and continue to learn from our mistakes and agree that to move forward you need ALL OF US fighting as one in The United States of America 2016.

      2. Rosalind Newton says:

        President Obama has the Republican Senate and the Supreme court stacked against him.
        He has been a good president to us all. Doctor King would want his people to vote and give Hillary a chance with a Democratic Senate.
        The Supreme Court in 2013 with a majority of Republican judges slashed the voting rights act so important to monorities. PLEASE VOTE.

        1. Drew says:

          Very true!

        2. Dssdesigns@yahoo.com says:

          You niggers and nigger lovers should get off your welfare asses and vote

      3. Rosalind Newton says:

        They do care..and YOU must care. We need another Democratic judge on the Supreme Court to give back voting protection to minorities. Please vote.

      4. Independent Black political party is the key.

      5. Reparations and Black self determination.

    2. Mary says:

      Sanders is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elivate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African American communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…

      1. The One says:

        Thanks Mary, for being the voice of reason in a sea of madness. Hopefully they realize excluding themselves from the political process is in turn excluding them from changing the system that has led to the economic suppression of the lower class and elimination of the middle class. Bernie will put us back on the path of equality and fair economic practice through his economic policies and campaign finance reforms.

        1. Caleb says:

          only ignorance would look at someone like Bernie Sanders and say. “He does not fight the REAL fight.” Also, If any black person were to say ending the war on drugs would not benefit their community (basically the author of this article) then they are an asshole PERIOD. I don’t care about your skin color, on that issue you are an ignorant asshole by thinking ending the war on drugs will not effect poor communities positively. If you are not aware…. this is just one of many SPECIFIC things Bernie talks about that are important issues.

          This is about to turn into a rant. Considering that every piece of ignorance I hear spouted from the mouth of black people (not talking about non-ignorant black people) comes directly from church communities I am no longer surprised. I am convinced the Christian communities (all races) of America will be the downfall of all intelligence. So much bullshit gets passed around churches and the whole basis of Christianity is that you don’t need proof to believe something. so now you get BRAINDEAD people (again all races) because there are points in time when they should be thinking more critically and instead they LITERALLY ACCEPT THE FIRST REASONABLE THING SAID TO THEM.

          Let me ask this to any black voter that is not voting for Bernie Sanders.

          Do you believe that the Millennial generation of white kids has the same amount of racist bigots compared to previous generations? Do you really think people are not changing? Don’t give up….

          1. Nadine says:

            This is why as a christian I will never vote for a democrat. The arrogance, and the lack of respect for God, “yes God” is beyond repulsive.
            I am so sick of all the wickedness. Democrats are just a bunch of wolves in sheep clothing, evil manulipilative murderers vagabonds. At least I know the republicans for who they are and they are not afraid to let you know who they are.
            But democrats are so stuck up with there wordly knowledge AKA Science. ” Look everybody I am so educated” and making a mockery out of church folk.This is ridiculous.
            The writer is right don’t vote for anyone is your best option, especially if you are a real christian. Danm you do, danm you don’t!

        2. Shawnee says:

          You must be a white lying liberal . Stop putting your 2 cents in for your own agenda . have some respect for other people . You are the biggest problem in this nation . Its bad enough these lying politicians try to manipulate votes let alone our own ppl. just stop all ready . btw they are all disgusting . I could never vote for any of them with a clear conscience . We have to have a revolution that the only way .

          1. vladtheimpaler says:

            bitch shut your chitlin stankin mouth,try having a revolution,you niggas would starve without foodstamps.try it bitch,we fucking dare you.you muthr fukrs destroy everything you touch so we will eliminate the problem,which has been you niggas and always has,dont gimme that”whites are the biggest problem in this nation”bullshit,bitch,this is our country,we built it,not the blacks not the Chinese.white people built this muthr fukr.weve had 8 years of racial obsession from this negro and he and his buddies wont darken the whitehouse ever again….white people the problem?????what a joke.

        3. Jason says:

          What part of communism do you not understand. NWO, big gov ext, the end of life as we know it.

      2. Donna says:

        I agree with you.

      3. Justice says:

        He’s a jew though, and black people hate jews. They’re hatred is so ingrained that they are unable to see someone who is strongly in their favor and free of prejudice.

        1. MSam says:

          That’s horrible to say and not true. I like any person of any color who is a decent human being. Please be careful of blanketed statements.

        2. vladtheimpaler says:

          jews use blacks like pack mules,and you don’t een know a jew from an Aryan,you blame Aryans for the crimes of jews ,calling them whites when indeed they are not.so do your research and learn who your real enemies are.its not blondes with blue eyed white people that fuck you down the river yet you treat us like shit,so know who your enemies are.or we will incinerate your black asses at 10000 degrees centigrade.just joshin.no but seriously don’t fuck with Aryans.

        3. trollingintheam says:

          We hate Jews? no we don’t. Most of us have Jewish blood and we get along just fine.

          1. keith says:

            Any black who hates Jews is an idiot who cannot think for himself. I am Black and I HATE islamic Arabs. They are the poisonous rattlesnakes destroying Africa and African birthright.

        4. DaMon says:

          Does anyone know who the true descendants of the true Judeans? (Not the Israeli’s or the so called “Jewish” people of modern day.

      4. CM says:

        Yes, Bernie has fought for quality all of his adult life. It is recorded. He is genuinely compassionate regardless of race, gender or religion. He is truly a selfless person that comes along so rarely. This opportunity will not happen again in my lifetime. That is why this is our last chance for justice and equality for the people and the country.

    3. Zork says:

      you should withhold your vote after your forefathers fought for your right to vote. I agree with the article, however can any of us non-rich people ever win, I sure feel like I can’t.

    4. Steven Main says:

      Jesus Christ you people are ignorant as fuck, “white supremacy fueled wave of violence and terror reaped upon Black Americans”. Look up some crime statistics you fucking idiot. The only people killing tons of black people? Other black people. Black crimes perpetrated against other races outnumber everyone else by 3:1. You’re the fucking problem with America, you think we owe you something. We don’t owe you shit fucking fix your own race then point fingers.

    5. I was just telling my husband this last night why am I gonna vote for. Someone who I’m not to sure of this has become. Entertainment not politics any more this is who we have for the next 4 years but why why not you your not giving me a good president worth enough for my vote this is our AMERICA we are the people my husband thinks this is a revolution but it’s just a reminder that WE ARE THE PEOPLE AND THE PEOPLE WE REFUSE TO VOTE ON SOMEONE WHO WE DONT TRUST OR BELIVE THEY DESERVE TO HAVE OUR AMERICA OUR USA WE NEED SOMEONE STRONG AND WHO CAN ACTUALLY DELIVER WHAT WE ALL NEED HE OR SHE IS OUR REPUTATION OUR LEADER IF IT WAS FOR ME I WOULD DO A PROTEST I WILL MAKE IT HEARD ON ELECTION DAY WE THE PEOPLE REFUSE TO VOTE AND IF WE HAVE TO PROTEST WE SHALL WE THE PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS BUT IT SEEMS THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN

    6. Robert Brown says:

      No one sad its was easy.
      Vote your conscious. Vote
      Its the only way we can make changes.
      Bitching and whining .didnt fix a damn thing.
      Part of the problem or part of the solution.
      I have made my choices.



  3. Alia says:

    WE MUST VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION!!! You don’t want to vote for the office of President – fine since that’s the only office not one man one vote. The President is elected by the Electoral College which almost happened twice Gore vs. Bush and Bush vs. Kerry were the popular vote would not have prevailed. Skip that office on the ballot. HOWEVER, the Governor, members of Congress, Mayor, Sheriff, States Attorney, judges, school board members and legistature in your state DO MATTER. This is why the Pres Obama is being disrespected by the Senate majority with his looming Supreme Court nomination. We have two African American women running of Senate – Donna Edwards in Maryland and Kamala Harris in California.

    1. Chikaa says:

      Lol what have the African American politicians done for us either!? I’m from Maryland. Donna Edwards ain’t challenged white supremacy one time!

      1. Charles says:

        Chikaa Exactly!! The Congressional Black Caucus hasn’t done a damn thing for Black folks since it’s inception in 1971. In the 1960’s we only had 100 or so Black elected official & by 1990 we had over 9,000 & things has gotten worse for us.

        1. Brookly says:

          Don’t nobody say shit to me on the long boat ride back to Africa if Adolf Hitler Donald trump become president because we failed to vote….

          1. Vishwas says:

            Trump best contribution is creating awareness of Islam threats to humanity that was shadowed by pseudo humanists and pseudo intellectuals. Enjoying American election – as good as Indian General elections fought on the same issue. Blacks may have better life under Trump’s Presidency the jobs will be primarily meant for Americans. Blacks are as Americans as whites. All this is anti=Trump propaganda.

          2. a says:

            Exactly. This article is foolishness. Yes, the system is rigged, but we do what we can with what we have. To do absolutely nothing is sure failure. More than anything it is a failure of the spirit to thrive and survive. The very act of doing nothing is to surrender.

      2. Mary says:

        Sanders is no MLK but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for.

        1. Big H says:

          Sander is only talking half the things he are saying have nothing to do with Blacks we must see through this he’s talking more about big companies,businesses nothing about helping black community.you vote for who you want my vote will not be for Sanders.

      3. Independent Black political parties are needed.

    2. Chris40997 says:

      No matter if it’s an presidental election, down to the local dog catcher LOL You gotta come up with an Black agenda and some money. Voting just to vote don’t matter.

    3. Daryl L. says:

      If blacks continue to for Hillary or any other Democrat for that matter, they are gonna continue to suffer till the second coming of Jesus. It is imperative that black people recognize the history of the Democratic Party and it’s reign of terror on black people. Slavery, the Klu Klux Klan, Jim Crow laws of the South, lynchings, segregation, all came from the Democratic Party. Even Malcon X said that any black man that votes for a Democrat is a traitor to the black race.

      1. Mary says:

        Sanders is not a true democrat by far & has stated on national tv that he only ran with the party to get media coverage. Sanders is no MLK but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for.

      2. Malcolm X called for Blacks to be independent. He didn’t promote Democrats or Republicans.
        We now have a national political party.

    4. check077 says:

      This is a consequential election, and Black voters are only now reaching the level to truly influence the election. If what we want does not exist, then, we must create it. I know some people want to get impatient about how to achieve progress, but Dr. King stated regarding the weary marchers that before those great predecessors gave up that they should continue one more week before doing so. I’ll admit that progress has been slow in the achievement of minimizing systemic racism; however, we must be willing to work and wait forever to truly achieve our goals. Apathy will do nothing to achieve our goals, but it will move the the Overton window further to the side of forces that will not acknowledge our needs and concerns. Many young Black already do not vote, so it would not really help the ones who are politically participating in the voter apathy movement. The only thing thus will achieve is force Blacks to suffer more and force the Blacks who do not vote to drain the resources of those who do vote. I’m basing this premise on the likelihood of non-voters on average being younger, poorer, and less educated than voters on average. This perpetuate crimes in our communities. Unfortunately, this is the political equivalent of burning downs ones own businesses during a protest/riot. This suggestion does not share the attributes of intellectual maturation, but whether knowingly or not disrespects the many decades of hard work. We should therefore remain steady even if some of may not live to see the realization of the dream, but we should press forward with once icrementalism until that revolution and dream can be witnessed our children.

      1. OneBahamian says:

        I agree with your logic in principle but there are a few areas I’d like to discuss. This habit of us looking for others to do for us when we should be doing for ourselves is irrational. When my parents immigrated to this country from the Bahamas, they didn’t seek welfare, they worked. When they made money, they didn’t go to clubs, buy cars, fancy clothes, expensive jewelry, illegal drugs, alcohol, have big house parties, go on fancy vacations, or tap the equity in their home. They saved, period! So when it came time for them to retire, they didn’t have to depend on social security or food stamps ( EBT Cards ), they retired off the interest of their money that they put away. They went back to the Carribbean where they were born and lived out their golden years in style! If all people of color followed this recipe, they would be able to weather any hardship that came along. Too many of us as soon as we start making decent money set out to buy expensive depreciating Items instead of saving our money or making smart investments like starting a business. Too many of us are quick to run to the clubs every Friday, run to the drug dealer to get high, run to the liquor store to get drunk, or run to the gaming halls for a day or a weekend in hope of quick riches. We need to do what all the other nationalities are doing. Work hard, save our money and make wise investments. Teach our children about the importance of education and keeping good company because children are the reflection of their parents. All this violence in our communities and against each other is unacceptable and wouldn’t exist if we teach our children morals and values. Only then can we prosper as a people and be taken seriously instead of being shunned by the establishment and the world as a whole.

        1. Other races within the U.S. don’t face the structural and institutional barriers, hatred and contempt endured by Blacks.
          We should indeed develop and practice better social, political and financial habits. However, doing so will NOT protect us from racism, white-supremacy and economic exploitation. We need our FREEDOM…,

    5. Johan Majerus says:

      Vote on policy, not race. Loretta Sanchez is better qualified for US Senate than Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is also responsible for a cover-up at Santa Onofre.

  4. Shavon Blue says:


  5. Aaron says:

    We shouldn’t vote without making a politician agree to specific policies for our people. And that goes for not just Presidential elections but local elections as well. You vote for benefits and resources. You don’t vote cuz it’s a trend or fad

    1. Tony Evans says:

      This makes sense! We have not because we ask not! We expect others to take care of us but we don’t get the promises in writing! We are still doing handshake deals while everyone else is making contracts!

      1. Mary says:

        Sanders is not a true democrat by far & has stated on national tv that he only ran with the party to get media coverage. Sanders is no MLK but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for.

    2. Estaban says:

      Agreed we should be voting for benifits and resources! But for far to long we have played third base in this funky muthafucka! No longer should put strain tolerate the double standard or 3rd wor is treatment about our issues!

    3. Chris40997 says:

      True dat!!!! Gotta have money too!!!

    4. Mary says:

      Sanders is not a true democrat by far & has stated on national tv that he only ran with the party to get media coverage. Sanders is no MLK but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for.

      1. Black folks should walk away from the Democratic Party.
        It is a party of racism, white supremacy, economic exploitation and war…just like the Republican Party.
        Malcolm X characterized them best: FOX vs WOLF.

  6. JayBay says:

    As long as we elect people who aren’t from our group and can’t acknowledge that there honestly is a system of white supremacy then nothing is going to change. In addition, the people we elect need to be held responsible if they don’t follow through with what they propose to help benefit us. We have a bad habit of electing people on how they make us feel vs what they actually do in office and white supremacists know this.

    1. check077 says:

      @JayBay: As Black people, we must strive to a higher standard of voting for people based on what they do versus what they say. Having solid contracts versus handshakes sounds like progress in the political thinking of the Black intelligentsia. Moreover, members of Black lives matter must seek political office without being beholden to corporate interests. I know many Blacks are angry that the system will not afford us grace and understanding if we make stupid decisions like not being mindful enough in our precarious encounters with police officers, but this mindset is the result of lacking financial and educational opportunities from both how some behave in the encounters and how those officers respond.

      1. Higher standard of voting: newafrikanspeaks.wordpress.com

  7. James says:

    White people don’t care.

  8. MindMuscle says:

    Tariq Nasheed for President 2016!

    1. Regina says:

      Tariq Nasheed for president?? are you fucking kidding me??? this man is telling people not to vote?? This is the dumbest thing that I have heard on Social Media!! Telling Black People not to vote is shitting on the graves of Black People who died to give you all the right to vote!!! Tariq Nasheed is obviously addicted to the attention that his platform provides, and he lets his enormous ego speak for him. This is a punk move. By not voting you are handing the Republicans the White house, You think they are killing us now, wait until Donald Trump runs this Country, You might be the next one. If you have run out of progressive topics, How about a topic that will help the Black Community achieve Economic Wealth and Security. That is the only weapon that will win us this war. Tariq Nasheed you are a fucking IDIOT!!!

      1. King says:

        our people did not die for the right to vote…our people died for freedom, justice, and equality…the vote was a concession given by whites to lullaby negroes to thinking they’re actually participating in the political process

  9. Now this is some COON SHIT.. I never would have thought I’d say that on a Tariq Nasheed post.

    1. DEBORAH says:

      So if we get a Trump, or Cruz or Republican-President then do not complain and when the unemployment numbers go even higher wear the hash tag I am one who did not vote. I am discussed also, but my elders and freedom fighters that have paved the way for me to go vote say in my heart to go and vote not just make an x. Do more do not just sit back and cry go and be a count. They died for something.!!!

    2. Charles Black says:

      Yes , this is stupid . Cast an educated vote , but definitely vote !

    3. Stringer says:

      No we should not vote and sit back and see how it would effect the political landscape

    4. Chris40997 says:

      Naw brah. If candidates address the Black agenda, then you support them (Votes, money, stomp for them etc.) If those candidates don’t support a Black agenda, then don’t vote for them. That’s what Tariq’s saying.

      1. check077 says:

        This should be promoted in the primaries, not doing a general election. Elections have real and lasting consequences…and not the ones where I have the luxury to sit back and see how it affects the landscape. The landscape will have immediate and long-term problems for us. This is not beneficial to anyone who plays the long game. To see changes, any new generation of voters must vote through several election cycles and getting angry and becoming apathetic will not provide the benefits that you’re promoting. This will be more like unintended consequences. People get angry after presidential elections and sit out durine mid-terms and state and local elections and expect changes. Most of these people do not pay attention to politics only once every four to eight years while some are totally apathetic. This is why Democrats betray their voters due to the lack of citizens willingness to stick around to learn party mechanics and gain influence and emphasize items on the party platform. You know, this idea has been floated around for about twenty years or more without considering how the judicial system will be affected, especially with a pending U.S. Supreme Court appointment due that could continue the stripped down version of voting rights act, break up unions, decrease regulation of water and other life sustaining facilities, affirmative action, etc.

  10. Will says:

    A voteless people are a hopeless people. Your narrative is short sighted and dangerous. If we as a people don’t vote then the odds of the GOP winning increases. The results are far reaching and dangerous I.e. funding for HBCU’s, reduction in funding for urban schools, deregulation of environment policies.

  11. The most strategic and revolutionary work concerning black electoral politics is to support and develop independent political parties.

  12. Non-voting without development of political alternatives is not strategic, but reactionary.

  13. minkpink says:

    People are caught up in tradition this and tradition that, do most blk people know that in the 1920’s and 30’s era, blks were republican across the board. So, the democrats were the policy makers that held blk people down. What caused the shift idk, It is not far fetched to think infiltration of racist in either party. Blk people continue to be duped.

    1. check077 says:

      The racist left the party after LBJ and democrats paased the civil rights act, medicaid, and other social safety net institutions. This rascist mindset is at the heart of the “Make America Great Again” theme, which is upset with the thought that too many brown faced folks are receiving too many benefits–even though whites receive more benefits than anyone.

  14. Tony Evans says:

    We need to get the agreements in writing! If you want our backing, you need to publically STATE SPECIFICALLY WHAT YOU WILL DO FOR US!
    Other groups have an agenda. Where is ours?
    We have not because we ask not!
    It’s time to organize and give these politicians that want our support to agree to our needs!
    This needs to start locally and grow nationally…
    Not voting is some Agent Talk….

    1. Chris40997 says:

      I see what you’re saying. Also, you gotta have money for politics. Still if candidates don’t support the Black agenda, they shouldn’t get our vote. If that means not voting, so be it!!!

      1. Cameron says:

        Sanders is not a true democrat by far & has stated on national tv that he only ran with the party to get media coverage. Sanders is no MLK but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and even the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change though in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for!

  15. Michelle says:

    Saying not to vote is taking away our power, the bad advice.

  16. Tam says:

    WE MUST VOTE…THR PROBLEM IS NOT THAT WE ARE VOTING…THE PROBLEM IS NOT ENOUGH OF US VOTE IN THE 1ST PLACE!!!!! YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR THEM TO CARE…if you don’t vote then they have no reason to do anything to seek your vote…NOT VOTING DOESN’T MAKE A CHANGE…DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH PPL..Do not read this article as if it’s based on any facts or statistical research

    1. Cameron says:

      I agree. And I’m advocating for Sanders, no he doesn’t even compare to MLK as far as meeting racial justice issues, but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies will do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for.

  17. Niko Lonté El says:

    We’re saying “We have to vote.” “A vote less people is a hopeless people.” Yet our voting PRIVILEGES (not rights, as so many of us think we have) still has to be passed by Congress every so many years. Yes, our ancestors fought for us to vote, but as a young gun, (I’m 27) I think playing in their system is played out! Why aren’t we developing our own nation state? Why do we think it’s farfetched to achieve such a goal? Do we not want the responsibility? Do we not trust our own people? Are we content & complacent? I have all the respect for our civil rights leaders, but I think they fought for the wrong thing, in my humble opinion. We have to start looking towards ownership. Assets. Stop being debtors & become creditors. We take by way of the pen. The sword should it be necessary.

    1. Nitajade says:

      You are intelligent and ahead of your time! Black people have been conditioned to look for opportunity instead of creating opportunities. Black people are the original creators and inventors of the world. Yet we have become so lost and sleep that we think dropping this current system to create a new one is impossible. I’ve come to the conclusion that success for too many black people means having a crib a car and good clothes. Smh

  18. Mizz One says:

    This is the most assanine thing I’ve ever heard. This plays right into their hands. Suppressing the vote for them is not the answer. Fool around and let Trump get in and make it illegal to be you. This is a time Black peoples should vote as the never have before.

  19. MaryTrololo says:

    With all due respect, the author here is wrong.

    As a woman of color, I strongly support Bernie Sanders, and don’t believe you have looked closely at what he is saying about improving the lives of people of color in this country. Bernie is the ONLY candidate who has discussed the link between privatization of prisons and the mass incarceration of black and brown people, AND made deprivatization part of his platform. He is the ONLY candidate who has genuinely addressed the militarization of the police and how such militarization has resulted in the murder of unarmed black and brown people. He has addressed the need for both public and higher education reform in poor communities, and specifically linked those reforms to the progress of people of color in this country. Yes, he has said that his economic plans – specifically to increase wages – will help black people right along with everyone else, however, he has also addressed the specific problems of high levels of poverty among black and latino communities, including child poverty.

    The author is right – Bernie did say he wouldn’t be likely to pursue reparations. But if you look up the clip, what he’s saying isn’t that black people don’t DESERVE reparations. What he’s saying is that there is literally ZERO chance of black people getting reparations at this point. And he’s right. If you want someone to lie to you, I guess find a politician who will tell you you’re getting reparations. But the ONLY way that’s happening is if the majority of black Americans engaged in the largest economic boycott this country has ever seen. As a matter of fact, Farrakhan called for that at Christmas. But black people went out and spent billions, like they always do. And as long as we dump a trillion dollars a year into this economy, white authority will treat us however they please. Because not only are we willing to generate wealth through mindless overconsumption, our sons are fodder for their $5 billion private prison system. And as I say, the ONLY person who wants to change that is Bernie, so he has my vote. Because frankly, if he wins and doesn’t do what he says, we’re certainly no worse off than we are at this point.

    1. Nofool says:

      Funny how Bernie and Clinton have nothing to say about Jews getting reparations out of black tax money for the alleged crimes of a private company. I fell like a disingenuous white politician just lied to me. When I hear arguments from a Jew as to why reparations aren’t possible for blacks the irony is a bit much for someone who didn’t fall for Obama’s coon talk on the same issue. If you just want a nicer overseer by all means vote for Bernie, If not vote for those who submit to our demands.


      1. Nofool says:

        Or you know don’t vote the Civil-rights fairy won’t harm you for not participating in an action that brings no power. The reason people died for the right to vote was for local more than national politics. If you know any history you’d know voting-rights was about power and not the empty symbolic action of today’s Silver-Rights fossils like Joe “Spit on me” Lewis and Jesse Jackal. Local independent racial politics is the only intelligent avenue for us as a people until Blacks are economically relevant enough to challenge national politics to a transformative benefit. Anything deviating from the premise I just laid out in the aforementioned text is basically just begging for better slave quarters and less social and economic rapes.

      2. check077 says:

        Your divide and conquer tactic is misinformed.

    2. Cameron says:

      Amen to this! 👏
      Sanders is no MLK when is comes to speaking on racial injustice but he is talking about providing resources, he talks about the neglect of inner city schools more than any presidential candidate ever has, he’s talking about raising the minimum wage, ending the racially discriminative war on drugs, & doing things that will directly effect & elevate many African American communities. Vote for him for what his policies could do to elevate African Americans / AA communities. He does seem very narrow with his rhetoric but everything he is wanting to change will elevate oppressed people & working class people on a large scale. There are policies in place right now working against minorities & African Amercians, poor people, and the middle class…Sanders will make policies that benefit African Americans & take away discriminatory policies. He is ethical, period. He does not come out and say I’m doing this for African Americans, he doesn’t say any group..just ‘the people’ for whatever reason, idk. He is the beginning of change in the right direction…He’s pro social security, wel-fare, snap benefits etc…anything that helps eleviate poverty & elevate communities he is for.

  20. Elane says:

    By not voting you have voted! How irresponsible to tell people not to vote. You might as well go to every person’s grave who fought for our right to vote and spit on their grave. This is so irresponsible. It does not matter if there is not a perfect candidate. Someone will win. I am so disappointed to read such an article.

  21. J says:

    Wow. What a complete idiotic, ignorant and flawed piece of garbage. Encouraging black people not to vote who does that other than a republican bigot? That must be what the author is.

  22. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Illinois prosecutor Anita Alvarez also showed racism in these cases. It took Anita Alvarez 13 month to indict the white cop for killing black Laquan McDonald. However, Anita Alvarez only took eight months to indict black cop Craig Taylor for killing white John Wrana.

  23. The only solutions is to abolish the American government that only allowed White Men to be present during its inception and allow a new structure to begin that includes all Races/Nationalities & Genders during the foundation. This is the only viable solution to on-going on-growing problem. I have stated time and time again that a race will never find peace, freedom, justice or equality while living under the very government that began and rose to power off of the enslavement of their race. Period. This is why I formed the Political Organization THE PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE to align all peoples of the African Diaspora in a global effort to end Governmentally Allowed Racial Discrimination!

  24. Timsomor says:

    I do agree with everything stated here. Think about this, with this new healthcare act most people are actually paying more than if they were receiving insurance directly from their employer. To top that off, it’s tied into the tax system so if you decide not to get insurance you get taxed! Meaning, your hard earned money that most American’s (White People) don’t think you should be making anyway, will go to programs that 9 times outta 10 are already helping that particular group.

    You can also keep in mind this was the first thing the current President passed! Without any regard for those who are always at the bottom, but are pushed forward when American wants or needs an example of who is a “drain” on the system.

    What I read here is a good code or policy to try. As Tariq stated if trump is elected, with things already as bad as they are….what do we as a thinking group have to lose.

    P.S. You can’t say people because for this to work we need like minded, and right minded groups…

  25. Mike says:

    People DIED for the right you so blithely discard. How pathetic.

  26. Mw says:

    This is the stupidest thing ever.
    They’ll put several justices on the Supreme Court. This means if you need to sue someone, or change police brutality policies, etc. and you appeal your decisions their justices will have the final say. If they say slavery is reinstated then it is. If they say, you can discriminate then discrimination will take place.

    We have to vote for sure to make sure no Repubs get in there

  27. Mw says:

    This is a trick. Don’t fool yourselves. Just because it says melanoidnation doesn’t mean that it’s really about helping us. Wake up. Not voting and putting a Republican in there could result in taking us back to full slavery. You think I’m kidding but look at where we are now. Did we think a bunch of what’s happening now would have ever happened. No. So don’t be dumb. They would love to have free or damn near free workers again

    1. prime says:

      Right although you’re exaggerating with the full slavery thing. But generally i aggree

  28. Chris40997 says:

    Check out the One Million Conscious Black Voters & Contributors @ http://www.iamoneofthemillion.com The OMCBV&C have an Black agenda and believe in having money for elections. If presidential candidates support the Black agenda of the OMCBV&C, we’ll vote for them. If not, we won’t vote for them. Just like Tariq said.

  29. Me1st6 says:

    It is amazing that after all these years the bigger picture has not been made “Clear.” Pure insanity rests in the thought process of doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting a different outcome. I will not vote because I am too damn tired of witnessing the same results as years ago.

    They (uninformed blacks and the system) love to shove it in younger adults, teens face that voting is the answer. If that was really the case wouldn’t these repeated issues of life and death been handled decades ago. In order to get something that you never had you have to do something that you never done!

  30. Uriah Sharp says:

    Reading the comments on here is very depressing. Black people are so convinced their votes hold sway and we are actually losing something by not voting. They are attacking brother tariq nasheed who is genuinely trying help us with this advice.

    Tell me black people, has voting stopped mass incarceration, the black white wealth gap, surging single motherhood rates, much higher than average unemployment? Has it gotten us justice when race soldiers murder us and our children?

    Yet you have convinced yourselves your vote is holying sway. If politicians were so concerned with your votes, wht do they boldly tell you NO to your face when you ask for reparations?

    Some of you clowns are saying Tariq is a coon for saying this. Was W.E.B Dubois, Malcolm X, or many other influential black leaders who advocated not voting coons?

    Black people are lost, delusional, sick, demented and insane. We keep doing the same things over and over and we wonder why keep taking L’s to white supremacy.

  31. H.Barker says:

    It’s puzzling , who would promote , US not to use the only voice we have, and all these people saying yeah, voting doesn’t matter, get the lame duck black politicians out of office. Vote new people in that will do stuff, but don’t just give up the only weapon we have . It’s 2016, we can’t be this lost still ….

  32. Jay says:

    He isn’t entirely incorrect. The fact that the federal Gov’t has been mum on reparations when every other group got them for years is BS. I totally get what he’s saying, that we should not cast a vote due to our specific community needs not being met. If you want my vote, what will that do for me? On the other hand, now that Illinois has a cutback-happy rich Republican in office, it worries me that we will see a repeat of the Bush Administration in an even more horridly racist landscape than the early 2000’s.

  33. Shenita Battle says:

    I am sorry but I will vote! My forefathers before me marched, was beaten and hung and shot down and killed for the right for me to do so. White people down south are trying to create laws to keep us from voting! Why play into their hands and make it easier for them! While I agree that democratic party takes our vote for granted I will still vote for who I feel can properly lead this country!

  34. MagnumBoom says:

    Like Black people vote anyway…this should be the easiest campaign agenda that Black people have ever undertaken. However, I’m not sure if I agree that this would change the paradigm, that is, compel the elite to make changes that equate to benefits for Black people.. From what I have seen, the only thing that effects change in this system is money. What would raise an eyebrow would be to finance a candidate or candidates of our own choosing…with all the celebrities and important folks publicly endorsing someone that WE chose. Our vote means nothing without finances to support the urgency of our demands.

  35. prime says:

    The author seems to be unfamiliar with the voting and policy record of bernie sanders. The author also seems to have only the most basic understanding of how culture and politics works. This is very surface level thinking and overly simplistic

  36. eco says:

    Abraham Lincoln once said: “You can fool some of the people some of the time; and you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

    I didn’t vote in the last general election. I’m not voting in this election either. Simply put, Black people are sick and tired of being taken for granted while other groups get the economic and political edge over us. We do have an agenda but it contniues to get overlooked on purpose because the game is to fuck us over time and time again because we let them get away with it. Black voters are tired. And this article pretty much sums it up.

    The whole issue involving the future of the U.S. is much, much larger than the 2016 election. In hindsight, the U.S. has a lot of ghosts that will haunt it from its past, just as all former empires experienced before their fall. There’s just this gut feeling that things just ain’t gonna be like they used to be anymore. The entire campaign is and has been a complete turn-off. That is why they are clowning big-time to distract get peoples’ attention away from the heavy-duty, real-life issues that matter, with police killings, a failed economy, breakups of our communities, home foreclosures, overpopulation of prisons to name a few.

    I seriously think your desired outcome will in fact turn out as expected, because a lot of Melanated people are waking up and recognizing the deceptive bullshit called representative government for what it is. And that is when the real fun is going to begin. As with anything else in life, you can’t expect things to stay the same a-l-l the time.

    1. check077 says:

      I hope you’re not asking friends and family for any type of help with that mindset. You’re not doing them any favors.

  37. Jacs says:

    Yea dont vote and trump become president……. This is Dumb….. That what they want u to do. Leave all the decisions to the white people…..

  38. Charles says:

    I’m voting for the Green Party candidate Jill Stein. She supports reparations for Blacks….

  39. Mo says:

    Bernie Sanders is now being called disrespectful of MLK Jr? How we are skewing history! While I agree reparations are a must, it’s a disgrace to diminish the long history Bernie Sanders has of standing on the right side of issues: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-arrested-protesting-segregation-video-photo_us_56c8a824e4b0ec6725e2d238 Google also the video that shows Bernie Sanders on the floor appealing in the early 1990s to do away with Clinton policies such as 3 strikes and you’re out (“Education not electrocution”)… Specifically addressing the concerns of black citizens, as he has for decades. Bernie Sanders is a viable candidate and should not be overlooked because he is an older white guy.

  40. Mezonic says:

    Good job brother. It’s about time black people withhold our votes until something substantial is done to uplift us. Everyone, please download http://mrpellc.com/inspire2

  41. Michael Brown says:

    Yea don’t vote, let other people make the choice for You. What could go wrong? Well let me count the ways.. This is the stupidest shit I’ve read this year. Keep Your dumb asses at home and don’t vote. Let the Mullet wearing, Confederate flag waving, Pickup truck with Rifles in the back Mfers vote for You. Ignorance is truly bliss..

  42. HullDogg Maxxx says:

    It’s no secret that Black folks have always been the Step Child of the two political party in Amerika. The prob;em has been we have not learn to use that to our advantage because we have always been a house divided by this two party system with grandiose dreams of equality & there is no Black Amerika or white Amerika only Green Amerika. You have a choice of two Evils. To vote or not to vote? If we do not vote we will contribute to and increase the Wintering of Amerika and trust me we will bear the brunt of that Wintering in as far; “They” surely will undo everything that Obama has done by Executive Order and Constitutionally gone around the Reactionayr Reich Wing Kuntservative Kongressional Kommittes in Washington. Afterward which “They” will come after us first,like they did in Nazis Germany & South Afrika with all sorts of repealments. So contrary to the notion that it can not happen here? It’s Bullshit. With an appointment of a Supreme Court nominee like that Scalia Shit and the The Patriot Act( which is legal,alive and well and being used at this very moment as you are reading this comment) those two politika instruments can legally be used against us at any time after Obama is gone to send Black folks back to the Stone Age worst than Separate & Unequal. Believe me when I say they are never going to make that mistake again of putting a Black man in the White House. If you do vote? Then what you do is; you need to constantly remind that person that you put them there and if they can not do or don’t do the job that you voted for them to to do? Then you let them know that they will not be going back to the White or the House of Representative or the Senate? You take that office from them and put your self there. One thing that we need in Amerika is more Black faces in politika office places. In other words when you are a step child of a two politilka party system learn to bite the hand that feeds you and enslaves you. That will get you and keep your freedom! You THINK ?

    1. check077 says:

      @Hull dog Maxx: This is great thinking on the subject matter. I agree we let them know they will not be going back to whatever office that they’re holding via the primaries and other strategic/organizational means like weaponized media.

  43. T. Simmons says:

    As an African-American woman and a historian, I am shocked by not only the historical inaccuracies in this post, but by the absurd notion that we should not vote. If you’re expecting a presidential candidate to fix all of society’s problems, then you’re completely delusional. Clearly you don’t understand how the electoral college works: our vote is what makes the decisions for the electoral college. While a popular vote would be better in the long run, the electoral college doesn’t invalidate your vote. Voting is a powerful way for our voices to be heard. Instead of expecting vague solutions to complex issues like racism, insist that candidates support issues like women’s healthcare, affordable education, and stopping police brutality. If you think that the Jews, the Japenese, and the Native Americans got fair treatment from the US, then you are in dire need of an education. Let’s vote for that. Posts like these make us look ignorant. We can show that we are powerful through our collective vote.

    1. Robert says:

      @T. Simmons THANK YOU Yours is one of the few posts on here that makes any sense.

      I found this Tariq Nasheed post by Google searching “wich nigga shud I vote for president” which is fucking sad that my charade routed to something so thought provoking.

      Bernie Sanders is, as far as I can tell, one of the few incorruptibles in politics. Russ Feingold is the only other one I can think of; he’s the sole US Senator that voted against the Patriot Act when it first rolled out. Both of these guys have been described as Jewish Socialists. Not unlike Jesus of Nazareth. And that motherfucker supposedly got shit done.

      I saw a clip of Bernie Sanders from the 1960’s, chained to a black woman. I’m pretty sure it was for political reasons. In the 1980’s he was rebuking Alan Greenspan for being so out of touch with the middle class people. He was for gay rights back then too. Motherfucker’s a unicorn as far as I can tell.

      My take on the American Presidential Race is as follows: Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign for Hillary Clinton. The American Conservative recently published an article arguing that Clinton is the “more conservative candidate” and it urged its conservative audience to vote for HILLARY CLINTON.

      My cousin, through marriage, is a very intelligent guy. Also super conservative. I asked him about Bernie Sanders and he said “Bernie pushes dems to the left, Trump pulls in conservative dems. If it’s Bernie vs Trump, Bernie gets blown out in a landslide. Trump’s far from my ideal candidate, but much closer than Bernie or Hillary” which to me suggests that the Powers That Be don’t give a flying fuck if you vote for a Trump or a Clinton because both of them are RICH AS FUCK and don’t give two shits about the rest of us.

      In my lifetime I’ve seen the predatory lending thing rape the middle class. One arm of the monster is Big Business and the other arm is Big Government. They really the same thing: MONEY

      You want solutions? vote for the only VIABLE candidate that ain’t been bought. Do your homework. Bernie Sanders is the real deal. Or I’ll never vote again.

    2. Ty says:

      @T Simmons. If you actually understood about the electoral votes as you claim to know, you would know that the 2017 president has already been decided [Feb 2016] by New Hampshire primary, an all-white caucus. It’s nothing new. Flashback to 2004 George W. Bush “it don’t matter who the majority picked” telling voters that he was the official president.

      Why do you think it is that the New Hampshire electoral votes have 100% accuracy in picking presidential winners. So what about the powerful collective votes?

      I recommend you come up for some air from all of the white supremacy dick you’re choking on. No doubt you’ve given it your all, but even for an astute historian such as yourself, you can recognize limp dick Aipac rhetoric is d.o.a.

      I hope to be out of here by the time all hell erupts when they try to install their leader.
      Peace shawty.

      1. Dr. Linger says:

        So not true… this is a lie that is designed to keep us home. Don’t believe the hype!

  44. Off-Whyte says:

    I fear your logic will lead to a great loss of lives, when Trump is elected because your movement – (not THE MOVEMENT – that was thrown under the bus when President Obama threw Rev. Jeremiah Wright under the bus) encouraged oppressed individuals not to vote. Donald Trump will win, a nightmare in the making, if Bernie Sanders isn’t elected over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary. When Trump wins in November, a tough time of year for oppressed individuals, people will take to the streets rioting, President Obama will claim Executive Orders until peace is restored, and when Trump isn’t sworn in on January 20, 2017, white supremacist gun orders will take to the streets a swell. then an all our civil war we be inevitable, and many innocents will lose their lives – or be forced to choose sides. Call me crazy, but I’m a psychic visionary who sees what is brewing beneath the surface. Do you want innocent blood on your conscious? that is the question.

  45. Michele Brown says:

    So the best way for us to win is to disengage? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Now is the time to fully engage, learn all you can: vote locally, nationally, learn the issues amd hold them accountable by staying engaged. Hell, run for office.

  46. True Ruddy Complexion says:

    We need to be more specific and detail oriented in listing what is needed in our communities and show how it would benefit the American economy and society as a whole and how we plan to use these resources to start creating small to medium size businesses ( particularly manufacturing businesses) throughout our communities nation wide…..a business plan purposal model.

  47. True Ruddy Complexion says:

    We don’t have to reinvent the wheel here……our small to medium sized manufacturing businesses should utilize the old abandoned manufacturing buildings that are already in the inner cities by renovating and refurbishing them for these businesses. Then we can just start manufacturing competitive products and just make sure we purchase only those products from our own manufacturing companies. This will create jobs in our communities and keep the money in our communities and eventually reduce the crime rate by increasing the employment rate and self esteem of our youth knowing that they can realistically be the president / CEO of a company in their own communities because they will truly have an equal opportunity.

  48. Uncle says:

    Republican: you work for $8.00/hr
    Democrat: you work for $20.00/hr but $12.00/hr is taxed.
    We have an illusion of freedom. The politicians hold a shiny object in one hand to get your vote while picking your pocket with the other.

  49. Diana Prince says:

    it’s IMPORTANT for us to VOTE. cause while we’re not voting people like him and those who support him are. https://www.facebook.com/GavinNewsom/videos/10154037127588117/

  50. Sheeka J says:

    I agree with almost everything in this article. The thought process that if we withhold our vote that a candidate will then promise something specific to black people to get them to vote is ridiculous. All that will happen is that we will be written off, just as the republican party has already done. They don’t pander to the black community at ALL because we don’t vote for them.

    What I hate about the don’t vote proposal is that it in itself is a house negro stance of conditioning that since we don’t matter any way….and let “boss” do it. The idea is to sit back, don’t take part of the process, and let others decide what’s best for us like a house nigger.

    Along with this great idea comes no comprehensive planning of how to sustain black people through difficult times. How to build an infrastructure so that we’re not affected by society at large because we have found ways to be self-sufficient. Fruition of Malcolm’s vision of black nationalism. So the do nothing sentiment does nothing for me, and I will continuously encourage others away from such house negro ways.

  51. Yolanda Walker says:

    In the article, it says that Bernie Sanders hasn’t said much about anything that he would do for blacks, but I begged to differ. I’m sure you have all heard that actions speak louder than words, and Senator Sanders actions back in the 1960’s, (walking with Dr. King, and chaining himself to a black women for equality), PROVE that he’s the clear person to vote for. We are glancing over him, because the DNC wants us to, but truth be told, the same thing is happening with the gay vote. The man fought for their right to marriage for some 20 odd years, but Hillary just said that she believes that gay is ok a couple of years ago. We need to give the man the support he deserves!!

    1. Matt says:

      What more can be done for blacks? They have already dumbed down test scores so they can get a government or city job. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

  52. Robert says:

    @T. Simmons THANK YOU Yours is one of the few posts on here that makes any sense.

    I found this Tariq Nasheed post by Google searching “wich nigga shud I vote for president” which is fucking sad that my charade routed to something so thought provoking.

    Bernie Sanders is, as far as I can tell, one of the few incorruptibles in politics. Russ Feingold is the only other one I can think of; he’s the sole US Senator that voted against the Patriot Act when it first rolled out. Both of these guys have been described as Jewish Socialists. Not unlike Jesus of Nazareth. And that motherfucker supposedly got shit done.

    I saw a clip of Bernie Sanders from the 1960’s, chained to a black woman. I’m pretty sure it was for political reasons. In the 1980’s he was rebuking Alan Greenspan for being so out of touch with the middle class people. He was for gay rights back then too. Motherfucker’s a unicorn as far as I can tell.

    My take on the American Presidential Race is as follows: Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign for Hillary Clinton. The American Conservative recently published an article arguing that Clinton is the “more conservative candidate” and it urged its conservative audience to vote for HILLARY CLINTON.

    My cousin, through marriage, is a very intelligent guy. Also super conservative. I asked him about Bernie Sanders and he said “Bernie pushes dems to the left, Trump pulls in conservative dems. If it’s Bernie vs Trump, Bernie gets blown out in a landslide. Trump’s far from my ideal candidate, but much closer than Bernie or Hillary” which to me suggests that the Powers That Be don’t give a flying fuck if you vote for a Trump or a Clinton because both of them are RICH AS FUCK and don’t give two shits about the rest of us.

    In my lifetime I’ve seen the predatory lending thing rape the middle class. One arm of the monster is Big Business and the other arm is Big Government. They really the same thing: MONEY

    You want solutions? vote for the only VIABLE candidate that ain’t been bought. Do your homework. Bernie Sanders is the real deal. Or I’ll never vote again.

  53. JOE says:

    if blacks consider themselves american’s then vote. don’t complain when you are treated like niggers because you mugged someone or stole $5 from a deli. act responsible and you will be treated as such.
    remember michael brown was a strong arm thief, Trayvon Martin was an innocent youth picking up ingredients for shake & bake meth & a wannabe gangsta, eric garner had over 30 arrests prior to resisting arrest when he died.

  54. Vishwas says:

    Trump best contribution is creating awareness of Islam threats to humanity that was shadowed by pseudo humanists and pseudo intellectuals. Enjoying American election – as good as Indian General elections fought on the same issue. Blacks may have better life under Trump’s Presidency the jobs will be primarily meant for Americans. Blacks are as Americans as whites. All this is anti=Trump propaganda.

  55. Guys I will say it without sugar coating anything . and if you don’t agree you are in denial if what in this so called country . black people never question anything. They accept anything the slave masters give then. Now you our mothers and fathers who suppose to teach their children about evil if America against africans are endorsing thugs called politicians. When was the last time they listen to your problems? Answer me now! Malcolm x warned your but due to ignorance and stubborness your never listen to him now your paying the consequences haha. There is a serious war on on Africans in america especially black men. Even god come down tofay your will not still listen but going to church and wasting your money . have you notice your confition isn’t getting better although you go to church? Good luck with the ignorance

  56. Matt says:

    Excuse me while I laugh at your choice of the words “white supremacy.” More like white guilt.

  57. Espresso says:

    Can’t wait till the day after the November election.

    You afro’s better run for the hills.

    Your terroristic violence will end – – badly for you vile race

  58. I know better than to believe this BS says:

    This is the most ignorant Hotep garbage I have ever read in my life. The president was hamstrung by congress that said from day one they would anything to stop his policies. People need to recognize that he is the president of the United States of America, not the just black people. He walks a razor thin line on what he can do and how he does it. How many of y’all or somebody y’all know have health insurance and cell phone because of him? How many people been getting unemployment for extended amount of time because of him? Look at the big picture. The bailouts he did in ’08 saved millions of jobs. If he would have let all of those bands fail, the majority of us would have been out of a job. Keep in mind those banks fund other banks and major corporations. Including GM. So don’t vote and keep complaining. I’ll implore you to do more research, when black people and other people who need the most economic and social assistance don’t vote, conservatives when. Use your smartphone for more than Facebook and Instagram. If you think it’s bad now just wait. I like Sanders. As Mary said, he actually says specific things that he is going to do to help the black community. If Hillary wins the primary, guess what? I’m voting for her. Not voting and voting for Trump is the same f—ing thing, morons. By the way, I stumbled on this page doing research for my globalization class. I will never disgrace my internet connections with BS again.

  59. I.B. Whyte says:

    Why do black people whine and blame everybody? You people kill each other everyday, trash your neighborhoods, have litters of kids, the list goes on and on. Time to get over yourselves. Time to be responsible. If it’s so bad here in America for you, jump on a boat and go make a great black nation in Africa where it will be Eden for you all! Damn. Sorry but it’s getting old.

    1. None of Your Business says:

      You are repeater. You have no brain. You just do as your told. It is You who are enslaved and your simple mind doesn’t even know it. You are in your rightful place. Good boy.

  60. tony smith says:

    The person who wrote this is a damn fool. Don’t vote and you will suffer great harm. See the racist comments in this thread? Trump will empower these persons.

  61. tony smith says:

    You want to know how stupid he is? He wrote a book that HE claims (can’t find corroboration) is a NYT bestseller. Look at his description of the book:

    “The Art of Mackin’ is also the first book that tells men what to say, word for word, in order to get sex from women, guaranteed.

    By using my tried and proven methods of mackin’, men are guaranteed to increase their player ratio by at least fifty percent (50%).”

    You people trust this fool for political advice? If so, then you weren’t going to vote any because you are too dumb to understand the importance of doing so.

  62. Edgy Teenager says:

    Stupid fucking nigger doesn’t understand politics.

  63. Drew says:

    The real problem is that you cannot help those that will not help themselves. Black people are in general lazy, violent and undependable. If you do not believe this ask the 75% of black women struggling to bring up their little nigglet with no support from the negro sperm donor. The largest employer of negroes are violent gangs, drug distribution and collecting welfare. All races fear black people more than any other, even other other black people fear themselves most.

    “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage of my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery—then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” —Reverend Jesse Jackson, speaking at the PUSH convention in 1993.

    1. CrushRacialBoundries says:

      How could you even use that FILTHY word? It’s disgusting honestly, how prejudiced you are. I mean, first slavery, then Racism (Which still carries on to this day), to using police terror and the murder of underage children like Tamir Rice. And now this? We are in the 21st Century and yet many of you cling onto Racism as if it were a tradition. I mean no disrespect, I am simply stating fact, you sir, are now different from the slave owners in the 17th century. Tell me, why are white people, in your eyes, better and civilized, tell me why do you call yourself white, when even albino cannot get any lighter and why you call us black when Melanistic people do not even exist. Why do you not have compassion? Why, when God created us all, no different, do you hold yourself above? Why do you have to crush people’s belief in themselves and crush hope? Hope to unite everyone and stop Racism? To crush the Racial boundaries that separates us?

    2. A1 says:

      lmao I love it man. Great stuff! They make up something like 14% of the population and relative to their population a massive amount are in jail, running amok with warrants, on welfare or cash assistance. We call these people bums. Nigga deez white mothu fuckus be keepin us down. Shiiiit nigga, fuck dat, I gotta lick, I’m bout ta make some paper nigga. hells yeah. I feel u dawg.

  64. RC says:

    The majority of people replying to the article have NO IDEA how the Electoral College works. Telling someone not to vote in a PRESIDENTIAL election has ABSOLUTELY no effect on the outcome, unless the person not voting is an ELECTOR! Anybody commenting on a Presidential election should be KNOWLEDGEABLE about the Electoral College, otherwise, your take will be off point, as the majority of responders to this article have proven.

  65. Matt says:

    Liberals hate independence. They go out of their way to create a problem that wasnt a problem to begin with. Why you might ask. Control, Power, Greed. And America is so dumb to fall for this. Just look at the usa under Obama. They put it out that its the rights fault for everything, but boy do their actions speak differently.

  66. Troller says:

    Why white people should not vote in the 2016 presidential election

    1. DrGoatse says:

      White People Know How To Vote They Use Their Brain! Black People Are Told Who To Vote For Like Sheep They Just Follow Along… Pssst Hey Vote Fo Da Democrat Weez Gets Mo Freebie’s!!! Who Da Demokratz? lol

  67. Tucker says:

    My God this is stupid. Nobody cares about you if you don’t vote. The reason this country caters to old white people is they vote in every election, not just the presidential ones. Like, if you aren’t voting for every single election no politician will ever care about you. How is this not obvious?

  68. A1 says:

    I stopped reading this when the writer wrote “Bernie Sanders is surrounding himself with groups of Black people without actually committing to doing anything specific for Black Americans.” Black people must have more, more more. Please Mr. Politician do something for US. White people, you’re keeping us down, do more for us so we can continue to complain anyway about the white man keeping us down. We be killing each other in record numbers, but c’mon nigga where mah welfare? Common nigga where mah section 8, where my EBT card? I just was walking down the street to Kroger the other day, and found an EBT card on the ground that belonged to “Tanisha” and I asked “Does this belong to anybody?” The 20’s something black lady on the porch sitting with 5 other 20’s something men and women said “oh yes Mr. that be mine, thank you sir” I felt like saying WTF are you doing with a god damned EBT card? You and all the others sitting on the porch doing nothing are in their 20’s and not working? Why? It must be because the “white man is keeping you down with their entitlement programs” GET A FUCKING JOB!!! STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT NOT GETTING ENOUGH!! My parents went through rough times, but the state gave them $16 fucking dollars on an EBT card even though they worked their entire fucking lives! These god damn “niggers” yeah I said it since nobody calls people out when they say “cracker” and it’s supposed to be okay. FUCK THAT. Anyway, these damn niggas and illegals are sucking the welfare program dry in this country. Not to mention the refugees or those seeking asylum sucking it dry. You dot head mother fuckers are a problem too. Complain about America but you make up 91.4% of food program recipients, and fucking 68.3% are on welfare. I can go on all day and talk about all you minority fucks, but I’ve said enough. Now you can cry about it some more and say it’s all because the white man. I’ve heard African Americans are talking about a huge exodus to Africa. Leave Please, we won’t notice any impact on the economy at all, and we can clean up the shithole neighborhoods you live in and the white neighborhoods you move into and destroy and turn into a ghetto. There is a reason why white people say “Oh there goes the neighborhood” The fucking degenerates need to leave this country and go destroy someplace else.

  69. Craig James says:

    The Scary thing is this blatant racist actually seems to believe this stupidity. I ask you racist, who in the hell do you think you are to tell people not to vote? Did you beloved Obama advance your cause or did he not see that enough people got free Obama phones to satisfy your race lust?

    1. Dr. Linger says:

      Thank you Craig. As a statistician I am with President Obama who just said tonight “there is no such thing as a vote that doesn’t count”. When I hear black people talk about why they aren’t going to vote, I recognize that their philosophies are a cancer and that they should be regarded as such. If you stay home and don’t put your vote in for Hillary Clinton then you are just as bad as the racist Trump and his henchmen. I have no respect for “house niggers”. Yes they are the ones that tell others not to vote. Don’t vote, don’t complain.

  70. Craig James says:

    “If no candidate will commit to doing something specifically for Black people, then we simply should not vote for them. ”

    The process exists to bribe you – is that what you want – a bribe. You couldn’t be more pathetic if you tried.

  71. RageOfSpawn says:

    In the words of the Late Lyndon B. Johnson,”I’ll have those niggers voting democratic for the next 200 Years.”… Wake up Black America, this is your Democratic Party and the fact we have a Black President elected through this party is a Ruse!! Obama is nothing but an impotent pawn of the Democratic Party. President Obama can’t help Black America, because he played by the Democratic rules to get where he is today. Black America needs to stop playing the victim, because that enslaves us. Every individual in this country has the Right to Free Speech and to seek an education. Use those rights to rise above the HATE in this country. Do not limit yourselves to the pandering of the chosen few (Social Elite) based on your Religion, Race or Economic Status. These are tools to keep America Black or White ‘DIVIDED’.

    1. Randy Trabing says:

      I love Obama!! That doesn’t mean I agree with everything he has done or not done. He is educated and played by the rules!!! That’s bad? A lot of what he wanted to do was blocked by the hater team. TEAM WHITE DUMB AND RACIST (Republican). I’m proud to have a black man as president!!!! As an old white lady I’m ashamed of my white race. How can I help make your life better and positive?

      1. Donnie says:

        Sounds like you after black sausage .

  72. Darrin Underwood says:

    You have got to be crazy and totally irresponsible to write this crap.

    Yeah, black folks may not be treated the way we feel we should by the Democrats, but handing this election to Trump would be a disaster for us.

    Republicans have been trying to take the right to vote from black folks for decades and they still are today. The only thing that has stopped some of these efforts is the Supreme Court which has thrown out anti-voting laws developed by these racist southern states.

    These next 4 years will determine the makeup of the Supreme Court for a generation to come. If you stay home this election, Republicans will pass laws that make you stay home for the next 40 years.

    If I didn’t know better, I would say this article was written by some KKK loser sitting in his mother’s basement trying to get as many of my brothas’ and sistas’ to stay home as possible.

    VOTE black folks, VOTE…

    1. Randy Trabing says:

      You rock!!! I am an old white lady who thinks black lives matter. I wish I could make all the haters get educated on the real racial history in this country. I’m not rich . I didn’t graduate college. I would however like to help ANYONE NOT WHITE!!!! Stay sane😁

  73. Darrin Underwood says:

    We may not like everything Clinton and the Dems are doing, but ignorantly refusing to vote will hurt us far more for the next 40+ years. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/north-carolina-voter-id_us_579b8862e4b08a8e8b5de534?section=

  74. Love length says:

    American citizens are basically beings told that Hilary Clinton will be the next president and we all know she’s a corrupt bitch and knew bill was banging Monica lewinsky .

    1. None of Your Business says:

      Really? Who cares about Bill! Have you ever been cheated on? Have you ever cheated?! Thought so. shut up.

  75. DrGoatse says:

    Alls I Wanna Know Is… Can A Niqqa Get A Table Dance?

    Click On My Name To See A Hot Mama Table Dance!

  76. Amos analy says:

    why can’t I buy a Twinkie in the uk or jerky???its a white conspiracy.

  77. Hesam says:

    Color people should not be boss at all

  78. Chester Jason Slater says:

    I would love to read more commentary from Tariq Nasheed.

  79. Jay says:

    Im proudly not voting until we get a map on how we should build the black community (no hand outs), but give us what we are owed and what we damand cause we aint asking no more when that time comes we taking it point blank, so you can talk stupid and disrespect cause that does nothing for you when our foot is on your neck!

    1. riceroni says:

      Saw the election results ignorant motherfucker! Good luck with that! Rudy Giuliani could be the Attorney General, New Gingrich secretary of state, and fuck Sheriff David “Coon” Clarke FBI director. How’s that fucking sound for building “the Black community” fucktard?

  80. None of Your Business says:

    I don’t know you but my guess is either you aren’t black posing to be one to sway us, or your another negative mentally slaved entrapped chump. If you paid attention to President Obama and Politics you would know that he tried everything in his power to make a difference. The man did what he could with the trash he was given and people like you didn’t want to back him up “because he wasn’t black enough!” You’re a sorry simple Slave minded fool.

    If we don’t vote, Trump will win and this country will be at immediate war. I’m not a fan of Hillary either but If we have to choose the lesser evil, than so be it. We might as well take advantage of what she might make possible for us.

    The End.

    1. riceroni says:

      AMEN! Couldn’t have been better said!

  81. None of Your Business says:

    To all you racists dummies on this spread….

    You are repeater. You have no brain. You just do as your told. It is You who are enslaved and your simple mind doesn’t even know it. You are in your rightful place.

  82. Dssdesigns@yahoo.com says:

    Fuck u niggers and white nigger lovers

    1. riceroni says:

      Seriously you piece of shit White trash KKKracker, your bullshit is the last thing we fucking need. Maybe if you people quit fucking your siblings we wouldn’t have the Earth defiled with pieces of shit like you.

  83. Bryan from Detroit says:

    Ignorant ass coons. Enjoy your Trump Presidency. Stupid MFRs.

  84. riceroni says:

    Sadly a bunch of people took your ignorant advice and will be the first to fucking complain. Shut the fuck up and enjoy cops getting away with WAY MORE MURDER of Blacks, and an unchecked DOJ & FBI who won’t do shit about it, and nation wide stop & frisk. Stupid motherfuckers like you think they know every fucking thing and that everything about YOU and appeasing YOU! Hope you’re glad with what you we ended up with YOU FUCKING MORON!

  85. TRUTH says:

    Tariq, thanks for giving Donald J. Trump the presidency. Your race doesn’t need reparations or deserve handouts; they’ve been given them since 1970. Your race has squandered every affirmative action given time and again and the majority of thinking taxpayers have gotten sick of supporting a minority of people who can barely take care of themselves. We were even generous enough to let a black Muslim be president, and look what a failure he is. YOU don’t even support him – so ungrateful! OBAMA was an Oreo who only appealed to blacks to get him elected: and, like slaves, ya’ll didn’t question his motives and simply followed orders; voting on his appearance rather than his substance. Obama has allowed racial relations to deteriorate, NOT “Whitey” or fictitious concepts like “race officers” and “institutional racism” and “white privelege.” We’ve been paying for your race’s mistakes for far too long as is..Now with BLM a minor terrorist movement replete with idiots like Poe threatening to revolt now that Trump has won, your race IS ASKING TO GET ITS F*CKING BELL RUNG. ALL LIVES MATTER, not just those of innocent black civilians or stupid black thugs, you RACIST hypocrites. We are SO GRATEFUL you have compelled your people not to vote – TRUMP is the LAW & ORDER president who won’t take any sass from whining users. So, thanks for doing what your race historically does best: not a DAMN thing. P.S. your” revolution” would be over very quickly – as ever, you need us more than we need you. Peace : )

  86. Mike says:

    Well you got what you wanted. Happy? Rudy Giuliani will become the Attorney General, more conservative judges will be appointed to the Supreme Court and the little that President Obama was able to achieve will be wiped from the history books. Yep, telling people to not exercise their right to vote is your best ever decision, right? People with mikes and pens should be a bit more cautious with their advice! I’ve never thought I’d say this but my people has much to learn! (That was the washed down version of what I was going to say). By not voting you allow your local area to be controlled by people without your best interest in mind. Allows your schools to still be trash. Allows liquor stores and prisons to litter your landscape. But the good news is social programs will be all but eliminated so our inner cities can still be drug infested. Great job, you got your wish!

  87. CW says:

    I realize this post in one year old, but I have to comment on this. I am surprised that this argument wasn’t more clear and this attitude more widely shared. I believe this should have been SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS. And the reality is, as there is now an outpouring of concerned citizens who care about social justice, when are we going to move to a new level of conversation about those that care about social justice and say, “If black people do not have a choice in this election, then no one has a choice in this election. Period. As a woman, if both candidates before me were going to do massive damage to women in this country, and it was loud a clear that women had no choice in the election, then I would damn well hope my brother and my husband and my father would say, “There is no choice in this election.” That is real social justice. You’re 100% correct that democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin. It is time for massive change and for either a new party to rise or for this bogus system to fall apart. I know how controversial it is to say not to vote so I thank you for this. How can we stand ourselves to knowingly vote for oppression? How is it ok that that is the only choice?

  88. I don’t unremarkably comment but I gotta admit thank you for
    the post on this great one :D.

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