12-Year-Old Black Boy Suspended For Staring At a White Girl

In a system of white supremacy, no person classified as Black is immune to unfair treatment and arbitrary punishment. Not even Black children.

A 12-year-old Black boy was suspended from St. Gabriel Consolidated School, a catholic school in Glendale, Ohio. The reason for his suspension: allegedly staring at a white girl.

When the boy’s parents filed a suit to Hamilton County (OH) Pleas court in attempts to get the suspension erased (because he wasn’t given due process), a judge denied the claim, continuing to uphold the suspension as originally mandated. It turns out that the suspension was unnecessary in the first place, because the boy had been involved in a “staring game” with the white girl. What makes the suspension even more questionable was that the girl was visibly enjoying the game. “I never knew she was scared because she was laughing”, he wrote in a letter of apology to the school…”I understand I done the wrong thing that will never happen again. I will start to think before I do so I am not in this situation (again).”

Court documents show that the white girl “felt fearful”. Although the girl made these claims of being intimidated by the 12-year-old Black boy, it appears that she has been known for intimidating students herself. The same girl that accused my son of this act of perception of intimidation, aggressively poured milk on someone else’s lunch. When she did that there was no penalties for that. She received nothing for that,” said Candice Tolbert, the mother of the 12-year-old boy.

Here’s the link to the story.

Bogus methods of discipline such as these are noting more than white supremacist tactics used to deny our children of the education they deserve. It also invokes the centuries-old paranoia of the white female in distress who is “under attack” by the Melanoid male. It is up to us to ensure that our children are protected, and properly educated.

In the following link, the video clip shows the interview with the boy’s parents, and his mother’s concern regarding her son’s suspension.



B. Clark

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please follow the link in the name above to help us educate and empower our youth.

164 thoughts on “12-Year-Old Black Boy Suspended For Staring At a White Girl

  1. Geronimo says:

    Why pay for “their” education at all? Are there no schools in that town city or state that are for us by us? I would never condone apologizing for that. That mom spent her hard earned money for her son and herself to get “that” lesson on race relations in 2015.

    1. dc1969 says:

      Yep. Now the term is “staring while black at “whites”.esp. the women. This is all a bunch of ,once again,”white” supremacist bullshit. They cannot help to be nothing but spiteful,hateful,vindictive pieces of garbage. Now for the so called “good white people”: unfortunately,they are literally the “minority” amongst their breed. So this is basically a neverending ,fucked up lifesyle amongst their breed. And we are supposed to forgive and be meek around “them”? Me don’t go for that nonsense.i want them to always be on pens and needles because it is just a matter of time that they are going to get that bad,screwed up karma. Then they will see what suffering is about. And i personally am going to enjoy ther suffering! Peace!

      1. A says:

        I feel sorry for you feeling this way. I’m white, raised with blacks, I accept being white and accept others being black. I am peaceful with all- God is good. My kids are white, black, and Spanish. Im so thankful that there are so many white, black, and Spanish people that love us for who we are. Stories like this sicken me. So do the comments of other racists pointing finger and its pointing right back. Embrace diversity and live life so much happier!

        1. dj says:

          Well do you accept the fact that this country as well as Europe owe black people reparations for their past and present actions against black people? If you say no then what you said in your post is hypocritical nonsense.

          1. Jeremy says:

            No one owes blacks anything….anything thats ever given to you is quickly destroyed anyway…look up Liberia….whites built a city for blacks in Africa after WW 2 so that blacks could go back to Africa if they wanted….its one of the worst places in the world now…you absolutely destroyed the whole city in just a few short years. You want reparations take Detroit …it took you animals 20 years to dismantle that american city when white people left you on your own..go fuck yourselves

          2. Paul Piper says:

            Still not enuff free stuff? how bout reparations for anyone who was ever victim of black hate? 12% of population 88% of all violent crime!….if you don’t like America and Europe….go home….there’s a hut waiting for ya!.

          3. whitetransSlave says:

            All white people need to give reparations, I have been giving my reparations, I let my boyfriend ruin me like the white piece of shit I am, I am doing this for him because I know that what my breed has done is disgusting, fuck white supremacy!

        2. Black Zack says:

          Don’t nobody wanna hear this bullshit you got to say

      2. Cj says:

        Pins and needles *

      3. Bruce says:

        Really!!!! You mean the majority of whites that put the first black president into the most powerful job
        Are mostly racists??? The fact is the United States is the most tolerant country in the world if it’s as racists as you say why are millions of people trying to get in even more puzzling is if as racist as you say why stay,Most every country in Africa is mainly populated by blacks yet I bet you don’t know a single black person that’s left here do go their to escape the awful racist white people.If you really want life to get better you should stop voting for the party that supported the KKK and Jim Crowe laws the party that hijacked the civil rights movement from the party that freed the slaves.The democrat party lives to keep the black population in chains WAKE UP

        1. Dbldiggit says:

          Democrat or Republican really doesn’t matter because they both work for the same cooperation. The United States is a cooperation, and the president is just the CEO. He has a boss that he has to answer to, the CEO’s job is to delegate others to handle the task. So Just because a black man got the job white people think that racism has improved and that black people have taken over the country. They’re sick to think because a black family is living in the Whitehouse for 8yrs that blacks have taking the country. They’re running around taking about taking their country back. The one thing they I can agree with is that the country has been hijacked, but it ain’t by Black people. So suggest you go and visit these international thugs posing as bankers. That’s where they should be looking to take back the country.

          1. Susan Harris says:

            That’s absolutely correct we’re teaching the futures of this great nation’s to think like your forefathers has for years break the tucking cycle. Allow our future generations to make they’re own decisions. ITS THEIR CHOICE

    2. Jeremy says:

      shhhhhiiiittt …how comes they kid gets to go to a good skool wit whitey and my kids gots ta go wit the dumbasses in public skool? Sit sun !

      1. shaniece says:


        1. hmmm says:

          Jeremy, Erin and Bruce are the same defective cracker posting pretending to be a lot of others. Its the same albino monkey

    3. Jeremy says:

      Did your hear that you racist lying blacks? You tried so hard to play the victim of white supremacy in this story…..im laughin my ass off as i type this….the white supremacists in your story is a lil asian girl lmfao ! Shes fuckin asian you piece of shit liars…..every god damn thing you say we end up researching and it turns out to be a lie…..why would you lie to be a victim you wonder? Well all ya gotta do is scroll to the top of this page and leave a donation and ill tell ya…morons

  2. Kaycee says:

    See and read older Black dudes. . .don’t step up to the plate and you are next – Gtfoh – The parents deserve everything they get. Pops didn’t step up like he should in showing his son, what should have really been done – Exiting the school and he ain’t apologizing for being human! Very disappointed in this bs -More news media this is the 21st century ! Telling the school, judge and others involved kiss where the Sun don’t shine I don’t need you – you need me

    Hear ‘ye ye Black older dudes – don’t step up and this will happen to you !

  3. Thinker X says:

    I doubt that girl said she felt fearful. That probably was something the parents or faculty said because they didnt like the fact that the two of them were being too “friendly” with each other. Naturally the black male will get the blame and will be seen as the one initiating the interaction because a white girl COULDN’T possibly be interested in black boy. OH NOOOOO!!

    We already know what this is…

    1. Jeremy says:

      I mean maybe she was right….blacks do rape 30,000. – 75,000 white girls a year….. Despite only 1 or two sick white people that are so desprate the rape a negroid. I dont blame you guys tho…white girls are like sugar n spice n everything nice…black girls are like a sack of stomped assholes

      1. LIzasweet says:

        … that was really funny 🙂
        I think that them black chicks got it goin on though- just check out the lips. They can be more abrasive at times, but they’re not categorically less attractive or anything ‘,:)

        1. Jeremy says:

          Im not unattracted to black girls…nothing wrong with them besides their appalling behavior and attitudes…once again i explain it to blacks…the white people that dont like you dont hate you because of your black skin…its your savage behavior

          1. Py says:

            Suck a dick and wallow pig

      2. hmmm says:

        You piece of garbage racist rapist. Still obsessed with the subject of rape, and still equating rape with lust, sexuality and relations….Rape is an act is hate you Dipshit

      3. Paco Alpujalobo says:

        If you cant see the beauty of a pretty black girl, you are
        just a closet queen.

      4. Oris says:

        You wack ass, motherless muthafucka, fucked in the ass with a dildo, only bath on Saturday dumb cracker 😂. Smh! And y’all stupid ass following this.smh !

  4. Jay says:

    Smh. The farther we seem to move away from slavery and jim crow era, the closer we are actually returning to those times.

  5. Marsha Muhammad says:

    Im trying to understand why the parents would have their son write a letter of apology to the school if they didn’t feel he had done anything wrong. What kind of message does that send to him…and to the school for that matter. Instead of telling him he did nothing wrong, they telling him to beg his way back into the same school that is mistreating him.

    1. JayBay says:

      That’s the problem with our people. We apologize for EVERYTHING that we’re a victim of in society. And now because of this, ANY white girl at that school can basically make any black student their bitch. The kids parent’s fucked up big time by making the kid apologize especially considering the lack of evidence that this was about intimidation. This is why I can’t stand spineless black people. They think they’re making the situation better by apologizing and all they’re doing is making worse for blacks around the country.

    2. dj says:

      SlaveHolm Syndrome…

    3. Don says:

      Point taken !!!!! You are absolutely right !!!!!!!!

    4. Jeremy says:

      Orrrr….they left out a bunch of details to the story and the black family is well aware of the future rapist theyre raising? Thinks that make you go hmmmm?

    5. LIzasweet says:

      they didn’t- the school instructed him to write it as penance, and he didn’t tell his parents.

      Also, I just want to say- since I was that kind of girl in elementary school, this bs lands mostly in her parent’s court. My parents were super upright people who would never get another kid in trouble for being in a stare-down with me- I probably started it!

  6. sam says:


  7. SkyChopper says:

    I just made another donation towards Dr. Umar Johnson school.

  8. Micelle says:

    When will black folks get it? We must have our own schools, community, stores and etc…………
    I faithfully give a donation to FDMG every month. I believe this school will happen.
    If i had a million or 2, i will freely give it to see this school for our children.

    1. EM says:

      So basically, you want to reactive segregation? Very telling about you as a person.

      1. JayBay says:

        Look at pretty much every other ethnic group in America and they all have their own schools that are funded by their own people where they can learn about their own culture, customs, etc. Black people are the only ones who don’t do that and every time we do people say we’re trying to reestablish segregation. Let people say what they want but black people have just as much right as anyone else to own their own stuff. Fuck integration.

        1. Cj says:

          Huh. So segregation was a good thing?

          1. JayBay says:

            Depends on what elements. Despite all the bullshit that came with it black people did have their own businesses and companies during segregation. Everything from banks, public transportation services, and even oil companies were owned and staffed by black. Unfortunately , insecure white supremacists burned a lot of these businesses down in different incidents and passed laws saying you couldn’t rebuild on the land (look at Black Wallstreet for a popular example). This is why there’s no black owned Microsofts or BP Oil. And most youth don’t even know these places existed because they were taken out of textbooks. They were systematically destroyed before they had a chance to take off. Post integration you look at blacks in America and …..well it pretty much speaks for itself. It doesn’t make sense to integrate with a people that view you as less than human and only good for work. You don’t see any other group in the world pushing for that. Pushing for the right to be treated equally under the law however is what the Civil Rights movement means to me.

          2. dj says:

            What planet did you come from? Get your mind right and race preservation game up…black people are the only ones at large who are shamed when we attempt to do for our own. No-one says this to false Jews or Asians when they build schools and communities for their own….you have to be either an oblivious ignorant person, a complete coon, a troll, or a combination of them all To post a question such as yours.

            During segregation black people had communities…not like the ghetto @$$ hoods of today but communities. A lot of black towns were doing fine as long as they was not bothered by white people.

            Do some research about segregation, the numerous black wall streets in America, and the many riots by hateful and envious white people that followed because of black prosperity and indepedence. Then ask yourself the same question you so ignorantly posted .

            Segregation was only bad for blacks who wanted to live amongst their oppressors. The blacks who built their own was doing pretty fine during those times. I wonder why they don’t teach this history in integrated schools?

        2. Jeremy says:

          What race gets their own school? Their is no white school for white people…the only race that gets their own anything they want is the darkies…black colleges all over the country…and every single college has black only groups….show me a whites only anything? You spew shit from your mouth and other dummies hear it and claim its fact…youre a racist fool and i hope u find your dream of this magical black area you can move to thats not gonna turn into a shithole the first week white people arent there to help

      2. dj says:

        You are lost…go find some common sense…

      3. Sergey Fox says:

        The issue with your comment is that segregation is already prevalent; I don’t see black people asking for segregation of whites and blacks but that segregation, especially academic and economic segregation, is here already.

        Sadly, our country systemizes segregation already; the debate is not about whether segregation is good or not, but identifying that segregation is seen as good whites.

        It’s not healthy to demonize black people who want their children to be black schools; these schools will give black children more advantages in this system. Why don’t we demonize whites who want segregation?

        I’m for integration but I’m also for black children to succeed whether in white or black schools.

    2. Jeremy says:

      You do have those things….all americas failing schools are black from top to bottom…most inner city schools are all black…Obama just closed down 50 all black schools in Chicago because the children refused to learn …he dumped those kids on the surrounding black schools that were already failing…im sure itll turn out great

  9. Cindy says:

    Get ready that ignorant mind set is carried over into careers in jobs obtained after education.
    Sadly it is becoming more prevalent.
    The children were getting along no problems but someone saw it didn’t like it & erupted a volcano.
    From a hidden mountain never beknownst to any of having any evidence of even having a volcano capable of erupting
    Its age old mind set suttled into every field of advancement for minorities. To create & monitor advancement of minorities.

  10. Lisa says:

    Dc1969….. You and your hideous opinions contribute to the race problems in this world…….

  11. Christina says:

    Lmfao …… I’m amazed at how many people JUMP to believe EVERY & ANY THING they read on this internet that IS RACIST .when will we as adults reading this BS , every get very realistic with ourselves and the sites we read, when will we say, ehh I’m not buying those beans !
    I mean imagine that!…. In today’s world and with ALL THE RACIAL ISSUES WE ARE FIGHTING…. Y’all REALLY BELIEVE there’s a Catholic School willing to act in a sub human way , treat a boy BASED ON COLOR ALONE, and you all jump to believe that teacher or school will risk being plastered all over the news , the web or even a lawsuit? GTFOH
    SHEEP…. Follow me ! Follow me!!!
    I’d bet my last dollar! There’s sooo so much more to this here story, so much we ain’t hearing, and the on,y thing we gone hear about is ( black VS white)?
    Done with this web site, I’m not your sheep, I’m not sharing your story to promote hate and cause race debates to keep us all away from the real stories…. Like all the hiding of the goverment an their sick new laws being passed without votes, like all of our right getting stripped right under our nose one by one.
    Yeah let’s make a story an he needs to be a child to gain support from those who love kids, he should be BLACK so all blacks will defend him based on race alone, and let’s make the girl white to cause race debates amongst small manageable crowds.

    1. eric says:

      great point. most blacks look for stories like these to further their own racist agenda against whites. as much as we as society want to move forward there are elements that would rather keep is backwards 400 years. black people love stories like this, because it allows them to continue to play the victim role and have a reason to stay on welfare and live off of the govnment. i love when blacks say we need to keep everything black, black businesses, black banks, black schools, but to me that’s reverse segregation. So blacks spent their whole lives to integrate into society, but now u have elements that would like to go backwards. i just don’t get it. and the whole story about being victims of slavery 400 years ago doesn’t pertain to any black today. blacks will start a riot over a black man being killed by police, but you never see al sharpton or any of these racist and racist agenda puppets in the inner cities when most blacks are killed by the hands of other blacks. its a known fact the most racist people on the earth are blacks. Look at Africa, majority of places Africans live are underdeveloped and poverty ridden. They haven’t developed as a society in thousands of years. So how can you blame whites for blacks to be unable to flourish in America? Most blacks are lazy, un educated, and value being a rapper or a football player then getting an education. this website, along with others are race driven and i consider them race baiters. they constantly search for stories like this and have an orgasm when they find one because it pushes their racist ideas n agenda further. fuck this website n any other website like this. the only thing we can do as society is keep away from blacks and the inner cities where they tend to flourish n cause disease and crime everywhere. the real racists are black people, they are only to blame for thier failures as a race. they have failed miserably and continue to fail in every single statistic including the higest rate of new HIV cases out of any race. they really are disgusting.

      1. omar says:

        Thanks man u sound absolutly right!

      2. JayBay says:

        Blah blah blah all black people are lazy blah blah blah pull yourself up by your boot straps blah blah blah. Normally I’d go point by point and break down the bullshit in your argument but I think the white guy in this article (http://melanoidnation.org/white-man-warns-all-black-people-dont-trust-white-people/) will sum it up nicely.

        We’re the ones making fun of people who can’t speak “perfect” English, we’re the ones who’ve come up with every single racial slur used in this country.

        We’re so much more concerned about you questioning us, telling us no or calling us out than we are what you’re actually experiencing at our hands.

        We will spent countless hours just poking at you, trolling you just to prove you’re this less intellectual, overly emotional animal, to get you to fail a standard we set for you without ever clueing you in on it.

        We rigged the economy, the government and the schools, created the ghettos, set you up for failure and then we blame you for your not pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.

        We are still making you defend yourselves, over and over ad infinitum. We make you defend your personhood, your autonomy, your agency, your decency, your humanity because when you keep minorities on the defensive, when you keep them explaining who they are and justifying their right to life – nothing real ever gets done.

        Any of these points sound familiar to you eric? How about you Christina and Lisa? It’s the same BS over and over again except this time people are waking up to your crap and aren’t putting up with it. You gotta love how Eric argues that blacks builiding their own schools and businesses is “reverse segregation” but ignores the fact that EVERY OTHER ethnicity in America does the exact same thing. Of course, logic has never been a white supremacists’ strong point. After all, you guys say that whites should stay away from blacks but then spend your free time on sites like this.

        1. JayBay says:

          PS @ omar…..You’re a cunt.

          1. Jeremy says:

            Vampires that burn in the sun huh? When im on the beach i see nothing but beautiful white skin enjoying themselves….not too many black people tho cause ontop of all the other things you cant figure out…swimming is too complicated for you…white people call you african rock fish…cause you hit the bottom and dont come up

        2. Jeremy says:

          The white man in that article jaybay? The transgender sick person in that article doesnt like white people so you take everything it says as fact? So nice of you to take the side of the transgender self hating white person cause i know in the black community you guys are always so helpful and concerned for the gays in your community…..lol you fuckin joke

          1. JayBay says:

            Translation: Anything that a transgender person says is false. Doesn’t matter if there’s thousands of examples that continue from 400 years ago up until the present. A transgender person could say the sky is blue and it would be wrong.

            I’m guessing you weren’t the captain of your debate team were you?

            So nice of you to take the side of the transgender self hating white person cause i know in the black community you guys are always so helpful and concerned for the gays in your community

            Hmmm….Let’s see about this one. Which race said that homosexuality was a mental disorder up until the 1970’s? Which race had laws to keep gays out the military? Or prevented them from getting married? Which race to this day starts and funds pray away the gay Christian camps and sends their kids there? I’ll give you a hint. They burn in the sun.
            Regardless of how anyone on this site feels about homosexualty the “group of people who burn in the sun like vampires” has done WAY more against them than blacks have.

      3. RhythmnLocs says:

        You so wrong on so many points and so ignorant until its just plain sad, i can’t even be upset with what you said because i pity you, how does it feel to be so……..dumb, how can blacks be the most racist people when whites started and still push racism even to this day, we blacks can give 2 fucks what other races do but whites are always in somebody else’s business, fucking up they lives, giving other nations YOUR ways of living when no one asked for it, saying we whites are bringing in a “civilized” way of living, HA miss me with that, tell me how barbarians know anything about being civil, the white race can’t accomplish nothing if they don’t destroy or steal something, just admit to yourselves your evil and are the seeds of Satan, everywhere the white race go they fuck it up and then talk shit about it like they wasn’t the reason why the place is fucked up, you started in africa, before you went there the africans were a nation of kings and queens being civil to one another before whites brought their messy asses over there, then you moved Israel, destroyed and scattered the true Israelites and put your own people there, then to the Americas, where you committed genocides, rapes, theivery, slavery, came up with the idea of segregation, started up the welfare program which severely wounded the black family, destroyed blacks when we started to do for ourselves when you finally let us “free” after you destroyed us mentally, refused us our rights to do for ourselves because you saw how fast we move when blacks become a nation unto ourselves and you got scared, envious, and jealous of us, you refuse us jobs for your own people even when we are clearly the better choice and then turn around and call us lazy, how dumb is it that a people known for not contributing nothing but destruction to the human race fixes their mouth to speak bad about a people that were on this planet first and birthed you all, ungrateful little children, now today you running into the middle east starting shit, the people that are trying to take all of our liberties and rights today are, yes you guessed it, WHITE, but you say we’re the problem, whites created a system in this world that make other nations seem so wrong while they stay shitting on others saying they didnt do it, whites are sick, but i can’t fault you because you are doing your jobs as the evil wicked scum of the earth that you are, but verily i say unto, the day will come(and its coming soon) that you will wish that the Most High had never created you, for you have done great evils in the sight of the Most High, oh house of Edom woe unto you for you seek to make evil good and good evil and seek to lead the whole world to damnation, i pray that when the Most High sends his son back that he will make himself drunk from the blood of the wicked and others that cleave to the old serpent that has become a dragon, remember you people of pale skin, what goes around comes around and your money, nor slick words, nor pale skin will save you in the day of redemption, Shalom

        1. Paco Alpujalobo says:

          The real evil ones are not ALL the whites.
          The truly evil ones are the Anglo-Saxons. They committed genocide against the Irish, the Scottish, the American Indians, the people of India, the people of Africa, build the first concentration camps where they murdered the S.African Boers women and children, and now
          they own Nazi corporation Bayer who bought evil Monsanto. They are the enemy of all races who are not WASPS. They are German, not English. Read A history of India 1 and 2. by 2 russian writers. They are hated all over the world. And now they destroy the middle east to steal their oil. They ARE N.W.O.!
          Educate yourself and don’t victimise yourself in your rapmusic. The greatest jazz musicians where/are black and Latino. When Naomi Campbell got on the catwalk with her long shiney black thighs I always suffered a mild heart attack. Be proud to be black. Dont be afraid to mix with other races. Look how beautiful Ethiopian women are! They are a mix of Jewish, christian, white, arab and black. Queens of Sheba!
          Un saludo,

    2. recordtwist says:

      We don’t care what you think. We will uplift ourselves and remove the yolk of white supremacy people like you put on us and there’s nothing you can do to stop us. Deal with it.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Blacks dont uplift anything or anyone….what do blacks consider uplifting these days? Is that like the holocaust of black guys murdering black men women n children every weekend in Chicago every single weekend? 11 month olds being shot by blacks….pregnant women being shot and stomped…yeah u guys are uplifting alright…and u always have been

  12. GQRugged says:

    It´s funny how people try to brush this off a simple incident when in actuality the hidden message “the school” is sending to people of color is you can´t even look at a White girl, and a White girl can get away with doing more.

    People try to use the “Catholic” school shield as if the White Catholic School staff could do no wrong! IT¨S ALL ABOUT RACE!

    1. LIzasweet says:

      you clearly have never been part of a private school inquiry- it’s all about the parents and how dishonest the kid is.
      If the kid convinces their parents that they’re a little angel and then tell them they got in a staring contest with a scary boy- the parents go bonkers- white, black, and everything between.
      It’s really not about race in this kind of thing, I promise.

  13. Jeremy says:

    Not one single one of you cry baby blacks can name a single white person that ever did a thing to you…none of you know anyone who was lynched..none of you ever had a run in with the KKK ..never a cross burned on your lawn…NOTHING! Youre out of your minds…look up black violence on youtube….hundreds of videos of black people doing horrific things recently…look up white violence….NOTHING!…keep cryin wolf…keep yelling the sky is falling…cause you just might get it

    1. JayBay says:

      Not one single one of you cry baby blacks can name a single white person that ever did a thing to you…none of you know anyone who was lynched..none of you ever had a run in with the KKK ..never a cross burned on your lawn…NOTHING!

      Got it. So any other injustice against black people is unless a white person did it to me personally. Blacks unfairly given harsher sentences in jail? Didn’t happen to me so it’s ok. Being unfairly picked over whites for jobs even though you’re just as or more qualified? Ok. Unfair treatment in schools as shown by this article? Fine. Your argument would be like me saying “well, I know your daughter got raped but it didn’t happen to you personally so don’t complain about it.”

      1. Jeremy says:

        Harsher sentences? Again another black myth…the system is letting you animals out before 1/4 of your sentence is done….and the epidemic of witness intimidation and bronx juries is getting out of hand….half your population are violent felons that never served any real time

        1. JayBay says:

          “Drumroll please” And the internet says

          According to a new study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission, prison sentences handed out to black men in the past seven years have been almost 20% longer than sentences given to white men for the same crimes. From the WSJ:

          In the two years after the [2005 US v Booker ruling, which gave federal judges more discretion in sentencing], sentences of blacks were on average 15.2% longer than the sentences of similarly situated whites, according to the Sentencing Commission report. Between December 2007 and September 2011, the most recent period covered in the report, sentences of black males were 19.5% longer than those for whites. The analysis also found that black males were 25% less likely than whites in the same period to receive a sentence below the guidelines’ range.

          1. Jeremy says:

            Lmfao…yes longer sentences for same crime…except the black guy flips out, resists arrest…curses the officer and threatens everyone around, trys to incite a riot ontop of that hes usually a multiple time offender or is on parole..but the white guy who commits the same crime knows hes fuckin caught and puts his hands behind his back and goes to jail….your bullshit stats are wrong and you know it dude

          2. LIzasweet says:

            this is why I kind of hate the internet- no one understands the proper way to use and cite statistics.

    2. JayBay says:

      look up black violence on youtube….hundreds of videos of black people doing horrific things recently…look up white violence….NOTHING!

      …..Says that whites aren’t violent…completely ignores that a white guy shot up a college campus last week.

  14. Jeremy says:

    U mean the white guy with the black mother? So Obamas black cause hes only half white but the shooter is white because hes half black…gotcha ….dumbass

  15. Jeremy says:

    What kinda white supremacist shoots and kills only 9 white people? Ill tell ya what kind….a nigger white supremacist

    1. JayBay says:

      What kinda white supremacist shoots and kills only 9 white people? Ill tell ya what kind….a nigger white supremacist

      Ba dum cha. So he’s not white even though his dad is white and he was a white supremacist, but because he ONLY killed 9 people he’s black. And you’re saying I’m the dumbass. Sorry but the semen that created this guy is white and he was basically a neo nazi. He’s white people’s problem.

      1. Jeremy says:

        He lived with his black gun nut mother…he hasnt seen his father in years….he looks black…the only reason the medias sayin hes a WS is because he wrote that hes sick and tired of black males….that doesnt mean hes a WS…alot of non whites are sick of you

        1. LIzasweet says:

          As much as I resent Jeremy’s tact, I have to concede he has a point here…

  16. Jeremy says:

    And hows your boy Vester doin?

  17. Jeremy says:

    And dont get me started on rape…the racist DOJ own statics show that blacks rape whites well over 35,000 times a year every year…the same stats show white on black rapes so few it doesnt come up in a percentage ….usually 1 or 2…….35,000 black on white rapes compared to 2 the other way around… Your all pretending to be victims when youre actually the predators

    1. LIzasweet says:

      Dude, even if that stat is accurate (and it sounds all kinds of questionable), being an asshole is a learned, not inherited, trait- people have agreed on this since the law of Moses was written (that’s why you don’t execute the son for the father’s crimes) therefore any douche-ness blacks display as a society could easily have been learned in the century they spent under white douches.

  18. Jeremy says:

    Heres more truth for you …did ya know MLK stole all his speeches? Yuppers he did……He mentioned having a dream but it wasnt his dream at all…he stole that speech from an old black pastor word for word…Boston University figured it out years later…normally the college would expel or take away a degree of anyone caught plagerizing but not good ole MLK(must be white privilege)…..did ya know MLK also had a fancy for white prostitues? Not just for sex…he would beat the shit out of them ….According to the rumor the FBi has hours of audio of him beating and fuckin white hookers….so i guess that leaves none of u left….i dont know one black person thats not a piece of shit… Black histories so much fun when you research it i think they should give you a second black history month

    1. JayBay says:

      .According to the rumor the FBi has….

      Rumor doesn’t mean fact dumbass. Show me an actual tape and then I’ll believe.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Lmao…the FBI cant release for the same reason BU didnt take away his diploma…” Hes done to much good for black people and its too late now”

        1. JayBay says:

          …..That’s the dumbest logic I’ve ever heard.
          Guy in FBI; It turns out MLK was beating prostitutes. And we have proof

          Other guy in FBI;Well we legally can’t release that information. Cuz you know…..there’s a statute of limitations where the FBI can release info on somebody.

          FBI can release it whenever they feel like it. Assuming they actually have it.

      2. Jeremy says:

        And i like the fact the your only concern is him fuckin n beaten white women but the speech stealing is fine….reminds me of the Central Islip black cheerleaders durin my football days….i believe it went something like this…..”when we get that feelin, we go robbin and stealin”…typical little league black cheerleader chant…that should be the BLM chant

        1. JayBay says:

          Yes I tend to be more concerned about rumors of someone beating people than stealing speeches. The speech thing…meh don’t really care about although it is messed up. White presidents and leaders are constantly held up to be heroes when then do fucked up shit (i.e. Washington and how he ordered millions of natives killed or Lincoln and how he was quoted about not wanting to end slavery)
          You saying MLK beat people but not providing any proof..yeah that’s more serious to me. Like I said, gimme some proof or move on.

    2. JayBay says:

      SInce we’re talking about stealing speeches

      JFK stole his “ask not what your country”.. speech from his old headmaster

      See. I can use google too.

  19. Jeremy says:

    O….did ya know we named Africa for you? Millions of you zombies on the continent but couldnt figure out what you were on or what a name was….your welcome

    1. JayBay says:

      Yeah. You named America for the Natives too. After you killed them, raped them, forced them to convert to Christianity. Oh and then still referred to them as Indians even though they had other names that they already called themselves. You want a cookie for committing genocide? Does the white boy want a cookie?

      BTW. Africans aren’t my people and neither are you white so called Americans but that’s another story for another day.

      1. Jeremy says:

        But you wanna know what? No matter how hard we tride the Idians never would allow themselves to become slaves…they were too free, proud and smart…they fought it tooth and nail and would escape or die trying…unlike the negros that chained themselves for us….lol silly animals

        1. JayBay says:

          Except that there’s plenty of slave revolts that did happen in history that weren’t written about in textbooks.The Haitian Revolution and the Baptist war just being a few examples. But then again, white supremacist logic. We don’t tell you that slaves revolted and actually won so therefore it didn’t happen.

          1. Jeremy says:

            The hatian revolution yes…im aware of it…the people that were never under slave rule because they fought back…..and hows the country doing now? Haiti is one of the worst hell holes in all the world and its all black created..hatians were never slaves…they took a fuckin boat ride dude…now theyre Aids filled starving animals ….just because youre takin or forced to move to another land doesnt mean you are doomed to fail…thats how this nation was founded…when the future americans were forced out of england we had to go somewhere…and their was no turning back…we survived in the new land or died

          2. JayBay says:

            Yeah you kinda forgot how France forced Haiti to repay the equivalent of 21 billion dollars after the war ended or how they killed toussaint louverture, the leader of the revolution, while he was visiting France to talk about peace agreements. Guess a fair win isn’t whiteys strong point either.

      2. Jeremy says:

        I dont care what race you come from….if you were a white person id be just as nasty and throwing facts in your face that i know u wont like….the truth hurts thats why black get so upset when you give them facts and truth…..things you dont wanna believe can hurt sometimes but it doesnt make it less true…the only way we’re gonna fix this is by talkin truthfully about issues….if i gotta be PC im not playin cause it dont work

      3. Jeremy says:

        And once again it was a long long time ago….alot of bad things happened to and from all races…it was a different time..the world was alot less civilized…if the shit youre talkin about happened today id agree with you…,but it was a long time ago …we dont permit or do anything like that now…except black people didnt get that memo

        1. JayBay says:

          Long time ago….Nope still happens today. Once again, white supremacist logic. Harsher jail sentences equals I’m mad about slavery. Unfair job hiring practices equals I’m mad about slavery. The fact that this site posts articles of current news constantly and the only thing you can say is “you’re just mad about slavery” shows that you’re either a dumbass or a dumbass. Choose one.

          1. Jeremy says:

            Affirmitive action has been giving jobs to be under qualified blacks for 50 years dude! Every minority in america gets a college scholarship….every company has to have a certain amount of blacks or risk heavy fines….you gotta be kidding me…blacks are given every opportunity to succeed and still fail since before i was born….i couldnt afford to go to college but every black person gets a scholarship no matter how awful their grades…fuck you and your made up black hear say

          2. JayBay says:

            Whites are eligible for college scholarships too dipshit. You Irish? Scholarship. Polish? Scholarship? I know for a fact because I checked it out when I applied for college. If you didn’t get a scholarship as a white dude then you weren’t utilizing your counselors enough. Sorry for ya.

            Every company has to have a certain amount of blacks. Yes they do. And that black will stay his ass in the same position no matter how hard he works or how many PHD’s he has. So now you’re treating us like shit but putting sprinkles on top. If he disagrees with his boss on ANYTHING he’ll be out the door. That’s a fact for black corporate life. Don’t believe me? Look up the story of the black woman who got fired for having braided hair and wearing ethnic clothing. White’s hire you because of the law but are just waiting to find a reason to fire you and say “See? These blacks aren’t trying”

  20. Jeremy says:

    You heard Obama mention Jamal dont get the job over a white guy thats why youre spewing that BS….Jamal dont get the job cause he speaks a form of english none understands…Jamal doesnt get the job cause hes wearing a basketball jersey for a office interview..jamal dont get the job cause he was 10 minutes late for the interview…dint give me your white mans racist shit….this white mans a realist…lived in NYC all my life….ive been around blacks my whole life….i just finally moved away from them…..i cant even tell you what a breath of fresh air….fuck you people….i never did anything to you…i was polite and helped anyone one i could white or black…but all blacks do is take take take and point point point…..fuck you….white flight was the greastest thing i ever did

    1. JayBay says:

      I’ll ignore the stupidity of your comment (Really? Dudes are showing up at accounting firms in basketball jersey’s? ) So, since we’re assuming that it’s low class blacks getting passed over by high class whites, what if they’re both high class? Say Harvard level?


      while a degree from an elite university improves all applicants’ chances at finding a well-paid job, the ease with which those jobs are obtained is not equal for black and white students even when they both graduate from an institution such as Harvard University. A white candidate with a degree from a highly selective university, the paper suggests, receives an employer response for every six résumés he or she submits. A black candidate receives a response for every eight.
      White candidates with degrees from less-selective universities can expect to get a response every 9 résumés, while equally qualified black candidates need to submit 15.

      Damn. I guess even Harvard kids are showing up in basketball shorts huh?

    2. Jeremy says:

      Thats a lie….irish dont get scholarships, polish dont either…those are fuckin lies…no white person gets a scholarship for their skin color you lie spreading piece of shit

      1. JayBay says:


        Hmmm….This website seems to think the opposite

        1. Jeremy says:

          Oh thats fuckin hilarious…dude the irish and polish scholarships come from the irish and polish families and donations to give back to their people..look at all the names lol all Polish and Irish privately owned companies . Look how much the scholarship is for? 300 bucks? Lol you think youre slick but youre not…now in the very same website you state give scholarships to whites..300$ lol….no use your monkey fingers to click on the african american scholarships…lol this is too funny…look at whos giving the scholarships….the governement! Look at the fuckin names stupid…all of them are diversity programs for blacks paid for by white tax payers money you stupid fuck…and look at the amounts ! Click u fuckin chimp….30,000$ / 75,000$ look at all the money the govermemt gives you…now compare that to the 300$ for the irish and polish…see the difference you absolute joke of a human?

          1. Jeremy says:

            Everything you say is a lie…you think you have points but youre actually helping my arguments over n over. You live in Japan and haveno clue whats going on here in America, i dont think you should be making the argument for black people

          2. Jeremy says:

            300$ doesnt pay for books you joke…so the blacks get mulitple scholarships which equals a free ride and the whites get some of their books at a highly reduced cost paid for by private companies…..thats fuckin fair in your monkey brain right? And the best part is most of the blacks dropout of college….which means whites just paid a very expensive ticket to nowhere for the young black lad

  21. Jeremy says:

    Hey son, no need to introduce myself cause im the shiznit…im hear for the office job son….you white bitches best be givin me the job…im taking a sick day tomorrow dog…dont be racist

    Sincerely Jamal

    1. JayBay says:

      Oh you are just too fun! I love it when they resort to using fake slang. It shows that you’ve broken them mentally.

  22. Jeremy says:

    They dont even allow whites to immigrate into this country anymore…and im not gonna show you that stats…go fuckin find yourself you racist lie spreader

    1. JayBay says:

      No, you can show me. I’ll wait.

      1. JayBay says:

        Define white? White is a color in a crayon box. But we all know there’s certain whites who they’ll gladly let into the country.

        1. Jeremy says:

          Dude am i feeding a pretend black troll right now? Id rather discuss black n white issues with an actual black person….im thinkin youre one of those third world back alley trolls….im done with you…your arguments arent even making sence or on based on made up lies

          1. JayBay says:

            You said white. The definition for who’s white is constantly changing so you’ll have to identify them by nationality. Was that too hard for you to figure out?

          2. JayBay says:

            your arguments arent even making sence or on based on made up lies

            And yet I’ve provided websites to back up what I’m saying…..Still waiting for you to prove to me that whites aren’t allowed in the country. From what nation?

          3. JayBay says:


            Once again, here’s proof whites can get scholarships.

          4. JayBay says:

            Whew! That was fun! Well you guys always throw in the towel after a while. Good play. You came on here talking shit and you gave up…..like a bitch. Don’t get me wrong though. I’ll never say that ALL black people are angels. There’s plenty of fucked up black people in the world. I just love playing this game with white guys like you who feel like white people are just perfect and never rigged the system on a global scale to their benefit. Like I said before. There’s a reason ISIS hates you guys.

          5. Jeremy says:

            Thats funny as fuck….you want the definition of white? Well i know its not the little asian girl in this story that youre lying and pretending is a white supremacist……is a lil asian girl white supreming you? Lmfao you blacks never cease to amaze me….THE WHITE SUPREMACIST EVIL PERSON IN THIS STORY IS ACTUALLY A LITTLE ASIAN GIRL !!!! I couldnt laugh harder when i found that out

  23. Jeremy says:

    Blacks dont get called back for exactly what youre doing now…who wants to deal with a deranged racist….we humor your nonsence in public but we arent going to actively invite that constant victim mentality into the work place….and most jobs research the applicants …and if they notice they have a history of crime they wont call back…u leave out bunches of details to help your argument…..i try not to do such things cause it makes me look and feel dishonest….how you feelin?

    1. JayBay says:

      Come on. Show me the stats about how whites aren’t allowed in America.

      1. JayBay says:

        I meant to say even if you’re a felon vs a black who isn’t.

  24. Jeremy says:

    Its not that they arent allowed….its wayway more difficult then any minority….if u dont believe it how many white people in the US do you run into that dont speak english? How many funny european accents do u hear? Almost never…its always a brown person that has a fucked up jibberish version of english…theyre bringin in way more minorities than white and they have been for years…the statistics are there for you to see….im not researching it for you i feel like ive held your hand enough

    1. JayBay says:

      Once again. Show. Me. A. Statistic. Just because you SAY it’s harder for whites to come into the country doesn’t mean anything to me. Either show me a stat or say you don’t know.

  25. Jeremy says:

    Blacks come out of prison with no job skills…theyre often offered classes in prison but reject them….they come out with no skills, speak awful english and dress and act like thugs….at least the white people get out of prison with a skill or a trade…even tho theyre animals inside they hide it, surpress it, they dress appropriately and show up on time…and make something of themselves or at least try

    1. JayBay says:

      You’re repeating your arguments. I already showed you that a white felon will get hired over a black without a record and a degree. You want another link?


      Bruh. I can do this forever. I broke you mentally. Just admit it.

  26. Jeremy says:

    White felons speak english …plain and simple… Blacks have been in our country for 400 years and still cant speak properly…Asians come in and within two weeks speak totally fine….besides The R and L problem they have early on

    1. JayBay says:

      Yeah we speak slang. So does literally every nation on earth. British people don’t have groups of people who speak slang among each other? Irish don’t? I know Japanese do because I speak the language fluently. The only thing you’re arguing is your own preconceived notions. Black people use slang around each other. Therefore, they use it LITERALLY everywhere else. Come on dude! You were at least a challenge before. This is just sad.

  27. Jeremy says:

    My sister works in a early kindergarten – kindergarten…her and her friends mention the black children come into school knowing half the words ofthe white children…and half the words the lil black kids know are ugly words that a child shouldnt know…..your problems arent our problems…were tryin to help you work through it but communicating with you is become more trouble than its worth….you only understand half the words i use….you may use the very same words but you dont understand them….youre parrots…broken records….i got stuff to do…if you have any good comebacks ill reply tomorrow….but right now your really not putting up a fight and i feel bad….have a good day sir

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lmao slang? Do you know 75% of Baltimore is illiterate? Most of detroit…..half the kids that graduate from Chicago high schools read at a 8th grade level or lower….go fuck yourself you liar… And that you mentioned it how was the black towns and cities in Japan? The black culture must be rich and pure in Japan….ya know away from white opressors

      1. JayBay says:

        Do you know 75% of Baltimore is illiterate?

        Looked it up. Didn’t find it. I find it funny how you keep calling me a liar but haven’t brought up a single link to any article or book proving your points. I at least back my arguments up. Once again this is white supremacist arguing tactics. Say some shit and hope that people don’t look up what you’re saying.

        Actually most of the blacks I know here work in Tokyo work in management for Fortune 500 companies or started their own businesses and are successful at it. So yeah. When we separate from you whites we actually do pretty well for ourselves.

        1. Jeremy says:

          Yes seperate from us makes you succesful like haiti…like Liberia…like every other black hell hole of a nation

  28. Jeremy says:

    Yeah your obviously a troll….when you start mentioning you broke me in the middle of the discussion you kinda ended it….you broke nothing and im kinda embarrassed i spent my white time talking to you…white time is worth more than black time….i gotta job and kids to raise and love an nurture….blacks dont know nothing about those things….see ya tomorrow you chinky nigga xoxo

    1. JayBay says:

      Yeah I did break you. Because the only thing you can resort to is calling me a chinky nigga. Like I said, you’re a typical white guy. You start out tough on the surface but when you meet someone who won’t back down you start dropping the n bombs. Good try though.

      1. JayBay says:

        BTW, still waiting for you to prove to me that whites can’t immigrate to America or have any difficulties.

    2. JayBay says:

      white time is worth more than black time

      And yet every time I come onto this site there’s always some white guy like you saying fuck black people and then suddenly becoming super busy after they stop making relevant points. Some valuable time you got there huh?

      1. Jeremy says:

        First of all if youve ever won a debate or actually “broke” someone youd know you dont have to tell the other person you broke them….you wouldnt have to say i won or i broke you….its just over because the broke person knows he lost…when you break someone you dont have to explain it to them…they just are broken…blacks on the other hand like telling the person that theyve been broken…they usually like to tell everyone how intelligent they are during the conversation and then declare themselves the winner before the conversation is halfway over….its what we expected youd do.

  29. Hadj says:

    @ Jeremy, I think I speak for everyone when I say this : Kill Yourself !

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lol awwww….the truth hurts a bit dont it…but no matter how much I disagree with you i wouldnt tell you to kill yourself…live life…be happy…stop blaming evrryone for your problems…pick each other up and get your black culture together. Well anyway sorry the truth hurt you so bad…and sorry you couldnt refute one single thing i said….just kill myself is all you got? Thats exactly what we thought youd say

      1. JayBay says:

        Except I did refute your points. multiple times. with links to stats. Your reply?
        Those starts are bullshit
        Blacks don’t get jobs cuz they don’t speak English

        Come on dude! Even the other trolls on the site can see your full of shit. Wild accusations and hoping everyone believes what you say doesn’t work on here I’m done. I could disprove everything you say (which I already did) and you’re just gonna ignore it. Have fun shit talking and hoping people pay attention to you.

        1. JayBay says:

          Ten bucks says your next reply doesn’t have a single thing to back it up.

        2. Jeremy says:

          Lol dude i dont care who believes me…im the white racist remember….i dont give a shit what you people do..i showed you that your college argument is complete lies and you just skip over it….i show you how youre wrong and you just move on to the next nonsence….im done with you….you ask me to define white for you…you want me to hold your hand and bring you to the facts im stating…i dont hold blacks hands anymore…you can easily find the information i mentioned….stop being a typical lazy non white and go find the info yourself…and i could care less if you dont believe me and the facts…we’re glad you kill each other faster than any white supremacy group ever could…dont believe me? Lol good…no skin off my nose, stupid

          1. Jeremy says:

            Dude i showed you already…read the fuckin posts …i told you whites dont get scholarships to college..you thew several links at me saying yes you do….i click on your links and it shows me Africans get a full scholarship on the white tax payers dole…and that same website shows that scholarships for whites is about 300$…and thats from irish n polish families and privately owned businesses….so blacks get over 100,000$ fir college and only irish and polish get 300$….and you still think u made a point….i cant keep explaining it to you…its from your own god damn site you threw in my face…such a dope u are

  30. Nik says:

    Dont pay jeremy no mine its obviously a troll

    1. Jeremy says:

      Trolls dont state facts….trolls dont try to have an actual discussion….the only reason im on this racist black website is because i saw the violent vial lies you guys were writing…youre writing about killing white families and babies….i knew thats what you were doing in here…and the only person youre mad at is the white guy showing you the truth without threatening and without resorting to complete name calling…i mention cops arent killing blacks more than whites and you all threaten my life of tell me to kill myself…what kinda animal behavior is that? You guys are threatening me and all whites with violence and death but im the troll? Backwards race you are

      1. Jeremy says:

        And i believe you meant to say Dont pay Jeremy no MIND…ya know like you…NO MIND…not MINE….see white people try to civilize you everyday

  31. bianca says:

    SIGH….. Another lie put out by the Tariq Nasheed hack journalism site melanoid nation.. The girl was ASIAN……not white. Christ even the mainstream media atleasts corrects a story when wrong but not melanoid nation eh?

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lmfao…great catch Bianca…..that was the best laugh i had all day….the lil asian girl is white supreming these liars….too fuggin funny

  32. sam says:







  33. sam says:


  34. Stringer says:

    First of all Jeremy Eric and Bruce go fuck yourself and die slow bitches .secondly thts what you black people get for sending your children to school around cave dwellers

  35. Stephnei says:

    Oh my gosh. I am black and just love Jeremy And Jaybay. They are so funny. Jaybay totally defeated Jeremy not bcoz she/ he is defending blacks but bcoz he gave more proof to his facts more than Jeremy. Jeremy did not know wat 2 say so he kept repeatin arguments

  36. Stephnei says:

    Let’s be honest with ourselves. We are humans, we are always want to be better the next person and to that we compare ourselves, through our skin colour, our knowledge, our talents, who is prettiest or the ugliest, who has the bigger boobs. In fact there is racism in all we do. Even if we all were the same color, we will still find a reason to hate the next guy. Even brothers and sisters tend to despise each other. I DON’T BLACKS HATE WHITE OR WHITE HATE BLACKS!!

  37. Stephnei says:

    I am sorry my last message had errors due to my phone. I will summaries in next message

  38. Stephnei says:

    Let’s be honest with ourselves. We all are humans, we are always going to thrive to be better than the next person and to do that…. we compare ourselves, through our skin colour, our knowledge, our talents, on who is the prettiest or the ugliest, on who has the bigger boobs, on how rich we are. In fact there is basically racism in all we do, we all tend to judge others becoz of who they are . Even if we all were the same color, we will still find a reason to hate the next guy. Even brothers and sisters tend to despise each other. I DON’T BELIEVE BLACKS HATE WHITE OR BELIEVE WHITE HATE BLACKS!! But I do believe we think have not found a good reason to like each other. As a black, I think white people are beautiful and smart and I also think people black are simply gorgeous and talented

  39. Kerry Muhammad says:

    I have two things to say : We need our own separate state or territory and when we start thinking we want to date a white person just remember what happened to O.J.

  40. Hmm says:

    You called him a racist? But with what i read here, you white people are far worse than the blacks, with what i saw with my own two eyes i was shocked! In my whole life i use to admire the white women and even thought of how to get married to one, but with what i saw on camera today! I was so disappointed in them, i never knew the whites are this bad! Most of the things the whites are enjoying today came from african. African are rich,

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