A Suspected White Supremacist In WV Killed An Unarmed Black Child

A 62 year old Charleston, West Virginia man named William Ronald Pulliam was charged with first degree murder in Kanawha County Magistrate Court on Tuesday morning. Pullman admitted to shooting a 15-year-old Black child named James Harvey Means on Monday night on Charleston’s East End.

Police said Pulliam showed no remorse after his arrest. He admitted shooting Means and said, “The way I look at it, that’s another piece of trash off the street,” according to a criminal complaint filed in Kanawha County Magistrate Court.

From witness reports, it appears that Pulliam tried to use the George Zimmerman tactic for executing unarmed Black children. Pulliam allegedly instigated an argument or verbal altercation with the innocent unarmed child, then used that verbal altercation to claim “he felt threatened” so he could justify executing the child.

Court records show that Pullman has a history of violence and was not allowed to have a gun, because of a previous domestic violence conviction. According to another criminal complaint, Pulliam struck his own pregnant daughter in the face several times with a closed fist and kicked her in the stomach. He also shoved his own wife to the ground during that incident, according to the complaint.

According to witnesses, the Black children in the neighborhood also had run-ins with Pullman before, because he was known to harass the youths with racial taunts.

“He said, ‘Get the [expletive] off my property.’ He said I need to go on with my nappy Latino self. He’s just a real bad guy” , said Teonno White, 14, one of the friends of the slain child.


15 year old James Harvey Means, who was killed by suspected white supremacist William Pulliam

15 year old James Harvey Means, who was killed by suspected white supremacist William Pulliam



According to local police, the FBI is looking into the shooting, apparently to determine whether its meets the criteria for investigation as a hate crime.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Steve Ruby confirmed Tuesday afternoon that federal authorities have been asked to review whether the shooting falls within the federal hate crimes statute.

With so many suspected white supremacists around the country who feel energized and empowered by the white supremacist rhetoric of the so-called “alt-right” and Donald Trump, are we going to see more of these racial attacks on Black children in the future? And what should melanoid people do about it?


176 thoughts on “A Suspected White Supremacist In WV Killed An Unarmed Black Child

  1. Anthony Leavell Jr. says:

    Arm our children with guns too!!! White folks armed and trained their kids to shoot if they deemed necessary, so we should do the same.!We may not always be around to protect them but we can give our kids something that will always be there to protect them.

    1. XmanAfrican says:

      I agree brother NARA(National African-American Rifle Association) let’s use their lobbyist to build our own!

    2. mieky says:

      Judging from statistics, they might already have them….

    3. Mark says:

      There isn’t any proof that Pullman was suspected by anyone but the author to be a white supremacist .

      1. Michael Jones says:

        And what does that matter?…Let’s not start straying from the real problem at hand, murder! White people always get some out-of-space reasons to justify their actions to cast pity, and doubt to over-shadow their accountability!

        1. Marty says:

          If means didn’t want trouble then why did he have to keep pressing the issue should have stayed on the porch when he walked up to Pullman he probley made raciel slurs to him

      2. Slimbo says:

        Go fuck yourself troll

    4. Moucheka says:

      Dear Anthony Leavell,

      You need to use the brain that God gave to you wisely and smartly. You need to understand that racial segregation has never been end, it was just a camouflage by hypocritical politicians including the actual president. Please don’t let those satan’s agents make you look just like them. Don’t learn to pur black kids how to be violent. We are still less then the white devils and we don’t have control over everything. What we really need as black people is to first love ourselves and each other. When we start to love ourselves and each other, we will stop killing each other, we will start taking our studies seriously, we will start taking care of our black kids by sacrifice ourselves for them, we will stop letting them do whatever they want especially selling drugs on the streets and be part of gangs, our teenage girls will stop getting pregnant before they age, and will stop making abortions, our black husbands and black fathers will stop to abandon their respective households, they will understand the importance of family, they will realize that what makes the white families so powerful is their sense of management. When we are going to fight for each other and not to fight against each other this is when we will realize how powerful we are. When we are going to unify ourselves and not divided ourselves this is when we will realize that we are strong. The white people have been taking advantage from weakness to challenge us. They have been brainwashed us to conserve their power. We black people need to think with our brains and not with our emotions. The conscious revolution must start from us first and the rest will come after. May thealmighty God guides and blesses all tha blacks.

    5. ted miller says:

      They are already armed (black children) thats the problem! Thats what kills them 93% of the time! Yea an elderly white man by himself was raciallly taunting a gang of smack talking black kids! How many black teen on white elderly assaults and murder stories would you like me to link here! Blacks attacking and murdering elderly white people is a huge MOUNTAIN and the other way around is virtually nonexistent (except in self defense) The epidemic is black on white idiot and the facts prove that beyond any shadow of a doubt.

    6. Lukester says:

      Arm your children with guns? Lol Are you serious? All the lil niglets already be armed. Unfortunately, they can’t shoot worth a damn so when Trump cuts off welfare and food stamps & the SHTF, armed Black children will be like those pop-up figures in an old fashioned shooting gallery.

    7. Marty says:

      Pullman acted in self defence should be cleared of all charges

  2. Lawlis Ceoul says:

    This 62 year old man seem to have hatred for black children way before Trump’s rhetoric and the existence of the so-called “alt-right”. The correlation is vague to say the least. Maybe when his testimony becomes available his motive(s) will become quite evident.

    1. Derrick says:

      Everyone knows trump didn’t invent racism & alt right is just another name for Klan. The article says “trumps rhetoric has energized racists”. Which it clearly has. No need to wait for anything to “figure out his motives”. Stevie wonder could see what motivated this POS

      1. XmanAfrican says:


  3. Randy Woodall says:

    Fight back my people

  4. Joe Cool says:

    We should arm ourselves!

    1. Paul says:

      People need to stop saying what they (themselves) should do and JUST DO IT. Nothing is stopping anyone but their will to put words into action.

      1. ArxhAngel99 says:


      2. Michael Jones says:

        Because, much of what people say is fantasy thought….not of intent.

      3. Lukester says:

        Exactly. Micah Johnson and Gavin Long are waiting up at the big Fish Fry in the sky to welcome you lol.

    2. Concerned says:

      You should have already of been armed

  5. Concerned says:

    You should have already of been armed

  6. Tjedza says:

    The man has psychopathic traits if he could assist his own daughter whilst pregnant what hope do others have in escaping the violence.

  7. andre young says:

    Goes to prove/show you who ought to be incarcerated based upon who is more dangerous to others and themselves.

  8. BlksBdumb says:

    You things are already armed with stolen guns and have been for years so that’s a joke. Where does all the crime robberies black on black crime come from??? You!! Like trying to teach a monkey to peel a banana you idiots ARE the crime crime problem! Get rid of the niggers and get rid of the crime problem we have in our cities. Simple as that.

    1. Keyboard warrior. Karma is real. Remember your words while you beg like the wussy you are as a young black soldier holds a 357 magnum to your head taunting you before sending your racist ass to hell. We tracking all you wussies so when the bell rings y’all are the first casualtiesbat the hands of Black’s Mexicans and Isis. Let’s get cracking.

      1. Mark says:

        You ain’t got nuthin : you will have both knees smashed before you know what hit you.

      2. Michael Jones says:

        Minorities will never take on Whites for power…..because, we haven’t prepared ourselves to run America, or carry on the technology that is in place! …..At some point, we must stop depending on Whites to solve our problems and make decisions for us!

      3. Lukester says:

        Charles. So just how do you plan to do that? We have most of the guns & ammunition and almost all of the money & physical resources in this country. Whites also outnumber Blacks 4 to 1. Blacks would be wiped out in a full out race war.

  9. LC3rd says:

    “Get rid of the ni&&ers and get rid of the crime problem in our cities.”

    Sad. Ignorant. Thinking perpetuated by police murdering unarmed minorities and non minorities, and exacerbated by the election of a potentially anti minority president.

    Unfortunately for you BlksBDumb, we aren’t going anywhere. People who think like you have attempted to stamp out entire ethnic groups before, one of which is currently stopping the construction of a pipeline out west right now. See… Hitler tried genocide, now the Jews control large amounts of the world’s wealth. Muslims and Christians have been fighting for centuries yet neither has eradicated the other. Dropped nukes in Japan, yet attempt today to go through five items in your home and not find that two of them are made in Japan.

    Your title is Blacks B Dumb, yet…. it is you who show your ignorance and stupidity. You can not get rid of an entire ethnic group. You and your forefathers have attempted it many times sir. Yet… we exist. Our features will dominate yours at a genetic level EVERY time the two are mixed… clearly we exist. For every Martin Luther King you kill, there is a Barack Obama to take his place, yes my fine ignorant friend… we exist.

    Embrace your ignorant fears that we want what you have. We dont. You, and those like you, typically don’t have much anyways.

    1. Mark says:

      Whit man need do nuthin : blacks will continue to kill each other , abort their children at record levels and get thrown in jail for not following the rule of law. The educated blacks will gladly be accepted in society by whites – you just don’t have enough to make a difference (Self inflicted genocide).

      1. Michael Jones says:

        There are a larger % of intelligent Black people than ignorant….The problem is …..you’re just to stupid to know that! ….Dumb White redneck Trash!

    2. Michael Jones says:

      Get rid of the so-called N*gg*rs ….and America won’t have CITIES or a country….White people alone can’t protect America!….Remember they enlisted Black slaves to help win the Civil War!…lol

    3. Lukester says:

      Yes you exist. But many of you are in prison and most of you are unable to commit to a spouse and stick around and support your family and raise your kid properly. We don’t want to wipe you out, just get you back to being the good, successful, compliant Negroes of yesteryear lol.

  10. sandra says:

    This man is just ignorant and racist. I wonder why it wasn’t mentioned about white people shooting and killing people before blacks got guns. I guess it’s OK when white people kill others. Do you really think people are going to do like our ancestors did and let you kill them, I don’t so because blacks have guns and all of them as you same including myself are not stolen. You don’ t what you are talking about because you are just as ignorant as the man who shot that child. Two wrongs never make a right but people are not going to continue to let people walk aoo over them.One thing about it you can try to lie and say certain races don’t do much crime, wrong some people are sneaky andundercover with their dirt. People know the media only reports half of what people like you do sneaky bastards and undercover hoodrats, yes I said it , hoodrats is not of certain colors, dummy.

  11. mieky says:

    Sometimes when an old man acts like he just DGAF, he really doesn’t.

  12. BlackNArmed says:

    If White people kill Blacks. Blacks need to kill them back

    1. Lukester says:

      It is already happening. Three times as many White folks are killed by Black folks in this country as compared to Blacks who are killed by Whites. The media just won’t report it because we all know what happens WHEN YOU MAKE THE BLACK KIDS ANGRY! (Oh please…don’t do that!)

  13. Shenell Gregory says:

    So I Have An 9 and 7 yr. Old Sons And I Wanted To Start Training Them In Firearms And Archery Because I See It’s Really Starting 2 Get Hectic Around My Area/DA Bay Area. Kids Are Damn Near Getting Shot Everyday, AND I Stay Like 2 Blocks Away From The Police Station And This Shit Still Happens Everyday I Keep My Boys Active So We Can Get Away Sometimes

    But What I Really Want 2 Know Is How Soon Is 2 Soon 2 Teach My Melanoid Children How 2 Protect Themselves N Our Home.

    Cause WITH This Shit N Trump Presidency It’s Only Gonna Get Worse Especially With Those Executive Orders OBAMA SIGNED I Be Telling Them The Real Deal Because How This System Set Up They Need 2 Know

    1. Bob vagisil says:

      Your son I’m sure will contribute to gun crime in your area if you train him into a gun nut early,move away from your area and that’s the best way to help it coz your the problem you just can’t see it.

  14. Shenell Gregory says:

    So I Have An 9 and 7 yr. Old Sons And I Wanted To Start Training Them In Firearms And Archery Because I See It’s Really Starting 2 Get Hectic Around My Area/DA Bay Area And AROUND DA WORLD 4 THAT MATTER. Kids Are Damn Near Getting Shot Everyday, AND I Stay Like 2 Blocks Away From The Police Station And This Shit Still Happens Everyday I Keep My Boys Active So We Can Get Away Sometimes

    But What I Really Want 2 Know Is How Soon Is 2 Soon 2 Teach My Melanoid Children How 2 Protect Themselves N Our Home.

    Cause WITH This Shit N Trump Presidency It’s Only Gonna Get Worse Especially With Those Executive Orders OBAMA SIGNED I Be Telling Them The Real Deal Because How This System Set Up They Need 2 Know

  15. Shenell Gregory says:

    So I Have An 9 and 7 yr. Old Sons And I Wanted To Start Training Them In Firearms And Archery Because I See It’s Really Starting 2 Get Hectic Around My Area/DA Bay Area And AROUND DA WORLD 4 THAT MATTER. Kids Are Damn Near Getting Shot Everyday, AND I Stay Like 2 Blocks Away From The Police Station And This Shit Still Happens Everyday I Keep My Boys Active So We Can Get Away Sometimes

    But What I Really Want 2 Know Is How Soon Is 2 Soon 2 Teach My Melanoid Children How 2 Protect Themselves N Our Home With Firearms, Archery, Knifes Etc.

    Cause WITH This Shit N Trump Presidency It’s Only Gonna Get Worse Especially With Those Executive Orders OBAMA SIGNED I Be Telling Them The Real Deal Because How This System Set Up They Need 2 Know

  16. 2nd ammendment is not for white folks only. Brother Maj Toure’s message of Black Guns Matter should be heard by all black people, it’s time for black people to make their presence felt by painting a message that is loud and clear that we won’t watch white supremacists kill our children, brothers and sisters and do nothing about it. Stay alive family.

  17. TheTruthHurts says:

    Damn, see if you blacks were gone allready Noone would have to read this stupid, niggermouth talk. You all should learn to tie your shoes correctly and put on a belt, before even coming close to trying to talk. The world would be 100 times a better place. All you guys looking for is a hand-out , us whites are paying for your black stinky asses to lay around in your own fecies n filth all day, and guess what it’s coming to an end thanks to trump. Thank God.

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