Autistic Melanoid Boy in Minnesota Received Two Seizures When Assaulted by Police

St. Paul, MN — When it comes to attacks of any variety–be it from neighborhood bullies or law enforcement–we expect our special needs Brothers and Sisters to be exempt from such treatment. In the case of 17-year-old Marcus Abrams, he wasn’t as fortunate.

According to St. Paul’s KARE-TVAbrams, who is autistic, was on his way home from his job at the Minnesota State Fair when he was approached by two officers, whose names were Peter Buzicky and Richard Wegner. Abrams explained he was wearing headphones at the time of the incident, so he could not hear the officers speaking to him. The officers reportedly stepped to Abrams to ask him for his I.D., and the situation escalated from there. According to Wegner’s report, Abrams refused to place his hands behind his head and was visibly irritated by the cops’ invasion of his personal space.

Abrams was then slammed to the ground by the officers, which resulted in him later suffering two seizures. The primary reason for Abrams’ frustration with the race soldiers closing in on his personal space is directly linked to one of the issues of Abrams’ condition, and that is “touch sensory issues” which make him extremely territorial.

Only after Abrams’ mother, Maria Caldwell, stated that her son was autistic, was he not charged. Unfortunately, it took the young autistic Melanoid teen to receive an unnecessary brutal assault from law enforcement to prove his innocence. The transit station (where Abrams was assaulted) is currently investigating the incident. Here is a video clip of the story below.

B. Clark

6 thoughts on “Autistic Melanoid Boy in Minnesota Received Two Seizures When Assaulted by Police

  1. Ishioji Igbo mmanu says:

    I think it’s time American Africans who want to live a different lifestyle consider writing a constitution and appealing to the United Nations for nationhood, status where you can directly complain to other countries and argue America needs sanctions for touching your members.

    Since freedom black people haven’t come together and written their own constitution its hard to do anything. One person gets killed and then Don Lemon-pops gets paid to say All Lives Matter.

    It is time serious adults consider nationhood for a better life. Race is ancient btw even in Asia and Africa (Those tribes are races) and it is never going away.

    1. dj says:

      Right, just like they helped Gadaffi (forgive me if I spelled his name wrong)when he used to go the United Nations and ask them why are western powers bullying countries in Africa and the middle east.

      And we all know what the U.N. let happen to him.

      Good luck with that idea…If there is NO PROFIT for them then there will be no U.N. PROTECTION for you or I…simple as that…

  2. sam says:


    1. dj says:

      elaborate if you will…plz

  3. dj says:

    Homeboy is lucky to still be alive. There are many fatal cases (but of course you won’t hear about it) where law enforcement officials show up on the scene and instead of acting humane to a person who is having a seizure, heart attack or diabetic stroke, they instead taze, mace, beat or do a combination of the three to the poor victim because the cops claim the victim was not responding to the cop’s commands…

    I am confused though. I am pretty sure there is camera footage of the incident and believe you me if that teen was out of line with the cops the would have been blasted the whole video on every channel that was covering the incident. So I guess they need an investigation to buy some time to come up with a lie of some sort. My assumptions could be wrong but based on what’s been going on lately I don’t think that I am. /b>

  4. Mack Damage says:

    What is the outcome of this investigation?

    It seem they are always “going to investigate” but we NEVER know what happens in the end.

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