Black Fifth Graders In New York Accused Of Looking Like “Gangsters In The Hood”

In Catskill Elementary School (New York), nine Melanoid fifth graders were told by an unidentified faculty member that them sitting together at the lunch table makes them look like a “gang in the hood.”

Here is a link to the story.

It was the faculty members suggestion that the Melanoid children mix and mingle with the white children in the school so that they don’t live up to this woman’s perceived stereotype. Celeste Jordan, a parent of one of the children affected by the accusations, mentioned that her daughter was so visibly hurt by the incident that she had to be checked out of school early that day.

According to Celeste, her daughter has also been traumatized by the incident to the point where she is having trouble sleeping, has emotional outbursts, and wonders “whether her white friends will still like her.” Guidance staff counseling has been made available to those students affected in the occurrence. Upset at the entire ordeal, Jordan says she feels that counseling alone isn’t enough to rectify the derogatory statement made by the school’s employee.

Children of other races are never ordered to go out of their way to accept Black children into their social circles, as they shouldn’t be. Why are our children expected to do so?

B. Clark

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please follow the link in the name above to help us educate and empower our youth.

260 thoughts on “Black Fifth Graders In New York Accused Of Looking Like “Gangsters In The Hood”

  1. Lemme guess the black negro moms or grandparents that usually have to raise the kids because you people are animals and breed like animals are going to do what you do best! Try and sue the school system to get that favorite word you people love “free” check!! Trust me those nice little white kids don’t you animals no where them neither! Don’t need them niglets corrupting those good little white angels!!

    1. lisa says:

      is this our first white supremacist troll….? tariq, ban this fool!

      1. Jada says:

        Trolls always speak with that much ignorance. Intelligence eludes them.

    2. MrSmackaRacist says:

      As a black person I never recieved anything free. I had to work 10 times as hard to get it. So please go back to your cave and only comment on NASCAR. Going in circles seems to be the only thing you can grasp.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Mrracist smacker do you feel you had to work “10 times harder” because whites hate your skin color? Or do you feel that the behavior of your fellow blacks caused white people to be weary of you? You feel that blacks are fine upstanding citizens? Or maybe the majority of them have behavioral problems? If you were bitten almost everytime you went near a black dog would you continue to walk up to the black dog despite knowing your chances of being bitten are much greater than a white dog? or any other color thinkin youre gonna say youre gonna keep walkin up to the black dog cause you appear to be a dumbass but id like to give u a chance to answer anyway

        1. dc1969 says:

          What about white on white crime? Why are you whining so much,sweet bitch jeremy? where the white woman at?

          1. Jeremy says:

            Yes…the call of the black man”where the white women at”. Very good……im whining????? Are you serious? This whole website is a long baby cry….i wasnt only talking about black on black, pay attention….you jungle bunnies rape over 35,000 white woman, babies and elderly every single year….guess how many whites rape your sorry excuse for a female every year? GUESS MONKEY !

          2. Jeremy says:

            Blah blah white crime blah blah ….blacks are attacking and murdering white people all over the country… many whites are attacking blacks? Go ahead….GUESS MONKEY !

          3. Jeremy says:

            Their is white on white crime so that
            means you savages can rape and kill whites too? You blacks are savagely killing each other everywhere you are…does that give whites the right to get in on the action? You rape 35,000 white girls a year and we rape almost none of yours…you thought you finally caught whites taping blacks with the Duke lacrosse team but we everntually found out the white boys never messed with her….she was just a typical black gold diggin liar….you lie the best you can just to make yourselves out to be the victim…..its a fucking joke…youre the predators not the prey

          4. LIzasweet says:

            yes, “white dogs” also bite, and maybe Jeremy should consider that maybe the reason he gets bitten so much is because he’s a prick to dogs.
            but why can’t you say that civilly? I can’t agree with yo when you say it like that.

    3. ETERNAL says:

      Congratulations. You’re not white, but you are a troll.

    4. white supremacist mocker says:

      Let me paraphrase your comment:

      “I am a white supremacist. Although I enjoy such things as white privilege and generations of benefits for simply being white, I am a failure in life because I am an underachiever. Luckily, my white skin allows me to be below average in everything from thinking to doing, so I’m doing better than Black people who are smarter and better do-ers than I am. Therefore, I sit around and obsess about what Black people are doing. Although I have no interactions with them and am not in any way affected by them, I recognize that there would be no white supremacy without a permanent systematic underclass. So I’m going to spout some bullshit about Black people on this article to make myself feel like less of a loser. Because, in the end, it’s losers like me that will be the cause of the inevitable decline of white supremacy.”

      1. Jeremy says:

        Lol just name calling…typical black response….cant debate, cant explain the savage behavior of your sub human race…cant defend the massive failures of your race so whats the next best thing? ! Lmao threats! name calling! Violence! Yay for black people doing exactly what we thought youd do

        1. white supremacist mocker says:

          Let me paraphrase:

          “Wow, your vocabulary and grammar is better than mine, Mr. Black Man, so let me accuse you of doing what we white people do. Because, at the end of the day, I am very afraid of what Black people can potentially do to us once they level the playing field on us white folks.”

          1. ebi says:

            Ohhhhh…… lol. clever.

        2. Jada says:

          But everything written is true. You’re lazy white trash. That’s why you’re HERE because most likely your own people don’t even want you so you need to make someone feel like you. Nice try. You still will never be accepted though. White trash rarely is.

          1. Jeremy says:

            Typical black argument….you start making up scenarios in your head none of which are true….you all do it….you start off saying “you probably blah blah blah) or “i bet this white guy blah blah” ….you all do exactly what we thought you would

        3. LIzasweet says:

          Until you are ready to answer for every massively stupid thing a white person has done, don’t ask blacks to, because there are morons and monsters in all shapes, shades, and societies.
          Also, “sub human?” Really, dude? The only ones convinced by supremacist dogma are those who already believe it.

          Also, you seem fond of calling blacks rapists because more white girls are raped by black me then vise versa- let me explain something to you
          White females are raised with the expectation of mild and delicate demeanor.
          Black females are raised with the expectation of the saucy and confident demeanor.
          Hence a black female is far more likely to violently repel an attacker. This tell you anything?

    5. minkpink says:

      Pasty face shyt starting, inept monkey Devils afraid of the truth so much that you have used media to trick the world into thinking your more than the Neandthal cave monkeys you are. you awake smelling like an animal, but you want to shift your ‘ lack of charactor, human decency and lack of confidence off on the melonoid. you are spineless cowardice punks.

      1. Jeremy says:

        I started this right? I posted 10 times that im here because you fucks were talking about killing white families and babies… not stirring shit….this whole website is a racist hafeful shit site

        1. ebi says:

          We’re talking about killing the system of white supremacy… but I guess if that’s what it takes to replace it with the system of justice, then if I were you, I would start by treating everyone as you would do to yourself.

          1. Jeremy says:

            What white supremacy!!!! What the fuck are you talking about? You heard Obama say it and you all repeat it like broken records….no white supremacist anything ever did a thing to you….none of you… reject american education and misbehave in school and then cry that you aren’t successful….. No shit….quit making up this imaginary white supremacist monster…youre making it up so you can pretend to be victims

    6. Kirkwood says:

      Drink bleach.

    7. Curious says:

      Jesus love u……

      1. LIzasweet says:

        bravo Curious! keep it up!
        Civility FTW!

    8. James Mcwright says:

      I will kick your ass if don’t stop the troll Shit You Coward

    9. Jeremy says:

      omg baby i love your blue eyes and not niggers

    10. ? says:

      uncle ruckus!?!!

    11. Raymond says:

      we love free check same way you white cum stains piggy backing off people and stealing other people land

    12. Raymond says:

      If whites were so smart and advanced they should have stayed in white mans land and shined there. Why didn’t they say? Because they were living in their own shit and trash. Now you find them like the uninvited guess in everyone else homes getting fat and turning it into waste lands. Just look at Detroit in America the whites have sucked it dry and moved on to feed on other parts of the continent. Look at Mexico, Brazil, and any where else they have landed their lice fill hair asses. Sucked dry left looking like a war zone. It’s their signature “We come with a light but leave your homes fucked up beyond repair”. True story all you have to do is follow them around the globe to see. The Chinese got hipped to the white mans ways and threw up an electric fence around their pad. LMASTFO!!! THE ONLY NIGGA ON EARTH IS WHITE PEOPLE!!!
      The most logical thing for whites to do is take their intelligence and so called superior skills back to Europe. The way most of these whites sound on here would have you think that they had no need to leave their true home land. But why did they leave is the question? Many people besides whites migrated out of there areas. But most people that did that went back home for the most part. I’m glad that I’m not white i don’t think I could handle knowing the fact that my very existence depends upon exploiting others and riding the backs of people who were aligned with nature before white people destroyed it. Now whites sit in the homes of non-whites like the uninvited guest that they are. All the while telling the very people they stole from that their pillaging and violence is beneficial to they the non-white. The truth is people of color remind white people of what they are not and never will be “HUMAN”. The genetic recessive reality whites embody leads them to hate themselves and project their hate onto others. In reality this means all the things that whites claim to be dysfunctional with people of color tends to be how they feel about themselves. The history of blacks predates all other making them the true forbears of civilization. This truth whites know debunks their entire lie of them being the pioneers of civilization. From the ancient Americas to ancient Africa and Asia whites found in these lands civilizations that predated any of they the whites. This built in white a deep repressed anger and hate towards people of color in the white mind set. It the very reason they want to control everything. The truth hurts and whites need to deal with the fact that no matter how much they destroy they will alway be the last to come into civilization. Proof is white supremacy at this point in the world. Remember this is the apex of their world because everyone else but them have been here before and non destroyed it like the whites are today. 

    13. Monica Doyle says:

      I can’t believe you call yourself a truth speaker. You have the gall to spew your opinion on a race of people of which you are one. I emplore you to rename yourself fecal matter spewer instead. Do your research, dont fault my race for being able to procreate at a rare your uncomfortable with. It is God’s will that we be replenished. As for the matter, the teacher should be fired and the school system should be more careful who they choose to educate children, they are very impressionable and deserve a safe and profile free environment to educate themselves. But alas, in your racially motivated slurs, you suggest they overlook a comment from a faculty member in a school setting. Even if she thought this horrible thing, she should’ve been smart enough to keep it to herself. If that were my child, I’d sue her and the school. If they tried to act as if this is no big deal. It is perhaps the first attempt at racism, these children have been exposed too. Unnecessary foolishness os not acceptable.

  2. Well we don’t need white supremacy. You idiots keep the black on black crimes and killings rate high on your own!! Lol! Fucking dumbass animals! Well I won’t call you dumb…I’m sorry. But I will say…keep up the good work!! 🙂

    1. MindMuscle says:

      Whites kill each other at a rate of 86 percent… Sooo whats your point? What about white on white crime? If we’re going to talk about one lets talk about the other….People kill whoever they live in close proximity to. Since most Blacks in the US live around other Blacks, when they commit a crime common sense tells you, it will most likely be against a Black person just out of proximity. The same also goes for every other race on the planet when you examine the crime stats truthfully and without bias. So all your doing is regurgitating what False News oh excuse me Fox News and all the other sheep programming white supremacist media have told you. Black people are not animals, we are treated like animals socially and economically in order for power and privilege to be maintained by those classified as white. You’ve got to do better man…Don’t let ignorance be the casket you get buried in.

      1. Jeremy says:

        You gotta be kidding us….youre killing each other in the streets every single day like animals….whites kill their own 86% of the time….white are 67% of the population…blacks are 12% of the pop but kill way way more people….why cant black people understand that?…..your 86% number has nothing to do with anything

        1. Raymond says:

          You white cumstains aloud white immigrants from western nations to come in to this country you white cumstains don’t aloud a lot of blacks from different countries in America cut it out

      2. Raymond says:

        If whites were so smart and advanced they should have stayed in white mans land and shined there. Why didn’t they say? Because they were living in their own shit and trash. Now you find them like the uninvited guess in everyone else homes getting fat and turning it into waste lands. Just look at Detroit in America the whites have sucked it dry and moved on to feed on other parts of the continent. Look at Mexico, Brazil, and any where else they have landed their lice fill hair asses. Sucked dry left looking like a war zone. It’s their signature “We come with a light but leave your homes fucked up beyond repair”. True story all you have to do is follow them around the globe to see. The Chinese got hipped to the white mans ways and threw up an electric fence around their pad. LMASTFO!!! THE ONLY NIGGA ON EARTH IS WHITE PEOPLE!!!
        The most logical thing for whites to do is take their intelligence and so called superior skills back to Europe. The way most of these whites sound on here would have you think that they had no need to leave their true home land. But why did they leave is the question? Many people besides whites migrated out of there areas. But most people that did that went back home for the most part. I’m glad that I’m not white i don’t think I could handle knowing the fact that my very existence depends upon exploiting others and riding the backs of people who were aligned with nature before white people destroyed it. Now whites sit in the homes of non-whites like the uninvited guest that they are. All the while telling the very people they stole from that their pillaging and violence is beneficial to they the non-white. The truth is people of color remind white people of what they are not and never will be “HUMAN”. The genetic recessive reality whites embody leads them to hate themselves and project their hate onto others. In reality this means all the things that whites claim to be dysfunctional with people of color tends to be how they feel about themselves. The history of blacks predates all other making them the true forbears of civilization. This truth whites know debunks their entire lie of them being the pioneers of civilization. From the ancient Americas to ancient Africa and Asia whites found in these lands civilizations that predated any of they the whites. This built in white a deep repressed anger and hate towards people of color in the white mind set. It the very reason they want to control everything. The truth hurts and whites need to deal with the fact that no matter how much they destroy they will alway be the last to come into civilization. Proof is white supremacy at this point in the world. Remember this is the apex of their world because everyone else but them have been here before and non destroyed it like the whites are today. 

    2. white supremacist mocker says:

      Let me paraphrase:

      “I’m still on this Black empowerment site because I have no life. Unfortunately, the Black people on this site are intelligent, so I’m going to have to regurgitate tired talking points in order to bring the intelligence factor down to my level. Dammit, maybe I should stay on World Star Hip Hop. That’s where I can feel better about myself as a white supremacist.”

    3. Jada says:

      Sais the ‘original’ animal. Your ancestors were still licking bones while africans were inventing tools to eat with. We WILL keep up the good work. Been ‘working’ long before you all knew what work was and figured out that it was easier to exploit others instead of being innovative.

      1. LIzasweet says:

        as offensive as truth speaker was, this isn’t really fair.
        “exploiting” does this mean that when america exports technologies like efficient water filtration, the recipient is “exploiting” american culture?
        No. they’re just trying to make their society more livable and healthier- you wanna claim it was wrong of them to want to be healthy when they imitated cutlery?
        I hope not.
        The reason Truth Speaker is an animal is because he doesn’t question what he learned. Like a dog trained to bark at strangers, he spouts bigotry whenever he finds an idea he doesn’t recognize.

    4. Monica Doyle says:

      White on white crime rate is much higher. You kill your mothers and families and selves at a much higher rate! The media just finds it uninteresting and that it wont sell as many papers! Dont for one second believe that there are more of us in jails or that are murderers or rapists. Do your research jeremy, we have and truth talker, find the truth. Look around it’s right in your face!

  3. You act like animals your going to get treated like animals! Fact!

    1. Kirkwood says:

      Perhaps you need to do some research on who the true animals are, cave beast. Look up who shares DNA with the rhesus monkey. Neanderthals were not even human. The same Neanderthal who you share the same DNA with. Pathetic recessive racist piece of sh*t.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Another bullshit madeup lie your pastors and reverends teach you….youre all repeating parrot monkeys….if someone lies to blacks they wanna believe it so bad they just treat it as fact because it makes them feel better….you guys love pretending to be the victim….youll never make anything of yourselves if youre constantly looking for ways to be a pretend victim… arent the victims, youre the predators

        1. LIzasweet says:

          You’re talking about thousands of people. Even if some are asses or some are faking victim-hood, there is still a substantial chance that there are real victims who may need help.
          It isn’t right to categorically dismiss a plea for help.

  4. Hadj says:

    @ so called “truth speaker”, I think I speak for all of that are Melanoid : Kill Yourself !

    1. LIzasweet says:

      It’s a troll- no need to be rude.

  5. thanks! I would rather watch you animals kill each other! 😉

  6. Jeremy says:

    I think HaJ deserves a prize…HAJ youre the 100th black person to threaten a white person in this website in the last 2 days….you and your fellow savages must be so proud

    1. dc1969 says:

      You are really pathetic,”jeremy”. You come on this site and for what? To antagonize? You and your counterparts are going to get bad ,violent karma. And you all know that your breed does commit the most violence in society. I am not going to go back and forth with your hurt,punk assed self because you are mentally sick. Go and castrate yourself, boy.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Lol you keep doing it DC….i say youre savage and you threaten with violence…name calling …why cant you defend yourself with facts or an actual full sentence without proving my point for me

        1. LIzasweet says:

          This is a forum, and therefore doesn’t require formal speech.
          Also, he did use a fact. It may not be a statistic, but “your breed does commit the most violence in society” is an assertion. It’s probably true too.
          As the largest percentage population, most crimes probably are perpetrated by whites.

          While he may speak in a crass way, he is engaging you.
          Respect him.

  7. Jeremy says:

    If the patient gets well, an entire industry of victimhood will get cancer and die. This would be the best thing for the black community. Until blacks throw off the shroud of victimhood, they will be at the mercy of “doctors” who treat a cancer that does not exist but that they are paying for.

    Booker T Washington ( a black guy 100 years ago)

    You blacks have sure been pretending to be vitcims for a longtime

    1. white supremacist mocker says:

      Let me paraphrase:

      “Let me pick a quote from Booker T. Washington and take it out of context. I don’t even really know who Booker T. Washington is or what he stood for, and in fact I didn’t even find this quote myself. But some other white supremacist gave it to me, and told me to use it when I’m attempting to push a bullshit argument, so I’ll just parrot it. No way these Black people are smart enough to realize that I’m full of shit, because white supremacy has promised me that, despite my intellectual shortcomings, they’ll believe anything I tell them.”

      1. Thinker X says:

        LOL I love it! Please continue to translate the bullshit logic of white supremacy… I wasn’t born in a environment where television, religion, & media were used to make me delusional so that I believe I’m somehow special, so I don’t understand this brainwashed rhetoric. I dont think they believe it either, that’s why their miserable looking for any chance they can get to lash out at us. No matter what they do, they’ll still be them and we’ll still be us. So as you spoiled hypocritical crybabies say, “GET OVER IT!”

  8. Jeremy says:

    “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

    Booker T Washington ( black guy from 100 years ago)

    Forever victims?

    1. Jeremy says:

      You guys have been doing this shit forever….how long does it take a race of people to get on their feet? The whole world is evolving and it seems like blacks are devolving

      1. white supremacist mocker says:

        Let me paraphrase:

        “Although I say that I don’t see you people as human or anything worthy of thought, I’m clearly spending a good deal of my time here with you people. What does that tell you about me?”

        1. Jeremy says:

          Im just here to keep an eye on you savage beasts….before i got here you were all chatting and laughing about killing white families and babies….this sire was chock full of you racist pricks….where are they now that a white mans throwing facts at them?? They ran like the cowards they are….black people are so string and proud huh? Cant even defend yourselves ….name calling, lies and violence are the only thing you guys are capable of…and this is day 4 of me being in here and still not one of you has a decent argument or an intelligent thing to say….just like we thought you would

          1. LIzasweet says:

            I once heard it said that if you listen to what someone says, and then repeat it back to them, they’ll think you’re a genius.
            This is based on the idea that people will maintain the opinion they believe to be the most reasonable and factual
            What is the logical converse of this statement?

            Now review what you just said, Jeremy.

  9. Jeremy says:

    At least ten blacks recently have comment something about my penis or theirs…several of you said hateful perverted homosexual comments…im trying to have a discussion and thats what youre going with? I ask you if you know how many white slaves their were? How many whites were lynched? I ask because you fuckin savage all have no clue…according to you slaves were all and always black…u dumb fucks….whites were slaves too you shit fucks…..almost as many whites were lynched as blacks….do you understand that??? The things that happened to you in the past had nothing to do with your skin color…..slavery, lynchings werent just a “black thing” but none of you know anything….cause white people arent fucking cry babies….you blame whites for slavery but never even mention the arab slave trade of your people..why? Cause arabs dont give a fuck….arabs took WAY more blacks for WAY longer than whites….no black population in the Arab world strange….blacks have a population in every nation that was involved in the slave but not the Arab world…those muslims took more slaves than the rest of the world combined but not one of them survived…the muslims took millions of you for thousands of years…they felt that male blacks had too much bad sexual behavior so they cut all the boys penises off…..these are facts you pack of stupid liars…..the Arabs(muslims) took you to work you to death…no blacks survived the arab slave trade….but you dont know nuttin bout that right blacks? I know what you guys are thinkin….GET WHITEY ! Lol idiots

    1. Jeremy says:

      Sure slavery was wrong….but only 2-3 % of whites ever owned a slave….blacks in america owned slaves too….even after slavery ended blacks still owned slaves in america…..To this very day Most of Africas economy is still based on slavery…you sell each other to each other to this very day!!!! If slavery is so wrong why not call out your brothers n sisters in Africa from still doing it? I know why…cause youre only looking for a free payday from the white man …you couldnt care less about slavery because u never mention African slavery going on still…..u never mention the Arab slave trade….just “whitey”……victims of the white man forever right? ….WHITE PEOPLE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LONGEST APOLOGY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD…..sowwy Bwack pweople

      1. white supremacist mocker says:

        Let me paraphrase:

        “My meth high is beginning to fade away. I am just blabbering bullshit and I am perfectly aware that nobody is reading. Why won’t anybody give me attention? How come nobody loves me? What’s so good about being a white supremacist when I’m inferior to everybody else in the world? Maybe I’ll go to blackcockchurch dot com and praise that which I love the most. Fuck you guys!”

        1. Jeremy says:

          Lmao thats typical of what ive been saying…you blacks say some really odd angry homosexual things in your arguments….MOCKER did you really just give the exact name of a black homosexual website in your argument? huh? And you just came up with that outta the blue right? You blacks are unbelievably savage

          1. white supremacist mocker says:

            Let me paraphrase:

            “I’m looking at as we speak. Thanks, dude.”

        2. LIzasweet says:

          White Supremacist Mocker.
          That is uncalled for.
          Jeremy posted one of the most reasonable, fact-based arguments I’ve seen from him, and, instead of choosing to fact check like a reasonable human being, you didn’t read it and told him to get more meth and suck a dick.
          Shame on you.

      2. dj says:

        But what about WHITE ON WHITE CRIME???….
        It is at an all time high…
        You need to talk to your people and get them to stop violating eachother…
        then maybe after that you can spill your nonsense over this way…

  10. Michael says:

    Oh the white man just mad they don’t have that BBC /cuckolding that the white wife love so so dear believe me they know what I’m talking about its taking over 😂😂😂😂 it’s ok stay angry wimp lmao

    1. Jeremy says:

      Another typical black argument….i talk anout black on white murders and black on white rapes……and the blacks start talking about their penises…they just love that stereo type….ALL the other stereo types about blacks are untrue but the big dick one is fact right? So the chicken n watermelon thing is fake tho? The lazy stereo type? The always late one? The violent rapey stereo type? What about the monkey stereo type? The stupid stereo type? Cant support a family stereo type? Abuse dogs stereo type? None of those stereo types are real except the big dick one right? backwars fucks cry about all stereo types but you cling to the big dick one like its your only accomplishment in life

  11. Jeremy says:

    I realize alot of the things may shock and surprise you blacks….youve been so coddled and protected by America that youve never even heard black guys rape 35,000 white girls a year….you have no clue about white people being shot by police more than blacks EVERY SINGLE YEAR ! … certainly had no clue of the white slave trade…or whites being lynched….you want all those things all to yourselves so blacks can pretend to be the only victims …..blacks are the only one that had a tough history right? Youre so selfish you know nothing of the other hardships throughout history….you just love crying about the white man slavers but never even think to mention the Arab slave trade of your people…..look it up asshole….look up everything i posted…these are truths and facts which apparently is cryptonite to you dumbies

  12. Jeremy says:

    Hey blacks, please research the Arab slave trade of your people…please notice that the Arabs took way way more blacks then all the other countries combined….please notice they did this for thousands of years before whites ever discovered the dark continent….please also take note that even tho evey single country that too blacks as slaves still have a black population today….youll also be fascinated to learn their is no black population in the Arab(muslim) world….any clue why despite taking more slaves than anyone and for far longer NONE of you are left from the arab slave trade of your people…..wanna guess why or want me to tell you? Ok….their are no blacks in the arab world because they killed EVERY SINGLE ONE THE TOOK… you understand that? Slavery was wrong but at least the white countries allowed you to live, marry, have a family….and the first countries to outlaw and ban slavery were white countries….after we outlawed it we had to force non white countries to do the same…we even fought a war to end it…americans fought and killed americans to end slavery in this country……but the white mans the bad one right? No mention of anyone or anything else….just get whitey right? Fuck you backwards idiots…not one of you can think for themselves….just sheep all of u

    1. JayBay says:

      And once again you basically just said all of black peoples issues in America are because we’re mad about slavery. I’m guessing in your mind there was slavery, we got freed, and then have just been living it up ever since huh? By the way, what relevance does the Arab trade have to to black people in America today? They don’t control how we’re treated in America, your people do. Or did you conveniently forget all the stuff that happened after slavery?

      By the way, many of those people were fighting because they were conscripted. They overwhelming majority weren’t coming together to end slavery because they thought it was wrong. In fact, if you look up the New York City draft riots, it’s pretty obvious they were pissed off about the whole affair. And this is why we can’t trust white people. Every act of charity is followed up with a knife to the back whether physically or politically. It’s like a wife being beaten and raped by her husband one day and then the next day you tell her you love her . Of course people are gonna eventually say “you know what…I can’t take this anymore. I’m out”

      1. Jeremy says:

        Once again Jaybay the Japanese man only knows the Chink version of american history…..u keep saying us and we, youre a Jap in Japan. You know nothing of whats going on here….and blacks dont blame all their woes on slavery and the white man? and U dumb fuck who wants to go to war ever? Thousands of white people from the north signed up willingly…of course men had to be drafted who the fuck wants to kill fellow americans besides you? …and other states only joined for the south because the northerns were coming threw to get to the south and wrecking their farms and towns purposely…youve made your stance clear in several of your posts JayBay…you sided with ISIS in several different posts….youre anti american and will say anything to help keep the hatred in blacks hearts

        1. JayBay says:

          Once again Jeremy assumes that anyone who lives in japan and can speak Japanese fluently must be Japanese. I mean there’s no negroes in Japan right? I mean what are the odds that a black person from the US studied Japanese and then got a job offer from a Japanese company after he graduated? And my people are supposed to trust you as our guiding light? puh leeze! Because when you can’t argue points, just argue that the guy is….in your own words a “chinky jap” Go ahead Jeremy. Show the “monkeys” as you’ve called them multiple times exactly where I said I was Japanese. Go ahead. i’ll wait.

          1. dj says:

            Racists say the silliest things most of the time, don’t you agree???
            It is a shame. He can’t possibly have a job. So I am guessing public assistance of some sort…smh

            The time and effort he spends on this website is the time he can get job and stop relying on hard working black folks to support him. Talk about entitlement.

        2. LIzasweet says:

          This entire argument is fairly obsolete since at the start of the Civil war it wasn’t about slavery, it was about maintaining the union. Lincoln said he would keep slavery if he felt that would best maintain the union.
          Also, the “chink” version? for a man who claims to reprimand racists, you use a lot of slurs.

  13. Jeremy says:

    You read none of my posts Jaybay…didnt you see the white online memorial i posted? Didnt you see all those whites that were murdered by blacks just lastyear? I asked you guys to show the list of all black killed by whites last year and NOTHING….cause you have trayvon and m brown and thats just about it…and blacks already milked those situations for all theyre worth. i mention the sunami of black violence going on across the country and you say the white mans keeping blacks down? Does that make sence to you? Blacks are handed so many things in our country but do nothing with the opportunites. They cry that we stuck them in ghettos but it wasnt a ghetto before they got there…you cry that their are no jobs but the second a decent business moves to your area you rob n steal from it so much theyre forced to shut down n move….blacks worship thugs like Tupac and Biggie …blacks used to make beautiful music, they would sing about love and fun and happy things….now they rap about bitches, hos and niggas…they brag about how much money they have, they brag about million dollar cars they buy..they brag about guns, shootings, drugs and how cool they are….the whole black culture follows this shit and the whole black culture is broken and falling apart city by city

    1. Jeremy says:

      Blacks rape 35,000 white girls a year…we rape at the most two black”girls” a year…..a white is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black person then the other way around….but all they cry about is white racisim and white supremacy….their are over 267 million white americans in this country…only 33 million blacks…..still not noticing it? If whites were really racist blacks wouldnt even be here….if we hated blacks like they hate us their wouldnt be a black person left alive in this country….over 267 million vrs 33 million….and thats not counting the other races in this country…theyve been the victims of black hate n violence just as much as whites…you think the latinos would side with the blacks? the asians? Nope they wouldnt because blacks do the same shit to them. So its probably closer to 300 + million people of all races who know how savage and backwards blacks are….dont ya think if we really hated blacks and didnt want something better for them we would just wipe them out? Whites are trying to help but blacks make it difficult because the majority of you have behavioral issues and rejected the american culture and education….not whites fault…we tried

      1. JayBay says:

        Yeah I stopped caring a while ago. This is the exact same arguments they had during Civil Rights. The classic “we’re not racist because we don’t kill you”. No you don’t kill us all because America is too big on the world stage. You go around to every other country preaching Democracy and to follow your ways but you treat black people like shit? Yeah, you’d give up the ruse too quickly. Funny story (it’s true and I don’t care if you believe it or not) i was eating lunch next to a little girl out here. She was maybe in 6th grade. We struck up a conversation and she actually asked me “what’s going on in America. I see so much on TV about them killing unarmed people and I don’t understand why it still happens. Even little girls in other countries can see through your BS. Keep in mind that the rest of the world doesn’t think like you do. It’s just that Americans have told themselves that they’re the shit for so long that they believe the whole world agrees with them.

      2. JayBay says:

        Hey all I can say is, you get what you pay for. like I said, we were called violent savages before, during , and after slavery. I don’t condone the black on black violence but your people are the source of the problem. And I’m on here to change that. But once again, instead of suggesting ideas and trying to build up the black community so the don’t have to resort to this stuff (because it’s mostly just a result of abject poverty. Poor people around the world kill each other) you say “you niggers are rapists” Ok. So what are you gonna do about it? What’s your wise solution oh great white man? Tell us what we need to do. I’ll wait.

      3. JayBay says:

        What’s your solution?

      4. JayBay says:

        And your solution is….?

      5. James Mcwright says:

        Eat A Dick

    2. JayBay says:

      And even while we were singing about beautiful and happy things guess what….we were still called niggers by people like you. Didn’t matter if you were a pimp or the teacher at a local school, or even a veteran who fought for the country. You were a nigger. See that’s the thing that history can show. It doesn’t really matter what type of black person you were. You still got treated like 3/5ths of a person Yeah the times changed but the people fundamentally haven’t. We were niggers when we we slaves. We were niggers when we built businesses. We were niggers when (admittedly) our music was at it’s highest point. i never said all black people were angels. But I’m not so stupid that I can’t connect the dots and see “hmmm…..It pretty much seems like we were treated like shit no matter what we do in this country. So maybe…I dunno maybe….I should tell my people not to get all buddy buddy with the guys who have proven OVER AND OVER AGAIN that they don’t like them.

      You know what’s funny about the hip hop worshiping gun culture and stuff like that. In the early days of the music when it was first coming out and talking about blacks coming together and loving one another, it was STILL called the devils music (aka nigger music). Even being positive and showing love is an abomination to white society. That’s my whole point. I’ll never say that all black people are perfect but I can put 2 and 2 together. Blacks always have and always will be treated like garbage in white society. It’s not gonna change. We get a little power, fake Jews or whites come in to shut it down. Your argument isn’t with me, it’s with history. If your girlfriend was a ho who fucked everyone on the block before she met you, chances are she’s gonna be a ho when she’s with you. Yeah she might keep it low key and find ways to hide it. But a ho is a ho. And as white people have shown time again, a nigger is a nigger. And we don’t like niggers coming together and trying to change their situation. Otherwise, why are you on here? Why aren’t you suggesting that blacks start their own economy or build anything? You love to call us monkeys and worthless but suggest nothing to change the situation or get to the ROOT of the problem. So you’re worthless to black people. If you’re not here to build then what are you here for? Because all those problems that you keep talking about blacks causing would be solved if we came together and started building for ourselves. Or were you just hoping that we would continue to hate each other forever?

    3. JayBay says:

      so what are you gonna do about it? What’s your solution of things that black people need to do?

    4. JayBay says:

      And once again you completely ignore all my talking points. I asked you before why did you mention the Arab trade and what’s its relevance today? I’m asking you for solutions and you respond by saying we’re savages. I’m gonna keep asking until you give a relevant response. Whats your solution? Not what white people need to do but what BLACK people need to do.

      1. JayBay says:

        give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

        So white Jeremy. Truth seeker. All the other white people on this website. It’s obvious that whites charity hasn’t been working. So, suggest some things and plans that black people can start doing tomorrow to make their situation better. Real solutions not just that “pull up your pants” crap. I mean like you’re running a fortune 500 company. Write a list of things for us to start BUILDING.

    5. JayBay says:

      Don’t be so arrogant white boy. I don’t sit around scanning all of your posts as if you’re offering the secret to eternal life. I ask you a question and you answer it. Now that I have your attention, what’s your solution for BLACK people to do. We’re done with charity. You come on here claiming to be superior than us do now you’re going to give us solutions. No charity. Action. Start writing.

    6. LIzasweet says:

      the music… TT_TT I wish rap hadn’t gotten as crude and offensive as it has but…
      I on the whole disagree with you- the “ghetto,” as you term it, is people’s homes.
      If those businesses closed from petty larsony, it would indicate some moral ambiguity, but it could just as easily be that the business closed because those nearby didn’t have the money to spend on their product.

  14. Jeremy says:

    My solution is black families have start staying families…if the father or a father isnt involved with the children the kids are gonna have an uphill battle their whole life….good black people have to start calling out the bad blacks that are dragging their communities down…look at for each other and others….if u see someone commit a horrendous crime and the cop asks you if you know anything…fuckin tell him! ….why would you wanna protect the bad guy unless youre all bad? Black parents should stick together, read to their kids, dont let them listen to hardcore rap or any shit like until they get their own place, then they can listen to what they want… parents should be more involved in their kids lives…and you shouldnt be having kids if you cant afford them or provide the love and attention they require to grow and prosper…..if you know a black person has an illegal weapon why the fuck wouldnt you report him??? You know hes gonna use it to harm another black …..why wouldnt you look out for your “peeps”. Just because you dont know the other black person that hes gonna end up shooting or robbing with it doesnt mean you shouldnt get that gun off the street…..i would only let the poor stay on welfare for a short period of time…id help you get a job because free lifetime meager hands outs only make you dependent…. Everyones so uptight now you cant even shame people that do bad things….a black does something bad, i shame him with names and making him feel bad for doing bad, and im the bad guy? Public shaming for doing stupid shit shouldnt be frowned upon…if whites see someone doing total white trash bad shit 90% of the time they call them out on it or at least spread the word about the idiot….but not you guys….you defend a person that does stupid or horrible shit just because of the color of skin…blacks rarely judge someone by the content of his character

    1. Jeremy says:

      And another thing…how bout the succesful blacks start giving back and being roll models for their communities? Blacks are well know for almost even giving to charities…they dont care about animal abuse….you could live next door to a dog fighting house and u say nothing, you hear the screaming bait dogs being torn to piece for blocks around these houses and say nothing..(dont even get me started on the blacks treatment of dogs and things lesser than them). ..and they dont care about the poor in Africa….they cry about what whites do to the enviorment but do they ever give back to it? Fight for it? NOpers they dont…and succesful blacks shouldnt just be a roll model or give to their own causes….ever heard of you scratch my back i scratch yours? And im not sayin i need money or anything from you…but i sure think it would be nice if you could at least behave…act like an american….be civilized….maybe go to a real church instead one with screaming, shuckin and jivin….church is gods house, not a place for twerking and boogieing….those are just a few other helpful ideas for the black community

      1. James Mcwright says:

        Eat A Dick

      2. Jeremy says:

        i watch tv so i know what its like. i am a contradiction. i worry about black yet there is a college shootin everyday. sorry sorry sorry obama

      3. LIzasweet says:

        Jeremy. I was with you till the church bit.
        You have never been to a church in a black community have you? because what you describe doesn’t sound like my experience at all.
        Sure, it would be good if there was more accountability in black communities, but that doesn’t mean those communities are in some way “uncivilized.”

    2. JayBay says:

      My solution is black families have start staying families…if the father or a father isnt involved with the children the kids are gonna have an uphill battle their whole life….good black people have to start calling out the bad blacks that are dragging their communities down

      Ok but there are black people that do that. There’s gonna be shitty people in any race no matter how much you talk to them. But I agree. They need families. The problem is though that a lot of blacks are poor and in a lot of cases in order to get welfare there can’t be a man in the house. So you would need to change that. Once again, saying “bad black man” while offering no alternatives isn’t going to change anything. If I was selling drugs in order to eat and you “called me out” but didn’t offer me a solution then that doesn’t help me. OBVIOUSLY i’m going to choose a six figure legal job over selling drugs if that option is available.

      …look at for each other and others….if u see someone commit a horrendous crime and the cop asks you if you know anything…fuckin tell him!

      The people who support that shit are usually gangbangers themselves. The majority of crimes are usually reported in the black community. Otherwise how would you even know that there is crime at all?

      Black parents should stick together, read to their kids, dont let them listen to hardcore rap or any shit like until they get their own place, then they can listen to what they want

      Rap isn’t the reason that these kids turned out violent. My parents are together, I listened to it when I was younger and never even had a speeding ticket. And I know plenty of blacks who were in the same situation It;s deeper than simply “x music equals y behavior. If that’s the case we might as well just start arguing about video games being the culprit. There’s no proven link that listening to rap causes people to be violent. i could make the same argument about metal. But yeah, I’ll agree with reading together.

      … parents should be more involved in their kids lives…and you shouldnt be having kids if you cant afford them or provide the love and attention they require to grow and prosper…

      But we live in a system that openly supports that. People will have kids for the simple reason that they can get so much money. It’s a hustle. And unless they have alternatives i.e. their own businesses then it will continue to be a hustle. That’s why I kept saying getting money to start your own business. Once again, why I said BUILD.

      ..if you know a black person has an illegal weapon why the fuck wouldnt you report him??? You know hes gonna use it to harm another black …..why wouldnt you look out for your “peeps”. Just because you dont know the other black person that hes gonna end up shooting or robbing with it doesnt mean you shouldnt get that gun off the street

      Right but think of it this way. If your own brother had an illegal gun and you KNEW he was going to face jail time would you still report him? Obviously I’m not suggesting that illegal guns are ok but there’s that basic issue of “my best friend isn’t going to get a slap on the wrist He might face jail time because of me. ESPECIALLY if he’s black” If he’s robbing people I could understand but even then there’s the “what happens when he gets out” scenario. Once again though, we’re talking about taking blacks out of poverty.

      …..i would only let the poor stay on welfare for a short period of time…id help you get a job because free lifetime meager hands outs only make you dependent….

      So what’s your solution if they can’t get a job You always have to plan for worse case scenarios. The assumption is that ALL blacks stay around waiting for a handout. What’s your solution for guys who did the right thing but still can’t find a job. There’s plenty of guys out there like that. Plus they already have stuff like that in place to help you get a job. That’s part of the job of welfare agencies. People with relevant experience will be fine but anyone who has a record is pretty much fucked with most companies nowadays.

      Everyones so uptight now you cant even shame people that do bad things….a black does something bad, i shame him with names and making him feel bad for doing bad, and im the bad guy? Public shaming for doing stupid shit shouldnt be frowned upon…if whites see someone doing total white trash bad shit 90% of the time they call them out on it or at least spread the word about the idiot

      Yeah, I’ve lived around white people my whole life and I can tell you that’s bs. Especailly out here. I’ve met dozens of whites who come out here for the sole purpose of partying and fucking Japanese chicks. They admitted it to me with a smile. And they’re usually the loudest ones at the bar and most eager to start a fight. Especially the military ones. Not to mention all the drug use and property damage I saw whites do during my school days. So no, we’re gonna have to disagree on that point. Not saying there’s no truth in it. Just saying I’ve been around WAY too many white people of different classes to take that as even close to being fact.

      ….but not you guys….you defend a person that does stupid or horrible shit just because of the color of skin…blacks rarely judge someone by the content of his character

      No some blacks defend dumb shit because they’re dumb too. Just like dumb white people. Like I said I’ve seen WAY too many white people doing dumb shit in groups and talking about it later as if they’ve cured cancer. Like I said before, from both rich and poor whites.

      Relevant points but it still ignores the poverty issue. A lot crime wouldn’t need to happen if blacks had their own economy. I’m only interested in creating a situation where blacks can own their own everything. Doctors office, law firm, tech company etc. If a black person wants to work for a white, asian, latino that’s his choice but he/she shouldn’t HAVE to do that as their only option.

      1. LIzasweet says:

        I’m confused.
        You’re talking like there aren’t any companies run by African Americans that are successful enough to hire people but they’re around.
        this is a list of 100 of the most successful African-american owned businesses:

        (Aside from that though, your argument was pretty compelling- major kudos. It makes me happy when someone on a cite as controversial as this behaves polite and reasonable)

  15. Jeremy says:

    And killing taxi drivers….if you wanna be picked up in a cab how bout calling out the blacks that are shooting cab drivers in the back of the head? How bout after not shooting the cab driver how bout leaving a tip? how bout not running out of the cab without paying anything? You cry about taxis not picking up blacks but huge portions of you do fucked up shit to them….why the fuck should they pick you up when the other races right down the block are probably going to be quite pleasant passanger and tip and say Have a good day Mr Taxi driver instead of slamming the door with an attitude. You let your people do these things and say nothing

    1. Jeremy says:

      And most cab drivers in NYC are Arabs…why would they not wanna pick up blacks? Why would they be “racist”? Its not racisim its a learned survival instinct…its in all the civilized world….i dont go near a barking angry dog….i dont put my hand in a smiling alligators mouth cause i know whats gonna happen…if i rarely see midgets but 0nce a year a masked midget runs up and kicks me in the balls, the next time i see a midget im gonna be weary or at least cross the street….its not racist…its a survival instinct that is in all of us…even animals have it

  16. Jeremy says:

    And do you know most busy restaurants the waiters and waitresses fight to not have to wait on black customers….white and black waiters and waitresses alike….they know they arent gonna get a tip…they know the blacks will speak diwn to them…..they know that theirs a good chance the black customers are gonna pretend the food is bad or service is bad so they can get a free meal….ive seen it with my own eyes 100 times….now of course like i said its not all blacks…but who in there right mind would wanna put up with all that shit and ontop of that not get paid for it! ? Black trash give good blacks a bad name

    1. JayBay says:

      Sigh…and this is what i was talking about. You talked about building blacks up for 1 post and went right back to the same old game. Once again, this is why black people need to build for themselves. White people aren’t really interested in blacks changing. If they were guys like you would be on sites like this saying things like “here’s where you can get grants to start a business/school. Here’s what you should write on the form. Here’s what/how you guys should invest in (gold) in order to make sure you’re prosperous and don’t have to commit crime. This website is just a breeding ground for whites to come and complain about blacks. Let your next posts be about how blacks can build long term sustainable businesses and investments and then maybe I can take you seriously.

      1. JayBay says:

        Although it’s pretty hard to take someone who called me a chinky jap as someone who actually wants black people to do better for themselves.

    2. Jeremy says:

      What is a good black?

    3. Jeremy says:

      sorry sorry sorry obama. blacks raping white women because they do not need cab since they shoot the drivers. good niggers

    4. dj says:

      what do you expect…White America taught us everything we know when it comes to those tactics…

      BTW, I have seen a lot of white people poorly tip a hard working waiter or waitress in my day so kill that noise..

      You are nothing but a self-reflecting and troll deflecting puppet boy with no life…

      All this energy you are using to spread lies, hate, and misinformation you can be using to get a job. GET TO WORK YA BUM!!!…

  17. Thinker X says:

    Can someone tell me how often they think about people who aren’t shit?! Do you spy on those people?! Do you care about anything they have to say or anything they’re doing?! I didn’t think so…

  18. Jeremy says:

    I only care cause i saw your comments about killing white families and babies….whites are opposed to the killing of innocent life….sorry that offends you

    1. JayBay says:

      Lol….That…. is…hillarious
      Whites not opposed to killing innocent lives. Ah, I love it. I asked you a simple question about how to build up black communities so they don’t need to commit crimes (most crime in any race is a result of poverty) and you respond with fuck Obama. You’re the best!

      Oh and like I said a few days ago. I. Broke. You.

    2. dj says:

      That’s funny, where were people like you when caspers are on stormfront making comment about killing black families and babies all damn day every damn day???

      As a matter of fact where is your hypocrite @$$ when racist white cops are actually killing black babies like Tamir Rice who was outside playing with a toy gun at the playground or Aiyana Stanley-Jones who was shot in the head while she was sleeping on her grandma’s couch by a trigger happy hyper casper cop??? Huh??? (CRICKETS…) Yeah, I know. I figured as much. Racist say the silliest things and think no one is listening to them.

      you a class A piece of work you know. Reprobate at its finest…and a hypocrite at the highest level, “whites are opposed to the killing of innocent life….sorry that offends you” You are a stone cold liar boy.

      You are getting riled up because someone supposedly type some b.s. about killing caspers families and babies but you are silent when innocent black families and innocent babies are actually being executed by caspers like you…

      Go GTF all the way out of here with that logic…and stay off the Meth while you are at it too…

  19. Jeremy says:

    Im not politically correct……i was called bunches of names the second you guys found out my skin color

    1. Jeremy says:

      because i get my info from Chimpout. go check it out 🙂

  20. Jeremy says:

    I love when black people do that…ask a question, answer your own question and before i get to answer you, you say ” i didnt think so”…..i swear if i had a nickle

  21. Michael says:

    BBC is what the white wife called us I didn’t make it up besides they are the ones saying the sex is better you know this already and by the way I eat watermelon and chicken and so do most people you can’t hurt my feelings for sure because I live in the south and for 43 years no white stepped to me because of respect

  22. Jeremy says:

    I’m sorry. I know I sound like an idiot. It’s just fun to mess with black folks for 72 hours straight because I’m bored 🙁

    1. Jeremy says:

      haha if it really was me i wouldnt be using monkey periods because i can’t spell ahahaha monkey monkey Obamamama

      1. Jeremy says:

        see typical name calling. typical black behavior. talk about black on white crime and you people kill each other.

        1. dj says:

          But for real…What about WHITE ON WHITE CRIME though???

    2. dj says:

      People with low IQs only do the $h!t that you because they are bored, have no life, no job, and hate for no reason.

  23. Jeremy says:

    i like good blacks not niggers. i love truth speaker omg i love you kimberly

  24. Jeremy says:

    omg you blacks kill me. i’m done with this nigger loving site

    1. truth speaker says:

      no come back! lets educate the blacks because we really don’t like them but we must convince them and ourselves about things just to make us feel superior!

  25. Michael says:

    Just as always as some white people do they always and I mean always read something and get a total different truth about what they are try to make people believe Arab slave trade is not about all African dumb ass it’s about other countries too and it’s was not like the united states Arab slave is about alot of different people you can’t even read what you are looking at now Mexico own African slaves as well be almost a hundred years before the US they stop slavery because they new it was in human and that’s why so many blacks are in Mexican countries and all over the world. .. and by the way thanks for putting my people all over the world lmao

  26. Michael says:

    Dont go Jeremy as you can see I never called you out your name but you are so so smart bye and take that wrong information with you try to spew that information on someone that want to believe you I’m sure a white supremacy blog will love your information guaranteed ✌

  27. Michael says:

    Dumb ass is not name calling lol

  28. Michael says:

    You probably got ten different troll names

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