Black Muslim Teen Found Lynched in A Tree in Washington State

In this age of anti-muslim and anti-Black rhetoric coming from the Trump administration, we are now seeing the deadly results of this propaganda. In Washington state, the body of an 18 year old Black teen, Ben Keita was found hanging from a tree in a wooded area of Lake Stevens in January after he went missing two months before.

Initially the medical examiner determined his death was a suicide, a ruling that Keita’s family disagreed with.

“Ben was very happy young man,” dad Ibrahimi Keita told KOMO News. “He was already in the running start program going to Everett Community College. No history of depression or anxiety.”

It is common for authorities to lie and cover up these types of anti-Black lynchings by claiming the victims “committed suicide.” But the medical examiner in Keita’s case would later change the cause of death to undetermined because the rope used to hang the teen was tied 50 feet high in the tree. Also a search in that same area where the lynching occurred did not turn up anything.

So the questions that the Melanoid community must ask, is will these Jim Crow style lynchings continue to increase under this re-energized, openly white supremacist system? And what should Melanoid people do about it?

1,042 thoughts on “Black Muslim Teen Found Lynched in A Tree in Washington State

  1. What says:

    On time, in time!!!
    Real News!!!!!
    If this is advertised in any other news, they will leave out all the details and say it was a suicide and that’s it…..

    1. Renee says:

      We must unite and protect our families. Please say alert.

      1. Black Panther says:

        Why is it anytime a black man stands up and says defend yourself he’s violent why when a black man says stand up and fight he’s sick or why is it when a black man speaks out he’s threatening.But yet and still today black people will not stand up and fight for their cells for the family for the very existence this is a form of genocide and they’re doing it legally with the stroke of a pen. And I say to you my brothers and sisters the hours near I’d rather die on my feet then go out like a slave they have been brutalizing us for decades you can look and go back in history and all their tri cities are recorded I think it’s time for black people to reassess I’ll position in the food chain if you would have touch one of theirs I’ll not OJ Simpson the whole world comes out we need to stand up and fight just like they do whether it be out in public on the internet wherever they evil flourish we need to meet their evil with evil because I’m tired of watching your black men die all the time and they come up with these excuses the time is at hand folks it’s up to y’all

        1. Bill Arnold says:

          All niggers must hang

          1. Robin says:

            May God have mercy on you on judgement day.

          2. Robin says:

            Come try. If you want to know where I live just ask. I dare you to come try.

          3. MeMyself&I says:

            And you’re at the top of the list.

          4. Ashanti says:

            STILL WE RISE

          5. Ashanti says:

            The seeds of Esau will burn 😈

          6. Bill can suck my cock says:

            All crackers must die

          7. Patricia Sevitski says:

            you are the problem my friend. hate and anger is a painful thing to have all piled up in your body. I hope you find some help.

          8. T says:

            Psst I heard your mother is a nigger

          9. Mona says:

            Your own mitochondrial DNA is black, we all came out of Africa.

          10. Robyn Jackson says:

            You first, Bill Arnold. You and yours fucking first.

          11. No name says:

            Including yourself….ignorant

          12. Your DAD says:

            Eat a divk you cousin fucker. I’ll hang you and your honky kids.

          13. My Death Be With You, Hum Do Allah says:


          14. Art says:

            And your dumb RACIST ASS too

          15. Barbara jones says:

            then y haven’t hung u ..
            bcz ur truly one!!

          16. Barbara jones says:

            if all niggers must hang o guess ur next huh bill,u piece of racist ass low life piece of shit

          17. Johnnetta says:

            You bastard!! Attention seeking troll!! May your god help you see the error in your thoughts and remove you from our world!!

          18. Karen says:

            All of Them Arnold??? The who will you single out then??

          19. michael dobey says:

            die you racist pig. YOu do not represent me or anyone else who is white.

          20. Truth at it's realist says:

            You are really stupid.somebody need to hang you for saying that.asshole

          21. Anonymous says:

            We are watching you….. We know where you live racists.

          22. Anonymous says:

            Found your address.. hee hee hope u know coding.

          23. jay says:

            You sound like a suicide.

          24. KrackaKilla says:

            I’ll hang you, fuckin weak cracker.I net i can break your faggot ass in 2 pieces. You dumb colored fuck!!

          25. KrackaKilla says:

            Hey Billiam…hillbilly trash….come to ohio…ive got an open asshole for you to run your tounge tbrough.

          26. Aj says:

            All crackers pigs need to hang too.

          27. Larry says:

            You are cursed…!

          28. YUNG says:

            Our Sun is killing you slowly but surely. We are the owners if this planet and your demise will be dramatic and definite. Your are an animal by nature and your god is a Dog. Be well because we have the numbers for the fight as where you are a dead breed…who should have never been. Die slow and please enjoy your day or assist your child in shooting up innocent children in schools like you teach them to do..ok then bye bye now.

          29. Dena says:

            You’ll be hanging first. . .

          30. I got your number says:

            Do not be mad because we built this country and everything in it because you and your dead father was to weak. And your dead mom sucked and fucked black men. And your grand daughter still gives head to black boys. Some things you will never change. Black people still doing great things.

          31. Becky says:

            So should you and your mamma

          32. Enough says:

            Okay, cracker scum. You trashy inbred piece of 💩

          33. Karen says:

            Fuck u. Bill maybe we should hang ur white ass

          34. Hurt says:

            All white man should die y’all don’t own us no more you nasty mother fucker hope you and your family die

          35. Gloria says:

            God will vindicate His beloved….

          36. wasateacher says:

            I assume, Bill Arnold, that you do not claim to be a member of any religious faith. I’m not religious but have a far greater sense of what is morally right and wrong than, clearly, you do. You should be ashamed of your inhumane, immoral, ignorant comment. And the USA tries to claim to be civilised???

          37. G says:

            Let u be the first ignorant donkey.

          38. Naghmeh Zand says:

            Wow, Bill Arnold, this is what you have to say after reading this article? What, you can’t read long sentences?
            Better read it, cuz Fox News won’t tell you everything.

          39. Tim says:

            You are a sick ass.

          40. Tim says:

            Your mother and baby must hang u crackees smell like wet dog

          41. Carolyn says:


          42. Danita Arellanes says:

            Lets just hang your stupid ass!!!!. Your the kind of people who should not be walking and breathing the same air as we do.

          43. Larry says:

            Let me know were to meet you bitch!

          44. Larry says:

            Hey bill, you die , you will necer when pnce we die you die bitch

          45. Larry says:

            You die bitch your whole fam

          46. Anthony Small says:

            How would you feel if some one took the life of your child ? Why don’t you just eat a bullet I am sure no one would mind at all you piece of shit !

          47. Fran says:

            I know who you are bill

          48. what a dick says:

            I’m in Philly if u wanna meet me red neck

          49. robert snead says:

            My mom said there are white niggers too! Be very careful of what you say and think.

          50. robert snead says:

            Come and try it. I need to use my Ma Deuce.

          51. Perry says:

            Just like you hung Jesus Christ from a tree! Dam you Esau your the devil the bible speaks of the red dragon,666

          52. Perry says:

            It a special place in hell for you your words have power you have brought dam nation to your own family.

          53. troy says:

            But you want do it will you pussy?

          54. Lottie Dotty Wypipo Next says:

            And you’re the first one.

          55. TytheCrackerkiller says:

            And all you Pussy ass Crackers need to meet This nigga and see how that Shit you talk on your Computer or smart phone will get you killed in real life. And That is a Promise not a threat you ass wipe.

          56. Lori Carty says:

            Bill, you must be completely ignorant and racist. I hope you die a very painful death or lose family members to hate crimes..perhaps it will awaken your sense of decency and community.

          57. Alex Satan says:

            Fuck you money dog dna hybrid pale bitch the sun will cook u

          58. TYRONE from the cell next door says:

            yes we must start HANGING anyone one we suspect are racist

          59. B says:

            U miserable fuck. U probably obese af with all types of medical problems with a heart attack on your doorstep. Do us all a favor and kill ya self

          60. Kayy says:

            Your mother must hang you son of a bitch

          61. Tonio Bells says:

            Piece of shit you are

          62. Jake says:

            Tell me my they should be hanged huh. Just because there black or brown or white they should not be hanged no matter there race so next time u say that just think why they should be. Or why u are being that way and just and don’t say oh that how I was raised. No you can change.

          63. Jason says:

            Hang this big ol cock in your mouth!

          64. Margaret says:

            You need Jesus.

          65. Michael says:

            May the Lord protect you. No name or city

          66. Bonnie says:

            PEICE OF SHIT!

          67. Maryann says:

            Your some special kind of ignorant aren’t you… Smh… You need to look long and hard at your own DNA Bill…. When you find out whats in your background let us know we will get the rope ready….

          68. James Jordan says:

            You First.

          69. Dorrell says:

            Come hang tuff ass… Baltimore Md 21213 ….You sound tuff,but I know you’re just a BITCH!!!!!Come hang me… I’ll provide the rope… You’ll just have to stall alive to complete your mission….NOT!!!!

          70. Antoinette says:

            I bet you wouldn’t try it yourself because u sound like a coward, no picture why? You know only ingorant people talk like you
            Well a word for the wise IT Will NEVER HAPPEN IN THIS LIFE !!!!!!!

          71. Glenn says:

            Fuck you pussy ass bitch

          72. Fuck bill arnold says:

            Suck a dick u bastard

          73. Hasan says:

            Bill your Day will come soon and that bitch that gave birth to your dog ass

          74. Will says:

            Don’t do that Bill, you’re being childish stupid or actually evil. I imagine probably childish or stupid.

          75. Richel powel says:

            Hang yo mama you in-bread retard

          76. Ron says:

            Bill Arnold the nigger is tge bitch that birth you. And ill meet you anywhere in the world and you can hang the nigger you see pussy ass white boy

          77. Dee says:

            Let’s start with you.
            People like you will have a horrific demise and burn in hell forever!!!!!!

          78. DeezNutz says:

            All white crackersupremacist wives must bang, bang!

          79. Robert liston says:

            So get ta hanging..there are millions of us..especially in public housing.just bring your ropes and your white sheets and we’ll color them for you…

          80. Ms. Moore says:

            So go outside and hang yourself then because if you actually know the definition of that word you fit the bill then son!!!?!

          81. helen bonner says:

            maybe all you white kkk’s need to die

          82. Your Mother says:


          83. Robert says:

            Vengeance belongs to OUR God😎

          84. John says:

            You are full of self hate I’ll pray for you . If GOD was in your home growing up you would have experienced real love. It’s not your fault it’s your family history. You need to break that cycle. Praying for you.

          85. K. Watts says:

            Lololol……this nigga Bill Arnold is I’ll!!!!!!!

          86. Light says:

            I don’t know why you feel that way but we bleed the same and we have the same Savior

          87. Please come this way

          88. Roberta says:

            And looking at this whole thread. Makes me sick. Isn’t there enough hate and anger in this world than adding to it. Once again thanks to the media for stirring the pot. You say it’s because of Trump’s administration, he doesn’t spew anti black, Muslim etc rhetoric. He spews anti illegal immigrants, terrorist, etc hate and love for our nation and the troops and vets. Just like every other news media you generate hate. Look at Bill, look at other dude… why does anyone have to die, you two go die if that’s what you two think will solve this bullcrap. It won’t either. The only thing that will solve it is to stop spreading it…. you do that. Don’t blame that crap on us. And sorry Mr. Melatonin media whatever you are, I think the coroner and autopsy would say more than you would know. How bout do us all a favor, black white, brown, yellow, etc… and quit stirring the pot. You find hate because you look for it.
            Will you tell the story of a white lady who fed two black children for a month because their mommie and daddy jerked their welfare and food stamps off on pot party and alcohol… oops nope won’t tell that one will you? How even though the white family was struggling they invited the children to eat and bought baby milk n diapers for the little one… didn’t do it for fame or rahs, did it to show her children the supple art of compassion. But will u print that? No because it doesn’t fit ur agenda of hate and stirring the shit and opening old wounds… pathetic af like most y’all crap stirrers these days, ur worse than bill and that other kill all crackers dude up there.

          89. Cristian says:

            Bill Arnold.
            You are an uneducated f-ing moron. You are part of the problem in this country. Now your threatening a woman. Shes on top of your list for what?
            Tough guy.

          90. Lamart Jernigan says:

            Its your turn!!!!

          91. catt riggs says:

            bill arnold, you are a poor excuse for a human being

          92. Wally Barrett says:

            Bill Arnold speaks tough here, but would have to be wearing a sheet to speak it in the street. Another gutless white BOY

          93. Vivian says:

            So that means you will be the first one….praying for your mental issues….I feel sorry for your children, grandchildren.

          94. Darnell Wiggins says:

            Go sit down little pee wee Herman, and play with your imagination

          95. roseanne barr says:

            You are an ignorant piece of garbage. I am sure you have no education, no morals and deserve only the very worst.

            This must be a joke. No one could be this stupid of the world.

          96. Shadrick says:

            You need to be hang you mutherfucker.

          97. Alvin says:

            This must include yourself, because a nigger is a person who is ignorant. I think you fit that category.

          98. Barlinda says:

            You are a stupid mother fuck if you think all black should be hang what wrong with you we are all god people

          99. Tagie Blair says:

            Bitch ass u haven’t ran up on the right person u mother fucking white trash this is really a shame n now there targeting young black people n kids skin these assholes alive im tight right about now heated SMDH🙏😢😢

          100. Cythia Winn says:

            Please kill yourself

          101. Mayer says:

            Enough said….!

          102. Teejay says:

            I guess I ignorant ass will hang then. Punk ass mother fucker..

          103. Dee says:

            Be CAREFUL what you speak on!!!!

          104. Barbara says:

            Hang Yourself on a bible! Read and show yourself approved, you’re no better than anyone, regardless of skin color! May the Lord have mercy on you because you are so lost! Stop going to the tanning salon for color! God bless you!

          105. Human says:

            You’re such an fucking arsehole. they are human beings just like you and I. It’s people like you that should be hung. RACIST FUCK. We are all born on this planet we do not come from distant planets to invade. Calling people who just want to live side by side. Yet I take it your a yanky with your stupid laws. You pathetic piece of shit.

          106. Proud Black woman says:

            You’re are Racist Asshole

          107. LOVE YOU REPENT says:

            I love you brother with the love of Jesus I pray the day of judgement you repent or you would eat that hates you produce.

          108. Dome says:

            I wish I would know who tf you are and would beat living hatredness out of you.

          109. Gd says:

            All white ppl must die

          110. Tony says:

            Moron, Trump supporter by any chance?

          111. Khadijah says:

            Come on I dare you ! Come for me or my family I’ll sit and wait for the police after finished with you

          112. Jasimine says:

            Kill yourself sum bag

          113. Larry says:

            Bill you the biggest fuckin idot ib the world kill yourself

          114. Yo mama bitch says:

            I hope u come n die u racist piece of no good shit. Come to my house n fuck with my family and u will die bitch

          115. Fuk bill Arnold says:

            I’ll give you a address
            We are not our ancestors. I wait for a day for someone like you to try it.

          116. Your mom says:

            Go choke on a dick

          117. God says:

            We coming for u & the ones we don’t get Allah will get the rest!!

          118. Marc says:

            U don’t even know why u feel that way.
            You are Bandwagon trash living off the centuries of hardwork of gold,black and brown people have done.

          119. Kalisha says:


          120. Dbo says:

            Its negus Bill you should tie a rope to your balls n jump cus u dont need

          121. Sarah says:

            Bring your cracker ass from behind the internet!!! You 💩💩💩💩💩🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

          122. Wise Guy says:

            Your Mother Must Hang Bitch

          123. MsAmerica says:

            You coward. I hope your entire family burn in hell forever. White maggot.

          124. Liz says:

            See the problem is we are not gonna let you do anything that’s going to hurt us!! If all blacks, Latinos stuck together we will over power you! I feel sorry for your soul on judgement day! You and all the other white supremacists are all POS

          125. Quintin Johnson says:

            Fuck you come to south Carolina with that bullshit

          126. Marion says:

            Your momma needs to hanged for having a redneck punk like you. I know for a fact you want say that to a black person. Cuz we knock out the remaining teeth out.

          127. Jay says:

            Fuck you racist piece of shit

          128. Tasha says:

            Fuck you

          129. Wisdom says:

            The world hate white people more then any race on earth right now. ..2019 … the Arabs are chopping yall heads off. torturing/raping whites. .. Imagine what us Niggers will do to you . #BillArnold . War is coming be Ready ..Black Power !!!🤜💪🤛

          130. Man says:

            If i was to see i would beat your cracker ass

          131. Bobo Kitty says:

            You’re a sick fuck and your a product of inbreeding. Your Moma is your Auntie and your Father is your Uncle

          132. Pamela D Dunham-Carter says:


          133. Sipp says:

            Obviously u want show your face..u a coward..u know the deal..

          134. Gwen says:

            Bill Arnold, didn’t your parents teach you better than that ? Bill don’t you know you all have to pay for the wrong you all done to the blacks . ✌🏾❤️

          135. Wacck duse says:

            Only thang hanging is our big dicks u faggot!

          136. Cathy says:

            You white Bastard!!! You may find yours in a tree or a lake. All racist should Die!!

          137. Drea says:

            Why must they hang I’m curious to what they did to deserve this fate ? Or your hatred

          138. Bill Arnold. what the fuck is your problem? may you come from the devil to say such evil. you enrage me. you also hate me. i give you no satisfaction, because the satisfaction is all mine. you’re a foolish, lost lamb, and i hope you see your true self in the mirror next time you look in one. you have such selfish pride upon you, and i despise the evil in you. come away from the evil in your soul. or you will perish out to space in a capsule with only your brain being kept alive by machines, without a body, but there you will be, with only a brain and you will be sent out into space, to live like that eternally – alone. with nothing but your thoughts, and no light, no touch, no taste, no sound. that is the madness i wish upon you. isolation of a brutal kind. you will apologize before God, or you will perish with the devil. come away from the evil in your soul. Bill Arnold. i have seen you, spotted you, noted you, noticed you, and recorded you.

          139. Slim says:

            Bill Arnold You nasty ass Cracker you must hang bitch what the fuck you talking about…Fuck you Cracker and yo whole Racist ass Family mother fuckea you the type of Cracker I’ll put a bullet in your head…OMG you bastard!!!

          140. Slim says:

            And all y’all Racist ass cracker should hang what the fuck you talking about..Bill Arnold you one cracker I’ll be glad to out a bullet in your head so why don’t you come and try that my way and see how many bullets you’ll have in yo head!!! I’ll be waiting just ask for my address fuck boy and see how your ending will play out!!! You’ll be in hell and I’ll be in jail….

          141. Ahsh says:

            Read Obidiah

          142. Brynda says:

            You need to go fucking hang yourself! Wtf is wrong with you, all you racist MFs need to go kill all yourselves. How about that you fuck head!

          143. Brynda says:

            Bill Arnold I hope you and all your racist people die a slow painful death and burn in hell

          144. Brandino says:

            We have no problems puttin bulleta between the eyes of cracker kids either. Bill arnold that includes your kids, grandkids, yo momma whoever!

          145. Debbie says:

            The world will be a better place when old mfers like bill Arnold is dead. I bet you hate every young man with a hard dick.You mushroom flaccid dick old hating ass.

          146. Dont worry says:

            I hope your whole family dies

          147. b scott sigmon says:

            bill Arnold your a fool. a fool’s fool. you did that to start trouble and sit back and watch people argue. there is enough trouble as it is in this world without us suffering fools.

          148. Kim says:

            May the Lord God of Heaven rain his judgement on your evil heart. Stop being a son of Satan. You will not fair well.

          149. Tonya w says:

            Along with you and your whole family! Now u can continue fucking your daughter or your dog! We all know what races loves doing that the most!

          150. Shannon says:

            Pure ignorance. I’ll be praying for you.

          151. Yougotmefuckedup says:

            Yo momma

          152. FedUp says:

            Do you know the definition of that word, that you feel so comfortable using?
            Look it up!!!!

            God created us all, and ALL races have fault, none lesser or greater!

            People like you, is what makes this world so evil, and just because of a color.

            I see no color, I see your heart, and you sir have an ugly heart.

          153. T says:

            Suck a dick & did nigga, lucky niggas don’t come and body your whole family commenting this bullshit. Lame ass white mayonnaise motherfucker.

          154. The Bitch says:

            Fuck you cracker cause we will hang you!

          155. Lucky says:

            So should ur whole bloodline but God shows mercy🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

          156. Tom says:

            Fuck you & Trump !

          157. Fuck white people says:

            Bill Arnold i hope somebody hangs you cracker

          158. Jgoneblow says:

            🤣and what if you die and go to heaven and see that it would be a nigger judging you what you gone tell him🤣 what if a nigger hang your son or daughter then your wife question how would you feel because to be honest Donald Trump don’t give a fuck About you or your family dumbass nigga🤣it’s just sad how you still that mind and if you come my s
            Way nigga you will get hung I really don’t like your kind or the way your kind look and smells or talk but hate I say I can hate you but I ask the black man Jesus 💯🗣️ to pray for you and your family a very happy day or Saturday

          159. Umar says:

            Come hang a man a black Muslim man somebody that can protect his self against you and I can comfortably say two more of your klans boys

          160. Debra Brown says:

            Don’t hide behind social media to speak

          161. Shakerria Hunt says:

            What y’all white people can’t except the fact that our race is better you all took over everything the black man ever had anything to do with.. God bless you all white people because you’re going to burn in hell for what y’all did to us

          162. Patricia sheppard says:

            Well come do it. My address is 29 Bethel st wilkis Barre p.a 18702. I’ll be waiting your welcome anytime. Day or night

          163. Brandie Davis says:

            ARE YOI FUCKING SERIOUS . You’re nothing but a racist ass pig. I dare you to come to Bronx and say that. No mercy on you.

          164. nut says:

            I’m going to fuck your daughter

          165. Shawn says:

            So who are you to judge God is judging you everything you do or say he’s sending you to hail have fun there your no better then anyone else do you even know what the word niggers means I do if you can’t tell what it means your parents or who ever taught you were stupid it means ignorant look it up stupid your dumb you only say what you were taught go in a black neighbor by your self and say that and see what happens yo you you already know so keep being an internet tuff guy…. Lol you mad or naw lol go brush your teeth with butter or go do what y’all do best fucking your family members incest pieace of shit..

          166. Fuckoff says:

            I bet you never say that in public 😂
            You know a nigger would knock your head off don’t cha 😉

          167. Angie says:

            Come try bitch

          168. Houston says:

            Come try it white boy. Ill meet ya.

          169. M says:

            All sick evil men must repend

          170. Angel says:

            You have a very bad mindset I hope you die and go to hell😂💯

          171. Dee says:

            Bet you won’t say that in a nigga face

          172. Bria says:

            That includes you nigger

          173. Nicole says:

            So go hang yourself then you rotten piece of garbage.

          174. Cassea says:

            Racist piece of shit , your sick. Your the one that to be hanged in all reality weirdo. ⚰

          175. Equalizer says:

            Show your face Bill ! Your the biggest Nigger of all.

          176. April says:

            YOU’RE fkn pathetic we are ALL God children but anytime we feel threatened by anything we try destroying it African American people do not deserve this they feel the same as any other human being they love the same hurt the same ect Hell people even crucified their savior (Jesus) because they was threatened by the man he was . Get tf over whatever differences you see WE are ALL EQUAL we ALL LIVE til we DIE nothing more nothing less just the way you treat people during your time on earth determines the way eternity treats you.


            YOU’RE fkn pathetic we are ALL God children but anytime we feel threatened by anything we try destroying it African American people do not deserve this they feel the same as any other human being they love the same hurt the same ect Hell people even crucified their savior (Jesus) because they was threatened by the man he was . Get tf over whatever differences you see WE are ALL EQUAL we ALL LIVE til we DIE nothing more nothing less just the way you treat people during your time on earth determines the way eternity treats you.

          178. B .johnson says:

            All crackers suck dick

          179. Laniece says:

            You would not exist without us so your self-hate is what it is LMFAO! Be blessed brother because us that are chosen don’t have to choose but you’re going to one day soon. We are forever the beginning and the end

          180. Erica says:

            Y’all cowards ass killing lil boys cause a man will beat your ass preying on the young

          181. DC barksdale says:

            You dare touch the direct decent of god, you dare use that tone of language to your creature 😉 the Tru son of Abraham the real and original isrealites your 400 years is up the truth is out your mankind a kind of a man with was made from man the first man not mankind like you weaklings man aka black man aka human Ethiopia aka
            afica today we civilize you monsters from the cold caves and show you the way of life never forget that so if you want to call us as black people ,African people, Ethiopian people, niggus not niggers dummies and look niggus up or even Daddy and mother I’m ashamed to say your race is our off spring fucking Savage ass kids #staywoke now go do your research all facts 💯

          182. Linda says:

            For sure you are certainly mothers 😁

          183. Ellie says:

            god bless you , you need god in your life , you’re nothing but white trash , useless i hope your family and you go to hell especially if you have kids let those mother fuckers go first , let’s not forget about your mother oh i hope she has a slow and very painful death lol

          184. Broadway says:

            Must you hide behind anomonous social media of your hate or shall you continue befriend your so called Black colleagues with a devil’s smile . . . you racist bigot!

          185. Brie says:

            You are sick! You need help!

          186. Bj says:

            Your granddaddy probably kissed and loved on a nigger. Is this truth why you so angry? You got nigger in you I’m sure. You mad at the wrong ones.

          187. Shaka’s Spear says:

            Why Bill? Is that the ideology you were taught as a child? Do you live in a poor community where there’s nothing ? What purpose would it serve to hang all black people? Your life would still be the same. I am sure there are little to none of us in your community already. I think you should go to one of the toughest neighborhoods in Seattle or Los Angeles and express your feelings so you can fulfill your wish to kill yourself. That’s what it comes down to. You hate yourself . It’s not our fault you were born racially inferior. We don’t make you age poorly. We are not the cause of your increasingly low birth rates. It’s not because of us that your athleticism and mental progression are low. Your true enemy is actually the white man and not Africans. ✊🏿

          188. Moris says:

            Bill God will hang your ass

          189. BlkCokUrGurlKravz says:

            If so?! You couldn’t do it by yourself. You spend to much time, licking the real man’s nut sack. You can’t even live your best life. Focus on your true masters, the Blackman! Lol

          190. Gvickeyj says:

            Come do it see how far you get bitch

          191. Sam says:

            Is that why you are hiding your face you coward son-of-a-bitch.

          192. Jesuswasblack says:

            I’ll kill you pussy #fucktrump come at me bitch

          193. Billy says:

            Pretty obvious this guy is demonstrating his very dark and ignorant humor. There are about fifty guys left on Earth that believe this horseshit.

          194. Black Queen says:

            Fuck you cracker

          195. Tbone says:

            Let start with you

          196. Lp says:

            We will see all dark forces destroyed it’s already happening lol

          197. Cracker lover says:

            Haha come hang me then cracker.

          198. Alana says:

            Bitch I hope you AND your kids DIE . VERY SOON

          199. James says:

            Just so you know, there is a such thing as white niggers 🙃

          200. Takeem says:

            Your the only one who should be consider a nigger cause the true definition of the word ignorant the lacking of knowledge. Seems to me like there’s you hillbilly

          201. Butch says:

            That is uncalled for! We have problems with Muslims even in Maine. An not because some are black. But because of their ideology. If he was part of these rape gangs or radicals then maybe he got justices served. If he was an innocent soul then its murder!

          202. Katelin says:

            I want you to take your shitty opinion toward human life and shove it deep up that poorly managed gut system’s end you call an ass. I hope you have mixed grandkids. And those mixed grandkids have black children just to spite you and your bigoted mindset, you neanderthal. Remember it was BLACK people you came from, and your biological makeup is the cancer of genetics, which is why you’ll age like a banana, why you’re MORE PRONE to getting skin cancer because you lack the melanin that’ll help you withstand exposure to a nice sunny day, why you would never have known how to wash your own ass if it weren’t for the help of the Moors aka NIGGERS. If it werent for NIGGERS you’d still be sharing the same place you eat and sleep and wash and shit with your livestock. You wouldn’t know what the fuck a toilet was thanks to the IDEA created by a NIGGER. Do you even know the history of the very word y’all use to offend people of color???? You don’t. You just know it can make a mf mad and it jerks you off to get a rise out of them. But I hope you got a great deal of one from Kate. Because white people like you make white people like me mad at the fact that your kind even exists! Go dry up and die already you crusty shit coated cracker!

          203. Tconroy says:

            Hang yourself you trashy, racist b!tch

          204. Linda says:

            Come to the hood and do it, actions speak louder than words you white cracker. (Faggot) 😂😂

          205. Blk Luger says:

            Let’s start with you first nigger!

          206. Alicia says:

            Fuck you punk bitch dirty ignorant scary coward!! Yes you’re a coward and so scared of us all that you have so much hate. If you think about it, you miserable piece of shit, how unhappy you are hating people so much while we don’t give a fuck about you guys!!! Lol damn shame!! Your stupid ass Prez came out and you racist cunts think you have a pass to be this way….You definitely have another thing coming!!

          207. Lee Ward says:

            U will have an easier time hanging ur mama! We strapped round here b**ch! Wassup!? Ata yodea klum mf!!! 👹

          208. Angela says:

            Your evil racist ass will one day meet the eyes of God and he will not be merciful!

          209. Lee Ward says:

            U would have an easier time hanging ur mama mf! We strapped round here b**ch! Wassup!? Ata yodea klum! 💯

          210. BF says:

            So SHOULD your mother, wife, and children MAGGOT SCUM OF THE universe

          211. Ak says:

            If u think shit like that u should hang

          212. Ashanti says:

            Bitch you need to hang

          213. BlackPower says:

            Bitch if I ever meet u I’m
            Beating yo ass that’s the dumbest shit I read all day I hope u know Jesus loves u 🙏🏾🤣

          214. Ann says:

            No you die and go to hell I’ll be 🙏 praying for god bless You

          215. Dr. Phil says:

            You are a coward.. Come around my way so i can bust your face open old school style. Fist and nothing else. Punk a×$#

          216. Hangman says:

            Give me your address to pick a tree in your yard for myself sir

          217. Racist killa says:

            You must be burned alive. The hate in your heart needs to be eaten out. I hope meet a fate more disgusting and evil then your soul.

          218. Tammy Evans says:

            All whites need to hung by neck and balls

          219. Death Punishment says:

            Bill Arnold your going to hang if I catch up with your cowardly ass. You crippled toe punk ass bitch!!!

          220. Joshua says:

            Pussy ass stfu

          221. Rose says:

            If that’s your mindset then you’re better off dead

          222. Deez nuts says:

            Bill go back to smoking newports and smashing your sister u white cracker

          223. Black Power says:

            Ya mama

          224. Milo says:

            Start with the white ones

          225. G says:

            U so pathetic and all racist crackers cunt mother fuckin bastards gotta die

          226. David says:

            You should hang you dumb mother fucker

          227. Jfcbsj sjcx says:

            All Crackers must get burned alive

          228. Athena says:

            You will reap what you sew

          229. Christopher A Harris says:

            Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.
            Romans 13:10‭-‬14 NIV

          230. Xxx says:

            All niggers must hang…. But niggers must hang what ? But we hang our clothes in closets ! Damn just Lv my clothes outta the equation pathological PERVERTED sub-human. Damn whyyyy whyyy ! Nobody likes the way niggers handle their hangings. Boo hoo

          231. Kenneth lett says:

            You are one ignorant mother fucker

          232. Tamie says:

            Judging from your comment if all niggers must hang, you should be first in line.
            Prayers for a major mind adjustment for you are being prayed.🙏😕

          233. Barry says:

            Individuals must take it upon themselves to protect their families especially their babies.

          234. Bree says:

            Right along with your momma.

          235. Barry says:

            Dat’s Kool so long as your mama & your daddy is amoung the niggas dat has to die recessive genes!

          236. Rlw says:

            You should kill yourself

          237. Reanna says:

            Bill Arnold, if you are unhappy with the people who populate the earth why don’t you go kill yourself. So not only will you not have to deal with people who you think should not live, us non racist, closed minded people will not have to deal with uneducated, uninformed people like you.

          238. Byrd says:

            And by the real definition of the’ll be the first to go…

          239. Slap a bitch says:

            Suck uh dick bitch if you want smoke fuck boy my address is AK47 bitch pull up

          240. Ashley says:

            Bill, you should be hanged.

          241. Arnold E. says:

            Yeah together to triumph over evil like! What you said was just out and out EVIL!

          242. Game says:

            You will burn in Hell my God Bless you

          243. Your father says:

            Thanks Bill your mother, Wife and Daughters are hang on my but’s right now.

          244. Bill Arnold says:


          245. Yellow says:

            U first joncrow.

          246. Essence Shupp says:

            You’re fucking sick you piece of shit.

          247. Alvin says:

            you gon fuk up six of of your friend weekend 4 I am your Pappy ask your mama

          248. Chris says:

            If that were the case, you wouldn’t be here making such ignorant comment, NIGGER!

          249. DontMatter says:

            Your mother must and will get raped tonight with a broomstick then she’ll have to suck up the stick like it’s a dick

          250. M.M says:

            Don’t forget yourself

          251. Gg says:

            You are a pos, and Karma will come for you, “believe that”

          252. April berlin says:

            Fuck you and all you stand for how dare you say that now what if I say all white people must hang or hunky, or pigs then I’m wrong and no disrespect to anyone I’m not racist but we fought to be in this country actually we created MAJORITY of this country so you should be thanking us. Wea do you think a lot of these inventions come from if not black ,Hispanic, indian or a nother country 😂😂😂your a clown and I travel send me your info I will find you !!!no threat a promise and we can be discreet we can meet if you would like I got you…..

          253. April belin says:

            You sound dumb and you are those types of people who get treated how I try to treat us your pathetic. I’m not gonna get up hea and disrespect white or any other race but I will say this send me your address or let me come meet you we can be reall discreet but I got you and I travel so I will find you. No threats but promises.

          254. Tealeda says:

            You must be talking about your moma. She was a nigger. Cause she had a nigger like u. Niggers come in all colors. So that replies to you. Hang yourself.

          255. Black Woman Who Raised Y'all White Asses says:

            Ya mother

          256. Surina says:

            You coward
            Say that in public I dare you.

          257. Lunak2 says:

            Fuck you stupid bitch

          258. Mike says:

            You need to kill your selfyoupiece of shit

          259. Anonymous says:

            He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Time’s up Esau it’s time for you to pay… any day now you’re going to pay for your iniquities.

          260. Tina says:

            U need to hang yourself u racist blaster

          261. Ned says:

            Bitch we’ll hang yo whole family stfu

          262. Michelle Westbrook says:

            That was real original!

          263. Bill Arnold says:

            Damn y’all still falling for this bait in 2019😂 damn near a year later don’t y’all got shit to do lmaoooo

          264. Dion Rucker says:

            Why do you think this way? I’ll tell you what try to hang me and see what happen to you! I’m in Virginia bring it. I got it for you bitch.

          265. Yelondabrown says:

            Everyone we need to pray for Bill because he just don’t know better bless the demons right on out him through JESUS MIGHTY name AMEN and AMEN

          266. Bills mom says:

            You a little bitch bill. I should’ve swallowed you

          267. King Ra says:

            Bill Arnold. YOUR EVIL, RACIST ASS NEED TO HANG. KILL YOURSELF! You are no damned earthly good and the world will be better off without bastards like you.

          268. Jazz says:

            Your a terrible person.

          269. Patricia bailey says:

            That wasnt mice bill. What about the whites who kill blacks whn caught they should receive the same punishment give them a taste of how it feels to hang.

          270. Sarah says:

            Go hang yourself you piece of shit you don’t deserve to live on this earth your, no use to society I hope you keep living your miserable, sad, lonely pathetic life. Fuck youuuuuuuu

          271. Bill Arnold is a Douchebag says:

            You’re a degenerate scumbag. If anyone should hang…it’s a piece of shit like you.

            And yes… I’m white. And you, are a complete waste of perfectly good oxygen.

            You deserve a shallow grave in Hell.

          272. Charles says:

            Starting with you Bitch!

          273. Brenda Ferguson says:

            Dear God. Even though this is a bit old, I would personally cut your throat if I didn’t think I would pay for it. Hopefully by now u have died a very slow death bitch.

          274. Thedevil says:

            Ima kill you soon i know everything about you i did research before even massaging you so be ready.xoxo

          275. Donna Ross says:

            No you must hang

          276. Matthew says:

            Just tell me where your at and ill do the rest! I’ll come to you tough guy!!

          277. Stephanie says:

            You’re disgusting!
            A white woman

          278. Levin says:

            All racists must too

          279. Really? May God have mercy on your soul.

          280. Its sad to know such evilness has started up again. In this country🌹😢. I am praying for all humanity..God help us🌹✨🙏💕

          281. Amanda says:

            You’re a disgusting human . You’re what is wrong w this world and why people use the world white privilege and think we are all racist when we aren’t

          282. Your mama says:

            Well someone should gang your ass, Bill, nigger is used for all ignorant asses in the world. Congrats for being a dumb ass bigger

          283. Tony says:

            Starting with your ass!

          284. Pete says:

            Come hang me and it will be your last I promise!!

          285. Nelinda says:


          286. Black Lions says:

            Bill let’s pray together. Your daughter or grandchild may marry out his or her race. You going to hang them both?
            Stop being mad at the world Bill. Help your fellow neighbor. In God Name We Pray Bill.

          287. Uknwown says:

            You r as fake as an ass

          288. K says:

            Your judgement is coming…

          289. Suzie says:

            All white supremacists should hang, Bill. Niggers come in all colors and your one of them.

          290. damascus dagger says:

            You should see someone about that black dildo up your ass

          291. Dhulmalik says:

            Your mother should hang

          292. Gloria says:

            God will DEFINITELY DEAL with YOU💯

          293. Black Power says:

            Boy you a bitch and I’ll Lynch yo punk ass we ain’t playing this shit bill the lil bitch

          294. Loveliftmeup says:

            I’m praying for God to mend your broken heart 💔‼️ Just know that God truly loves you and wants you to be in paradise with him, but you have to first overcome Satan and his evilness. Fill your heart and spirit with joy and know that we are all from the same creator.
            Don’t allow Satan to use you, he’s not worth your salvation. Be blessed my friend.

          295. Melissa says:

            You’re a piece of shit human. Shame on you!

          296. Ms Yates says:

            Bill Arnold you are Wicked, Evil and Vile. Payday is coming!

          297. Jojo redneck says:

            Go suck ya mom billy

          298. Bruce says:

            So why are you still alive??? And the others that think line your stupid ass

          299. You are a very ignorant and hateful animal, I could get on your level and say all crackers needs they heads blown off along with they bastard ass off springs they teaching this hate too, but I wont I would just pray for you sir and have a good day

          300. Jay Miranda says:

            You’re a racist bastard.your mother was full of shit when she was pregnant with you.!

          301. Black woman says:

            Stop that shit……….!

          302. J G says:

            Bill Arnold… You are a sick bastard and you will get what you deserve in life. How dare you say such a thing? You are evil.

          303. Ahmawana Napash says:

            Dont worry you are going to get what’s coming. You a trolling bitch. You won’t go up to a real black man and day that shit. White people a bunch of fucking cave beast cowards.

          304. Mia says:

            All honkies must pay the price!!!

          305. Jeff Grove says:

            You are a sad example of a human. There is absolutely no place in society for the likes of you.

          306. N.M says:

            You first my dear!

          307. BwayFromTheBronx says:

            I’m surprised so many ppl are so upset…it’s obvious this person will only say this shit on the INTERNET.

          308. johnny clay says:

            another ignorant asshole

          309. Shanta says:

            You won’t say that in person and if that’s the case hang yourself

          310. Kevin Simmons says:

            All the racism, it’s the hypocrisy of the left and their communities…. something only a war will solve. I live at 216 w. Chester pike pa. Im not hiding

          311. Jae says:

            I’ll give you my address so I can shoot and hang your white ass. White trash bitch

          312. Blue says:

            Fuck you dirty snow

          313. Abel Melendez says:

            Man fuck you, you White piece of mo key trash. All you crackers deserve to be hanged and torture. Fuck all of you White Folks.

          314. Charlie says:

            Do not reply to bill Arnold that’s what he wants! He will fade away with no memory! Along with his hate!

          315. Priscilla says:

            Why do you feel this way? I don’t know you and you don’t know me and I’ve never done anything to hurt you or your love ones. So I must ask why do you feel this way?

          316. Roggie says:

            Hey Bill you have a nice safe hiding place behind a keyboard. Let’s see how big your balls are, come out into the open. I’ll be waiting!

          317. Dana M says:

            you are a disgusting piece of trash. let me guess your a white supremacist, hitler loving, back woods incest pos right? you probably give nothing to your community have a criminal record and missing teeth right? was it your great great great grand daddy that raped and tortured indians so you steal the land? or was it your great granddaddy that was the leader of the klan and thought it was ok to own a human being. you are disgusting. you should of been aborted.

          318. Sparkle says:

            And includes you too

          319. Alfonso says:


          320. Melissa says:

            Fuck you!!!!! You are a piece of shit that deserves to hung and sliced up into a million fucking pieces! May you have NO mercy whatsoever for your ignorance!

          321. J. Wall says:

            I live in Md. I am giving you that so that you can come and try to hang me. If you respond back I will give you my name and my address you sorry SOB

          322. Mimi says:

            Bitch ill slit you and your familys throat fuck all you ugly ass crackers

          323. Black Clinton says:

            Fuck you fagget your wife hangs from my big black dick

          324. Fuck Bill Dick sucking Arnold says:

            Suck my fucking dick bitch

          325. April says:

            Wow! Maybe you should try reading the “not so white” true version of the Bible. I’m whilf. You are just plagued with a sickness of racism.

          326. Lori says:

            Wtf? What’s wrong with you?

          327. Adam Khan says:

            All retards like u must stop inbreeding

          328. Chop Jones says:

            I hope you get killed in some form or fashion …..shot, car accident, hit by a bus or train,no natural death something that you have to suffer severely….and I hope your Mom dies too….. and most of your family die in a big ass 🔥

          329. Lisa says:

            BILL ARNOLD You are a fking disgusting person. You need to be found and have your fking ass kicked .You fking disgusting RACIST FK. Yet they need to arrest your Ass for threats to black people. You need to be found and dealt with you need to GET THE FK OUTTA HERE. I HOPE SOMEBODY SNATCHES YOUR ASS AND GIVE YOU A FKING BEAT DOWN. RACIST FKING INHUMANE WHITE TRASH . You need to be banned from Facebook

          330. Mike says:

            Have a nice ride to hell

          331. Angry Black Woman says:

            All White Niggers need to die. You are the worst kind of nigger. It’s people like you that has this country in turmoil. You think you’re better than any one else, while living in a three room trailer with eight barefoot, welfare supported children. You hate the fact that your white women are turning to black men because you can’t satisfy them sexually because your dick’s too small.. so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

          332. Rene says:

            You are sick

          333. jane doe says:

            and your moms a hoe

          334. Bite me says:

            Racist bastard

          335. Law says:

            It is 2019, for a man in this day still using the word nigger it sickening. What you don’t know Bill Arnold is nigger is a word you need to look up in the dictionary, it is not a race. But, the meaning of a person like you. Also, consider the word nigger: it is a ignorant uneducated person and from the comment you posted on social media, would describe you in detail…

          336. Vivian Adams says:

            You may be a candidate for that neo-nazi!

          337. Cory says:

            You are an absolute pile of garbage Bull Arnold!

          338. Theo says:

            Fuck you and your funky ass family😡‼️

          339. Lisa Renee says:

            U are a sick fucking minority Bill you are the kind that needs to be skinned alive and tied to that tree for the animals to feast off you!!!

          340. Rhonda says:

            Evil in your shriveled heart.

          341. Steve says:

            Stand down Arnold. You know you’re wrong.

          342. KarmaLynn says:

            You sir are ignorant.

          343. Bree says:

            Bill u should probably do a DNA study of your culture then u would probably hang yourself 1st.

          344. N.O.I. says:

            Bill you honestly need watch your fuc…. mouth before you catch a bad break.

          345. Boobear says:

            Fuck you Bill Arnold !! Your damn momma is a nigger stupid bastard . Racist shitface ass

          346. Fee says:

            Bitch fuck you yo mammy and who ever else. You wouldn’t say that to one of our faces. You’re a coward and that’s what bothers you.

          347. Annie Burgos says:

            This is despicable. We are all human beings, our blood is equally red and created by the Almighty. May God forgive you and cleanse your heart.

          348. Rose says:

            Your dad should have swallowed you

          349. Timothy Hearn says:

            i;m gonna find you and report you to the police, you bitch ass POS

          350. Carla Cummings says:

            I feel a bit sorry for you with such hate in your heart.

          351. Cindy says:

            Why don’t we start out with you……. you need help I dont cae what color you your a sick sob

          352. Kc says:

            U are a disgusting human

          353. April says:

            You got the right one you pig..

          354. Queta says:

            Hang yourself for your racism and hate against my race

          355. rick says:

            come hang me fag

          356. Bill eats dicks says:

            Bill Arnold must have been molested by an African American. Just like homophobia this mf is just scared of black people. Little bitchs like you BILL sit down to piss.

          357. Mona says:

            What kind of human are you??????????

          358. Sherri says:

            Does that include you?

          359. Bill most of the time when people make statement like this I have one thing to say to them.When a fool keep his mouth shut you do not know he is ignorant and a fool .The minute he opens it all doubt is lost. Really do have compassion for those kind of people who have a mental impairment how can you get angry with these kinds of people? I will never allow any man to bring me as low as they are by hate. May God create in you a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you. Be Blessed Brother.

          360. V. Murphy says:

            Your day is coming to. Behold, the judge stands at the door waiting for you as you hide faceless behind a computer…

          361. Nancie Barnett says:

            i hope they report you to the FBI and they arrest your racist ass

          362. Essence says:

            You’ll rot in HELL Bill with the rest of your evil White racists counterparts promoting hatred and hiding behind your computer. You’ll get dealt with sooner or later, God is watching.

          363. no says:

            kill u self pushy ass cracker

          364. Applehead says:

            A bigger is an ignorantly person as you are your mother should have aborted you.

          365. Karen Cook says:

            That is awful. YOU are what is wrong with this Country.

          366. Johnny says:

            Yo mama to bitch

          367. Laura says:

            Hang yourself bitch

          368. J harm says:

            Starting with you

          369. JazzLA says:

            Kill yourself you racist facist pig! All CRACKERS MUST DIE! ALL POLICE MUST DIE! Fxck outta here.

          370. Chris says:

            Fuck you Bill , you piece of shit. White people don’t have your back.You racist shitbags are dying out.The sooner the better

          371. Patrick Ryan says:

            Fuck you asshole, go to prison and get a big log up your tiny colon!!

          372. Fuck says:

            Fuck outta here u give burn in hell

          373. Robin Basey says:

            Praying for your Soul, May God bless you!

          374. Rakim says:

            You need help Sir! Everyone is tough social media!

          375. MinorityLivesMttr says:

            You mean after they climb off your mother?

          376. Damian says:

            Come hang this nigger cave man I am in Dania Beach Florida 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫

          377. treader275 says:

            Who gave you the power over life and death, fool. The good news is if there is a God, he will take care of losers such as you.

          378. Steve Fox says:


          379. Joycelkemp says:

            Watch the rope you putting around somebody else’s neck, cause that same rope, coming for you, fool

          380. Destroy white supremacy says:

            Suck on dick white trash.

          381. RF says:

            Are YOU STUPID OR WHAT!!!!

          382. Matilda Evans says:

            You really are an asshole and sick

          383. Rosalind says:

            That includes you and your mother because if she gave birth to your ignorant ass then she must be an ignorant ass person also

          384. Calista Carra says:

            Surely your mother is your sister who became pregnant with her father who raped her and now you violate your daughters…and the pigs of your farm your never go out, COWARD

          385. Bryant says:

            Why don’t you come out of you shell birch we’ll start with you white nigger!

          386. Leo says:

            Really! If thats the case you´d have to cancel all of the Security in America. All of it´s Sports Venues,ect ect. It´s good to know that you feel that way. We are in the Last Days of Evil. Thank God Almight that you are one of the few that have identified himself. Peaceeeee

          387. Irvin says:

            So I guess you can start with your mother

          388. sherrell Moran says:

            Bill Arnold.. People like you .. this world does not need..

          389. Joyce says:

            Knaw all whites must die I hate yalll

          390. Felicia M says:

            Hang your fucking self you bitch!!:

          391. Killmonger says:

            You will, painfully.

          392. Ty says:

            I like you and I don’t know you lol

          393. Jedtrow Bodaen says:

            Ok Cuzz ‘ will Ceee ‘ and we got people up in Washington, fuk a tree how you feel about a few hundred 223 coming at your ass ‘ you white mf , on bloc Cripn

          394. Big Cuhz says:

            All Crackers will die , shout out Nat Turner

          395. Panther says:

            Asshole u wanna know wat black looks like go look between ur mommas’ legs u will see what a true black looks like and u sat in that for 9 months….u needto hang

          396. Francesca says:

            You are disgusting .. you make white ppl look bad . White ppl like me , don’t see color , we see ppl , ppl who have been done wrong . I don’t think god could forgive someone like you . I know I couldn’t .

          397. R says:

            I hope u die a slow death u piece of shit.

          398. Cam says:

            Wtf you are going to hell because God does not like hate are bulling
            Go to hell

          399. William says:

            You’re right so go out and hang yourself

          400. Janie Teague says:

            i know the hate you carry will shrivel your soul from the inside out.

          401. R. says:

            You go first…

          402. Tina says:

            Wow… What an asshole… People like you is why we are in this mess today

          403. Bill Arnold u gonna burn in hell!

          404. Cristina says:

            Hi Bill. You white supremacist , incest , inbred mother fucker. What have people of color done to you ?

            You are just trailer trash . You know that this country was founded by IMMIGRANTS , through blood shed . Only the native Americans were the TRUE Americans . Africans were brought here as well , through forced slavery , something that is inhuman . Not any human race is above any . That is BRAINWASHING . You sir are uneducated and brainwashed . Please , name me ONE valid reason to justify your statement . But you can’t . Cause you have been BRAINWASHED with hatred and xenophobia . But I am sure , you don’t even know what any of these things mean , because you are clearly UNEDUCATED . Travel more ! Expand your mind .

            But wait . The world doesn’t need ignorant inbreds like you . Go fuck your cousin , smoke some meth , and live in your white trailer trash Jerry Springer bubble and stay there .. please don’t go outside . Or better yet , please HANG yourself . Do the world a favor ! I’m sure you bring no actual contribution to it except being a imbecile and a moron wasting space .

          405. Dick white says:

            Haha.. I bet u r a nigger

          406. Bruce says:

            WHITE people WILL go to HELL that think like your sorry ass…

          407. Hood says:

            Everybody has there day and time, who is you to judge, it is a shame people’s still living in such manner and it definitely me to see what give them the rights of this… I have one Judge and his name is JESUS, IF YOU READ YOUR BIBLE IT STATES JESUS HAD HAIR OF WOOL AND EYES RED AS FIRE THAT RIGHT THERE TELL’S ME HE JESUS IS ALL COLORS.

          408. Ivory says:

            Bill Arnold you are a ignorant racist son of a bitch I hope u burn in hell you racist fuck

          409. Ivory says:

            You racist son of a bitch

          410. Power says:

            PAN 😼 THE POWER ✊…😊😢❄.

          411. BitchFuckYou says:

            Keep hiding behind that keyboard bitch

          412. Universal Queen says:

            Don’t allow bill to anger you. Small minds n remember bill exist from YOU.

          413. Racists s. Die says:

            You’re a racist pastey-faced asshole. I hope you get what you wish for others.

          414. Armex says:

            You dumb ignorant mother fucker that statement proves your a bigger! Get a rope

          415. black girl says:

            God will deal with you on judgement day.

          416. Tommy girl says:

            Start with your mom

          417. Alex Seredin says:

            All idiots like you should be dead

          418. CHARLES MASDEN says:


          419. Marked Angel says:


          420. Fuck Bill says:

            Come to Rocky Mount NC an try it

          421. Kelvin Ring says:

            Bill Arnold: You are a disease and should take your medication or maybe stop taking what your on. You’ve probably been watching too many movies and because you have no identity of your own you have to copy something you’ve seen or heard in a movie pretending it’s you standing in front of a mirror. I know this is a waste of time and way beyond your comprehension but all life forms a symbiotic relationship coexisting in mutual cooperation, However sometimes you get deformities, rejects, retarded bigots like you stupid…

          422. Ron says:

            Well of course you have a fake profile your a coward

          423. Tidewater El Bey says:

            Anyone of you pieces of trash bad enough, come get it!

          424. yanaar says:

            helo troll – get a life

          425. Edmonia Haley says:

            Bill Arnold you need to be ashame of yourself saying something like that you better hope that I want come after your evil low down disgusting ass man. A red neck like you need to get a beat down 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️

          426. Billy lucas says:

            Ur moma first

          427. These says:

            Shut the fuck up ,you are the ignorant nigger! You can not prevail !!! You hide an jump us, steal our children! But you will reap what u sow every Fucking inbred will die!!!!! Our children ARE STROng!!! You will kneel to us as you did before. You’re says are numbered cracker.

          428. Alex jensen says:

            Leave your name then tough guy. Name and address. My guess is that you’re just a little child using big talk. But in case you aren’t, let’s hear it brace dude, name and address. Or phone number. 100% you won’t do it because you’re a coward who can’t stand on the shit he says.

          429. Kelvin says:

            Well come hang us then bad ass… Your time is near Esau.

          430. Sandra says:

            What about all crackers and honkies must hang. Don’t leave out the poor white trash, too?

          431. Sick of the ignorance and stupidity says:

            Hopefully you won’t make that stupid comment (in person) around the wrong African American. You just may find yourself with a bullet in your head or with a few broken ribs. This is America where, unfortunately, there are gang members who kill others just for sport. They would love to take your sorry ass out of here. You can’t go around making offensive comments like that What you have to understand is this is 2019…..a time where most blacks have NO problem protecting themselves. This is not 1950 anymore. It’s probably best that you maintain your cowardice behind your computer. Otherwise, you would be playing a dangerous game.

          432. Robin Smith says:

            Bill Arnold, I pray you are a ugly racist trool with no male genitals,. because you sound like an ignorant, uneducated, poor peice of trash!
            There is a place in hell just for you!

          433. KAMIKAZE says:

            Hey Bill…you are a fucking moron

          434. Sandra says:

            Bill Arnold, you are the reason the world is so full of hatred. What about all crackers and honkies must hang. Don’t leave out the poor white trash, too? What if that was what someone said about you? Love your neighbor as you love yourself. You more than likely have some black blood in your family tree.

          435. Karen says:

            Alll white men who advise killings blacks should be in prison.

          436. Kathleen Clark says:

            Special spot in Hell for you & lynchers!!

          437. Ay ay ron says:

            Wtf is wrong with ppl that say these terrible things hiding behind a keyboard

          438. Leann says:

            To hell with you racist punk

          439. Sean says:

            Its racist ass shit like this that divides the nation and im sorry for anyone of ‘color’ who reads that, this is truly not how the majority of any race feel about another

          440. MIOSHI MCCLOUD says:

            Put up your picture dick face

          441. Troll spotter says:

            You are a fucking idiot

          442. donna boothe says:

            You are a sick asshole and you along with all racist idiots should be hung!!!!

          443. Nikki says:

            Bill Arnold why don’t you go and hang yourself.We are talking about a child who has lost his life no thanks to low lives like yourself.

          444. Beloved says:

            Wow what about white me should they to be hanging from a tree I’m just asking???

          445. Tedz says:

            Ur not human …nigger are native people of america .like us in our country we have native black people called Ita.they were human not animals .even animals have right to live ….

          446. Are you going to hang yourself to?

          447. Dawn says:

            You should be hung just for that comment douche bag

          448. Mock says:

            You A Bitch N You NEED to Die

          449. Mock j says:

            You A Bitch N You NEED to Die

          450. Kay says:

            You are really sick bro 💯💯

          451. Christel says:

            YOU disgusting sick disgraceful poor excuse of a human being! You waste of fresh air should hang with the horrid statement!

          452. Quietly Kept says:

            You’re a sad person.

          453. Peter says:

            So you will be the first one to hang then!! With that ignorant comment. Get a job!!

          454. Greg says:

            A yo call me so we can hook up I’ll kill u honky 443-881-3865

          455. James says:

            Come try me

          456. Mary Arnold says:

            So do you

          457. Ny says:

            Wow smh first thought find you kill you but then I’ll be just like you so praying for you

          458. Oasis says:

            Then Bitch your time is here!

          459. Shaking my head. For you to say that you have to be a hateful person and angry. Don’t look at anybody else for you not having what you need or want. Black peoples are not your problem. My flesh say something else….like yours. But I know that God is sitting high and looking at us. I order to have better you have to be better. It starts in your mind first! Father God in the name of Jesus please help this person

          460. Richie says:

            All whites bust burn on a cross

          461. Chrissie says:

            May you burn in hell you sick fuck!!! I would LOVE to meet you, you psycho racist piece of shit. All I need is about 15 minutes with your ass and your burning would begin. Oh, and FYI, I’m a middle aged WHITE WOMAN and you are in truly the epitome of disgusting.

          462. Jessica says:

            All niggers must hang won’t you hang MF fucking racist piece of shit that was a kid at the end of the day would it be Kool if you must die cause you a fucking red neck or a fucking bastard this shit bugs the shit out of me we all bleed the same and my kids are biracial feel sorry for you sir and I know your life sucks you just mad cause we fucking taking over you piece of shit

          463. Yoshi says:

            You stupid.

          464. Chelle says:

            Your a bitch and a sorry a person!!! Maybe you should be hanged ppl like you are the ones that are fucking sick!!!

          465. The Uppity Negress says:

            Come try so I can let you see what your brains look like you flea infested cave beast…

          466. Dave Fuckwhites says:

            Said the coward behind his computer ..your momma was a nigger lover she craved and ducked lots of black dick your grandmother taught her how to deep throat black cock !!!

          467. Mamalove says:

            What a complete asshole you are.

          468. Smb says:

            I hope you die bitch….. and everyone in your life you’ve ever loved

          469. Mary says:

            Shut yo bitch ass up

          470. mr bill im sure that not your name as all you punk klans men skin heads always hide your identity because your so cowardly real men dont hide who they are and you dont want no showdown if you hoes did you would announce it and challenge us stop sneak killing bitch now billy a BLACK MAN CAN GO INTO ANY WOMEN AND PRODUCE A BLACK SEED YOU CANT YOU CAN ONLY REPRODUCE YOURSELF IN YOUR OWN WHITE WOMAN WICH MAKES US DOMINANT GENE POOL YOU A RECESSIVE ONE so no wonder yall ahve so many issues with blac man we reproducing you off the planet your kids grandkids blasting our music culture in your home to badd billy you shouldnt been born black

          471. Natasha says:

            Bill Arnold, you evil motherfucker. Burn in hell, you disgusting worm.

          472. Kris says:

            You’re a hoe ass nigga

          473. Big dawg says:

            May your mama hang in hell with you Bitch

          474. Joe Williams says:

            Is that the extent of your knowledge.

          475. You mother n father need to hand to along with your kids.

          476. Miranda says:

            You deserve nothing but hate & pain for the rest of your sorry ass life

          477. Ready for war says:

            Say it to my face buddy. You won’t live long

          478. Ready for war says:

            Say it to my face buddy. You won’t live long bi

          479. Ready for war says:

            Say it to this black man. Say it to me when we face to face. I’ll end your existence real quick buddy.

          480. Charnae says:

            Fuck u asshole, we should hang ya stupid ass for saying it!

          481. Joe says:

            You are a disgusting waste of a human. Any comment like this shows your obvious stupidity & ignorance for the human race. No wonder your “fearless leader” is bringing your country down in flames.. May you have the kind of life YOU deserve!

          482. Black and proud says:

            The only nigger is you and your coword family .

          483. Mutt American says:

            You are so brave to say something from the safety of your home face hidden…are you brave enough to post your face for all to see and your address.Of course your not going to because your a spineless, gutless, nuttless coward.

          484. G says:

            Fuck u ,you need to pray to God for mercy

          485. Alonzo says:

            You r so right

            Nothing changes until there iz equality no slave mentality

          486. Lisa says:

            You’re a White Nigger…. So Hang Yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          487. Me says:

            Fuck you. Sorry that the women in your family..from your daughter to mother like nigger dicks..don’t be angry about our Success and Big Dicks.

          488. John green says:

            What goes around comes around remember that.

          489. Crystal says:

            What the fuck is wrong with you

          490. geo says:

            your mother is and was an Nigger as are you sir!

          491. geo says:

            your mother is and was a Nigger as are you sir!

          492. Sister says:

            Can you please explain your comment? And who do you consider a Niger yourself your family please explain your comment.

          493. eric says:

            And all crackers must burn

          494. You’re right Dummy because only nigger I know it’s a white person, they were the nigger! Stupid!!
            Going round hanging your own people!!

          495. Nicety says:

            Yes—starting with you… the biggest nigger of all.

          496. Millz says:

            Your a ignorant piece of shit with that Statement ! U need help , u sick bastard ..

          497. Bonita says:

            Bill Arnold be careful what you wish for. Karma has a way of finding the evil hearted. “Vengeance is mine says the Lord”. Two strikes against you!! IJS

          498. Fuck racism says:

            You’re mother should have swallowed your good for nothing ass! Hateful piece of fucking shit. Go die pig!

          499. Sexy D. says:

            Your mommy should be hung with her old wrinkle ass and what you hate people cause our men are fucking your mom and girlfriend dont hate the player

          500. Jill Stanevich says:

            You should be ASHAMED of yourself.

          501. crandall choice says:

            fuck u

          502. Khadijah Shakur says:

            all crackkkas must be hung also…..real high too

          503. Dayle says:

            Fuck you Bill Arnold

          504. Chelsi says:


          505. John jones says:

            Even the white ones

          506. William says:

            You should put the rope around the first one then.

          507. Cakes says:

            You are the Nigger, according to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of anigger is “a person who acts in a niggardly manner.

          508. M says:

            Bill Arnold, where are you from? I would love to meet you and show you a good time and how it feels to suffer slowly and ask for death!!!

          509. Getbusy617 says:

            You’re racist bitch ass need to be hung yourself

          510. Jon says:

            What in the hell is wrong with you.

          511. Jo says:

            I pray for your soul! Your hate is going to eat you up and creates hell right here on Earth. May God soften your heart and learn Jesus’s lessons of loving each other.

          512. con says:

            Talk that shit through the internet shaky white bitch, we got to much power for you shaky white bitches. come to Memphis with that hang shit, we gone blow ya ass off and that for real

          513. Kelly says:

            How would u feel if it was your Father, Son, or family member same goes for all Picker Woods. Let’s get it cracken to let y’all see how it is kill the damn Racism your probably got grandkids that our black your daughter loves them Dem Niggers

          514. Lily says:

            Shitty people like you do nothing but spread hate.

          515. Billy says:

            Bill Arnold they should hang your ass. Dumbo

          516. Mike young says:

            Pathetic. Weak. Prick. Go hang yourselve

          517. King MB says:

            Bitch what you said. Are you retarded or some. You should kill yourself for saying that… your cursed. N doomed forever. May the lord forgive you.

          518. Jon Cornish says:

            bill arnold must hang.. Notice I failed to capitalize your bitch ass name. You don’t deserve that much respect.

          519. Rahima says:


          520. Sara Gray says:

            Be careful, because you have just called your Mother, Your Father, your sisters, your brothers, and all if your relatives niggars, because that’s who are niggars people like you.

          521. Chris says:

            Then why are you still breathing dickhead

          522. Cheryl says:

            You’re disgusting. Hopefully the police will see this and follow-up as a hate crime.

          523. Robin says:

            God have mercy on you

          524. The real says:

            All honkies must kill your selves, you nasty mfers fuck animals and rodents, you marry your family and have deformed kids. Your bitches are the nastiest mf living on this earth. Shut your ass up and go fuck you cow and horse you son of a bitch.


          526. The Matrix says:

            These inhuman, parasites with their inferior pale skin that burns under the sun are less human to black melanin people of the earth. Nature hates these mother fuckers. They are destroyers of this world. Aliens bastards. Russia going to use their fucking ass orange president to fuck them up. Racists bastards.

          527. Marlene Hache says:

            YOU RACIST, BIGOT, SOB! I curse you to be reborn, in your next lifetime, as a black female in a mostly white racist small southern town!!! That’s the only way you’ll learn – THE HARD WAY!!!

          528. Carolyn Bridges says:

            U r a warp minded individual.who has mental problems stemming from the beginning of time..get a life..May God have mercy on your soul.your day is coming and all like u.

          529. Nocole says:

            Shut the fuck up

          530. J J says:

            You are pathetic, and disgraceful, what type of parents raised you, or did you have any?

          531. Alietra Davis says:

            Wow bet I bet u won’t say it publicly!? Stand up for what u believe in don’t hide behind the internet I would say ima pray for your soul but that would be a lie🤷🏾‍♀️🔥

          532. Jo says:

            Right along with your mamam your kids and you

          533. Michael says:


          534. Mike says:

            Bill arnold apparently likes to let people spit in his asshole and he gets his mom to eat it out so jokes on him

          535. Black says:

            Come try and see how far you make it sad ass excuse of a bitch!

          536. Marla pernell says:

            You hide and say ignorant mess! You are a nigger for opening your ignorant ass mouth. I can tell your a lonely miserable ass person!

          537. LA says:

            Bill Arnold your a sick ass bastard

          538. Only half white says:

            You just made yourself a target fool

          539. E says:

            Wow. I feel sorry for you ….oh and you’re ignorant and stupid too. Your comment is a reflection of you ….you’re jealous of the black man. Wish you could be him.. sorry ass

          540. Dee says:

            May God make you find Jesus

          541. Ashley says:

            Ur a piece of shit!! U need to fuckin hang!

          542. Maggie says:

            Maybe all Honkies/Crackaz must hang

          543. Travis says:

            Sick soul

          544. Kill all racists says:

            I’ll gladly meet up with you so I can stuff your dick in your mouth and drag you through the woods naked and hang you from a fucking tree you sick fuck… please come to my area so we can talk

          545. Richie says:

            Bill you are wrong.why should we all hang? What have we done except be born black.think man.just like they killed Jesus He had done no wrong.This Young Man life was valuable to him and others.

          546. Howard Gordon says:

            Bill, you shouldn’t say that about your mother.

          547. Sick a Big Dick says:

            Are you upset because you being a cracker has a small Dick and when your white women gets with a black man and his Dick so large she never wants your cracker ASS again. Your momma ain’t SHIT but a trailer trash WHORE and your daddy raised a FAGGO! BITCH!

          548. Precious says:

            By any chance, were your parents first cousins? Maybe you can’t help yourself. You may be one who doesn’t believe in a higher power, but whether you do or not God see’s all things you do in secret and everyone of us has to answer to Him one day. Hiding behind an avatar, you just might get away with being ugly and racist, but that is perhaps the only way for you.
            I hope one day you have a mirror held up that shows all of your ugly and it will be a vile, disgusting, putrid image indeed. I hope you have to look at this evil and then it becomes alive and torments you for eternity.
            Anyone who states that niggers should be hung has got to be mentally ill or indeed a evil, evil creature who worships satan. An innocent child has been murdered and that’s what you have to show for yourself? Please, please do society a favor and don’t breed. I know what why don’t you go hang yourself?

          549. Sandy Thomas says:

            Fuck you you dirty cave bitch

          550. Me says:

            Come get some white trash, we are Kings to you fucking no history having peasants. Lies and decease your ppl spread, your lucky we don’t know where you stay pussy

          551. Cadence says:

            You should be ashamed of your self. I wish nothing good for you in the world you self ignorant piece of shit.

          552. Jerry says:


          553. Juli says:

            Did your mom or dad or both drop you on ur head ?
            It’s thinking that why thats there’s so much hate
            Did you know NOT ONE of us was born knowing what hate even means .people teach us to hate

          554. God says:

            When you speak words of Negativity it returns to sender. Revenge belongs to All Mighty God, and God will pay you for All your evil doings. It is obviously you don’t like yourself. Look in your mirror, who looking back at you? A murder that don’t have rights to be with the human race.

          555. Stephanie Ellis says:

            the only thing needing hung is you and your tiny brain. good riddance!

          556. M says:

            You are a piece of shit

          557. Hater racist people says:

            Suck my dick honkey. I dare you to try that shit to me.

          558. Kimberly says:

            Sick bastard, your day is coming. May the hatred you spew return to you tenfold.

          559. Bill Arnold says:

            You WILL hang… post your address and use your real name.. i will come see you..

          560. Lola says:

            I guess you’ll be throwing that rope up in the tree for yourself then.

          561. hang white man says:

            bet you wont be saying that why we catch your ass 😉 ik who you are watch out

          562. Die says:

            Karma will come for you scumbag

          563. Teresa Love says:

            Fuck you, yuh racist barstard!!!… Ignorant, arrogant an worthless shite like you shoulda be lynched pon you birth… worl be ah better place fi it!!!……

          564. your enemy says:

            You should be the first to get hanged you piss of shit no matter what color skin you are we are all the same inside and out you insect… the color of skin does not determine who you are asshole your actions do and you are the shitiest person on this earth. what goes around comes back around you should be careful what you desire.

          565. Ruth says:

            Bill Arnold is a NIGGA!!!

          566. Dwight says:

            Bill it is apparent that you are ignorant. So I will reserve making the type of comment, I would have normally made. I will merely say to you ( nothing) you are stuck in your place of dark understanding.

          567. Lisa says:

            Yeah…starting with yo punk ass mfkr

          568. Looking at you. says:

            Your a pussy..

          569. Amber lashay Butler says:

            In what context are you using nigger? Referring to Black people, ignorant people, laborers (low economic status), or someone who acts derogatory? Either way no one does deserves to gang.

          570. Ricky says:

            You’re a racist and complete idiot for having an opinion that makes absolutely no sense. I hope your daughter falls in love with a black man and cuts you out of her life forever because she realizes you are trash. Have fun never getting to know your grandchildren and hopefully you choke to death on your hateful bigoted words. YOU ARE THE WORST OF WHAT HUMANITY HAS TO OFFER!

          571. JC says:


          572. Shirl says:

            Show thyself.Fool

          573. Native queen says:

            Or you could go back to whatever country you came from white boy

          574. Wanda Cain says:

            All niggers must hang what in the world your ass need to be shot with the sheet rap double around ur head.

          575. Jonah says:

            I’m a white man and say that shit around me see how long u still have teeth mother fucker. People are so tough behind a keyboard Allright there tough guy post your address and see how long u last.

          576. Mercy says:

            You will hang…..

          577. Jessica says:

            U need to stfu come down to Florida with that bs how we tie your bitch ass up u gotta be a cracker cuz y’all stay talking shit 🤬🤬

          578. You Noballs says:

            It should have started with your slutty, whorish, ignorant Mammy! Maybe your nasty, filthy, Maggot anus would have never emerged! Hang that!

          579. Rosy says:

            Bill Arnold May God have mercy on your soul, you must have a very black nasty cold heart. I pray you receive an experience of a life time and realize we are all equal and we all deserve respect. Unlike you right now I must say you are a very and I mean a very big POS!!!!

          580. Shelly says:

            Guys the white race is mad because we are the children of Jacob in the Bible! We the Mexicans . Perri Rican’s Dominicans American Blacks, West Indians are Gods chosen people known as the 12 Tribes of Israel Gods chosen people above the entire world!
            Deuteronomy 7:6

            Here is our slave trade to prove it
            Deuteronomy 28:68

            We Blacks are the Tribe of Jacobs Son Judah (The Real black Jews) Jesus Christ was our blood relative in the flesh. The white people hung Jesus on a tree and has been hanging our people ever since.

            Esau in the Bible’s children are the white people known as Edomites. They are furious over their forefathers Esau selling our grandfather Jacob Esau’s Birthright and Spiritual inheritance for a bowl of uncooked stew. And the white people have hated us since and are trying to kill us because Hod hates them and has condemned even their babies and God has sentenced all white people to go into slavery for 1000 years then be put to death by our black and brown Men.
            Isaiah 14:2-11
            Obadiah 1:1-21
            Malachi 1:1-4
            Romans 9: 12 & 13. God Hates Esau and his children and grand children.

            The white /Edomite people have no redeemer because they were the one that killed Jesus

            Google who the Edomites are and you will know I am speaking the truth.

            So don’t let these people get you upset. Pretty soon they will be exiting our earth and God will remove these evil people from our memory banks.

            We are the Royal by Blood Israelites and we have everything to be happy about. This little boy lynched will be resurrected but a white man can’t be resurrected. Jesus only died for US HIS PEOPLE.
            Mathew 1:21
            Acts 5:31

            God so loved world (of Israelites only) that he gave his only begotten Son.
            John 3:16

            So you people of Color have the hope and the promise if you GI BACK TO GODS LAW! God will take all of our illnesses away and PUT IT ON PUR ENEMIES
            DEUTERONOMY 30:1-8

            Get out of the Edomites churches Including the Kingdom Hall.! They used churches as a set up. Go back Israelites to our Most High God Jehovah!

            That’s what I read in the Bible. Go see if I am lying.

            If you are an Israelite by blood you will see these Scriptures stand out to you as you read them.

            I encourage you to go to . It’s time to come home Gods people Only of the black and brown skins mentioned above.

          581. says:

            Cave Ape yours is coming… youre a “nigger”.

          582. Alden Theyer says:

            Bill Arnold May you die a gruesome death in prison somewhere.

          583. Corinne says:

            Fucking looser, hang yourself you dirty bitch

          584. LynT says:

            It is extremely sad to say, but there are a lot of Bill Arnold’s in the world. Ignorant to the core. They thrive on promoting hate, rather than discovering the things that make us the same. Why? Because on a subconscious level they hate themselves. Cut us open and we are all the same. There is only one race, human.
            I am deeply saddened by what this young man’s parents must be going through. A young promising life that was tragically taken away all because of Hate. Nothing will change until people start looking inward at themselves and treat others the way they want to be treated. Show kindness, compassion and empathy in the face of hate.
            As for Bill… are not a ‘one of a kind’ POS. You are a part of the diarrhea that is running rampant in this country.

          585. King btc says:

            I’ll hang yo ass

          586. Big Mike says:

            Bring it…We ain’t hard to find. Yall do that to innocent women and children. I’m still waiting on one of yall to say something to me. All I get scary ass looks…smh. Bill you probably like booty Hole. The type to beat his wife and fuck the shit out of your best friend. Im about to go put this Chocolate in your old lady’s Peanut Butter. While you commenting Hate Crimes…Im Loving your wife Oral skills;-)

          587. Melanie brooks says:

            Bring your bitch ass and try better yet show yourself and let’s see who ass will be hanging

          588. Daddy says:

            Yes all niggas should hang out and kick yo ass

          589. Melissa Brechbiel says:

            You need to find yourself a psychiatrist you got problems dude

          590. Brenda Adrine says:

            I hope that’s what the person who hangs you will call YOU that! May God have mercy on your soul!!!

          591. JC says:

            Bill Arnold I would like to have a 1 on 1 meeting with you. To just hear why you think like this. I’ll come to you.

          592. Tracy says:

            Your ignorant to the 10th power..hide your stupid cracker ass..say that in the face of a black man you piece of shit coward

          593. Vicki Mitchell says:

            You are one sick puppy.

          594. Black love says:

            Your kids and their kids kids will also dye I hope a black man rapes you

          595. Anonymous says:

            U are so ignorant they should hang your ass. U can’t judge a person just because they are black. God will handle u in the end

          596. Dannie says:

            Get to know Jesus, the devil speak to your mind. I pray that God, will deal with your heart as well as your kids. Who are you God? No way. If God, felt that way about u you will surely be Dead. Thank God, for his mercy upon your life. But keep on God, will deal with u his way in Jesus, name.

          597. Ice says:

            You’re going to hell

          598. Janice says:

            Well, we all wont hang. You must have nightmares about us at night awwwwwww poor thing

          599. Tamika says:

            I am going to pray for you obviously you were raised by racist parents I am very sad for you. I bet when your in trouble it will ne a black person trying to help you while your white people walk by always watch what you say.

          600. Vickie I says:

            Well Bill aren’t you inbred special. .

          601. Andi says:


          602. Emmanuel says:

            Bill I hope they find your IP Address and home and find your house and see you make that comment again.

          603. Diane says:

            You’re a dick. Hope karma finds you.

          604. Lani says:

            Dont worry Bill ur racist ass is numbered, better yet when ur kkk brotherhood protest, make sure u stand out and put that same remark on a sign and walk ur coward ass around with it & see how far u get it.

          605. Cecilia says:

            WTF is wrong with you? Did your mother drop you on your head. This young man is somebodies child.

          606. Kclark says:


          607. death incarnate says:

            just die bitch!

          608. Cyndy says:

            You are disgusting and I hope you suffer for that racist remark! You’re a real POS! 😡😡

          609. Tete says:

            U are a sick racist bitch god don’t like ugly mark my words💯

          610. Roger Wilkerson says:

            Bill Arnold,you are a bitch as coward,that talk that racist shit,but you down have the ,guts to go in a grown black man’s face, and call him a fucking nigger!

          611. Prada Liu says:

            The only nigger I see is the person hiding themselves. Bill Arnold show yourself.

          612. Kill Bill Arnold says:

            Was Must Come Together Brother and Sisters.. BlackPower 💪🏿✊🏿

          613. al says:

            Fuck you Bill, your a blight on our nation.

          614. Judith says:

            This is sad we can’t live together ….we all bleed red blood only the color of our skin distinguishes the Nationality… point is who are you to take someone life.

          615. ask_the_obvious says:

            “Bill Arnold” is afraid- to use his real name
            probably not even human a “bot”- used to insight anger and racism
            his writing Super Simple- yeah thinking more and more a bot
            best thing everyone can do do Bot Bill Arnold is ignore
            this will make the Bot disappear

            if Bill Arnold really is a human, ignoring their need for attention is painful.- for them. They want anger and most of all ATTENTION. Ignoring them makes “Bill Arnold” irrelevant. nothing is more painful for the non Bot than being irrelevant. Typically, if they work at all, it is in meaningless jobs in which they must take orders. They don’t like this, and so pretend to be “fierce” act unnamed on the internet. Bill Arnold, not his name, can’t stand to be ignored.

            So- ignore away. This is my first and last post about him. Again, I will not feed his limitless insecurity- by writing about him. Run away little boy- or Bot- you are nothing to me or anyone else..

          616. Goddess says:

            You’re sick and if you whites are so educated and intelligent then why don’t comprehend that nigger mean ignorant and unintelligent? It doesn’t describe race so when you all look in the mirror you see the real niggers and it’s you all. I just thought I would inform you of this because you prove to a nigger, nigger. Smiles!

          617. Missy says:

            You vile scummy cunt ! go do urself

          618. Aby says:


          619. Dave Davidson says:

            And you my nigger should be the first one hung! You are lowlife scum and should be prepared for a violent Karma caused horrific death.

          620. Linda says:

            Omg what is wrong with you to say this about
            A human being of a different skin color! I feel God will make you open your eyes and it will be extremely hard on you😬

          621. P. M. Brown says:

            i can almost guarantee you are not “PURE” white. Noone is. You can choose to remain ignorant about your belief that they are less than you but in no way should you wish someone harm for the color of your skin. What would you do if your family member was hung for blonde hair or brown eyes.?

          622. Zo says:

            Bet you won’t bring ya punk ass to South Dallas with that mess faggot!

          623. Samantha says:

            Why are you even on this page? Troll!

          624. Aiming for you says:

            It’s spelled ngr and it’s pronounced in-jar, it means God! So next time you use that word put some respect on it! Ur just a coward. Please give me your address, and I’ll bring the ropes to you, but they won’t be used on me.

          625. Ed says:

            Bring it puto

          626. Bp says:

            U need Jesus racist prick

          627. Yaqub Allen says:

            Allah will get your ass in the end. Wait n see. Stupid ignorant pos hillbilly fuck

          628. Black queen says:

            Are u serious…..all white people should b raped burned and dismembered…evil nasty non melenated aliens….i genuinelh hope your daughters are raped until an inch of there lives….

          629. Tupac says:

            Your mom can hang on my dick

          630. Mack McCray says:


          631. Latrice says:

            And i hope u get hit by mac truck watch ur mouth

          632. Proud to be black says:

            WOW🤨…let me ask you would you feel if someone said that about you, your spouse or to your children? Would you have that same DEMEANOR 🤔

          633. lynn rudolph says:

            What is wrong with you people–a child was murdered and all i hear is nigger , cracker, fuck, suck—your mamma— WTF–have we all become a nation of heathens.

          634. But I Bet You Won’t Say This Publicly You Scary Coon

          635. EMILY says:

            eat a dick

          636. Stew Rue says:

            Fuck you in the mouth, did your aunt mother teach you to talk like that?

          637. Karma says:

            Be careful the ditch you dig for blacks may be the very hole they find you in.
            Sincerely, Karma

          638. Jamie Carson says:

            WOW…racist at its finest!!! Too bad theres not a picture to show everyone! Lord have mercy on your soul!!

          639. Yo momma Hoe says:

            Bitch yo momma can hang

          640. Tired says:

            And crackers must be taken apart …

          641. Mike says:

            You’re total scum

          642. Enough Already! says:

            🤣😂 you’re so sad you’re funny.

          643. Tchalla says:

            Well I guess that includes your silly mammy then.

          644. Keem says:

            So that means your mom should. We can tell who the true nigger is.

          645. Jay says:

            Fuck you Bill the bitch..and your devil ass race! Come try biatch! Red dot your ass!

          646. Paulette says:

            May god blessed your soul

          647. Laila says:

            You’re disgusting, pathetic, disturbed piece of shit! How dare you wish death on God’s people. I pray for people like you get the ultimate punishment on the day you face the almighty. This world is made for everyone and it’s so sad how the devil is so strong in you. Find God and kneel to ask for forgiveness and find a path that leads to peace and love.

          648. Big_Easy_B says:

            Why hide behind your cowardly words and lack of identity. Go out into the world and profess your hatred for blacks and people of color. SPEAK AND BE HEARD. Stand behind your ignorance and ill placed hatred. See it’s not blacks that you hate rather you hate yourself and the pathetic life that you have created for yourself. There are far braver men in this world who will meet your hate without fear.

          649. Angel says:

            does that include you sir? because evidently, if you knew the meaning of the word, you would see that your picture would be right next to it. Your ignorance is sickening.

          650. Darling says:

            Then jump your nigger ass in a tree and die

          651. Caring says:

            Ur a sick son of a bitch and this is why the world has to be the way it is. Nigger in the dictionary means ignorant person so ur a nigger because ur obviously stupid and ignprant so nigger could mean anyone could be that cause as i said it simply means ignorant. Get educated get some class and get with the times u pos

          652. Ron says:

            You first devil✊🏿

          653. Tonia Rochell says:

            God got your number! That very person you may need!

          654. Singh says:

            I’m sure you’re joking because if you’re not, you need shooting you piece of festering turd.

          655. Sabuta says:

            Bill Arnold, are you jealous of black people? I know you want a Afro and you just can’t get it huh, I got it you are scared because your racist kind is a minority now huh

          656. Dee says:

            And all crackers must answer to god when they die

          657. Killing whitefolks says:

            I’ll murder your whole family and cut you open while your alive you cunt. Post your address you will be dead very soon

          658. Jonathan says:

            Come hang me u live in Nashville all you scared to fight fair come up a little short huh you a bitch kill yo self hunky hang all racist cowards let’s start with this bitch

          659. BillyBob says:

            You’re evil dude

          660. Anna says:

            You bleed the color you idiot🤬

          661. Ej says:

            Well you must hang to because niggers don’t have a race nigger anybody can be a nigger yup that includes you 2

          662. HEATHER L BRODIAN says:

            You sick mother f*cker, go f*ck youreself!

          663. Jamie says:

            So disrespectful 😠

          664. T says:

            Sick bastard

          665. June says:


          666. Sofia says:

            Fuck you, you fucking uncultured retarded piece of fucking garbage

        2. Robin says:

          Time for BLA!

          1. Khadijah Shakur says:


        3. Givadam says:

          B A N G !!!……also, im not sure if you did it on purpose, but you said fight for their “cells”……PERFECT WORD !!

        4. I agree with Black Panther 100%.

        5. Patricia Gilmer says:

          I agree!!!

        6. Chauncey says:

          So ignorant to say Trump is anti black. He is more pro black than any Democrat President ever was.

          1. No name says:

            🤔…that was a joke?!?…right??

          2. Tom Steward says:


          3. Tony says:

            The media hate poisons the weak mind to blame trump is ridiculous

          4. KrackaKilla says:

            Fuck your president!! Colored motherfucker!!

          5. KrackaKilla says:

            That makes you a dumb fuck!!

          6. Maat the Queen of Life says:

            Do you remember Trump your President said that he will bring back the ’60s when the police was hosing our ppl down and putting the dogs on them? I would say he’s antiblack for sure.

          7. Barbara says:

            LIAR, LIAR….PANTS ON FIRE 🔥 The Caucasian’s are not evening agreeing with him anymore! So sad…..GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THIS ENTIRE WORLD…..NOT TRUMP!

          8. Yo momma says:

            You crazy ass fuck. Trump AINT SHIT. PERIODT….

        7. Peggy says:

          Very very strong Message.I agree with you.

          1. Brenda Adrine says:

            Amen!!!We’ve already got the victory!!! They may try to annihilate us, but God’s got our backs!

        8. claudia duenas says:

          This is propaganda…learn your history…. you are a pawn of the Plantation of the Democratic party… and this article is not based on reality…

          1. robert snead says:

            You wanna buy some virgin swampland…after all you look like you don’t really utilize that space between your ears.

        9. Trevino says:

          I agree enough is enough

        10. KkKK says:

          They need to be responded too. Life for a life

          1. HONKEYCRACKERS says:

            That’s how you feel bitch I’m only 12 and I say you hang before we do racist ass

          2. Roberta says:

            Honeycrackers, if you are 12, why are you talking like that? I don’t know about y’all, but I have a 12 Yr old and if my kid spoke like that there is something really wrong with the way they are being raised. My heart goes out to this child, it’s sad when their first reaction is violence and vulgarity and not intelligence and compassion. This page just gets on my last nerve, hate… just a damn page of hate… it’s nothing intelligent, nothing to say how far folks have came nor what they came from, another page of hate.
            Dear Martin Luther King, Jr. , is this how u saw ur dream. I once believed that people would grow the hell up and I see, same crap different day, except now it’s fueled by the media and hate…. wonder what MLK Jr or Rosa Parks would say about this page and this 12 Yr old talking like this… BTW I’m white I’ve met Ms. Rosa and she was kind, beautiful, intelligent and we shared my lunch, Cuz after 2 hours of completely picking her brain dry of knowledge, she looked a bit hungry and thirsty. She was worth the $20 I had to spend and forgo 3 allowances for! Too bad there’s no more like her 😔

        11. Tim says:

          One day we will get together and we won’t be able to stop to show that we together yes since that man in the house

        12. El says:


        13. Lau says:

          I agree We must DO what every IT takes to protect Our FAMILY and FRIEND and PEOPLE’S. This EVIL is REAL.

        14. Semora Jackson says:

          that boy didn’t hang his self from the tree.
          I bet u it was some one white that’s sad we all have the same color blood

          1. Maat the Queen of Life says:

            We are a different species so we are not the same. An animal’s blood is red as well.

        15. Joe says:

          So true.. All this marching isn’t doing anything.. This hasn’t even made headline news. We have to stop looking for the white man to save us… They don’t have a history of saving us… Now if that was a white person it would have world wide news…

        16. Jeffrey B Ramsey says:

          ..this is basically the same realization that Che Guevara had back in his day about the power struggle between the rich and poor.
          He tried, and tried again to follow the system in order to implement improvements. Folks all around him kept getting killed, and he narrowly lived himself. Till he got to Cuba and went all out to move it forward.
          Then America can’t have an exception to the world economic order. It would be too damaging to the pattern of control over the economy. Countries would see an example of stepping away from the corporate control way. So America has suppressed Cuba.
          Nowadays, America has suppressed Venezuela’s socialist effort.
          The Black Panthers got the same kind of response: stepping out of Corporate America they put ip some schooling, medical care, food for people, etc.. and that just could not be allowed to become a shining light to the masses , so, powers came in and killed people and the potential of stepping away from the corporate power system.
          Yes. Yes i know that probably most folks reading this post already know this.
          Yes i know that lots of individuals doing stuff on their own, effectively isolated from the synergy of going it together, will not likely build a better way.
          And also yes i know that i have never and will never use violence while i will always try to build a better way no matter the results.
          For me, render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar’s and unto God that which is God’s. To do differently is just breaking myself against a stone which won’t be broken on it’s terms.

        17. Shawn says:

          Like Malcolm X said an eye for an eye…. I totally agree

        18. I feel how u feel as a black woman we dont stand son got kill n Nov 2017 n Florida n not one of my friend would stand with me for a justice n i found out the know lawyer even the black lawyers want take my son case to make sure this with man n woman pay for my son death unless i had money .its not about money its about justice .

        19. Sheila says:

          Why ,why this is world is going crazy i am so tried of hear about young black men and women getting killed i am praying for this young man family and for all this killing to stop god everything happen for a reason.god u are so good in your son jesus christ name amen

        20. TomtheTank says:

          the black panthers were a anti white group, these sites are made to increase violence towards other people, of out of 100% only 10% of the world is white believe it or not, the rest is mainly black asian and middle eastern, africa is almost a 100% black continent much much bigger than the USA and it has more valuable resources in it such as dimonds oil minerlas that now a day corporations make a killing off of, hell theres even free labor AKA slavery still, it aint the white man…

        21. Takeem says:

          I’m am totally agreeing with you besides the just the o.j comment. We stood up for Michael Jackson as well. They’ve been doing this for centuries, far too long. Let’s go

        22. White Privilege Terminator says:

 Email me, and let’s get to work my brother. Minority is the new majority. It’s time they realize we let them fucking exist at this point. Keep clutching you fucking purses and locking your doors at traffic lights to trailer trash pig fuckers. We don’t play that bullshit here😂😂😂

        23. Ann Madison says:


        24. Barry says:

          Individuals must take it upon themselves to protect their families especially their babies.

        25. Tiredofthelies says:

          Who is committing genocide? I’m not sure if you’re saying its white people but it you are it is a fact that black people are killing more black people every year. When will people such as yourself stop blaming white people while ignoring your own? You will never stop killing each other till you start see the bigger picture, I’m not say white people dont kill black people but black are more likely to kill black people more often than not.
          If this article is real then what happened is way fucked up and I hope they find the sick fucks that did this.

        26. Jason Jackson says:

          Dr. King said hate can’t drive out hate but only love.

        27. Albert says:

          This is a tragedy But it’s has nothing to do with trump being our President

        28. Mellliemel1 says:

          So true fuck the ignorant rednecks they just don’t understand the little short life we have on this planet but they’re going to have to pay for eternity for this mayhem they brought to this ebony race they already done curse their self it’s a matter of time…and white people are not white people there are Cartesian they gave their self that name because of the Bible say white is pure and black is evil damn lie you are a Caucasian not white. if you live in America you’re American it’s no color I see right through you Caucasian man.all this racism started with the trash ass white man tinking the free slaves going to take the little straps they had that’s when they develop the KKK to kill all black mens from coming up in the world we stablish for when we was slaves they loved us and took pictures with us and there babies suck on their Nanny titties like it was their babies.. they cannot stand us being free.. or you going to do they don’t do that to know race but the black race…SMH

        29. Cricket says:

          Stand up for you, only you can stop them from killing YOU!

        30. Val taylor says:

          Eye for an eye

        31. Elle says:

          I think its because we been imprisioned n poisoned n weakened in the mind. It’s intentional systematic & multi-faceted. I been studying this matrix for years. Psychology real & deep

        32. Mike says:

          Shelby Steele great author and intellectual wrote to the effect that the problem black men and women have in America is their freedom.. Politicians stoke the embers of racism keeping blacks on the democraps plantations. Malcom X wrote problems with the black man is they carry with them a victim slave mentally. Blacks and other so called minority’s have been free for decades.. Wake up people!! “As a man thinks in his heart so is he” stop being a little victim bitch!! The best revenge over small minded bigots is s life well spent spreading LOVE not racial divide non sense. White Guilt is BULL SHIT. It’s as useless as black power. There’s no such thing as white supremacy!! They are all plots of powerful to exercise control over the feeble mind.. Wake the guck up America!!

          1. Blade says:

            It is time for good people of all races to UNITE……

        33. A CONCERNED HUMAN says:

          No one on here can truly sit there and say they are in any shape or form.. Faithful, God fearing/loving human beings…who love this world..


          Talk of death, hanging each other, brutal messages of hate for NO APPARENT REASON…

          Don’t you all see?!

          This is what they want.

          For everyone to fight and divide and become weaker and weaker as humanity and then finally….

          To submit to their evil, be enslaved by these devil spawns and their ludacris attempt of destroying this beautiful planet!

          WAKE UP PEOPLE!


          THINK about it!

        34. bethany says:

          some of the comments on this post are disgusting and horrible. don’t give these haters the time of day. I am so saddened by these comments.

        35. April says:

          That is so true my brother..👊👊👊👊👊👊

        36. V Murphy says:

          By any means necessary! Present them with the same weapons they use against the black people in this country–FEAR!!!

        37. Pamela says:

          I agree, it’s time for all people of color to unite and become a force to be reckoned with.there are more of us than the haters.

        38. JOY says:

          Absolutely agree with all you have stated. Why in bloody hell is this still happening. I am physically iIl whenever I read the horrendous carnage of evil that is committed upon black citizens.
          Look to the Smelly White House & the resident sitter for ownership of this holocaust

        39. Paulette says:

          What an imbecile. .niggers come in ALL COLORS INCLUDING CAUCASIAN! ! What goes around comes around. May God help your soul because has Satan possessed your minioned soul!!

        40. Dawn Smith says:

          Yes.. we will never overcome this madness. It is time to leave Amerikka.. it s burning n we have to go.. no other recourse.

        41. Big Wes says:

          I’m Ready……

        42. Tony says:

          Finally someone speaks up about it! Not of African American decent myself but half of my family is. Just know wherever the fight is La Raza has your back!

        43. Bree says:

          Yes so true

        44. MIOSHI MCCLOUD says:

          Amen. Ik WITH IT💯

        45. Janice says:

          I totally agree with you. Black scoring together to save ourselves I just don’t see it actually happening . I want to have hope for my people because sometimes I feel there is no hope because my people have been through so much & still don’t have a stake in America.

        46. Oh my God! Please don’t get worked up by what people say!! Hate begets hate! Black people are natural lovers…. and some whites. We have to forgive but that does not mean weak. Stand your ground. One day we will ALL die and whether you believe or not God is real and we will be judge for heaven or hell. The Bible: Matthew 24:4-13. Take heed that no man deceive you. For nation shall rise against nation. I look at all the comments and I laughed but truly it’s sad! The devil is busy! Causing ppl to hate one another. Let love prevail, but watch and pray!

        47. Lashuanjones says:

          Read Deuteronomy 28: 15-68 this is the answer as to why we as a ppl are going through what it is we are going through, simple as that.

        48. Ramon says:

          I’am 57 years old and I remember the 60’s anyone that stood for the rights of Black People from MLK, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, the Three Civil Rights leader,and countless others were all kill and assassinated what type of Government stands by and let this happen I have always believe the klan is all in the government I have love for everyone but when it comes to these fools I say bring your Bitch Ass on I got something for you As a people if we can unite for one month not one day one month we can take over these fools Slavery has so much to do with what’s going on around in our black communities instead of killing one another unite and eliminated this problem call white priviledges.

          1. tim caron says:

            stop blaming slavery for your problem omg it was a hundred year ago.the united states committed genocide against the native american comunity killing thousands and thousands.Young native American women were sterilised wihout Knowledge . Btw you are pure racists I am 63 years old an your version of the 60s is much different than mine Remember the Detroit riots??

        49. Khadijah Shakur says:

          Word! that’s Black Power!

        50. White for black says:

          Is this hate necessary? Everyone has blood bones family and feelings. I have love for all….kill me for loving a black man. Love is really what we need. I am starting to hate the white man. I can’t hate my own skin. Love for all.

        51. Al Scherman says:

          I have no problem with a black man defending himself or standing up for himself I will stand next to him and help him all I can but if he is all about hater and it’s the mans fault or the white man fault we would need to talk about it and see why he or they blame then man or white man. We need to stop pushing hate

        52. Jamall says:

          Good job Barak. But most whites are not involved conscientiously in the national corruption.

        53. Dee says:

          Exactly right! I can’t believe this is true! We have to Unite! I’m with you. Let’s get it stsrted. I’m ready!

        54. Dee says:

          I’m with you! Let’s Unite! I’m ready! How many are ready! It’s this young man today then who will it be tomorrow! Let’s Unite!

        55. tim caron says:

          before you preach examine your own there are more black men and children killed by blacks than any one. lts take a look t south side chicago . clean your own yard before you point a your neighbors

        56. TEE BABY says:


        57. Boss mayne says:

          All of you sound like morons, both (all crackers must die and bill)
          If y’all kill each other us lationos will inherit the world

        58. Alan webb says:

          What happened is horrible and who ever did it should be found and hung the same but what ur preaching is a hate crime in its self and racist. Inciting blacks to attack whites when not all whites are racist and not all blacks love all regardless of color that much is clear. Because I’ll will protect my family against all threats regardless of color u come to my home with hate and u will see the barrel and then nothing more!!!

        59. Faith Jackson says:

          That’s right hunni

        60. Linda says:

          You are an asshole , Bill Arnold
          Black people bleed the same color as all of us. They fight and die in wars. They cry when family and friends die. They step up and help when white people dont. There are bad and good in every race on this earth. And no one has the right to take another persons life no matter what.

        61. Phyllis Brewer says:

          We do need to protect our own people, not only from the ones who have enslaved us but sometimes OURSELVES. But the time is NOW to re unify what it means to be (AM I MY BROTHER’S KEEPER) …(AM I MY SISTER’S KEEPER) …YES I.AM !

        62. Fredrick Moore says:

          Damn straight!!!!

        63. Florence says:

          Yes we must all come together as one

        64. Christina C says:

          May this young man RIP….Sistas & Brothers please don’t feed into Bill’s comment he’s not worth the time nor energy.

        65. Why do ppl hide? Stand UP no fear killing kids and hiding. A coward dies a thousand deaths Soldier dies once.

        66. Divine justice says:

          Thanks it’s not just blacks you see how Hispanic get treated well I tell you this I personally stand with you and many more of my people. I really feel bad and my heart goes out to this child’s family and friends. that it’s true this president Trump released his demons. This kid did not commit suicide why go so far if he wanted to he would of done it at home, never suffered depression it was murder and most cops cover up. There mostly white.

        67. Tired says:

          I agree with you 100%. This has to stop. And the only way to make them understand is get at um …. ya dig?

        68. Cookie says:

          Bitch this ain’t the slaves days us niggaz is gonna fight back

        69. Burnthewholeearth says:

          This thread is fucking hilarious

        70. Betty Mumit says:

          So true we all need to united instead of tearing at each other

        71. Roflmfao we all came from Africa,???? Wtf is that stupid shit ??? Read your Bible lol. I agree all muslims must hang or be beheaded . They are doing it to Christians. Time for Christians to fight back. Lots of tough talking niggers in here too. Lol if you all had jobs you wouldn’t be here !!!!! Get a life you pieces of shit!!!!! I forgot, no one wants you lol

        72. LibsREvil says:

          All one has to do is witness the crime, the murders, the violence caused by the 13 percent. Take the 13 percent from America and all murders, all crime drops by 65 to 75 percent.
          Democrats feed off of their destruction, they love the insanity brought on by the brainless godless violent black.

      2. Bill Arnold says:

        I like my niggers like I like my apples hanging from a tree

        1. Robin says:

          Your mother should’ve swallowed your ugly ass!

          1. Shadrick says:

            I agree with you

        2. T says:

          To badd your mother n daughter are all nigger lovers and their suckin their black meat is what makes u mad

          1. Ronald says:

            She did swallow him, she shit him back out though.

        3. Eric says:

          U need to come visit me down hea in New Orleans u lil white bitch I hate ppl like u

        4. Peggy says:

          You are going to die a Horrible death.Its coming.

        5. No name says:

          Your a nigger (ignorant)…so, go hang yourself😄😄

          1. Carolyn says:

            Wishing stuff on people have a way of backfiring LIKE in YOUR family

          2. Antoinette says:

            Yeah,to bad you wouldn’t be able to do it ,so that’s all you got is to talk shit behind the phone, Approach ONE BLACK NEGRO ,for the record and see what will happen,you wouldn’t LAST you would get your ASS BEAT ,now that’s just facts !!!! THIS IS N OT 1940 IT’S 2018 TRY US

          3. Ronald says:

            And you are poor White trash ( STUPID ), ignorance can be cured through education but stupidity goes to the bone.

        6. Barbara jones says:

          yr sick n need help,ur one of those that will kill people bcz ur life is fuck up!! I’m not spending anymore time commenting on u,ur like Trump need attention, i hope u get the help u need bfore u got someone!!

        7. KkKK says:

          Come and get me so I can give you what you deserve.

          1. Carolyn says:

            Police BETTER come get YOU

        8. Truth at it's realist says:

          Coward with a low self-esteem hide on the internet. You wouldn’t last ten minutes in my city.

        9. Perry says:

          Don’t worry your President will have Puttin ruling you pretty soon.

        10. TYRONE from the cell next door says:

          and sucking long BLACK dick

        11. James Jordan says:

          Bill Arnold is really showing his true nature. Unless he is joking, then this is a true Dumbass for real. I’ll tell you what Dumbass just try and think that your kind is sending us back to Slavery, then you need to think again Dumbass.

        12. Antoinette says:

          Yeah,to bad you wouldn’t be able to do it ,so that’s all you got is to talk shit behind the phone, Approach ONE BLACK NEGRO ,for the record and see what will happen,you wouldn’t LAST you would get your ASS BEAT ,now that’s just facts !!!! THIS IS N OT 1940 IT’S 2018 TRY US

        13. Will says:

          Bill, this is the same kind of attention grabbing that mass shooters crave, you should think about that and where your heads at. Seriously, I know this is a rush for you but try and get it another way, this kind of thing is pathetic. Try to remember that ultimately we’re talking about real pain and real people.

        14. Ms. Moore says:


        15. Teejay says:

          I like my crackers with brown spreader on them.. asshole…

      3. Isetta Crawford Rawls says:

        Habari Gani,

        Where are our SevenDays?

        –Isetta Crawford Rawls

      4. claudia duenas says:

        yeah, get some firearms…. 2nd ammendament .

      5. Hassan says:

        It’s high time now blacks should not be walking or moving alone,atleast a minimum of 3 people at ago or else these m@##$are going to take advantage on us

      6. Garfield says:

        Yes I agree I will die for my family

      7. Taresa Brown says:

        You are so right. Stand together people! !!!

      8. Albertha says:

        That’s the only way

      9. BreathofFire says:

        You should read the speech by Rabbi Robinovich.
        The plot is really set up against you.
        You roaches are simply being brought out into the light to get stepped on.
        Blacks should have no fear. Your morning starts with darkness and your night starts with darkness. We have always been and always will be. You’re just a visitor.

      10. Rahima says:


      11. Real says:

        You coward you won’t bite a sandwich.. 😁😁

    2. Darrell says:

      I know you trying to push a point but I just read that this brother shot his mother’s husband his mother his wife his nine-year-old daughter and killed his self I’m not worried about the white man I’m worried about my people killing each other

    3. Walt says:

      No somebody did this and it’s wrong

    4. Daisy pettway says:

      No sucuidice

    5. Perry says:

      Why am I here this is stupid I’m crazy for reading this garbage.

      1. Will says:

        I hear you! I haven’t let myself be trolled for years! It’s amazing what attention seekers will stick online.

    6. Lyle says:

      Niggars don’t come in color cuz if they do a million times more white niggers than any other race you guys are the number one niggers

      1. Lyle says:

        You ought to try to grow some real dicks so you can hold on to your women

    7. Nat butler says:

      I just saw a lynching in miss.of a young black man..racism if alive and triving.since trump has been in office.

    8. Keymah Israel says:

      They will sweep it under the rug as usual. On all of trumps speeches he insights racism and hate.

    9. Vanessa Gray says:

      I it’s a sad day to see people are still are on rayciizum in the world we live in today we should just come together and love one another both of our blood is the same color stop racial profiling

    10. BLK Queen says:

      Just like an inbreed
      Dumb as a box of fuckin Rocks

    11. Ronda Zachary says:

      This an outrageous…We are not the slaves from our past….

      We should Rise up…
      All year of 2018…Stop accepting this in

      I’m ready …lets go brothers and sisters…
      “That Same God” .. is on our side!

    12. Julanne Neifeld says:

      I am completely sickened and horrified as a human being and a white woman by this news. This is so sad and extremely disgusting. Racism of any kind is wrong. Murder is murder and it is wrong.

    13. Lorenzo says:

      Someone teach bill arnold a lesson that mf needs an asswhooping

    14. F caldwell says:

      Lock n load, teach your children self defense and give them a weapon n teach them how to shoot. Then as community start our own schools n businesses

    15. America says:

      White and black you all sound racist af just stop

    16. It is sad and such a shame this happened to this kid! I’m angry that these people have no respect for others. This was somebody’s child! But the Bible says, and it’s the Word of God. Whatever a man sow so shall he reap.

    17. Jean says:

      Actually, this was published in the Seattle Times, which mentioned a similar case. There was a vigil at University of Washington. Everyone I know was outraged.

    18. Annette Exum says:


    19. Ronnie says:

      Is this real news or satire haven’t heard or seen this anywhere but this article! They want a donation fake news is rampid please make sure this is legit!

    20. Keith Boshawn already profiled how alot black of men r linched in washington DC in 2000’s yall r late he would come on at 3 in the morning.

    21. Yelonda says:

      See that’s that bull shit.i say we start playing like them .

    22. Maria S Calef says:

      Last month when I share this post, Facebook block me for three days. Feb 2, 2018.

    23. Mark says:

      Lake Stevens police recently closed their investigation into the 18-year-old’s death. They say all evidence shows Keita took his own life. On Friday, 195 pages of the case file were released under state public records laws. Testing continues for genetic material from multiple people who were at the scene. The tests include samples found on the rope and a flashlight. ( this is from 2017)

  2. Kill em All says:

    If he won’t get out of town by sundown, we kill everything white that ain’t right that’s in sight in the South. We kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies. We kill the blind, we kill the crippled, we kill them all … and kill them a-god-damn-gain because they didn’t die hard enough.

    1. lol – did you right that after you beat off on your moms tits or before?

      1. Kill em All says:

        I meant the Whites, Dulled.

    2. omer says:

      You are not an ounce better than those who did this lynching. Sicko.

    3. Mr.X says:

      khalid abdul muhammed

    4. the peace maker says:

      your a terrible person kill em all

    5. Grace says:

      Bitch what

    6. NUNYA says:

      You sound stupid, shut up!!!

    7. james says:

      its waaaaay more whites thn blacks and mean waaaay us jus sayn thy jus aint human jus aint

    8. Joe says:

      Fuck you bitch, ain’t nithin but a online coward

    9. SawAmap says:

      Last time I checked. Washington is , pretty much-as Far away from the South, as you can get, unless you go to Oregon ,or Alaska.

    10. Jay Johnson says:

      Anger and violence begets anger and violence. Help solve the crime and punish the guilty. Go high when they go low!

    11. Jay Johnson says:

      What???? No children and babies are innocent no matter what you’re a monster if you kill children and especially babies. They are harmless and innocent. How disgusting. I can’t even wrap my head around or even entertain the idea of killing an innocent living being. Plus not all white people are racist degenerate fucks. That’s like saying all black men are gang banging murderous ghetto thugs..

  3. ALBERT ERVIN says:

    Another coward Racist killing” lol!

  4. deandre fuentes says:

    What we must do is extinguish ALL WHITE SUPREMACIST by going on offense to find where they live
    And giving them the bloody justice they deserve.

    1. Robin says:

      Yes. Kill all kkk and racists. Fing bastards.

  5. GOD DOES NOT like your Religion says:

    I hate reading stories and not seeing the name of the Authors. Who the F wrote this?

  6. Brionna says:

    Man, they know they killed that boy. We must protect our own. We all we got

  7. Bossalinie says:

    I’m from Seattle and i’ve been to Lake Stevens a few times and that city is for sure a sundown town
    white people look at you like your from another planet. So I can almost he was guarantee you he was murdered for messing white one of those cave bitches because there is no black people in Lake Stevens.

  8. JOJO says:

    This makes me embarrassed to be an American! What is wrong with people? Are we regressing into caveman mentality and getting stupider as the years go by?

    1. Vett Carnes says:

      Not a regression, there’s always been this hatred ingrained into white Amerikkka. There’s towns all over this country that have a antiblack after sundown kill policy. We have the Internet now to expose them for what they are, domestic terrorist employed and utililized by the US. GOVERNMENT.

      1. Josha Barton says:

        Great point

    2. teresa says:

      No, the man in the whitehouse has enabled all the racists. They feel empowered because micropenis said that they are “There are Some really fine people on both sides” referring to white supremacists and the demonstrators in Charlottesville.

    3. Mona says:

      That’s exactly what’s happening! 7000 yrs ago Neanderthals mated with the Africans which MIND YOU are the ONLY 100% Humans. Caucasian Ancestry stems from Neanderthals it’s public information that’s why we’re hated so much. I’m not saying it makes us better than but that’s where the animalistic behavior comes from. The lack of love and compassion not all are the same but trust you ALL came from the same place as we did AFRICA.

      1. Maat the Queen of Life says:

        True facts

    4. Maat the Queen of Life says:

      If you’re white yes. If you’re black: You’re not American unless your ancestors that were kidnapped from the Motherland has a passport.

  9. Vett Carnes says:

    It’s always that no one knows what happened. We all know what happened. #ShutItDown #NoSundown

  10. Michael says:

    Unfortunately, this is not the fault of anyone but the fearful. Things that are meant to instill Fear and Trepidation are from an unevolved soul. Bin Laden thought of as a Martyr but was a fool. In his elevated State of Arrogance, he failed to consider the unyielding spirit of some of us that have evolved beyond terror control to a level of understanding about the essence of Evil these human pretenders hope to be. The rest of us responded at the same level of Evolution as All who create Terror by creating More Terror Only we do It Droned up… That’s much better Right
    They are afraid that is why they cover their faces, or come in the night or lull you into a sense of security. By all means protect yourself, after all not to do so would be an Eternal Sin not to protect what the universe created…You!
    The problem is that when White Supremacy get what it wants it will turn on itself because the sickness they are infected with, which is (Greed & Gluten) will only grow stronger than their mediocre minds will be able to fathom. The flaw in White Supremacy theory… If they are superior, then they could lead us all into the greatness they think they had 100 years ago.
    True Leaders move forward because they understand the failures of the Past. This means the White Supremacist is actually the failure of the European Continent that can only be superior because of superior Fire Power… Hell any Idiot can do that, nothing Supreme about them only better armed with the Guns God Gave them… “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do”, And I’m a Buddhist. If we all live according to what is innate in your souls (Cause and Effect) then you will live in Happiness. Extinguish Evil in Thought, Word, and Deed. Join Me My Muslim, Hebrew and Christian Brothers and Sisters. Show no fear in the face of Evil but do the right thing whenever the Universe gives you the opportunity because that is the very moment you define yourselves Not the momentary adrenaline that comes from evil doers. Don’t get mad get Enlightened…Iam…. Iam…. Live Well by Crushing Evil from our environment.
    Respectfully Brah Buddha.

    1. claudia duenas says:

      this is propaganda… we don’t know what happened, to blame the president is just stupid…

      disinformation and false, Jim Crow is a Democrat agenda

    2. Emma says:

      He was lynch!!!!!
      Bottom Line. LYNCHED!!

  11. Leo says:

    The white supremacist here in Europe are just dying to do the same thing here it is sick but white supremacy is as sick as pedophilia.

    1. claudia duenas says:

      this is propaganda ….. watch this movie learn something . We don’t know what happened, could have been MS13 killing

  12. Silent says:

    Peace peace my lovely people. When we start to behave like the tribes we are and take things personally then we will get our rights. If I found out that my son was hung from a tree. I would take it personally. Why would I seek justice from a court. We are not a nation, we are tribes. The other tribe can seek justice and protest. Who are you protesting to. I do not understand why they protest. Everything is personal, everything. Especially tribes that are not crime based. Our blood is sacred. The law is for people to sort out land and business disputes.

    Finally remember YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK.
    Peace and love

  13. Lovell says:

    I have no comment because in this day time this shouldn’t be don’t matter who is president. We all have a responsibility to each other. Don’t let anyone a thing talk you into killing any one. This is so sad that in this day in time someone would hang another human being.

  14. Fatimahabdulmalik30 says:

    May Allah curse who ever did this 😔😔😢😢

  15. Even miller says:

    What ever you do to anybody that karma will come back to get you. If it don’t get you it will get your child or your spouse but it will get you. My Bible tells me if you live by that sword you’re going to die by it. I have lived and seen it happen so many time. Either they will die a horrible death or they will have a sickness that will linger for decades and they will desire to die and can’t. ALMIGHTY GOD WILL LET THEM LINGER AND HOLLOW FOR HELP AND I DON’T CARE HOE MUCH THEY PRAY TO GOD FOR HELP, HE WILL TURN A DEAF EAR TO THEM AND THEY WILL LINGER ON THEIR DEATH BED FOR DECADES. THEY WILL CONFESS TO YOU WHAT they have done to others and be sorry for it, but it’s too late then. They will just deteorate away and be begging for death and it will flea from them. I know it hard to accept something people’s do to other but you can betcha your life theyre going to pay.
    I can witness to it. NOW DAYS it’s not long as it use to be for them for their karma to come back. Yes I get angry when I see Soo much injustice and how evil people’s are to our RACE. But, I’ve learned to pray and WAIT ON OLD MAN TIME. GOD ALMIGHTY HAVE allowed me to live to see them suffer HINRENDIOUSLY. Their suffering is un-Imagineable. When you see the suffering of them you feel sorry but there nothing you can do about it. They all suffer a horrible death. Pray for strength. GOD WILL HELP YOU TO ENDURE INTIL YOU SEE THEIR KARMA COMRS UPON THEM.

  16. Nicole Bryant says:

    Love always ends up overcoming hate. All minorities and non-racist whites need to band together to defeat this ugly evil. All these gangs out here who are killing eachother for territory need to stop once and for all, put their differences away, and join in the fight against this evil. Good cops need to stand together against the bad ones too to let these hateful racists know their hatred won’t be tolerated. These neo nazis, white supremacists and KKK members need to be labeled domestic terrorists and punished for their crimes. Then and only then will this foolishness stop!!!

  17. Said Farzad says:

    The Bastards of Justice Department of Washington State should take care of these issues instead of harassing people.

  18. Tamika says:

    Thats why i cant really stand white people they are the devil i truly believe that in my heart nothing changes that. Stupid ass crackers white aint right

    1. claudia duenas says:

      tamika, your wrong on this, this most likely was a Gang related or possible even their own family could have killed him. that has been documented , in England, where a missing Girl was finally found and it lead to her Muslim parents were jailed for her death.

      1. Jesuswasblack says:

        Shut up bitch u sound stupid

  19. kenneth Moss aKA Bilal says:

    This evil must be investigated more. To condemn a whole group of people for the Possible deeds of a few is just Wrong. And I would like to add if you were a racist is not this the best way to cause turmoil and confusion between our communities. We all know there are evil people in America, but the Majority are decent folk. Let us investigate.

  20. Leona M. Abdullah-Ward says:

    We can march, it doesn’t do any good, we can pray, it haven’t done any good, we can talk about it, talk about it, it haven’t done any good. Let’s get together as a people and start with love and go from there

  21. Toni says:

    They mad because we are choosen

  22. Jim H says:

    Many of the comments in this thread are as abhorrent as the act itself.
    I grieve for his family and for our species.

    1. claudia duenas says:

      most of it is disinformation .

  23. claudia duenas says:

    this is most likely an MS13 execution of something related to gang violance. This whole article is propagand , because Trump is NOT ANTI -BLACK OR ANTI-MUSLIM, he’s anti terrorism. there are function legitimate Muslims in America and that’s not his problem with that, but Islam does need to be reformed to not be so sexist and suppresive towards women, and to disregard thier praise of pedophelia and sex with small boys. Many Muslim parents also abuse and kill thier children if they rebel and or do not do what they say in terms of marriage, education etc. So we don’t know what happened and you can’t just spread disinformation and jump to accuse the president. Jim Crow is a Democrat and Southern Democrat agenda… do your research and stop your #FakeNews articles .

  24. John Smith says:

    You’re the one that needs to be hung. It’s people like you that make life miserable for people that have dark skin. You’re the lowest of lowest you’re a piece of s***. And if you think otherwise you’re sadly mistaken with your own ignorance. You don’t belong here you belong in hell we’re all evil people need to be.

  25. Larry says:

    Watch your back

  26. Christine says:

    The blue state of Washington is extremely racist. Don’t think for a minute any of these people are your friends.

  27. Shelly mae says:

    God is looking and what you do to other will come back to you soon or later learn to love one another with ot judgement love has god loves us all no matter what good and bad in every race. So conquered. Hate with love it will be a better place to live in always trust in god. Alway.

  28. Jackie says:

    Wow! What and the serious f**k is wrong with some people. Just wow! No matter what race u r, all racist people are ignorant because they’re uneducated. Educate yourself. Do it for yourself.

  29. I Am Beautiful says:

    No need to intertain Bill…listen to his name BILL.😂 Us African Americans are taking over…if we unite we are too strong the white man KNOW and fears this to why they want us to continue hurt ourself…if we fight against them like we shall ..get our 40 acres and a mule what the fuck can they tell us..they beneath us..I CAN GO ON ABOUT THE TRAILER PARK SLAVES BUT i will keep it cute #BLACK POWER

  30. Gods Chosen says:

    Why are any of you giving Bill’s comment any voice and any power., First mistake is acknowledging the “n”. The second mistake is responding to Bill. He could care less about what you think. He’s just happy that he has evoked responses. The focus is on him and not the article. We already know this is how he & many others think. Our goal is to save our race not respond or react to stupid.

  31. Maat the Queen of Life says:

    True facts

  32. jim says:

    Let the Real Americans Hope and Pray all White Supremacists are deported and made to relocate on a sinking Island…Time to BOOT those Non-Americans off this continent…Open the borders to real humans with dignity…The garbage must go…!!!

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  120. Wisdom says:

    The world hate white people more then any race on earth right now. ..2019 … the Arabs are chopping yall heads off. torturing/raping whites. .. Imagine what us Niggers will do to you . #BillArnold . War is coming be Ready ..Black Power !!!🤜💪🤛

  121. This is the Ghost I thought I was at a swingers party

  122. late reader to the story says:

    one point to remember, though no one has found a reason for his death as to why, it is important to know that beside his personal hand that family says no he did not do it, the family could have done it and to raise the issue to the public made to make a lot of cover noise. In islam their are several reasons your family or the local believers would kill you. you can be killed for trying to leave islam, this by order of Mohammad and sharia law, then if you dis honor the family, but this is usually for the women, and if you find out something you are not suppose to know that is going on is another, like the names of a local jihad cell moving in and supported by the Islamic community, and the big one, if he was found participating in homosexual activity, which is not allowed. I vote for the last one, and I think only as opinion he knew in the mosque a leader who is actively hiding a secret about doing homosexual activities, so to silence and make an example, he was put on display. I am only guessing because in the middle east they hang homosexuals real high or throw them off high buildings head first. Iman’s have been reported to have problems like priests and have been known to get even or get rid of their abusees. so who knows really but this was not a racist democrat KKK hanging, it was something else. muslims have been known to do this in other parts of the country or world to stir up trouble and sympathy for themselves. just saying it needs to be considered before we go all race hating first, a clean investigation should have been done after two years, and honestly, I don’t believe the suicide story either.

  123. Tosca says:

    Don’t let one person bring us down to his level. People like Bill Arnold want to see others react to him. He’s a coward and should be ignored.

  124. Amrit Kohli says:

    Bill Arnold. I bet you were there, at the white supremacist event that led to this lynching. i bet you were all rolled up on this one. why isn’t the FBI looking into your life? why are you just being ignored? like it’s business as usual, and you’re all good to be here. Bill Arnold. show yourself. step forward and confess!

  125. Vanessa Gray says:

    I it’s a sad day to see people are still are on rayciizum in the world we live in today we should just come together and love one another both of our blood is the same color stop racial profiling

  126. Alicia says:

    Fuck you punk bitch dirty ignorant scary coward!! Yes you’re a coward and so scared of us all that you have so much hate. If you think about it, you miserable piece of shit, how unhappy you are hating people so much while we don’t give a fuck about you guys!!! Lol damn shame!! Your stupid ass Prez came out and you racist cunts think you have a pass to be this way….You definitely have another thing coming!!

  127. Lee Ward says:

    U would have an easier time hanging ur mama mf! We strapped round here b**ch! Wassup!? Ata yodea klum! 💯

  128. FolkNation says:

    Shame on most all of you! A young man is dead, HUMAN BEING!!!! GOD BLESS HIS SOUL! Here entertaining yourselves, racism is still around on both sides, foolish, our Father is not racist, we were all different for a reason in his eyes and I know he loves us unconditionally, if you should dislike anything, it should be the people that taught you how to hate. My father was a white supremacist, he beat me for years because I wouldn’t conform, growing up in Birmingham Alabama, 75% of my childhood friends were black, or Latino. The last beating I got from him, he nearly killed me, a grown friend of mine!! Black man! He knew what Tim was, and he forgave him for it. Time healed my physical wounds , but the mental abuse in my eye was worse than the physical. Long story short! A few weeks later I came in from school one afternoon and as soon as I walked through the door , my mother was at work! My little 7 year old sister comes running out of our parents bedroom naked. She’s crying to me pointing to the room, upon walking back there, she’s crying to me, pappa Tim hurt me, when I pushed the door open he laid there sleeping peacefully naked. After sexually abusing my baby sister. I pray and hope that he had his life right with the lord. Nov 11 1995 at 2:32 pm he took his last breath at 29 years old. He was murdered by three young black men. Those men are the reason I’m here today, my heroes. Serving over 40 years in prison all together, there now free, Thank you! You saved my family’s life. Racism is overrated, it’s good vs evil not white vs black.🇺🇸

  129. The Love of God says:

    I’m amazed at the comments and replies made on this melanoidnation. .Org concerting the hanging of this young man . Sisters and brothers wether you are white, black or Hispanic etc this is not the action Christ would take. Please rethink your responses and put this in God hands, if you don’t trust anyone else know that the Lord said Vengis is mine🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  130. Ready for War says:

    Holy shit. The racism that is pouring through these comments. Both white and black. I dont even know how I got here but Jesus Christ you people are all fucking angry for dumb shit. I havent done the research to check facts on this story but even if it is true you fucking racist bitches should be ashamed. Instead of lifting up the family you decide to throw racial slurs at each other. No wonder we are all about to learn Chinese. This country is so divided it’s insane. I am just going to continue to stack rounds and prepare for the impending civil war that is coming. I will apologize now if any of you are caught in the crosshairs of my scope and deemed to be trying to harm my family.

  131. Terry Rogers says:

    For one this is old post trump had nothing to do with it he killed his self.just don’t want to admit they could do that troubled young black kid

  132. Ms. Scipio says:

    This is the first and last time I ever visit this site. SMH I thought that I had found an enlighten/woke place to exchange valid, logical and maybe sometime emotionally charged ideas. Shame on me for thinking that I could find a place where common decency and respect were the unspoken rule. I guess that era has past. How sad for our children.
    The young man that was hanged was a shock to me and it made me cry, as much from sadness as from fear. You see I am a grandmother of four larger than average grandsons. They each look older than they are and most adults treat them and talk to them like they are older. I fear for them a lot, in America it is open season on them. Well thanks for reading this. we should all chill out. Spread Love!

  133. Kenneth Troy says:

    Saw the comment from Bill and made me wonder if its one I grew up with in MA. but now living in Vegas, I hope not, because he and I went to a school that had diversity, along with growing up in same neighborhood and sharing friends. So sad if I were to find out this was him. Please who ever you are, remember this. “We are all human, have a name, and gender”. Need to look any further, then you don’t want to have them in your life as a friend.

  134. Michael says:

    Can’t we all get along

  135. Teresa says:

    Wow such hate and ignorance! People, don’t stoop, to the ignorance of other’s! Let God handle it.

  136. Mattie Burdette says:

    Just goes to show you how UGLYand. Messed up some people are!!.

  137. Go For Yours says:

    I noticed some peoples conscious or guilt will not allow them to overcome these type of diabolical ways, With that being said repercussions are inevitable

  138. Chris says:

    Fuck you Bill , you piece of shit. White people don’t have your back.You racist shitbags are dying out.The sooner the better

  139. Patrick Ryan says:

    Fuck you asshole, go to prison and get a big log up your tiny colon!!

  140. Tina G. says:

    May he rest in peace.

  141. Ashanti says:

    Please read this!!
    No more WHY? We sound STUPID!! We need to WAKE UP! Stop trusting thus country is for US. We live here, and have to live in fear!!
    Some rules:
    Apply for a legal GUN.
    TEACH your friends and families and children to GO IN GROUPS.
    Revisit some rules BLACKS USED DURING JIM CROW!!

    IT IS NOT OVER!! Stop leaving each other alone!! Even if you are a stranger to the other, walk together down a street.

    This is REAL!! We dont RUNAWAY, AND WE DONT COMMIT SUICIDE!!! Let say this again!!! WE DONT RUNAWAY AND WE DONT COMMIT SUICIDE. Especially not at other groups do. This is not a PHENOMENON!!!!



    LETS IMMOBLIZE!! For are we know this could be a website run by run by someone masquerading as one of us.

    Get it together MY PEOPLE!!!

  142. Bob says:

    It is Obama and Hillary’s fault. The democrats are pure evil and corrupt. They are the most violent, intolerant, and hateful group in this world and pretend to be the totally opposite. Sick.

    1. John jones says:

      Bob you’re a dumb fuck

    2. Sam says:

      Take you head out of your ass already..

  143. Patrick Carosone says:

    Can you believe how one persons racist comment has incited all you people to sound like a bunch of disrespectful idiots. Its ignorance that breeds racism, ignor these morons and they are the fools, give in to them and you are the fools.

  144. Boom2success says:

    Sad that this country is moving backwards.. there are 7 negative EMOTIONS jealousy, greed,fear,hatred, revenge, SUPERSTITION.
    With any of these EMOTIONS no one is going to be Great!
    Americans won’t be Great..
    Not until we learn to lift one another up
    As people
    Stop the Hate..
    Good things will happen when we learn how to lift each other up..

  145. John Wilkinson says:

    The is obligated to search this matter thoroughly. It’s completely disgusting and “obviously” touches on nerves.
    Remember: it is a criminal or criminals who did act like that. IF their is a coverup came a FURTHER/second crime.
    Don Trump, 45th President…. yeah/anywhere that man is guilty of “Race Discrimination” I will like to know. So far I read something from past rent situations that his team DID NOT admit guilt to however he still PAID a pentalty.
    I’ll like to know a deeper introspection of what our President thinks par the subject of race relations. Where is his mind about this subject.
    I can BELIEVE IT he might be “green” about BLACK. But…I am not convinced yet that that man is “guilt” like what this article speculates. Though….as I say I’ll be OPEN TO LEARN !
    It’s a developed skill understanding “The Black Equation”.
    And, the Office of President IS Obligated to try and understand that.
    I want to give Don Trump more of a chance. How red neck is he?
    Can he do better?
    It might be blessing that Don Trump has come to be President…..SO FAR.
    Don’t no one damn ME because I try to reason this. It ain’t gonna fall on me.
    This crime is horrible TRUMP DON’T SUPPORT NOTHING THERE.

  146. An angry Canadian says:

    So, it was ruled a suicide and no evidence of a lynching but it was a lynching because reasons? This is stiring up the racial divide way more than the Trump administration. The kid probably, unfortunately, did commit suicide. It doesnt matter how happy you act around your friends. Ever look into most suicide cases? A lot of them say that “why would X commit suicide? They were so happy!” Theres no evidence of any sort of lynching and to label it as such is complete race bait and a disgrace to real journalism. You should be ashamed for taking this man’s tragic end and trying to spin it to stir up racial hatred especially if theres no evidence. Disgraceful.

  147. Denise says:

    This is having a ball after irritating so many people. He’s not worthy of a comment from me.

  148. Milo Carrasco says:

    Yeah blame it on trump you damn cry babies liberals!!! Again with out facts!!! Poor guy this is awful!!! Bit where is your outcry against the thousands of innocent Christians being raped and murdered thru out the world by these same innocent peaceful Muslims that Obama supported!!! And I guess trump is the problem for the thousands of blacks killing each other in the US!!! Yeah damn trump has that much power and influence. Last I checked people have been killing each other since Adam and eves children!!! You can find me giving facts and the truth milo carrasco is my facebook!!! And that native American Catholic school boy stare down was a gang of BS and I’m native American and my dads a Vietnam vet. The natives and white kids were in unity as the Black Isrealites were wishing whites would die and these were grown @$$ men picking on high schools kids!!!

  149. Eric says:

    I’m hearing black, white, christian and Muslim. How about an innocent American child! This kid did nothing wrong and did not deserve this. I’m white, I’m military, and i have a daughter who is half black. The only thing that kills me is i have to tell her we are still dealing with racism when we shouldn’t be. Prayers go out to the family. I can’t imagine the pain and anger you must feel. But your right to feel that way.

  150. Mr Kit Walker says:

    Find a white Maga wearing imbicile and hang it. An eye for an eye.

  151. Vera r says:

    We got the same blood underneath our skin blue vains red blood this racist war going on is crazy I’m a native American and my husband’s is black i get along with all race color man or woman Jehovah father did not intend for this Bill Arnold you got a lot of praying to do you need to clean your house real good what i mean by that you need to clean them demons out your heart and thoughts i pray Jehovah Father has mercy on your soul that sad where your mind frame is at

  152. Pat Enery says:

    This area of the U.S. seems to have more people with extreme views. The fabricated “Islamophobia” theme is getting a lot of traction thanks to the MSM. Funny how the biggest threat to America is never talked about. Zionist Talmudic Jews. Please research deeply before engaging mouth.

  153. Harris says:

    I Pray they find the people responsible for this hate crime

    As for most of you that responded with Hate, I pray for each of you. It is sad to see so many so called adults, (if you are even that) resort to name calling, stupid little threats. Act your age, not your shoe size. One made a hateful remark, doesnt mean everyone else needs to jump on the band wagon and go along for the ride. You all should be ashamed of yourselves

    1. says:

      Fuck you! address the problem unless you’re a part of it

  154. Rogers 2 says:

    This is why I armed myself! And I suggest all of you to do the same….Real Talk

  155. The real says:

    All honkies must kill your selves, you nasty mfers fuck animals and rodents, you marry your family and have deformed kids. Your bitches are the nastiest mf living on this earth. Shut your ass up and go fuck you cow and horse you son of a bitch.

  156. Starr says:

    Thug Life…..

  157. Phil Hamilton says:

    Wow, you post this almost 2 yrs later to promote and perpetuate hate and racism.
    It is clear that this has become your mandate while many of us try to build bridges.

  158. Shell L says:

    Instead of breeding more hatred, we all need to believe that his spirit is ascending upwards to truth, light, and love. He is of the light, where no skin color exists. A place where looks and religion are inconsequential. It is ok to be different in this realm. This is how we learn.

  159. Nicole Barnes says:

    It breaks my heart to read about stuff like this. I will not respond to the ignorant people on here who made those dumb ass comments. All I can do is pray for their sick ass souls.

  160. your enemy says:

    You should be the first to get hanged you piss of shit no matter what color skin you are we are all the same inside and out you insect… the color of skin does not determine who you are asshole your actions do and you are the shitiest person on this earth. what goes around comes back around you should be careful what you desire.

  161. Common Sense One says:

    First, all of you under educated individuals need to know that this is fake. If for one second any of it were remotely true it would be on the news. Second, the word ‘nigger’ is not the color of ones skin but rather their behavior and demeanor.
    I personally am tired of this generation thinking they are owed something because of ancestral bloodline. I nor anyone else today had anything to do with what went on in the world 100+ years ago, so stop using that as an excuse for your ignorant behavior.
    I don’t want to hear how your life matters any more than mine, on this earth there is but one life that is more important to me than yours and that is the life of my child.
    If you are an American you get the same opportunity as every other American, you are not special and should not expect any more or less. If you are not an American then you need to become one or go back to your home country, America is not a free ATM or a hyphenated nationality country.
    There are no lynchings done though your ignorance wants to believe it simply so you can thrash out at others for your own inequalities and insecurities.
    It is because of individuals like you all that make others dislike you and want you gone or will do what they have to, to protect themselves and the people and country they love.

  162. Daddy says:

    We should all hangout and woop 🙌🏾 yoass

  163. sds says:

    smh……….ill pray for you

  164. Diana says:

    This should break the hearts of everyone, no matter the amount of pigmentation in their skin.

  165. ThisIsABotSite says:

    all BOT. Look at the ads in between. Not a real person at all – meant to cause anger. Ignore. Delete

  166. Smack dye says:

    So, did anyone even question the validity of this article? There’s no links to outside sources, there’s nothing found about this “news story” other than on this site.

    These people somehow have access to news that no one else has?

    This is a propaganda site, with legit fake news and you are sopping it up lol biscuits and gravy.

    It’s time be start thinking for our selves.

  167. Darrell Baskin says:

    Fight hatred with love, it’s easier to say than do,
    Although we can unite and fight side by side to accomplish a better good…

  168. Steven says:

    I feel enough enough it’s time that we all get together pack ride rides motor guns you have a right to bear arms in March down at City and demand answers if we let this line it’s just going to continue to grow and grow I’m in the south I’m in the community where they used to sell and hang slaves so I’m not buying a s*** ever anybody want to do my email is published please let me know I’m I’m in

  169. Peace says:

    How sad this is..May his family find piece. Too many racist comments on here from both races. We all need to unite regardless of the color.

  170. ThisIsABotSite says:


  171. Rad Thibodeaux says:

    HEY! folks lets not start a movement. I think this was just murder and not racially motivated. The detectives on the case are not saying shit at the moment. but they are not dumb there will be justice for Keita

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