Does It REALLY Matter Where Blacks Live In The U.S.?

Last November, a story was featured here on Melanoid Nation that shed more light on the recent trend of Melanoid people leaving northern and western cities–such as Chicago and Los Angeles respectively–for metropolitan areas in the south, such as Atlanta, Charlotte, and Dallas.

Ours isn’t the only place that has covered this topic. Other media outlets such as Black Enterprise, Huffington Postand Forbes have all done the same.

While all of the dialogue and the news coverage of this issue have been extremely thought-provoking and informative, the burning question is: At this point in time, does it really matter where Black people choose to live and/or relocate to in the U.S.?

Nationwide redlining, unarmed Blacks being murdered (in places like Atlanta) by race soldiers, and being kicked out of night spots (in places like Houston) are occurring in areas that we have been migrating to in recent years…and it’s happening for no sensible reason other than the color of our skin..and the lack of solidarity in Black Society. Is it a safe assumption to make that white supremacy is far-reaching, and could care less about what new “Black Meccas” we attempt to move to (if there’s no sustainable economic base in place)?

Do you feel that there should be specific areas where Melanoid people reside in order to collectively build and thrive? Why or why not?

B. Clark

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please follow the link in the name above to help us educate and empower our youth.

323 thoughts on “Does It REALLY Matter Where Blacks Live In The U.S.?

  1. Jeremy says:

    You guys know nothing of your history so I’ll try to explain it to you as simply as possible….your ancestors cried and whined forever that we should end segregation so you can have more access to prey on white people….you wanted it ened so we ened it…thousands upon thousands of black on white rapes n murders later you want segregation back? What happened? We didnt bleed enough for you? Not as fun as raping white girls and old women as you thought? We already do have segregated sections for you…Detroit and N.O. We gave to you and you drove them into the ground..all black population + all black leaders = complete shithole ….name me one succesful black area in all the world? 1 anything? We built you Liberia in Africa after WW 2…we built a state of the art city for you so you could go back to Africa if you wanted…you ruined the city in just a few short years of being a “chocolate city” Liberia is now and has been a hell hole for decades despite the US sending billions of dollars every year to it…..go fuck yourselves

    1. Randy Woodall says:


    2. The Keeper says:

      Eat a Dick White Supremacist!!!

      1. LibsREvil says:

        Maybe you should take a trillion light year dirt nap negative.

    3. JayBay says:

      I agree with Sam. These white people are nothing. Less than nothing in fact. For all the chest thumping they do in places like this, they know that they’re just soulless husks who can’t live peacefully so they have to disrupt any and everything that they can’t control. Here’s what the Apocrypha sums up about white people.

      2 Esdras 6:54-59
      54 and over these you placed Adam, as ruler over all the works that you had made; and from him we have all come, the people whom you have chosen (that would be blacks, non-european hispanics and native americans). 55 “All this I have spoken before you, O Lord, because you have said that it was for us (see before) that you created this world. 56 As for the other nations that have descended from Adam (that would be you whites), you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle (aka spit), and you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket (meaning even the Creator views your entire existence as the equivalent to a drop from a bucket. He doesn’t even care)

      And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Who are the people that whites constantly talk shit about, hate with a passion, and do everything they can to kill and prevent them from getting better lives and living peacefully. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. Who are the people who they CONSTANTLY try to emulate whether it’s dance, music, spirituality, philosophy etc. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. We’re the best thing on this planet. Always have been. Always will be. It’s just that guys like Jeremy can’t stand that fact so they spend their free time on here talking bad about you in the HOPE that you’ll go back to hating yourself and thinking of yourselves as niggers, spicks, etc.. Look at this post and other posts. No one who thinks they’re the greatest thing on the planet would spend as much time on this site as he has including the other trolls. They’re nothing and know it. When I hear about all these crazy white people going around shooting up theaters or ISIS shooting them in their own countries, I rejoice. It’s a righteous thing. Justice is being served and we don’t have to get our hands dirty. And don’t go saying “you’re wrong”. Do you honestly think that with all the evil that whites have done in the world that the most high wasn’t going to exact revenge? ISIS, China, North Korea. These are just some of the groups that would love to see you extinct. And as long as we learn to realize that whites are nothing and learn to love each other and keep his commandments, they’re going to continue. Man I love this age! I can see Jeremy’s people’s gradual decline and destruction all over the world with just the click of a button! There was a little white boy in the news who just shot a little white girl over a puppy. A puppy! Your people are getting worse and worse while our people are slowly getting better and it’s going to cause your destruction. Happy posting you drop in a bucket!

      1. Jeremy says:

        You agree with the obvious liar right Jaybay…youre not even from this country….youre a slanty eyed chick….you live in Japan….ya know the people the white man had to put in their place? Remember the japs tried to be predators to the white man….how that work out for you? Lmao

        1. LibsREvil says:

          Japs are 3rd in line for lowly animals.
          First the Monkey shlt Neggars, Then Comes the Brown Dog Shlt Greazymexican, Then the Equally Greasy slant eyed Ming mongaliod bat shit chlnk, jap, Vietnamese snake.

      2. Jeremy says:

        See …the only person that defends you savages is a Jap that sides with ISIS and CHINa….hes the only one defending you murderous monkeys

      3. LibsREvil says:

        Noting that Neggars are Beggars!

    4. Michael Hudson Jr. says:

      Yo Jeremy, if you’re not a melanoid person why are you on a melanoid website causing problems. Furthermore what you just said is racist/white supremacist rhetoric straight off the plantation. Let me ask u question do you think racism/white supremacy needs to be replaced with a system of justice??

      1. Jeremy says:

        Lemme ask you a question you mongoloid…. Why are you confronting a white person because he said a naughty word? but youre letting your savage brothers and sisters talk about killing white families and babies? Im the bad guy? I only came on this racist site because i knew you were talking about hate and racist shit in here….you guys are dicussing race war and discussing killing whites on this racsist hate site…every thread is filled with misplaced hate and lies…..but every black person jumped on me for using words that make you sad…awwww…..i didnt threaten anyone….i disagree with anyone who would wanna kill black families and babies…but im bad right you backwards chimp? All im doing is throwing FACTS at you and you guys are threatening me….thats why im not being nice and coddling you….i gotta walk on egg shells while you niggers talk about killing white families and babies? Fuck you backwards savage

        1. LibsREvil says:

          I loved hangln me sum Neggars….

      2. Jeremy says:

        Nothing wring with the justice system….theirs something wring with the black community….we dont have a gun problem in this country we have a black problem

    5. Propaganda says:

      Big Jerm….nice comment! Only you left out a few key points. The earth is literally better off without your type.
      I once had a white biology teacher, may he rest in peace….tell the class that he was a genetic mutation, unnatural by scientific standards. Your history shows parasitic activity and harm to the biosphere.
      Nature is so powerful ain’t it?
      You see…the purpose of a hurricane is to cleanse the atmosphere. Biology would consider you a virus based on your destruction, and conspicuous consumptive nature. Eventually the earth will rid us of you. Only a matter of time. Nature has a way of correcting itself….stay white homie….

      1. Jeremy says:

        you delusional fools keep making non sence up to suit your babble….do you think if blacks could even figure out the wheel…ot figure out agriculture or industry or anything…you dont think if blacks figured out to do anything that it would affect the planet a bit? You make it sound like blacks were capable of doing anything to the planet….all your people are only capable of shaking trees and stomping filthy feet in the dirt…..white are trying to advance themselves and the world….blacks arent capable of advancing anything, they couldnt affect the earth because they have nothing….the only things they do have they destroy…youre have blacks you kill em, animals? Kill em farm land? Wreck it….blacks are only capable of minimally affecting their own enviorment….its not that they would t….they just arent able to……im sure youve tried to chuck a spear at earth or tried to give the planet AIDS…but those things cant hurt the planet

        1. Jeremy says:

          If whites werent here who would feed your people in Africa? Whos gonna give Africa billion in aid every single year? You know how to farm? raise livestock? What the fuck would you do without whites? Have you ever fed yourself or your family with anything but what the white man gives you? You think blacks are growing that food? Do you think american companies pick that food from a magic basket? or do you think the food thats provided to you is by white america? White farmers provide the food that you eat….american companies buy the food and meat from the white farmers and bring it to the bodega that you do your grocery shoping from….and what about the food thats brought in from other countries? The white truck drivers bring it to your monkey plate….youve never actually done anything to feed your family without whites….and it gets so much deeper than just farmers and truck drivers…every single thing you enjoy is brought to you by the whites u hate so much….the electricity, the internet connection…every god damn thing around you was either made by whites or brought to you by whites….good luck without us you parasite

      2. ebi says:

        bro!!!! that’s wassup!!!

      3. Lee says:

        Why do we waste time and wisdoms on those who are not worthy of the makers gaze we get so caught up in the expression of free will that we forget our father’s work Jeremy is an angry man who has to deal with the father in his own time or will you take credit for his pain and stand before the father in judgment cast not your pearls amongst swine lest they trample them into the earth and turn upon you all have sinned and come short of glory our people, the American people, have been given a chance to shape the world in the image of god and black, white, Hispanic, asian, native, or any other have taken our freedom with us into bondage my black people if you want supremecy then rid yourself of this worldly mind and take upon you the mantle of the spirit god will not give any race supremecy if they will not wield it better than the last I’m not with murder or hate no matter who it is against whites have done just as much for me as my people or any other it is time we reach the seventh level of maturity as a nation

    6. white supremacist mocker says:

      Let me paraphrase:

      “I don’t have a job and my wife is my sister and yet somehow she still doesn’t love me at all. I have no friends and no prospects. My parents are ashamed of me, even though they themselves are failures at life. I was a horrible student in school, not because I didn’t try but because I’m simply not bright. Wait…I have an idea! Let me go to and spout some irrelevant, misleading and downright false statistics to the Black people, weaving some deceptive and untrue white supremacist narrative into it! That will give me something to do tonight other than crystal meth, Jack Daniels and raping the neighbor’s male labrador retriever. Maybe I can spend my time, which has absolutely ZERO value, with these people who I envy, and attempt to make myself feel like something more than a loser at their expense!”

      1. Jeremy says:

        Thats a good way to deflect and childishly attack as well…how many white supremacists have messed with you Mocker? How many KKK memebers have done something to you? ….you talk like theyre around every corner… white person ever did anything to you u Bullshit artist….u heard Obama mention white supremacy and you repeat it like a parrot money… many burning crosses on your lawn? How many white people played the “knockout game” with you? None of those things ever happened to you…you pretend to be a victim of whites when youre actually the predstors of whites name me the white supremacist that hurt your feelings? I dont like white supremacy so ill kick his ass for you….whats his name liar?

        1. white supremacist mocker says:

          Let me paraphrase:

          “OK, I’m a bit butthurt because what you said hit home. It’s not my fault that I wasn’t able to read until I was 12 and that I still can’t do multiplication or division. I am unable to get a job because I have no skills. I only have two shirts and one pair of underwear. White supremacy is all I have, dammit, and I won’t let you people steal that from me!”

          1. Jeremy says:

            Now Mocker does that make a lick of sence to you? All the facts im presenting and thats how youre defending yourself? I feel like your projecting your problems on me like most blacks do……here let me tell ya a bit about myself….i own a big(totally paid for) home and a huge chunk of land….while i was never able to go to college (because i dont get a full black scholarship) so i had to work my ass off to Get what i got….i surround myself with good honest people….and i live a happy life…..the things hou talk about in your post sounds like black problems….multiplication or division by 12??? Lol dude im almost positive your telling yoir life story but pushing it off on others….all your comments are so disturbing but have very strange details a normal person wouldnt use for bullshit….im enjoying your posts…please continue

          2. white supremacist mocker says:

            Let me paraphrase:

            “Let me now make up some stuff to justify myself and my worthless life to these very Black people who I claim to have no respect for. I’m very concerned with how they perceive me, because I’ve actually found myself behind in life every step of the way. Furthermore, my children have funny-shaped heads and talk with slurred speech because I’m related to my wife. Also, notice that I’m STILL on this site and responding to each thing that is being said to me, even though I’m a white supremacist who pretends that he has no respect for Black people. I am making an absolute fool out of myself in front of all of these Black people by responding to a person who is enjoying my stupidity. He appears to have caught on to how fun mindless trolling is, which is about all I can do besides playing with my German Shepherd’s balls.”

    7. dj says:

      Troll go home!!!…lol

    8. ddsadas says:

      speak the truth brother, fuck these niggers. the only place they belong is back in africa so they can starve like the rest of the sub humans.

  2. Jeremy says:

    I feel you guys should just stick it out…remain parasites to the whites race….your black president has already accumulated more debt than all other presidents combined..we’ll be a third world shit hole just like you like it soon enough…lol….if we werent paying for all the black populations welfare us whites would have already colonized mars…but you and ole Barrack Hussien obama put us into 19 trillion dollar debt…if black and mexicans werent around we wouldnt have a gun problem in this country…America would have the same gun death rate as tiny white countries like Belgium…..we dont have a gun problem we have a black problem….you ruin everything…even pitbulls, they have been around us whites for longer than blacks…they were considered family dogs and were considered loyal proud dogs…then the blacks get ahold of pitbulls, they abuse them and raise them to do bad things…now people consider pitbulls aggressive and deadly…pitbulls arent aggressive and deadly, the blacks who tried to ruin the breed are the sggressive deadly ones….But this whole thread is a typical black thing to do…move into a nice area…destroy it…then move onto the next area…get something nice, ruin it…move on…..i wanna change my vote…i vote you segregate right the fuck out of our country you ungrateful savages

    1. Barry says:

      This fool talking about welfare when more whites are on welfare than blacks. How is it that we are the root of the gun problem when it’s white people that are shooting shit up? I don’t even have time reply to all this ignorance

      1. Jeremy says:

        What white people shooting? The oregon shooter has a black mother…he has as much black blood in him as Obama….what other one? Your boy Vester who shot the two white reporters live on TV cause he thought they were racist? White people arent shooting up stuff…the media jumps all over white shootings that happen once in a blue moon ..usually by one sick medicated wacko…but blacks commit crimes with groups…its not a lone crazy gunman…its groups of you together…look it up man…type in google…Chicago shootings…you kill groups of eachother every weekend man…white pull that shit once a year….and as far as the welfare for whites go…its almost the same amount black n white on welfare…except white population is over 269 population is around 33 million..i cant waste time explaining ratios to another black person cause it never sinks in but have another white person explain it to you

    2. Jeremy says:

      Lol making a fool of myself infront of ALL THESE BLACK PEOPLE? O jesus….i think youre mistaken…when i came here 3 days ago this site was filled with you savages dicussing killing white families and babies….now that a white man is here with facts you all scurried under the fridge into the darkness like fuckin roaches….i had a bunch of friends come here to check it out….we’re still laughin how quickly you racist fucks slithered away

      1. white supremacist mocker says:

        Let me paraphrase:

        “I have no friends and I have roaches all over my trailer park. The only amusement that I get is going onto Black sites and projecting my worthlessness onto a whole race of people. I have brought the intelligence level down on this site and you’re the only person who’s willing to give me any attention. Wait, you have a life and you have stuff to do now?? No…don’t go away…I have nobody who will talk to me!! Shit. I think I’ll go kill myself.”

        1. Jeremy says:

          I explained to you several times im here because of the racist hateful stuff i read all of you writing 3 days ago( and you continue to) … If white people dont keep an eye on you, you guys start talking about race wars and killing white families and babies… here to chase the baboons away….if you blacks wanna discuss normal issues thats fine….but im not sitting back and letting you spread racist hate filled lies to each other

          1. Jeremy says:

            If blacks had the ability to think for themselves i wouldnt have to babysitt you animals…..but all it takes is one of you monkeys to make up a lie, then the next monkey hears it and repeats it, and it snowballs from there…you never ever try to confirm its true because you want to believe ithe lie so bad…. Youre sheep and you need a sheppard to herd you from bad things

  3. Randy Woodall says:

    Typical racist response

    1. Jeremy says:

      Yes…name calling…typical black behavior….now tell me to kill myself like you guys have 30 times on this racist site….after that threaten me…say “you lucky you aint that to a real niggas face” which again is a typical black savage response….how bout a debate? How bout prove me wrong? How bout not resorting to violence the second youre confronted with the truth?

      1. ZXtheD says:

        Why are you even here other than to troll people? You’re obviously not speaking in our best interest as a people so why are you even here? It’d be best to take your racism somewhere else where it’ll be well received.

    2. Almanett says:

      why are they always obsessed with usthere’s there no point in debating hes white supremacist what’s the fucking point?!

      1. Jeremy says:

        Lol notice none of you can defend your animalistic behavior?…just name calling and threats….thats how you roll… community always mentions open and honest dialogue…but the second a white person presents you with facts you resort to name calling, threats & violence….im the sicko right? The bunches of blacks on this site talking about killing white families and babies is cool with you tho right you savage racist …im the problem right? You joke

        1. Ashley Hopkins says:

          Wow you’re really on a roll you’re just everywhere on this comment section 😋

  4. Jeremy says:

    Blacks rape whites over 35 THOUSAND times a year…whites rape blacks so few times it doesnt come up in a percentage, usually 1 or 2 a year….blacks murder rates are so much higher than whites the department of justice( headed by Eric Holder and Obama ) the fuckin DOJ has to put the whites and hispanics in the same catogory to help make the numbers less horrific….so whites dont murder nearly as many people as blacks do despite the racist DOJ grouping spanish and whites in the same group….but victims? Lmao….when talking about victims they group whites and hispanics seperatly…do you understand that? They have to pump up white numbers to get the murder rate even close to you savages….get it? A white person is 25 times more likely to be attacked by a black then a white attacking a black….and if the white population is 269 million and the blacks only 33 million but whites are 25 times more likely to be attacked by blacks then vise versa… now you call me a racisis and threaten me so we can complete this typical black and white discussion

    1. ZXtheD says:

      Funny because white supremacists have committed more acts of terror in this country, at a greater rate than muslims but yet we have to kill sand niggers for the sake of freedom right?You don’t seem to be concerned with that though. And yes you are a racist, blatantly so. Seems like a troll too, which goes hand in hand seeing how there have been studies liking troll behavior with psychopathy, narcissism, and sadism. Funny isn’t it?

      1. Jeremy says:

        what white supremacist ? ! ….youre just repeating what you heard obama say like a fuckin parrot…..the oregon shooter was black…he lived with his black gun nut mother…he hasnt seen his white father in years…. His white father said hes never touched a firearm in his life…so the shooters still white huh? He has the same amount of black blood as your boy Obama….why black supremacists shooting up everything? What kinda white supremacist shoots only 9 white people? Youre brainwashed and you dont know it

        1. John A. fisher says:

          Boo fucking who who cares about your opinion which you think it’s fact of course.

  5. Jeremy says:

    Why am i here? Because i was passing by two days ago and i looked into this website…you were all posting about killing white families and murdering white babies….lying about made up issues back n forth and no one was calling you out on your racist bullshit….im the only one you guys are attacking….the blacks who are writing about killing innocent men women and children, thems the good ones right? Im racist even tho ive done nothing to any of you…infact no white person has ever done anything to any of you….u never met a KKK memeber, a white supremacist…youre just spreading racist lies and hate on this website… i try to debate you and you threaten me or call names…im no troll…but i enjoy schooling black racsist hate trolls

    1. ZXtheD says:

      No white person has done anything? YEAH you’re an obvious troll at this point. Show me where people have talked about killing white babies here because I haven’t seen it, and even if it’s true I don’t cosign all that so cut the BS. You came here looking for a fight and you got one, that’s all that is.

  6. Jeremy says:

    Im not holding one more black persons hand…look at the recent threads dude…fucken read em you lazy piece of shit…ive only been on this site 2 days and have been threatened 30 times…..typical black response….show me masa….fuck u dude….click on a few threads on this site and read for yourself….get the fuck outta here ….hold my hand n show me masa…whites gotta show you everything

    1. ZXtheD says:

      Show me the threats. You still haven’t done it yet. I’m waiting. It’s not that hard to point them out to me, unless they don’t actually exist.

      1. Jeremy says:






        1. John A. fisher says:

          Did that it just hurt your feelings I’ll bet you’ll just move on with your life right yeah I thought so there always threats on both sides but who has the power and authority to use certain resources to subjugate people in a massive way?

          1. Jeremy says:

            Hey john fischer…can you please translate that ebonics unintelligible giant run on sentence you just wrote for me? I tried to read it but cant make sence of it….dont feel bad tho…but you did pretty good for a black “person”

      2. Jeremy says:

        The best part was all you racist blacks were agreeing with him….and he wasnt the only one talking about death to white families and babies….and the only one you got a problem with is me huh? Racist savages…..come kill my family…you wanna kill my loved ones? O lordy you blacks just dont know !

  7. Jeremy says:

    And i didnt cause you racist savages to start writing about killing white families and babies…you were doin it before i got here…then i cleared house and you roaches scurried under the fridge…nasty racist fucks

    1. ZXtheD says:

      And again, even if it’s true I don’t cosign that, but let’s talk about the talking points you’ve been using that I regularly see on white supremacist sites and youtube channels. Judging by those your mindset isn’t any much different than those you claim to be making threats. So that being said why are you even upset when people return to you what you’ve been saying about them for all this time anyway?

    2. ZXtheD says:

      Like I said, I don’t cosign it if the people in question are innocent, but again this leads the question, your kind have been making these statements for years and I don’t see the same outrage coming from you over those. I wonder why?

    3. Sean says:

      Get outta here Crispy! The jig is up, we know it’s really you in disguise of a white supremacist!

  8. Jeremy says:

    And dont just skip over it ZXtheD….name the white person that did something to you…..ill protect you and give him a firm talking to…whats his name? Lemme guess Mr W. Supreme? or was it a doctor? Dr KKK maybe? You have no bad white guys name….youre all brainwashed by the media….whites arent doing anything to u…youve never seen the KKK …never had a white supremacist mess with you….you cant name one name or incident…..blacks heard a lie and repeat it to eachother like fucking parrot monkeys.

    1. ZXtheD says:

      And yet you keep using loaded terms like “savage” and “monkey” while trying to prove that racism doesn’t exist. Why don’t just do ahead and say “I’m not racist you NIGGER!” ? That right there sums up all the garbage you’ve been spewing this whole time.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Ive lived in black areas all my life….if you guys can call each other monkeys so can i….what makes you so special? Why would you be upset about a name monkey? You can call me(and have been calling me) any name you want….it doesnt hurt me…..i called you savages because you show nothing but savage behavior….dont get me wrong..:i like blacks…but good blacks arent allowed or dont speak ip against the niggas…you call good blacks uncle tom…have you ever read Uncle Toms cabin? He was a hero and had more courage and strength than any of you…im sick of hearing how im bad cause im white and youre good despite the murderous things you do across the country….im not gonna sit back and not call the savages out….you thinkin about killin my family now too?

        1. ZXtheD says:

          Wasn’t thinking about killing you, nope, and just because you hang around black people doesn’t absolve you from the racist BS you spew, then on top of that you might not even be telling the truth about your past anyway, seeing how a lot of you white supremacists make up stuff anyway. The words savage and monkey are alluded to because they, when used by you, carry with them the connotation that we are less than human-inferior to you, but I’m sure you know that. If we ever use that term it does not carry that same connotation. So please, cut the BS. You’re probably the type that asks “but they use the N word why can’t I” when you know damn well why you can’t use that word.

          1. Jeremy says:

            Lol o yes i can use that word and do often…i like to sing along to rapp albums ….i say nigga alot….and you would consider me a white supremacist just because i take pride in my race..why is that wrong?…im a white supremacist when im well aware the average asian is smarter than the average white? If im a white supremacist how come we know blacks are faster than whites? Supremacist means the best at everything…far superior…..what kinda white supremacist puts himself at number 2 ? The media mentions WS and you run with it cause blacks liove being the victim

          2. ZXtheD says:

            Yes I do consider you a white supremacist, but mainly because you bash our race while contributing nothing to the betterment of these problems you perceive. Your “white pride” (lol) is often used to instill the idea that your race should rule over all resources, all government, and all nations where you reside, always. That makes you a white supremacist, and it’s not the self-love you claim it is. It’s just a huge superiority complex.

          3. Jeremy says:

            I wasnt bashing your race…i stated a few facts in earlier threads…you guys attacked me, threatened me and all whites… Blacks force whites to mention”not all blacks” every fuckin sentence….look at my posts…look how many times i had to post “but its not all blacks” and the second you notice i didnt type ” its not all blacks” you right away rope all whites together…. Ridiculous talking to you blacks ( not all ) how many fuckin times do i have to write NOT ALL ! ?

          4. ZXtheD says:

            You say it’s “not all blacks” but yet you say that “asians are smarter than whites”, putting them into a group vs your ethnic group. You really say some contradictory stuff here. On top of that, if asians are smarter than you, where do we rank in intelligence in comparison to your race? Then after answering that, tell me, knowing what your answer will be, how that will affect what we can own an operate in this country and around the world.

      2. Jeremy says:

        I just told you everything you blacks are upset about is a lie …i just asked you for a name of a white person or even an incident…..i explain to you that blacks are actually the predators not the victims…..what do you do? You attack me by calling me names…dude im not sure if youre noticing a pattern here …but i sure am… lie / white man calls you out on it / you call white man racist….. rinse and fuckin repeat

      3. Jeremy says:

        Typical negro…i tell you everything youre basing your shitty lives on is a lie and youre worried i said parrot monkey….you dont dispute youre all wanna be victim fuckin liars…you agree with that….but youre no parrot monkey….just a liar…just a savage…sure we rape n murder whites by the truck load but im not a parrot monkey….lmfao….OOOOo yes you are

  9. Jeremy says:

    Half my posts on this site are me explaining its not all of you…i have to do that everytime i mention blacks or you cry….yet everytime you guys mention whites…its all of us….typical

    1. ZXtheD says:

      Never said it’s all of you, but you like to cry and moan a lot though. You lumped most of us in the criminal element, as you always do, or if you don’t you make it like we’re responsible for what some other person says or does. A few posts back you accused me of cosigning what some other dude said in another thread. You’re just projecting onto me what you’ve been doing this whole time, but hey, a white supremacists favorite psychological defenses is projection, so it’s understandable.

      1. Jeremy says:

        And yes i did lump ALL OF YOU in on the criminal end….ya wanna know why? Cause a black girl gets shot in the face at a crowded party with family and no one comes forward to tell the cops who did it…cause the governement has to put up shot spotter microphones because it turns out 90% of the gun shots in black areas go unreported…your stiches for snitches….because black women get raped by a black guy and wont report it because they say cops will be bad to the poor black rapist….lmao they dont report it so he can go out and ruin the lives of others….99.9-% of you are completely backwards

  10. Jeremy says:

    One of the heads of BLM just said on the radio that if whites dont meet with BLm their are gonna be bullets and bloodshed…lol he just said it…you sure you dont wanna kill my family?

    1. Jeremy says:

      Come on dude..theyve done so many studies on race and IQ its not even an arugment…and once again youre making me do it…the average….AVERAGE asian is smarter than the average white… means NOT ALL like ive explained to you twice …it doesnt mean blacks…many blacks cant be smarter than whites or asians….its just average man…the average black is faster than the average white or asian…it doesnt mean that ALL blacks are faster and it doesnt mean an asian cant run faster than a black ….it doesnt mean a black man couldnt become the smartest man in the world and it doesnt mean a white person cant have a dick that drags on the ground…its average man…understand this time?

      1. ZXtheD says:

        Yes and this is the rhetoric I’ve seen from white supremacists websites. Now tell me, since you believe that blacks on average are dumber than whites and asians, what that means when blacks wish to govern and own resources as opposed to you or asians owning them? Then, tell me, since we’re dumber than you, what that means in terms of our usefulness and humanity as opposed to you or asians. Go on, tell me.

        1. Jeremy says:

          Lmfao….dude youre gonna make me explain it a fuckin 4th time? ! OMG youre proving my point better than i ever could have….what an absolute dumb fuck you are…like the average black

          1. Jeremy says:

            i really cant explain it to you again…read what i wrote a few more times real slow like…then tell me your sorry

          2. ZXtheD says:

            I already know your talking points on race and IQ. I’m asking you where do blacks stand on the totem pole of power and resources since you see them as generally lacking in intelligence, or is THAT too hard for you to understand? Or do you fear that your answer will prove that you’re a barbaric white supremacist?

  11. Jeremy says:

    Once again didnt i say a black person could be the smartest person in the world? You didnt fuckin read that dumbo? No reason a black person couldnt be anything he fuckin wants….i would assume a black man being the smartest person in the world would be fully capable of running anything…..anything else you need me to explain to you about the world or life in general?

    1. ZXtheD says:

      I’m looking at where you say “average black man”. I’m purposely ignoring other cases because to you, those are rare anecdotes. I even said “ON AVERAGE you think blacks are dumber then whites and asians”, but yet here you are over here have problems with reading. Where in my post did I say that you don’t believe some blacks can be smarter than whites or asians? It’s true when they say the proponents of ideas like yours are so stupid and are the last people that need to defend them. Dude can’t even read, my god you’re stupid. NOW TELL ME, SINCE YOU THINK BLACKS [[ON AVERAGE]] ARE DUMBER THAN WHITES OR ASIANS, WHERE DO WE FIT ON THE TOTEM POLE OF POWER AND RESOURCES? Is that clear enough for you? I even put brackets around “on average” to make it clearer for you.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Totem pole of power and resources? Well Africa has more untapped resources than any land on this planet…and its completely black run…and you guys still cant figure out of to tap almost any of it without white peoples hand….you have all the power in africa yet all white nations still have to give billions of dollars to keep you from starving…so look to all those black countries in Africa and answer your own question

        1. Jeremy says:

          Look at google earth dude…look at Nigeria and South Africa…see those giant squares of barren land? Those are two of the most fertile lands on earth but you killed and chased off the white farmers that new how to farm….now those countries are starving and so is half of africa because they dint have the food the white man once grew for them

          1. ZXtheD says:

            So you’re saying that black people on average there are too dumb to plant and maintain their own crops? So you’re saying that whites in general are better off with that land than the blacks are? SO BASICALLY, you feel that whites should own those resources there as opposed to the black people running it, correct?

          2. Jeremy says:

            Im not saying whites are better off owning the land….they were better off not being killed and tortured i know that….what i did clearly mention was now that the white farmers are gone half of africa is starving to death….so id like to think that if black lives mattered to you the least you couldve done was not torture rape and kill the white people that were feeding half of africa ….do you feel its good that over 10,000 whites were killed and now thousands of blacks are starving to death? So which do you hate more white farmers or starving dead africans?

        2. ZXtheD says:

          So, since we (there goes that generalization you accused me of having) can’t figure out how to use those resources? Who does, and who should?

  12. Jeremy says:

    And BTW i plan on voting for Donald Trump or Ben Carson if either of them make it that far…Ben Carson is a brilliant good man thats probably smarter than half my family put together..but you probably think of him as an Uncle Tom or a sellout….ever heard a white supremacist say things like that?

    1. ZXtheD says:

      I don’t really care about who you intend on voting for. At this point I want you to answer my question you keep dodging (for obvious reasons), and until you answer it I’m treating any other post of yours as a garbage deflection.

    2. sam says:






  13. Jeremy says:

    Whats the fuckin question dummy? ! I answered so many of them multiple times for you….what more do i need to answer for fucks sake ? !

  14. Jeremy says:

    You dont care that a white supremacist is voting for a black man to lead his country? Im beginning to think you dont know what white supremacy is

  15. Jeremy says:

    Youve done nothing but ask me questions then gloss over my answers without even defending yourself with an actual argument…you attack me but never confront the actual issue…u keep asking dumb questions then its over…u made me give you the names of the blacks on this site that were writing hateful racist things….u tell me you dint believe it…i show you, then you skip to the next dumb question.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Can i ask you a few questions dumbo? How many white people were lynched in history? How many white slaves were there? How many blacks were taken in the Arab slave trade and why are there no black populations in the arab world? Who named Africa? can you answer those? I can

    2. ZXtheD says:

      Ah, that projection again. Such a sweet smell. It’s not my fault my questions make you uncomfortable. Blame your white supremacist views for that, for if you weren’t one they wouldn’t be so hard for you. You shouldn’t be a racist, hate filled piece of garbage. I already told you that I don’t cosign what others have been saying but yet you conveniently gloss over that though. Like, your comments on south africa and nigeria pretty much proves what I said about you. You tried to be slick an allude to black people being far too dumb to do for themselves, so white people have to do the heavy lifting in order for them to thrive at all. THAT IS WHITE SUPREMACY you tard. Let me reiterate what white supremacy is. If you think that white people should govern, own and maintain land and resources, and think that whites are generally superior to other races, ESPECIALLY black people, then you are one. My god your posts reek of this too, but you keep playing the deflection game, thinking you’re covering up these beliefs but they’re more visible than an elephant’s behind in broad daylight.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Then show me an all black anything thats succesful…im not glossing or dodging anything….why would you ask me about black and power and success if you already knew the answer… other race would half to ask a question like that… asked me if blacks could lead or be successful on there own… you realize how pathetic that question sounds? You shouldnt have to ask it…but apparently blacks do…yes i believe blacks can lead themselves successfully… i have an examples of it? Well do you?

        1. sam says:

          Who would honestly want to be WHITE? You knuckle dragging, pink skin, leprosy cursed, hairy bastards, hook nose, vitamin deficient, onion headed, inbred, big ears, horse f*cking, child molesting, stringy headed, flat chested, monkey handed, booger eating, albino APES can’t even stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes without getting sunburned and developing skin cancer. The reason most of you Mountain Apes (Whites) HAVE TO wear shaded sunglasses is because your eyes are adjusted Iiving in dark, gloomy, unlit caves where there’s little to NO light whatsoever. The only light you degenerates are used to is the light that comes from hitting two stones together in order to create fire (Like your aboriginal, cave dwelling ancestors). Furthermore, Caucasians NATURALLY carry diseases and pestilence that are fatal to most forms of life on Earth. There’s absolutely NO other race on Earth that are born NATURALLY with Sickle Cell (Blood Disorder), Tuberculosis/TB, Lupus, Genetic Lice (Crabs), ticks, and scabies coming out of their scalp/skin (other than Caucasians). No other race smells like wet dog and sour bologna meat when they get wet except White people (If you can call those sub-creatures HUMAN). Also, the last time I checked, the Black Plague didn’t originate in Africa or any other country; It came from EUROPE (Home of the Caucasians) mostly due to the fact that you guys ate, lived, and slept with RATS (Natural disease carrying rodents such as yourselves). Aside from that, you guys allow DOGS to eat out of the same dishes as your children at the dinner table and then you have the nerves to consider yourselves “CIVILIZED”! To add you guys are ALL ugly, ESPECIALLY your women who put on tons of makeup to cover acne, aging, freckles, dark spots, etc. THE MALES all HAVE tiny penis which look like baby NAKED MOLE RATS. To end this finally, you guys are also history’s greatest liars, thieves, rapist, murderers, pedophiles, and disease spreaders of ALL TIME. 

  16. Jeremy says:

    Dude are you denying south african and nigerian blacks killed and chased off thousands of whites to take their farms and then destroyed the farms instead of growing food for themselves and Africas people? You stupid moron….THOUSANDS OF WHITES WERE KILLED AND TORTURED JUST RECENTLY….you took the farms from land that was PAID FOR! it wasnt conquered….you took the fuckin land, ripped up all the irrigation pipes to sell for scrap metal and u ate all the seeds in the silos….now africa is starving worse than ever….that didnt happen you dullard? Deny it, savage

  17. Jeremy says:

    Lemme guess you didnt see it on CNN or FOX news so the blacks didnt commit genocide against 10s or thousands of whites right? south africa( the most fertile land in all the world) doesnt have giant squares of brown land when you look on good earth right? Ill explain to you why the squares are brown…..those are the farms u stupid fuck…those are the formely owned farms of the whites….the blacks couldnt figure out how to farm even tho they worked ALONG SIDE the white farmers since they got there….dick head

    1. Jeremy says:

      O wait…i just realized you cant google earth Nigeria or South africa because you dont know where they are on a map do you? Lol o lordy

  18. Jeremy says:

    Hey stupid are you trying to say the blacks really could farm that land if they wanted to theyd just prefer to starve to death? are you saying if blacks cant access the resources of africa that whites should not help if they can? Whites already give billions upon billions in aid to africa every year…. this is a typical black thing…youre ok with us giving you fish, thats all you want….but when we try to teach you to fish on your own you fall apart…not just once or twice….ALMOST everytime

  19. Jeremy says:

    I feel so bad…i just realized i owned an entire racist black hate website…all these threads were filled with racist blacks calling for a race war and the killing of white families and babies….where did all you racist hate filled savages go? Youre gonna let a white man take over your whole racist hate site? Im just confronting you with facts and that made ALL Of you scurry like rats in the darkness….good stay there you disgusting racist savages… gonna be in here everyday with facts and criticism so get used to it maggots

  20. Monkeys cant comprehend truth and facts

    1. Jeremy says:

      You gotta see the other lying thread on here….the one title black boy suspended for lookin at white girl….the story goes on n on about how upset the black boy n his family are and how white supremacy is everywhere and constantly keeping blacks down….it turns out the evil white supremacist in their story is actually a LITTLE ASIAN GIRL ! Lmfao

  21. I’ve read em. Your shits hilarious! Lmao! Your speaking the truth and doing a good job at it. Gave me a good laugh But its useless trying to get an animal to understand anything.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Well even if i cant get through to any of them it still keeps them from gathering here and talking about killing white families and babies….truth is roach spray to them

  22. recordtwist says:

    Don’t feed the trolls.

    It’s clear white supremacists find black self determination intimidating and threatening.

    The existence of trolls means we are on the right track. Their anger is a good thing.

    I expect the troll to respond as that is what trolls do. Why you, the troll, spend time trolling, us black folk will be over here building.

    The reality is, you can’t stop us, and you won’t stop us. We will continue to build and empower ourselves in spite of everything people like you try to do. You will fail, in fact you have already failed.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lmfao blacks build something? Now ive heard everything. O wait you guys built the pyramids right? You couldnt figure out the wheel, clothing, written language, metalurgy, sea faring vessels, maps, agriculture, but you built a wonder of the world right? Lmfao blacks love to steal…even history of other races

    2. Shay Shay says:

      This tirade has been exhausting. Why are you all having a conversation with these white trolls? We should be talking amongst ourselves!!!!!

  23. Jeremy says:

    No we wont stop you….infact white flight has been going on for 50 years trying to get away from you…youre parasites….you follow us everywhere then cry were keeping you down….you wanna follow us so bad that your black president has enacted a law that takes black people and sticks em in every white area of the US ….you hate us so bad you had to have a law passed so we have to except you in our nice clean white neighborhoods….why would your black leader put you in such a dangerous racist position? Lmfao…lying pretend victims maybe?

    1. Jeremy says:

      What did we fail exactly? Giving every single black person a college scholarship…making it so every single business in america has to hire a certain amount of blacks or risk massive fines(affirmative action) …or maybe we fail by giving Africa billions of dollars to help it?….or did we fail by having a war to free the slaves…hundreds of thousands of whites killed whites to free you pricks….ya know at first only the white countries outlawed slavery…then we had to force the non white nations to do the same( that feels like a fail)…lets see…by not stop you are you refering to the 35,000 black on white rapes every single year? Ooo i cant keep guessing…please tell us the answer!? What did white people fail?

  24. Need a roach bomb in my infested city! And I live in a historical ‘use to be’ pretty place. They’ve ruined it! The downtown area is 99% animal. An animal is animal and they tear up and destroy anything and everywhere there habitat is.

    1. Jeremy says:

      I hear ya Truth Speaker…i was in NYC all my life…i moved last year, best thing that i ever did in my life….i have normal nice neighbors now…the town is clean, only 2 murders in the last 10 years….people are happy, everyone owns guns and big beautiful property….and oh yea and the best part….negros are nowhere near me……SAAAAAWEEEEEET !

      1. sam says:





        DEATH TO YOU RACIST CRACKA PIGS, DEATH TO YOU ALL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Israel banner says:

      el diablo va a llorar!

    3. Israel banner says:

      joder la supremacía blanca y usted.

  25. Lmao! Lucky you! Savannah ga. Need i say more….it used to be a nice mostly white city. Now you have to move up into the country for that. They destroy everything

    1. Israel banner says:

      Mel supremacista se ha ido.

    2. Israel banner says:

      el diablo va a llorar!!

    3. Jeremy says:

      I went from a crime ridden city that doesnt allow guns to a town down south with very little crime…an open carry state so everyone has a weapon strapped to them or concealed on them…. Its funny the blacks dont chimp out around me when they see the grip of my .45 stickin out…and despite every one having a gun down here we dont kill eachother….but in cities like Chicago guns are totally out lawed yet somehow the blacks are murdering each other like a warzone in a gun free city

      1. Almanett says:

        Get the fuck off this site fucking sicko.

        1. Jeremy says:

          almanett please dont talk like that….just because Israel banner speaks spanish doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a sicko

          1. Free them says:

   could do better than that

      2. sam says:






  26. Truman says:

    Demonic oppression is the work of evil spiritual forces that urge us to sin, to deny God’s Word, to feel spiritually dead, and to be in bondage to sinful things. This oppressive work is performed by demons, which are fallen angels who resist God and who sinned in their first estate (Jude 6). They war against God, against God’s people, and against unbelievers as well. Their goal is to bring as many people as possible into rebellion against God and condemnation in Hell.

  27. Israel banner says:

    el diablo va a llorar!

    1. Red black and green says:

      Oh yeah, it will happen.

  28. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH

  29. sam says:

    White people are a disease.
    With a history of deception, genocide, rape, the conquering and stealing of countries that didn’t belong to you, the provoking of countries to go to war, funding warfare, destroying of important human history, the development of A.I.D.S. to kill off Africans, the creation of crack cocaine to destroy African american’s Melanin,(not to mention their very lives), all whites deserve all this returned unto them according to Universal Karma.

    And, the list goes on and on and on! White people you are a dying breed, the sun & the Yakub Muslim Melanoma Executions are killing you and theres not a god damn thing you can do about it. Your Chemtrails won’t save you nor will your pathetic synthetic melanins and sunscreens! LOL!

    Tyrant white men control everything, white girls (i say girls because women implies that they’re mature and posses a developed personality) are impassive and death-defyingly bent on beauty. THERES NOTHING PROUD ABOUT BEING WHITE…Pretentious, hateful, deluding, the inability to feel for other races, manipulative, untrustworthy, bent on world domination. Down right horrible people.

    You bitch all day about Blacks and Latino’s being violent,lazy and uneducated. FYI you made it that way and it’s a world-wide scheme to maintain they’re downfall- subjected to poverty, hunger, zero privacy…no escape.

    It took you hundreds of years of mass murder, oppressing non-whites, Thievery,(etc) to get where you are today, yet you walk around with a sense of accomplishment like it was hard work and thinking power that put you where you are today!

    You owe every race of people on this planet for your ideas, culture, sciences, beliefs, religions, inventions that you’ve taken credit for. Every last one of you live an illusion, in a psychotic matrix if you will. Never will you grip reality or take responsibility for what you’ve created of this disordered world and give back what you’ve taken. The racist things you say are an exact reflection of yourselves for being the mindless, ugly, low self esteemed, cold hearted and destructive morons your are.

    So Smile chalk face smile…Drive your nice cars, go home to your fancy houses, devour the media, indulge in refinery, safety and comfort…the spirit of MAAT has arrived, the evil white empire will fall

    As for every non-white whom have been brain washed in this white world…become conscious, be aware of this dreamworld you live in. Sweet change is coming, the dramatic reversal of this white world is already in effect, unnoticed yes, but in full function. Ever feel worthless and unappreciated? Blame the disgusting whites for creating agendas for you. It conquers as a whole and unites as one to deter revolutions that would rip it’s world apart at it’s roots. It won’t save, it is a villain selling the same bullshit to deter a real hero. A hero that died out thousands of years ago, maybe a million, maybe a billion, who can tell? The magnitude of human will never prevail under it’s influence and power. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Hey sammy boy! Hows everything? Tell me more about how you wanna kill white families and babies….how do you planning on commiting these acts of hate n violence?

      1. sam says:

        I love how you white folks jump at any opportunity to talk down on black folks especially on blogs over the internet. You know damn well you wouldn’t utter a word to them in person. But i have also come to realize that you are just racist because you are naturally scared of the black man. Remember the only people that feed off putting others down are the ones with the biggest insecurities. A vast majority of you guys are outspoken pussies.

        1. Shay Shay says:

          Can you all quit giving these white racist trolls the attention that they crave? Black people are not even engaged in constructive conversation with one another on here. You all are engaged in conversation with white supremacists.

  30. sam says:

    Columbine shooting = white people

    All theater shootings =white people

    All school shootings =white people

    highest suicide rate = white people

    terrorists attacks = retaliation for white people extorting the middle east

    9/11 = sponsored by white people

    every war = white people

    girl that ate her own tampon= white people

    sandy hook shooting= white people

    sex with animals= white people

    necrophilia = white people

    pedophilia=white people

    rapist=white people

    incest=white people

    ebola= created by white people to kill africans

    aids= created by white people

    smallpox=white people (used to eradicate native americans)

    measles = white people (used to eradicate aborigines)

    black plague=white people

    lice=white people

    sunburn = white people

    no melanin (allergic to the sun) = white people

    racism = created by white people.

    Atomic Bomb = white people

    the devil = white people

    scum of the earth=white people

    Genocide= white people

    slavery= white people

    Faggots= White people

    Wrinkle skin= White People

    Fear of Black people= white people

    Used to rape Black Women= White people

    Crack head= White people

    Scammers= white people

    Jim crow laws= white people

    Unhygienic= white people

    Dry=White people

    Peasants= white people

    get mad 😉

    1. Jeremy says:

      Hahaha youre a typical lunatic baboon….none of that shit it true…you monkeys have fascinating imaginations

      1. sam says:

        Bitch, you always coming to black sites. Go the fuck somewhere else. Nobody wants you here. You supposedly better than blacks but your white pedophile ass always coming to where we are at. Why is that? If I don’t like somebody I don’t go around them but you all always coming around us. I don’t want you whites around me. Go rape a dog like your culture typically does. You should be worried about Adam Lanza go around shooting white school kids and not us.

    2. dj says:

      Wow!!!… You done did it now. Jeremy the Troll is going to call the Police on the next innocent black person minding his/her business that he sees and lie on them so he can get his jollies off and feel some form of self worth once again after getting reality checked by you like that.

  31. sam says:






  32. sam says:

    White people are a disease.
    With a history of deception, genocide, rape, the conquering and stealing of countries that didn’t belong to you, the provoking of countries to go to war, funding warfare, destroying of important human history, the development of A.I.D.S. to kill off Africans, the creation of crack cocaine to destroy African american’s Melanin,(not to mention their very lives), all whites deserve all this returned unto them according to Universal Karma.

    And, the list goes on and on and on! White people you are a dying breed, the sun & the Yakub Muslim Melanoma Executions are killing you and theres not a god damn thing you can do about it. Your Chemtrails won’t save you nor will your pathetic synthetic melanins and sunscreens! LOL!

    Tyrant white men control everything, white girls (i say girls because women implies that they’re mature and posses a developed personality) are impassive and death-defyingly bent on beauty. THERES NOTHING PROUD ABOUT BEING WHITE…Pretentious, hateful, deluding, the inability to feel for other races, manipulative, untrustworthy, bent on world domination. Down right horrible people.

    You bitch all day about Blacks and Latino’s being violent,lazy and uneducated. FYI you made it that way and it’s a world-wide scheme to maintain they’re downfall- subjected to poverty, hunger, zero privacy…no escape.

    It took you hundreds of years of mass murder, oppressing non-whites, Thievery,(etc) to get where you are today, yet you walk around with a sense of accomplishment like it was hard work and thinking power that put you where you are today!

    You owe every race of people on this planet for your ideas, culture, sciences, beliefs, religions, inventions that you’ve taken credit for. Every last one of you live an illusion, in a psychotic matrix if you will. Never will you grip reality or take responsibility for what you’ve created of this disordered world and give back what you’ve taken. The racist things you say are an exact reflection of yourselves for being the mindless, ugly, low self esteemed, cold hearted and destructive morons your are.

    So Smile chalk face smile…Drive your nice cars, go home to your fancy houses, devour the media, indulge in refinery, safety and comfort…the spirit of MAAT has arrived, the evil white empire will fall

    As for every non-white whom have been brain washed in this white world…become conscious, be aware of this dreamworld you live in. Sweet change is coming, the dramatic reversal of this white world is already in effect, unnoticed yes, but in full function. Ever feel worthless and unappreciated? Blame the disgusting whites for creating agendas for you. It conquers as a whole and unites as one to deter revolutions that would rip it’s world apart at it’s roots. It won’t save, it is a villain selling the same bullshit to deter a real hero. A hero that died out thousands of years ago, maybe a million, maybe a billion, who can tell? The magnitude of human will never prevail under it’s influence and power. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN.!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH..

  34. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH!!!!!!!!!

  35. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis???

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH

  36. sam says:

    White people are a disease.
    With a history of deception, genocide, rape, the conquering and stealing of countries that didn’t belong to you, the provoking of countries to go to war, funding warfare, destroying of important human history, the development of A.I.D.S. to kill off Africans, the creation of crack cocaine to destroy African american’s Melanin,(not to mention their very lives), all whites deserve all this returned unto them according to Universal Karma.

    And, the list goes on and on and on! White people you are a dying breed, the sun & the Yakub Muslim Melanoma Executions are killing you and theres not a god damn thing you can do about it. Your Chemtrails won’t save you nor will your pathetic synthetic melanins and sunscreens! LOL!

    Tyrant white men control everything, white girls (i say girls because women implies that they’re mature and posses a developed personality) are impassive and death-defyingly bent on beauty. THERES NOTHING PROUD ABOUT BEING WHITE…Pretentious, hateful, deluding, the inability to feel for other races, manipulative, untrustworthy, bent on world domination. Down right horrible people.

    You bitch all day about Blacks and Latino’s being violent,lazy and uneducated. FYI you made it that way and it’s a world-wide scheme to maintain they’re downfall- subjected to poverty, hunger, zero privacy…no escape.

    It took you hundreds of years of mass murder, oppressing non-whites, Thievery,(etc) to get where you are today, yet you walk around with a sense of accomplishment like it was hard work and thinking power that put you where you are today!

    You owe every race of people on this planet for your ideas, culture, sciences, beliefs, religions, inventions that you’ve taken credit for. Every last one of you live an illusion, in a psychotic matrix if you will. Never will you grip reality or take responsibility for what you’ve created of this disordered world and give back what you’ve taken. The racist things you say are an exact reflection of yourselves for being the mindless, ugly, low self esteemed, cold hearted and destructive morons your are.

    So Smile chalk face smile…Drive your nice cars, go home to your fancy houses, devour the media, indulge in refinery, safety and comfort…the spirit of MAAT has arrived, the evil white empire will fall

    As for every non-white whom have been brain washed in this white world…become conscious, be aware of this dreamworld you live in. Sweet change is coming, the dramatic reversal of this white world is already in effect, unnoticed yes, but in full function. Ever feel worthless and unappreciated? Blame the disgusting whites for creating agendas for you. It conquers as a whole and unites as one to deter revolutions that would rip it’s world apart at it’s roots. It won’t save, it is a villain selling the same bullshit to deter a real hero. A hero that died out thousands of years ago, maybe a million, maybe a billion, who can tell? The magnitude of human will never prevail under it’s influence and power. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN..

  37. sam says:

    I don’t care about how white people been conditioned for 400 years fuck them. I’m not interested in changing how whites think; they are enemies. All of the evil they have done to blacks in the US and what would I look like trying to appeal to them. Fuck whites and I hope God wipes them out for good.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lol no interested in changing how whites think? !….how could you change how we think? Youre fuckin retarded…whites dont listen to blacks because we know how much you lie…we know that the average black iq is under 80..which means youre legally retarded…..everything that you copy and pasted in this thread is stolen and a lie…the only 2 things blacks are good at

  38. sam says:

    Regarding the Ape comments…
    White People have Thin lips like Apes,
    White People have flat butts like Apes
    White People have cromag brows like Apes,
    White People have Straight hair like Apes.
    White People have hairy hands & hairy feet like Apes.
    White People have Hairy bodies like Apes
    White People have quick fits of anger, thus you comments like Apes.
    White People have sweat that is the SAME smell & Ph level as Apes
    Clearly Black people do not have these things YOU DO!
    Just a funny look at how silly racist are

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lmao dude you took that off a white website that was making fun of blacks. Dude all those were from a website you just replaced the word Black with white….all of those comments are things whites say about blacks…u just changed the color and pasted it….good job monkey

      1. dj says:

        @Jeremy the Black Blog Site Crashing Toady Troll. You are a liar. Every thing you have been trying to use or say against black people are the very same statements that perfectly describe your people to a T…Nice try though troll…

        Go back to Stormfront or where ever you came from and I hope they are paying you to waste your time spreading lies on forums that do not concern you.

        You have to be such an inadequate feeling, low life piece of work to spend your days and/or nights harassing black people (who you claim you don’t listen to but are constantly crashing their sites) over the net in the manner that you do…It exposes a lot about you?

        Shooo now…go on troll…get…nothing to see here

    2. dj says:


      Racist will say the silliest things, don’t you agree??? LOL…

  39. sam says:

    White people are Edomites, descended from Esau (Jacob’s brother in the bible) who had light skin and red hair. When you connect the dots and realize that the Edomites were Neanderthals who had light skin and hair too. The savage Neanderthal genes explain the evil and sadistic behavior of white people in general.

  40. Jeremy says:

    Hahaha Ole Sammy boy is cutting and pasting the same racist stuff he posted in other threads….im thinkin someone had to type for him due to not having opposable thumbs….hey Sammy hows parole treatin ya? How many times have you been arrested Sam? Come on…you can tell us? Beaten and raping white old ladies like the rest of your ancestors?

  41. sam says:

    I think when studied close enough, the findings will show that the white and their white male counterparts are both equally evil and equally condemnation worthy.

    Concerning the white females, as already stated, while these creatures were enduring oppression at the hands their psychotic white males counterparts, they still took pride from oppressing and making sexual advances the strong black black males they lusted after and simultaneously degrading the black women they were jealous of.

    But the white male’s role in raping our women, dividing our families and being at the overt forefront of our cultural dehumanization is no less condemnation worthy.

    I think it’s dangerous to even suggest one of these proven conscienceless creatures was or is more evil than the other because it opens the door to suggest one might be deserving of mercy and as neither of them has demonstrated selfless mercy, neither of them should receive it

  42. sam says:

    The white race deserves what it is going to get because it is today truly spineless, self-debasing and very, very sick and perverse. God has condemned this race to damnation.
    White science teaches man made toxins are responsible for the destruction to the Ozone layer allowing for the increased levels of ultraviolet light into our atmosphere and damages their skin, eyes and brains.

    Their toxins are not responsible for the openings in the Ozone layer. Fashioning His light to discriminate between people of color and white people, the Divine opened the Ozone layer to burn the latter.

    The more ultraviolet light that comes through, the more their flesh will be destroyed & the more their mental and physical faculties will deteriorate.

    This too is what they deserve and it’s a pleasure watching it happen.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Hey same can you explain why multiple Artifical inelligence programs couldnt tell blacks from gorillas? Google it chimp boy…..Not even articial intelligence can tell you apart from monkeys…lol

  43. sam says:

    The worst people on this planet have always included Caucasian/ European individuals so lets go there again, because apparently everyone forgot who the real monsters were. While you can only muster a few black sects that have terrorized society, I can name whole white nations that have terrorized the WORLD.

    Always forcing their WHITE IDEALS on anyone who wasn’t white themselves, while stripping away any culture they didn’t like. Its absurd for any white person to think anyone could be happy with the outcomes of their fore fathers sins. They say racism is over and everyone should be together, only because they are comfortable. Let them live harder lives and go through an African or Native Americans tragic history. Let them come back and tell you their happy with the way the world is set up.

    The anger of the oppressed is justified, but all some of you can say is that its ignorance, when in fact its history. History of oppression, war, disagreements, race, money, and virtues. All those factors have contributed to the world you see today and the injustice that plagues it.

  44. sam says:

    Karma is a bitch. White people killed off nonwhites for six centuries so its karma and it goes around. Whites need to stop blaming others for the fact that white women are self-centerd stuck up cunts who think the world owes them something and white men are effeminate weak impotent wimps who care more about making money than making babies. They need to stop blaming blacks, fake Jews and others. It’s their own fault that they and their miserable evil murderous race is reaping the shit that they have sown against others for six centuries… and every white family deserves tragedies at the hands of blacks, Native Americans and all the people of color on the earth.

  45. sam says:

    Whites are racist psychopaths lost in a perverted sense of narcissism that makes them really think they don’t have to answer for their race’s crimes. The comments they’re leaving here are truly a testament to the fact that they think they are above universal laws.

    The idiopathic narcissism it takes to deny they are not owed the evil they collectively put out and after generations manipulatively refusing to make restitution for them is a psychological disorder now inherent in them due to the pathologies of their psycho race based socialization.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Sam is that post actually begging for money from the white man? Its appears that post is just a racist wrant crying for ANOTHER hand out….you want restitution for what exactly? Cause youre a lazy black and dont wanna work for it? Thats why we had to put you in chains…not capable of work without a whip cracking you in the back…youd starve
      Rather than work ….parasite black race….you make it sound likes its sooo horrible here but you wont leave even if we paid for it…..what person in there right
      Mind would stay in an opressive nation where everyone is keepin the black man down? If i was a slave and the whole country is so bad to you id leave…but you wont…you enjoy pretending to be a victim…you enjoy being a parasite on the white race

  46. sam says:

    Crackers are da lowest race beneath US they are irrelevant they ain’t nothing but just a rotten felty ass cavemen bitches they are just creatures never trust those colorless monsters

    1. Jeremy says:

      See this is one of Sams posts…you can tell because its worded like a retard…one long run on sentence wrant…now look at the perfect spelling and punctuation from his other posts….hes stealing other racist blacks posts and pasting them as his own….typical black stealing anything thats not nailed down

      1. sam says:

        You are white. you don’t experience it. duh. in other words, you’re ignorant.

    2. Jeremy says:

      So weird…some of sammy boys posts have perfect spelling…some have terrible spelling…some are in all caps..most dont make any sence….Sammy are you stealing from your fellow blacks like MLK? Remember MLK saying he had a dream? Lmao….it wasnt his dream…he stole that entire speech from an old black pastor… Typical black thief…don’t believe me? Look it up dope

  47. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that???????????? SMH

    1. Jeremy says:

      Sam copy and pasted every racist comment he could find on this site….he cant think for himself like most blacks

  48. sam says:

    Let me give you a little history lesson on violence, rioting, and looting because you all seemed to have forgotten that we learned this from YOU. It was white people who looted black churches, burned black town and churches to the ground, and rioted when they were unhappy with passage of civil rights laws. It was white people who beat us senseless at restaurants and lunch counters when we peacefully tried to break down “separate but equal”. It was white people who terrorized, spit on, and hit the black children in Little Rock when they were integrating public schools. It was white people who MURDERED our civil rights heroes like MLK and JFK to silence them and derail the fight for our civil rights. It was white people who lynched black men and killed Emmett Till for so much as looking at a white woman. You see, violence is okay when YOU don’t get what you want, rioting is fine when YOU don’t like the laws or rules, YOU kill and assassinate leaders who don’t support your agenda. So please miss me with all of your hypocritical condemnation of us right now, YOU also have a sordid history of rioting, looting, and burning things down when things aren’t going your way.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Let me give you a lesson Sammy boy….saying you learned violence from whites is the stupidest thing U can possibly say…blacks were too stupid to know how to be bad but they learned it from whites? Dude are you really saying Monkey see monkey do? Ok ok ill agree with you…youre a monkey and you do what we tell you even tho you know its wrong….you can’t help yourselves cause Massa told you to….good job Circus monkey

  49. sam says:

    I find it embarrassing for Africans to actually brag about foreigners colonizing their indigenous lands and smiling about it. This is a serious question and I’m not trying to be mean spirited – What HAVE indigenous Africans built on their own in their own lands? I am now convinced that Egypt was NOT a Black land. No one can convince me otherwise. Sure, there were Black skinned people in ancient Egypt but I highly doubt (now) that they created any of those sophisticated highly intelligent systems judging by how unintelligent and unskilled the average African is today in 2015. There are no great civilizations or systems in Africa today……that is NOT run and built by the Europeans who went there. Africans are a disgrace to Blacks all across the world. You have not been stripped from your lands yet you are embracing colonization of your own lands. How is it trade when the Chinese are IN your lands building things that are benefiting them more? Build your own sh*t. You have your own resources yet you still haven’t figured out how to capitalize on it to strengthen your own continent? Chinese leadership who send the Chinese there to build are also encouraging and almost forcing the Chinese men to take marriage with the African women. Now lets see how smart you are. WHY do you think they are encouraging this and almost forcing it? I’ll give you a hint. There is nothing new under the sun. For people who are keen on history including world history, then you should be able to answer that easy question. Mark my words (like we have warned the Mexicans here before they realized how right we were about the nature of the beast), the Chinese WILL exploit your resources and ultimately make you powerless on your own lands. I will bet my life on this. Africans do not know the history of the Chinese and just because they haven’t enslaved you or colonized YOU as Africans in history, check out their history with others. They will not be as bad as the Europeans/Whites, I do know that much, but the Chinese will forever put their own people first. You Africans are making a huge mistake, but you will only learn once you fall and extremely hard. This was the VERY mistake of the ancient Egyptians, one of the greatest empires the world has ever known…..then they fell once they allowed foreigners in and now Europe is being ruined culturally and economically because they have embraced multiculturalism without regulations. Africans…I’m tired of preaching to the damn choir. You have been warned. You do not BRING in foreigners to give them that much power and control over your sh*t. You take your most ambitious and brightest people/students in your African nations and SEND them to foreign places to learn and study the “superior” systems of the foreigners smdh. THEN you bring your African brightest BACK to their own homeland and have them take what they have picked up from the outsiders and build it BETTER!!! 

    1. Alex goosby says:

      We need to start building and stop wasting time with trying to be accepted by white people.

      1. Jeremy says:

        Yes…why try to be civilized…just give up…blacks arent capable of the american dream

        1. sam says:


          1. Israel banner says:

            ¿Por qué estás perdiendo el tiempo feo mierda

        2. sam says:

          The white race is full of sick perverted WHITE MALE CRACKAS.

          Dennis Hassert, Sandusky, Bruce Jenner, Josh Duggar, Dylan Roof and etc., etc…

          Now: Jared Fogle

          YOU are all pathetic, whiney biaaatches! Your FRAGILE CRACKA EGOs lead you to produce other SICK FILTHY WEAK CRACKAS.

          The Aurora shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, Columbine, Eliott Rodgers, The SICK GermanWings pilot (LUBITZ) that killed 150 people, LaFayette Louisiana shooter..etc.. etc…

          Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)
          Ted Bundy
          John Wayne Gacy
          David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
          Jeffrey Dahmer
          Nightside / Zodiac killers
          Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer)
          Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)
          Robert Christian Hansen
          Fred & Rosemary West
          Richard Speck
          Gerard John Schaefer
          Dennis Nilsen
          John Hughes
          Joel Rifkin
          Keith Jesperson
          Joseph G. Christopher
          Ricky Kasso
          Bruce Mendenhall
          Richard Cottingham…
          ..etc.. etc…

          Your own WOMEN know that you are WEAK and PERVERTED.
          Your mother knows, your sister knows, your wives/girlfriends know YOU are WEAK and PERVERTED.

          WHITE WOMEN know and have always known about YOUR pedophillia (CATHOLIC CHURCH, BOY SCOUTS…).

          YOUR inherent homosexuality (CUCKOLD PORN, InterRACIAL Porn watched mostly by WHITE MALE CRACKAS).

          Movies like the JACKASS franchise… NO BLACK MAN would “Dick-Punch” or even think about the SICK Sh*t that YOU “joke” about.

          Law enforcement knows when looking for a CHILD MOLESTER, the profile is YOU.

          Pornographers cater to the SICK PERVERTED WHITE MALE (Cuckold Porn, Beastiality, etc…)

          When a SERIAL KILLER is profiled; it is YOU.

          Pervert !!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

          No wonder your RACE is DYING. YOU have CHRONIC LOW Testosterone.. LOW Masculinity.

          FILTHY PERVERTED CRACKA … F’ing perverts… pedos… and mass murderers… Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!! PERVERT WHITE CRACKAS !!!!

          Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

          Filthy white trash crackas !

          1. Marvin Williams says:

            Stop feeding the toll man, it’s pointless.

      2. Shay Shay says:

        Thank you!!!!! Yours is the best comment on here.

    2. Jeremy says:

      Lol no interested in changing how whites think? !….how could you change how we think? Youre fuckin retarded…whites dont listen to blacks because we know how much you lie…we know that the average black iq is under 80..which means youre legally retarded…..everything that you copy and pasted in this thread is stolen and a lie…the only 2 things blacks are good at

    3. Jeremy says:

      sam this is an odd post compared to the other ones u stole n cut and pasted… Im not sure youre reading what youre stealing cause your post contradicts your other posts…figure out your lies and bullshit them get back to us…dope

  50. Jeremy says:

    Hey Sam any idea who named Africa for you? Millions of you chimps on the same continent but none of you could make a map, or paper or figure out what a name was….dumb fucks

    1. Israel banner says:


  51. Israel banner says:

    como cualquier sistema que oprime debe caer. 😛

  52. sam says:

    The white race is full of sick perverted WHITE MALE CRACKAS.

    Dennis Hassert, Sandusky, Bruce Jenner, Josh Duggar, Dylan Roof and etc., etc…

    Now: Jared Fogle

    YOU are all pathetic, whiney biaaatches! Your FRAGILE CRACKA EGOs lead you to produce other SICK FILTHY WEAK CRACKAS.

    The Aurora shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, Columbine, Eliott Rodgers, The SICK GermanWings pilot (LUBITZ) that killed 150 people, LaFayette Louisiana shooter..etc.. etc…

    Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)
    Ted Bundy
    John Wayne Gacy
    David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    Nightside / Zodiac killers
    Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer)
    Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)
    Robert Christian Hansen
    Fred & Rosemary West
    Richard Speck
    Gerard John Schaefer
    Dennis Nilsen
    John Hughes
    Joel Rifkin
    Keith Jesperson
    Joseph G. Christopher
    Ricky Kasso
    Bruce Mendenhall
    Richard Cottingham…
    ..etc.. etc…

    Your own WOMEN know that you are WEAK and PERVERTED.
    Your mother knows, your sister knows, your wives/girlfriends know YOU are WEAK and PERVERTED.

    WHITE WOMEN know and have always known about YOUR pedophillia (CATHOLIC CHURCH, BOY SCOUTS…).

    YOUR inherent homosexuality (CUCKOLD PORN, InterRACIAL Porn watched mostly by WHITE MALE CRACKAS).

    Movies like the JACKASS franchise… NO BLACK MAN would “Dick-Punch” or even think about the SICK Sh*t that YOU “joke” about.

    Law enforcement knows when looking for a CHILD MOLESTER, the profile is YOU.

    Pornographers cater to the SICK PERVERTED WHITE MALE (Cuckold Porn, Beastiality, etc…)

    When a SERIAL KILLER is profiled; it is YOU.

    Pervert !!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    No wonder your RACE is DYING. YOU have CHRONIC LOW Testosterone.. LOW Masculinity.

    FILTHY PERVERTED CRACKA … F’ing perverts… pedos… and mass murderers… Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!! PERVERT WHITE CRACKAS !!!!

    Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    Filthy white trash crackas !!!!!!!!!!!!

  53. sam says:

    Columbine shooting = white people

    All theater shootings =white people

    All school shootings =white people

    highest suicide rate = white people

    terrorists attacks = retaliation for white people extorting the middle east

    9/11 = sponsored by white people

    every war = white people

    girl that ate her own tampon= white people

    sandy hook shooting= white people

    sex with animals= white people

    necrophilia = white people

    pedophilia=white people

    rapist=white people

    incest=white people

    ebola= created by white people to kill africans

    aids= created by white people

    smallpox=white people (used to eradicate native americans)

    measles = white people (used to eradicate aborigines)

    black plague=white people

    lice=white people

    sunburn = white people

    no melanin (allergic to the sun) = white people

    racism = created by white people.

    Atomic Bomb = white people

    the devil = white people

    scum of the earth=white people

    Genocide= white people

    slavery= white people

    Faggots= White people

    Wrinkle skin= White People

    Fear of Black people= white people

    Used to rape Black Women= White people

    Crack head= White people

    Scammers= white people

    Jim crow laws= white people

    Unhygienic= white people.

    Dry=White people

    Peasants= white people.

    get mad 😉

  54. sam says:

    “There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes.”
    Khalid Abdul Muhammad

  55. sam says:

    White people are a disease.
    With a history of deception, genocide, rape, the conquering and stealing of countries that didn’t belong to you, the provoking of countries to go to war, funding warfare, destroying of important human history, the development of A.I.D.S. to kill off Africans, the creation of crack cocaine to destroy African american’s Melanin,(not to mention their very lives), all whites deserve all this returned unto them according to Universal Karma.

    And, the list goes on and on and on! White people you are a dying breed, the sun & the Yakub Muslim Melanoma Executions are killing you and theres not a god damn thing you can do about it. Your Chemtrails won’t save you nor will your pathetic synthetic melanins and sunscreens! LOL!

    Tyrant white men control everything, white girls (i say girls because women implies that they’re mature and posses a developed personality) are impassive and death-defyingly bent on beauty. THERES NOTHING PROUD ABOUT BEING WHITE…Pretentious, hateful, deluding, the inability to feel for other races, manipulative, untrustworthy, bent on world domination. Down right horrible people.

    You bitch all day about Blacks and Latino’s being violent,lazy and uneducated. FYI you made it that way and it’s a world-wide scheme to maintain they’re downfall- subjected to poverty, hunger, zero privacy…no escape.

    It took you hundreds of years of mass murder, oppressing non-whites, Thievery,(etc) to get where you are today, yet you walk around with a sense of accomplishment like it was hard work and thinking power that put you where you are today!

    You owe every race of people on this planet for your ideas, culture, sciences, beliefs, religions, inventions that you’ve taken credit for. Every last one of you live an illusion, in a psychotic matrix if you will. Never will you grip reality or take responsibility for what you’ve created of this disordered world and give back what you’ve taken. The racist things you say are an exact reflection of yourselves for being the mindless, ugly, low self esteemed, cold hearted and destructive morons your are.

    So Smile chalk face smile…Drive your nice cars, go home to your fancy houses, devour the media, indulge in refinery, safety and comfort…the spirit of MAAT has arrived, the evil white empire will fall

    As for every non-white whom have been brain washed in this white world…become conscious, be aware of this dreamworld you live in. Sweet change is coming, the dramatic reversal of this white world is already in effect, unnoticed yes, but in full function. Ever feel worthless and unappreciated? Blame the disgusting whites for creating agendas for you. It conquers as a whole and unites as one to deter revolutions that would rip it’s world apart at it’s roots. It won’t save, it is a villain selling the same bullshit to deter a real hero. A hero that died out thousands of years ago, maybe a million, maybe a billion, who can tell? The magnitude of human will never prevail under it’s influence and power. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sensei says:

      Not human? I mean…The culture is fucked up when it comes to White supremacy but still human. even though they teach their children that were not.

      1. Aishitemasu says:

        Look, when you’re talking about a people who have no empathy when you get shot or killed and murdered and say it’s all right because you were nothing more than a thug are a criminal, plus White media it’s pretty convincing that you would say the person is not human who has no humanity, they were taught systematically that we aren’t human and are the Scum of the earth..

  56. sam says:

    Who would honestly want to be WHITE? You knuckle dragging, pink skin, leprosy cursed, hairy bastards, hook nose, vitamin deficient, onion headed, inbred, big ears, horse f*cking, child molesting, stringy headed, flat chested, monkey handed, booger eating, albino APES can’t even stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes without getting sunburned and developing skin cancer. The reason most of you Mountain Apes (Whites) HAVE TO wear shaded sunglasses is because your eyes are adjusted Iiving in dark, gloomy, unlit caves where there’s little to NO light whatsoever. The only light you degenerates are used to is the light that comes from hitting two stones together in order to create fire (Like your aboriginal, cave dwelling ancestors). Furthermore, Caucasians NATURALLY carry diseases and pestilence that are fatal to most forms of life on Earth. There’s absolutely NO other race on Earth that are born NATURALLY with Sickle Cell (Blood Disorder), Tuberculosis/TB, Lupus, Genetic Lice (Crabs), ticks, and scabies coming out of their scalp/skin (other than Caucasians). No other race smells like wet dog and sour bologna meat when they get wet except White people (If you can call those sub-creatures HUMAN). Also, the last time I checked, the Black Plague didn’t originate in Africa or any other country; It came from EUROPE (Home of the Caucasians) mostly due to the fact that you guys ate, lived, and slept with RATS (Natural disease carrying rodents such as yourselves). Aside from that, you guys allow DOGS to eat out of the same dishes as your children at the dinner table and then you have the nerves to consider yourselves “CIVILIZED”! To add you guys are ALL ugly, ESPECIALLY your women who put on tons of makeup to cover acne, aging, freckles, dark spots, etc. THE MALES all HAVE tiny penis which look like baby NAKED MOLE RATS. To end this finally, you guys are also history’s greatest liars, thieves, rapist, murderers, pedophiles, and disease spreaders of ALL TIME. !!!!!!!!!

    1. Jeremy says:

      Anyone remember when mark wahlberg was filming planet of the apes and he was talkin about the female ape in the interview? Remember who he accidently said the ape looked like? janet jackson…lol …i never had more milk comeout of my nose laughing

    2. Jeremy says:

      Sam everything you type is made up lies….ontop of that you copy and pasted your lies, you werent even capable of typing your thoughts yourself….and once again your talking about penises in ANOTHER post…. I asked you why you keep focusing in black n white penises and saying disturbingly pervert homosexual things….you arent capable of answering….im responding to all of your posts but you just copy n pasting racist homoesexual rants…do you notice anyone else focusing on penises? What about penises facinates you?….care to discuss other subjects besides penises and gay sex? No? Ok

  57. Jeremy says:

    Lmao 20 white killers out of 269 million whites? Really? You have 5o blacks killed every weekend in Chicago alone you stupid fuck…You just killed 50 niggers in Chicago a few days ago but you came up with an all time list of 20 white killerz? Youre ever stupider than i thought u were….how many black teenagers raped 80 year old white women last month? Ill give you a hint…its more than one….are black women so ugly that you have to rape our elderly? I know that answer to that, i just wanna hear you admit it

  58. sam says:






  59. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that???????????????????? SMH

  60. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? SMH

  61. sam says:

    Crackers are da lowest race beneath US they are irrelevant they ain’t nothing but just a rotten felty ass cavemen bitches they are just creatures never trust those colorless monsters.

  62. sam says:

    It’s interesting how I’ve been affected by racism and it’s “always” white people who do such acts. I wonder why. I’ve been to an all white school and guess what happened. Then I moved to a diverse demographic and guess what happened, no sense of ignorance, racism is ignorance and fear aka insecure. What does this show you. White people are ignorant most of the time, but this leads to assumptions which unfortunately leads to hate. There’s a difference between hate and ignorance. Most (80%) whites are NOT AWARE of what OTHER people are going through and the person’s culture. White people love to spin the positive trait to a negative to feel better of themselves, I notice that pattern. I wonder where this HABIT came FROM? UPBRINGING = CULTURE. Yes white people invented and innovated many things, obviously you’ll feel great when you’re in an environment 70% of white background in north america. You’ll only hear the positives… positive feed back. So you are curious WHAT other colours have contributed to society, you use the past (events) to weigh the present. When a person talks about a problem, when it’s a white problem, it’s labeled a male, but if it’s a person of colour, it’s has to be labelled black, hispanic, or asian right next to the gender so they can associate the problem with the colour. Even though white people committed the most psychopathic crimes and school shootings. What does that tell you? How would you feel when someone comes up to you and jokes around if you plan to shoot up a school tomorrow. Of course you’ll feel offended, then the other person would say, take a joke man. That is not a joke, in fact, he is stereotyping you due to what he saw in the media. To truely eliminate racism, schools should educate about black, asian, white, and hispanic history and culture EQUALLY and NOT just white history from elementary to secondary school and learn to identify and call out on those people who are ignorant or fearful or both. And if some white people think they are losing power, what does that mean? corruption? ooohhh there is plenty of it right now and it’s making people poor, fat, broke, dead (health care) and that’s done by a white government and corporations. self-fish, ignorance, and fear. When hate comes into play, then that’s absolute racism, which is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT And yes we are all immigrants and yes there are corrupted white countries. Look at the youtube comments, if its a white person in the video, no hate, a black or other colour… racism, hate, tons of it. Don’t think that everyone of all races want to be in north america, there are other non white countries who are extremely stable as well.

  63. sam says:

    whites smoking weed : hippies
    blacks smoking weed : thugs

    whites on welfare : poor
    blacks on welfare : lazy

    girls gone wild: good ol college days
    black woman twerkin : whore

    whites cant find a job : bad economy
    blacks cant find a job : dependent

    white country bombing brown countries : democracy
    september 11 : terrorism

    whites torch cop cars and destroy property after baseball games : rowdy

    blacks torch cop cars and destroy property after a cop gets away with murder : savages.

  64. sam says:

    Who would honestly want to be WHITE? You knuckle dragging, pink skin, leprosy cursed, hairy bastards, hook nose, vitamin deficient, onion headed, inbred, big ears, horse f*cking, child molesting, stringy headed, flat chested, monkey handed, booger eating, albino APES can’t even stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes without getting sunburned and developing skin cancer. The reason most of you Mountain Apes (Whites) HAVE TO wear shaded sunglasses is because your eyes are adjusted Iiving in dark, gloomy, unlit caves where there’s little to NO light whatsoever. The only light you degenerates are used to is the light that comes from hitting two stones together in order to create fire (Like your aboriginal, cave dwelling ancestors). Furthermore, Caucasians NATURALLY carry diseases and pestilence that are fatal to most forms of life on Earth. There’s absolutely NO other race on Earth that are born NATURALLY with Sickle Cell (Blood Disorder), Tuberculosis/TB, Lupus, Genetic Lice (Crabs), ticks, and scabies coming out of their scalp/skin (other than Caucasians). No other race smells like wet dog and sour bologna meat when they get wet except White people (If you can call those sub-creatures HUMAN). Also, the last time I checked, the Black Plague didn’t originate in Africa or any other country; It came from EUROPE (Home of the Caucasians) mostly due to the fact that you guys ate, lived, and slept with RATS (Natural disease carrying rodents such as yourselves). Aside from that, you guys allow DOGS to eat out of the same dishes as your children at the dinner table and then you have the nerves to consider yourselves “CIVILIZED”! To add you guys are ALL ugly, ESPECIALLY your women who put on tons of makeup to cover acne, aging, freckles, dark spots, etc. THE MALES all HAVE tiny penis which look like baby NAKED MOLE RATS. To end this finally, you guys are also history’s greatest liars, thieves, rapist, murderers, pedophiles, and disease spreaders of ALL TIME. !!

  65. sam says:

    White people are Edomites, descended from Esau (Jacob’s brother in the bible) who had light skin and red hair. When you connect the dots and realize that the Edomites were Neanderthals who had light skin and hair too. The savage Neanderthal genes explain the evil and sadistic behavior of white people in general.!!

  66. sam says:

    White People have Thin lips like Apes,
    White People have flat butts like Apes
    White People have cromag brows like Apes,
    White People have Straight hair like Apes.
    White People have hairy hands & hairy feet like Apes.
    White People have Hairy bodies like Apes
    White People have quick fits of anger, thus you comments like Apes.
    White People have sweat that is the SAME smell & Ph level as Apes
    Clearly Black people do not have these things YOU DO!
    Just a funny look at how silly racist are!!

  67. sam says:






  68. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that??? SMH

  69. sam says:

    The white race is full of sick perverted WHITE MALE CRACKAS.

    Dennis Hassert, Sandusky, Bruce Jenner, Josh Duggar, Dylan Roof and etc., etc…

    Now: Jared Fogle

    YOU are all pathetic, whiney biaaatches! Your FRAGILE CRACKA EGOs lead you to produce other SICK FILTHY WEAK CRACKAS.

    The Aurora shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, Columbine, Eliott Rodgers, The SICK GermanWings pilot (LUBITZ) that killed 150 people, LaFayette Louisiana shooter..etc.. etc…

    Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)
    Ted Bundy
    John Wayne Gacy
    David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    Nightside / Zodiac killers
    Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer)
    Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)
    Robert Christian Hansen
    Fred & Rosemary West
    Richard Speck
    Gerard John Schaefer
    Dennis Nilsen
    John Hughes
    Joel Rifkin
    Keith Jesperson
    Joseph G. Christopher
    Ricky Kasso
    Bruce Mendenhall
    Richard Cottingham…
    ..etc.. etc…

    Your own WOMEN know that you are WEAK and PERVERTED.
    Your mother knows, your sister knows, your wives/girlfriends know YOU are WEAK and PERVERTED.

    WHITE WOMEN know and have always known about YOUR pedophillia (CATHOLIC CHURCH, BOY SCOUTS…).

    YOUR inherent homosexuality (CUCKOLD PORN, InterRACIAL Porn watched mostly by WHITE MALE CRACKAS).

    Movies like the JACKASS franchise… NO BLACK MAN would “Dick-Punch” or even think about the SICK Sh*t that YOU “joke” about.

    Law enforcement knows when looking for a CHILD MOLESTER, the profile is YOU.

    Pornographers cater to the SICK PERVERTED WHITE MALE (Cuckold Porn, Beastiality, etc…)

    When a SERIAL KILLER is profiled; it is YOU.

    Pervert !!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    No wonder your RACE is DYING. YOU have CHRONIC LOW Testosterone.. LOW Masculinity.

    FILTHY PERVERTED CRACKA … F’ing perverts… pedos… and mass murderers… Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!! PERVERT WHITE CRACKAS !!!!

    Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    Filthy white trash crackas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. sam says:

    The white race is full of sick perverted WHITE MALE CRACKAS.

    Dennis Hassert, Sandusky, Bruce Jenner, Josh Duggar, Dylan Roof and etc., etc…

    Now: Jared Fogle

    YOU are all pathetic, whiney biaaatches! Your FRAGILE CRACKA EGOs lead you to produce other SICK FILTHY WEAK CRACKAS.

    The Aurora shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, Columbine, Eliott Rodgers, The SICK GermanWings pilot (LUBITZ) that killed 150 people, LaFayette Louisiana shooter..etc.. etc…

    Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)
    Ted Bundy
    John Wayne Gacy
    David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    Nightside / Zodiac killers
    Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer)
    Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)
    Robert Christian Hansen
    Fred & Rosemary West
    Richard Speck
    Gerard John Schaefer
    Dennis Nilsen
    John Hughes
    Joel Rifkin
    Keith Jesperson
    Joseph G. Christopher
    Ricky Kasso
    Bruce Mendenhall
    Richard Cottingham…
    ..etc.. etc…

    Your own WOMEN know that you are WEAK and PERVERTED.
    Your mother knows, your sister knows, your wives/girlfriends know YOU are WEAK and PERVERTED.

    WHITE WOMEN know and have always known about YOUR pedophillia (CATHOLIC CHURCH, BOY SCOUTS…).

    YOUR inherent homosexuality (CUCKOLD PORN, InterRACIAL Porn watched mostly by WHITE MALE CRACKAS).

    Movies like the JACKASS franchise… NO BLACK MAN would “Dick-Punch” or even think about the SICK Sh*t that YOU “joke” about.

    Law enforcement knows when looking for a CHILD MOLESTER, the profile is YOU.

    Pornographers cater to the SICK PERVERTED WHITE MALE (Cuckold Porn, Beastiality, etc…)

    When a SERIAL KILLER is profiled; it is YOU.

    Pervert !!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    No wonder your RACE is DYING. YOU have CHRONIC LOW Testosterone.. LOW Masculinity.

    FILTHY PERVERTED CRACKA … F’ing perverts… pedos… and mass murderers… Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!! PERVERT WHITE CRACKAS !!!!

    Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOLOL

    Filthy white trash crackas !

  71. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  72. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that???????????????? SMH!

    1. Jeremy says:

      Sam you copied and pasted that post because we’ve all seen your actual posts….you cant spell worth of shit. And thats so cute posting the samething over n over to cover up the facts im slapping you with… know you cant out think a white man so you do the next best thing a black man can do…something childish and stupid….exactly what we thought youd do

  73. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. …

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH

    1. JayBay says:

      I agree with Sam. These white people are nothing. Less than nothing in fact. For all the chest thumping they do in places like this, they know that they’re just soulless husks who can’t live peacefully so they have to disrupt any and everything that they can’t control. Here’s what the Apocrypha sums up about white people.

      2 Esdras 6:54-59
      54 and over these you placed Adam, as ruler over all the works that you had made; and from him we have all come, the people whom you have chosen (that would be blacks, non-european hispanics and native americans). 55 “All this I have spoken before you, O Lord, because you have said that it was for us (see before) that you created this world. 56 As for the other nations that have descended from Adam (that would be you whites), you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle (aka spit), and you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket (meaning even the Creator views your entire existence as the equivalent to a drop from a bucket. He doesn’t even care)

      And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Who are the people that whites constantly talk shit about, hate with a passion, and do everything they can to kill and prevent them from getting better lives and living peacefully. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. Who are the people who they CONSTANTLY try to emulate whether it’s dance, music, spirituality, philosophy etc. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. We’re the best thing on this planet. Always have been. Always will be. It’s just that guys like Jeremy can’t stand that fact so they spend their free time on here talking bad about you in the HOPE that you’ll go back to hating yourself and thinking of yourselves as niggers, spicks, etc.. Look at this post and other posts. No one who thinks they’re the greatest thing on the planet would spend as much time on this site as he has including the other trolls. They’re nothing and know it. When I hear about all these crazy white people going around shooting up theaters or ISIS shooting them in their own countries, I rejoice. It’s a righteous thing. Justice is being served and we don’t have to get our hands dirty. And don’t go saying “you’re wrong”. Do you honestly think that with all the evil that whites have done in the world that the most high wasn’t going to exact revenge? ISIS, China, North Korea. These are just some of the groups that would love to see you extinct. And as long as we learn to realize that whites are nothing and learn to love each other and keep his commandments, they’re going to continue. Man I love this age! I can see Jeremy’s people’s gradual decline and destruction all over the world with just the click of a button! There was a little white boy in the news who just shot a little white girl over a puppy. A puppy! Your people are getting worse and worse while our people are slowly getting better and it’s going to cause your destruction. Happy posting you drop in a bucket!

      1. JayBay says:

        Just remember my colored brothers and sisters. These white peoples lives are nothing.They will always hate you and force you to try to defend the bad things you do even though they’ve done WAY worse all over the globe and show pride in all of it. Don’t be upset when they get what comes to them. Go out and start putting your people first. You have a duty as people who are trying to change things. Even something as simple as donating money to people who have proven that they’re trying to better our situation (i.e. Umar Johnsons school) will make all our lives a little better in the long run. Shalom

        1. Jeremy says:

          Youre colored brother and sisters? Youre a Chink living in japan….what the fuck to you know about blacks? You sided with ISIS in your previous post….so youre on ISIS and the blacks is your stance right? I just wanna be clear so the negros in here know that a ISIS loving JAP is defending them…(poorly)

  74. Jeremy says:

    Lmao…Sam youre a joke of a black….you cant debate or explain yourself so you post the same paragrah over n over….typical nigger

  75. Jeremy says:

    The average white persons grade is C???? Thats so unusual considering C means average you stupud fuck…..C means average and the average white gets a grade C… really figured us out….did you know that the average black is an N ? and your mom is a C and if anyone knew who your father was im sure he gets a H and I or V grade

    1. Jeremy says:

      And when did whites say they were so great? just because all whites are better than you doesnt mean we think it…we just are

  76. sam says:

    The white race is full of sick perverted WHITE MALE CRACKAS.

    Dennis Hassert, Sandusky, Bruce Jenner, Josh Duggar, Dylan Roof and etc., etc…

    Now: Jared Fogle

    YOU are all pathetic, whiney biaaatches! Your FRAGILE CRACKA EGOs lead you to produce other SICK FILTHY WEAK CRACKAS.

    The Aurora shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, Columbine, Eliott Rodgers, The SICK GermanWings pilot (LUBITZ) that killed 150 people, LaFayette Louisiana shooter..etc.. etc…

    Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)
    Ted Bundy
    John Wayne Gacy
    David Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    Nightside / Zodiac killers
    Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer)
    Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker)
    Robert Christian Hansen
    Fred & Rosemary West
    Richard Speck
    Gerard John Schaefer
    Dennis Nilsen
    John Hughes
    Joel Rifkin
    Keith Jesperson
    Joseph G. Christopher
    Ricky Kasso
    Bruce Mendenhall
    Richard Cottingham…
    ..etc.. etc…

    Your own WOMEN know that you are WEAK and PERVERTED.
    Your mother knows, your sister knows, your wives/girlfriends know YOU are WEAK and PERVERTED.

    WHITE WOMEN know and have always known about YOUR pedophillia (CATHOLIC CHURCH, BOY SCOUTS…)…………..

    YOUR inherent homosexuality (CUCKOLD PORN, InterRACIAL Porn watched mostly by WHITE MALE CRACKAS).

    Movies like the JACKASS franchise… NO BLACK MAN would “Dick-Punch” or even think about the SICK Sh*t that YOU “joke” about.

    Law enforcement knows when looking for a CHILD MOLESTER, the profile is YOU.

    Pornographers cater to the SICK PERVERTED WHITE MALE (Cuckold Porn, Beastiality, etc…)

    When a SERIAL KILLER is profiled; it is YOU.

    Pervert !!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    No wonder your RACE is DYING. YOU have CHRONIC LOW Testosterone.. LOW Masculinity.

    FILTHY PERVERTED CRACKA … F’ing perverts… pedos… and mass murderers… Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!! PERVERT WHITE CRACKAS !!!!

    Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!

    Filthy white trash crackas !

  77. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. . .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH

    1. JayBay says:

      You know what’s funny? The farther away you get from the continent of Africa the weaker genetically you become ie more susceptible to disease, more mental problems etc. Look it up. It’s not even black doctors that showed this, it was white ones! Their own people proved that they’re genetically inferior but will spend every waking moment trying to trash talk us! They’ll call us monkeys when a quick google search of shaved monkey shows pale skin and thin lips just like theirs. They’re so pathetic now that the can’t even do racism right!

      1. Jeremy says:

        More susceptible to disease huh? Thats so weird cause white people live on AVERAGE much longer than negros when they dont kill us before out time…black people get diseases that white cant even catch…….so your study shows that the people that stayed in Africa actually have better genetics then the people that left and spread across the world? Does that same study show that sub saharra africans have a way smaller brain cavity …if you tried to fit a white brain in a africans skull youd only fit half the brain inside his cranium…these are facts….this is science

  78. sam says:

    Who would honestly want to be WHITE? You knuckle dragging, pink skin, leprosy cursed, hairy bastards, hook nose, vitamin deficient, onion headed, inbred, big ears, horse f*cking, child molesting, stringy headed, flat chested, monkey handed, booger eating, albino APES can’t even stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes without getting sunburned and developing skin cancer. The reason most of you Mountain Apes (Whites) HAVE TO wear shaded sunglasses is because your eyes are adjusted Iiving in dark, gloomy, unlit caves where there’s little to NO light whatsoever. The only light you degenerates are used to is the light that comes from hitting two stones together in order to create fire (Like your aboriginal, cave dwelling ancestors). Furthermore, Caucasians NATURALLY carry diseases and pestilence that are fatal to most forms of life on Earth. There’s absolutely NO other race on Earth that are born NATURALLY with Sickle Cell (Blood Disorder), Tuberculosis/TB, Lupus, Genetic Lice (Crabs), ticks, and scabies coming out of their scalp/skin (other than Caucasians). No other race smells like wet dog and sour bologna meat when they get wet except White people (If you can call those sub-creatures HUMAN). Also, the last time I checked, the Black Plague didn’t originate in Africa or any other country; It came from EUROPE (Home of the Caucasians) mostly due to the fact that you guys ate, lived, and slept with RATS (Natural disease carrying rodents such as yourselves). Aside from that, you guys allow DOGS to eat out of the same dishes as your children at the dinner table and then you have the nerves to consider yourselves “CIVILIZED”! To add you guys are ALL ugly, ESPECIALLY your women who put on tons of makeup to cover acne, aging, freckles, dark spots, etc. THE MALES all HAVE tiny penis which look like baby NAKED MOLE RATS. To end this finally, you guys are also history’s greatest liars, thieves, rapist, murderers, pedophiles, and disease spreaders of ALL TIME. 

  79. sam says:





    DEATH TO YOU RACIST CRACKA PIGS, DEATH TO YOU ALL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  80. sam says:

    Columbine shooting = white people

    All theater shootings =white people

    All school shootings =white people

    highest suicide rate = white people

    terrorists attacks = retaliation for white people extorting the middle east

    9/11 = sponsored by white people

    every war = white people

    girl that ate her own tampon= white people

    sandy hook shooting= white people

    sex with animals= white people

    necrophilia = white people

    pedophilia=white people

    rapist=white people

    incest=white people

    ebola= created by white people to kill africans

    aids= created by white people

    smallpox=white people (used to eradicate native americans)

    measles = white people (used to eradicate aborigines)

    black plague=white people

    lice=white people

    sunburn = white people

    no melanin (allergic to the sun) = white people

    racism = created by white people.

    Atomic Bomb = white people

    the devil = white people

    scum of the earth=white people

    Genocide= white people

    slavery= white people

    Faggots= White people

    Wrinkle skin= White People

    Fear of Black people= white people

    Used to rape Black Women= White people

    Crack head= White people

    Scammers= white people

    Jim crow laws= white people

    Unhygienic= white people

    Dry=White people

    Peasants= white people .

    get mad 😉

  81. sam says:

    “There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes.!!”
    Khalid Abdul Muhammad

  82. sam says:

    White people are a disease.
    With a history of deception, genocide, rape, the conquering and stealing of countries that didn’t belong to you, the provoking of countries to go to war, funding warfare, destroying of important human history, the development of A.I.D.S. to kill off Africans, the creation of crack cocaine to destroy African american’s Melanin,(not to mention their very lives), all whites deserve all this returned unto them according to Universal Karma.

    And, the list goes on and on and on! White people you are a dying breed, the sun & the Yakub Muslim Melanoma Executions are killing you and theres not a god damn thing you can do about it. Your Chemtrails won’t save you nor will your pathetic synthetic melanins and sunscreens! LOL!

    Tyrant white men control everything, white girls (i say girls because women implies that they’re mature and posses a developed personality) are impassive and death-defyingly bent on beauty. THERES NOTHING PROUD ABOUT BEING WHITE…Pretentious, hateful, deluding, the inability to feel for other races, manipulative, untrustworthy, bent on world domination. Down right horrible people.

    You bitch all day about Blacks and Latino’s being violent,lazy and uneducated. FYI you made it that way and it’s a world-wide scheme to maintain they’re downfall- subjected to poverty, hunger, zero privacy…no escape.

    It took you hundreds of years of mass murder, oppressing non-whites, Thievery,(etc) to get where you are today, yet you walk around with a sense of accomplishment like it was hard work and thinking power that put you where you are today!

    You owe every race of people on this planet for your ideas, culture, sciences, beliefs, religions, inventions that you’ve taken credit for. Every last one of you live an illusion, in a psychotic matrix if you will. Never will you grip reality or take responsibility for what you’ve created of this disordered world and give back what you’ve taken. The racist things you say are an exact reflection of yourselves for being the mindless, ugly, low self esteemed, cold hearted and destructive morons your are.

    So Smile chalk face smile…Drive your nice cars, go home to your fancy houses, devour the media, indulge in refinery, safety and comfort…the spirit of MAAT has arrived, the evil white empire will fall

    As for every non-white whom have been brain washed in this white world…become conscious, be aware of this dreamworld you live in. Sweet change is coming, the dramatic reversal of this white world is already in effect, unnoticed yes, but in full function. Ever feel worthless and unappreciated? Blame the disgusting whites for creating agendas for you. It conquers as a whole and unites as one to deter revolutions that would rip it’s world apart at it’s roots. It won’t save, it is a villain selling the same bullshit to deter a real hero. A hero that died out thousands of years ago, maybe a million, maybe a billion, who can tell? The magnitude of human will never prevail under it’s influence and power. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. sam says:

    We all know the genocide of natives,aboriginals and africans at the hands of the white imperialist.But now recent evidences and records uncovered shows that British had slaughtered close to 30 million Indians(east indians) using various tactics like artificial famine,counter insurgency and in the name of protection of sovereignty of the empire.infact the british ran a concentration death camps on like lines of nazi camps.

    I used to believe that not all whites are bad But i am forced in believing that all whites are two side of the same coin. Genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan,rest of Asia and Africa, discrimination against blacks and other dark skinned communities – and apartheid and what not….. . White people don’t deserve a penny worth of respect!

    1. JayBay says:

      It’s estimated that close to 100 million blacks died on the transatlantic slave trade alone. For every white person who says that “that wasn’t my dad” just remember that they they’ll say it’s an injustice but did NOTHING as a people to stop it. When I have kids, I’ll never trust them around white babysitters. They’ll let their cousin rape them and then pretend like nothing happened.

  84. sam says:

    White People have Thin lips like Apes,
    White People have flat butts like Apes
    White People have cromag brows like Apes,
    White People have Straight hair like Apes.
    White People have hairy hands & hairy feet like Apes.
    White People have Hairy bodies like Apes
    White People have quick fits of anger, thus you comments like Apes.
    White People have sweat that is the SAME smell & Ph level as Apes
    Clearly Black people do not have these things YOU DO!
    Just a funny look at how silly racist are… 🙂

  85. sam says:

    If anything, blacks should not trust whites. Look at their evil history of blacks. How can we trust people like that. It should be blacks talking to their kids not to trust whites because I don’t trust them. I know there are other blacks who don’t trust them as well.

  86. sam says:






  87. sam says:

    I don’t care about how white people been conditioned for 400 years fuck them. I’m not interested in changing how whites think; they are enemies. All of the evil they have done to blacks in the US and what would I look like trying to appeal to them. Fuck whites and I hope God wipes them out for good.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  88. sam says:

    Western culture is much more individual compared to more communal African and Asian cultures. Europeans colonized the west because they were poor and the Africans and Asians had all the money (because they have natural resources to trade). The Europeans were busy fighting amongst each other to do anything. Western culture developing faster than other cultures was a result of all the revenue that came from slavery, not the other way around. White people are the only evil culture on the Earth.

  89. sam says:

    White people smile and wave in your face but talk racist shit behind your back. I swear i can never understand you whites. Are you people born with a hate gene or something? You hate blacks (enslaved them), you stole and genocided millions of native Americans, you dropped atomic bombs on Asians and kiled millions in Vietnam, you stole Mexican peoples land and killed them, you invade muslim countries and kill them, you killed of 6 million jewish people, you even killed your own (irish)…and then you have the audacity to call muslims terrorists, blacks criminals, mexicans illegals…what the fuck is wrong with you people? I used to have the MLK mentality of “do not fight hate with hate” but not anymore with you motherfuckers.

    1. JayBay says:

      The only thing whites understand is aggression. That’s why when MLK preached peace at his marches they threw rocks at him. When Malcom X said “they send one of ours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue” no one laid a finger on him. That’s why all black people need to understand that this is WAR. Defend your people and stop being peaceful with people who want you dead. If you have to break some bones in order to defend yourself from these assholes, you do it. And don’t apologize for it.

  90. sam says:

    Whites are paranoid punk asses of a race who always worry and complain about everything. 

  91. sam says:

    First of all silly boy. United States isn’t a white country it’s a native american country that’s the whites committed genocide in to control for fucks sake. Europe and the caucasus lands are white peoples lands and for the most part they are mostly white even today.
    Poland, Czech republic, estonia, Russia, Hungary, even France, Germany and UK(where I live btw) are all mostly white lands.
    Don’t fucking invade and commit genocide in countries not yours, bring slaves over to build the fucking country be the top dog for centuries because of racist, nepotistic policies then complain that life is hard because others want it to be more equal!

    1. JayBay says:

      But Sam, that would require compassion. Asking a white person to feel compassion about someone non-white (and not have some other motive in mind) is like asking a goldfish to do calculus.

  92. sam says:

    whites smoking weed : hippies
    blacks smoking weed : thugs

    whites on welfare : poor
    blacks on welfare : lazy

    girls gone wild: good ol college days
    black woman twerkin : whore

    whites cant find a job : bad economy
    blacks cant find a job : dependent

    white country bombing brown countries : democracy
    september 11 : terrorism

    whites torch cop cars and destroy property after baseball games : rowdy

    blacks torch cop cars and destroy property after a cop gets away with murder : savages..

  93. sam says:

    It’s interesting how I’ve been affected by racism and it’s “always” white people who do such acts. I wonder why. I’ve been to an all white school and guess what happened. Then I moved to a diverse demographic and guess what happened, no sense of ignorance, racism is ignorance and fear aka insecure. What does this show you. White people are ignorant most of the time, but this leads to assumptions which unfortunately leads to hate. There’s a difference between hate and ignorance. Most (80%) whites are NOT AWARE of what OTHER people are going through and the person’s culture. White people love to spin the positive trait to a negative to feel better of themselves, I notice that pattern. I wonder where this HABIT came FROM? UPBRINGING = CULTURE. Yes white people invented and innovated many things, obviously you’ll feel great when you’re in an environment 70% of white background in north america. You’ll only hear the positives… positive feed back. So you are curious WHAT other colours have contributed to society, you use the past (events) to weigh the present. When a person talks about a problem, when it’s a white problem, it’s labeled a male, but if it’s a person of colour, it’s has to be labelled black, hispanic, or asian right next to the gender so they can associate the problem with the colour. Even though white people committed the most psychopathic crimes and school shootings. What does that tell you? How would you feel when someone comes up to you and jokes around if you plan to shoot up a school tomorrow. Of course you’ll feel offended, then the other person would say, take a joke man. That is not a joke, in fact, he is stereotyping you due to what he saw in the media. To truely eliminate racism, schools should educate about black, asian, white, and hispanic history and culture EQUALLY and NOT just white history from elementary to secondary school and learn to identify and call out on those people who are ignorant or fearful or both. And if some white people think they are losing power, what does that mean? corruption? ooohhh there is plenty of it right now and it’s making people poor, fat, broke, dead (health care) and that’s done by a white government and corporations. self-fish, ignorance, and fear. When hate comes into play, then that’s absolute racism, which is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT And yes we are all immigrants and yes there are corrupted white countries. Look at the youtube comments, if its a white person in the video, no hate, a black or other colour… racism, hate, tons of it. Don’t think that everyone of all races want to be in north america, there are other non white countries who are extremely stable as well.!!

  94. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH!!!!

    1. JayBay says:

      I agree with Sam. These white people are nothing. Less than nothing in fact. For all the chest thumping they do in places like this, they know that they’re just soulless husks who can’t live peacefully so they have to disrupt any and everything that they can’t control. Here’s what the Apocrypha sums up about white people.

      2 Esdras 6:54-59
      54 and over these you placed Adam, as ruler over all the works that you had made; and from him we have all come, the people whom you have chosen (that would be blacks, non-european hispanics and native americans). 55 “All this I have spoken before you, O Lord, because you have said that it was for us (see before) that you created this world. 56 As for the other nations that have descended from Adam (that would be you whites), you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle (aka spit), and you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket (meaning even the Creator views your entire existence as the equivalent to a drop from a bucket. He doesn’t even care)

      And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Who are the people that whites constantly talk shit about, hate with a passion, and do everything they can to kill and prevent them from getting better lives and living peacefully. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. Who are the people who they CONSTANTLY try to emulate whether it’s dance, music, spirituality, philosophy etc. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. We’re the best thing on this planet. Always have been. Always will be. It’s just that guys like Jeremy can’t stand that fact so they spend their free time on here talking bad about you in the HOPE that you’ll go back to hating yourself and thinking of yourselves as niggers, spicks, etc.. Look at this post and other posts. No one who thinks they’re the greatest thing on the planet would spend as much time on this site as he has including the other trolls. They’re nothing and know it. When I hear about all these crazy white people going around shooting up theaters or ISIS shooting them in their own countries, I rejoice. It’s a righteous thing. Justice is being served and we don’t have to get our hands dirty. And don’t go saying “you’re wrong”. Do you honestly think that with all the evil that whites have done in the world that the most high wasn’t going to exact revenge? ISIS, China, North Korea. These are just some of the groups that would love to see you extinct. And as long as we learn to realize that whites are nothing and learn to love each other and keep his commandments, they’re going to continue. Man I love this age! I can see Jeremy’s people’s gradual decline and destruction all over the world with just the click of a button! There was a little white boy in the news who just shot a little white girl over a puppy. A puppy! Your people are getting worse and worse while our people are slowly getting better and it’s going to cause your destruction. Happy posting you drop in a bucket!

  95. sam says:

    Before the 80’s the prisons had way more white people then black people and whites where committing crimes against blacks every day and getting away with it and they still claimed blacks were more violent then whites and they still do it today. Still today If you add up the white police, rich white people, white leaders of the military, white medicine companies, white bank owners their are thousands of killings and crimes done by them everyday but they get away with it. The black prison population sky rocketed after they waged a war on drugs which is a cover up for the war on black people. Most black people are in prison because of crack or weed not violent crimes like people claim. LSD, Cocaine, Meth, and Heroin are all considered white people drugs and that’s why you will only get probation for those drugs. If you caught with crack which is considered a black person drug you get no less then 5 years and in most cases you will get 10+ years. Its a known fact that blacks are sentences to longer prison terms for the same crimes compared to whites and that’s the only reason its more blacks in prison then whites.

    The only thing the crime percentages show is that blacks are targeted, stereotyped, and searched over 5 times more then whites. If whites were targeted and searched over 5 times more then blacks then their crime rates would be through the roof and black crime rate would be extremely low. The more you randomly target and search a group of people the more crime you will find but it doesn’t mean that group has more criminals then any other group and that’s common sense. I have plenty of white friend that drive around with illegal drugs and other things on them but they have no fear because they know that even if they are stopped chances are the police will never ask to search their car. Even if they do ask I have personally seen cops respect their rights to refuse and let them go. I have never seen a young black man that wasn’t searched even if they had no probable cause and if they refused they will make up a reason to search their car.

    The argument about blacks having a higher per capita rate compared to whites has to be the dumbest argument I have ever heard. The only way you can use that as an argument is if it was an equal number of blacks and whites in America but since it isn’t you can’t compare the two and anyone with a brain should know that. The facts is that 70% of all crimes are done by whites and blacks only do 28% so if anyone should be targeted it should be whites since they make up most of the population and most of the crimes. Its not about per capita crime rates its about the actual number of crimes. That’s the exact reason why small schools don’t compare or compete with larger schools because it would be unfair to compare the two simply because the larger school has way more students which makes your odds of success higher. 

    1. JayBay says:

      The facts is that 70% of all crimes are done by whites and blacks only do 28% so if anyone should be targeted it should be whites since they make up most of the population and most of the crimes. Its not about per capita crime rates its about the actual number of crimes

      “in the voice of Jeremy”
      But…but.. you’re lying…Umm. You’re a nigger! Yeah. That’ll show him. Now I’ll tell him that all his stats are either made up even though you can easily search for it an show it’s true. Or, I won’t address what he just said and make some irrelevant comment about how black people are monkeys. Yeah. That’ll show everyone how smart I am.

  96. Notatall says:

    Black people are racist but you’re calling them monkeys and niggers and using 400+ year old stereotypes. Hilarious.

    1. Jeremy says:

      Paw whittle Bwacks….all you innocent monkeys were doin is discussing the killing of white families and babies on this website….you were having a grand ole time…none of you called the other niggers out on it…..i say something to them, i get verbally threatened with violence multiple times and you resort to exclusively calling names….i use the word Monkey and you guys are chimping out… you understand how typical that is of your race? We all knew you would act that way….you never surprise us

  97. Jeremy says:

    Youre mad cause i used a word you dont like huh? I dont see you speaking up when your negroid brothers are calling for the killingof white families and babies….you guys were talking hate and racisist violence in this website long before i came in this room….im the bad guy right? You threaten all whites and babies and i used a fresh work….lol typical nigger

  98. Jeremy says:

    Lmao Jaybay you lying Jap…..those numbers arent even close to right…check the justice dept numbers you dishonest chink

  99. Jeremy says:

    See you blacks dont seem to understand….im schooling and owning this entire website even tho all i have to work with is the truth… non whites just say anything….u can just make up anything you want….i have to work with the truth

  100. Jeremy says:

    The only one even attempting to defend you animals is a Jap…Ya know the japs right? they tried to pull what blacks are pulling….they wanted to prey on the United states …they thought they could sneak attack and beat us cause we were busy saving the other side of the world….guess what happened to them? We wiped the floor with them so bad they are to this day a defeated humiliated race….this is whos defending blacks? jaybay the ISIS backer? Good….you can have Jaybay on your black team….. allah akbar right Jaybay and you savages?

  101. Jeremy says:

    Blacks are so strong and proud yet you need Japs or ISIS to side with you….you cant defend yourselves more than threats and name calling….id love to see how ISIS treats the Japs or the Africans….i know Isis is in Africa slaughtering black christians but i dont wanna shed light on that…i think its a good thing

  102. Jeremy says:

    So just to clarify….i call out blacks for misbehaving/ Japanese chink who lives in Japan defends you….Japanese man also sides with ISIS….blacks should probably rethink who they team up with

  103. Jeremy says:

    Any actual blacks wanna defend their own self? this Jaybay jap is embarrassing your race with backwards Arguments….Jaybay the Jap groups blacks and ISIS together….now its starting to make sence….ISIS are all savage murderers of millions of innocent men, woman and children….and so are blacks… i see the connection that the Jap Jaybay was making

  104. Jeremy says:

    All whites gotta tip toe around blacks and walk on egg shells because youre such an uptight, sensitive race…you claim to be strong and proud but obviously that cant be true…proud people dont lie and make stuff up to keep themselves forever victims… make a black hate website so you can discuss race wars and the killing of innocent whites and then cry when a white person calls you out on it….how pathetic you savage racisists are

  105. Jeremy says:

    And not to mention as soon as the white man got here all you racist hate filled apes scurried for the darkness….this website was filled with niggers talking violence and death….where did ya all go? Lmao….cowardly spear chucken pavement apes

  106. Jeremy says:

    Im wrong right? Ive never done anything to a black person….ive actually used to go out of my way to help blacks…in NY they really brainwash white guilt into us…..but i woke up… one in my family has ever done anything to a black person unless we were defending ourselves….and now that blacks are blaming whites for all their problems i will not only stay away from them…ill also never help a black again…..i drove past a nigger the other day on a dark high that was broekn down tryin to flag me down….normally i woulda stopped and helped…not no more….youre on your own negros

  107. Jeremy says:

    and speaking of doing the right thing….how many of you monkeys ever helped or did something nice for a white person? Whites are always told if they dont help blacks were bias or racist but how many of you negros ever reached out and did something nice back? I know..i know …NEVER….we give give give…and you take take take…fuckin parasites and you know it

    1. Jeremy says:

      I always ask white friends and people i know if a black person has ever done anything for them….only 1 friend got a little upset…he defended you blacks by saying one time a black friend of his bought him a can of soda…lol ….how can we ever repay you blacks? Lmao

  108. Jeremy says:

    Blacks are selfish and ungrateful for all the world trys to do for them…..i cant wait till the world stops helping you….youll beg us to put you back in your nice cozy chains

  109. Jeremy says:

    The Republicans will be taking back the white house….the republicans will fix all the things that your black president wrecked…You will no longer have a lifetime EBT card…you will have to work for your money….no more free rides negros….i know its tough to build up the motivation to work without a whip cracken you…but youre gonna have to pit on your big boy pants and support yourself and family…the white man cant continue to coddle you. Not just because we no longer want to…but also because youre sucking this country dry….parasitic savages

  110. Jeremy says:

    Online Memorial: Black-On-White Murders in 2014
    Posted by Henry Wolff
    We have compiled the largest sample of black on white murders in 2014 that we possibly could. Because the media censors black on white crime, there are many more cases that we can not identify from limited media reports.

    This list also does not include whites killed by blacks, in which there is no known suspect or description of a suspect. As you can see, a huge percentage of black on white murders are random stranger killings. Random killings are the hardest to solve.

    We would like to extend a special thank you to This site has uncovered a lot of censored black on white hate crime/thrill kill style murders using online obituaries.

    To submit a white on black murder, you can use the form at the bottom. Please check and make sure it is not someone already on the list.

    To provide the most complete picture of black/white interracial violence, we are also compiling a list of white on black murders. We have issued a challenge for the public to find actual white on black murders occurring in 2014. We even issued a challenge to the SPLC, since they hype a narrative that blacks live in fear of whites. So far we have only found three white on black murders, killed by two perps, for 2014.

    One white on black murder is a major national news story. Where is the outrage for the daily occurring black on white murders?

    Present Tally: 348
    Hold Up/Hate Crime/Thrill Kill: 167*
    Pizza Shop: 5
    Cab Driver: 6
    Police Officers Killed: 9
    Home Invasion: 58
    Killed By A Friend: 18
    Killed while providing charity: 2
    Femicide: 49**
    Femicide Related: 14***
    Killed by boyfriend’s brother: 2
    Killed by son/daughter: 2
    Killed by female in-law: 1
    Killed by foster child: 1
    Killed by foster parents: 1
    Criminal Vehicular Homicide: 13****

    *Some victims may have been killed by someone they knew, but the media never reported the full details.

    **There were numerous suspicious deaths of white females who died of drug overdoses while they were with black males. There is another case where a white female supposedly “shot herself playing Russian Roulette” with her black boyfriend. We only listed cases that were classified as murder by the authorities. We did not list cases in which a black male played an obvious role in the death, but the death was classified as accidental. There was one case of a white female being killed by a black female “ex-wife.” There are also numerous cases of a white female being shot by a play male while in the company of a black boyfriend. we did not count these as “femicide.” However, it seems that white females involved with black males are at a dramatically increased risk of being murdered by a black male in general.

    ***Femicide related refers to victims killed by the black boyfriend of relative or close friends. Many of these victims are young children of white females dating black males. Some are women who were attacked by the black boyfriend of a white female friend.

    ****We only listed cases of vehicular homicide in which the perp was committing serious crimes when they killed a victim. In several cases, the perp was fleeing from police. In two other cases, their is strong indication the perp did it on purpose.

    This list is far from all black on white murders. This is just a sample. This list does not include the thousands of white victims who were seriously injured in black on white violence, only fatalities.

    12/24/14 – Belinda Belle, 26, was shot and killed in Blackshear, GA. The perp is the victim’s black ex-boyfriend.

    12/20/14 – A mother and her two children were killed in Garland, Maine. The suspect is the mother’s black boyfriend.

    Christina Ann Sargent, 36

    Destiny Sargent, 8

    Duwayne Coke, 10

    12/21/14 – Paige Stalker, 16, was killed execution style by a black gunman in Detroit, MI.

    12/21/14 – Julie Williams was killed in Thomson, GA. Her black husband was charged.

    12/20/14 – Richard Anders, 63, was shot and killed by a black male in front of a store he owned in Camden, AR.

    12/15/14 – Nicole Mathewson, 32, was beaten to death inside her Lancaster, PA home. A 16 year old black male has been charged.

    12/15/14 – Eric Kent Peterson, 32, was shot numerous times and killed by a black male while working as a store clerk in Fort Worth, TX.

    12/9/14 – Anita Walters, 57, was killed when a black male ran her over with his car while on drugs. Vancouver, WA. The suspect is a career criminal.

    12/7/14 – Paul Birdsall, 71, died of injuries sustained while being held captive by a black female, who was using his debit card. Oklahoma City, OK. The suspect has been charged with numerous crime.

    12/7/14 – William Kelley, 42, was shot and killed by a black male. Sperry, OK. A suspect has been charged with murder.

    12/6/14 – Karen Pearce, 44, was murdered walking to her car in Decatur, GA by a black male. A career criminal has been arrested.

    12/6/14 – Brian Whitfield, 45, was murdered in his home by a black male in Auburn, GA.

    12/6/14 – A mother and daughter were found beaten to death in their Charlottesville, VA home. A black male, who is a career criminal, has been charged.

    Robin Aldridge

    Mani Aldridge, 17

    12/6/14 – Michael Devin Dempsey-Howell, 19, was shot while sitting in his car with his mother. Bessemer, AL. A black male has been charged with his murder and the attempted murder of his mother.

    12/3/14 – Ashley Marie Scott, 17, was shot and killed while sitting in a vehicle in Gary, IN. A black male has been charged with the murder.

    12/2/14 – Rip Alan Swartz, 46, was a homeless in Las Vegas, NV that was stabbed to death by a black male perp.

    12/2/14 – Diana Lawrence, 63, was shot execution style by three black males in a bar. St. Louis, MO. They also wounded three other white victims. Suspects have been charged.

    12/2/14 – Robert Caudill, 26, was shot and killed, by a black male, while delivery pizzas in Lorain, Ohio.

    12/2/14 – David Ruenzel, was shot and killed while hiking at a park in Oakland, CA. Police are seeking two black males. Ruenzel is a professional “Anti-Racist” author who wrote article for the SPLC.

    11/30/14 – Zemir Begic, 32, was killed in by a group of black males wielding hammers and yelling “kill the white people.” St. Louis, MO. The same perps also attacked others.

    11/29/14 – A black man killed two white people while driving drunk in St. Petersburg, FL.

    Douglas Simpson, 64

    Christina Simpson, 55

    11/28/14 – Ashlea Harris, 31, was tied up and beaten to death in her apartment in Fort Worth, Texas. A black male/white female interracial couple, who were fired from a store she managed, have been charged with the murder.

    11/26/14 – Two women were shot and killed in Tulsa, OK. Family members say that a black husband of one of the victim’s is responsible.

    Amanda Douglas, 26 *

    Jennifer Lynn Sudar, 37 +

    11/26/14 – Lucas Coons was shot and killed on the street in Chambersburg, PA. A black father and son have been arrested for the murder.

    11/25/14 – Keith Passmore, 12, was shot and killed as he was leaving a birthday party in a black neighborhood in Savannah, GA. Witnesses refused to co-operate with police after the shooting.

    11/25/14 – Stephen M. Fox, 58, was killed when a black male hiy him with his car in Dallas, TX. Two other people were injured. The perp was fleeing from police.

    11/25/14 – Nicholas Renato Baer, 22, was shot a killed when a black male invaded his home in in Escambia County, FL.

    11/23/14 – Clifford Herring, 75, was beaten to death by a black male who invaded his home in Orangeburg County, SC.

    11/22/14 – Leslie Louise Griffin, 31 was shot and killed execution style on the sidewalk in Tulsa, OK. A black male has been arrested for the murder.

    11/22/14 – Shelly Vessel Gravely, 34, was killed by a black male in Greensboro, NC. Her black boyfriend has been charged.

    11/21/14 – Caitlin Faulkenberry, 25, was stabbed to death in Greenville, NC. Her black fiance was charged with murder. He also injured multiple people fleeing the scene.

    11/18/14 – Anthony Gamache, 29, was shot and killed by a black man in Pittsfield, MA.

    11/17/14 – Justin Winebrenner, 32, was killed when a black male went on a shooting spree inside an Akron, Ohio pub. HE was on duty as an Akron police officer. A second cop and three other people were also injured. The suspect has been charged.

    11/13/14 – Eduardo Alberto Figueroa, 40, was beaten to death by a group of black males in Maplewood, MN. His daughter was also attacked.

    11/12/14 – Brenden Michael Wilson, 16, was murdered by a group of black teenagers near his High School in Woodbridge, VA.

    11/12/14 – Kayla Storey, 17, was stabbed to death by a black male in Palm Beach County, FL. Her boyfriend’s brother was charged.

    11/11/14 – Andrew Shane Herlong, 41, was shot and killed by two black males as he was walking out of a convenience store in Prichard, AL.

    11/10/14 – Florene Duke, 75, was killed by a black male who broke into her house. Douglasville, GA.

    11/10/14 – Brenden Wilson, 16, was shot to death by three black males in Prince William County, VA.

    11/9/14 – Josef Kucher, 77, was beaten to death inside a shoe store he owned in Port Jervis, NY. A black male has been charged.

    11/7/14 – Judith Andriulli, 70, was killed when a black female ran a red light and slammed into her car in Stamford, CT. The perp fled on foot and was charged two weeks later.

    11/7/14 – Ina Richardson, 69, was raped and murdered by a black male in Clarkston, WA. The suspect was already a convicted sex offender.

    11/6/14 – Britny Jordan Puryear, 22, was murdered in Fuquay-Varina, VA. Her black boyfriend has been charged.

    11/5/14 – Micheal Stubbs was shot and killed in Omaha, NE. The suspect his a black male lifelong friend.

    11/4/14 – Lahoma Ballester, 55, was shot to death in Tustin, CA. The suspect is her daughter’s black ex-boyfriend.

    10/31/14 – Robert White was beaten to death by a black male while working security in Canutillo, TX. White is a constable.

    10/31/14 – Nathan Lavin, 34, was shot and killed by a black male in St. Louis, MO. The perp also shot his two dogs.

    10/29/14 – Angela Laskey, 39, was stabbed to death in Santa Barbara, CA. He black boyfriend was charged.

    10/25/14 – Beverly Ann Stratton, 32, was shot and killed in Tulsa, OK. Her black ex-boyfriend confessed to police.

    10/24/14 – Brandon Soloman Bryant, 25, was shot and killed in front of his house in Wellford, SC. A black male has been charged.

    10/24/14 – Tiffany Caine-Smith Farley was shot in Grand Blanc Township, MI. Her black husband has been charged.

    10/21/14 – Gordon Schaffer, 22, was shot and killed while working at a pizza shop in Columbia, TN. A 17 year old black male has been charged.

    10/20/14 – Billy Ingram, 39, was killed by two black males who invaded his home in Cherokee County, AL.

    10/20/14 – Emily Anne Newbegin, 33, was attacked with a hatchet and drowned by a black male who invaded her Augusta, GA trailer home.

    10/17/14 – Mercedes A. Blair, 4, was beaten to death in Sebring, FL. Her mother’s black boyfriend was charged.

    10/15/14 – Darlene Crook, 58, was stabbed to death in her apartment in Des Moines, IA. A black male has been charged.

    10/13/14 – Brian G. DePreta, 50, was beaten to death in Lexington, KY. Three black males have been charged.

    10/12/14 – Li’Asia Moorer, 2, was tortured and beaten to death in Cleveland, OH. The victim’s mother’s black boyfriend has been charged.

    10/10/14 – Jarrod Howard, 19, was shot and killed by two black males in Charleston, SC.

    10/9/14 – Taylor Thomas, 20, was shot and killed by two black males who invaded his home in Pittsburg, KS.

    10/9/14 – Barry Diffenderfer, 54, was shot in the back and killed inside a bar in Lancaster, PA. The suspect is a black male who also shot and injured two other people.

    10/9/14 – Amy Ndao, 38, was killed and her body burned in Louisville, KY. Her black boyfriend has been charged.

    10/8/14 – Monica Jeter was beaten to death in North College Hill, OH. Her black husband has been charged.

    10/6/14 – Patricia Santana, 53, was stabbed to death in Jersey City, NJ. Her black boyfriend was charged.

    10/5/14 – Fransesca Vitale Weatherhead, 25, was killed when a black male slammed into her car in Redford Township, MI. The perp is a career criminal who was fleeing from police.

    10/4/14 – Anthony Lee Wilson, 2, was tortured and beaten to death by a black male and female in Palmdale, CA. The black female appears to have held custody of the child.

    10/4/14 – James Daryl Overman, 43, was stabbed to death by a black male in Greensboro, NC.

    10/2/14 – Rhonda Rowe, 39, was shot and killed in Louisa, VA. The suspect is her black boyfriend.

    10/3/14 – Ronald Fischman, 54, was murdered by a black homeless man that he had been offering charity too. Philadelphia, PA.

    9/30/14 – Daniel Muscarella, 54, was shot and killed while working on an ATM in Cincinnati, Ohio. A black male has been charged.

    9/30/14 – Garth Velin. 20, was shot and killed by a black male during a home invasion in Superior, WI. Four other people have been charged with being accomplices, two black and two white.

    9/28/14 – Mark Boyd II, 32, was travelling the nation by bike when two black males shot and killed him in Fayetteville, NC.

    9/25/14 – Colleen Hufford, 54 was beheaded by a black Muslim co-worker. The perp also seriously maimed a second white female.

    9/24/14 – William Reilly, 30, was shot and killed in Niagra Falls, NY. A black male has been arrested.

    9/22/14 – Donald Carter, 82, killed by a black couple in Suffolk, VA.

    9/22/14 – Richard Yeager, 35, was shot and killed while delivering pizzas in New Orleans, LA. The suspects are two 16 year old black males that were already wearing court mandated ankle bracelets.

    9/22/14 – Jill Tarlov, 59, was killed by a black male driving recklessly on a bicycle in New York City, NY.

    9/21/14 – Ricky Burgett, 27, was killed by two black males who invaded his apartment in Nashville, TN.

    9/21/14 – Scott Maxie, 61, was shot in the face while working at his store near Indianapolis, IN. Three black males have been charged.

    9/19/14 – Edward M. Reiner Jr., 53, was shot and killed by a black male while he worked at a county fair in Lumberton, NC.

    9/19/14 – Nancy Jo McClellan, 72, was raped and stabbed to death in a parking lot in Berkeley, CA. An 18 year old black male was charged.

    9/17/14 – Zoe Reed, 21, was murdered while working at a pizza place by four black males in Danville, KY.

    9/16/14 – Jerrod Stanford was stabbed to death in his Round Rock, TX home. A black male has been arrested for the crime. A white girlfriend of the perp has also been arrested.

    9/15/14 – James Minshall, Sr., 71, was murdered while working at a store in Omaha, NE. A black male has been charged.

    9/15/14 – Shannon Brunelle, 25, was stabbed to death in his apartment in Minot, ND. A black male was arrested.

    9/14/14 – Jessica Arrendale, 33, was shot and killed in Smyrna, GA. The perp is her black boyfriend.

    9/13/14 – Hannah Graham, 18, was abducted and killed in Charlottesville, VA. A black male has been charged. The suspect is also charged with killing another young white people in 2009.

    9/12/14 – A teenager was killed at his Mayfield, Ky home by his mother’s black ex-boyfriend. The perp then abducted the mother and killed her along I-75 in Ohio. The perp then tried to commit suicide, but survived and was charged with the murders.

    Michael “Eli” Mohney, 17

    Kim Thomas, 34

    9/12/14 – Zachary John Richards was stabbed to death by a black male friend in Hazelton, PA. Perp has been charged.

    9/12/14 – Daniel John Zeitz, 28, was lured to his death using craigslist in Roswell, GA. A black male has been charged.

    9/12/14 – Mark Anthony Horton, 49, was shot to death by a black male in Harris County, TX. The victim was trying to stop a robbery.

    9/11/14 – Cameron Ray Flores, 20, was stabbed to death by a black male in Clemson, SC.

    9/10/14 – Thomas Holloway was riding his motorcycle in Memphis, TN when a black killed him. The perp is a habitual drunk driver who had been banned from driving a car.

    9/9/14 – An elderly couple was beaten to death by a black male who invaded their home in Kansas City, MO.

    Ann Taylor, 86

    George Taylor, 80

    9/9/14 – Micah Burdette, 20, was shot and killed by a black male in a park in St. Albans, WV.

    9/8/14 – Jill Halliburton Su, 59, was killed in her bathtub inside her home in Davie, FL. A black male was charged.

    9/4/14 – Heather Cater, 22, was killed in Little Rock Arkansas, when her car was hit by a black male fleeing from police.

    9/4/14 – Marke Pridmore, 40, a white homeless man, was beaten to death by eight to ten black males in Huntsville, AL.

    9/4/14 – A mother and son are stabbed to death in Bartlesville, OK. The black husband of the female victim has been charged.

    Crystal Sue Adair, 41

    Charles Edward Lee, 23

    9/3/14 – Daryl Pierson, a white police officer was murdered by a black male in Rochester, NY. The suspect is a career criminal.

    9/2/14 – A black male kills five white people in a spree shooting in Kansas City, MO. The same suspect is accused of murdering two white teenagers in 1998.

    George Taylor, 80

    Ann Taylor, 86

    Susan Choucroun, 69

    Lorene Hurst, 88

    Darrel Hurst, 63

    8/31/14 – Linda Albritton, 71, was stabbed to death inside her home in Birmingham, AL. The suspects are a black male and a white male.

    8/30/14 – Jaclyn Ann Kvasnicka, 27, was killed by a black male who was drunk and driving almost double the speed limit. An Asian female was also killed.

    8/30/14 – Ballard Reynolds, 27, was shot execution style in Waugh, Alabama. Three black males have been arrested.

    8/28/14 – Nikola Maric, 20, was shot and killed by two black males as he was walking in Milwaukee, WI.

    8/28/14 – Amanda Russell, 40, was stabbed to death in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. He black ex-boyfriend was charged.

    8/28/14 – Katelyn Beard, 17, was abducted by a black male and later found dead. A suspect has been charged.

    8/24/14 – Richard Bombard, 49, was stabbed to death by a black neighbor near his Plattsburgh, NY home.

    8/24/14 – Michael J. Soeller, 43, was killed in his home by a black female perpetrator in Fox Lake, WI.

    8/23/14 – Elden Kitson Vanderwal, 71, was killed during a home invasion in Seagrove, NC. Two black males and white female have been charged.

    8/22/14 – Garvin John Albertson, 75, was killed by a black male who invaded his home in Lee County, AL.

    8/22/14 – Heather Baker, 20, was killed in a parking lot in Saline County, AR. A black male hit her with his car and drug her.

    8/22/14 – Christopher Rossing, 25, was leaving a bar when he was abducted and killed in Buffalo, MN. A black male and his white girlfriend have been charged.

    8/18/14 – Richard Catalano, 22, was killed by a black male who invaded his North Providence, RI home.

    8/18/14 – Carolyn Nicole Riggs, 20, was shot and killed by a black male in Oklahoma City, OK. Her black boyfriend was charged. A family member of the victim was also shot and injured.

    8/16/14 – Eric Steven Brookins, 24, was shot and killed by a black male in Evansville, IN.

    8/15/14 – William Davitte, 55, was murdered inside a Columbia County, GA church by a black male. The victim’s wife was also shot and injured.

    8/12/14 – Sheila von Wiese-Mack was murdered by her black daughter and her daughter’s black boyfriend. They live in Chicago, IL, but the murdered happened on vacation in Indonesia.

    8/10/14 – Scott Simerson, 24 was beaten to death in a random attack by black males in Grand Rapids, MI. Four black males have been charged.

    8/10/14 – Thomas Knepper, 68, was mowing a lawn in Manhattan Township, IL when a black male hit him with his car. The perp was drunk and driving recklessly.

    8/8/14 – Jimmie Allison, 79, was shot and killed by three black males while he was walking down the street in Flint, MI.

    8/7/14 – Joshua Snyder, 4, was killed when a black man ran him over with a truck multiple times.

    8/7/14 – Adam Schrier, 37, was shot and killed when two black males invaded his Duluth, GA home. The perps also shot his wife and eight year old daughter, but they survived.

    8/5/14 – Lydia Ann Tross, 41, was killed while hiking in Clearwater, FL. The suspect is a n 18 year old black male.

    8/4/14 – Carly Chapman, 19, was shot and killed by a black males in Magnolia Park, FL. Her black boyfriend and another black male was also killed.

    8/4/14 – Thomas Anderson, 38, was shot and killed by three black males who invaded his home in Hartford County, MD.

    8/4/14 – Michael Connor Verkerke, 7, was stabbed to death on a playground in Kent County, MI. The perp is a 12 year old black male.

    8/4/14 – A black male shot and killed a man and his girlfriend in front of his home in Kensington, PA. The suspect is an 18 year old black male.

    Shannon Bongartz, 28

    John Russ, 43

    7/29/14 – Rebecca Demuth, 23, was shot and killed by a black male in Gentilly, LA.

    7/28/14 – David Carroll, 48, was shot and killed by a group of black males and a black female who invaded his home in Shreveport, LA.

    7/28/14 – David Pimentel, 22, was shot and killed by a carload of black males in Pleasant Grove, TX.

    7/28/14 – Bilal Berreni, 23, a French artist staying in Detroit is murdered by a groups of black males. Four suspects have been charged.

    7/28/14 – Zachary Frischkorn, 27, was shot and killed by a black male in Youngstown, OH.

    7/27/14 – James Payne, 58, was beaten to death by a black neighbor in Turtle Creek, PA.

    7/26/14 – Matthew Hammond, 23, was killed by two black males who invaded his trailer home in Knoxville, TN.

    7/24/14 – Katrina Miller was murdered in Indianapolis, IN. Her black boyfriend was convicted of the murder.

    7/24/14 – Ray Daniel Ruffin, 20, was murdered while walking his dog in Stuttgart, AR. A 17 year old black male was charged.

    7/21/14 – Michael Raymond Bailey Jr, 22, was shot and killed in a McDonalds parking lot by two black males in Henrico, VA.

    7/21/14 – Mollie Ragonesi, 66, was murdered by her black foster son in Wassila, AK.

    7/20/14 – Michael Cook, 29, was shot and killed in North Little Rock, AR. The suspect is a 17 year old black male.

    7/18/14 – Cadence Harris, 5, was shot and killed by a black male in Leavenworth, KS. Her mother’s black boyfriend was charged.

    7/17/14 – Donald Leonetti, 45. was shot and killed by a black male in Stafford, Texas.

    7/17/14 – Andrew Edie, 48, was shot and killed by a black male at his home in Gibsonton, FL.

    7/17/14 – Krystal McAdow, 23, was shot and killed in Modesto, CA. He black ex-boyfriend was charged.

    7/14/14 – Cindy Raygoza, 45, was stabbed to death in Fresno, CA. He black boyfriend was shot and killed when police tried to arrest him.

    7/12/14 – Branda Basham, 22, was shot and killed by black males in Charleston, WV.

    7/12/14 – A black male went on a shooting spree at a Pasadena apartment complex. He killed three, and wounded two.

    Luis Aguiar, 91

    Maria Teresa Aguiar, 59


    7/9/14 – Elena Shea, 25, was shot and killed by a black male in Dallas, TX. Her black boyfriend was also wounded by the same perp.

    7/9/14 – William O’Neill, 46, was killed while delivery pizzas in San Antonio, TX. A black male ran him over with his own car.

    7/6/14 – Jeffrey Westerfield, 47, was shot and killed execution style while on duty as a police officer in Gary, IN. A black male has been charged.

    7/5/14 – Perry Renn, was shot and killed while on duty as a police officer in Indianapolis, IN. black male has been charged.

    7/4/14 – Rachelle Louise Hayes, was shot and killed while walking down the street in Muskogee, Oklahoma. A black male has been charged.

    7/2/14 – Rupert Anderson, 97, was beaten to death when a black male invaded his home. His wife was also severely beaten. The suspect is an Ethiopian immigrant.

    7/2/14 – Michael Mikulske, 44, was shot and killed in a parking lot in East Hartford, CT. A black 18 year old was charged.

    7/2/14 – Joseph Keith Richard, 56, white male was beaten to death by a black male at a San Antonio, TX Amtrak station. The suspect told police he just felt like killing someone.

    6/30/14 – Jim Brennan, 61, was murdered by multiple black males while he worked at a bar in Cleveland Heights, OH. Two black males have been charged.

    6/28/14 – Catherine Elizabeth Lipford, 28, was stabbed to death in Hopewell, VA. The suspect is her black boyfriend.

    6/26/14 – Margaret Daniels, 31, was stabbed to death in her apartment in Newton, NC . A black neighbor was charged with the crime. The suspect was charged with beating and raping a woman once before, but never prosecuted.

    6/26/14 – Jake Rameau, 26, was shot and killed while riding his motorcycle by a black male in Muskegon Heights, MI.

    6/26/14 – John Huddleston, 21, was shot and killed by five black males who invaded his home in Knoxville, TN. A female victim was also shot and injured and a dog was shot and killed.

    6/25/14 – Brendan Tevlin, 19, was shot and killed in Newark, NJ. Four black males were charged. Some are the same suspects in the murder of a black female. One is a suspect in the murder of two black homosexuals in Seattle, WA.

    6/24/14 – Nathan Dasher, 27, was shot and killed on the street by a black male in Montgomery, AL.

    6/23/14 – Allen Bares, Jr, 51, was shot and killed by a group of black males while on duty as a Deputy Sheriff in Abbeville, Louisiana. Four black males have been charged.

    6/23/14 – Gina Burger, 16, was stabbed to death by a black neighbor in Austintown, TX.

    6/22/14 – Paul Shepherd, 40, was shot execution style by two black males while driving a taxi cab in Knoxville, TN.

    6/21/14 – Lance Corporal Jonathan Price, 26 was leaving a restaurant with his wife in Lexington, KY. A black male shot him in the back and killed him.

    6/19/14 – Ryan Hagerman, 34, was beaten to death by a black cellmate while being held the Macomb County Jail in Mount Clemens, MI.

    6/17/14 – Allyn William Reeve, Jr., 27, was shot and killed by two black males who invaded his home in Battle Creek, MI.

    6/15/14 – Michael Beaver, 25, was beaten to death by a black male in a bar in San Diego, CA.

    6/15/14 – Caroline Huffine was murdered at a hotel in Reno, NV. Her black boyfriend was charged.

    6/14/14 – Rachel Rogers, 24, was raped and beaten to death by a black male in Village, Oklahoma. The suspect is the black boyfriend of a white female friend of Rachel’s. The white girlfriend was also severely beaten.

    6/13/14 – John Whitmore, 65, was attacked by two black females on a train platform in Los Angeles, CA. He died of his wounds.

    6/13/14 – Merle Forbes, 79, was stabbed to death by a black male while he was driving a taxi cab in Platteville, WI.

    6/12/14 – Sarah Goode, 21, was murdered in Suffolk County, NY. A black male has been charged.

    6/11/14 – Toney Ann Johnson was murdered in her home in Salisbury, NC. Her black ex-husband was charged with the murder.

    6/11/14 – Angela M. Cook, 39, was killed by a black male in Pensacola, Florida.

    6/7/14 – Stuart Carson, 43, was shot execution style by a black male while he worked as a taxi cab driver in Jacksonville, FL.

    6/5/14 – Russina Vale, 38, was stabbed to death in San Carlos, CA. The suspect is the woman’s lesbian “ex-wife.”

    6/5/14 – Makayla Bunting, 22, was shot and killed in Corpus Christi, TX. The perp is her black boyfriend. He is also shot and injured a four year old.

    6/5/14 – Harry Briggs, 45, was shot execution style while working at a gas station in Indianapolis, IN. A black perp was captured on video.

    6/4/14 – Laura Bachman, 24, was beaten to death in her St. Louis, MO home. Her black boyfriend was charged.

    6/3/14 – Nicole Franco, 19 was stabbed to death in her home in Park Ridge, FL. A 15 year old black male has been charged.

    6/1/14 – William Porter Headlee, 25, was shot execution style by a black neighbor in St. Petersburg, FL.

    6/1/14 – Aaron Coty Lowry, 30, was shot and killed by a black male as he left a bar in Lumberton, NC.

    5/31/14 – Theodore Kelbach, 49, was shot and killed by a black male in West Jordan, UT.

    5/30/14 – Heather Stewart, 28, was killed in Waterloo, WI. Her black boyfriend has been charged.

    5/30/14 – Joshua Tubbleville, 33, was shot and killed inside his car by a black passenger in Oak Lawn, Texas.

    5/28/14 – Marion Lee Brown, 54, was killed by a black couple in Smith County, TX.

    5/27/14 – Andrew Barth, 21, was shot and killed by a black male in Rockford, IL.

    5/25/14 – Matthew Pech, 27, was shot and killed by a black neighbor in Cape Coral, FL.

    5/23/14 – Jennifer Jill Youngblood, 26, was killed in Greenville, SC. Her black boyfriend was charged.

    5/22/14 – Vincent Darbenzio was shot execution style why driving a taxi cab in Scranton, NJ. The suspect is a 16 year old black male.

    5/20/14 – David Logterman, 57 was killed when a drunk black man hit his car. The suspect is a habitual drunk who was banned from driving cars.

    5/20/14 – Doug Carey, 70, was killed while working as a crossing guard in Clearwater, FL. A black male career criminal was driving recklessly in a school school, hit Carey, and then abandoned his own injured children at the scene of the crime.

    5/19/14 – Alex Mazzan, 20, was shot and killed, by a group of young black males, while walking down the street in downtown Orlando, FL.

    5/18/14 – Caleb Woosley, 17 was beaten to death in Richmond, IN. Two black males have been charged.

    5/16/14 – Two white females were shot to death inside a home they shared in Bossier, LA. A black male, who was friends with the victims, has been arrested.

    Jacqueline Darlene Beadle, 24

    Karyl Ann Cox, 26

    5/15/14 – Deborah Ann Treptor, 35, was stabbed to death in Watts, CA. He black boyfriend was charged.

    5/15/14 – A black male stabbed two female employees to death inside a bank in Cairo, IL. A third victim was seriously injured.

    Anita J. Grace, 52

    Nita J. Smith, 52

    5/11/14 – Billy Putnam, 87, was shot and killed in a parking lot by in Meridian, MS. The suspect is a 16 year old black male.

    5/10/14 – Hannah Brinkley, 17, was shot and killed in Shelby, NC. Her black boyfriend has been charged.

    5/9/14 – Russell McKinley, 29, was beaten to death in his apartment and his body was dumped in a creek in San Antonio, Texas. Two black males have been charged.

    5/9/14 – Charles Dinwiddie was shot and killed by a black male while on duty as a police officer in Killeen, TX. A second police officer was wounded. The perp has been charged.

    5/6/14 – Julia Ann Mudgett, 77, was killed in her home in Hollywood, SC and her body was dumped at another location. The suspect is a black male career criminal, who is also suspected of killing an elderly black female the same month.

    5/5/14 – Sharlene Steadman was beaten to death on her rural property in Ochlocknee, GA. A black male, who was on parole, has been charged with the murder.

    5/5/14 – Kye Boudreaux, 26, was shot execution style while camping in Plaquemine, LA. a black male, that the victim was friends with, was charged.

    5/2/14 – A black male stabbed a mother and daughter to death who lived next door in Madison, WI.

    Charity Rae Grossmann, 34

    Robin Rae Grossmann, 57

    4/29/14 – Blake J. Helmer, 55, was shot execution style by three black males while he was driving a taxi can in Gretna, LA.

    4/27/14 – Malcolm Ray Norris, 49 was shot and killed by a black male while working in a grocery store he managed in Loris, SC.

    4/23/14 – Kevin Thomas Coughlin, 55, was tied up and shot execution style by a black male in Indianapolis, IN.

    4/23/14 – Arthur McKee, 66, was murdered by two black males who invaded his home in Hueytown, AL.

    4/23/14 – Ronald Stern, 49, was shot and killed by two black males in Rochester, NY. A second victim was shot and injured.
    4/22/14 – Eric Anderson, 23, was beaten to death by two black males, wielding a pipe and a baseball bat, in Seale, AL. One of the perps was a friend of the victim.
    4/22/14 – Jamie Lea Harmer, 32, was killed and her remains chopped up and scattered in Riverside, MN. A black male has been charged.
    4/19/14 – Megan Elizabeth Monroe, 22, was killed and her body torched in a field in Fairfield, AL. The suspects are two black males.
    4/18/14 – Gerald Perry, 65, was shot and killed by a black neighbor in Fresno, CA.
    4/17/14 – Brandon Pickford, 36, was stabbed in the neck in a McDonalds in Las Vegas, NV. A black male has been charged.
    4/17/14 – Anna Mae Eblen, 89, was killed by a black male who invader her home in Columbus, Ohio.
    4/16/14 – Nathan Hall, 18, was shot and killed while riding his bike in South Bend, IN. The suspect is a 16 year old black male.
    4/15/14 – Kasie Clary of Hillsboro, Texas was beaten to death. Her black boyfriend was charged with the murder. The mother of her boyfriend was charged as an accomplice.
    4/15/14 – Justin Downey, 29, was murdered by a black male who invaded his home in New Bedford, MA.
    4/14/14 – Tielor Williams, 18, was shot and killed by a black male at a park in Omaha, NE. A second white male was shot and injured.
    4/12/14 – Sheila Johnson, 54, was shot by black gunman while working at an auction hall in Fort Worth, TX.
    4/10/14 – John Swoveland Jr,, 2, was shot and killed by a black teenagers while he was playing in his front yard in South Bend, IN.
    4/9/14 – Melissa Nickel,31, was shot and killed in Freeport, IL. Her black boyfriend was charged.
    4/8/14 – Marilyn Eversole, 80, was killed by a black male who invaded her apartment in Mount Vernon, Ohio.
    4/8/14 – Matthew Glassford, 48. was shot and killed by three black males as he walked down the street in Milwaukee, WI.
    4/8/14 – Eric S. Ervin was murdered by a black male in Allentown, PA. The perp used craigslist to lure his victim.
    4/7/14 – John R. Neff, 59, was beaten to death while working at a home in Beaumont, Texas. A 17 year old black male has been charged.
    4/5/14 – Michael Philip Hanson, 35, was shot and killed by two black males in a parking lot in Augusta, GA.
    4/4/14 – Vanessa Milligan, 19, was killed when a black male set fire to her apartment. Her black boyfriend was charged. She was nine months pregnant.
    4/3/14 – Kirk Lund, 51, was shot and killed by a black male while walking down the street in Modesto, CA.
    4/1/14 – Dominic Everett, 27, was shot and killed by three black males who invade his home in Oxford, NC.
    4/1/14 – Nathan Trapuzzano, 25 was shot and killed while taking a morning walk in Indianapolis. A 16 year old black male has been charged.
    4/1/14 – Richard Salvia, 50, was killed by three black males while he was delivering Chinese food in Staten Island, NY
    3/31/14 – Two black males killed three white people at an apartment complex in Indianapolis, IN.
    James Czajkowski, 59
    Stephen Herold, 58
    Martha Zuluaga, 53
    3/28/14 – Basim Sulaka, 51, was shot and killed, by two black males, while working at a store in Sterling Heights, MI.
    3/28/14 – Silas Nelson, 1, was beaten to death in Olyphant, PA. His mother’s black boyfriend was charged.
    3/27/14 – Shannon Kleeman, 22, was raped and murdered by a black neighbor in Indianapolis, IN.
    3/27/14 – Kimberly Hill, 50, was beaten and stabbed to death by her black son in Corpus Christi, TX.
    3/26/14 – Nicholas Hagood, 34, was shot to death by two black males who invaded his apartment in Atlanta, GA.
    3/24/14 – Jamie Lynn Goode, 36, was murdered by a black male who was on a killing spree in Browns Summit, NC. The same perp murdered another black female and injured a third female victim.
    3/20/14 – Tyler Zanco, 17, was shot and killed by a black male in Waltham, MA.
    3/16/14 – Donald G. Mariner, 72, was murdered by a black male who invaded his home in Salisbury, MD.
    3/15/14 – Nichole Duarte, 19, was shot and killed in Sacramento, CA. Her black boyfriend’s brother was charged.
    3/15/14 – Justin Roake, 21, was killed when two black males fired at his car as he was driving Nashville, TN.
    3/15/14 – Frank Mott, 65, was beaten to death by a black neighbor in Spokane, WA.
    3/14/14 – Allene Durdin, 81, was killed by two black males who invaded her home in Memphis, TN.
    3/13/14 – Dimitrios Karaloukas, 62, was stabbed to death in his restaurant in West Boca, FL. a black male, who is a former employee, has been charged.
    3/13/14 – A black male used his car as weapon to kill four victims at a radio station event in Austin, TX. He also injured about twenty-one others. The victims are a white male, a white female, an Asian female, and a black male.
    Jamie West, 27
    Steven Craenmehr, 35
    3/12/14 – Philip Schulz, 63, was beaten to death with a pipe by a black man in Louisville, KY.
    3/11/14 – Frederic Cooper, 74, was murdered by a black male who attacked him in the bathroom of a McDonalds in Gwinnett County, GA.
    3/11/14 – Danielle Locklear, 15, was found dead in a river with a cider block tied to her feet. Her black boyfriend has been charged.
    3/11/14 – Robert Perry, 66, was shot and killed while leaving a Walmart in Coden, AL. Two black females have been charged.
    3/10/14 – Christina Mahzamani, 32, was killed when a black male smashed her head with a concrete block in Valrico, FL. Her black boyfriend was charged.
    3/8/14 – Martha Tyler, 72, was killed by a black male in an apparent home invasion in Berkeley County, WV.
    3/8/14 – Patrick Daniel Roberts, 39, was shot and beaten to death by two black males who invaded his Lawrence, OK home.
    3/7/14 – Johnny Allen was a construction worker visiting Lawton, OK when he was shot and killed at a motel. A black male has been charged.
    3/7/14 – Brandon Samuels, 21, was shot and killed by an uninvited black male at a party in Omaha, NE.
    3/5/14 – Dylan McKelvey, 18, was killed in Indiantown, FL. A black male has been charged.
    3/5/14 – Laurie Patton, 39, was strangled and her body burned in a motel room in Greenville, SC. A black male, who was once in her Middle School class, was charged.
    3/1/14 – Herbert Goode, 66, was shot to death in a parking lot in Chicago, IL. A black male has been charged.
    3/1/14 – James Stewart, 71, was stabbed to death by a black male in a park in New Haven, FL.
    3/1/14 – Nicholas Kapusniak, 20, was shot by a black male in downtown St. Louis, MO.
    2/28/14 – Steven Finckbeiner, 63, was shot and killed by two black males while he was working at a sore in LaPlace, LA.
    2/25/14 – Robert Huber, 80, was beaten by two black males who invaded his home in Daphne, AL. The victim would die of his injuries two months later.
    2/24/14 – Cheryl Gilberg, 43, was beat to death in Madison, WI. Her black boyfriend was charged.
    2/23/14 – David Peterson, 54, was shot and killed while walking down the street in Seattle, WA. The suspect is a 17 year old black male.
    2/22/14 – Ronald Sanders, 26, was shot and killed in Nashville, TN by two black males.
    2/20/14 – Donalvon Odell Rhyne, 52, was shot and killed by two black males while he was driving a taxi cab in Houston, TX.
    2/16/14 – Billy Jo Bratton, 23, was killed in York, PA. He black boyfriend has been charged.
    2/15/14 – Three white females were killed in a spree shooting by a black male in Cabarrus County, NC. One of the victims was dating the perp.
    Sheila Serrano
    Sharon Cox
    Jessica Cox.
    2/14/14 – Brandi Gonyer-Boaston was strangled to death in Toledo, OH. Her black ex-husband has been charged.
    2/13/14 – A black male killed two people execution style and set their Corinth, MS home on fire.
    James Copeland, 66
    Jerry Copeland, 64
    2/10/14 – A group of at least four blacks invade the Detroit, MI home of a white family and stabbed three people to death
    Michael Hoots, 24
    Lawrence Bowman, 51
    Nicholas Bowman, 26
    2/10/14 – Donald Ray Gunter, 69, was murder by a black male in Greene County, TN. The per has a white girlfriend who was also charged.
    2/9/14 – John Serpe, 44, was sitting in his vehicle when a black male walked up to the car and shot him execution style in West Garfield Park, IL. The suspect is a career criminal who was on parole.
    2/8/14 – Two women, sisters of Iowa State Rep. Mary Wolfe, were killed execution style in their home in Pittsburgh, PA. A black neighbor was charged.
    Susan Wolfe, 44
    Sarah Wolfe, 38
    2/7/14 – Alexandria Nicole Bertran, 16, was killed in Orange County, TX when a black male rammed her car with a minivan on purpose. Her mother was also injured.
    2/3/14 – Christian Markoff, 17, was shot and killed by two black males in Ozark, AL.
    2/3/14 – Michael Patin, 49, was shot and killed while working at a Flea Market in Lafayette Parish, LA. A 15 year old black male has been charged.
    2/3/14 – Rachelle Nowak, 37, was shot and killed in Brenham, TX. Her black boyfriend was convicted.
    2/2/14 – Kimberly Leto, 51, was stabbed to death by two black teenagers who invaded her home in Baltimore, MD.
    2/1/14 – John Bannon, 55, was walking in Baton Rouge, LA, when two black males beat him to death.
    2/1/14 – Lori Martin was shot and killed by a black male while she was waiting in line at a Walmart in Conway, AR.
    1/31/14 – Angela Steigerwalt, , was strangled to death by her black boyfriend in Allentown, PA.
    1/31/14 – Kevin Quick, 45, a reserve police officer was abducted and murdered in Nelson County, VA. Several black males have been charged.
    1/28/14 – Thomas Karl Sonnenberg. 69, was shot and killed by a black male who came to his door asking for help in Minneapolis, MN.
    1/27/14 – Carroll Jordan, 86, was beaten and stabbed to death by three black males who invaded his home in Chickasaw, AL.
    1/26/14 – Kyle Lutes, 24, was shot and killed by a black male he had been friends with in West Palm Beach, FL.
    1/26/14 – Shane Williams, 38, was shot and killed by a black male, who had been a childhood friend, in Dacusvill, SC. The victim’s white wife was arrested as an accomplice.
    1/25/14 – A black male shot two people during a spree shooting at a skateboard store in Columbia, MD. The victim’s were his ex-girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend.
    Brianna Benlolo, 21
    Tyler Johnson, 25
    1/25/14 – Joey Klett, 19, was stabbed to death by a black male in Bristol, CT.
    1/25/14 – Peggy Nadell, 80, was murdered in Rockland County, NY. The suspects are her black daughter in law and the sister of her daughter in law.
    1/25/14 – Domenico Perruccio, 58, was shot and killed by a black male in Hollywood, FL.
    1/23/14 – Wilson Courtney Caitlyn Rea, 22, was killed by a black male in Wilson, NC. Her black boyfriend was charged.
    1/21/14 – Alex Anderson, 19, was shot and killed by a black male in Chicago.
    1/19/14 – Amber Long, 25, was shot and killed by two black men as she walked down the street in Philadelphia, PA.
    1/18/14 – Bowie Richard, 21, was shot and killed by a black male in Harvey, LA.
    1/18/14 – Lisa Marie Lico Pynn, 33, was raped and murder by a black male in Pent Wetworth, GA. The suspect is a suspected serial rapist.
    1/16/14 – Melissa Williams, 35, was killed by a black male in McKinney, TX. Her black boyfriend was charged.
    1/16/14 – Cory Hubbard, 22, was killed when a black drunk driver slammed into him in College Park, MD.
    1/14/14 – Marsha Brown, 40, was shot and killed by a black male in Makanda, IL.
    1/14/14 – Jennifer Harper Johnson, 30, was killed in Amherst County, VA. He black boyfriend was charged.
    1/14/14 – Hunter Miller, 26, was killed by a black male in Gautier, MS.
    1/14/14 – A newlywed couple was ambushed and murdered in their own home in Denver, CO. A 17 year old black male has been convicted of the murders.
    Staff Sgt. David Dunlap, 37
    Whitney Butler, 35
    Unborn baby
    1/13/14 – Bernice Schaufele, 81 was murdered by a black male in her Oakland County, MI condo.
    1/11/14 – Robert Mohler, 49, was beaten to death in Laundromat in Berks County, PA. Four black teenagers, two male and two female, were charged.
    1/10/14 – Michael Anthony Giddens, 25, was shot and killed by two black males in Rock Hill, SC.
    1/9/14 – Marc Zhuchenko, 22, was killed by a black male while working at an auto parts store in Sacramento County, CA.
    1/9/14 – Amy Gang Hargrove, 28, was killed in Kirkland, WA. Her black boyfriend was charged.
    1/5/14 – Kyle Jobin, 19, was shot and killed by two black males at a gas station in Lawrence, IN.
    1/5/14 – Tara Rogers Alicea, 30, was stabbed to death by a black male in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.
    1/2/14 – Menachem Stark, 37, was killed by three black males in Brooklyn, NY.
    1/1/14 – Joseph Anderson was shot and killed by a black male in Marrero, LA.

    1/1/14 – Three members of the same family were murdered by two black males inside their Barbarton, Ohio home. A fourth female victim was shot. Two brothers have been charged.

    Ashley Carpenter, 18
    David Kohler-Carpenter, 14
    John Kohler, 42

    1. Jeremy says:

      My mistake….i found out what you do for us….maybe that list is all the white supremacists you guys had to defend yourself agsinst? Nooooo, Maybe that list is all the whites that you blacks invited over for dinner? nooooo. What could that above list be???? I keep looking for the huge list of blacks killed by white people last year but i cant seem to find it….maybe it doesnt count as a list if it only has 2 or 3 names on it….fuckin lying predators you are

    2. dj says:

      Not this bullshit list again.
      This is getting pretty old, even for a troll of your low caliber.
      Your list is nothing compared to the body count you Caspers left behind once you all ventured out from the caves.
      In case you have conveniently forgot:

      does the dark ages of europe ring a bell???

      the bloody “religious” crusades…

      the genocide of the indigenous people of North America and annihilation of neighboring Carib Islanders…

      the complete annihilation of the indigenous people of Tazmania…

      the slaughter of the indigenous people of Australia…

      the genocide of many indigenous groups in Africa (not even counting the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade”)…

      all of the world wars was started by who again…

      the lynchings and terroristic house and church bombings by the KKK…

      the war in Vietnam….

      the war on drugs…

      the Iraqi invasion…

      the Afghan invasion…

      the bombing of Libya…

      the global war on terror…

      the current Syria bombings…

      and stupid @$$ half white Obama is letting congress and the Jews drag him into WW3

      Dude seriously, stop the madness…

      1. dj says:

        but wait there is still more…lol
        I won’t play the same game of spacing after each line like you did to give a false appearance of vast info…
        • Agana race riot
        • Airport Homes race riots
        • Anti-abolitionist riots (1834)
        • Atlanta race riot
        • Battle of Liberty Place
        • Beaumont Race Riot of 1943
        • Bellingham riots
        • Broad Street Riot
        • Chinese massacre of 1871
        • Cincinnati riots of 1829
        • Cincinnati riots of 1836
        • Cincinnati riots of 1841
        • Colfax massacre
        • Detroit race riot of 1863
        • Detroit race riot of 1943
        • East St. Louis riot
        • Elaine race riot
        • Fernwood Park race riot
        • Greek Town riot
        • Hamburg massacre
        • Hard Scrabble and Snow Town
        • Knoxville Riot of 1919
        • Lombard Street riot
        • The Marrow of Tradition
        • Memphis riots of 1866
        • Meridian race riot of 1871
        • Muncy Abolition Riot of 1842
        • New Orleans riot
        • New York City draft riots
        • Ocoee massacre
        • Omaha race riot of 1919
        • Pacific Coast race riots of 1907
        • Perry race riot
        • Phoenix Election riot
        • Pittsburgh riot
        • Pulaski riot
        • Red Summer (1919)
        • Robert Charles riots
        • Rock Springs massacre
        • Rosewood massacre
        • Salinas Lettuce Strike of 1934
        • San Francisco riot of 1877
        • Seattle riot of 1886
        • Springfield race riot of 1908
        • Tacoma riot of 1885
        • Tulsa race riot
        • Watsonville riots
        • Wilmington insurrection of 1898
        • Zoot Suit Riots

        1. dj says:

          dude the death count your people left behind alone is cringe worthy. Now if you want we can get into the present but we will have to include the trickery of your people’s misdeeds of introducing AIDS, Ebola, Planned Parenthood and “vaccines” to the black people all over the world. We would be here for a while exposing you caspers

          And even those numbers wouldn’t cover half of the treachery and violence perpetuated by you caspers so please miss me with the troll tirade….

  111. Jeremy says:

    Can one of you little angels send me the list of all the blacks killed by this imaginary White supremacist that you and Obama keep crying about? That massive list of whites being slaughtered that i just posted was from last year alone and is not even half the murders you commited against whites… you guys cry about 2 thugs mike brown and trayvon martin that totally deserved what the got but all the whites that were killed just last year for doing nothing but being white and whites are the evil predators? Look at the ages of the people on the list…..multiple young children and babies, old ladies and the handicapped…..did the big bad 2 year old white supreme you? Awwww ….you animals

    1. JayBay says:

      And as I said, each one of those white lives was the equivalent to a drop in a bucket. Equivalent to spit.

      1. Jeremy says:

        And thats why blacks are animals to whites….Hey jaybay the Jap why are you defending something you know nothing about? Youre in Japan….Japan has ZERO black population…..i dont blame em for that but paw whittle bwacks dont need a Jap to defend em do they?

  112. Nik says:

    Jeremy “the troll” sits behind his computer in the dark with his hard little penis fantasizing about his sick infatuation with black men

    1. Jeremy says:

      Typical black comment….i state facts and blacks start name calling and saying perverted homosexual things…..all the things i just spoke about and youre talkin about hard penises….you behave exactly the way we thought you would

  113. Jeremy says:

    2 savage thugs die for justifiable reasons and BLACK LIVES MATTER..and you riot and ruin cities…..but thousands of whites get killed in that sametime period and Black lives matter still? No they fuckin dont… kill eachother and us at a horrifying rate and you want us to think your worthless lives matter? ….get it together negros….the jig is up !….all those whites you killed and raped last year alone, all those whites have friends family and loved ones….so multiply all the whites that have been victims to blacks by all their white friends, family and neighbors and its no wonder everyone cant stand being around you….how can you think you can slaughter that many whites and the shock wave from it wouldnt spread through our white communities? the media trys to cover up your savage ways but very soon whites are gonna realize what youre doing to not just us but every race that interacts with you…..67% of the population is about to wake up to what the other 12% is doing to us and our country….ask Jaybay the Jap what happens when you awake a sleeping giant….you wanna meet the Romans? The vikings? The Devil dogs? The green berets? The flying tigers? The Spartans? The ten thousand? …you already have met them…but you call us whites….keep up the lies and the violence and hate…. You guys keep calling for a race war, im not sure you know what youre actually saying.

    1. JayBay says:

      Romans=bunch of pedophiles and pagans
      Vikings=the same
      Devil dogs=White people in general. I prefer to call you drops in a bucket but that;ll do too.

      The list goes on an on.

  114. Everything your saying is THE FUCKING TRUTH!! But typical animals only no how to come back with lies. And of course typical white supremacist! Call me a white supremacist! Don’t bother me! Thats a compliment!

  115. Black lives don’t matter by your own fucking people you fuckin stupid animals! City I live you animals kill each other on a daily basis!! And I do mean daily!! Every night on the 6clock news its another monkey killing his monkey buddies!! Lol!! And we “white supremacist” love to see that!! You stupid fucks keep up the good work!! Love me sum black on black killings!! 🙂 :).

  116. Jeremy says:

    The only time these chimps say BLM is when a white person takes the life….they murderize their own thats fine(because no payday involved) …this whole BLM bullshit is just another black hate terrorist group looking for ANOTHER free handout from hard working Americans….Black Lives Splatter

  117. JayBay says:

    I agree with Sam. These white people are nothing. Less than nothing in fact. For all the chest thumping they do in places like this, they know that they’re just soulless husks who can’t live peacefully so they have to disrupt any and everything that they can’t control. Here’s what the Apocrypha sums up about white people.

    2 Esdras 6:54-59
    54 and over these you placed Adam, as ruler over all the works that you had made; and from him we have all come, the people whom you have chosen (that would be blacks, non-european hispanics and native americans). 55 “All this I have spoken before you, O Lord, because you have said that it was for us (see before) that you created this world. 56 As for the other nations that have descended from Adam (that would be you whites), you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle (aka spit), and you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket (meaning even the Creator views your entire existence as the equivalent to a drop from a bucket. He doesn’t even care)

    And if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Who are the people that whites constantly talk shit about, hate with a passion, and do everything they can to kill and prevent them from getting better lives and living peacefully. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. Who are the people who they CONSTANTLY try to emulate whether it’s dance, music, spirituality, philosophy etc. Blacks, hispanics, and native americans. We’re the best thing on this planet. Always have been. Always will be. It’s just that guys like Jeremy can’t stand that fact so they spend their free time on here talking bad about you in the HOPE that you’ll go back to hating yourself and thinking of yourselves as niggers, spicks, etc.. Look at this post and other posts. No one who thinks they’re the greatest thing on the planet would spend as much time on this site as he has including the other trolls. They’re nothing and know it. When I hear about all these crazy white people going around shooting up theaters or ISIS shooting them in their own countries, I rejoice. It’s a righteous thing. Justice is being served and we don’t have to get our hands dirty. And don’t go saying “you’re wrong”. Do you honestly think that with all the evil that whites have done in the world that the most high wasn’t going to exact revenge? ISIS, China, North Korea. These are just some of the groups that would love to see you extinct. And as long as we learn to realize that whites are nothing and learn to love each other and keep his commandments, they’re going to continue. Man I love this age! I can see Jeremy’s people’s gradual decline and destruction all over the world with just the click of a button! There was a little white boy in the news who just shot a little white girl over a puppy. A puppy! Your people are getting worse and worse while our people are slowly getting better and it’s going to cause your destruction. Happy posting you drop in a bucket!

  118. JayBay says:

    The stupid…it burns. Jeremy is such a dumbass that he LITERALLY doesn’t believe that black people live Asia. Rather than debating any of my points he just called me a chink. Like I said, white people today are so pathetic that they can’t even do racism right anymore!

    2 Esdras 6:54-59
    54 and over these you placed Adam, as ruler over all the works that you had made; and from him we have all come, the people whom you have chosen (that would be blacks, non-european hispanics and native americans). 55 “All this I have spoken before you, O Lord, because you have said that it was for us (see before) that you created this world. 56 As for the other nations that have descended from Adam (that would be you whites), you have said that they are nothing, and that they are like spittle (aka spit), and you have compared their abundance to a drop from a bucket (meaning even the Creator views your entire existence as the equivalent to a drop from a bucket. He doesn’t even care)

    Keep it up you drop in the bucket. Your stupidity and futility of your existence makes my day!

  119. Lmao!! Black lives splatter!

  120. He’s debated every lie that you’ve typed you stupid fuck!! Its more the other way around with you dumbasses! I’ve read all the post and you stupid animals can even keep up! Its gave me a good laugh you things stupidity. Can’t call ya people.

  121. Jeremy says:

    Yeah i gotta take a break on these fools….i feel like im picking on the handicapped….they cant even defend themselves a little…just name calling and threats from them….it’s useless trying to talk sence to them

  122. Jeremy says:

    Lol Jaybay the Jap is saying that whites are less than nothing….How does it feel getting your ass kicked in war by nothing? Your Japanese emperor bowed down and surrendered to NOTHING on an american battleship? Are you sure? Cause after we dropped two atomic bombs on you bitches we made your crying leader bow and sign a surrender document declaring the Japs a bunch of bitches….still think whites are nothing? You sneak attacked America when it was trying to save europe and we turned around and whooped your country something sweet….is that why you side with ISIS and blacks? You hate america dont you? JAP? Comment?

  123. Yeah it is. Thanks for the laughs tho! You made a white girls night! Or a white supremacist s night according to the animals 🙂

  124. Melanoid/mongaloids I can’t tell a difference

  125. Jeremy says:

    O NO ! Quick black people ! The KKK and white supreme monster is coming….QUICK ! Put these chains on and hop in the boat!…….lol ….. Theirs about 10,000 pounds of black people but only one pound of brains in this room

  126. Your running this racist black website with the truth and facts. And they can’t stand to hear the truth. All they can comment is kill whitey and lies and how the white man holds them down. Typical behavior of the blacks. No surprise. Shits still hilarious though!

  127. Jeremy says:

    Lol ….the only person in here that even remotely put up an argument was a Japanese man Jaybay….he lied and exagerated for blacks but at least he was able to speak in complete sentences and not threaten

    1. Jeremy says:

      O and i posted something a few days ago about blacks never inventing or producing anything….a black girl had a list of things she thought were black invented…while she was right blacks apparently invented a few things they were all minor add ons to existing products…not really inventions exactly…and alot of the black ” inventors were hired by white companies…or they had white partners…and a few of the blacks on the list of black inventions were half white….but i did admit i was wrong in the thread cause blacks apparently under whites guidance blacks can create very minor improvements on our inventions…i was barely wrong but i admitted it anyway

  128. Jeremy says:

    Hey Truth Speaker….how cool would it be if we hooked up? We could tell all our friends we met on a racist hate filled black website….then we have a bunch of white supremacist beautiful white skinned babies and live happily ever after? Wadda ya say? Lol

  129. Sounds good! White blonde blue/green eyed babies! Keep the all white race going! 🙂

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lol nice..pleased to meet you Kimberly……..Hey black people grab a pen and paper n take some notes…this is how you behave with the opposite sex

  130. Lmao! Nice to meet you too!

  131. Aryan babies in an all white city with an aryan guy…hmmm heaven!

  132. Jeremy says:

    Lol blacks are watching us confused on why i said hello instead of going right for rape

    1. Jeremy says:

      Lmao im sorry ….that was the funniest thing i ever typed tho

  133. Jeremy says:

    Im a tad bit north of you…..NC

  134. I don’t give a shit if they see what we said. The dumb bullshit ass lies they type don’t bother me. I guess I’ve gone on to many racist websites and my phone just pulled this one up outta the shit I read about. Lol

  135. North Carolina..pretty! Love it up in Carolina and TN

  136. Use to vacation alot up n Carolina and Tennessee. Me and sister always said if we were to move that’s were we want to be. Love the mountains

    1. Jeremy says:

      Im not exactly in the mountains….an hour or so south of Raleigh….im in more country then ive ever even been close to tho….farms n woods all still getting used to it

  137. Its still nice tho. Your not that far from the mountains. And on the plus side its mostly white right? 🙂 Your from NYC tho right? That’s gotta be a big change for ya. You’ll get used to it

  138. You love schooling these dumbasses don’t ya lol

    1. Jeremy says:

      schooling slightly fun yes…but id rather them able to have an actual discussion with me…i dont hate blacks…just niggers

  139. Jeremy says:

    Yeah NYC born n raised…didnt realize how brainwashed i was…friends keep askin me to comeback n visit and i said abso-fuckin- lutley not…. Done with that dirty hell hole….Manhattans kinda nice in some areas but its so expensive its not worth it

  140. Yeah I haven’t seen one come back with anything for ya. Cuz they know what your saying is right. They can’t stand to hear that shit. Damn its that bad there huh? The city I’m in is no better trust me.

  141. Jeremy says:

    Some areas are nice in nyc ….but in Manhattan youre either Rich or poor…very little in between

  142. Jeremy says:

    Well i gotta get my beauty sleep …i had a long day of monkey taming…goodnight Kimberly

  143. Lol damn your a trip. Night. Gotta get some sleep to go to work…..a word never heard of on here.

    1. Cupid says:

      ^^ When white supremacists find love on a black website after writing grammatically incorrect essays about how much THEY think black people suck. How cute.

  144. You no who you are…hit me back it you see this

  145. ^^when white people give you the facts and truth and black folk can’t stand it!

  146. And why we gotta be “white supremacists” when its all FACTS? You things can’t stand to hear the truth! This is a black website that has nothing but false articles but when us WS call you out on the lies were racist. You MF are the racist. Kill whitey and their babies,go shoot yourselves. You things are the racist!! Go cry and Boohoo some more you racists fucks.

  147. Shay Shay says:

    Okay. I can’t read anymore. There are no constructive comments on here amongst black people. I only see vitriol going back and forth between blacks and racist whites. “He who angers you, controls you”!!!!!

  148. Shay Shay says:

    The Calculated Destruction and the black man and woman.

  149. wideNCawake says:

    one statistic that shows to be true that wherever blacks go or move to ruin is sure to follow

  150. Guest says:

    Let me do this one for everybody and or a favor
    on behalf of everyone else. first of all its the other
    way around this retarded jackass doesn’t know
    up from down, not to mention what’s real an the
    things he’s saying is nothing but, naive, clueless
    lying, ignorant, delusional, unbeknownst, uneducated

    I’ll make a list in what the dumb loser blacks owe whites
    it’s pretty obvious they have to give back all the items
    or products and properties that was made an constructed
    by whites. of course the damage and major damages
    that there kind has done to cities like the L.A. Riots,
    Atlanta, Ferguson Riots, Detroit, Philadelphia

    let’s not forget all the fast food places an schools
    and other locations they destroyed. that whites
    had or have to rebuilt since black people can not
    redevelop what they demolished.

    Mall fights an or mobs, black school fights an or shootings
    ghetto fights, project fights, theme park fights, carnival fights
    KFC fights, Mc Donald fights, Wendy’s fights, Burger King fights
    IHop fights, Black Lives Matter riots, restaurant fights an so the
    total cost will be some where in the $ hundred trillion and growing

    and slavery an oppression oh please whites and yellows were enslaved
    within their own race an did that to each other when they first met one another
    last time i checked both race’s had it way worse than the simple minded blacks
    besides being in shackles they had to row ships while being chained up to other
    people an tortured by using mechanical machinery and coerced to battle people
    or lions, tigers maybe both. had there head chopped off or even have the bodies
    pulled in separate directions an burned and water boarding an crucified and other
    unspeakable things in the ancient times.

  151. Guest says:

    Yeah I think we all should know by now blacks
    (“A.K.A. Niggers”) are a bunch of lying, delusional
    hallucinating, contradicting, hypocritical, fools
    for a black person that is allegedly a math wiz
    why is she in special ed, and we all know
    considering these underdeveloped simian
    brain apes keep claiming. they’er the ones
    that created Math, Science, Astronomy
    since I’ve seen and I’m sure I wasn’t the
    only one that is in youtube an those.

    afro centric channels have blacks
    keep spouting and or spewing such
    nonsensical, drivel, dribble, trivial, menial
    garbage, tripe. claiming everything as theirs
    no one else’s, funny they say how smart
    they truly are intellectually. but when the spot
    light an or lime light shines upon them it’s time
    to show how an why there so smart in actuality
    their just displaying for the whole world how
    astronomically dumb and stupid not to mention
    retarded they truly are

    considering in a all black schools they fail
    at Math, English, Science, Astronomy. those
    three subjects the very same ones that these
    people claim that invented it are horrid an terrible
    and massively failing them. let’s not forget even
    on public schools they are flunking there to so
    these blacks that say an or claim they are smart
    or a wiz at something and of course another thing
    like white heart bleeding guilt ridden, black loving
    coddling, pampering, enabling, pandering, wiggering
    oil drilling, coal burning, and some conservatives
    will an would help them by making it look like
    the blacks you see on tv in commercials
    and movies an games their just using uncle
    toms or magic niggers and mystical negro’s
    to trick or pull the wool from in front of the entire
    audience into believing an seeing that a black person
    simulating a human being.

    most of them still can’t read and write an speak
    proper english the whole race an the ones that
    can are only a small minority or a fraction which
    is ultra super omega embarrassing since the white
    race and yellow race an brown ethnicity’s can. let’
    me also remind people that is on the internet and
    or outside the real world liberals would do anything
    to put black people in every job an career that there
    not qualified and skilled for by using affirmative action
    an remorse, empathetic, sympathetic towards them
    and telling the masses that they to can be “geniuses”
    showing videos an pictures of them doing math
    science, astronomy in stores and on the web’s
    to the audience using propaganda an make
    them think they’er just like quite a few of our
    people that have the greatest minds.

  152. Guest says:

    Isn’t it amazing that these savages
    always leaves out the most hard an crucial concrete
    evidence that is important to the story. has anyone
    notice when these cretins blame whites as per usual
    they never mentioned and or tell the full plot on what
    an who started it. because they know its one of there
    own kind in reality that’s why he or she will and would
    never tell the full story from there side of the group
    of course knowing them they’ll restort to distorting
    and skewing an spinning let’s not forget telling lies
    unless they were naive, ignorant, uneducated, clueless
    oblivious, unbeknownst, to the whole thing

    I’ve noticed this pattern before they just blame
    whites saying they start an or caused wars
    and talking about bombing Japan without
    knowing full well why they had to do that
    not to mention others like the Korean War
    an Vietnam they just blame it on white
    people as always and the current events
    that’s happening to them right now like
    the Jamar Clark, Michael Brown, and
    other miscellaneous situations
    an the videos that Colin Flaherty

  153. Guest says:

    You know I hope I’m not the only one that notices this
    but when it comes to blacks. they always want to have
    what the white man or yellow man has made but since
    this is a black on white thing and black people always
    seem to be jealous in what the white people have
    considering they never created and or constructed
    anything of value

    I’ve always noticed a pattern with this race
    they always whine an complain and moaning
    an groaning when things don’t go they’er way
    steal what they can. since they can’t make
    things on there own and they always say
    we just want to be left alone but kept or
    keep bothering whites to hire them in a
    all white business whether big and small
    an when whites do or don’t hire them
    it’s racist because after they get hired
    they don’t do the work and get fired
    an starts calling everyone in the room
    and building racist. but of course
    when black people have their own
    business the blacks that want
    to have a job have to go looking
    for it in a white city an community
    where no one or white people want
    them around so why don’t they just
    get or find and look for a job in there
    ghetto, slum, projecy neighborhood.
    instead of trying to get a job in a white
    mans business an corporation that they
    don’t belong to or not qualified for let alone
    even wanted. there always about black and
    bragging, boasting, prideful, narcissistic how
    great to be black

    an yet these losers don’t stay on the side
    in their own damn neighborhood and community
    they as we all know. the ones that are aware of
    black people in what they do. blacks are flip flopping
    hypocritical contradicting double standard retards
    that say one thing an would do another, not to
    mention moving in a white neighborhood that even
    though they don’t like white people and saying there being under
    represented on TV an Movies. indicting the media and social media
    by saying the news is claiming the “innocent” black person had a criminal
    record when he or she didn’t, while forgetting the news cast station aren’t the ones responsible for the statistics they only report it and police an FBI collects data

    whites wanting or offered an trying to clean up
    there neighborhood it’s either racist and supremacy or something else an when theirs black on black crime and murder suddenly they want help from the good ol white police officer an want to know the “truth” who done do did done it, but of course never help out when the cops wants help from the public within the community. because the code of conduct these morons have (“snitches gets stitches”) an if it’s black on white crime there suddenly against the cops and siding with the criminals not like there is a difference anyway. they would be defending one of there own even if it’s black on black or black on white an black on yellow and black on brown.

  154. Guest says:

    Retarded black people always playing the victim
    bullshit and FYI Asians an Amerindians or Latin
    Americans. considering you know Amerindians
    they have casino’s and markets, schools an authority
    system in the Indian reservations. for a country that was
    discovered an colonized and a society made by Caucasians
    the non whites that I mentioned are succeeding the ones
    that have anyway. not only that but finding jobs in the big city
    are doing fine in America whites aren’t bringing them down, only
    simpletons like you are spreading lies an deception and hallucinations
    because of you’re failures and or short comings from your people.

  155. Guest says:

    These liberals an blacks should get tied
    up on a pole and a firing squad, that has
    various types of weapons have to use it on
    them. enough with the propaganda and or ruse
    with this pathetic attempt to make the stupid inferior
    black dingle berry devil trash look an or sound equal
    to the white man and yellow man, everybody has
    endured slavery. but these fools just keep on milking
    it every time an or when ever they have the chance

    they were never equal to begin with, so stop this
    delusion an illusion or facade. that they’er in the
    same league as the white man or yellow man let
    alone any one else for that matter. if they were
    so equal the black nations in Sub Saharan Africa
    and Haiti an Papua New Guinea would be just as
    successful as white nations and yellow nations like
    Europe or Asia, not to mention they would’ve been
    able to do it all on there lonesome and knowing how
    blacks think (” oh but white people are racist towards
    us, and enslaved us, an oppressed us. and invaded
    our lands an colonized us, and took our resources “)

    an yet Europeans went to Asia and did the same things in some of the Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia but that didn’t stop the Asian nations from progressing. than again they already had an advanced civilization before the European explorers have arrived. and who could forget the Mongol Empire when the mongols took most of Eurasia, that did the same thing as the blacks are accusing whites for. but that didn’t stop eastern Europe from continuing

    but they didn’t the only reason why there’s even a major cities an small ones and of course towns is because of the Afrikaners an Boers from the south and Indians in Kenya, Nairobi an the Chinese and Japanese an Koreans in sub Saharan Africa.

  156. Guest says:

    Wow so many ignoramuses in here, lol it doesn’t matter what you
    black loving enabling coddling oildrilling coalburning dumb ass holes
    say facts are facts go to Vidmax, Liveleak, YouTube, WorldStarHipHop.
    blacks do commit most of the crimes, have you morons observed how they
    behave in school an not just at school in the public. anybody in Michigan or Atlanta an or Philadelphia let alone Chicago and New York an New Orleans and Baltimore.

    I can show you oblivious, unbeknownst, clueless, naive, white guilt ridden fools
    that they are not (” Just Like Us”) the very same people that were stupid enough
    to let any terrorist into Europe whether there good or bad Muslims the white race
    just cannot afford to make to many mistakes at all any more by thinking they’er not all that bad well that doe’s not matter cause they brought there problems into Europe and other parts of the world because all thanks to you’re stupidity an empathy and or sympathy towards them

    just take a good look of the world today an not to mention France,
    the real dangerous people are not the terrorist its the people that have a mindset
    by being too liberal and too lenient an remorseful towards the blacks & refugees.
    an of course by being careless and hippie dippy towards them and especially the blacks that do a lot if not most of the crime an putting everyone in danger and or extreme danger

    and gets down played by people that are blind or wearing colored rose delusional
    tinted glasses.

  157. Guest says:

    Not surprising that a dumb ass hole retarded
    black person such as yourself don’t know shit about the white
    mans history. I suppose you forgot your beloved people as a whole
    whether in The Continental of America or Haiti and Sub Saharan Africa are killing each other off an hate to break it to you but if you think for a moment that whites are all to blame for wars and battles an other variety of violence, than you truly are showing the people that are in this site an new comers that just discovered or lurking on this forum and not just the people in a website but the whole world how naive, ignorant, clueless, oblivious, unbeknownst. you and sam an JayBay are

    considering yellows (A.K.A. Asians) have done wars an battles with one another in the ancient times throughout modern times and not to mentioned clashed against whites. have you heard of the mongol empire you probably didn’t. knowing how that small underdeveloped simian brain can’t seem to fathom let alone understand it wasn’t just whites having wars even Asians had them like World War II an the Korean war and Southeast Asian wars

    Not only are you a fool, but you have no idea what
    you’re talking about blacks have been killing each other through out
    prehistory and centuries that’s before the Caucasians Kemets, Arabics, European of any type discovered black people in Sub Saharan Africa, and since Negroids are to stupid to record anything about their history, they wouldn’t know how many of their own kind have they killed. an you accuse white people for all the crimes they commit in the world, when the Negroid race commits most of the crimes in the world considering with all the statistics that shows they do

  158. Guest says:

    Please you don’t know what you’re talking about
    as usual you dumb monkey’s can’t even see this is another liberal
    ruse and or propaganda to make you blacks think. that you can be geniuses too when in actuality you’re not black people will forever be dumb and have a low I.Q. an you think whites are threaten by your physical and mental power considering you’re not even that strong.

    since I’ve seen how you black people fight with whites one on one
    getting their ass kicked an curbed stomped, the only way you guys can and or will win is by attacking in groups or mobs and knock out game an blind sucker punching on a unsuspecting victim. of course as for mental powers don’t make me laugh. lol not a chance when it comes to you people you’re kind is easily gullible

    and wouldn’t you know it The Keeper just proves my point even further seriously do I have to remind you simian beings that fools like you still live in various methodological huts an bathe in cow urine and do tribal dances not to mention when you want to go urinate or take a dump your doing it where you stand or near the bushes an behind the trees using leaves. lets not forget mostly naked wearing grass skirts rubbing animal dung on babies. putting you’re lips on a cows private part, sucking and licking it vice versa an putting round plates in your jaw and using cow’s hide for a shied. eating mosquito burgers and mud cookies or shit. let us also remember killing black albino’s for magic ju ju an cannibalism and you’ve been doing this for centuries
    till today.

  159. Guest says:

    You don’t know jack shit about anything
    blacks were never respectable or productive. the towns
    cities the black people had and were living in was made
    constructed by whites so how will or would you explain Haiti
    an Sub Saharan Africa and as anyone who will say, can you name
    one country and or nation an continent that was successfully prospering
    flourishing, exceeding expectations and breaking country
    records that is ruled by blacks.

  160. Guest says:

    You uncle tom niggers need to shut up, you guy’s
    are just all talk. not only are you a fucking idiot, but you have no idea what
    you’re talking about niggers have been killing each other through out the centuries and that’s before the Caucasians Kemets, Arabics, European of any type discovered Niggers in Sub Saharan Africa, and since Negroids are to stupid to record anything about their history they wouldn’t know how many of their own kind have they killed. an don’t give me (” The Lost Civilization “) argument because first of all you would need to have a civilization in order for it to be lost and than considered to be a ” Lost Civilization ” which you guy’s don’t have. and you accuse white people for all the crimes they commit in the world, when the Negroid race commits most of the crimes in the world considering with all the statistics that shows they do, like the dumb ass you are I love how delusional you moronic monkey’s are, saying you were Egyptian (a.k.a. Kemets) an the original people of earth. you guys never do show proof, you never show links that is hard physical concrete crucial shred of evidence instead would just lead me or any other people to a Afro centric website. let alone proof that I can touch or taste and or smell and see, after all I’ve heard it all from you retarded simian beings.

    claiming every other indigenous inhabitants an their culture and or heritage in this world as you’res when it isn’t!, you apes steal all the time and if you can’t steal items or products physically. you gorillas would try to re-write history an re-envisioned it because it is not to you’re liking and not to mention their are sick white guilt ridden liberals empathetic or sympathetic and that goes for yellow people as well they may not have white guilt but yellow guilt to you’re kind some of them would gladly help you’re retarded simian cause to put you ugly, fugly, douche bag, black dingle berry, trash, in every white and yellow history

    an you niggers take things out of context and lie a lot more than Caucasian people, like that out of Africa theory.and you guys always say don’t believe what the white man is saying but you believe in the theory of out of Africa theory that was created by the white man you niggers are hypocrites. and the white man killing off Native Americans when their still plenty of them around. not to mention, you dirty filthy apes would even lie to protect you’re own kind when you know he or she is a criminal with so many crime records, Pierre Deangelo, Michael Brown, you guys always blame for everything on the white man for you’re failures.

    I mean other races like Asians have failed, but they don’t pin their blame on white people except for a few exceptions on occasion unlike you niggers that just keep blaming white people non stop.

    whether you like to hear it or not see it or not the feel of it or not or the taste of it or not, you simian beings do commit most of the crimes nationally and internationally and lets not forget if things didn’t go you’re way how ever you wanted you bonobo’s would be howling like those howling monkey’s in Asia and calling everything racist this racist that, because you didn’t get things you’re way an you wonder why people think and or thought you have a mind of a child

    and I love it that you fools think, you are as smart or can be just as intellectually more smarter then a white man let alone a yellow man since you’re the only race in existence that don’t have ancient civilization that are in ruins or lies in ruins and have modern day cities in Sub Saharan Africa, the only reason there are even major cities an small ones there and or towns is because of the foreigners that are white called Boers and Afrikaners an not to mention some Asians like the Indian community in Nairobi Kenya and the Chinese.

    You Niggers are so annoying, saying every time and or when ever you kill some one. white people kill, or every time an or when ever you steal, white people steal. well this dumb monkey forgot to mention you do most of the killing and stealing nationally and internationally

    I love it when these simian trash acts like white people are equal with them when it comes to crime, and not just white people they think everyone does crime equally in their retarded under developed brain. these savages are just embarrassing themselves every time or when ever they open their mouths or type on the internet.

    an not to mention the afro centric nonsensical, drivel, dribble, frivolous, tripe. and of course accusing the white man stealing culture or technology for that matter when their own kind is still living in various methodological huts an eating dirt cookies and insect burgers an or shit

    of course let’s not forget they’er the ones that first start rioting, fights, mobs, shootings, L.A. Riots, Detroit, Atlanta, Baltimore Riots, Mall fights an or mobs, black school fights an or shootings, ghetto fights, project fights, KFC fights, Mc Donald fights, Burger King fights, Wendy’s fights, Black Lives Matter riots, restaurant fights.

    and you savage simian dingle berry trash, always kill albino niggers because of some magic ju ju nonsense. an do bestiality and do incest on one another, you monkey’s accuse white people doing incest when there’s plenty of stories of you shit faces doing that here in America or Sub Saharan Africa an or new guinea and haiti.

  161. ddsadas says:


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