Dominican Republic Vows to ‘Socially Cleanse’ Itself of Haitian Residents Today

In a compelling story featured yesterday in the San Diego Free Pressa correspondent elaborates on the long-time friction that has come to a tipping point between the people of African descent who identify as Dominicans, and the people of African descent who identify as Hatian.

According to the story, approximately 250,000 Haitians will be made stateless, which will give Dominicans free reign to deport the Haitians who are in the Dominican Republic. Apparently, this has been an issue that started as early as 1822, after Haiti invaded and conquered the DR, thus freeing the slaves there in the process. Ninety years later, in 1912, the policymakers of the Dominican Republic mandated that there be a limit on how many “Black skinned” people could enter their country.

Fast forward to 2015, and the Dominicans are making a push to remove the Haitians from this area. The Dominican government has announced that it plans to give nationality back to those Haitians who were born in that nation, so long as they  enroll with a civil registry. In reality, many other media outlets are only focusing on the political aspects of the Dominican/Haitian fallout. However, we as Melanoid people must be cognizant of the fact that this conflict stems from a place of self-hate and the Dominican Republic’s citizens’ willingness to identify with the European slave-owning Spanish who colonized the island.

Click here to read more on this story.

115 thoughts on “Dominican Republic Vows to ‘Socially Cleanse’ Itself of Haitian Residents Today

  1. dc1969 says:

    I live in New York City and i have lived around both of these nationalities. The overwhelming majority of the Dominican people of African/Black/Melanoid descent sort of know they ain’t white/caucasian, but they don’t identify with me as an African/Black/Melanoid american because of the language and cultural barrier. I have met some who are down and know their history, but the majority claim that they are”Spanish”people. As for the light/white skinned ones, there are some that are ok, but once again, they identify with the caucasians. As for the Haitians i have been around, they know most of the time that they are of African/Black descent but also at times identify as being”French”. Usually it will be the light,bright ones as with the light,bright Domnicans. The european has definitely done a damned good job in causing division amongst people of color and probably ejaculate on themselves when dumb,ignorant shit like this occurs. All i will say is:karma is a bitch and it is real. When they start to pay for their misdeeds and suffer a painful fate,only then will i/we will be at peace! Just my feeling and opinion on this subject! On love!

    1. Cornell says:

      dc1969! I agree with you 100%.

    2. Tchavdar says:

      Im european and I’d rather ejaculate to more exciting and sexually arrousing shit than ethnic missunderstanding in America you racist fuck! You will never be at peace, no matter how many europeans suffer…if they do, because you are an evil bitch…

      1. hmmmm says:

        Tchavdar, shut up.

  2. Kat L says:

    OMG, we are ALL human beings sharing the same planet, food, wants, oxygen. The human race. Our race is a mix as well. You have to deeply research your stuff man.

    1. Doug says:

      Unless you’ve ever had your Ancestry regarded as 3/5ths human…ripped from their land to bu I ld thus one and ithers, for folks like you that can spout that privelidged nonsense, don’t suggest that we study history, written by our conquerers! By your own statement you haven’t researched SQUAT! Go SIT DOWN somewhere!

      1. Chadori Al-Alamoud says:

        I recently came upon this page. Your very racist Mr. Doug. Perhaps black people in the US need to acknowledge their own history in its entirety. Your own people sold you. White people didn’t just pull up and wait for you to jump in or bother to collect you from homes. You were sold by your own people. Some of you admittedly don’t know your ancestral background so you don’t know if you were tied to American Slavery. All races even whites were once slaves. You didn’t build America you assisted. Today, you are tearing it apart more than anything. Jewish people, who I’ll admit I am not fond of have had horrific things happen to them but they are somewhat successful in the US. The asians came over and they are successful. So aren’t many hispanics and arabs. The black people have a problem everywhere they go and they refuse to see that they are primarily the reason. Perhaps your lack of forgiveness prevents you from moving upward as well as your sense of entitlement. You have this in every country you are in so what is the issues in all nations, even your own, once you can’t use American slavery anymore. Why don’t you leave and go back to a place like LIberia or Nigeria that is some what thriving a bit. I’ve heard people ask for reparation but like it or not, slavery was one of the reasons for the war, and many whites died. Many of them also participated in civil rights movements. Today, black children are so out of control that your activist MLK would mostly be disappointed. You complain about the 3/5ths so why behave like 3/5th of a person? Also, as a black man, you still got a right to vote before women did and in many cases a black man is paid better than women are in general. You also have more access to federal employment then even veterans do. You can’t complain about whites in federal employment because many have highly skilled jobs. You need to encourage each other to get educated to get those jobs rather than expect them to be handed to you. Also, stay out of jail so you can become police officers rather than complain about whites being most of the cops. You are also beaten by black cops yet you leave this out? See, you people must acknowledge your faults. You failed to move up once the black panther and Malcolm X movements began. You turned into a demanding rather than earning with respect type of people. Today, it’s an entitlement type of personality you have.

  3. Don shannon says:

    There growing numbers within the U.S.A will soon have an effect on the way.African Americans see themselves. Their mentality of disregarding themselves as Black African people and giving more precedence to their admixure being of mulattoes and creole will perculate within African Americans if we.dont stop it. Their to close for comfort

  4. Anna says:

    Dominicans are very diverse, and mixed people to categorize them in one category is to deny all others. Especially given that the original occupants of the Island were Tainos who did NOT die off and still live today. So Dominicans do no need to identify as Americans identify themselves. Lastly most of these articles are biased, and do not present a full picture. Do you know what life is like out there NO, only what you read on a paper. Do you know what is like to have poor to -no electricity, NO you live in America! Want to blame everything on the Dominican people as Haitian people have no responsibility for their plight, as if the Dominican Republic does not have economic issues of its own. This is multifaceted, and has many components extending decades and this is the result of colonization, occupation, because both countries have been occupied including Haiti occupying The Dominican Republic, racial tensions, and so forth. At the end of the day its the same piece of land with the same potential its a matter of intention and coming to an understanding and respecting each other.

    1. Jorge says:

      That’s fine in the eyes of the judge police and any other devil. will are stilla nigger.. .no matter what lingo you speak…you are ashamed to be called black to impress who…all blacks hat ancestors that were enslaved from Africa has mixed backgrounds…Indian white other Africans….so what make you so special…

    2. @Anna. before you continue to embarrass yourself please enlighten yourself on the history of Hispaniola. first off the Haitians never occupied D.R.. they freed it from Spanish rule. the Africans that were there were so brainwashed that they hated the Haitians for freeing them. Haiti then had to turn around and pay a lot of money to France to keep the island free. Hence the reason Haiti continues to be so weak. not only that all western powers has continue to stifle the country because it is a symbol of freedom for us who are the ancestors of slaves. a prime minister of Haiti once asked France for the money back due to the fact that slavery was unjust and inhumane. France had him assassinated. Now these Tainos are Africans we all are that is where humanity comes from. i am from the Caribbean, Jamaica to be exact. So i have lived through it i was born shortly before hurricane Gilbert hit the Caribbean and i still remember everything from start to finish. those Dominicans that part take in this behavior are idiots. they chase behind Spain as if the Spanish ever gave a fuck about them. Wanting to be white so bad that they tear down their own just to gain favor from the same people that think they are lower than the ground. If they had helped Haiti the island of Hispaniola would be strong and a world power instead of one half being a tourist attraction for cheap plastic surgery and prostitution and the other getting picked on by the west.

  5. sayman says:

    Dominicans are black folks, for the.most part, who speak Spanish, just like Haitians are black folks who speak English, just like African Americans are black folks that speak English-and so on, and so on. We were all enslaved, and our people came to this “new world” on slave ships from Africa, and the language differences have to do with which Europeans owned us, and on what land mass we were taken to.

  6. sayman says:

    I meant to say that Haitians speak French, not English.

  7. flore says:

    So what we all are human beings, and we have the same blood color. Do white, black, red and yellow people whatever they call have different color of blood? Skin color skin color, skin color, the only difference we have is our languages periode.l

  8. Mickey Finn says:

    I will never go back there, they just lost millions from blacks in the Americas. The hell with Dem Republic!

  9. Annee says:

    Is not a matter of race or color, is very easy to spill out comments without being acquainted with the situation.

    The Dominican government is not acting out of the idea of a race or a color, not even a social or ethnic background, is a simple matter of migration law and whether people of ANY race is living in the DR illegally. Everybody that is part of a society must be accountable to fulfill their social responsibilities as much as to make demands for their rights, one thing comes with the other. And now the international community wants that the government and the Dominican population carry that responsibility of public education, public health, security (police) and nutrition programs that are payed in the form of taxes.

    If I decided to move to the USA illegally I will be deported, no questions asked, so why is it different for the Dominican Republic?

    1. Kerr says:

      Whoever is trying to say this is about immigration, is not even living on this planet, much less DR. These Hatian-descendants, were born I the DR, and they go back four generations, or more, to the Haitian invasion, in the 19th century! This is racism, against Diaspora people, by Diaspora people! Black -On-Black crime, if you will. They are fighting over the fact that the Haitian Oppressors, taught them French, and the Dominican Oppressors, taught them Spanish! This is sad, and atrocious. The New Oppressors, must be so happy about this, as they plan their next sex tourist trip, to the DR, to drop some more oppression AIDS, on an already exploited nation, of Diaspora Blacks.

    2. Tyrus says:

      You have a point if the Dominicans begin to deport the gringos that illegally live in the Dominican Republic. We’ll see if that happens. I have my doubts. The Dominicans too heavily rely on foreign money to to maintain any semblance of a middle class and don’t feel as threatened by foreigners who are not Haitian because they don’t take their jobs, nor serve as reminder of their African ancestry.

    3. because the u.s didn’t fight die, and pay their saving to keep you free from slavery.

    4. Nubiasqueen says:

      Not true.. Even the Haitians born in the DR are being deported back to Haiti.

  10. James says:

    a people divided cannot survive. In 50 years we will be extinct because we are destroying each other over what does not belong to us in the first place. It all belongs to God. We should be coming together and supporting the 99%. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!

  11. sayman says:

    As noted by someone earlier, this is a black on black thing (I’m not ready to use the word ‘crime’ yet). And to the person that stressed the humanity angle, well, no one’s denying the fact that we’re all human beings; but that has to do with the price of tea in China? If I were talking about ethnic cleansing in Europe-would stressing the fact that they’re human be relevant?

  12. Horacio says:

    This is an article pinpointed towards haitians favor, It’s true they conquered us in 1822 and free us from the spanish but instead of that they made us slaves from their own if that wasn’t the case we wouldn’t have got independent from them. Second of all, were not cleansing ourselves from haitians, a lot haitian migrate to this country and many other countries such as usa everyday and they deport them back just that as we’re a smaller and less powerful and influential country than the USA the United Nations and many other countries want us to carry with the economic problems of the Haitians. Even thou we have different languages, different cultures and religions. We have made a process to regulate the nationalisation of many of those Haitians who claim to have live in this country long ago even the ones that came maybe one week ago to this country and the time of that process have gotten over. Now its time deport the ones that don’t belong to this country just like usa does with Mexicans and even with the same Haitians and Cubans who migrated to florida. Just get your facts together before talking about a subject you dont know completely, because all you do is misinforming people with articles like this.

  13. dc1969 says:

    If i can recall doing my research back in the 90’s, is not Haiti and Dominican Republic a twin country known as Hispaniola? Correct me if i am wrong in my geography. In my opinion, all this shit is really about is the former and current colonizers of these two countries forrmenting ethnic warfare/cleansing and controlling their economies,in particular Dominican Republic. They don’t give a shit about Haiti. Unfortunately, the “natives” are caught up still loving and embracing their former colonizers. Damned shame! Just my opinion.

  14. Jacob says:

    Seriously?!?!? Again with the Dominicans?
    Those guy never learn. smh

    It seems a lot of them don’t wanna sully their long standing reputation of being major fuckboi coons in Black society.

    I was thinking of visiting that country one day but now I will reconsider.

    Black folks are just gonna have to charge them to the game until they get their minds right.

  15. Horacio says:

    @dc1969 yah and Canada, Mexico and Usa are Triplets country known as north america why dont we reunite the three and make a sole country if that’s case?? since they were also colonized by different countries and maybe england, france and spain are doing the same thing just provoking a warfare between Canda, Mexico and the USA. This is how stupid you sound saying what you say.

    1. Chuchu says:

      Excellent comment Horacio

  16. Horacio says:

    I live in Dominican Republic and I can tell you this is not a black on black thing, or racism, that many people of DR are black doesn’t mean they share the same culture, religion or have to charge with the economic problems of a country that its not responsible with their economy,aid and even their environment.

    1. dc1969 says:

      Yo,horacio. Just because live in the Dominican Republic and were born there does not mean racism does not exist”bro”. I am born here in the states and have lived this shit. My parents were born in the south in the 1930’s.they experienced some fucked up racist shit down there. My pops talked about some incidents;my moms hardly ever. I was not brought up to despise anyone as a youth. But as i grew older,i learned the hard way in trying to be decent with people who actually disliked me for my dark melanin and supposed “innate criminal traits”. I know personally living up here in NYC, the so called “great melting pot” that this shit called racism/bigotry does exist. Also,the average Domican i have met or interacted with,but not all,has looked at me like i am a social misfit. Which i am not. When i have checked them on their ignorance, they get/got on the defensive or got quiet. So don’t try to rebut me with it’s not a black on black situation over there. You know as well as me who is really pulling the mental strings over there pitting Black/melanoid dominicans against Black/melanoid Haitians. The pale ones of the former colonizer(s) Wh0 still run that place known as Hispanolia. Just my humble opinion,bro.

      1. Chuchu says:

        dc1969 and the rest of the people giving lectures here, I would strongly suggest you to see both sides of the coin. This is a very good article from a well educated author who lives in DR and has much more information and insight about this issue. The text is in Spanish but remember google is our best friend. (translate)

        Blessings to all those who are not living here but still think know much more than anybody!

      2. Chuchu says:

        Only 30 of the 194 countries of the world give citizenship to any child born abroad illegally or transit born in the country . And only two industrialized countries : USA and Canada . And there is an initiative in the US to change this:

        Any inputs?

  17. djodjo says:

    they are all the same shit,,,,the only thing that’s different is the language….one side speaks creole the other side speaks criollo….they think that they are better than each other but in reality they are the same piece of floating amphibious shit……..

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