George Zimmerman Has Been Arrested Yet Again For Aggravated Assault

George Zimmerman-the man acquitted by a Florida jury for murdering an innocent unarmed Black teen, Trayvon Martin- is back in the Seminole County jail for a third time after he was arrested Friday night in Lake Mary.

The 31-year-old was booked around 9:45 p.m. on January 10th 2015 on charges of aggravated assault with a weapon. He is being held without bond and will appear before a judge.

Zimmerman became a hero to white supremacists all over the country for murdering Trayvon Martin,and he has received what some estimate to be millions of dollars in donations and financial support for carrying out what many people categorize as a modern day lynching.

How many times will George Zimmerman have to be arrested for assault before our so-called justice system acknowledges that Zimmerman is simply a violent individual that got away with murder simply because of the race of the person he killed, and federal charges for the murder of Trayvon Martin should be filed immediately?

13 thoughts on “George Zimmerman Has Been Arrested Yet Again For Aggravated Assault

  1. Knighthonor says:

    Did any Melanoid People not see this in this devil?

  2. MICS says:

    White supremacy doesn’t want to be told they are wrong even when they know they are absolutely wrong.

  3. JHall says:

    They must put him in isolation whenever he gets arrested… SMH

  4. Asar says:

    The face of a Khazar. And what’s up with that hair line?

  5. Danny says:

    This is well written and basically what people like Kendrick Lamar, Pharrell, Charles Barkley and Oprah Winfrey don’t seem to understand. These cops and people like Zimmerman killed unarmed black men and black children because of their race. They want to blame unarmed blacks for getting in the way of the cops bullet or chokehold. Only blacks get blamed for their own murder that way. Oprah and Kendrick must get their news from Fox news because they keep stating Mike Brown provoking Darren Wilson like that is a fact. Fox news has been stating their opinion as fact for 15 years and gullible people keep on believing them. Bossip and Mediatakeout posted stories slamming Azealia Banks for calling out Kendrick for his Mike Brown/ Ferguson comments. They pretend to be black news gossip sites but just like BET they are owned by suspected white supremacists with an agenda to keep blacks down or dead. Those sites posted Kendrick’s remarks defending Iggy Azalea because they want black women to be more focused on some fraud rapper from Australia instead of a real issue like blacks being murdered unarmed in cold blood by racist cops everyday.

  6. Kalfu says:

    Every day this piece of shit breaths air makes black people look weak.Will somebody please help this idiot take a dirt nap.

  7. tmack says:

    Please someone just shoot this guy already. It’s true this bastard is one of those physco killer’s who will not stop until someone stops him. He knows he got away with murder and he can’t believe that people allowed it so now he doesn’t know what to do with himself. The albinos’ are so arrogant that they won’t admit they were wrong. I guess when he kills an albino then he will be just another crazy nigger.

  8. Dj says:

    It doesn’t suprise me…

  9. MindMuscle says:

    They call us animals and savages yet at the same time give this mans savagery a pass. Welcome to AmeriKKKa.

  10. str8_talk says:

    If you think this cowardly mullato president is gonna file any charges against the racists perpetrating all these murders don’t hold your breath. His entire presidency is about groveling to white folks to get acceptance. Remember, he also came from them and though he pretends to be black has been insulting and condescending to black people and hasn’t stood up for us once. Eric Holder is running out of Washington instead of being a man and do his damn job and fulfill what the Justice dept. claims to be. I mean not even one f@#$%%$!ing charge? no one being brought to Justice to show that there are still men left in the black race who’s not gonna put up with the Bigots & Hypocrisy of the law in this country. With these two so-called black men I won’t hold my breath.

  11. recordtwist says:

    It’s only a matter of time until he kills again.

  12. Alon says:

    This is a classic example of what Dr Kaba (aka Booker T Coleman) said in Hidden Colors 1 towards the end. “White supremacy was born to die. Everything it does it is only setting itself up for its own suicide.” Meaning in this case the cave maggot george zimmerman received tons of donations and support which in turn is only feeding his psychopathic murderous sensation that he is obviously displaying. Which is ultimately going to result in his perceived invincibility towards an act that most mass murderers do which is feed their destructive appetite. Which will target and impact those same supporters of his.

  13. Farooq Kheen says:

    I so glad this man is free

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