Hillary Clinton Does The Whip & Nae Nae To Appeal To Black Voters [ Video]

Most politicians have a tradition of ignoring the most important issues and needs of Black people collectively in America. The partial reason for this is because Black people historically do not approach political figures with any tangible requests.

And because of this,many politicians will engage in symbolic or patronizing  strategies to win the Black vote. in the early 90’s when former president Bill Clinton was running for office,his way of gaining the Black vote was getting on tv,wearing dark sunglasses and playing the saxophone . This gave the impression that Bill Clinton was “cool”,and many Black people flocked to the voting booths to help put him in office. Bill Clinton relayed the Black community by implementing some of the harshest prison sentencing laws that resulted in much of the mass incarceration we still see today.

Now presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is getting in on the act using the same patronizing techniques to win over Black voters. Instead of coming up with protective measures for Melanoid citizens who are being terrorized by this violent system of white supremacy,Clinton chose another strategy.

Hillary Clinton recently went on the Ellen Show,and attempted to do a hip hop dance called the Whip & Nae Nae as a way to seemingly  “connect”  with Black voters.

Watch the video below (start at the :48 second mark).



129 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Does The Whip & Nae Nae To Appeal To Black Voters [ Video]

  1. Courtney says:

    We’re still scary in a hoody.

  2. Knighthonor says:

    And we fall for this EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! seriously, at some point we have to take blame for this ignorance…

    1. dj says:



      1. Lynne says:

        @dj, as a black person, I wish I could answer you with some reasonable explanation for such idiocy. I have asked the same question for as long as I can remember. Why do some blacks find the lowest common denominator most appealing? To some degree you can understand why Democrats go on daytime/nighttime TV, dance and make fools of themselves; they do this to capture the black vote, since without the black vote, no Democrat would ever win an election. Black people have no business tolerating this silliness from prospective elected leaders and should never allow any candidate from any party to take their vote for granted to the absurd extent they have allowed it. Have they received anything back that is any way meaningful or substantive for such undying loyalty? Nothing at all. It is beyond comprehension.

        1. Gail Crandall says:

          One thing for sure Hill is pro abortion and there are many who believe that blacks are targeted. Hillary got the Margaret Sanger award and Sanger was clearly for racial hygiene.
          She looks foolish here. Being with and for the people doesn’t mean you make a fool out of ourself.

          1. dj says:

            It is wild that you mentioned that about Hillary. I was watching this documentary on Plan Parenthood yesterday and that documentary broke it down to a science as to who started eugenics and how it developed into code phrase “Planned Parenthood.” They talked about everything from Hitler, Darwin, Wall Street, Sanger, Messy Jessie Jackson, Haiti, to Hurricane Katrina. I think they mentioned the Clintons too in that documentary. It has a bunch of eye opening information for those who aren’t quite up to speed to what Planned Parenthood is really all about. I suggest anyone who is interested to check it out. It is a good watch…It beats watching ratchetness on World Star…smh…

            CAUCASIAN America’s Plan 2 EXTERMINATE Black People

        2. dj says:

          I hear ya…It is so bad…We are in a messed up shape…But do you think the democrats really need us now when they have so called “llegals”, excuse me I mean “undocumented workers” who from what I am hearing are allowed to vote?

          I am asking out of pure ignorance right now but do you really think our (Black) vote count at this point? Supposedly, we are only 12% of America’s population so how can we shape things in our favor politically when we as a people don’t want to put our money together to buy/ rent a politician, or build a economic self-defense mechanism for the generations to come? Politics is all about showing them the $. Without $ how can we get an agenda pushed by any politician?

          1. Gretchen says:

            ONLY citizens can vote. Even a foreigner here legally cannot vote.

          2. dj says:

            @Gretchen I hope you are right.

          3. Linda Turner says:

            No…only US citizens can vote. And black lives matter at the voting booth too. If they didn’t, would Republicans be trying so haters to stifle the black vote?

          4. dj says:

            Another question, so if amnesty is granted it wouldn’t matter either then, huh? I am asking because if you have “undocumented” people who birth children on American soil wouldn’t the American born children of the undocumented be able to vote?

        3. Lydia Howell says:

          Lynne really goes to the core of the matter. It’s way PAST time for such empty symbols.

    2. ray says:

      Why do you people vote for this women?

  3. John says:

    Could you please hit the space bar after commas?

  4. PharaohStory says:

    Hillary Clinton has been running the most see through, trick dumb negroes, I love you and ain’t gonna do shit for you, ass campaign that I’ve ever seen. From the claims of activism, to the black lives matter staged farce, and now this. That shit looked like a teacher dancing with students she knows damn well are getting expelled. Release the funds and let us dance. Release the resources and see how we dance.

    1. Tammy Scarelli says:

      Maybey im reading into this wrong but is this damn article saying that blacks dont care about important issues and have no questions for the candidates, as long as they acting black and wearing sun glasses, and dancing to silly ass songs? Im a little affended due to the fact that i am African american and i care about every important issues from war on terrorisum , Healthcare, daycare immagration laws e.t.c. They tried it. You whipping and doing the nae nae and playing instruments is a non mf factor.

      1. Jennifer France says:

        The article is talking about the collective Black person not the individual. Black people have a major problem: we internalize hook line and sinker the crap that they feed us. When I say they, I mean the patriarcal system that tells us that we have the same opportunities, the same chances and that we squander them. The say system that doesn’t take into account that we are in a race that has already started and that we are still near the starting line while others are at the finished line. I believe that is what is the issue. We as Black people collectively aren’t coming together and using our collective economic power to do anything. Our celebrities could speak out and do more. But more silence. I don’t expect candidates to cater to us. They are going to cater to the majority and we don’t make ourselves heard. The condescension is real and people just don’t get it. My mother loved Bill Clinton. The old idea that if you had soul you were cool is kinda ridiculous. We need more education in our communities seriously.

        1. Lynne says:

          I AGREE, Jennifer!

    2. dj says:

      WOW… “That shit looked like a teacher dancing with students she knows damn well are getting expelled. Release the funds and let us dance. Release the resources and see how we dance.”


  5. Michelle says:

    I agree with most of these comments. We cant fall for the okie doke again. This is the same bogus strategy her husband used..

  6. The real Jews are black says:

    The Negro can be bought so easily.

  7. Evans says:

    i love my black people and we need some real leadership, a dance just cannot be the persuasion that gets our votes. it’s plastic and we need a crystal clear agenda that truly benefits our needs.

  8. Jackson says:

    Most of the guest on Ellen’s show dance!! Why is this labeled as her appealing to black voters!! Smh

    1. Cammie says:

      Because these black folks need to be told how to think and what to believe. This is just silly and petty and was probably done by a Bernie Sander’s supporter. Yeah, the same dude who’s campaign team staged the black lives matter mic jack!

      I guess all these white folks out here doing the whip are desperately trying too appeal to black folks…..huh? Miss me with that silly BS.

      1. dj says:

        imagery is everything…

    2. dj says:

      @Jackson why do the nae nae then???? And not the Honky Hussle….or the Cracker Barrel??? Your are missing the whole point, as usual….that is why we gets nowhere…sadly

      1. dj says:

        you are or you’re I meant….sorry typo…

  9. Charles Stinger says:

    if the plan was to appeal to black voters, she wouldn’t have gone on Ellen. The Whip and the Nae Nae have crossed over beyond the black community. Was she pandering? Perhaps. But if she was, it was to young voters, not black voters.

  10. JayBay says:

    I can’t even really be all that mad at her. Our people have showed time and time again that if you wanna get our vote just “act black” or go to a black church. You guys thought shit was bad under Obama? Oh black people are gonna get super fucked up by white supremacy these next few years.

    1. dj says:

      we are done…

  11. chris says:

    some of yall have fallen on what the media has said about hillary clinton to be honest the clintons have done more for Africans americans than obama second the republicans want u to think she has done dirt so they can get in the white house bernie sanders is not going to win the white house stop being stupid and wake up

    1. dj says:

      elaborate plz

    2. Jennifer France says:

      The clintons did not do more for Black people. Economically, we are the poorest people in the country. Programs such as welfare reform happened under the Clintons. I agree with the author that mass incarceration occurred during these years and there were unfair sentencing guidelines for crack cocaine offenders verses cocaine offenders. No one really addressed it. Great disparity continued under them. They did help young people. But who benefited from this? Mostly White people. College is more expensive. The university system is twice as expensive as it was when I was a student in the nineties. Let’s see what she’ll do. However, I’m a Sanders fan. I am a Democratic Socialist as our brother Cornell West and believe this country has to move in the right direction. What we are seeing in the Republican party is a death rattle. That way of thinking has to change because the demographic of this country is rapidly changing. One last thing, lest you forget, Hilary Clinton in the 2008 elections said “the good White people of Virginia” talking about jobs. She used racial terms and tones to distance herself from her opposition. She didn’t do that to anyone else. She used race bating in a way that made me think I’ll never vote for her. Such incendiary and racial language shouldn’t come from a candidate. I was really sad and appalled to hear it from her. Thus, I won’t ever vote her for again. I’ll abstain before I do it.

  12. fsheppard12 says:

    Why does it interest white people to influence the black community! We don’t need them to!!

  13. dj says:

    Why couldn’t she dance to some KPOP or something…lol

  14. victor l roberson says:

    Hillary is running the campaign like any politician would and it’s what she’s supposed to do. As the writer touched on the responsibility is ours to raise and hold her to the issues that interest us COLLECTIVELY, what’s the price of our vote worth to her is the question we need to answer. This applies in a real way to whoever we support in mass. However it’s doesn’t stop when you get them elected, job to begins they must be held accountable with social and economic pressure. Raising money may be necessary for lobbying efforts in worst case scenarios that are extremely polarizing cause we all know votes are for sale on Capitol Hill not impossible though Obama showed the blueprint for fundraising. Oh yeah the other question do we really care like that? We would have to be organized for that though with respect to direction and need.

  15. Belin says:

    this segment was not shown on television. This was during a commercial break to entertain the live audience. She was not pandering to blacks. She was learning a dance that black and white are all tying to learn. Lighten up guys.

    1. dc1969 says:

      Shut up,belin. This pasty faced old dirtbag bitch is a con artist ,just like her husband,slick willie was and still is. We are not all fools,fool.

    2. dc1969 says:

      Also,do you think all black,african,melanoid people dance? I do not because i am not here for the so called dominant societies entertainment or pleasure. They only see us a sport. Well i do not play with them at all. Strictly fucking business.

  16. Chris40 says:

    Check out One Million Conscious Black Voters & Contributors http://www.iamoneofthemillion.com/ the OMCBV&C won’t fall for the oke doke from Hillary or any candidate.

  17. Nick says:

    All of these are great points and ON POINT! What we have to do is vote for “None of the above”. Keep these points in mind and tell five people, and have them tell ten people and so on…We have to make it deplorable on every level to allow this blatant carnival-coon show, so much so that even those in the entertainment industry will not want to be pictured with these political stunts. You will always have the regular sell-outs like Will Smith, Don Cheadle and Morgan Freeman but as long as they can’t sway the majority we will persevere until a true candidate of our own with our interests as a people at heart comes forward.

    1. Tony Cuciniello says:

      How about Ben Carson?

  18. dj says:

    Can anyone say “NAFTA 2.0…”

  19. John says:

    Stop being so cynical. Black people don’t even watch Ellen.

  20. Wanda Dorn says:

    Some of your comments have merit, however, Blacks didn’t vote for Bill because he played a saxophone, it was many other reasons we voted for him… it was the way in which he played the sax, not patronizing or in a demeaning manner. Hillary is also a great politician who has to connect with people in many ways, and neither Bill nor Hillary ever verbally abused Black people and called the men criminals and the women sluts as they were called… I won’t go on. As regards the jail issue – after Bush and his son had stolen the savings and loan industry, like the last Bush before Obama, they had put so many minorities out of work, the crime rate had go up. Just as today, Obama is blamed for the economy when clearly the last Bush like the Bush before him, saw to it that the economy had collapsed before they left office. I’m sure you’ve heard that Black people often induct other ethnicities into the hall of “honorary Black” as it was with Clinton, and that is a term Blacks don’t take lightly. We do it based on the works the person does and when we don’t see hatred in their eyes and actions. I do believe if we constructively bring the incarceration to her, it is more likely that she will work positively towards correcting it than all the Republican candidates combined.

  21. S. Tehut says:

    This is pure condescending strategy to win our votes that we will unfortunately fall for.
    Watch this video that further explains the condition were in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5jy-Jgy6JI

  22. Hillary, like all Democrats, knows no Democrat Presidential candidate since 1968 has received the majority white vote, hence in order to survive as a political party the Democrats have to “buy” the votes of immigrants and so-called “people of Color.”

  23. Jeffery Muhammad says:

    That’s one reason we should join Min. @LouisFarrakhan in Washington D.C. on #101015 for the Million Man March 20th Anniversay #JusticeOrElse Movement. The Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan knows what demands to make on the U. S. government, because He knows what justice looks like for (Melanoid Nation) Black People. He also knows what demands to make on us, without letting those who placed us in this condition off the hook or making excuses for our behavior.

  24. Tony Cuciniello says:

    How do you feel about Ben Carson?

  25. recordtwist says:

    The important thing we have to do is make demands for any candidates in exchange for our vote. If they are unwilling to meet our demands then we withhold our vote. We could especially use this against democrats since the democrats cannot win without our vote.

    The whole automatically voting for democrats who do nothing for us has to stop. We can no longer afford to have candidates kissing babies in church and we fall for it while we still end up in the same position we are in every 4 years with even less to show for it.

    No more. If this year long nigga wake up call hasn’t awakened all of us up yet, I don’t know what will.

  26. recordtwist says:

    Also, regarding Hillary Clinton, here she is in her own words professing admiration for Margaret Sanger, one of the founders of the horribly racist eugenics movement.


  27. eric says:

    this literally was the most dumbest article ive ever read. black apes look at everything through a black and white telescope. if someone likes to play the saxaphone and wears sunglesses, he’s trying to look cool to appease blacks, even tho majority of blacks are convicted felons and dont vote anyway. if hillary clinton is asked to do a dance on tv, and she does, shes a phony n is only trying to look cool to appease to blacks. if hillary refuses to do the dance on tv then apes would say “u seez her nahh meean that beech dun give a fuck bout us peeps fuk her u digggg” god u apes are so sad as a race its pathetic. we could literally ship every ape n monkey out of this country and the only thing that would suffer would be our sporting and entertainment communities. most apes are in jail or spend their time lining welfare offices or comitting robberies and murders of their own fellow monkeys. nobody would miss u inbred monkeys thats for sure.

  28. Martha says:

    YEP, all just fun and games, until you see the REAL CLINTON:

    Hillary Clinton praises woman who wanted to kill black, poor and disabled people. Holy shite. Are blacks this STUPID that they would vote for Hillary Clinton?????????????????? WTF???????


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