Is Turning Points USA a Recruitment Organization For Young White Supremacists?

This week, Riley Grisar, the leader of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas chapter of Turning Points USA, made a viral video of himself and woman flashing the white power hand signal.

Grisar and the woman repeatedly yelled “white power” and they spewed dangerous anti-Black epithets throughout the video.

Representative for TPUSA in a viral video spewing white power rhetoric

This isn’t the first time members of Turning Points USA have been exposed for openly racist rhetoric. In fact, this organization-which tries to present itself as a conservative outlet that appeals to young voters- keeps getting exposed for their dangerous racism on a regular basis.

In 2017, Turning Points USA national field director Crystal Clanton was exposed for sharing text messages with other members stating how much she hated Black people.

That same year, the Florida International University chapter of Turning Points USA was exposed for sharing anti-Black memes and messages among each other.

Several other mainstream media outlets have exposed Turning Points USA for their habit of “accidentally hiring racists” on a seemingly regular basis.

Many people believe that Turning Points is simply a recruitment organization for the next generation of dangerous, hardcore white supremacists. The leader of Turning Points is a suspected white supremacist named Charlie Kirk, who has been photographed flashing the white power hand signal. This particular hand signal is now common among dangerous white extremists globally.

The head of Turning Points USA, Charlie Kirk, flashing the white power hand signal

Charlie Kirk’s father is Robert W. Kirk who was the Project Architect Manager for Trump Tower in New York. So the Kirk family has very close ties to the Trump administration. Many people believe that the Trump administration uses Turning Point USA as a proxy to spew blatant anti-Black racism for Trump. White supremacy is defined by the level of anti-Black racism people in the dominant society can display. And the kind of anti-Black racism that has been normalized by Turning Points USA can be used to galvanize Trump’s white supremacist voter base.

In a feeble attempt to deflect from their reputation of being vile racists, Turning Points USA tries to hire certain Black commentators who many people believe are just mascots for white supremacy. Usually these Black people are paid to regurgitate the racist anti-Black talking points that are conjured up in “conservative” think tanks.

Many of these Black people associated with Turning Points USA come from immigrant backgrounds. And the white supremacists understand that many of these Black 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from African and Caribbean countries oftentimes harbor cultural hostilities towards Foundational Black Americans. This type of anti-Black American hostility from these immigrants are often easily exploited by white supremacists who know how to use this to their advantage.

One of these Black people that is heavily promoted by Turning Points USA is Candace Owens. Owens is often used by TPUSA and other white media outlets to spew anti-Black hatred for them. This way they can hide their racism behind a Black person and shield themselves from criticism.

There is information online that has surface that shows Candace Owens referring to herself as “Caribbean” at one point. She made a deliberate point to differentiate herself from Foundational Black Americans.

TPUSA representative Candace Owens referring to herself as “Caribbean”

TPUSA has also promoted other Black immigrants, such as Colion Noir (who is Nigerian) and Antonia Okafor (who is also Nigerian) to parrot their anti-Black American vitriol.

Some months back, in another attempt to shield themselves from accusations of racism, TPUSA held a Black Leadership Summit. Many of the Black people who attended were African and Caribbean immigrants who come from a culture of people who will align themselves with the oppressor class once Foundational Black Americans help them and their families get to the United States.

So TPUSA using Black people as mascots, does not take away from the suspicion that many people believe that they are a dangerous white supremacist recruitment operation.

15 thoughts on “Is Turning Points USA a Recruitment Organization For Young White Supremacists?

  1. Yuko says:

    That pretty much sums up tpusa

  2. Hotsticks gaming Shinwolf says:

    You do know that this all started as a 4chan post like 3 months ago used to troll white people to assume something is racist or something that may harm white kids. like, are we as black people just going to take everything as racist?

    1. TheBlackGirlOnTwitter says:

      Please stfu. Real racist do use it. Its undeniable stop being stupid

    2. White dude for equality says:

      Shut your stupid fucking mouth.

      1. Michael Mokotong says:

        Insults are not argument, you convince nobody. And this is not a space to vent the vile hatred which is the core of your heart and soul. See a psychologist, on specilaising in racism.

      2. TheSunGod says:

        Go follow your führer. This is black people’s world now. The southern half of the world are basically home to half Africans (Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America). Just look at their faces. Obvious African features are obvious. Even your precious Mongoloid people of East Asia have flat wide noses and medium sized lips

    3. David Thomas says:

      You’re right. And that sign with the fingers has always meant “A-Okay”, NOW someone says its a white supremacy sign? WTH!?? I’ll tell you NOW. This whole white supremacy baloney was created by a few top people in the Democrat party to try to TRIGGER black people to upset them against parties and get them to vote Democrat. That’s what its ALL ABOUT! Instead of letting people use their own minds to know right and wrong. Judge people NOT on the color of their skin and the content of their character. BLM is a great noteworthy idea. But the actual organization is not something that helped so many people of color with all the millions they collected! It went to the founders..mainly three women who spent the money on real estate for themselves! They are communists taught by Marxists who are against the nuclear family, which is promoting a Father and Mother in a family. RESEARCH for yourself!

  3. Matt says:

    No it’s a wake up call that Democrats have used African Americans for there vote and they litteraly do nothing for blacks. The Republican Party and conservatism is not based on the color of your skin and it’s pro every single race and historically has done more for African Americans then phony Democrats! Political association is a decision made by your convictions not your race and Owens is a true pioneer and realized how the Democratic Party has brainwashed and exploited African Americans! I only commented on this site because its false claims of the Daily Wire and it will be the last. This is agenda driven leftist topics with no debate all one sided! The title of this piece is not only false but delusional.

    1. matt says:

      White Power hand signal lolololol. Talk about fake news! My brain can only handel so much ignorance for a day! Have fun pushing false narratives with no merit!

    2. White dude for equality says:

      Kill yourself please

  4. Pepe the frog says:

    We wuz kangs n shiiiiiit lets zap day white cave demon wit our magic melanin powers !!!!

    1. TheSunGod says:

      Go follow your führer. This is black people’s world now. The southern half of the world are basically home to half Africans (Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America). Just look at their faces. Obvious African features are obvious. Even your precious Mongoloid people of East Asia have flat wide noses and medium sized lips

  5. Will says:

    Matt, it doesn’t look like your pathetic brain can “handel” much of anything. Don’t you have a Trump rally to attend with other ofay inbreds?

  6. David Thomas says:

    You’re right. And that sign with the fingers has always meant “A-Okay”, NOW someone says its a white supremacy sign? WTH!?? I’ll tell you NOW. This whole white supremacy baloney was created by a few top people in the Democrat party to try to TRIGGER black people to upset them against parties and get them to vote Democrat. That’s what its ALL ABOUT! Instead of letting people use their own minds to know right and wrong. Judge people NOT on the color of their skin and the content of their character. BLM is a great noteworthy idea. But the actual organization is not something that helped so many people of color with all the millions they collected! It went to the founders..mainly three women who spent the money on real estate for themselves! They are communists taught by Marxists who are against the nuclear family, which is promoting a Father and Mother in a family. RESEARCH for yourself!

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