Suspected Racist Fox Host Tucker Carlson Gets Humiliated On His Own Show

Suspect white supremacist Fox News host invited activist and critically acclaimed filmmaker Tariq Nasheed on his program to debate current issues. Tucker immediately tried to resort to the usual Fox News sabotage tactics they are known to use on guest. But this time those tactics did not work because Nasheed articulately shut down Carlson’s racial rhetoric.

The interview started off with Tucker spewing several lies that he attributed to Nasheed. Nasheed promptly corrected him on those lies, and Carlson responded with rude commands directed at Nasheed.

When Carlson appeared to be losing intellectual ground with Nasheed, Carlson was reduced to engaging in spewing child-like personal insults. The producers at Fox News also incorrectly labeled Nasheed a “Black Lives Matter Activist”, when he has repeatedly stated he has nothing to do with the organization.

At several points in the interview, Carlson’s arguments where shut down so fast, he was literally at a loss for words.

Watch the entire interview below.


384 thoughts on “Suspected Racist Fox Host Tucker Carlson Gets Humiliated On His Own Show

  1. Thank God says:

    He was “literally at a loss for words” because of this mumbling bumbling idiot pretending to be intelligent.

    1. L-Nice says:

      Great debate by Brother Tariq. He shut down Tucker Carlson easy live on air…how embarrassing for Fox News and White Supremacist nationwide.

      1. Glenda says:

        I thought Tucker made some good comments. Tucker maintained the event was not about black and white, but good and life loving against murderous. Forget the color please. Focus on right and wrong. Love that the policeman showed versus hate that the murderer showed.

      2. Jackson says:

        I don’t see how tucker was lost for words, he basically called out Tariq nasheed on him making the situation a racial theme, tucker “officer who shot a killer” into “so white officer’ shot and killed ‘black stabbing suspect”.

        Also tucker “why would a white supremesist country import large quantities of Africans and pay for them to live here”
        Nasheed’s reply ” so we don’t live in a complete white supremacy ?”

        Tucker ” it is an entirally multi ethnic country, it is a much more complicated landscape.

        Nasheed “you play the race casino” the best comment he made was that !

        I think nasheed acted and spoke to soon on the matter when he admits clearly he did not have all the facts
        ” so I didn’t have all the facts and so I wanted to wait for all the facts to come in”.
        If you disagree quote something intelligent that defers the fact that nasheed made a terrorsist situation into a racial one.

    2. Dean says:

      He was at a loss for words because Tariq randomly brought up irrelevant accusations and avoided that fact that he specified race by using “white”, and “black” To describe the police officer and Somalian.

      1. Rick Richi says:

        He was at a loss of words because FoX News is full of doo doo!

        1. Kevin M Abate says:

          Right on brother Fox News is garbage

    3. Poppy says:

      You absolute moron. Why are negroes so dumb? It is astounding just how stupid the negro is.

    4. BeDe says:

      Exactly. Please someone ..Put Tucker Carlson ( and us) out of our misery. It is more and more difficult having to listen to this guy work hard at intelligent thought. His discussion inevitably is reduced to grade-school yelling match.

  2. Mark says:

    You are a racist who is paid to make a race war. It’s 2016. Whites and Blacks get along very well and help and love each other and work together daily.

    You are all paid thugs or worse, not getting paid to insight race war for the elite donor class who is up to their typical tricks of race war while they rob you blind

    1. JayBay says:

      So just to analyze your comment; Whites and Blacks get along very well and help and love each other and work together daily.

      But at the same time; You are all paid thugs (whitespeak for nigger) or worse

      Do you white supremacists ever THINK before you type or do you think that we can’t read between the lines of your comments?

      1. Rocco Lore says:

        You are a black supremacist bigot.

        1. JayBay says:

          Thank you! I take that as a compliment.

          1. Bernard Evans says:

            Lol if you’re dumbass ever for slick with me I’d fucking kill u

    2. chandler says:

      U are absolutely right. Thank you for pointing that out
      People are so concerned with this nonsense,which of course the news media being the puppeteers that they don’t and aren’t meant to know the big picture. I find it very unbelievable that the oligarchs have so much influence over our news media and government. We really all doing exactly what they want .it all boils down to money and power .something they have and intend to keep thanks to our stupidity

  3. What says:

    And we are turning the the tables, creating our own narrative….
    It’s time to rise!

  4. 8nhance says:



    1. Rocco Lore says:

      You are an ignorant black supremacist crybaby who defends terrorists.

      1. Rocco you are a total ANAL PORE

        1. Dean says:

          I couldnt agree with Rocco more

        2. Dog says:

          ANAL PORE… funny! That is a seriously tight asss

    2. Bernard Evans says:

      LMFAO that clearly never happened nice little made up story tho fucking worthless dumbass

    3. Bobby Mugabe says:

      Tariq #PinkFaceSlapped the hell outta tucker on his own damn show. But tucker asked for it. And he deserved it. Great t.v.

  5. Calvin Jordan says:

    One tweet set these white supremacists the fuck off! I know he gets trolled on his twitter account, but Jesus Christ it’s literally THOUSANDS of these motherfuckers all up in his mentions. Calling him all types of N words smh. Most of these white devils are your supervisors at your job, your kid’s teachers,ect. Black Empowerment is the only answer.

    1. Cheryl says:

      There’s no such thing as “black empowerment”. You’re a minority in this country. Always will be, until you stop aborting all your kids, and killing each other on the streets.

      1. Calvin Jordan says:

        1.) Haven’t killed anyone.
        2.) I don’t have any kids or “aborted” any.
        3.) There is such a thing as Black Empowerment!!! Creating our own businesses,creating our own schools,and defeating YOU white supremacists.

        Now you can go back in your trailer and smoke your meth.

        1. Cheryl says:

          Your community. But you know what I mean, unless you’re ignorant.
          Either way, even IF you could raise your entire population…12% “empowerment” doesn’t take you very far.
          So quit the race baiting, the entitlement and belief that another segment of the populace needs to make your life better. Pull yourselves up by your boot strings, and shut up.

          1. Elza says:

            So called white people who are not even white they are red..Your race is like disease that even the sun is tryna get rid of….so yea

        2. Matt says:

          Isn’t that the truth.I wish the meth smoking inbreeding what people would own up!!Thank GOD THERE ARE INTELLIGENT white people.

      2. JayBay says:

        And yet for all the tough talk that white people like to do, here you are on a black owned website scared that the “racist” black folk aren’t going to beg you for attention. Typical white people. You ever notice how white people never complain when OTHER groups want to separate or build up their own communities but when we do it all of a sudden the liberal/conservatives/independents always find their way onto websites like this?

        1. Cheryl says:

          I’m 1/4 black.

        2. Matt says:

          YOU are so observant .Some white people are going “straight” to hell because they have done so much dirt.You all better be careful because the parents will curse their children for centuries to come.

      3. Jay says:

        Black empowerment is a real thing that we all should practice. Do you even know what empowerment means? Doesn’t seem like it from your comment.

        1. Verland Gilliam says:

          If there is ONE white organization in this country there are probably 100 black organizations. THAT sounds like black empowerment to me! No one complains about all the black organizations but if even one white organization is started and is so advertised, the black people would be, and often do, become so infuriated that they must protest in the streets, burn buildings, turn over cop cars, form gangs to beat the hell out of a lone white man, or form sneaky “knockout” attacks on old white people, but yet this so-called intelligent (but really stupid) black man that calls himself Tariq Nasheed can’t see that it was HE that mentioned the skin color of the cop, and it was HE that couldn’t answer a simple question of such attacks as the OSU incident as being a terrorist attack! He must also think all those attacks that BLM members and the members of the Black Panthers commit, as I mentioned above, is also not terroristic, but it’s just something they do for past time! If Tariq had a brain to think with I’m sure his mouth would still spew forth a bunch of nonsensical bullshit for I do believe he is getting paid to do it, and what the hell, he needs job security so what can anyone expect from a retard!?

          1. Kelvin says:

            Actually, the initial story was labeled on air by the media as ‘white officer shoots black Somalian is a hero’. All Tariq did was repost that news flash as such in tweet and added ‘that’s interesting’. And it really was interesting how the news media would put labels on the two individuals.

          2. ryan fountain says:

            The reason there are lots of black organizations is because when you are being slighted due to the color of your skin, you have to form groups for support and safety you dumb bitch. You are right about one thing though, there really is only ONE white organization….it’s called HATE. But not me man, I’m white and I’m gonna go kill me some white supremacists. They’ll never see it coming you dipshit.

      4. Lo says:

        That’s funny seeing that whites don’t even know where they come from lol haha. we laugh at you idiots.

      5. Kirby says:

        How ignorant are you. George Wallace politics of white insecure people blaming black people for their own failures is dead! Thank God!!!

    2. Nana says:

      You must be black and from the ghetto too Calvin? Lol Take an IQ test and it will explain your life, racism and your wilfull ignorance! I am really sorry your patents failed you but keep trying.

      1. JayBay says:

        I can’t speak for Calvin but I can say I am a racist who doesn’t like anyone outside his race, graduated from a famous college, has 2 loving parents that are still married, mastered Japanese, and currently works abroad for a foreign company. Also, I didn’t grow up in the ghetto but the suburbs. So if I say that white people are full of shit, pure evil, and I can’t wait until they’re wiped off the planet, what does that make me? White people love to pull that “you must be from the ghetto” argument whenever someone challenges them so I’m interested on what that makes me Nana?

        1. BlackR1 says:

          Very, very ignorant. So sorry that you and many others chose to live your lives full of hate and stupidity. #AllLivesMatter

    3. Rocco Lore says:

      Looks like you’re a black supremacist that got upset when called out for your support of terrorists.

    4. darel says:

      Yes a modified version of Garvey we can
      have our own nation within the confines of the US Start investing in ourselves circulating our 3 trillion in spending power in our communities. To effectively to this we need to own our own everything. Start self- educating our children and destroy the slave mentality. Iam midway to my seventh decade so what I speak of won’t happen in my lifetime but I try to get young brothers in tune to Black Awareness.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Carlson slaughtered that idiot.

    1. BlackR1 says:

      Quite easily. It was like watching a UFC fighter take on a high school bully. Flinch-worthy.


    3. Kirby says:

      Cheryl where in the south are you from? As a white man it’s racist ignorant people like you that makes me hang my head in shame. I’m for throwing you all in Texas and building Trumps wall around it and keeping your ignorance contained!!’

    4. Kirby says:

      Cheryl where in the south are you from? As a white man it’s racist ignorant people like you that makes me hang my head in shame. I’m for throwing you all in Texas and building Trumps wall around it and keeping your ignorance contained!!’ Stupid is as stupid does

  7. Aaron says:

    Not sure what video you watched but Tucker owned the racist money grubbing fool. It’s obvious he is trying to follow in Jesse jacksons foot steps and make a living off of race baring and then once they gather all there money they leave that community hanging dry. They never return after the cameras are gone

  8. Josiah says:

    Tucker Carlson and Fox News are dangerous SWS. That said, take their false narratives away and they will be lost as a goose. Game, set, match Tariq.

  9. Fareal? says:

    He was at a loss of words, as was the rest of us watching, because he couldn’t believe the level of idiocy he was addressing. This has absolutely nothing to do with race, it was good stopping bad, the end. Why… why do you and other black supremacists always try and turn everything into a race issue?? This victim culture is just mindblowingly sad. What would you have rather seen as an outcome of this situation? For the attacker to kill the cop, until maybe a black cop shows up to end it? Would that be an issue for you? You are the racist here, stop trying to make everyone else out to be so that you can justify your own racism.

    1. JayBay says:

      I’m playing the worlds smallest violin. It always has been and always will be about race with white people and we don’t NEED to defend ourselves especially after hundreds of years of dealing with your bullshit. You don’t like what people on this website have to say? Tough shit. Take your liberal bullshit somewhere else. Oh btw, I am a racist. The only difference is I don’t want to commit the same atrocities that your people commit on a global level everyday.

    2. BlackR1 says:

      Well said, and sadly very true.

    3. Kirby says:

      Black supremacist? Really WTF makes insecure white people like you turn intelligent insights and comments into a racist black/ white issue. White supremacists are so screwed up psychologically that they must feel the color of their skin makes them feel superior. WTF . Get a life

  10. Rashaid Wilson says:

    Sadly, the author of this blog/article needs to work on the basic building blocks of the English language. Moreover, they also need to get their hearing checked along with learning the basic tenets of logic and reason. Nasheed a racist and race baiter embarrassed himself on multiple instances during the debate. He lacked the ability to even entertain the basic rulers of discourse. It was clear that the rage of hate and racism inside him impinged upon clear and rational thought. It was that same behavior that caused him to attempt to race bait the killing of a terrorist by an American police officer by attempting to make it racial when race should not have played a role what the office was. Nasheed, attempted to walk back his statements and make excuses for his race bating, yet made a bigger fool out of himself due to relying on accusations and false assumptions. One can only hope Nasheed’s parents were not watching, he made a fool out of himself and those he is trying to represent. Nasheed showed a lack of journalistic integrity and just overall human decency. Dr. Williams of the NAACP commented later in the online post show that Nasheed exhibited signs of delusional behavior, narcissism, and mania. He also went into detail how a lack of a decent education can cause narcissistic people with delusions to think they are in the right although clearly on the wrong side of the argument even when they are exhibiting clear displaced anger and outright racism. It it believed that Dr. Williams is offering outreach to help correct Nasheed’s mental illnesses through free therapy, counseling, and medication if necessary. Sadly instead of Nasheed inspiring us by becoming another black man shining on the national state of television, he embarrassed us. Thankfully Dr. Benard Williams was there to provide both example and pickup the ball that Nasheed dropped.

    1. BlackR1 says:

      Well spoken. Let’s both hope Tariq Nasheed seeks the mental and psychological help he desperately needs.

  11. Pookie says:

    Rasheed showed dat cracka who was boss. Man that nigga dropped mad knowledge and educated Tucker. WE WUZ KINGS UP IN THIS MFER TILL DA WHITE DEVIL CAME

    1. Rocco Lore says:

      You’re the black devil who defends ISIS.

  12. JayBay says:

    I’m loving all the white supremacists in the comments! Your tears only make me stronger!
    On a serious note though, black people have to learn to STOP defending themselves when white people call us racists and own the word like we did with nigga. I openly admit I’m racist as hell. A black “racist” is nothing more than someone who loves his people, wants to see his people come together, and wants them to help lift each other up and stop doing things that harm them. A white racist….well anyone who read a history book knows what white racists like to (and still like to) do. So accept being called a racist with pride! It means that you actually love your people and have resisted the coon mindset!

    1. MBR says:

      Another delusional fool. One coon trying to justify the coonage of another. Please call me an Uncle Tom all you want. Anyone dumb enough to not chastise Tariq for his foolish behavior and perspective should not be taken in any serious manner. I for one, will agree with all the “white supremacists” that pointed out the lunacy of Tariq’s straight out lies or delusioned state. I’ll wear the Uncle Tom badge with pride this time if it separates me from liars and fools.

      1. JayBay says:

        I’m not going to call you a coon because that’s a term reserved for actual black people not ones like you who are pretending to be black online.

        1. JayBay says:

          Also, Uncle Tom was the good guy in the book. I think you’d prefer the term Sambo Coon.

        2. Punatarenus says:

          How do you pretend to be a black person online or offline. Not sure I understand that comment. And for you to say that “coon” is reserved for only black people show the racism deep inside you. Grow up

          1. JayBay says:

            It’s easy. You make an account, say you’re black, and start posting. It’s so easy a child can do it…..and comprehend….but not you. I can’t tell if you’re playing dumb or if you really are just that retarded.

            Alt-right retaliates against Twitter ban by creating ‘fake black accounts’

        3. Blues jams brown says:

          White trash

      2. darel says:

        If you HBS “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” you don’t qualify to be an Uncle Tom Sambo oh yes,……!!

    2. Rocco Lore says:

      You’re a black supremacist who defends ISIS.

      1. JayBay says:

        Once again, i’ll take that as a compliment. Thanks! Your tears give me strength!

  13. MBR says:

    Your ignorance is pitiful.

    1. JayBay says:

      And your cooning (assuming you are black) is pathetic.

      1. MBR says:

        Yet another black man that assumes ignorant and foolish is the mold they need to succumb to. I really feel sorry for you. That B-rate professor you learned from who used nothing but puffery and no substance failed you terribly. A true disservice to black advancement are the very masses that hold the stupidity of this site and this fool Tariq who made a mockery of black people today are held up by the ignorant as dogma.

        1. JayBay says:

          Meh. Sticks and stones. I already have a great understanding of what black people need to do to advance and it’s none of what you’re thinking (white man posing as a black man). Lemme guess? You talk about black advancement but you still encourage people to celebrate white created holidays like Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July etc. Or maybe you’re a Christian who goes to a black church every sunday for organizations that drain billions of dollars from the black community. You think that what black people need to do is just get along with white people and discourage them from separating and using their own talents and resources to build up their communities. I’ve met dozens of white people like you (and occasional blacks as well) and people are getting bored with listening to your bs. You haven’t taught black people anything of value and you never will. Unless black advancement involves separating from other nations and building things for ourselves then there’s not really anything you can teach me. You still have one foot on the plantation brother and hopefully you’ll repent of that.

          1. JayBay says:

            If nothing else I can tell you this;I grew up in the suburbs around all those “good” white people you try to defend and I know from experience that they’re pretty much all pathological liars and hate your guts. It doesn’t matter how well spoken you are or how many polo shirts you put on. So get pissed at me all you want but that nigga wake up call is coming for you and it will be coming hard (assuming you even belong on this site. If you’re white then just fuck off)

          2. MBR says:

            Sad that you confuse education for whiteness. Even your backwards argument confuses itself, one minutes you call me white, its segregating ourselves. finished with me half on half off the plantation. Let me drop some knowledge, you might be a young fool which is better than a old fool, because an old fool you cant fix. Stop victimizing yourself, thankfully my father smacked the shit out of me followed by a good lecture that no one is going to hand me anything and any of my grievances are my own that can be overcome. Blacks like you that cry systemic racism need to wake up. Maybe you are caught up in one of the myriad groups that although teaching you to think somewhat for yourself, and maybe getting you halfway ready to compete in the marketplace of the world they still instill victim-hood culture to keep you as part of the collective. Misery loves company. It is something certain groups in black culture in the United States has done so well, they suck of those that cannot get out of their own way, by giving you just enough knowledge to get your shit together, but keep you as another automaton. I learned through the years it does not matter ones race, and yes I am black, of Jamaican descent. I went through the educational system it is part of life, and you might not be interested in some of what you have to learn but it is paying your dues. Everyone does it all races, genders, and creeds. I became an international attorney and have been afforded the luxury to travel the world. It shed light on how the world truly works. Some European countries are less racist than African sadly. While one might think Eastern Euro countries are ripe with racism, it can be further from the truth, they are more interested in blacks but have never actually been around one, I had a coworker call me a nigger out of the assumtion it is what all the rappers call each other along with that actually word for a black person in “Negr” but to average fool would write them off as racist instead of understanding where they came from. I have worked with all types of people and when you accomplish things for yourself you command respect just by accomplishment not by expectation. Hey what do I know, I just make seven figures easy and lived a bunch of decades to have made a ton of mistakes, but you can dismiss me and go back to calling me white, preaching segregation. All I know is that in an international world like we are in today, it wont happen because it is impossible. Think about it from the other side, even the most racist white and there are some with real money, cannot live absent of other races and cultures, so either they are not the all power man holding you down as you claim or the world just doesn’t work like that and we are stuck working in the system that exists. It is what created the iphone and computer, brought man to the moon, transplanted the heart and other organs, but it has also done some fucked up shit in the past. We must take the good with bad.

      2. Blues jams brown says:

        I’m wite and I hate you rascist snowflakes . I wish all you white supremacist would have to experience everything that black people have for the last two hundred years. This country is a rascist cesspool . It will never change .We are not afraid of you

  14. JayBay says:

    Sigh. This is how I know you’re white or a coon. I make a point of things that black people can start doing today (stop spending money on white holidays and at black churches and use the money to build our communities) and you just rant and rant and rant but don’t come with actual solutions. Your entire diatribe didn’t have a solution that black people on the WHOLE can actually do. No one gives a shit that you (claim to) have succeeded because if the MAJORITY of black people can’t act then it means nothing. BTW, I’m typing this from my apartment in Tokyo and have travelled to multiple countries so don’t pat yourself on the back just because you travelled a bit. Wanna know why other groups are successful and Jamaicans and other black people aren’t (don’t even try to debate that point. I have family that have been to Jamaica and they know most of you are poor)? They understand that pooling their resources together as a group is what leads to success. They understand that the purpose of sending their kids abroad to work is to come back home and use that knowledge to help their people. Coons go on and on about pulling yourself up individually and do NOTHING for black people except make pretty little speeches. I don’t care about the origins of the word Negr. I care about power, wealth, and influence and you don’t get that by telling black people to go to college and then move out to the suburbs and not do anything for their people.Anyways, you haven’t written anything useful that people reading this little “debate” can use except “hey I made it so things must be good right?” Once again, this is why people are ignoring guys like you. But hey, keep up your delusion of inclusion and keep ignoring the plight of your people at home and doing nothing. I’m sure the next generation will be super grateful that you spent millions on cars and yachts instead of helping them.

    1. JayBay says:

      Oh and I’ve actually donated money to organizations that can help black people become independent and helped teach others even while abroad. And you’ve done……….?

      1. JayBay says:

        Oh and I didn’t call you white because you’re educated (once again, grew up in the white suburbs and went to pretty awesome schools throughout my life and got good grades). I called you white because when it comes to debates like this white people NEVER come up with solutions that will help black people gain power. If what you’re talking about has nothing to do with black people gaining power, wealth, or influence, I just assume you’re a white supremacist spouting liberal nonsense to keep black people asleep. Your knowledge is useful or useless and most of what white people or coons spout is useless. But hey, what do I know. I’ve only had this same debate dozens of times.

        1. JayBay says:

          So black people should build themselves up and stop complaining but continue to spend trillions of dollars every year out to other groups? Where are they gonna get the money from MBR? You need MONEY to build things. You need money to create international law firms, factories, hospitals etc. How do you build when all you do is spend money for people that don’t like you (they don’t like your ass in Asia either. They’re very polite to your face but if you speak Japanese fluently like I do then you hear a lot of shit talked about you)

    2. Punatarenus says:

      Oh here we have Obama’s inequality and we need to re-distribute the wealth that others made to those who are just plain lazy. All you are doing is using your platform as another means of blaming American for your ignorance. You need to get a life. Who cares if you visited other countries, we are talking about America. When you can lower your pride to call yourself and others Americans then you might understand what America is all about. Until then it is best you just not comment on anything.

      1. JayBay says:

        How is it I’m lazy but I managed to get a job in a foreign country? You don’t just live here without any skills or education and mastering Japanese takes years so what about that is “lazy”. Oh and fuck America by the way. I’m American by birthplace not by ideology. I don’t give a damn about America. And lower my pride? HA! Preach that liberal, come together, hippy bullshit all you want but you’re wasting your time. My main concern is waking up my fellow brothers and sisters wherever they may be. If you’re not of my people I don’t give a shit if you live or die. How’s that for American pride?

        1. MBR says:

          He had to run as far as he could from every other black to better himself yet is the first to preach that the successful give handouts to the lazy. I for am about ready to call bullshit. Not only are you ass backwards when claiming Jamacians are the poorest, they actually are among the most successful in climbing the social and financial ladder in the US out of all black subgroups along with the Nigerians. That is due partly to a sense of community, but more so their work ethic. Jamaicans and Nigerians have similar work ethics to that of Asian American immigrants and the reason these three groups seem to outperform all other blacks and even newly immigrated whites while having only been here for one generation or less. I think we have another lump living out of grandmas apartment or basement, since he claims to be from the suburbs grieving with the ever so rampant victim-hood culture these days. Oh woe is me, wow is me. The youth these days are pathetic.

          1. JayBay says:

            He had to run as far as he could from every other black to better himself yet is the first to preach that the successful give handouts to the lazy.

            they actually are among the most successful in climbing the social and financial ladder in the US

            So me going to Japan (btw this was while i was ignorant) is hypocritical but Jamaicans doing the same thing isn’t? So what does that make you MBR? btw, not a single point refuted. Where’s the Jamaican Microsoft or walmart? As a NATION you’re no different from American blacks so stop with the bs. Broke and hoping white daddy will save you.

      2. Kharomel says:

        Actually you also quoted Europe and I can assure you coming from the experience of not visiting but residing there the majority are racist. Feel jay bay is right in in the main points of what has been said in terms of empowering each other for the betterment of our race so we’re are self sufficient, influential, etc. I just may have articulated my words differently. Either way you get the essence of the message so what’s up with ego debate? There must be unity with a common cause rather than labelling anyone who may not have had the opportunities that came your way as lazy especially when there are various key factors that work against you!

  15. JayBay says:

    The poverty rate in Jamaica stands at 16.5%, having increased in the past two years. The result is that a larger proportion of the population now falls below the poverty line and inequality has risen, in many instances heightening vulnerabilities of the most-at-risk populations, including women and young people.

    When it comes to wealth, Jamaica is a land of extremes. On the northern coast—home to tourism—and in the suburbs of Kingston, wealthy Jamaicans live in first-rate housing, visit shopping centers featuring the best imported goods, and enjoy an elevated standard of living. Living in such suburbs as Cherry Gardens, Arcadia Gardens, and Forest Hills, the wealthy send their children to private schools and to universities abroad, and employ private security forces. Yet not far from these wealthy enclaves a significant number of poor Jamaicans live in squalor, with poor housing, limited food supply, and inadequate access to clean water, quality health care, or education.

    Read more:

    so why was this the FIRST thing i found online? What have YOU done about this problem? I white daddy going to save you?

  16. MBR says:

    I employ over a dozen qualified African Americans through my firm, and hopefully more as my brothers advance themselves through education and become qualified for employment. Sadly you are just another worker bee working for the man in a far away land from your brothers and sisters you claim to love so much. The white and yellow man control you by their purse strings. Remember what I said achievement commands respect among your peers regardless of race. Perhaps you should do something for them except blow hot wind. I am glad you at least admitted you are ignorant. It is something we can both agree on.

  17. MBR says:

    Wow you have no reading comprehension skills, perhaps I must need to translate it to Jap for you. When speaking about Jamaican mobility I referred to that in the United States. Sadly you could not comprehend little worker bee. A typical uneducated coon who talks before he understand and comprehends.

    1. JayBay says:

      LOL. And I said that on the whole you’re still a nation of broke people. Or did you not comprehend that? You do realize that right? That the only thing Jamaica is famous for is weed and Hussein Bolt? That there’s no Jamaican equivalents of Microsoft, Sony, Apple, etc? Seriously, what have Jamaicans done as a whole recently? I’m not saying this to be hateful, I’m trying to show you the truth; that Jamaicans are still in the same position as other blacks on the WHOLE. Look, we both know that Jamaica and black people on the whole are at the bottom but you’re part of the old generation that failed the younger ones so I don’t expect anything from you. Idiotic blacks never understand the big picture. I gave solutions that ALL blacks can follow but you said “well I employed 12 people. That’s good enough” You’re the equivalent of the rapper that makes it rich but then takes 5 or so of his buddies out the hood and says “look what I did for black people”. This is why I love the fact that Trump is president. He’s going to start oppressing black people so badly that they’re going to have to come together as a group. Oh and please believe that other Europeans will follow in his footsteps. But hey what do I know? I only see guys like Tariq succeeding where people like you have failed.

      1. JayBay says:

        Black immigrants are less likely to be homeowners than Americans overall—40% of household heads versus 64%. And when compared with all U.S. immigrants, foreign-born blacks are less likely to own their homes—51% and 40%, respectively.

        One-in-five (20%) black immigrants live below the poverty line, according to the Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. That share is below that of U.S.-born blacks, who have a poverty rate of 28%. But the poverty rate among black immigrants is higher than it is among all Americans (16%).
        So… are black Jamaicans kicking ass when according to this you have the highest poverty rates? There seems to be a conflict of information here.

        1. JayBay says:

          On average, most Caribbean immigrants obtain lawful permanent residence in the United States (also known as receiving a green card) through three main channels: They qualify as immediate relatives of U.S. citizens, through family-sponsored preferences, or as refugees and asylees. Compared to the total foreign-born population, Caribbean immigrants are less likely to be Limited English Proficient (LEP), but have lower educational attainment, lower median incomes, and higher poverty rates.

          Yep, Jamaicans are kicking ass! Lower education attainment, incomes etc. You’re doing SO much better than Asians. So lemme get this straight, Jamaicans have the hardest work ethic in the world but you leave your own country, go to America, and STILL end up in poverty…..hmmm…pretty sure that’s not the definition of successful. I’m pretty sure Asians don’t fit that bill.

          1. JayBay says:

            Many people in Jamaica would have trembled as they read the financial press last week, telling them that their country is, again, due to be “rescued” by a loan package put together by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

            Over 40 years, Jamaica has been “rescued” on countless occasions. In the 1980s, the island became almost a byword for “structural adjustment”. Jamaica is one of the most indebted countries, spends twice as much on debt repayments as it does on education and health combined, and looks set to miss several millennium development goals (pdf). After four decades of austerity, the country has a few lessons for the likes of Greece, Portugal and Ireland.

            The IMF has announced a $1bn (£650m) loan to “help” Jamaica meet huge debt payments due in coming years. As usual, the loan is to be accompanied by four years of austerity – precise details still pending, though a pay freeze, amounting to a 20% real-terms cut in wages, has been agreed.

            So why are you broke as a nation? Must be all that hard work huh? Sure maybe a few of you made it but you’re still at the bottom.

          2. JayBay says:

            KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — Violent rivalries among Jamaica’s lottery scam rings have helped to drive the Caribbean island’s homicide rate to the highest level in five years, according to police.

            The Jamaica Constabulary Force said the country had at least 1,192 slayings in 2015, a roughly 20 percent increase from the previous year. There were 1,005 killings in 2014, the lowest annual total since 2003 in this country that has long struggled with violent crime.

            Jamaica had about 45 slayings per 100,000 people in 2015, keeping it ranked among the most violent countries in the world. In recent years, the UN listed the island as having the world’s sixth-worst homicide rate. The World Bank ranked Jamaica in the top five in 2013.

            By comparison, Chicago, which has roughly the same population as Jamaica at 2.7 million, had 468 killings in 2015.

            So Jamaicans are like asians huh? Pretty sure Asians aren’t killing themselves at similar rates. And MORE than Chicago. Man. All that hard work Jamaicans do is causing them to kill each other at alarming rates

          3. JayBay says:

            DESPITE assurances from Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams that murders have been declining over the past 10 years, the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF’s) own statistics indicate that gangs continue to run amok, creating “franchises” across the island and spreading their wings further than ever before.

            Dr Williams told the Internal and External Affairs Committee of Parliament on Tuesday that police intelligence estimates that there are 266 criminal gangs operating islandwide, with half of them actively committing murders and contributing to the current 22 per cent increase in the murder toll over last year.

            “Gang murders emanate primarily from internal rifts within gangs and the desire to break away from the parent gang and operate independently. This is the source of large amounts of violence and numerous murders,” said the police chief in a text prepared for the committee’s deliberations, from which the media was barred.

            Yep. Looks like Jamaicans are doing great. So if black people in America kill each other because of jealousy of white people…what about Jamaicans.? I mean, the work ethic is so hard so what’s the deal with the literally hundreds of gangs. Sounds like you lazy Jamaicans need to start working harder. I don’t see any of the other groups you praised killing themselves at such alarming rates.

        2. JayBay says:

          Now, if you are a Jamaican or have ever been to Jamaica, it is no secret that most supermarkets, grocery stores and other businesses are owned by Asians. Even look at reggae, almost all reggae artists in Jamaica are Black, but the ones who make the most money from reggae are the Chins from VP Records, who are Asians. To say this is a result of Black people belief in God, however, is ridiculous. I would think that our lack of support for other Blacks, our lack of unity, our hatred, malice and grudge for each other have something to do with our impoverished state and I did not even get to politics, corruption and education.

          Oh now this is a fun one. Why is it you lazy Jamaicans are being outperformed by Asians in your OWN country?! Hmmmm….something isn’t adding up with all your bragging about how upwardly mobile Jamaicans are. So you’re in poverty in America and in poverty in your own country. Man, you Jamaicans are doing great! Can’t succeed at home or abroad. Must be all that hard work and competing at the same level of Asians huh?

          1. JayBay says:

            “We employ a big chunk of the workers at the minimum -wage level. We have built businesses that import goods into the country and if you don’t know which products we bring in, then let me tell you, it’s almost everything. All the toys and knick-knacks you see on the street that people sell to make a living? We import it. Shoes, clothes, crockery, tissue, toothpicks, beauty products, perfumes, slippers, equipment, electronics; you name it, we have it,” he stated.

            Yep, American blacks are lazy. You Jamaicans are doing so much better…just kinda weird that the Asians you bragged about are EMPLOYING a lot of your people. But hey, you employed a whole 12 people….whoooooo!!!! Jamaicans are doing great and are so smart…..but somehow are still at the bottom.

          2. MBR says:

            First Jaybay the champion of the black race, talking about community and working together, now hating his fellow brethren, What a turn of events a typical hoodie that has amounted to shit. The worker bee was triggered almost with no effort at all. I know it sucks you live in grandma’s basement, upset and unemployed that everyone you went to school turned into something while you sat idle. It really must suck, you blame race, but then as other blacks surpass you that hatred by race turns, well just plain hate towards the successful of all creeds and colors to fit your narrative. Soon the excuse will be because you did not know your father and mother was a typical BT-1000. However, the world still does not owe you anything, Yet you continue to cry woe is me about why you amounted to shit out of laziness, probably abandoning your progeny as well and the cycle of victim-hood culture continues. Another example of the worst black culture in America produces in this era.

          3. JayBay says:

            Hey, you’re the one that bragged about how upwardly mobile Jamaicans were. So I did a little research. Turns out that’s a bit exaggerated. Oh and once again, the fact that you’re resorting to insults doesn’t make any of the stuff I just posted less true. You’re still at the bottom as a people and are being outperformed in your own nation. That’s not hatred, that’s just plain facts

          4. JayBay says:

            So…you wanna explain some of these articles? About the high murder rates that Jamaicans do to other Jamaicans and so on? I mean I may be unemployed and living in my grandma’s basement (ha!) but I’m pretty sure this just disproved how great Jamaicans are doing on the whole. So if I’m playing victim as a “worker bee” then what does that make the rest of Jamaicans? Because I just found a few articles that showed you kill each other at ridiculous rates, have a HUGE poverty gap, and have Asians running shit in your own country. And don’t forget the huge debt you’re in as a nation. So….get to explaining how upward mobility is working so well for Jamaicans again? Why is it you’re among the poorest in America again?

          5. JayBay says:

            Where’s all that hard work Jamaicans do that you were bragging about? I mean I came with news articles and sources and you….what’d you say my mom was? A BT-1000? Classy. Please show me how awesome Jamaicans are again? I mean, I’ve never killed anyone, done drugs, etc. but you guys are doing it at a phenomenal rate apparently.

  18. MBR says:

    My nation the United States… Sadly you have no idea what a scholarly article is and rely on the guardian along with other rags. Perhaps you should really learn why the American Nirgo does so poorly compared to that of the rest of the world.
    Massey, D., Mooney, M., Torres, K., & Charles, C. (2007). Black Immigrants and Black Natives Attending Selective Colleges and Universities in the United States. American Journal of Education, 113(2), 243-271.

    1. JayBay says:

      Ok. That’s from 2007. Once again though, still doesn’t disprove any of the other sources I posted. Did I miss something where newspapers aren’t valid sources anymore? Especially since some of those i found were from Jamaica. Why do Jamaicans kill themselves at rates HIGHER than those in Chicago? What about the stats I found that Jamaicans are among the poorest in America. Why are you being outperformed by Asians in your own country that you’re so proud of? Not just in academics but in owning businesses?

      1. JayBay says:

        BTW, my sources are pretty darn recent. So what, Jamaicans DON”T kill themselves at high rates? Asians don’t control anything? Your nation isn’t in debt? Hm…..funny because if you’re the best then you shouldn’t need help from other nations? Did I miss something here? American blacks don’t own their own land. Jamaicans do. So….what’s up?

    2. JayBay says:

      One-in-five (20%) black immigrants live below the poverty line, according to the Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. That share is below that of U.S.-born blacks, who have a poverty rate of 28%. But the poverty rate among black immigrants is higher than it is among all Americans (16%).

      So pew research is just a rag? Wanna comment on that whole Asian thing? Is it true that there are lots of Asians who actually OWN businesses while Jamaicans just work for them? I’ve seen documented footage but I want to hear it from a native.

  19. JayBay says:

    Caribbean immigrants are less likely to be Limited English Proficient (LEP), but have lower educational attainment, lower median incomes, and higher poverty rates.
    Hm…..well this article shows you’re at the lower end of the scale in the US so……what’s up? Hmmmm?

  20. MBR says:

    You still must not have any reading comprehension skill….. Clearly the key wording was upward mobility in the United States as first generation Americans. Moreover you really must know nothing of Jamaican history and the heavy migration of Asians back to almost colonial times. There is a divide among the rich and poor as with almost any island economy which has remained a caste system per se based on nepotism. However, placed in a system that relies on hard work and actual achievement. There has been scholarly article one after another, why both African and Island Blacks outperform the American Nigro time and time again. Victimhood culture is the underlying factor not racism. When white people say it you scream racism, when other blacks point it out your head explodes. It is further evident how now the new waves of Pakistani and other Arabic (western asia) as well Mexicans are far surpassing blacks that have been here for hundreds of years already in less than a single generation.

    1. JayBay says:

      There is a divide among the rich and poor as with almost any island economy which has remained a caste system per se based on nepotism.

      Sounds like you Jamaicans just need to stop making excuses and work harder. I mean if Chinese people can come fresh off the boat and do better and Jamaicans can’t as a whole, what does that say? BTW, I used a newspaper article from your OWN country to show that you’re killing each other at high rates. Wanna explain that? Wanna explain the whole debt thing that the country is going through? If you’re OUTPERFORMING American blacks then why so much debt? And murder? And poverty? This isn’t about American blacks anymore it’s about Jamaicans. You came and said that you’re outperforming. I found things that show the opposite. Want to start explaining?

      1. JayBay says:

        So American blacks are screaming victimhood and don’t want to perform….yet Jamaicans still kill each other at higher rates? And losing to Asians? Hmm……interesting. So where are the major companies? Tell me a few Jamaican owned and operated companies that I can find in Tokyo tomorrow?

        1. JayBay says:

          The whole point is your’e bragging about how a few Jamaicans are doing well compared to American blacks. I’m pointing out if they’re so awesome, 1.why do they need to go to America and 2.Why the poverty in Jamaica. Once again, idiots never see the big picture. They see 3 successful Jamaicans but ignore the 300 barely making it through the day down the street. On the WHOLE, Jamaica sucks. There’s no other way to put it, most of ya’ll are broke and compared to your Asian counterparts aren’t really that impressive. Same as the american blacks you’re pretending that you’re better than. Like I said, send me some links to a few Jamaican owned and operated companies out here in Asia. Not tiny little law firms, but Sony, Toyota, or Honda level companies. Show me some of the power players. Show me a non-asian Jamaican billionaire (Micahel Lee Chin). Why is it when I searched for the wealthiest Jamaicans that they were mostly non-black? Wanna explain that and how it relates to Jamaican work ethic?

  21. MBR says:

    If you failed to be able to think critically to see how that study has no application, there really is no help for you. The combining of large Spanish speaking populations that these islands hold into the mix flaws the sample sizes. That mixed with this new 21st century crutch the liberals call diversity by not making the adaptation of English necessary unlike prior eras has lead these new immigrants to drag their heels when it comes to learning the language. It is prevalent among any Spanish speaking islands or communities to slow their growth by almost 1 to 2 generations.

  22. MBR says:

    You still cannot explain why the American black cannot keep up with blacks of African or Island descent in equal environments, even with the head start of not having been transplanted or any cultural differences. I am the first to say the govt sucks in many of those island communities leading to poverty although that is why such immigration occurs. Perhaps the fact that those africans and islanders know what true hardships in life are they do not buy into victim-hood culture.

    1. JayBay says:

      The whole point is your’e bragging about how a few Jamaicans are doing well compared to American blacks. I’m pointing out if they’re so awesome, 1.why do they need to go to America and 2.Why the poverty in Jamaica. Once again, idiots never see the big picture. They see 3 successful Jamaicans but ignore the 300 barely making it through the day down the street. On the WHOLE, Jamaica sucks. There’s no other way to put it, most of ya’ll are broke and compared to your Asian counterparts aren’t really that impressive. Same as the american blacks you’re pretending that you’re better than. Like I said, send me some links to a few Jamaican owned and operated companies out here in Asia. Not tiny little law firms, but Sony, Toyota, or Honda level companies. Show me some of the power players. Show me a non-asian Jamaican billionaire (Micahel Lee Chin). Why is it when I searched for the wealthiest Jamaicans that they were mostly non-black? Wanna explain that and how it relates to Jamaican work ethic?

      I am the first to say the govt sucks in many of those island communities leading to poverty although that is why such immigration occurs.
      Got it. So blacks in Jamaica are poor because of their own fault and their own shitty government. Glad you could admit that. So….how does that make you better than Americans? I’ve already acknowledged American blacks are at the bottom. So…what’s your people’s excuse? Why don’t they just work harder so they can stop it. I already know why American blacks are at the bottom but now it’s about Jamaicans. What’s up?

      1. JayBay says:

        Perhaps the fact that those africans and islanders know what true hardships in life are they do not buy into victim-hood culture.\

        Aka, they don’t want to try to lift themselves up? So they just sit and say “it is what it is”. Isn’t that WORSE. I mean American blacks have to fight to get laws passed and have historically fought for their rights yet your people represent themselves and are still corrupt and kill each other at high rate. So….What’s up? Why isn’t Jamaica more successful if, as you said, they have a work ethic equivalent to Asians. Asians have a big stake in business. Where’s Jamaica’s. Don’t they like hard work?

        1. JayBay says:

          I am the first to say the govt sucks in many of those island communities leading to poverty although that is why such immigration occurs

          So by your logic, the people who enslaved your people will give you better rights than your own people? And we’re just going to ignore the literally hundreds of years of white oppression and racism in America. That seems like a shitty deal. So you’re admitting that the only way Jamaicans can succeed is by leaving their own people? Hmm….didn’t you just criticize me for that? So Why can Jamaicans oppress their own people, run to America and that’s ok?

  23. JayBay says:

    You still cannot explain why the American black cannot keep up with blacks of African or Island descent in equal environments, even with the head start of not having been transplanted or any cultural differences

    That’s simple. Because we like to claim victimhood and don’t like to work hard. See? But when Jamaicans do the same thing all of sudden “oreover you really must know nothing of Jamaican history and the heavy migration of Asians back to almost colonial times. There is a divide among the rich and poor as with almost any island economy which has remained a caste system per se based on nepotism.” Those are excuses. I’m not allowed to claim white supremacy so you’re not allowed to blame the caste system because “hard work trumps everything”….so…..why the poverty NOW. Why are you in debt NOW. Why don’t you have these huge, multi billion companies NOW if the majority of the nation are hardworking blacks?

    1. JayBay says:

      Oh, and let’s remain civil. I won’t call you a coon so we can talk like grownups. Why don’t Jamaicans on the WHOLE like working as hard as Asians?

      1. JayBay says:

        The combining of large Spanish speaking populations that these islands hold into the mix flaws the sample sizes. That mixed with this new 21st century crutch the liberals call diversity by not making the adaptation of English necessary unlike prior eras has lead these new immigrants to drag their heels when it comes to learning the language.

        America is pretty much composed of nothing but immigrants. Never stopped them. Why Jamaicans?

        1. JayBay says:

          ETHNIC GROUPS: Jamaicans are 90.9 percent black, 1.3 percent East Indian, 0.2 percent white, 0.2 percent Chinese, 7.3 percent mixed ethnicities, and 0.1 percent other ethnicities. CLIMATE: Jamaica’s climate is tropical, with variations depending on elevation.
          Oxford AASC: Jamaica Country Profile – Oxford African American …

          Less than 10 percent isn’t that much…so….why are jamaicans still losing?

          1. JayBay says:

            I’m willing to concede that American blacks need to work harder. I just want to know why Jamaicans can’t succeed as a nation in their own country and need to rely on going to America. I mean, you did just say the government sucks. Isn’t that a victim mentality?

  24. MBR says:

    Jamaica is a monarchy that is hereditary, much of the country has also been looted due to corruption over the past few hundred years. However that is not a victim mentality, they do the best with the economy they have as well as the advantages, There is no student loan for academic advancement in Jamaica or any social programs, so if you are at the bottom of the ladder you typically stay there at much higher rate, upward mobility does not exist like it does in a democratic republic or a large industrialized country. That being said, there are still some very rich landowners and families that control the major industry, business, and exports, Yet due to the size of workable land, resources, and educated workforce that is limited. The leaders of the country rather invest in tourism than education for they are beyond wealthy and have no desire to invest in human capital. That being said there are poor Asian, whites and blacks in Jamaca almost all living in harmony with one another. It is a totally different way of life.

    1. JayBay says:

      Got it. So when blacks deal with white racism that’s literally been proven over hundreds of years it’s a victim mentality but when blacks deal with oppression by their own people it’s not their fault at tall. Nothing to do with them. So you can’t just do like Cuba and offer free education? There’s a solution out there for everyone. This is pretty much why our people stay confused. Everyone complains when American blacks can’t advance but when you’re poor in your own country or move to American and still end up at the bottom then excuses are OK.

      1. JayBay says:

        There are poor Asians in America and here in Japan too but on the whole they’re still doing better than Jamaicans. There’s a new rising of Chinese billionaires but Jamaica on the whole don’t seem to be advancing at an impressive rate.

        The leaders of the country rather invest in tourism than education for they are beyond wealthy and have no desire to invest in human capital.
        So if Jamaicans are better than American blacks, why aren’t the leaders smart enough to realize that what they’re doing hasn’t been working for years and years. Why can’t they do like China and start sending their people abroad and then using them to build the nation up? I see plenty of examples of other nations from similar situations like you describe but they’re still overall doing better.

        1. JayBay says:

          Case in point, Singapore has twice the population but has 10 times the GDP per capita. Similar situation to Jamaica. So why can Jamaicans on the WHOLE compete at the same level if it’s simply a matter of hard work and education?

          1. JayBay says:

            Jamaica is a monarchy that is hereditary, much of the country has also been looted due to corruption over the past few hundred years.

            Ok….the people can’t overthrow them? Yes it’s not easy by any means but for the future of your children people should be willing to fight right?

          2. MBR says:

            You do know the head of the monarch is the Queen of England and she places her cronies into power still…. Jamaica is considered their property as a nation and really is one of their major sources of income still. The English Monarch is having money troubles by historical standards over the past century or so that along with a once every thousand year natural disaster due to a volcanic eruption destroying much of the infrastructure. With there being no outside money from the monarch nor international aid from the US or other counties since that was unheard of at the time, they are doing actually quite well for doing it all on their own. in respect to Singapore they actually were also part of the English Monarch until given their independce in 1960’s. The mega growth of Singapore was due to their proximity in Asia. Traditionally being a major trading hub along due to their harbor and location aid and desire foreign investment to come in and make it not just a trading hub for physical product but now the banking hub of its part of the world. It filled a much needed niche that Western banks and corporations were chomping at the bit of getting into after their failure to do with Carte Blanche in China or Japan. That does not go without saying that the Singaporean leaders did a great job at keeping government small, honest, and a society based on meritocracy which is a plus for drawing in western investment. Not to take away from their success but, if one of the other countries Asia was less isolationist prior to Singapore’s Independence it would still be a third world nation sans that massive influx of banking capital.

          3. MBR says:

            When I say money problems for the monarch, you do know they do not own the mansion they live in, it is actually falling apart and needs major repairs. When the deal is up with Parliament they will be moving out. It actually will be a huge end for the symbolic relationship that the Monarch represents to the Enlgish people by no longer living in Buckingham Palace. The international properties they lay claim to are becoming fewer, but now the ones they hold have become more and more important for them to remain in power. I actually hope it might give them a desire to want to stimulate the economy to bring in more revenue to the crown. However that has never been their strenght, holding colonies and bringing western culture was though.

          4. JayBay says:

            Right I understand she puts her cronies in power (no different from the US) but in terms of overthrowing a corrupt rulership you can look at Haiti (Toussaint Louvetoure) and Cuba (Fidel Castro) as prime examples of what can happen when the majority of the people have a set goal. In Tousaints case, Haiti was going through the same situation and with similar problems (constant monsoons, flooding, etc.) But we also have to be realistic in that if Jamaica’s only purpose has been to bring in money for England then they’re only going to let you advance as a nation up to a certain point. Having Jamaica be a source of income and then having them gain complete independence and become a competitor would be a stupid business move. So even if a tiny manage to not only escape Jamaica but do become upwardly mobile, it’s still in Englands best interest to make sure that a large number of you are poor and don’t want to work with other blacks on a global level. If you look at Haitians and the Dominican Republic, they’re right next to each other but from what I’ve read hate each other’s guts. Dominicans in particular have been known to have a strong hatred for other blacks and will even avoid calling themselves that. It’s quite brilliant really how the divide and conquer strategy works when you look at the majority of us. Black people in America alone spend 1 trillion dollars per year which would make them (don’t quote me on this) among the top 20 economies. Just 1 group. Add in the combined efforts of other blacks working together and our influence would be unstoppable. Imagine a world where everyone bows to your people and respects them for how well they work and fight together. This is why I keep going on about if the majority of blacks aren’t willing to work together on a global level then American black’s (and Jamaicans as long as they can make money for England) won’t change. Whites may be a minority globally and argue in UN meetings but when it comes to keeping other groups bowing down to them (whether by moral or immoral means) they’ve way ahead of us. Sure, Jamaica’s global ranking has jumped considerably in recent years but if you don’t have a long term goal of making England bow down to you then it’ll just fluctuate but no significant progress for the whole group. I mean, look at Obama. He might be a symbol for blacks but the overall wealth that black Americans own (1/2 of 1%) has remained constant while he’s been in office and over a hundred years prior. Same concept (A black man’s president so we must be good! Jamaica’s economy jumped slightly even though our government is still corrupt so we must be good!) different nation.

          5. JayBay says:

            Also I’m not implying Jamaicans never tried to revolt at all but from the videos I’ve seen of Jamaican people happily dancing with British royalty it doesn’t seem like they’ve shaken off their mental chains yet. If you’re unfamiliar with the Apocrypha of the Bible it was actually banned in Jamaica because slaves read it and realized that they weren’t supposed to be putting up with slavery but actually fighting against it. After they revolted then they banned them. If I’m not mistaken it’s still illegal to try to bring it into the country.

  25. Nick R says:

    Wow, I used to think it was an exaggeration but the more I see black people trying to debate their points I realize they have no argument outside of calling people racist or white supremacists. This guy is a stuttering muttering fool, he’d be a broke bum on the streets if he wasn’t trying to capatalize on the plight of his ancestors. Sad & shameful.

  26. Jon says:

    “Suspected racist” hahahahahahhahahhaha is every white person a suspected racist? Lmao

  27. What says:

    They only proved Tariq RIGHT AGAIN!
    Black Lives Matter is a code word for Black people……
    Because here is a person on the Fox news network who has never had anything to do with Black Lives Matter….
    Blatantly obvious……..

  28. BlksBdumb says:

    All this did was prove that black people are still stupid. Nothing more just idiots. Dumb dumb and dumb.

  29. BlksBdumb says:

    A babbling Baboon! Tucker made that idiot look and sound even more stupid than I thought ever possible. That was some funny ass shit to watch. It probably should have aired on the animal planet though and maybe the babbling baboon would of felt more at ease lmao!!

  30. acapfer says:

    It seems really evasive that there are no specific in the article, such as “The interview started off with Tucker spewing several lies that he attributed to Nasheed. Nasheed promptly corrected him on those lies, and Carlson responded with rude commands directed at Nasheed.” Because even this site knows that saying the cop who shot the guy who stabbed 11 people and ran over more is a racist white supremacist is an insane accusation.

  31. Dana says:

    One thing Tucker is most definitely not is a racist. Anyone’s who’s watched him over the years knows this.

  32. Desmond Sloan says:

    I admire Tariq for having enough courage to go on a major platform such as Fox News. I believe what make Tariq’s talking points seem baseless is the fact that his arguments are not based off scholarly research. Tariq seem to speak from the heart which is great for social media and general conversation. I would recommend that Tariq employ a research team that will prep him for public debate.

  33. Desmond says:

    I admire Tariq for having enough courage to go on a major platform such as Fox News. I believe what make Tariq’s talking points seem baseless is the fact that his arguments are not based off scholarly research. Tariq seem to speak from the heart which is great for social media and general conversation. I would recommend that Tariq employ a research team that will prep him for public debate.

  34. Marisa says:

    He actually said ‘import Africans’??!! I couldn’t believe my ears at first. Wow. Still just a commodity then. I can’t believe he is allowed to get away with saying that?

  35. Glenda says:

    I wish white people could understand black people and black people could understand white people. Why is there so.much hatred? Do black people feel that white people walking around today have taken something from them? Do white people think black people have no basis to be angry? Perhaps if we could speak to each other about what really bothers us, we could understand each others’ point of view. I haveany thoughts but I think we need safe places to share. Seemsnthis forum is not that place. Too bad

  36. Lven says:

    As a southern, white, male, I cannot possibly attest to the stings of racism because I have not felt it from the perspective of a person of color. But, this lack of experience doesn’t mean that I have a presence of ignorance and while I saw what I saw I was never able to fully justify racism nor find a place for it contextually in the society in wont which I was born. Even today, so many years later I continue to see the same hallmarks of racism that I saw so long ago. I also constantly question my successes, wondering if they would have been mine to achieve, had I been a person of color, rather than a white man. So, in a sense, my adulthood has been haunted by the fact that I am white and therefore somewhat unworthy of the achievements that I claim; that I am undeserving of my accomplishments designed for a world of whitehood. I will say this without reservation: racism still exists. We whites might see successful people of color; some may see them as thieves of what should have rightfully been a white person; others use successful people of color as just another division, or difference between people of color that makes them eternally at turmoil either within their own ranks or in society at large. To call Tucker Carlson a “suspected racist,” means the listener has no idea what racism actually is nor how it manifests itself in its various forms. Tucker Carlson is a talking head for the far-right social agenda. The agenda is, of course, to stack Congress with Republicans . Is TC a nationalist?Ha! Ha!…

  37. Idi Iman says:

    Carlson Tucker is just a Mother Fucker.

  38. Luna says:

    I’m just gonna leave this here. Tucker is the biggest idiot I have ever seen. He is rude, big-headed, and can’t listen to anyone speak. As soon as he disagrees he refuses to listen and therefore becomes a huge asshole. How is anyone going to learn anything in this country if we always ignore what we don’t like. Tucker defines this concept and I’m so sad to see how people can enjoy him being a major jerk to people. In no way is he helping anyone but instead hurting everyone.

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  163. Hands down, Apple’s app store wins by a mile. It’s a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I’m not sure I’d want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

  164. Yerli Araba says:

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