The Key to Survival

Written by Dr. Tiffany Tubman



We are experiencing daily murders of Black people (more males than females) of all ages. However, many suspected white supremacists and their minions (sympathizers) often ask those of us with some of a brain, “why do we feel like we are under attack?”. The day we begin to state collectively, and certainly as a critical mass, that we are dealing with a system of racism, white supremacy and that system is about white genetic survival. We have been given a fragmented struggle so that we would think that America was a democracy and not a system of racism and white supremacy. Because that is what we wanted to believe: That things could really be drastically different for Black people. It is not a crime to want to believe something, but then we have to come back and deal with reality. The system was opened up to a gesture towards to inclusion, but what has really happened is a refinement to the system of white supremacy. We have been given nigga trinkets, tokens, and accessories, some of us even cash, but no wealth and no real power.


There has been an increase of white women dating and procreating with Black men and as such, we are witnessing a reaction to “we are not going to have it” by white men. Parallel our current situation to Semites of Jewish religion in Germany. The Jews were not focused on because of their religion but focused on because of beliefs that they were not white, according to Adolf Hitler. Jewish men started marrying German women and that is when Hitler came to power very similar to how Donald Trump came to power. With the same comments and goals of putting things back in order, surrounded by his entire team of known white supremacists, extremists, and Nazi collaborators. This is why white men (and women) are flocking to him and supporting his hate-filled policies, actions and banter.


Black people pose the greatest threat to white genetic survival; therefore, Blacks are the targets of the gun, the chokehold, and every other method the suspected white supremacist can implore to eliminate us and thereby eliminate the threat to their survival. Blacks can go in jail and the government will spend 50K per year to house you for free labor, but Blacks cannot have 50K grant/loan to start a small business or build generational wealth. Blacks cannot earn that money if we get a job. This is a clear-cut example of white supremacy. This is the system that we live in.


Do not slide away from declaring that this is a system of racism, white supremacy. Based on that, it is logical that they can kill people with impunity, like in Nazi Germany. This is what the system is about. They wanted to be assimilated and accepted. But when your survival is an issue of genetic survival, you cannot assimilate. WE want to believe that we can be American. Through nearly 500 years of formal and informal slavery, we are still fighting to be accepted. Until America is a democracy and practices a system of justice, versus the current (a republic that practices a system of white supremacy), we cannot be accepted as Americans. We cannot assimilate because there is no room for us.


The most important card that can be played right now to put the murders in check is to call it what it is, systematic white supremacy/racism. We must declare we are in a system of white supremacy daily, on every outlet and venue we can (social media, television interviews, 911 calls, letters to congress, etc.). The reality is that they system of white supremacy is the highest form of terrorism that has ever been conceptualized on planet Earth. It is a system that is designed to protect 1/10 of the population on Earth that are a genetically recessive mutated species.


Our only chance is the critical mass of Black people speak out. Not out in the streets saying “we hate white people” that is a cheap waste of energy. Hatred is not the answer. That is like turning up the heat and opening the windows. Instead, we must address the issue by speaking to the system. The majority of white people will say they are not racists. We have to ask then why the last 500 years. However, instead of questioning them, allow the non-racist white people show they are not racist. Let the non-racist white people speak up and march. Blacks must stop marching. We must stop acting like we are lost and confused about why race soldiers keep executing our family members. Every time we say, “I don’t know why this is happening to us” we are reinforcing the system of white supremacy. Every time we act like the murdering of unarmed Black people is not supposed to be happening, we are in denial about the system of white supremacy in which we live.  We are denying ourselves the potential of escaping this situation.


Start saying, if we are in fact in a system of white supremacy, we will continue to see this carnage. If we are in a democracy, the executions will stop. Ask yourself, what are we seeing? Therefore, what system do we live in? To all non-racist white people, it is your job to get out there and stop it.


Racism, white supremacy, is a local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined. This includes and consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war) for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet Earth. A planet by which the vast and majority of people are classified as non-white (black, brown, red, and yellow) by genetically recessive white people.


The fear of white people is causing our death. If we are being honest, when I first learned about this and the ongoing Race War (Rahowa) I was in disbelief, then shock, followed by denial. However, I had to separate my emotions from facts. The facts continually prove that we are in a Race War, and we must defend ourselves for our own survival.


We are asking all Melanoid Nation family to stay safe, stay on code, and get your Second Amendment game strong. We have the right to protect ourselves and stand our ground. Remember to treat all others exactly as they treat you, no better no worse. We should be practicing the Platinum Rule at all time.


DAILY AFFIRMATION/DECLARATION: I live in a system of racism white supremacy. I am willing to dedicate all of my life energy to create a system of justice.

     Twitter: @montswife16



7 thoughts on “The Key to Survival

  1. Timsomor says:

    This is a great article. I have seen enough evidence to know that as Black people you should not be trying to get along with everybody else and not other Black people first. There has never been enough white people to really make a difference in the system of white Supremacy as a whole. Some will say they are for justice and than you may discover they were actually practicing racism against you. Then we will have “Boot Straps Blacks” telling you you’re worried about racism too much, when if you look at your life situations particularly if you are gainfully employed, you can see that racism is very extra particularly if you are a black man. I’m not saying Black Women don’t experience it, just that it is heavy on Black Males because racist get great joy in breaking the will and #BlackSelfRespect of Black Men more! Still when we have this discussion we tend to lead with gender, instead of its happening to all Black people as a whole. In ending, when developing a code make sure its something you can follow based off how other are treating you directly. I would suggest that you employ not helping white people or if you are around while a conversation is being had just listen. Never voluntarily give information when you aren’t respected enough to be included in the conversation in the beginning. I would also suggest keeping your interest broad whenever you are asked about “What you did on the weekend” or in your spare time. However, if you really want to show whites you mean business never talk to them about sports. A lot Black Males never put the thought into why white men will always come out of the Blue with sports talk particularly if you just met them. Well, Dr. Welsings did!

    An example of a Boot strap Black:

    1. Sister Tiffany Tubman says:

      I love your response! Thanks for contributing Timsomor!

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  3. pepe the sws says:

    yah we wuz kangs n shiiit lets zap dat white cave beast wit our magic melanin powers….oh yah send marcus sanders aka tariq nasheed aka tiffany tubman(pretty moist tariq using a woman as one of your fake profiles lol) all our money!

  4. Gambol says:

    I think it’s always funny when i don’t entertain conversation about sports or music with whites and other races. Outside of Entertainment majority of them have nothing else to talk to us about. Without Entertainment as an ice breaker they’re mute.

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  6. Joe Blow says:

    Aren’t black people responsible for killing most black people? What is being done about that issue as it is a major problem along with high crime rates in black majority neighborhoods? How can you blame people for being nervous around a culture built on living by the gun as is depicted in most black entertainment? I get that you hate white people and justify your racism as such, but to generalize all of them makes this whole thing sound ignorant. It’s difficult to move on when black people only want to see race, while everyone else tries to judge people based on their actions.

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