White Men & Fake Black Feminism: The Negro Bedwench Movement

Woman says that she’s an example for “Feminism” and its “evolution” by acting like a slave for her white husband

By Kenny Anthony


Melanoid people should be very familiar with the exceedingly dangerous Bedwench archetype. Some of the most typical examples in mainstream media that we could easily point to would be Sage Steele, Omarosa Manigault, and Michelle Malkin. In pop culture, TV shows such as Scandal, starring Kerry Washington who plays a character named Olivia Pope, a Black woman that is sexually submissive for white corporate men, has a massive cult-like following in the Black feminist/Negro Bedwench community. The same cult-like following exists in the Cosplay community, and Negro Bedwenches tend to be heavily involved with the anime movement. On social media, known trolls like Feminista Jones fit the Bedwench prototype, and those like her make a living by hating Black men that aren’t in the LGBTQ community. But for anybody still playing catch-up, here’s a detailed run-through of what we’re dealing with.

A Negro Bedwench in the 21st Century is a Black woman that’s willing to go above and beyond to satisfy non-Black males & defend the white-male power structure. These women are gatekeepers for white supremacy, and generally have an intense feeling of disdain for Black people, especially Black men. So much so, it would be practically impossible to tell a white supremacist and Black feminist apart when the conversation topic is centered around straight Black males.

Furthermore, the goal of a Negro Bedwench is to be accepted, sexually disrespected, protected, and unreservedly dominated by a white male, regardless of his social class & personal financial position. However, they consider anybody non-Black as “the next best thing”. It’s extremely common for a Negro Bedwench to have a Hispanic, Asian or Middle-Eastern partner.

The Bunny Ruckus Negro Bedwench is a different branch of the standard Negro Bedwench. Like the standard Negro Bedwench, the Bunny Ruckus panders to the ruling demographic by exuding self-hatred and regurgitating white supremacist talking-points. The difference is that they’re usually middle-aged, visually unattractive and overweight by society’s standards. You’re likely to see them with raggedy hair (occasionally blonde), and it’s usually a cheap wig or weave. Also, they tend perpetuate the “loud obnoxious sassy Black woman” stereotype in exchange for white amusement. These qualities make those in the dominant society comfortable around the Bunny Ruckus because their egos never feel threatened. Donald Trump mascots and white supremacy collaborators, Diamond and Silk, are the epitome of The Bunny Ruckus Negro Bedwench.

Diamond and Silk: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oIXGpScZ0Cg

Another example of the Bunny Ruckus Negro Bedwench would be Mollena Williams-Hass, 47, a self-proclaimed Feminist and writer. Below is a picture of Mollena Williams-Hass with her husband, Georg Hass.

Her blog, titled “The Perverted Negress”, is one that paints a vivid picture of her numerous Bedwench escapades & daily slave-like routines. She claims that her obsession with slavery began at 8 years of age, specifically when she was watching the American television miniseries based on Alex Haley’s 1976 novel, Roots. Here is a quote from her speaking about the experience:

I have fantasies about really bad things. If you go back and look at what feminism is about, it’s about us taking charge of our bodies and our destinies. The ability to choose a master/slave relationship is a mark of how far feminism has come.”

Her suspected white supremacist husband (Georg Friedrich Haas), has said that he plans on promoting this lifestyle to the younger generation. Georg stated that he hopes to “embolden younger people”, and that he’s already started to do so with his students. Mollena states that when she was first introduced to the “Kink Community”, Black people that were already a part of it were totally against master-slave relationships. She said that they were prepared to be violent if a Black person took the role of a slave. But according to Mollena, these threats did not make her refrain from such activities.

These are Mollena’s 2009 comments in an interview with Andrea Plaid from Racialicious: “I think my ancestors would be delighted that I can fucking choose to do this for a few bloody hours. I can go into the Big Ass Ice Cream Parlor of Racism and have a sample spoon, and leave. I’m not trapped there being force fed the Rocky Road Ice Cream of Oppression until I am sick.”

It must be mentioned that Mollena overcompensates by parading herself as Pro-Black on social media platforms, and she regularly has a Black-Power fist as her profile picture (twitter: @Mollena).

Not only does she expose the hidden agenda of present day Black Feminism, she shows us that the Black feminist mentality is pseudo, toxic, counter-productive, irrational and irresponsible. It’s simply regurgitated Misandrynoir rhetoric from emotionally hurt women that need healing.

Feminism (as we know it), was introduced to the Black Community to divide and conquer the Black nuclear family by promoting the “independent woman” ploy, which is an ideology that no other community subscribes to. This was used to destroy the energy and momentum of Black Civil Rights groups such as The Black Panther Party, and switch our focus onto matters that were never a real cause for concern. By doing this, the importance and relevance of the Black alphamale became null and void, and the carefully orchestrated welfare obligations (not being eligible if you had a man in the home), meant that Black women no longer felt like they needed Black men to love, support and provide.

Also, the feminist movement was pioneered by open white supremacists such as Susan B. Anthony, a woman that famously said: “I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ever work or demand the ballot for the Negro and not the woman”. It’s important to add that white feminists revere and regularly pay tributes to Susan. This clearly indicates that the “camaraderie” and “white allyship” among Black and white feminists is truly non-existent & disingenuous. White feminists have never cared about Black women’s issues, and they’re known to practice misogynoir more than any other group.

Black females are not seen or treated as women by society, the treatment of Sandra Bland and the violent incident in McKinney, Texas, 2015, involving the white supremacist cop Eric Casebolt & 15-year-old Dajerria Becton proves this. We have not received our rights as Black people, so until we’ve successfully overcome our first hurdle, it’s ridiculously illogical for a person that’s only viewed as Black to fight for something which doesn’t apply to them.

While Black feminists continue to be duped by faux women’s empowerment, 52% of white women voted for a known sexist, misogynist, chauvinist and racist, Donald Trump, because white women understand the concept of race first. The white female voters knew that Trump would be persevering whiteness once elected as president, so they got on code and jumped on team white supremacy. They managed to temporarily pause the gender-specific war that’s happening in their community, and they rightfully prioritized the self-preservation of their people. Black feminists are incapable of practicing this concept because they’re too busy being used as pawns by white feminists. They’ve been tricked into schemes such as the anti “cat-calling” movement, which is essentially just white feminists trying to criminalize the straight Black male image.

If one of our greatest leaders, such as The Most Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, presented an immediate remedy which could kill white supremacy in 24 hours, Black feminists and the Black LGBTQ community would jeopardize our livelihoods over the petty personal discrepancies that they have with the Nation of Islam & their teachings. Which again, highlights the huge differences between white feminism and Black feminism, and it lets us know that Black feminism has nothing to do with the advancement of our race. Overall, Black feminists have achieved nothing on a grand-scale for Black people since its inception, especially in comparison to groups which they’ve openly disrespected such as The Black Panther Party and The Nation of Islam.

If we were to go by the definition, egalitarian feminism would play integral role in uplifting Black women, however, today’s current practice is the complete opposite.

While we continue to be at war with white supremacy, our number one focus as Melanoid people should be self-preservation by any means necessary. Our advice: Be alertdo not let your children go outside unsupervisedconnect with like-minded Melanoid peoplecreate international allies, and exercise your Second Amendment.


282 thoughts on “White Men & Fake Black Feminism: The Negro Bedwench Movement

  1. Wodesan says:

    Great piece! I feel like negro bedwenches and black feminist sellouts are one of the most overlooked and underestimated groups in the black community. We need to start assessing our enemies. And u fortunately, not all of them are white.

    1. Wodesan says:


      1. Bob Woodward says:

        That was not necessary.

    2. Sigger Nlayer says:

      You’re a psycho lol

      1. Bob Woodward says:

        No, but you are.

  2. KANG OF KANGS says:

    wow obviously tariq writes all these articles the grammar is the same for all his pseudonyms…..he is nothing but a con artist making millions of race baiting….very sad fam

  3. Kang Kangsington says:

    lol, sad!

  4. Becky Beckardo says:

    That man in the picture is a Jew. Feminism was created by Jews, by the way. Jews rule black people, and black people submit to their will and pretend they are white. In exchange, they get goodies from Jews. This racket has continued for decades because black people are weak. They need Jews to care for them because they can’t make it on their own, but they know if they attack Jews as Jews, the Jews won’t hand out the goodies anymore.

    1. Mills says:

      You’re an idiot if you think this is true. Black people are the strongest people on the PLANET PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY. You cannot stand in a black woman shoes . I’m black and I’m proud of being black …… people I’m so very proud to be one of the BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXIONS OF THE BLACK RACE

      1. Bob Woodward says:

        Preach Mills! Put that Becky Retardo bitch in her place.

        She’s rambling on like someone who is emotionally unstable. She’s talking shit about blacks pretending they’re white. Whites pretend they’re black and they really wish they were black. That’s why they get ass implants because their asses are so flat and basically non-existent. The Kardashians and Kylie Jenner are prime examples. They get those spray tans trying to get some kind of color to their pale skin. Kim and Kourtney are examples again. Newsflash! The orange color they get from those spray tans is not a tan. It only draws attention to their fake color. Furthermore, whites are the weakest link on this planet. They can’t do shit for themselves. They are lazy as a mother fucker. They had slaves do everything for them then and they still use people now. You probably work with some who have the hardest time doing their job and they come to you or someone else with a sob story looking for help. Their brains are about to explode because they are so stressed out over some punk ass assignment that isn’t hard to do at all. A high schooler could do it while high. But to hear them tell it, it is just so complicated. They think they’re smarter than everyone else, but in fact they are dumb as fuck.

      2. Massa says:

        Oknigger lol

        1. Massa Hater says:

          Okcracker lol

      3. Massa says:

        Oknigger lol

    2. TheSunGod says:

      Enjoy your student debts and medical bills while the GOP and the corporations get richer. As for the Jews. They have been living a pretty peaceful life in the Muslim Middle East for centuries. Proof that Euroshits are dumb savages.

    3. . says:

      You are an ass fuck Becky Beckardo!

  5. We's Wuz Kangz! says:

    This is a top notch article!

  6. K1NGCED says:

    I thought all White Men the swirl got the best looking Black Women. Welp, I guess that was a bold face lie.

  7. Frances Cress Welsing says:

    All of these “writers” sound like Tariq.

    How about the dark black man that is so insecure about his blackness, he marries the lightest “black” woman he can find (to maintain street cred) and have lighter children.

    What of Tariq’s dark daughter that has to watch his father choose a woman lighter than her because he is uncomfortable walking around with a dark black woman?

    The subtext is self hate.

    1. ha got em says:

      Have you seen Tariq’s wife? He IS that type of man! lol

    2. Al says:

      How is the subtext self hate if he had a daughter with a dark woman ??? Dummy

    3. Mills says:

      Dark black men insecure. Whew this is by far the most false statement I’ve read. I’m a black woman I don’t know a dark skin man that’s insecure . Very confident they are !! After all they’re the sexiest on the planet. The Becky’s love them.

      1. Bob Woodward says:

        True dat!

    4. Mills says:

      Black is beautiful in ANY COMPLEXION ! From the lightest to the darkest JUST BEAUTIFUL. We know it and YOU ALL KNOW IT AS WELL. We’re KINGS AND QUEENS this is why we’re most hated by other races. Go look into history. Look at BLACK PANTHER. That’ll give you a lil insight.

      1. Bob Woodward says:

        True dat too! You are intelligent and confident! Props to you.

      2. Nonya says:

        Black panther is fiction, written by a white guy.
        Yeah, keep praising the almighty Stan Lee.

    5. . says:

      Can that darkskin/lightskin bullshit! Just because you are dark and insecure doesn’t mean other darkskin people are. Just stop it.

  8. John says:

    I am looking for a black female bedwench. Interested black females please reply.

    1. Cori says:

      Hi John.😉

      1. Bob Woodward says:

        Coon. You want a white man to treat you like a slave? You are stupid as fuck.

    2. leona says:


    3. Mills says:

      Becky not good. Huh 😂😂😂

    4. Bob Woodward says:

      There are no interested black females. There are no females at all interested. That is your problem. You are a loser. Go masturbate and drink a Corona.

  9. angie says:

    What a wonderful article Kenny. And so very true. Black feminism does not have a positive impact on the black community. We have to deal with white supremacy/racism and its detrimental effects on the lives of black people.

    1. Dessalean says:

      Thank you Angie, please continue to give me your feedback in the future. As for feminism, you are right and exact. Couldn’t agree more!

  10. Cori says:

    Hi John. Only if you have the goodies as mentioned above😉

    1. Bob Woodward says:

      Still cooning and stupid as fuck I see. What goodies…an STD…being treated worse than a rabid dog? What?

  11. Sigger Nlayer says:

    I have myself a negro bedwench and she’s great. Cooks me fried chicken and grits, and I don’t even have to whip her half of the time! Way more labor intensive than my white wife. Sometimes we have 3 ways together while they both slobber on my white cock. It’s good to know white and white are equal as long as they’re both women.

  12. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Omarosa may be a Trump crony but she’s not a bedwench.

  13. Abdul Ibrahim Hassan says:

    Tariq Nasheed, I know you are the one that is writing all these articles. “Kenny” does not and will never exist, it is you that exists. You are a slave of the Yehudi and nothing more a black slave. We arabs conquered much of the sub sahara and fucked you niggers hard, in mauritania, arabs are making half berber negress chicks. Tariq nasheed, you don’t even know how to sing a nasheed you black dog.

    1. Abdul Ibrahim Hassan says:

      And talking about “degenerate”, take a look at “Wash yo azz” by K Flex, aka fake muslim afrocentrist “Tariq Fraudshed”

    2. Bob Woodward says:

      You are a white dog and you smell funky.

  14. Acricochet says:

    As a Kekistanian, and veteran of the Great MEME war, I too can relate to the persecution that the evil feminist regime has done to the my great nation. I didn’t realize that this evil we call feminism reached down to the the great nation of Saint Lucian. Mr Prime Minister Kenny Anthony black and Green people need to unite to fight our enemies! LONG LIVE KEKISTAN!!!!

  15. Mr. Shekel says:


    1. Bob Woodward says:


    2. TheSunGod says:

      Hairy Euro ape

    1. Bob Woodward says:

      Not true. All honkies have VD, STDs, HIV, AIDS, Coronavirus, etc. Y’all are nasty and unclean as fuck.

  16. Kareful Kekistani says:

    I love black whores. Nothing excites me like nigger pussy.

    1. Bob Woodward says:

      Your mama is a honky, crack whore. I bet you’ve explored her cracker snatch many times. Bitch!

  17. 006JamesD says:

    To hell with these Losing ass trolls, keep up the good work.

    1. Acricochet says:

      Folks be trippin brotha!! Speak the truth Kekistan for life!!!!

      1. Bob Woodward says:

        A dumb ass sheep. That’s why your punk as will be lead out to slaughter. One ass fuck praising another. You’re dumb as fuck for life!

  18. Phoenix Zaleen says:

    What the actual fuck is wrong with all of you…you’re all psychotic just because one crazy ass woman does this does not mean all black women who date white men are like this and who the fuck do you all think you are saying the n-word?

    1. Bob Woodward says:

      Those saying the “N” word are inbred crackers. Have a good evening.

    2. Nonya says:

      Thank you, finally some decency around here. Smh

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  109. Interesting blog post. Some tips i would like to contribute is that computer memory ought to be purchased if your computer still can’t cope with whatever you do with it. One can install two RAM boards containing 1GB each, for example, but not one of 1GB and one of 2GB. One should check the company’s documentation for the PC to be sure what type of memory is needed.

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  113. it recycling says:

    One thing I would really like to say is always that before purchasing more pc memory, consider the machine in to which it will be installed. When the machine is usually running Windows XP, for instance, the particular memory ceiling is 3.25GB. Putting in in excess of this would merely constitute a waste. Make sure one’s motherboard can handle an upgrade quantity, as well. Good blog post.

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  115. Thanks for your post. I also feel that laptop computers are getting to be more and more popular today, and now will often be the only type of computer employed in a household. Simply because at the same time that they’re becoming more and more reasonably priced, their processing power is growing to the point where these are as highly effective as personal computers coming from just a few in years past.

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  117. One thing I’d prefer to say is the fact before obtaining more computer memory, have a look at the machine in to which it is installed. If the machine is usually running Windows XP, for instance, the memory threshold is 3.25GB. Applying above this would easily constitute some sort of waste. Make sure one’s motherboard can handle the particular upgrade quantity, as well. Great blog post.

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  119. Thanks for expressing your ideas in this article. The other matter is that if a problem develops with a personal computer motherboard, individuals should not consider the risk involving repairing that themselves because if it is not done correctly it can lead to irreparable damage to all the laptop. It’s usually safe just to approach any dealer of the laptop for your repair of its motherboard. They will have technicians who may have an knowledge in dealing with notebook computer motherboard troubles and can make the right analysis and accomplish repairs.

  120. IT Disposal says:

    One thing I want to say is before getting more computer memory, check out the machine in to which it would be installed. If your machine is actually running Windows XP, for instance, the memory threshold is 3.25GB. Applying a lot more than this would purely constitute any waste. Make certain that one’s motherboard can handle the actual upgrade quantity, as well. Great blog post.

  121. What I have observed in terms of laptop or computer memory is there are features such as SDRAM, DDR etc, that must fit in with the specifications of the mother board. If the personal computer’s motherboard is very current while there are no computer OS issues, improving the storage space literally normally requires under 1 hour. It’s on the list of easiest pc upgrade processes one can imagine. Thanks for revealing your ideas.

  122. Gordon Tang says:

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  123. Thanks for giving your ideas in this article. The other factor is that whenever a problem develops with a laptop or computer motherboard, people today should not consider the risk connected with repairing it themselves because if it is not done properly it can lead to permanent damage to the complete laptop. In most cases, it is safe just to approach the dealer of your laptop for the repair of motherboard. They’ve technicians who definitely have an knowledge in dealing with notebook motherboard complications and can carry out the right diagnosis and perform repairs.

  124. What I have observed in terms of laptop or computer memory is always that there are requirements such as SDRAM, DDR and so on, that must match the specific features of the mother board. If the pc’s motherboard is kind of current while there are no operating-system issues, replacing the memory literally normally takes under a couple of hours. It’s one of many easiest personal computer upgrade types of procedures one can picture. Thanks for revealing your ideas.

  125. Thanks for giving your ideas in this article. The other factor is that whenever a problem arises with a computer system motherboard, folks should not take the risk connected with repairing that themselves because if it is not done properly it can lead to irreparable damage to the whole laptop. It is almost always safe to approach a dealer of that laptop for that repair of motherboard. They’ve already technicians with an know-how in dealing with mobile computer motherboard problems and can make right analysis and perform repairs.

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  131. I’ve learned newer and more effective things by your blog. One other thing I would really like to say is always that newer laptop os’s have a tendency to allow much more memory to be used, but they also demand more memory space simply to work. If one’s computer cannot handle extra memory and the newest software requires that ram increase, it could be the time to buy a new PC. Thanks

  132. Some tips i have observed in terms of computer memory is always that there are features such as SDRAM, DDR and so on, that must fit the specific features of the motherboard. If the pc’s motherboard is fairly current and there are no operating system issues, improving the memory literally takes under an hour or so. It’s among the easiest computer upgrade types of procedures one can think about. Thanks for expressing your ideas.

  133. One thing I want to say is that often before acquiring more computer system memory, check out the machine directly into which it can be installed. Should the machine is usually running Windows XP, for instance, a memory limit is 3.25GB. Applying a lot more than this would easily constitute just a waste. Make sure that one’s motherboard can handle the particular upgrade volume, as well. Thanks for your blog post.

  134. One thing I’d prefer to say is before obtaining more computer system memory, look into the machine in to which it is installed. In the event the machine can be running Windows XP, for instance, the actual memory ceiling is 3.25GB. Setting up greater than this would easily constitute a waste. Make sure that one’s mother board can handle the actual upgrade quantity, as well. Great blog post.

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