The Starbucks Manager Who Racially Profiled Black Men Is Allegedly Holly Hylton

This week, two innocent Black men went into a Philadelphia Starbucks, and waited for a  business colleague to join them for a scheduled meeting. The store manager, who is alleged to be a white woman named Holly Hylton, called the police on the two gentlemen for no apparent reason.

The Philadelphia police arrived, charged the men with “trespassing”, and took them out of the store in handcuffs. This story has now generated national attention, which has led to a boycott of the Starbucks chains altogether. The CEO issued a written apology for the incident, but there has been no mention of the company termination the suspected white supremacist store manager.

The alleged store manager Holly Hylton is in the process of deleting all of her social media profiles.



331 thoughts on “The Starbucks Manager Who Racially Profiled Black Men Is Allegedly Holly Hylton

  1. I pray the same treatment be visited upon her family and loved ones. She needs firing and a public apology.

    1. mary jenkins says:


      1. Susan Gilmore says:

        I fully agree though I suspect that a corporate entity cannot force an employee to make a public apology. Can anyone confirm?

    2. Hank says:

      Not her loved ones. They had nothing to do with this. Hurting them would be as bad as what she did to these innocent men.

      1. Afroliterati says:

        Hank, haven’t you learned that racist behavior is a family affair?

        1. MassGuy says:

          not necessarily. I know people who reject their family’s racist views. Unfortunately, the opposite can be true. Non-racist parents raising kids who turn into racists. Happened in our family.

          1. Loraine says:

            I had a nasty racist mother and I didn’t turn out that way. My grandma (her mother) was never that way either. Go figure. I don’t know hwat someone did to her to make her that way.

      2. Rod says:

        Exactly. What about the two men families? If there was an eye for an eye people would think before they did things.

      3. Sharon says:

        The concern is it was racially motivated. Other customers have NOT been held on that discretion…so is it because they were men or because they were tall or is it the colors of their clothes or was it that they are college graduate ?Professional men?…go ahead use your proces of elimination. Was it none or all plus being Black?

    3. Moe says:

      Why the family? They had nothing to do with it.

    4. Michael R. Jackson says:

      I DONT. Cause that would make me just like her..

    5. Gibonno Rock says:

      Why is she a racist? Because she called the cops on two men who were loitering OR because they were loitering and they happen to also be Black? Can anyone do anything in connection with a Black person and not be called a racist?

      1. Meb says:

        People got to Starbucks to meet all the time. Some order, some don’t. Have you ever seen the law called on majority people in the same scenario? I’ll wait…NO. THAT is why it’s racist. If they did it to everyone, fine. ,

      2. AntiRaccist4U says:

        +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Loitering is one of the main reASONS white students and professionals go to StarBucks, fool. They sit and use computers all day. You know this but these Blk men are not on your Trumpeter list

      3. MLeonard says:

        Well white people were loitering too, so why weren’t cops called on them? Witnesses attested to that fact, white witnesses and loiterers at that and admitted they always do and have NEVER had the cops called on them, so I will now leave you to do some deductive reasoning…

      4. WhiteAlly says:

        You have got to be kidding “Rock”. Yes, we can do many things with a “Black person and not be called a racist.” We can talk, we can laugh, we can goof around, we can study, we can work, but when you assume that the “Black person” is up to know good in a coffee shop, and then call the police with absolutely NO evidence of any wrong doing, that my friend, is RACIST. Any more questions?

      5. slick says:

        When she decided that just THOSE two men had to leave, when there were others that had not ordered anything that were NOT asked to leave…..THAT is a text book example of racism.

      6. Sharon says:

        The concern is it was racially motivated. Other customers have NOT been held on that discretion…so is it because they were men or because they were tall or is it the colors of their clothes or was it that they are college graduate ?Professional men?…go ahead use your proces of elimination. Was it none or all plus being Black?

      7. Tee says:

        Your IGNORANCE is the same IGNORANCE that caused this woman to call police for NO reason. COMPREHEND this: They were NOT loitering, they were waiting for the 3rd party to arrive for a Business Meeting. How many of us have arranged to meet someone, somewhere and waited inside for them to arrive.

        Your IGNORANT Assumption that they were doing something wrong is what is wrong with America!! People like YOU justify the INJUSTICE of Others, yet would be the First to Cry Foul If it was YOU or a Family Member.

        Sit Down and STFU.

      8. KS says:

        If it’s disparaging and harmful plus connected to a deeply rooted pattern of behavior stemming from this countries racist past then No. The answer to your question is No. Nice try though. Framing your question out of context of America’s History with this kind of behavior might actually work on some people.

      9. Tee says:

        The fact that that is your take away question shows that you truly do not understand what it is to be a person of color. The best thing you can do is educate yourself and stop looking for generalizations to ease your lack of knowledge. The nativity role has long been played out, you don’t get to use it anymore- educate yourself.

      10. None of your business says:


    6. Brogan Loomis says:

      Nice…let’s call upon God to punish her entire family for her crime. In my religion God would punish me for making such a prayer.

  2. Tamatha Willis says:


  3. Earl says:

    White fear, especially coming from a white woman has always been the detriment of the blank man. Where are all these so called black lawyers and judges I see on reality tv and court shows? Why aren’t you clowns demanding these 911 calls through FOIA to substantiate Black claims of profiling and racism?

    1. Earl says:

      *black man

    2. Jsa says:

      Yessir. Visit the lynching museum in Montgomery Ala. many
      Hangings were because some white women lied

      1. Stasia says:

        100% true

    3. Anacaona says:

      Because they know Black has no stamding at Law anywhere on the planet!!!!

      1. AntiRaccist4U says:

        wrong… They do in Sweden, Switzerland Denmark … nations that have not bought into the America lie of Liberty and Justice for All”

    4. jvii says:

      Earl, why are you attacking Black lawyers and judges? Since you have an action plan, why don’t you put it into action rather than assigning it to someone else.

      1. dmichelle says:

        Exactly. Some people have no darn sense. I’m glad you told him.

  4. Blamewhitey says:

    A business COLLEGE was going to meet them?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tariq is a high school dropout and it shows everyday 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Eboni says:

      You mean colleague 😒😒 Now who’s the drop out again?

      1. CT says:

        That was a good one!

      2. Chica says:

        It says college in the article

        1. jvii says:

          Saw the typo but read it as colleague.

      3. Stasia says:

        Hahahahaha well played. That was awesome lol

    2. sws says:

      looks like tariq gave up on his female pseudonym “tiffany tubman”…that was pretty moist 🙂

    3. Maliaka says:

      @Blamewhitey While throwing shade at “Tariq” whom you claim is a “high school dropout,” it would appear that you might be a Jr. high school dropout since you cannot differentiate between the words “COLLEGE” [sic] & “Colleague.” A little remedial spelling and a dictionary in your home should assist you because YOU just showed the world your level of intelligence (or should I say IGNORANCE!)

      1. Chica says:

        It says college in the article.

      2. Gibonno Rock says:

        Yo! All yo n*ggas b ignert. Dats the prob, bro. I lurnd evatang frum wap moosik.

      3. AntiRaccist4U says:

        and YOU just showed your own secret insecurities by TRYing to belittle someone else. Now say something worth reading … or is the inability to do so the reason you hid behind that other crap?

    4. Deborah James says:

      I saw that too.

  5. Matthew Dave says:

    I’m a Starbucks employee who often ask patrons that don’t make a purchase in a timely fashion to not sit in the lobby. I wonder why this measure wasn’t taken in this situation….I wonder why once the friend showed up , why wasn’t the Store Mgr. approached and asked if charges were still necessary? I wonder why it’s hard to communicate this with adults….Mgrs/Real Estate Agents/Officers and NO DIALOGUE.

    1. Deborah James says:

      it was the store manager who called the police. She’s since been relieved of her duties.

    2. Why says:

      They weren’t charged. But the manager who called 911 knew the end game plan was arresting them. Why did she not step out and say that what they did was not 911 worthy? Because she obviously didn’t care that they broke no law they just DIDN’T DO AS SHE ASKED an assumption that sadly many white people expect. So she initiated the cluster fuck…welcome to the ride Holly,Karen, Sarah, whatever… it’s gonna be a bumpy one 😉

    3. AntiRaccist4U says:

      Why? RACISM is a national birth right for most whites?

    4. Lisa says:

      Get off drugs.

  6. Nora Gallon says:

    They were racially profiled and this is unacceptable behavior of the store manager. I don’t blame the police they were called and answer the call but once their friend showed up I think they should have let them be.

    1. Ralph Douglas says:

      The police are here to generate revenue and your right indeed dialogue would have been delivered depending on the situational awareness and their rule of law. Civilter Mortius is a term in legalese used in the court system Dead in the eyes of the law. Reference to us black people

    2. jvii says:

      And give up all of that overtime money!? How many LEOS does it take to issue a trespassing ticket in Philly?

    3. AntiRaccist4U says:

      Let me tell you about white Philly cops. I was called a “Nigger!” and arrested for looking at a cop too long. I said LOOKING at him. What was I doing? I was reading a book in a bookstore, and considering a purchase. DON’T SERMONIZE ME ABOUT WHITE COPS. ..aND THAT WAS NOT the first attack in my life. Do you understand?

      1. Tee says:


  7. Steponthis says:

    This is crazy. I blame Trump for resetting this black-white thing. People are definitely still blinded by color it only shows how divided we are as a nation on all levels. She might as well put up a sign saying no standing while black in our establishment.

    1. Sk says:

      I’m sorry but the racial divide started with Obama! He created more division between race and law enforcement than anyone I’ve ever seen!!

      1. GERARD FREEMAN says:

        The racial divide started every sense sick white men kidnapped, tortured, and murdered beautiful African people from Africa.

      2. J Marshall says:

        SK that is the most ridicules statement that only racist white people state. PRESIDENT OBAMA DIDN’T create racisms, White racist did!!!

      3. Ralph says:

        You dumb person if you think Oboma started the racial devide so everything before that is irrelevant huh smh do your research and check your history dumb dumb.

      4. Fairlady says:

        And you really believe that with your whole heart..DON’T YOU BELOVED!

      5. Blahblah says:

        Shut that fuckery up… Law enforcement caused their own problems. So i guess trump is about to get everyone killed but Obama was the problem?

      6. sean says:

        SK: The only way Obama would create such division is your hatred of someone of black nature leading in office, and you’re hating.

      7. Anacaona says:

        I am sorry the racial divide started with the Dred Scott case never being overturned. Black has no standing at Law anywhere on the planet. There is no law a white man is bound to respect against a Black/African American/Afro anything!

      8. Jeremy says:

        Please explain.

      9. #YouDontownUs says:

        YES!! Obama divided the races “BY BEING ELECTED BLACK”!! You people want SLAVES not intelligent people OF ANY COLOR!!

      10. Joe says:

        No when Obama was elected it brought your racism to the surface. Out of fear you were losing control to the black race. It was white people. Black people was the same as the day before except we thought we were finally getting respect in america as a black person.

        1. jvii says:

          They squash the notion of inclusion in a hurry when Zimmerman walked for murdering Travon Martin in the 1st degree.

      11. jvii says:

        No, you people started and continue this enclave nation. Iyou people always sic your lapdogs on Black people. No brotherly love in Philly.
        The restroom use policy is backward, some people prefer to wash their hands before consumption. Try it!

      12. Billbang says:

        You are an Idiot for making that statement

      13. DT says:

        stand down
        rk All President Obama did was run for President & won…
        something you probably can never do in your lifetime

      14. B Bowden says:

        You are clearly, mistaken the president had a very diverse cabinet unlike Donald Trump he didn’t say anything about racial divide and that carrying M16s to a rally was okay you should probably read up on History it didn’t start with President Obama it started with the forefathers and they didn’t look like President Obama

      15. Lisa says:

        Get off those drugs

  8. Eboni says:

    So let me get this straight…you can no longer wait for your entire party to show up before ordering ?

  9. Marilyn says:


  10. Jawara King says:

    Big fat white Devil!

  11. Chris says:

    Like Brother Tariq says, “it’s all about Black Empowerment “, we have to learn to create our own business and corporations therefore, we circulate money back into our own communities instead of, supporting big name brands that don’t give “damn”about black people but, want our money.

    1. jvii says:

      Build many Black Wall Streets is the only answer, no one from any of the other demographics undergo blatant harassment continously.

      Economics and solidarity

  12. Chris says:

    She can delete her profiles, but she can’t hide from the Internet. It’s forever:


    Holly M Hylton
    Age 30s

    (215) 225-2528 Landline
    (937) 259-1248 Landline


    1525 W Seybert St
    Philadelphia PA 19121-4305
    Neighborhood: Lower North

    3333 N Park Ave
    Philadelphia PA 19140-5218
    Neighborhood: Upper North Philadelphia

    Dayton, OH


    Holly Hylton
    Greater Philadelphia Area
    Student at La Salle University
    Higher Education

    La Salle University 2014 — 2017
    Master of Arts (M.A.), Translation and Interpretation – Spanish

    Wright State University 2012 — 2014
    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Spanish, 3.56

    Sinclair Community College 2005 — 2011
    Associate of Arts (A.A.), Liberal Arts – Ohio Transfer Module to Wright State University

    Starbucks August 2014 – Present
    Smashburger March 2010 – August 2014
    Chipotle Mexican Grill October 2006 – January 2010
    Kroger June 2003 – October 2006
    Village Bread Company and Cafe September 2002 – June 2003

    Leadership, Customer Service, Microsoft Office, Facebook, PowerPoint, Food Service, Time Management, Restaurants, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Restaurant Management, Social Media, Teamwork, Cooking, Inventory Management, Employee Training, Communication, Listening to customers, Typing, Meeting objectives, Spanish-speaking, International Business, Training, Management, Customer Satisfaction, Critical Thinking

    1. Tlot276 says:

      Ok, while I thonk what the barista did was wrong, this is overboard posting all of this information. This can get someone hurt. Please reconsider and delete this information. Social network pages are fair game but her private information is dangerous.
      Also, I will add that these officers made the wrong decision too. Their action was, imo, worse than her for calling them. When someone calls the police, don’t or shouldn’t they assess the situation, ask questions and find out what happened? From hearing observers who were outside there was no reason for an arrest

      1. Lisa says:

        It was dangerous what she did. Those men could have been killed from that ass hole calling the police

    2. Cheryl says:

      All that education and she works in a coffee shop? The last item on the resume is CRITICAL THINKING ? Hahaha! Wow!

  13. Deborah James says:

    They were waiting for a business “colleague,” not a business college.

  14. Rebekah says:

    I defend Holly.

    Who knows what happened beforehand?


    We saw a partial tape.

    The black men were asked THREE TIMES by the police to leave private property peacefully. They did not. Why?

    1. Sanghi says:

      Of course you do, “Rebekah.” It’s expected from someone like you.

    2. Lisa says:

      Leave for what fool? Why them pigs didn’t ask the whites to leave?

  15. james says:

    You know what the least Starbucks could do would be have free menu for all people of color as a concession for what happened. That would show they really care

  16. Hyme says:

    They were wearing sweat pants and hoodies. Not exactly business meeting attire unless you’re a drug dealer. Its a coffee shop, not a community center. Order something or leave.

    1. Tim says:

      Really dude!!! Try explaining that to Mark Zuckerburg…

    2. Lyn says:

      We realize that you are the dress police. However, folk can wear sweats AND hoodies and STILL have a business meeting. Now, back to your hole in the ground!

    3. Lisa says:

      Get off them drugs your parents left on the kitchen table for the sick, stupid child

  17. Char Char Binks says:

    She did her job. Those black “men” were there to make video about witey oppressitatin dem an sheeit. They were there to hassle people who work for a living so they could get their hands in Starbucks’ deep pockets.

  18. Sue Lynch says:

    Share her name and face far and wide on social media. Hope this racist trash never gets another job.

  19. james says:

    ,…..if this is the women that called police she’s undoubtedly a bigot!…..closet or otherwise and would do well with a lot of deep soul searching!….

  20. Bill Karsky says:

    I live in Cincinnati. This area including Dayton is a conservative/Republican bastion where racism is widespread. West Chester, Clermont County, Batavia, Westerville, etc are havens for white nationalists. People here love Trump and through him now feel embolden to express their hatred for brown people. It’s not at all surprising Hylton assumed everyone around her would feel the same way. Sad these guys are in power.

  21. We already know that white females fly into a monkey rage and get bitter as hell when they are fat and ugly like most of them and then brothers won’t give them no sex….which makes perfect sense since God should never fuck Satan. Brothers want a Penthouse pet not an outhouse pet. Take your ugly pale genetically engineered ass back to EU-Rope.

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