Violence Erupts in Baltimore After Suspected White Supremacists Provoke Peaceful Protesters

Thousands of protesters took to the streets Saturday in the largest Freddie Gray rally yet, and after hours of peaceful demonstrations, pockets of protesters smashed out police car windows and storefronts after they were provoked by suspected white supremacist sports spectators who were in the area for a baseball game.

Racial tensions  are already high over the death of an innocent,unarmed Black man named Freddie Gray. Gray died April 19 after suffering a fatal spinal injury while in police custody. Authorities have not explained how or when Gray’s spine was injured. Police have said Gray should have received medical attention at the spot where he was arrested before he was put inside a police transport van handcuffed and without a seat belt, a violation of the department’s policy.

The protest Saturday over the death of Gray turned violent,and the mainstream media made a point to focus on the Black protestors who caused property damage. By they did failed to mention that the protestors were initially peaceful until they were antagonized by suspected white supremacists.

One person on Facebook who was allegedly part of the protests reported:

“We were peaceful. We walked thru 3 miles of Baltimore’s worst neighborhood and nothing jumped off. Black non protesters were using their cars to block traffic. No police were there when we were in the hood, and no violence happened. Once we got downtown and the police were on every corner, the whites were calling us niggers, calling the white protestors nigger lovers, trying to plow us with their cars, and in turn they got drug out their cars and their cars were damaged. My son and I were pushed by white men. As I was about to taze em, a group of black men came up and handled them. Yet we are labeled as the animals. Yes it did turn chaotic but only after outsiders instigated. ”


Below is a video of some of the civil unrest caused by  the white race soldiers who caused the death of Freddie Gray.

332 thoughts on “Violence Erupts in Baltimore After Suspected White Supremacists Provoke Peaceful Protesters

  1. D Hamp says:

    Did yall hear that white dude say “they should shoot those people.”?….interesting

    1. Mitch says:

      They should be beat . Stupid ass black people

      1. Mitch says:

        And I’m black but I disown blacks stupid shit like this make us look bad

        1. Ima says:

          Sorry to break the news to you but in their eyes being black makes us look bad.

          1. Jane Dow says:

            Boo hoo always crying the blues

          2. hmmmm says:

            Jane Dow,
            GTFOH you trolling suspected white supremacist albino cave monkey!!!!

        2. TeeMan says:

          Im black to. But, forget that make me look bad stuff. Hey bru lemme ask you a question. If you had a kid who was coming to visit you on the weekend. And some white guy shot and killed him because he claimed to be neighborhood watch. And he thought your 15yr. old looked suspicious because of a hoodie jacket he had on. The police captured the guy and the courts said they understand his fear and said it was justified. Would you be worried about the way they/them people would look and feel about you? Cause it seems to me they aint worried about the way you look and feel about them. Them brothers over there have a right to be pissed right now. And sometimes you have to be a little unpeaceful. Cause if you don’t people will take you as a joke. Laugh at you and spit on you. The police don’t care(white ones). Cause thats what all this is about. But what really needs to happen is all them brothers need to march right to the police station and fill out a application to be a police officer so we can police our own neighborhoods.

          1. Opinion says:

            Peaceful protesting is taken much more seriously. The media runs with looting and rioting to make those involved in such look like animals. Not to mention, the media blows this stuff up to further create separation by causing arguments and debates about who was right and who was wrong. They greatly exaggerate truths and only focus on the negative. The media is controlled by those at the top who are trying to continue to promote the existence of racism so that people will stay separated.
            This protest began peacefully. I am offended and ashamed by the white men who instigated the violence.
            It is so sad that the police training still involves an essence of fear-based mentality when patrolling the poorer neighborhoods. Although, the cycle continues that, in these neighborhoods, there is a lot of danger and drug hustling ect going on by the copious amount of drugs that the gov’t is still pumping into these neighborhoods (in which many of these people don’t have a choice, got to make money somehow) to keep people ignorant and to keep police action and jails/prisons excused for in these departments massive budget. It is also sad to see the existence of racism turning over in many of these neighborhoods where white folks are threatened and their kids are bullied in the schools for one reason – the color of their skin. Racism is not one sided in this country. And it is such a shame that we cannot see that throughout the entire history of our civilization, every race has been enslaved and has also enslaved others.
            Racism is a dead and dying concept now that we are moving into a time of connectedness by means of tools such as the Internet and the rise of a conscious understanding of humanity.
            However, there are still those who are bound by old ideologies and a sense of desperate power comes over when it is seen that people are coming together within their humanity.
            The gov’t is getting desperate with the rise of humanity-based consciousness. Which is why all of these scenarios are turning up in our media now and are getting worse.
            The problem is no longer about racism – racism only exists because of our governments desperation to keep people separated through media. Many of our people – black and white – give in to this continued brainwashing of separation. It is sad. It is so sad.
            The problem is our government. The problem is our inability to see one another’s’ humanity and our inability to stop paying attention to social media and giving celebrities and politicians and corporations more power over our precious lives.
            “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” – Lincoln.
            Further more, a nation of people divided and fighting amongst themselves over race, creed ect – will never truly be free. As long as we are divided, we are all slaves to a corporate run society that leaves people impoverished and unable to enjoy this beautiful miracle of life & this beautiful Earth.
            Let’s not argue about whether the rioting is right or wrong, though, let’s focus on how we can wake the people involved in these situations up and see that this is all done on purpose to keep us separated. Let’s focus on our revolution. We have to work together for change. Nothing will change so long as we still show hatred towards one another. We can’t change the programming and brainwashing of the cops – it’s not even worth fighting them. It’s about the rest of us.

          2. John says:

            Niggers are animals and don’t deserve to be in America. They’re uncivilized and will always resort to violence because that’s all they know. Go back to Africa you stupid niggers. I can’t wait till the real race war so us whites can get rid of all of them stinking monkey niggers once and for all!

          3. Jane Dow says:

            What ever they were not peaceful and I don’t condone violence but dobt show a picture of black and white protesters being innocent it was both parties! I’m sick of people saying its only whites who are ras its blacks asian allot of races are racists and I read it everyday on social media! Bye that guy was not white get it straight and stop blaming whites for blacks who are lazy! Nothing was given to me and I came from nothing! Seems to me that most black people are on government money that I work hard for and still don’t want to work! If black lives mattered so much why do they kill each other so much??? It’s ridiculous that black lives only seem to matter when its a non black person killing them! That’s sad

          4. Adam says:

            That would be some funny but stupid thing to see happen. First thing that has to happen is your ever so great black people need to go apply before they patrol anything. Why can’t you just admit that black idiots like you need to go away… and yes, he got mudered by violent officers but I’m almost sure he was being cooperative with the cops right? Because it’s very uncommon to see blacks acting like idiots right? Pathetic animals can’t even admit that they are all a bunch of uncivilized people. And your black community has their way of life all confussed, think of way back when a group named NWA was around. Does anybody want to fill in the blank, Nights With A*******…… and your a victim now all of a sudden.

          5. A'lul'koy says:

            You too John, go back to Europe. Native americans dont want you here either. Whites were the ones that brought slaves here in the first place. If anyone has to go its you.

          6. fuck you monkies says:

            will never happen. law enforcemrnt must be drug free, no serious criminal record. oh, and niggers dont like work!

        3. kornel says:

          you have a slave sould..
          this make us look baaaaad.. still trying to be liked.. and thinking this will bring hthe solution.. coward!

        4. miciail says:

          I wonder if your even black hmmm?…..or just a white person writing on here pertending to be black because if after 400 years of cruelty and unjustice in america and you blame black people for. Making u to want to dis-own your people after seeing this video……it dosent make sense

          1. kkk says:

            Ya’ll are just a bunch of stupid fucking niggers go play in fucking traffic you stupid porch monkeys

        5. Tee says:

          Just as long as u agree that cops killing unarmed civilians makes them look bad too.

        6. jonah davis says:

          You just a punk. Worried how you look to your enemies.

        7. Jason says:

          Ur a fuckin disgrace…

        8. Scotty says:

          You make yourself look bad. People concerned about all the Black death at the hands of state sponsored terrorist and you worried about you looking bad? Did you worry about looking bad whenever the USA attacks, hell pick a country they bombed and totally destroyed in the last 15 years. I seriously doubt you are a black person, you are an American, tell the truth.

        9. Craig says:

          Noone has the ability to make ANYONE look bad. If people choose to be naive and foolish enough to believe every individual of a designated race act a certain way then they have failed as role models/parents/adults. Period.

        10. Tammy says:

          It was sad! And I teach my kids to respect all people, not races, people.

        11. YEAHRIGHT says:

          yeah right you’re white LMF!

        12. Mike says:

          You’re not Black. You’re as White as the cops.

        13. Omar says:

          No problem I doubt any blacks will miss you

        14. The realest says:

          Will it make you look bad if a white cop kills one of your close relatives???

        15. tirrell says:


        16. Ashlee says:

          Don’t disown your race because certain people are acting like animals. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and know right from wrong. So it’s not all blacks that are a problem. Plus I know many smart respectful great black men/women. Just as every race, it depends on how you’re raised.

        17. Intelligence says:

          So you making that incentive comment makes everything better? For you that was brilliant ! @ Mitch

        18. Jasper Thompson says:

          Mitch your not Black ..House Nigger

        19. Bryan Jones says:

          Thank you Mitch, I’m white and I don’t blame a entire race for those actions. Please don’t fall for the media propaganda. You are my fellow American and I’ll stand with you.

        20. gpop says:

          yep….. fucking stupid to act in a manner that would disgrace the Dr. Enough said.

        21. stormy says:

          U seem like a very intelligent human being I think it’s more human beings like yourself that really need to address your people about their behavior and the fact that every time something happens they need to stop blaming everyone else 80% of the time they cause their own problems now I agree there are times when unnecessary force is used I agree with that but all this b******* that they keep pulling while their living off of us is not cool we are the ones who are paying these people their welfare checks giving them their section 8 vouchers for their litters of babies and again I’m not trying to be disrespectful but I think somebody needs to dress the black community about their behavior stop blaming the hands that are helping you cuz if we taxpayers say screw it how are the problem was going to survive they cannot survive without us cuz they won’t work I’m not saying this to you personally I’m saying this to about half of blacks

      2. John Thomas says:


      3. tony says:

        Fuck you bitch ass cracker y’all ain’t beating shit we run the streets dummy y’all just populate them Fuck boy.

        1. stormy says:

          OK no babe u all think u run something but again when you start pissing off 13 southern states with the 8 shine b******* you’re getting ready to have a problem. and yes I would sure brag about running the streets like a little useless thug and you wonder why people go on the defense when you guys come around its your behavior I promise it’s your behavior and why do you keep blaming the white man for your problems when the white man is handing you your little hand outs and free s*** every month cuz your nasty ass females won’t get off their asses and go to work all they know how to do is have them f***** up babies back to back that’s the person I’m talking about percent

      4. Chrysta says:

        Violence begets Violence don’t start it and we wont end it…point blank period.. How can love exist for the ones who hate us …We asked we’re denied (MLK) Now we will take by force! (Malcolm X)

        1. stormy says:

          Yes and as we will make clear any bubble lip that comes up to me with the intent on acting like a monkey I will not give a warning shot I will tell you that first of all you’re not smart enough to use logic to win anything you start having babies 14 so 9 times outta 10 you nasty ass is drop out of schoolyou see you can run the streets all you want but I will walk down the street anytime I want and again you don’t get a warning shot with me and I’m the bitch that will taking slice your fat lips off and mail them to your ma….got it primate ho???and if I were you people I would sit down and shut up because you see I read the internet everyday and I read all signs things are going to get real bad for y’all out here government run out of money get what I’m saying saw them little monkeys you keep dropping the little bastard yourself that’s what we need to do just cut them off of everything

        2. Joe says:

          The only thing you assholes run is your mouth punk ass bitch

      5. Chrysta says:

        STFU Its your kind that creates the hatred and when we fight back its a problem Freddie Gray death was violent… buckle up bish

        1. stormy says:

          and if I’m not mistaken there was three black cops imagine that that was involved with Freddie great as well so shut the f*** up blaming us all the time you stupid f***o scientific fact how was somebody that doesn’t even have an IQ of 102 run anything

      6. chariotdrvr14 says:

        You should be beaten…. for being a moronic racist

      7. sally says:

        please shut the fuck up.

      8. Sarah hohol says:

        Your a racist ignorant fucktard and your type of people are why this is happening in the first place. Go back to hell pussy bitch, go say it to somebody’s face

      9. j says:

        Ya fuckin mom should be beat for birthing ya ignorant ass

      10. this guy says:

        Really mitch with no pic .,..coward

      11. zee says:

        Said that to a black person in there face and you’ll get your face smashed in this isn’t the 1960s buddy

        1. stormy says:

          Have and will!!!! U animals are only tough when you’re in packs I’ve witnessed this first hand from a distance also funny when a white boy get a black boy alone little black boy want to run off like a bitch busted your only tough when you’re in Wow amazing likeness of animals vitamin packs fighting in packs on one lonely pray yeah that just shows how tough you all are

        2. Joe says:

          Maybe if it’s like you and 20 other punk ass niggers but I doubt it

      12. Chris says:

        And whites are real intelligent.For burning and looting after losing a championship

      13. Kehau says:

        They would still be stupid asses if they were whote, hispanic, Asian and so on! Ignorant comment!!!

      14. Trevor says:

        you are a clown

      15. fuck u says:

        u need to get ur ass whop white cracker

        1. Joe says:

          Try your motherfucking luck bitch

      16. Adam says:

        Tell me any of you dumb idiots how long would you wait to shoot this boon? How much of this shit would you put up with before you put a bullet through his head.

    2. Mike says:

      Perhaps he was referring to the people throwing things through the windows of the local business that had nothing to do with the fight. Also, dont take this the way I know you’re going to take it, but notice the people destroying property are not the racists that started the fight….

      1. Ima says:

        Mike, you can defend a white man’s comment about shooting your people who are “sick and tired of being sick and tired” but you can’t comprehend why your people are feed up with being complacent while they continue to be treated like shit in a country that they literally built? You’re a disgrace to man kind! And I’m sure you’re really a white-supremacist claiming to be black so your comment can hold weight.

    3. Tom says:

      Wow, D Hamp,. I was JUST thinkin that! When I heard him say that, I was thinking “that’s the whole damn problem right there!”

    4. Prentiss says:

      They SHOULD have been shot!!! One of those big ass bricks could have hit somebody in the head and killed them. U dont do that shit to some random innocent people sitting in a fuckin resturant

    5. Fig Newton says:

      Yeah Black people, let them know that this is not the 60’s and abuse of Black people is going to cause a revolution that America does not have enough militia to control.

    6. brad says:

      Time for the whites to rise up

    7. proud says:

      Bring that behavior down south and see how QUICKLY you get shot… Idiots… Always with some hair trigger reaction to ANYTHING they disagree with.. NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING!!

      1. stormy says:

        Thank u !!!!!!! No one owes these animals a damn thing except for a ticket back to their own country we pay their damn section 8 we pay their food stamps we pay their WIC vouchers for their stupid babies they get free everything handouts everyday is a week food pantries excetera so who in the hell do these animals think they are it is time for us to rise up people and these sorry mother f****** talking about injustice and they wonder why because they built their own reputations with being racist robbers and welfare recipients a good percent of them and they wonder why people go on the defense when they start coming into their communities maybe if they’d go to work everyday stop acting like a quit having all these f****** unnecessary stupid ass babies they can’t afford it we pay for maybe there would not be no problems but no they’re too stupid to join the human race and realize that they cannot do what they want

    8. Danny says:

      Of course they should,these people are trash in the US

    9. Jay says:

      Im black and I dont blame them. If that was my business I’d be beyond upset. That was completely imature and unnecessary.

    10. matt says:

      I am shocked at what the white guy said also. Has that white guy never seen blacks all over the world, in every crevice at all times, proving the are less than human? And he calls the dark bipeds people?

    11. brainiacspeaks says:

      Whoever wrote this article is a lying sack of shit, and who ever believes this bullshit represent the problem in this country. Does anybody actually believe that ANY white person would mouth off to a pack of animals that would do them harm?? Hopefully whoever published this bullshit meets the same fate as Freddie Gray!!! Whoever wrote this probably already has a lengthy criminal record like good ole innocent Freddie!!!!

    12. Fox says:

      Yup rewinded it 2 times smmh

    13. jose says:

      Yeah.intresting. very interesting. And cool it’s on tape. Video vigilante.

    14. Adam says:

      THIS IS STRICTLY DIRECTED TO BLACK PEOPLE… Now I know that guy shouldn’t of died and the cop should be procedure but really??? About 96% of the black community’s are people who don’t know how to act like normal civilized humans. They live their lives for free and still complaint about how much life ducks for them and are forced to sell drugs and steal. I make your house payment and you don’t see me crying my eyes out. Get a job and make something of yourself bro. I don’t understand why they live like that, get a job you lames. Real story, I have a family member that came here to the UzS from mexico. No inglish, no legal documents stating he can be in the USA. But can anyone tell me why he moved to Atlanta Georgia and now has a nice house,wife,kids like normal people live their life’s and not living for free. Have I made my point??? Their is no excuse for behaving the way you are fucking leaches. And to top it off, idk if they have a purpose in life but to try and be the most annoying, loud ignorant person in the face of the earth… your not tuff at all if you ask me!! Like for example, the Chris Brown story. How mu much money is being wasted on damages to businesses and other property. But that stupid kid was at a liquor store stealing cigarettes from a guy that makes his welfare check. The pack of cigarettes only cost $6 that means that it is not worth $6 but yet they’re damaging thousands of dollars in property damage. It don’t make sense to me half the people don’t even know that kid but like I said these people don’t know how to act since they don’t have a job they feel the need to defend somebody that they don’t even know. But if someone messes with their stuff then it’s all hell breaking loose my point being they’re stupid. Also, if those people getting shot by police would act like civilized people I bet it I bet you anything they would have not died. But all of a sudden Mr Chris Brown was going to college he was a good kid and it was wrong for the police to do what he did. I don’t remember the last time any college student was stealing cigarettes from a liquor store bunch of idiots. If black people would act the same way as normal civilized people, we wouldn’t have all these problems to begin with. I have black friends so don’t think I’m being a racist person because they agree with every single word I say that’s because they weren’t raised differently then him but he chose not to be that way. And if anybody disagrees you’re just basically proving my point thank you.

    15. Chris Deaven says:

      These are retarded monkeys from planet of the apes fuck them let em kill each other off

  2. Clarence says:

    who writes this shit?? No Sources, and the choice of video SMH…..

    Flex you need to check your team!!!

    1. Mike says:

      The story is an absolute fabrication. I am from Baltimore and I know how it is in the inner city.

      The lies coming from black folks right now is unreal.

      I was attacked over 40 times in Baltimore city neighborhoods for nothing more than being white in the course of 10 years.

      I am so tired of this lie that ” Unarmed black Youth” means, “Perfect kid who was minding his own business”

      That is NOT happening in Baltimore! Black kids are crazy there.

      1. qawi mumin says:

        Stop crying, and lying

      2. Jackie Taylor says:

        Yes they are. I’ve lived in Baltimore for 4 years and I always get so angry going to school to pick up my kids. And all I see is these little kids fighting and cursing EVERYDAY like its nothing. I’m Hispanic. My daughters are full Hispanic. They were being called stupid fucking white girls. The other kids kept messing with their hair. I went to that school like a million times telling them to put a stop to that. I asked for a meeting with the parents. Haven’t had a problem since. But as far as the other kids. Terrible. And what’s sad is that the parents are worse

        1. stormy says:

          See?! And these no good boons always crying bout how they are treated wtf???? My daughter had boon issues at her school …..then I went down there haha!!! and since they want to keep being smart asses I’m just going to say it when I got done with that 200 lb bubble lip ugly ass black bitch she was crying I think all it was what she’s fat stinky nasty and ugly just like most of them and my daughter is like model beautiful long blonde hair light blue eyes trim build so the little bubble lips was always trying to pick on her because they was jealous of her but like I said when I went down there I made them call her nasty nappy headed of course too young ho of a mama all the stupid a****** could do was sit there and worry about her fake fingernails and her weave and I also addressed her about that too I said you need to quit picking your hair and your fingernails and listen to what I have to say and I told her the next time I come down here I’m going to jail because you’re a little kid is going to have a problem and you’re going to be with her if u want a problem to that’s how you have to dress these animals because if you don’t they’re going to try to come after you and walk all over you don’t let them animals mess with your babies

      3. Solomon Rotts says:

        Aww you were attacked because of the color of your skin? What a tough life you must have. Smh

        1. jose says:

          It’s a cultural thing to judged or envy to point of bullying. That’s why I think most white girls wear black dos. So they fit In better.

      4. tiffany says:

        So don’t come back most black kids has been mistreated the years now everyone wants to speak out lmao

      5. moe says:

        Ok this is true. But let’s take Freddie gray. He wasn’t a perfect person. And he did have a little history with the police. But it still doesn’t call for him to be chased for nothing. And now he is dead. Its wrong for any person no matter race,gender or ethnicity to be treated like this. I do not condone how some are acting like asses. But its being portrayed like this. A few apples spoil the bunch in the black community. But when its the police its not being portrayed as the same.

        1. stormy says:

          Yes but I’m talking shit out of anger cause these blacks are blaming as always all of us instead of focusing on the cops and that’s what better stop because if they think that we’re going to sit around and allow them to come up to us and do whatever they want they are crazy the ones that are taking their b******* on are not even the cops and that’s why I said it’s time to start handling them ourselves and I’m talking about the ones causing problems with reg. Citizens !!!!! Focus on the problem so this is why they are starting to create a lot of problems with white citizens because they’re blaming all of this because they cannot act right in society and they get the cops called on them they do these things to their self 80% of the time so if you going around trying to put the blame on everybody on the planet you’ve got to expect some guns to start coming out because the real problem in this community seems to me like it’s when blacks get held accountable for their actions what you think about that

          1. jose says:

            Two wrong make it rite. Right?

      6. All Lives Matter says:

        One it is not all “Black Kids” its the generation of kids coming up now. i am tired of people being so quick to place blame of one group of people actions on an entire culture/nationality. Stop being so closed minded and judgmental. Not every “Black Kid” or “White Kid” and or Adult is out to do harm.

      7. blacksupaman says:

        They unarmed and crazy so killum all y’all the ones crazy America gone be sorry she stole us lol

        1. Jane Dow says:

          Learn how to write so we can understand what you are saying! Did u pass 2nd grade?

        2. stormy says:

          Hahaha again folks like u have a rude awakening speak English too

        3. Joe says:

          Whitey didn’t steal you you were sold to whitey by other niggers but I guess you don’t care about that part huh

      8. T says:

        Does unarmed black kid mean perfect???? Not at all. Not even one of the many mothers who have mourned their sons has indicated such. Should unarmed ANY RACE kid/adult mean ability to have a police encounter(EVEN IF you are guilty of something…that’s why we have a penal system) and not end up dead???? Absolutely.

      9. tony says:

        Over the coarse of ten years crackers been killing us off what you expect yo shouldn’t be in bmore inner city no way that’s no place for a uncle Tom, okey, white bread, cracker like yahself. That’s like me going to a White Klan state why would I go where I’m not liked.

        1. Jane Dow says:

          Sounds like someone hates white people? What would you all do with the whites? Were would you get your obama phones and SSI from? Try not to hate whitey too much

      10. LeVar says:

        you got your ass whipped because you are a white supremacist a******

      11. jwb1210 says:

        There are crazy ass white kids in Baltimore too. Don’t leave that out. U are racist. Plain n simple.

      12. Sher says:

        Then move bigot.

      13. tashawn says:

        black kids are not crazy there it is not a racist thing its most of these damn police officers killing innocent ppl not only Black’s but Whites too there using there badge as an excuse on to kill so for anyone saying that its black ppl that’s doing all the killing that’s a absolute lie ppl need to pay more attention to what’s going on instead of being racist smh this world is going crazy

        1. stormy says:

          OK then stop blaming white citizens!!!!!! Blame cops cause some of these blacks think it means all so that’s why we are arming ourselves u fuckin idiot ass blacks. U guys forget where all ur hand outs come from huh blame the problem. And oh yes blame yourselves u have created it own bad reps. U won’t work so why do wonder why you keep getting negative reactions from people act like humans and you’ll find out things will be a lot better I found it because a lot of what it is people are tired of taking care of your kids you they’re tired of you live in free off of the skin going around and causing problems in the country so just stop just stop and quit producing all these f****** baby but you cannot even see without the white pine man white man was what it was supposed to say then maybe we could all get along on this planet but I know that to be a big factor people are tired of paying your way and your rent and your kids while you set up and blame the people paying and you better look at history again cuz this is your own stupid ass people with ya got rid of why because they’re too stupid to even grow a vegetable

          1. Ray says:

            I don’t know who this bitch Stormy thinks she is, but one/ two or some of you brothers and sisters should have gotten dead in her ass a long time ago. I’m a black man from Houston, Texas with a good, solid education and a great job! You have been very disrespectful in your comments about blacks and your categorizing of all of as the same . We as black people don’t need white folks any more than you all need us. White people use welfare just as much as we do. Check your facts dumb ass! If you want to go to war with us then Gotdammit come on with it because we are not scared! Bitch you have pissed me off talking that racist shit.

      14. Mike says:

        You’re lying.

      15. Coptic777 says:

        Attacked over 40 times by blacks huh? Any arrest? Just curious. You fail to mention any since you have been physically attacked over 40 times yet fail to mention if anyone has gone to jail for it. I find your story suspect for that reason alone. Had you said you have been attacked several times I could buy it but 40?

      16. jason says:

        Before we pass judgment on anyone you must first check yourself. Unarmed doesn’t mean perfect, it means unarmed. If you were so called robbed so many times stop putting yourself in harm’s way. Some things are just common sense but for some people, who make ignorant comments like you, common sense is just not that common. Think about what you say before you say it.

      17. Fig Newton says:

        You are crazy here. You should have died the same way the Unarmed Black Youth died. Stay in your lane but if you must, venture out and get treated for being white like the Black people have been doing for over 400 years. I really want you to go to HELL.

      18. Oracle says:

        You’re a fabrication. They are paid agitators under COINTELPRO. Fukk out of here with you white ass rhetoric. We know the truth & you just lied for no reason. Black people are too afraid to fukk with white people because the police will always take pale ass people’s side. What kind of stupid crakkka are you?

      19. Erin says:

        The same argument can be turned against you. You are verbally assaulting the young black community because they are black, they assaulted you because you were white. Our current white society in America allows you to believe that they are attacking you because you are white but in reality the history of white supremacy and black poverty in the United States causes them to live in the “inner city”, therefore, they feel justified for their “attacks”.

        I am just surprised that you lack so much white guilt. You continue to benefit from white ancestry even if you aren’t wealthy. The attitude people have towards you and they way you are treated, as the most privileged demographic, allows you to continuously have the upper hand in society.

      20. reasonbomb says:

        So every black person is a liar and Freddy Gray snapped his own spine. Oh praise the lord the truth teller has descended Moses has returned. Oh lawd oh lawd.
        Go get off your high horse.

      21. sally says:

        you’re really embarrassing your racist ass. please sit the fuck down.

      22. nikki says:

        Why you didn’t go to the police lol. Its funny and if you did what have they dine for you lately.

      23. Upset says:

        they get attacked all the time by police just for being black! wake up! we’re not saying that every black kid is right just like i hope you’re not implying the same thing about white kids! it’s the generalizations that have us in this mess! and, “Unarmed black Youth” means “don’t fuckin kill me just because”. it means i have the right to exist and i have the right to my opinions and views. and you’re not black! you don’t know how it is to live this life everyday! fuckin white privilege!

        1. jose says:

          It shows in sentence comparison most favor

      24. StevieJ says:

        I hope they kill you next time, you worthless piece of shit.

      25. Jeanetta Wandick says:

        I know a couple from there and they left because they are not suppose to get on there children the police lets them know this that’s the problem if that is true yes those are going to act up if the parent not able to get on them not even speak to them loud if the police telling in front of the children that they will go to jail to it’s fits like that we can’t get on them but the police can take there life yes be mad but do it another way the system is set up for our children to be killed or go to jail teach them and show them the truth about us and stop lying to them things have not change but we should.

      26. mo says:

        You have been attacked 40 times by blacks and u are still alive???…tell another lie

      27. jon says:

        Nitice how we haven’t had problems like this in 20 plus years I live in the country and yall are racist fucking pricks shit about time shit gets tore up and destroyed and I’m white.

      28. Derrick Cool says:

        I was there and Iam white.Yes there were white people yelling the n-word left and right.Black people tried too march in peace however white people provoked them ,therefore mobs of blacks beat their asses.

        Those white trash Supermacist deserved those asswhippings they were handed…

      29. jose says:

        Yeah why you up in da hood. All up in my kool aid and the wrong flava.

    2. Sheeka says:

      This story aligns with what many of the protesters stated. They said they were called niggers and beers were hurled at them. Notice all the beer iin front of them? There was a broadcast on channel 11 with a woman who interviewed g members. who came to a truce to peacefully protest.

  3. Daniel says:

    Turn up! Peaceful protests have not worked

    1. Jared Bentley says:

      Tell that to Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi.

  4. Vanessa Harris says:

    Killing anyone or using unnessary force to apprehend someone is out of line. Are black men hated that much. I have three sons residing in nyc and on a daily basis I fear for their lives when it come to the police and possibly another black man taking their life.

    1. Jake says:

      well, if they don’t have warrants out for their arrest and don’t run from police they should be okay

    2. steve says:

      Ha! You said it yourself, “killed by other black men.” Lmao, that’s too funny! If you are black, cops don’t just walk down the St and say “oh let’s go kill that nigger” if you are a drug dealer (white or black) and police have reason to interact with you and you give them all kinds of shit and lead them to believe that u have a weapon and intend to use it on them…. YES, YOU ARE GOING TO GET YOUR AS BEAT!!!!!! IT’S THAT FUCKING SIMPLE.

    3. Fig Newton says:

      Are you suggesting that white men who are not police do not kill Black people. If you are, you are an idiot.

    4. Concerned says:

      I call BULL! Its called respect for authority! When an officer tells you to do something you should stop in your tracts and do it! Enough said! Parents need to DO THEIR JOBS! Teach respect and none of this stuff would happen.

    5. Caren says:

      I do agree with you Vanessa Harris….I to am a mother of 3 black males 17,12,7 & I do worry gor their safety as they become older & independant.I had the same conversation over FB,that our black youths are dying at sn alarming rate,if it isnt police on black brutality..its black on black brutality. Whats happening in Baltimore is very sad & unfortunate…but we also need to stop the senseless killing of our own brothers & sisters… United we Stand….divided we fall…If our race doesnt respect eachothers lives, then why should the next race give a damn….!!! We need more protesting & rallies not only for racial profiling & killings but to stop black on black killings as well….!!! “To God All Be The Glory”

  5. J says:

    I would love to see the uppercut that brother is about to throw. LOL. Looks like he is coming out of MS with that righthand.

    1. proud says:

      LOL! Look at his face! He never got that punch off… He got his clock cleaned first…

    1. P. Murray says:

      Clarence, the link is not working, so you may have have access to a F/B page that is otherwise private. If the the source is still up, can you please screenshot it? And I know I probably sound crazy, but if you could contact that person to verify the claim? I’m all for every possible angle of this story being heard, thanks a million.

  6. jg says:

    That Uppercut Didn’t Make it. He got slammed against the gate. There was certainly provocation. But no one forced a protester to pull a knife on an innocent bystander. Pull someone out of a Subaru and smash their windows in. Are any of you commenting on here actually from here? were you there? 5 days of peace shit on because a few of the weak were cowards. They had no interest in protesting the man who lost his life. They insulted his family, when his cousin collapsed on the ground begging for them to act like adults.

    1. tyrone says:

      Negros are animals with NO impulse control, poor future time orientation and low iq. Send ALL of them back to Liberia where they came from. No evil YT police there to attack them. Moreover the Negro would be jolly in its natural environment where it can muh-dik anytime and eat bushmeat all day long.

  7. fras says:

    A lot of people will come out and say, “Why are you destroying your communities?” What these sorts of people fail to realize is that it isn’t the black communities, black businesses they are destroying en masse. The protestors moved OUT of their neighborhoods and into the downtown district where they weren’t contained any longer, then this is what you see.

    Do I cosign (as Tariq would say) this? No, I don’t necessarily agree with it. However, I get it. I get that people will resort to violence when they have nothing.

    I am going to use an analogous story… Look up the, “Civil War Draft Riots”. White people didn’t want to fight for the North (the immigrants, particularly the Irish, that came here), so they rebelled against the government. What these guys began doing was killing a bunch of black people, burning down black orphanages, black businesses, and many other atrocities. All because they came to this country and wanted a free ride essentially, and when the government called them to prove their worth as being citizens, they refused and began taking their anger out on black people.

    Like the Tulsa Oklahoma white race riot, after the riots the black population fell well below 10k. This occurred in Manhattan (look at Manhattan today) and blacks went to Brooklyn (look at Brooklyn today). The whites in Manhattan instituted racial policies/codes that barred or separated blacks from whites (those that remained in Manhattan). Oh! Only 75k were drafted out of the 1 million told to fight in the war all because policies were set up immediately to stifle the draft of the newly renovated Manhattan City.

    Now, should I care that these businesses are being trashed (in the Baltimore riots)?

    No, I don’t give a damn if black people are burning down businesses. They are living in desolate conditions under a system that has beaten us down time and time again. Cities that were once ours, are gone. Wealth that was once ours, is gone. And now people talk about, “Let’s all be equal”.

    One thing about equality, two parties must have the same wealth, same numbers, and similar institutions to be equal. All of our institutions were ransacked and taken from us (wealth included), and our family has denigrated to such a point that I hardly can believe it (seems like an episode of the Twilight Zone). How is a black kid going to be equal (in terms of necessities and essentials to thrive) to a white kid if the black kid is working with much, much less than the white kid? We are constantly building just for it to be taken away from us. It happens again and again, and quite frankly, I am sick of it. No, I don’t give a damn that whites are having their businesses burnt down to the ground.

    People will probably say, “Well, those whites parents probably had nothing to do with taking away black businesses and wealth”. My reply is, they benefited from it. Black people don’t benefit from anything. We don’t even benefit from policies like Affirmative Action.

    I know this post is going long, but there is something else I want to add to further my point of the playing field not being equal. Take a black teenager, a lot of black teens are adventurous and will dabble in marijuana. And a lot of these teens get funneled through the prison system, keep in mind that their parents aren’t wealthy or have a lot of money to spend.
    Once you go through the system and are jailed for possession of drugs, guess what? No financial aid for you. Not only do they not receive financial aid for college but they are delegated to positions that treat their employees terribly such as Walmart. So now they are working more hours just to pay their bills and live off of essentially scrapes all because of a decision they made when they were very young kids (I have seen plenty of smart blacks being stifled by this b.s.).

    Let’s flip this and talk about the white kids. They abuse drugs (all types) far more than black kids, but the black kids are arrested by a factor of 5 or so (its around the 5 to 10 range) than white kids. We then arrive back to previous paragraph of blacks now living in worse conditions because of a drug offense.

    Now you have people complaining saying, “Why are they burning down their communities”. (1) It’s not their community, and (2) what happens when you deprive people of their rights, their ability to do better in a system that works against them? They will lash out.

    Of course, we can continue to build and we must keep building imo, but I am not going to say those black people are wrong. I will never say they are wrong.I don’t believe rebelling against a corrupt system and destroying the pillars that hold the system up to be wrong. I find it correct.
    The methodologies the Black people in Baltimore employ may be different from my own on the surface, but they aren’t wrong. Black empowerment is replacing white supremacy with justice, i.e., Black Empowerment is a Just cause. Either way you cut it, white supremacy and its structure must be replaced in order for a Just system to take form.

    1. Mike says:

      Talk about white kids using drugs? You say they use them more than Black kids?




        1. Mr Trap says:

          Of course Mike racist ass will either never read that article, act like he did/didn’t, and he won’t respond to it.

        2. wtf says:

          Your telling someone else to fact check? Maybe you should start with your own bullshit post. Its obvious that you don’t know shit and are just pantomiming some crap you read without fact checking it.

      1. qawi mumin says:

        Get some facts,do all racists have to be ignorant. The FBI facts are facts

      2. miciail says:

        Uh who funneled/funnels drugs in the black community whos on top benefitting from drug money ……once about time blacks were killed if we were caught reading now we are being killed through drugs who gave access to drugs?

      3. Jane says:

        I’m a substance abuse counselor in the city of Baltimore. There are a reported 19,000 heroin addicts in this city. The majority of my client’s are Caucasian, by a ratio of 4 to 1. The question is, “What does this have to do with the protests that took place over the weekend?” Regardless, can;t we agree that what happened to Freddie Gray, while he was in police custody , was a travesty?

      4. darlene says:

        Dont get up set the truth hurts and when they cant get drugs they get snything in the housr to get high thuth will get a rise wont it

      5. john says:

        Yes, research n statistics shows white kids use more harsher drugs incl store shelf products but they refrain from reporting such due to stereotyping. Also more whites are involved in more violent crimes such as bombings cannabalism killing of their families n serial killing. Yes ago news article showed pictures of whites vs black crimes n there was only 1 black.Also literature list embezzlement by white top executives of the top corporations providing commodities n govt been bailing them out while they get pat on wrist or few months in jail.

      6. LeVar says:

        your a f****** liar most of those white people in Baltimore are either crystal meth heads crack heads or heroin addicts just like you Mike

      7. Sher says:

        Lies bigot!

      8. Brendan says:

        That’s a lie I’m black and lived in Carroll county Maryland and a quarter!!!! of my graduating class died from overdose or drug related incidents.. All white. Also went to school in Towson a huge mix of peoples yet again 10% of my graduating class died from drug relation and 8% were white. Moron all these drugs were brought to America initially and manufactured if need be by whites. Dumb fuck. Believe it or not your govt. agencies gave them to us to sell to you!!! Haha. So much for whites wanting to keep there hands clean. But they did that intentionally knowing that it was a lucrative venture for those ambitious enough knowing that it was hard for any black man to get a job and those would be the prime black men to lock away to stop black community growth. The truth is out now a majority of you will pay for the wrongs commited against us which is honestly gods work if you look at how these undertakings have played out through history. In the end things will change. I don’t agree with violence personally but in this case it is justified. Specifically aimed at police agencies. Not particularly just whites but you all do have the majority blame there right or wrong? Right so in the end we all know that without violence nothing would change. Maybe in a perfect world where whites didn’t try to control everything. And just fucking live happy because that’s where guns came from… Is it not. Greed. Not that all races aren’t without greed but you all definitely took destroying human life to the next level. We just want to live happy without y’all trying to tell us who we are what we can and can’t do because of y’all delicate little social structure so elegantly modeled after European royalty now modernized stealing culture points from who but the blacks !!!! Haha sad but man we just wanna live happy That’s all we want shit, tired of jumping through y’all fucking hoops to get it. We’re human too. As much as you with just as much reason for being for here.

      9. tirrell says:

        Whites buy all the drugs by the bundle and thats a fact. They are the best customers

      10. Corina says:

        This is bullshit! All of it! I am white and so are my children n we struggle every single day w a system that won’t help us. This whole I get nothing because I am black is a crock of shit! You get what u put into getting regardless of color. I am not racist but this shit about getting nothing cause your black is ignorant. For example, does white ppl have their own white history month, does white ppl have their own television network, can we say nigger without being shit on or beat up or taken to court…..I think not. Do we have an organization just for whites. Hell NO we don’t cause that would be racist! My gosh when it came to time to vote most black ppl who did had never voted before, but u best believe that black ppl got their asses up n got on the bus that was provided to do so, n why….because they voted for color n look where that got us lmfao! Blacks can call ppl crackers, n think we owe them shit. We owe no one nothing, and white ppl suffer just the same but we just don’t cry about it! Way back in the day you never saw a white person put their own kids on auction blocks to sell their children to blacks! Blacks did tho. I don’t agree w any white ppl or blacks destroying any business that they didn’t pay for! I don’t beleieve in wrongful deaths of any kind but I can say that black ppl make a huge deal out of any black person that is killed by a cop. All men regardless of color are treated the same in jail and in the schools. If white ppl smoke weed they get the same treatment! I have many white friends who live from pay check to pay check because of school loans, so your comment about shit being taken is ridiculous and u just sound like another black person crying because of your color! No one owes u shit! I should take a pic of my street, we have two black families on our street n outside of their house (which are just as nice as us white folks) looks like trash outside! Is this the white pols problem, let me guess we took their trash bags also right, we took their legs n arms so they can’t clean their mess. My children were taught to treat ppl equal but it’s the blacks that are more racist! The problem w whites today is we are so tired of the I’m black n I deserve shit remarks! Grow up! Get jobs! We have white ppl that r just as lazy, we have blacks that r successful, it’s all about what u do w your life it’s not about color!

      11. Corina says:


      12. nikki says:

        Why you didn’t go to the police lol. Its funny and if you did what have they done for you lately.

      13. mssweetella says:

        Obviously you Are Really the one who is actually Nutts here…Statistics Will show &-prove to you that white youth use extremely more drugs than Black youth & they use more harder drugs than Black youth do…The problem here is the fact that there isn’t as much intervention in the Black Communities as in the white communities & media coverage of white arrests for drug use isn’t as beneficial for ratings as Black arrests are!!!! Look It Up & Get Back With Me On It!!!!

      14. nikki says:

        OK Mike, here is the point, the part of the city you in is mostly black correct, so of course more Black’s maybe using. Now let’s say we go to Hollywood humm or Malibu were there are mostly whites then we can say 80 percent out of 100 are using more drugs than Black’s. And when I mean drugs its prescription and meth. Some maybe still doing powder too, and crack and herion. They may be a little discreet about it but none the less they are doing more in that area. So you have to look at the geographic aspect right, right is that better for you. Oh and by the way mostly all military personnel is using as well. Just a little F.Y.I

      15. Jason says:

        Really Mike….and All the innocent little white kids never did drugs right?? JACKASS!!!

      16. jon says:

        Mike let me tell you something your a dumb schmuck I live in the countryostly white and you know what white people do a shit ton of pills meth herion and number one on there list bath salts now and they love needles too. Black people don’t even do any of that they smoke crack which was introduce to the black community by whom oh white people. And if they weren’t placed in the shit end neiborhoods then they might not even have problems with drugs and theft and violence and make rap music to express hiw the live

      17. Jay Tee says:

        My man Mike, I think you are incorrect. Its the same as when many people say blacks are the majority of the welfare recipients, its just not true. Just as I know you think all the swearing and cursing makes you feel hard, but I would really like to see you in an uncomfortable setting. I’m sure you would be twice as hard as you are trying to be while typing your comments. I grew up and still live in the Sand town section and people are respectful as long as you show respect. I’m an older guy and You seem like a reasonably intelligent young man just maybe a little misguided so I’ll give you a little advice if you don’t mind. don’ be so quick to curse or raise your voice, try to think before you speak and if you really don’t truly know an answer research it, don’t just say what you think is right. You will receive a lot more respect from everyone, including your own family. You take care and I wish you the best my friend

      18. Tommy says:


    2. Nick says:

      Don’t forget the highest possible held position in American government…the same government you feel so strongly against… is held by an African-American man.

      You are very articulate and sound very intelligent and passionate….but you use certain words that go against your argument by making you sound racist yourself….example “black kids are adventurous and dabble with marijuana ” and “white kids are drug abusers”

      That makes it sound like you think all black kids are just dabbling and innocent and victim of circumstance….I’m sure some are, but that is too broad a generalization….,AND you sound like your argument is all white kids are hard core abusers , which some might be, but you can’t use that type of a generalization as an argument….it makes you sound racist and judgemental yourself.

    3. Michael T. says:

      Are you really going back 200 yrs to try to justify the behavior of the “angry black youth” who “instigated” the totally unacceptable behavior of themselves and the people who were drawn into the fray. People who have to earn their way are not all drawn to selling drugs to get by.

      My opinion is if the parents are worried that their children won’t get a fair chance by living in “the hood”, section 8 and help is available to those who are willing to work for it. Move out of the “hood”. Stop taking the easy way out and saying the man is holding us down. Those who choose not to change there circumstance are the only ones who are stuck in their circumstance. To many stories of People , Black, White ,Yellow, and Brown pick their shit up and change for their sake, not the others around them. Pick yourself up, make it better and then help others .

      I’ll tell you, I’m white, lived 10 years in the city, Waverly, Govans and Dad made a change. In fact 2 or 3 changes , we didn’t come from influence of any kind. And we are still by and large not privileged by any means but our own hard work. So quit your belly aching and crying about ” oh we ain’t gots ’nuffin but the police chasin’ us and holdin’ us back. Get an education, get a job, and work just to survive like the rest of us. Ain’t no free rides from where we come from. (and we means you and I brother) You know what I’m saying.

      The fact is we have very little influence over others, except ours and then they become a product of their own influence. My mantra has been Raise them to know right from wrong, Educate them for their own benefit, Give them room to grow and set them free. Be there for them and hopfully they won’t be the ones throwing trash cans thru police car windows and trashing businesses and getting the face on TV for the wrong reasons.

    4. John says:

      you are just a piece of shit and you are what’s wrong. People like you with that kind of outlook on life are why we have so much hate in this country. You need to grow the fuck up. I’ve lived in the shitty parts of Baltimore for years and I’m white. I’ve been targeted by the police dozens of times for being white in southwest Baltimore, and beat down plenty of times by police for minding my own business. I’ve had to deal with the same kind of bullshit a black man does living in the city and I also have to deal with black men harassing me too, just because I’m white. So this shit your talking is just the words of a sorry ass man. These problems have nothing to do with who has more and better things. Possessions don’t make people equal, we just are equal. We are all humans which mean we are equal, skin color ain’t got shit to do with it. People like you make it about color cause you don’t want equality, and that is what makes you RACIST, not me! I truely hope there’s not too many people in this world with the same sorry ass outlook on life as you, cause we as humans are destined for failure if there is. I never write posts but your stupid ranting really pissed me off so I had to write something. And what happened a hundred + years ago ain’t got shit to do with any of us. We were all born into this shitty world long after slavery, so no one can be held responsible for what our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. You need to move the fuck on from something you never even experienced and quit playing the race card. Your just gonna have to deal with the fact that black,white,Asian,Hispanic,middle eastern,etc., no matter what race you are we all live together and we always will. If you want to be a slave or live in segregation, than build your dumb ass a time machine and go back to when you can. Otherwise stop talking that trash and grow up!

    5. John says:

      Fras, you are just a piece of shit and you are what’s wrong. People like you with that kind of outlook on life are why we have so much hate in this country. You need to grow the fuck up. I’ve lived in the shitty parts of Baltimore for years and I’m white. I’ve been targeted by the police dozens of times for being white in southwest Baltimore, and beat down plenty of times by police for minding my own business. I’ve had to deal with the same kind of bullshit a black man does living in the city and I also have to deal with black men harassing me too, just because I’m white. So this shit your talking is just the words of a sorry ass man. These problems have nothing to do with who has more and better things. Possessions don’t make people equal, we just are equal. We are all humans which mean we are equal, skin color ain’t got shit to do with it. People like you make it about color cause you don’t want equality, and that is what makes you RACIST, not me! I truely hope there’s not too many people in this world with the same sorry ass outlook on life as you, cause we as humans are destined for failure if there is. I never write posts but your stupid ranting really pissed me off so I had to write something. And what happened a hundred + years ago ain’t got shit to do with any of us. We were all born into this shitty world long after slavery, so no one can be held responsible for what our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. You need to move the fuck on from something you never even experienced and quit playing the race card. Your just gonna have to deal with the fact that black,white,Asian,Hispanic,middle eastern,etc., no matter what race you are we all live together and we always will. If you want to be a slave or live in segregation, than build your dumb ass a time machine and go back to when you can. Otherwise stop talking that trash and grow up!

    6. Andrew says:

      I have had three scholarships I have earned taken from me based on race quotas in colleges. I have been put in the hospital twice by black men who I never met before just because I was “walking in their hood.” I have had jobs given to people who are less qualified than I am to meet diversity quotas. Yes they still exist. Affirmative actions DOES benifit minority races. You want to sit there and support the destruction of innocent people’s lives and businesses. You are racist and part of the problem not the solution.

    7. Lane says:

      Yes!! Yes!! And yes!! Speak this truth and make it plain!

    8. Pinche Gringo says:

      Good luck getting Whitey to understand your cogent points in history. They’re still pissed y’all took over the Westside!
      My parents were scared shit less and moved to Arbutus in the 70s because Edmonson Ave was “taken over”. Hahaha!
      Have fun with your stupid race war while I drink a margarita at the beach here in Mexico.

    9. Cal says:

      You my friend are a firggin IDIOT!!!! If you don’t know what shit you are spilling out your ASS then don’t comment at all. You are just making yourself look stupid!!!

    10. Fig Newton says:

      I feel for you because your anger has to be vented. The only thing is there are so many like you who need to organize across America and find a solution to Black ghettos, affirmative actions for more equality, better schools, and the list goes on and on. White people are not supreme, they used slaves to enhance their lives and they have money power. They create laws to keep all people in some type of servitude. I do not have time to respond on here but know for sure that something has to be done about the Killings by law enforcement. It has gotten out of control, especially as it applies to the Black populations in America.

    11. Nancy Skipper says:

      Couldn’t have said it better. First intelligence statement i’ve seen yet. No one looks at the fact of the matter. How white people react when the government is not on their side but when we do it we are called animals and need to get over racism. We are still oppressed and taken for granted. Its time for people to reunite and if that doesn’t happen then black people reunite and stand strong and fight.

      1. Jane Dow says:

        Boo hoo

    12. Kev says:

      Well stated. While I don’t agree with this level of antagonistic response. I do understand the frustration that’s coming out in these actions. Ultimately we still have to live and function post “riot’ , so burning and destroying where you live is counter productive. Seems it would be more productive to go and destroy, and burn down your adversaries places.

    13. jason says:

      Well said sir

    14. allykat says:

      Well said Fras!

    15. Kyle says:

      Your thought process is a complete joke. Slavery ended in 1865. Millions of Union troops gave their lives for the abolition of slavery. Yet you still piss and moan about it? Hitler systematically tried to destroy the entire Jewish race in every place the Nazis occupied…yet 70 years later folks of the Jewish faith control many businesses and prosper. Blacks were treated like cattle during the period of slavery…meaning you don’t kill your “investment”. The Nazis made it a point to kill those under their control…they are still alive..the survivors…they don’t bitch. Name me one victim of slavery in the USA still alive…not one. No excuse for the idiocy of the folks in Baltimore.

    16. steveo says:

      What you mean black people don’t benefit from anything? Brother it must be diff where you are then here. Black people have everything they could ever want and more. Government housing, welfare, driving around carsbi couldn’t afford if in saved up my paychecks for 20 years. I know you might be getting upset about it, but some people need to just let shit go and be done with it. There’s more hate crimes on white people over here then anything else. Its all about location man

    17. Marc R says:

      This is Bullshit – there is no excuse. This is nothing but opportunism at it’s finest. I would agree that the black youth feel disenfranchised and angry, this is not an appropriate way in which to act. Many of them are just looking for a reason to loot because it’s an opportunity to get a free new Iphone or sneakers. I did not come from money, I do not make laws and I am absolutely not a racist. I did however work my ass off to get to where I am today, I do obey laws and respect other peoples property. The issue with black youth stems much deeper from priorities. Perhaps instead of teaching your kids to worship musicians and athletes – you should hand them a book or try and get them to earn a living as a banker or an electrician so that when their pipe dream of a career doesn’t pan out they won’t be so pissed off. Perhaps if their biggest influence wasn’t idiots throwing money in the air in strip clubs or folks who’s only aspiration in life seems to be necklaces, guns, etc. Yes it is unfortunate that so many black youth get arrested and are unable to get tuition loans, you know what fixes that? Stop breaking the fucking law! Teach your kids better, maybe spend more time with them, hell, take them camping or to see something cultural once in a while. Drive a sense of community into them and teach them respect for others and maybe they will stand a chance of not getting arrested in the first place. I do not by any means support the actions of the baltimore police or any police force that kills unarmed citizens, black, white or any race. However destroying the businesses of people that had nothing to do with it is not going to change policy in America. It is simply wrong and disrespectful and you should be ashamed of your children and yourselves for raising them to think that is ok.

      The poster himself says
      “No, I don’t give a damn that whites are having their businesses burnt down to the ground. ”

      You sir are the problem. How can you expect your children or any children you may have influence over to rise above and become better when you are such an ignorant twat. You should care that ANY businesses are being burned to the ground. If you have an issue with the police go talk to them, don’t go burn down the local barber shop. If you want equality and a society that functions together stop acting like such a self serving asshole and teach your kids some better life skills.

    18. Corina says:

      This is bullshit! All of it! I am white and so are my children n we struggle every single day w a system that won’t help us. This whole I get nothing because I am black is a crock of shit! You get what u put into getting regardless of color. I am not racist but this shit about getting nothing cause your black is ignorant. For example, does white ppl have their own white history month, does white ppl have their own television network, can we say nigger without being shit on or beat up or taken to court…..I think not. Do we have an organization just for whites. Hell NO we don’t cause that would be racist! My gosh when it came to time to vote most black ppl who did had never voted before, but u best believe that black ppl got their asses up n got on the bus that was provided to do so, n why….because they voted for color n look where that got us lmfao! Blacks can call ppl crackers, n think we owe them shit. We owe no one nothing, and white ppl suffer just the same but we just don’t cry about it! Way back in the day you never saw a white person put their own kids on auction blocks to sell their children to blacks! Blacks did tho. I don’t agree w any white ppl or blacks destroying any business that they didn’t pay for! I don’t beleieve in wrongful deaths of any kind but I can say that black ppl make a huge deal out of any black person that is killed by a cop. All men regardless of color are treated the same in jail and in the schools. If white ppl smoke weed they get the same treatment! I have many white friends who live from pay check to pay check because of school loans, so your comment about shit being taken is ridiculous and u just sound like another black person crying because of your color! No one owes u shit! I should take a pic of my street, we have two black families on our street n outside of their house (which are just as nice as us white folks) looks like trash outside! Is this the white pols problem, let me guess we took their trash bags also right, we took their legs n arms so they can’t clean their mess. My children were taught to treat ppl equal but it’s the blacks that are more racist! The problem w whites today is we are so tired of the I’m black n I deserve shit remarks! Grow up! Get jobs! We have white ppl that r just as lazy, we have blacks that r successful, it’s all about what u do w your life it’s not about color!

    19. Greg says:

      Free-keep blaming us evil whites-you know,those of us who WORK,and have lost our cultural identity,so that we can attempt to love,educate,and pay for these innocent kids abandoned (never claimed) by their fathers.MY hard earned money,has been funneled through taxes,to help black people.MY money has paid for blacks,shelter,food,,and most everything else.if you hate me and my white brothers and sisters so much,then why don’t you LEAVE?im sure white America will AGAIN,foot the bill for racist,white hating black people moving expenses back to the “motherland”..people like YOU are the. Problem.the. Poor me spew this racist crap to young,impressionable black kids,and the cycle continues.idiot.guess what?if my. Kids were to have a rap sheet,they would be denied student loans,or a free education too.i don’t have the $ to pay all that in full.the only difference is,I accept responsibility for MY actions,and will never blame growing up poor,nor blame black people for my shortcomings and transgressions.i don’t know how old you are,or what color you are,nor do I care.stupidity is colorless.REAL change starts at home,in the family,and with personal responsibility.not blaming whites for their problems.

    20. Matt says:

      Nowadays blacks are protected more than any other race. Look at how Obama reacts to all this. He only commented about it because he was forced to. My ex is black. She was poor and at times, homeless, but she still went to school and got her diploma. Then went to college. Who’s preventing blacks from going to school? You think maybe it stems from the beginning with 8 out of 10 kids that don’t have a dad and lack discipline? All the stuff you talk about happened decades ago. If your an educated black person nowadays, YOU can write your own check meaning you have no problem getting a job. All I see is complaining from you. Also, yes you are correct. Their are more white kids using drugs than blacks. The reason is because their is 7x more white people living in the usa than their is blacks…DUH!!! FUCKING DUH!!! So whatever percentage or number you come up with for blacks just take that number and times it by 7 if you are going to compare whites. Again DUH!!! You ever heard the old saying: You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink? That’s the black community for you.

    21. nick says:

      Fras, i loved your comment. Well thought-out, well researched, and well done on having your sources together.
      I can’t however agree with you being a white man myself who CONSTANTLY endures the stigma of being white privileged, when in actuality as i write this on my $40 phone, at my full time retail job… im homeless.
      No drug use, no criminal backround, just a 21 year old with no rope to hang on too (but im getting there).
      I can tell you this my friend I’m no racist, but when i see a black person the first thing i have to be careful about in this neighborhood is coming off racist just by smiling and saying, “hi can i help you find anything.” Which is store policy to ask every customer and yet it makes me racist and hateful in a majoritys eyes.
      I dont think this is a race issue, its a cop issue, im also currently fighting a case where a cop supposedly found weed on me and yet the case has been postponed seven times to date at the last minute.

  8. Sherwood says:

    Peaceful protestors? Looks like they’re throwing furniture through windows, not sure which neighborhood in which that’s classified as peaceful. “Suspected white supremacists? Based on what?

    1. Matt says:

      That’s the white guilt for you. Remember black people like to talk a lot and they come up for an excuse for everything.

  9. Richard says:

    This stuff plays in to the hands on the system. I would not be surprised to find out that the people yelling racial slurs and about half the roiters work for the police or government.

    1. dj says:

      @ Richard…You could have a point there…

    2. Bob C says:

      Your point is spot on! Years ago when the Klan and Nazis demonstrated in intergrated areas, they would have spotters to try to provoke people.

  10. rob says:

    Complete bullshit, so now they were instigated by “white supremacist” that happened to be at the game . Lol, still cant call a spade a spade. Id ran over ANYONE standing in my way.

    1. The Avenger says:

      “id ran over” honestly im sure the ppl in the Subaru were thinking the same thinuog…also that quote has a few sentence structure errors..u should go to college.

    2. shanaynay says:

      Better just to get a ccw permit then when the homies pull you out of your car stick 38 in that nappy head of theirs.

    1. von says:

      Rob you could have ran over somebody if you wanted to they would have snatch your ass out of your car and killed your dumb ass.. I don’t know where you are from but shit real down here

  11. Mike says:

    Trying to blame this on white people is BULLSHIT!!

    Black people were screaming Cracker at white people who were there to enjoy a game.


    1. steveo says:

      Hell Yea. Why the fuck can they call us crackers and honkeys bit we call them something racist and we automatically go to jail???

    2. nikki says:

      Once again Mike you are not listening. The women in the video clearly ask the white guy why did he do what he did and to get out the window and stop provoking them but by that time things was already being throwing. More then once people was telling them to shut up.

    3. Jason says:

      Blame this crap on Society…not Whites nor Blacks or any other color of skin…just Ignorant ass people who don’t know how to live together!

    4. Matt says:

      White guilt at its best.

  12. Ralph says:

    lets look at why whites destroyed our communities. We had and still have no defense. Tulsa lost the war because they ran out of ammunition. How do you expect to prosper continuously if you can’t permanently protect your wealth.

    They like all black areas should have had a military. The riots that happen today makes no sense. Blacks have lots of power. If we traded with other countries we would do more than well. Many countries want to do business with use. I am talking about billion of dollars worth of business.

    Argentina said they would give us gas for almost free. The whites are not the problem. The problem is the black leaders. Those riots need to be in the black leaders’ yards.

    Another thing is that blacks don’t value education. Do you even know what education is or means?

    Malcolm X said, “What fool would let his enemy educate his children?”

    I say, “What fool would educate the children of his enemies?”

    We are the cause of our own problems. Do you know it’s possible to teach a three year old to divide and multiply in less than two minutes? We are not even trying to advance. They can stop us. They know it. But what they are doing is distracting us.

    Look at what you wrote. We built wealth without them and whites destroyed it because we didn’t build facilities that researched and developed our military offensive and defensive companies. We can still do it. They can’t stop us. But that means we will have to study.

    Blacks don’t embrace education. Most don’t know what is the reason why they study nor how to study. Everything they teach us in school has already been completed. All we are doing is learning completed things. The studying that we think we are doing is really done in research and develop. In other words treading in fields that has not been completely understood.

    Blacks don’t travel. Blacks patents think the world hates us. Well the world looks like us. They love us. We are family. We need to learn new languages and travel outside of Europe and travel Asia. You’ll think you are home.

    We live in a box, that we created or allowed to be created for us.


    I can teach Japanese kids under five to read English in a few months. The youngest was two. It’s too easy. This program needs to be in the black areas. It would not only close the gap but put black kids ahead by three years minimum. I am talking about kids starting to read at the age of three and reaching a sixth grade reading level before they start the first grade.

    1. Fig Newton says:

      Get busy doing something in the Black neighborhood.

    2. Angela says:

      I am curious to know more how you are able to achieve reading accomplishments in young child.

    3. Mark says:

      Your argument assumes that there isn’t a majority of white teachers in your area. It also assumes that you can get these miracle children to school everyday so that they can get this magical education. As an educator I will tell you one thing that is impossible, getting a child to absorb everything you teach. Especially a child raised in s low SES. They are trained to hold their hand out and expect to be taken care of. And that is on their parents and heritage.
      Want to change it? Buckle down and work like everyone else. Quit expecting for things to “go your way.”

      That doesn’t happen in life. Life sucks.

    4. Jason says:

      Whites are the biggest culprits known to be so greedy and full of hate for their own children that they kick them out of the house at early ages and don’t help them get through college or make sure they are on the right path…So yes..White people are THE MOST FUCKED UP RACE ON THIS PLANET!! ]

      1. Jason says:

        So the ones that do make it are either born rich or just full of the same hatred their parents built into them via their example!

      2. dano says:

        You sound like you Hate white people! Uneducated and still living at home with your parents. Or did your dad leave home when you where 3
        Because that is the trend in the quote,, Black comunity. Uneducated blacks can only see their own misfortune and think that all whit people are born with a silver spoon in our mouths. Not true at all. I lived in south east Asia for 7 years. So if you think you have it bad; try being born there and living on 3 to 4 dollars a day after busting your tail like a slave for 12 hours a day. No Bs,,,,,, saw it with my own eyes. And that’s the good part, many people there can’t find work at all. I’m tired of all the hate here in this world. Everyone posting here with all of your hate and prejudices need to walk with the lord. Because the world will always be this way. Live in the world and not of this world. The solution to your problems is being accountable for yourself first. Worry about the criminal that lost his life, after you fix yourself as tragic as it may all seem. God bless and good luck to all you haters . PS just remember
        Slavery was a bad thing that happened a long time ago, its not our fault.Oh and by the way I’m a irish german american, none of us are really from here. I feel so sorry for the American Indians.

    5. Matt says:


  13. Christine says:

    This is misleading at best and flat out lies at the worst. Where are the so called “white superemist” “race baitors”? I saw NOTHING like that. What I DID see was a business full of mostly white people being attacked with out regard to the safety of the people inside and the people inside being terrified and TERRORIZED by the attack. This “article” is ridiculous nonsense and I will spread this far and wide to discredit this obvious attempt to race bait.

    1. fras says:

      Funny how you say it is terrorism when a Black person throws a brick through a window where a bunch of whites are sitting, yet, you don’t acknowledge the true terrorism occurring.

      1. steve says:

        You stupid clown! It’s terrorism when a mob of 1000’s of black “protesters” hold an ENTIRE BASEBALL STADIUM HOSTAGE! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!! So, now the very few white supporters that you had for your “were victims bc we’re black” cause have completely turned on you all. You guys are the victims here but you held a stadium hostage in sheer terror! Righttttttt, tell me again how much of a victim YOU are. Pathetic!

      2. irish artist says:

        Your just as racist as the next. Encouraging a community to over throw another is racist. This isnt 1965 anymore. Blacks have just as much racist shit in them as whites. What about mexicans? Indians? What about there holds backs? Why dont we see them out protesting? Why because they didnt let there past change how there children and so fourth was raised. What did they get? A casino and there people whiped out by whites and blacks. There isnt a white black power. Untill somebody dies then it racist. Fuck outta here with that bullshit. I have so many african american friends who think nothing like you fras. Its comes down to the kids now a days have no sense, there parents help them learn to steal and act like ratchet asses. So if thats there choice then there life is in danger periode white or black

      3. mjay says:

        Dude people like you just want to keep using white people are racists as an excuse why you dont have certain things when if kids are raised properly in families instead the babymama babydaddy setting or moms stop twerking and screwing in front they daughters you may eliminate a lot of the problem teach men to work and be successful not to stand on the corner teyna make ends meets smh its a chain reaction.

      4. dj says:

        The trolling in here is crazy, huh Fras? You cannot reason with the so called majority who are in control and don’t want to share (land, money, education, wealth, resources…etc). They never want to share and they never will! You see how none of these people on here addressed all the examples of whites rioting in black communities. It is only brought up when black folks do it.
        You cannot reason with them even when you hit them with facts. They will deflect and deny and deceive.

        1. John says:

          You know how stupid you all sound right now, it’s funny how no one on here that is white, is contributing to racism but you n fras! We’re talkin about what’s going on now. Not last month, not last year, not decades ago, but not, stop feeling sorry for yourself for no reason n get over it, no one owes any one anything. It’s all excuses, man up n live!!!!! Stupid ass’s!!!! Just cause words come out ur mouth don’t make them true!

        2. Brian says:

          Show me some examples of whites rioting in black comunities. Did we riot when a white family was killed in geogia over a bmw? No. Did we riot when the two black dc snipers were caught? No. Di we roit we the iraq war vetern and his wife were killed execution style during a home invasion in florida? No. Did we riot when O.J. got off for murdering two white people? No

        3. Greg says:

          Share ?i am white,and grew up in poverty,while being physically abused as a child.did I ask for free gubment handouts,and blame my hard life on blacks?no.i got off my butt,learned a trade at 19,and overcame my rough beginnings ,to become a tax paying,hardworking citizen.i am divorced now.i have paid child support every month,,and have joint custody,to educate and love my kids.i ve given them a better life.and I should be forced to “share” what I’ve worked so hard for?screw you.if you want it,try to come take it.try to burn my house.this is ala free kin Bama white boys don’t play so nice,and have NO fear of you.i have some things to share,but I don’t think you want it.all rioters should be shot on site.peaceful protesters have every right under our constitution(aka-Barry hussains toilet paper) to protest.rioters have NO rights

        4. Davemon says:

          Fact. No black has ever won a Nobel in science or math. Fact Obama was handed a Nobel in peace for winning an election, then the Nobel committee chair was demoted for that decision. Fact blacks have the lowest academic test scores of any demographic, every year since tests have been recorded.fact, Crime is highest in black population centers. Do you like facts?

        5. wtf says:

          The funniest part of your bullshit post is that the last sentence is actually the other way around. You jackasses lie and misquote facts constantly and can’t even understand simple concepts like per capita which leads to spreading around shit that isn’t true. For example in america they say there are more white serial killers which is true by total population but when it comes to the % of white serial killers to white population whites are actually lower than the % of black serial killers to black population.

        6. Matt says:

          Here in Milwaukee, the black principal got a $50k raise only being there 6 months. Whenever libs want more money for school, you actually think it goes to help the students? People learned just fine years ago with very little money. All you need is a chalkboard, a desk and books. For the most part black people are protected. if you are a white person in a prominent position and say anything bad about blacks, you lose your job. Even if you said it years ago. Look it up. Is it whitey’s fault that over 70% of blacks grow up without a father? One great thing I benefited from my dad was to learn discipline and respecting authority. You have to give it to receive it. That’s what we’re seeing here. All I’m seeing in Baltimore and cities around are a bunch of malevolent blacks running around doing nothing to better themselves and taking NO RESPONSIBILITY for their actions. The president is democrat. Democrats support blacks. Look at the rise of government assistance under him. You want to talk about land, resources etc that blacks are denied…perfect example: Detroit. It was ran fine by whites for so long. Then the blacks came in, especially black liberals and what happened? BANKRUPT! Let’s look at Shaquille O’Neal. Ever since he finished basketball, he went to school and now he is doing awesome in business. Blacks have been the only ones to piss away millions of dollars and go broke…MIKE TYSON SQUANDERED $350 MILLION DOLLARS. My ex is black. I may not care for her much anymore, but I will say she grew up fatherless, only to have her dad reconnect with her once she turned 18. At 18, he has no responsibility for her anymore. Anyways, she graduated high school and college and has a job now. SHE GOT GRANTS FOR FREE FOR COLLEGE JUSTIFIED BECAUSE SHE IS BLACK. Yeah, they really denied her, buddy. Libraries…last I checked, all colors are welcome. CHOICES. You ever hear any athlete of any color say that things were just given to him? What I’ve seen from my time around my ex and her family is that they don’t care where they live as long as they LOOK RICH. Nice car, nice clothes, furniture, flat screen etc. That’s all. You see what blacks do with big money. Platinum necklaces for $100k, chrome paint job on car, jordans, Birdman’s $8 million Exelero. That’s what it’s about. The reason for government assistance is to HELP people get through a tough time, so that they can move forward in life, NOT live off it, sell your food card for money to buy drugs or whatever else. Have 4 kids by different men and the money they get for child support that is supposed to be used for their kids instead is used by the mom to go buy MATERIALISTIC stuff. You must live in a Damn cave. Seriously, WAKE UP!

    2. Jerald says:

      Sherwood, the people who were looking all scared and shocked in that bar had just been yelling all sorts of racist foulness before the bar was attacked. They ran their mouth like women and like women they were able to talk it but not walk it. They and the bar owner deserved what happened.

    3. LeVar says:

      well being up close and personal driving through there I saw white people antagonizing people who were protesting and thought that this was a Martin Luther King cry out when most of us are Malcolm X babies they got that ass with if you don’t want that ass whipped stay in your house and stay very quiet

  14. Wild says:

    Nice try at spinning this but, the sports fans where locked in Camden Yards after the violence had already erupted.

    Own your own shit

    1. qawi mumin says:

      Study: Whites More Likely to Abuse Drugs Than Blacks | TIME …
      Time Magazine › healthland › 2011/11/07
      Mobile-friendly – Nov 7, 2011 – Using data from 72,561 youth interviewed for the National Survey on Drug Use and

    2. LeVar says:

      they were only locked in Camden Yards after the few who were walking down the street started s*** and got their ass kicked they did not lock Camden Yards or anyone in it nice try dumbass

    3. allykat says:

      Exactly! Own your own shit. Which is this stems from racist, abusive cops!

  15. Lopan says:

    If the anger is meant for the police/law enforcement agencies, then why not flood he interior of all the departments, thier parking lots, the courts… Direct the message to those it is intended for, if all the courts were shutdown due to a 1000 messengers of change inside each courtroom, then more would listen, less hate would evolve, the portrayal of the messengers would be held in a different light… How many police made overtime pay these past few days? They’re loving it, stop providing that. Get organized , then and only then, will they fear you…. And listen.

  16. Thekid says:

    Black folks don’t want a race war. We know we are 13% of the population and would be destroyed completely. I have Hispanic friends who don’t like most black folks either. We need to be smart. You don’t pick a fight when you are out numbered.

    1. midnite says:

      I don’t you whites want a race war

    2. steve says:

      So just continue having bastard children by 10 different baby mama’s that you won’t support or spend a penny on and in turn the “white racists” hard earned tax paying dollars will pay for the entire 18 years of mommy’s welfare check while she sits back smokes her crack and raises a drug dealing criminal and you will have plenty of blacks for your race war.

    3. dj says:

      Black folks have been in a “race war” in America with the dominant society ever since Europeans hit the shores of America.
      And as for Hispanics, Rosie Perez already exposed them. They (not all but a vast majority of them) don’t like Blacks but they benefit from the black struggle here in America. It’s sad…smh. Black folks need to stick to themselves and take care of themselves because no one gives a fuck about them. The sooner they understand that the better they can get their economic hustle on.

    4. Gabby says:

      black folks would still win

    5. Mixed Man says:

      You are correct– just ask the Native American what happened when he turned on the Blue Eyed Devil.

  17. sammie rabb jr says:

    I whole heartily agreed with your comments. the statement that you made is very insightful, too many times most white folks assume or think that black people have had the same advantages as they have had, they have told me while I was attending bible school that we as black people should not be complaining so much and that they should stay in their place. The dean of the school told me ” you and your people must accept that there are those who believe that blacks should be thankful for what they have and never ever question the police for their actions” that they must learned to live with police brutality even with a mostly all white police force, even while policing an black community. You must learned to survive. I have look back over the last forty five years where the public schools have gotten worst, the unemployment rate in the black community is about 16%, black men are being shot down in the street sometimes just driving being black, for me nothing has change but time.

  18. qawi mumin says:

    Study: Whites More Likely to Abuse Drugs Than Blacks | TIME …
    Time Magazine › healthland › 2011/11/07
    Mobile-friendly – Nov 7, 2011 – Using data from 72,561 youth interviewed for the National Survey on Drug Use and

  19. qawi mumin says:

    There’s some facts

  20. Hugh Pettway says:

    Never mind the riots, and why. Let’s say your sitting at home. The phone rings. The caller tells you your son (child) is dead, after being arrested by police. The cause of death is a snapped neck. Now what?

  21. Lamar says:

    The white trolls are are in the house heavy.

    1. K says:

      Wow! As we should be.

  22. midnite says:

    Ofcourse whites in this area will try to blame everything on blacks simply because racism is alive and well in this area . This is what happens when you have an area full of poor white trash

  23. darryl patton says:

    As long as the police keep using citizens and there pets as target practice,this will continue to escalate,with each ruling,and grand jury decision not to indite or prosecute these radical officers,this will keep getting more and more dangerous for all of us as a whole,what disturbs me most,is that a majority of these murders by the police are for minor infractions and misdemeanors,there job is to arrest and let the courts decide the outcome,not going off like everyday citizens are a Terroristic threat,no matter how the story is spun,the ones at fault for all of this is the bouys in blue,this wouldn’t be so volatile if it were an isolated incident,but this scenario has played out now in everywhere America,if it had been me yesterday knowing that there was civil unrest,ida of picked another day to go to the ballpark,bottom line,and to the Statist and racists out there screaming racial slurs,you got what you deserved,right or wrong doesn’t apply when the system is broken,Cops want control back,earn it and stop acting like cowards & pu@%ies!!!!

  24. All Lives Matter says:

    It is so easy to throw the Color Card out there when something happens, no matter if its blacks or whites. why because nobody is man or woman enough to own up to their actions. nobody wants to grow up and be better than what the past was. its too many closed minded people in this world with shattered sight and tunnel vision. Meaning they only see shit one way and one way only. try being color blind. hell try being blind and tell me if you can tell the nationality,culture or race of the person by their actions. Wise the fuck up and get out the past with the bullshit

  25. John Thomas says:


  26. Napp says:

    Bottom line, they killed a kid. Right or wrong, white folks are racist as hell and it’s alarming. They are more bold than ever with their mouths and where they feel safe. Not all whites are bad. Not all blacks either. But there are pussy ass white people who will get tore up quick just like any black, Hispanic or Asian brother. Period. White people know the police will back them no matter what. That’s why they conduct themselves this way.

  27. Michael2608 says:

    I agree with some of the people. What did this business have to do with it? I don’t Co sign fuckery. Man Flex I hope you haven’t resulted into just hyping people up. You used to use a whole lot of common sense. Now everything is only seen from one angle. Damn! I’m sitting in the restaurant downtown, and all of a sudden people just start busting out the window. Man ill be like these mfs. And YES ur weak ass is out gun, out man, and also out skilled. I’m not saying lay down, but act accordingly.

    1. fras says:

      Whites never behaved accordingly when burning down black cities, and taking the city for themselves. You essentially co-sign “f-ery” everyday, when the shoe is on the other foot and blacks begin to imitate what whites did, you have a problem? Because you couldn’t enjoy your sandwich?

      1. K says:

        And how fucking long ago was that??? We are taking a step backwards instead of moving forward as a nation.

      2. dj says:

        @ Michael2608…typical uneducated hypocrisy… Learn some history. Just look at recent American history. White America did not obtain North American by acting “accordingly”. White people who came to American were straight savages dude! You know this and I know this. The Indigenous people here in America did a grave mistake when they showed the invaders mercy and compassion. The cost was immense.
        Now in 2015 we have the descendant of these same savages who robbed, raped, rioted, and ran amok in America trying to tell so called Black people how to behave. Hypocrisy at its finest….smh

        1. fras says:

          I wish there was a +1 system on this website. Took the words right out of my mouth.

          1. ThaMrs. says:

            I was thinking the exact same thing! Such bs!

          2. Jay Tee says:

            I read almost all of the comments and it appears to me that most of you are young people. If you guys dont start getting along there is not going to be any America for you to hate each other in. You all will be mastered by people from other nations, cant you see it happening now. The Europeans took this land from the Indians, sad but it’s done. Then the Africans were brought here to serve the owners of the country and have made countless contributions to this great nation and have earned their right to work and prosper here. Now tell me another ethnic group that has done as much to make the US as great as it is today. How can you still hate each other so much when we all have profited from each others contributions and dedication. We all better start thinking a different way or your children or grandchildren will have nothing because there will be nothing left for real Americans.

        2. Jeremy says:

          Hey dj, I whole heartedly agree with the message you are trying to make clear. But, as schools so far have done are taking out African-American history in some text books. A lot of people can’t even imagine the horrors African-Americans have gone through, they will just say what has been said over and over as the years go by. It’s in the past, or that isn’t true.

        3. sam r says:

          Let alone what Europeans did to China during the 19th century. The opium wars etc.
          Raped looted and pillaged

        4. dave says:

          You also have decedant’s of the 300,000 union army members thst gave there life to change what the British started. And if you’re going to continue to rely on history to make you’re argument then why not remember that the Democratic party that the black community aligns itself with is the same party that wanted to keep things the same wsy. The Republican party was established for the sole reason of ending slavery. Things change and so do people so quit allowing the distant past to affect your present and future!

        5. Rog says:

          Fras you pointed out some vital facts. An DJ also. Not saying all white people are bad. An all black people are good. Cause that would be a lie. But you cannot reason with a devil. God tried an see what happen. 80% of their wealth comes from their savage ancestors an their wicked ways. Peaceful protests got us nowhere. Those devils are cunning an conniving. God bless America

        6. Davemon says:

          Things are going great in Africa right? They can’t get out fast enough to any European location.

        7. OneLove says:

          Amen, I agree. Whites are a violent group of people. Very clan like towards non-whites. We should have had our own state by now. We cannot live peaceably with these people.

  28. EZac says:

    Complete BS!
    “As I was about to taze em”?
    What peaceful protester brings a tazer with them?

  29. Lauren says:

    Whom ever wrote this is AN IDIOT! The people in the bars didn’t provoke the protesters. They asked them to leave. They were there to enjoy a ballgame (and they have a right to do that). It was after the protesters yelled and cursed at them that they yelled back and reacted. Get your story straight.

    Someone who was called a white cracker asshole because I wanted to walk into a stadium and cheer on my team.

  30. Danny Burr says:

    I dont know about there, but here in Oakland uve never seen things become destructive until police provoke a response. Ive been a citizen journalist for almost ten years now and have covered every major protest in the area in that time. Remember; police have one tool; force. If there is no violence they cant use that tool.

  31. rob says:

    What’s going on is delinquent minors and ignorant adults are taking to the streets cause they want to be on TVs like Ferguson. They aren’t there for the purpose of a protest. yes I live in Baltimore city it’s tons of misguided ppl out there that are just there for the kaos and don’t even care they are being recorded but at the end when they get that knock on the door from the police coming to arrest them from footages of them committing a crime they going to cry out for the media to say that they are innocent. Even when they are guilty as sin . It pisses me off cause it took yrs. To change Baltimore into a decent city ppl wanted to go see after being Hood infested. growing up in Murphy homes and Lafayette projects in the 80’s we come a long way now to fall back. Get ya damn minds right

  32. Become part of the solution. Protesting looting and rioting solves nothing.

  33. Abdul Hakeem says:

    Become part of the solution. Protesting looting and rioting solves nothing.

  34. von says:

    And I’m not racist but I see those who are and if you wasn’t there to see what kicked off shut the fuck up
    And y’all know white supremacist be on that bullshit…I have had encounters with them and I guarantee you the ones I had the problem with will think twice before calling somebody thats black a nigger..FLAT OUT

  35. jamrock says:

    Listen you ignorant asshole black people are tired of the white and there so call peace so call love so call leaders you and your people took this country by force and thought you got away with it funny you will find out soon how black take back what has been there’s since the beginning asshole

  36. jamrock says:

    And by the way we are the majority stop listening to bullshit if black people come together as one there is nothing we cannot do one thing the white man does not have is frustration being tired the white man can say what they want I am young and ready for anything and me and my brothers will fight to the death so our kids do not have to be influenced by the deception of the white like my for fathers. I donot care if the white think that they are untouchable you will feel the pain and anger of the black man I promise

  37. TiredOfDumbAsses says:

    Get facts straight. He was NOT unarmed. He had a spring loaded knife on his person… I’m not saying it was right to kill him. And no one was provoked by white supremacists. The people who were looting and vandalizing started doing it because that is how those ghetto assholes act in Baltimore. This race shit has to stop. People need to act right. A man was killed for an unknown reason by police. There’s an ongoing investigation and destroying shit will only drag out the process. Stop acting like savages for shit sake!

  38. LeVar says:

    I amfrom Washington DC and I have a lot of friends that live in Baltimore they echo the same thing that white supremacist like Mike here were talking s*** and had to get the s*** whipped out of them I don’t care if you drag some cracker out of his car and kick his ass he deserves it

  39. LeVar says:

    why is it so many white supremacist on melanoid nation you are really mad that we know what’s going on

  40. says:

    This article is complete bullshit. Takes away my faith in responsible journalism.

  41. Maalik says:

    A black kid is killed by black cops that work for a black police chief and a black mayor, and whites are the problem here? Y’all need to check yourselves.

  42. Liz says:

    The 16 and 17 year olds engaging in destructuve behavior has no excuse. But I do see why they were targetting the game attendees. Basically, these folks come to a game in an area where there is racial/social unrest and riots have been going on for days…not to participate…but to go along their business and treat a sports game as if it is more important because well…according to there lives, racial injustice in America is NOT important. Truth be told, their mocking presence alone was an insult. They would have u believe that no one new what was going on in this area for days.

    Do I agree with thr methods to MAKE the observers pay attention….no. Are they paying attention now? ABSOLUTELY. The non peaceful protests definitely aren’t favorable, but they have proven to be effective. Now that the city is in unrest, the forensic observation of Freddie has been ruled a homicide. The sad truth about power is this….
    the group that is unaffected by oppression can afford to live their merry lives and attent sporting events with their friends and drink beers why the oppressed group marches for 3 miles in the street. And the majority group that holds the power can just look on and judge the small group saying, “they look stupid doin all those marches and protests. thats not gonna do anything.”

    but what changed that day is some crazy teenagers decided to join the march. they watched the onlookers with their scrunched up faces sayin to each other, “why are they here disrupting our sports festivities with thus dumb sh* that no one cares about but black people?”

    u mix hurt emotion feeling crazies with superior scrunched up face lookin judgmental people who think race is a non issue and are emotionally upset by blacks telling them it is….and yoyr result is fighting in the street.

    do i agree with this? not at all
    do i think it is effective? well… death suddenly ruled a homocide when just a couple days ago forensics said he died from drugs.

    but hey, what do i know…
    im just one person in this crazy world.

  43. Tammy says:

    Are you f***ing kidding me??? The whites did not incite the bullshit! Did you not see the news??? They, the rioters began long before the stadium incident, and if you do your news facts, the rioters were antagonizing patrons, throwing trash cans and setting fires! WTF do you mean we whites incited that stupid acts??? Give me a break! So, this weekend, who do we blame when it happens again? Did you, O news reporter sit 4 hours in traffic? Did your store get robbed? What a stupid story. So, this weekend when my kid wanted to get out and go uptown , who do WE blame that we can’t beacause of the so called peaceful protests. Go back to school and learn how to write a story with facts, not some made up bullshit. So, is it okay when there are shooting in my hood, robberies and theft, that I get incited and go bat shit crazy because a group of people pissed me off? No, that wiukd be just a carzy white lady who has no rights in this pos city.

  44. Bobby DP says:

    I don’t condone innocent people getting hurt, or destruction or your own, if not others property who was not directly related to the cause of this matter. But there are riots and destruction of property by whites for no apparent reasons other than winning/losing a sports game, summer madness, rallies or concerts. That have had the similar to the same results. A few blacks out of millions don’t speak for me or has or shouldn’t have any bearing on who I am. If you believe that shit, then you believe that all blacks are the same. And if you’re white and believe that such acts make us all look bad, then you’re worst than the N word that you’ve used, and far more ignorant.

  45. Shawn says:

    Whoever titled this article is a piece of crap.

  46. K says:

    This is sooooooo funny how white people are getting blamed for this shit. I’m white, born and raised in Baltimore. I’ve dated black and Hispanic men. I’m so sick of people placing blame on race. This is NOT WHAT this world should be like. It’s a skin color people get over it!
    The only thing that bothers me the most is when I see this “Black Lives Matter” all lives matter. However I see more blacks killing blacks then anything. How about “drive my shootings”? A 3 year old “black” girl was playing in HER YARD in Baltimore City when she was struck and killed by a drive by shooting by a black man. But this NEVER get brought up….why??? Oh that’s right because it’s the RACE CARD! If a black cop would of shot and killed Freddie Gray would this of happened??? Seriously people get over yourselves and look at the big picture. Our law enforcement is here to serve and protect, no matter what color they are. Sure they could went about it in a different way however the kid just robbed a store and ran from the cops but I guess that’s okay. If Freddie Gray was white and the cop was black do you think the black people of Baltimore City would even care???? Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

  47. Prentiss says:

    LOL this has gotta the dumbest shit i’ve ever read! So instead of going after the person who called a nigger, instead u just tear up an innocent civilian’s resturant??? And race hustler Tariq is justifying this? Wow

  48. layla says:

    Well black people are fucking fed up with the bullshit, when white cops start killing there own fucking people then maybe the rest of you will see how we feel

  49. Cynthia says:

    Fras….I agree with most of your statement, however inequality has alot to do eith the generational curse that plaque blacks ,but to achieve equality means you have to sacrafice and work. Yes we have to work 10 times harder, but we arr not in slavery physically, but mentally. We want equality but we display a disconnect in how it is achieved. There will always be race issues, but bullshit like this riot crap is one example of a disconnect. So much energy is being wasted right now. Some not all need to go pick up a book, start a business, seize the opportunities that do come knocking and hold each accountable. There is Nothing worse than a pissed off idiot with a bullsit cause. Protest should begin with looking in the mirror at oneself. The struggle is very real and the pain is showing. Unfortunately nothing will change until the mindset changes.We must control these children ,all races and take back our families. Then and only then can we attempt to take back the streets.I have no issues with racism because I don’t give a damn what someone believes personally the world should be like ad long as they stay in their own lane and cone together to take care of whats important. Nothing good will come from hypocrisy and stupidity. I am not against aggression or violence if thats what the hand calls for, however,Change requires strategy,not tragedy

  50. Jack says:

    Once a Niger, always a monkey! Shoot their assed. They fail to realize how to act civil and better themselves. Stop blaming slavery on todays issues. Grow the tuck up and be a productive citizen of society. Bet they don’t realize it was a black officer who originally took the Freddy Gray call and Gray had been arrested 22 times and had 4 outstanding warrants. Do the right thing and follow the laws. Otherwise, keep acting like chimps, spooks, koons, etc….

    #Show your true color, #classless

  51. black panther movement says:

    Stfu you stupid uncle tom cracker fucks!!!keep it up yall deserve whats coming!!!for those of you who hate us blacks i think i speak for us all when i say SUCK MY FAT DICK and die slow…no pun intended for those whites who fucks with us no matter the color of our skin

  52. Maryland native Living in NC says:

    I am disgusted with how people react to critical situations rendering all hopes of a peaceful resolution to crisis null and void. This madness must stop. The cycle of stupidity must end. I pray to God that he sends a wave of the Holy Spirit over the unrest and bring things into perspective and guide the fools and idiots destroying what little bit of any respect minorities may still have in society. I am appalled and embarrassed to call myself a Baltimorean. #baltimoreriots #freddygray #freddiegray #baltimore

  53. MR says:

    “Suspected” white supremacists. The word “suspected” in front of anything means nothing. Prove it. Dude, they were white guys who wanted to see a baseball game. What the frack?!

  54. ThaMrs. says:

    I was thinking the exact same thing fras! Such bs if I ever heard it!

  55. dave says:

    There is a facebook page called Disturb Reality that has a video of this exact incident. I suggest you watch it before writing articles like this! You just clowned all the people that have been arguing on your behalf! We’ll done!

  56. John says:

    I’m in Baltimore too .

    Glad I have a .45 .

    I hear sirens everywhere . This is bad . Its embarrassing .

    Many of these ” rioters ” are kids . Almost all of them . Youths gone Wild .

    If they think they had it bad before it just got WAY worse . Trashing your own city ??? Are these kids really that stupid ? Has evolution left them behind ? Now they gotta live with it .

    5000 National Guardsmen just got here . Unbelievable .

    How can one dead drug dealer do this to a city ?

  57. Me says:

    Those complaining about how could these blacks destroy their own community….WHERE DO YOU THINK THE CIVIL WAR WAS FOUGHT?

  58. Brian says:

    Its not all the protesters its just the 1% the low life scumbags who come out to take advantage of a situation for their own gain or to just cause trouble. I saw one clip a kid said he had been waiti g for someth8ng like this to go down so he could go out and fuck shit up with no consequences and the people looting and smashing windows an attacking people should be shot right in the fucking stomach with a rubber bullet or a beanbag round for being a jackass. For them its not about Freddie or police brutality it about their bottom feeding asses thinking they have the right to do and steal and break whatever they want and who is left with the bill us the working tax payer the people whos property insurance that is now going to go up. Fuck them have a nice evening

  59. Rikki Murriell says:

    I just want to pray for everybody

  60. Greg says:

    This blog is a joke.white supremacist started the riots?hahahaha.burn all your shit,see if I care.your the ones who have to live in that shithole,not many blacks were killed by other blacks in Baltimore this year?zero personal responsibility in the black many black babies murdered by abortion?how many thousands of fatherless children in Baltimore?heres an idea-set down guns and crack pipes,be a DADDY to your kids,pay child support,stress education,get off gubment assistance,and get a job.that would be a nice start for change.OR-blame whitey for your miserable life,and continue what you’ve been doing,and keep getting what you’ve always got.i feel so sorry for the good black people,who take care of their kids,and work everyday.we know there are some of you out there.its just getting hard to see you because of the thuggery.

  61. Greg says:

    Impeach Barry Hussein obongo at once,and try him in a court of law for treason,and inciting riots.same for that racist piece of !&@?! We have on film helping incite riots.maybe that girl from the nail salon-I’m sorry,the mayor of Baltimore,,,could be prosecuted for inciting riots,and could cook and clean for Barry and shitbazz in prison.she was in no way qualified to govern a city.where was Hussein obongo and holder during all this?eating popcorn together watching it .and laughing about the FACT that they have set back race relations in this country back 40 years.

  62. Brendan says:

    One of the most of abursd articles Iv seen yet.

  63. Ashamedofwhereilive says:

    Stop living in the past, cause yes you live and you learn. Who’s coming up with solutions for police brutality. I’m white and my sister is black, I would much rather my dual race family stay alive where ever we choose to like as broke and moneyless as we are. I scared of police over empowerment and scared for my family just because a cop is having a bad day and decides to take there his/her anger out on us. Who is coming up with a solution to it? Who is putting in ideas to help stop the killing of innocent people. It doesn’t matter if your black or white or Mexican or any other race. Who is using there God given brain to help stop the brutality? Because that’s why we are protesting. A innocent man was shot several times for no reason. He could of just let the man run and they would of found him some other time. Simple as that. Over empowerment of any police officer is becoming more dangerous to us people then it is helping and protecting us.

  64. Jenelle says:

    This is my account I just wanted to get the truth out.

  65. Davemon says:

    Blacks are about the only people who just can’t advance in this world. If they can’t read it’s biased tests. If they have 70%!wedlock births it’s someone else’s fault, if they use welfare at a rate of five times white, it’s because of racism, if black males over 18 are 4% of the population but commit 50% of the murders the courts are rigged. Exhibit a: the guy on this post who said whites use more illegal drugs than blacks! Freddy was arrested 16 times over 8 years, all drugs with a smattering of burglary. All this with every advantage lowering the bar in schools, jobs, 8 a programs, HCBU preferences. Do you ever get tired of blaming everyone except the face in your mirror?

  66. OneLove says:

    Well, looks like the race war has started or maybe this is a continuation from slavery, colonialism and jim crow.

  67. john says:

    Blacks are a lost people and they know it, that’s why they are so angry!!! Hey Black man, how is that Obama doing for you after seven years??? You’re way worse off then when he came in. You think whitey hated you before, that’s nothing compared to now, so sit in your shit hole west Baltimore and rot!!!!

  68. Jc says:

    This is fucken sad all of u on here pointing fingers did u all see the news do some of u live in Baltimore most likely not this has nothing to do with Freddie Gray anymore this shit is out of control and I am sick of hearing it is a black and white thing because it is not this is stupid and yes I am white oh and before I get label has a cracker u should ask my black husband how he feels because he feels the same it stupid if u act like a animal that is what u r going to be label as OK u want we want justice for Freddie Gray I understand but where is the Justice for those business owners other innocent people who are getting hurt ( white people) for what this has nothing to do with us the police people we trust to protect and serve that is where ur rage should be not at the whites because where I live at they don’t give a fuck what Color u r they treat us all the same way people grow up open ur eyes and hearts we need to come together to make our city a better place for our children !!!!!!

  69. Robert says:

    Yeah right…white supremacists in Baltimore…a city that is nearly 70 percent black and is governed by blacks.Imagine that.That’s almost as ridiculous as suggesting that there are roaming bands of the kkk in Detroit.

  70. james says:

    This has got way out of hands , robbing stores, hurting innocent people, burning the city and more.. Like I saw some guy getting stuff thrown at his girlfriend and as soon as he steps out to protect her he gets jumped by the hole gang… and they are still blaming white people saying they started by calling them n*****. Some thug called Freddie has 22 criminal charges dies does not justify these actions. Always using race as a trumph card .

  71. R.R says:

    I’ve read many of these post and quite frankly it’s appalling at how many of you have missed the point. If the roles were reversed and black cops were killing young white boys it eould be viewed differently. When the law and policies only cover a certain nationality, gender and class what choice is there. Saying that I completely disagree with the folks in video; in my opinion they’ve lost sight and focus. Injuring or putting innocent civilians at risk is never a good thing. White or Black it’s all about equality. My only question is where are the politicians? Where’s the Mayor? The man of the people… Peaceful protest. The black community is massive across North America, what if we all went on strike to show solidarity?

  72. Johnson says:

    Keep it up blacks, you’re really waking up a sleeping giant! When it comes back to you in a trail of tears and blood letting you’ll be telling the world how wronged you were again. But you know what? Nobody will believe you except the enemies of civilization. Even your own people know you are liars, theives, and ghetto.

    I love Hollywood and Libs, they actually are teaching a minority to be aggressive to the point they actually think they stand a change at insulting and harassing a competent majority. I’ve never met a black engineer, I’m sure they exist but probably a genetic throwback to a white or asian guy a few generations down the line. The problem with negros are they are too stupid to know they are stupid. And by the time they shake the hornets nest it’ll be too late for them, with the full brunt of intellect, and cunning beating their asses into the caves where they belong.

    It’s really too bad though because even though 90% of blacks deserve what is coming to them, I’ll admit there are a 10% that deserve to be left alone and prosper in civilization. I hope we are able to give them all an IQ test and keep the smarter ones safe that actually have some civility to them. Like everything in Africa, including the animals like zebras versus Europeans Horses, like African killer Honey Bees versus the good European Bee. Africa just breeds stupidity, backwardness, and agression. How can the uncivilized beat that of the civilized cunning? You can see how we work studying our history books, you really want to try it again to rise up against Europeans? You think you can pull it off this time by voting with your dicks?. All I can say if you were smart you’d just try to meld into society and become productive and marry some of our white girls you like impregnating to get a little smarter over a few generations. But no, you’ll eventually piss off the sleeping giant that will crush you all. And how can you blame whites when we do? Would you want civilization to collapse like Africa where you coome from? With black males coming into the tents to lawlessly rape/molest their own black women. They think they are going to make this into Africa…laughs. I promise you that you’ll all be annihilated first or broken down into civilization and productivity. Choices are up to you. Black boys and girls bleed alot is the boomerang that will come back to you lawless entropic beasts.

  73. There are thousands of Baltimore’s out there and they have the potential to one day explode. The reality is the power structure knows it and instead of addressing the situation or defusing it with positive changes, they prepare for and even encourage mass civil disobedience. This is the reason children were let out of school early but not transported home. It is also the reason for the militarization of the police force and the rise in “paramilitary groups. The people in power manipulate and escalate a civil war, this will be their “Purge” and blacks and whites alike are too dumb to see what’s coming.

  74. alpah gerrity says:

    lets be honest, after seeing those apes run amok in Blacktimore, you cant blame whites for segregation.

    Dems apes would be bangin’ and shootin each other if they did not have they attention distracted for a minute to go after any white they get they hands on.

    These are hate crimes by ape scum. If the KKK did these attacks, we would stop them, to let these gang bangin monkeys run around robbing and attacking whites makes you the same as the KKK.

    You see dem fat old white men standing at a bar and getting attacked by dem ape? You know what they control..? they control HIRING for J-O-B. Do you think a brotha gettin a job from them next time he roll up with a application. NOPE. They aint gonna hire no brotha ever again, because they gonna hate all blacks for this hate crime. These brotha is cowards and suckas, and they are taking food from the mouth of my baby and its momma because none these old white men will want a thing to do next time some black want any job or position at they company.

    Yall stupid cheerin, wait till the fall out mah nizzle. These the same apes who burn they own hood in ’69, and then cant figure out why they got no place to shop. You cant blame whites on this one, some nizzle got too much money in them like savages and dey ruin it for them and everyone else.

    Cheer and keep cheering cuz in a week or two dese nizzle apes will be breaking into yall cars, raping yo wife, stealing yo chit.

  75. alpah gerrity says:

    Freddy – the claimed abuse victim dese coons all started shheeet over, well,.. it turns out that his spinal injury was caused by a CAR ACCIDENT that he had been in long before gettin caught selling drugs by the po-po.

    So the cops did not do anything to this thug, a car accident did, and Freddy was getting a big insurance settlement, but was supposed to be at home in bed, instead, like a true nig, he was out sellling drugs after surgeons had just performed SPINAL SURGERY ON HIM.. that and the accident is what injured him, not cops. I am a self hating black now. The black is too stupid to remain free.

  76. allian says:

    when i watch dat viedo of that coons arrest, he is laying next to a bike (i bet its stolen- nig done stole mah bike) and is at the base of a brick wall.

    I bet its a case of coon head vs. brick wall = fractured vertebrae in neck. He probably wrecked on the bike trying to flee justice, and rammed his head into the wall he is laying in front of, and the force of nappy head into solid brick is what caused his injury, because he ran from the cops.

  77. jhorshan says:

    Not sure if this article is a joke or not…… If its not its total bullshit. White people were not instigating protesters. White people were huddled back to back outside camden yards trying to shield themselves from the bricks being thrown at them. The actions taken by blacks during this riot just show the truth. They really fucking hate white people

  78. Landau says:

    African Americans have, as a last resort of course, resorted to violence as a means of gaining the respect as a people that they so willingly deserve and because of this they are persecuted for it. They are considered criminals and thugs. But if you look at the current historical record Europeans and Americans of european decent have also employed methods of violence to gain their respect among other groups of people as well as acquire whatever the desired result was for them at any particular time. Of course when they do it they’re considered heros but when we as a people employ self determination as a whole which may in turn lead to violence we’re considered criminals and thugs. If anything else, blacks are more just in they’re use of violence than white. When whites use it they use it to take something from someone else. When blacks use it they use it in response of what is being done to them.

    1. cookie says:

      “Blacks” are human beings. We are all a part of the human race. Your words make me feel like you are separating them from everyone else. The point of the protest is that they are people and should be the same as everyone else. And they are to many, media will not portray that reality. We are all people. And everyone lashes out when backed in a corner out of fear and desperation. Stop dividing people and unite them with your words. People need wisdom. Not more division. My heart goes out to all of the family’s and children there. ALL of them.

  79. Opinion says:

    All of you are making humanity look bad by arguing and separating yourselves from one another. This is exactly why these situations/scenarios are instigated and enforced – to further separate us. Wake the fuck up – stop arguing. The problem isn’t racism anymore – the problem is the elite who are still brainwashing cops with fear-based mentality with race. The problem is the elite seeing us all start to come together in our HUMANITY and begin to rise – they want to knock us down through separation and fear through situations like this. Stop arguing. Stop fighting amongst one another. A people divided can never stand up against the ones who are enslaving ALL of us. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

    1. cookie says:

      I agree with you. This is all clearly designed to race bait, and divide us. My hearts goes out to everyone there. I hope everyone hurt and angry will still their minds long enough to see the damage that is happening outside of themselves.

    2. I’m going to teach all of you how to teach and train the devil that is Americas police with its evil support group.stay tuned.

  80. cookie says:

    This is not a battle against race. It is a battle against people and animals. Every race has its own demons. There are people that choose to behave like animals and others that choose to live in logic and apply critical thinking. This is a very sad situation. It is NEVER okay to take another persons life. Forget color. That is not the issue. All human life matters and it needs to be knowledged. My heart goes out to every mother and father. On both sides. They are so blind in their anger. People need to own their behavior, admit their faults, and allow healing and solution to follow. This is wrong.
    I will continue to pray for peace.

  81. frederick says:

    this is very bad
    these niggers are sick

  82. John says:

    The blacks should go back to Africa PERIOD!! This country was not created for them to live in. It’s for whites, and other more civilized races but not for the niggers! Blacks blame the whites for EVERYTHING and think we owe them something. That’s all niggers want is a free ride so they can pop out more monkey babies and collect more welfare checks. GO BACK TO AFRICA PLEEEEEASE and let this country grow to its full potential because with niggers here that will NEVER happen!

    1. Derrick Cool says:

      Umm hmm this country doesn’t belong too Caucasians, therefore it belongs too the natives your ancestors murdered. Caucasian people are from the caucuses mountains in Russia.You people are extremely allergic too the Sun, therefore you need too drink milk too compensate for the lack of vitamin D you sub human vampires don’t receive from the Sun.

      I know all about you subhumans,Caucasians are dying off .Your birth rates are at a all time low and race mixing isn’t helping Lmao…Your time for repentance is near subhuman devils.Almighty Ra will kill you generic humans off….Black Pride!

  83. John says:

    And btw cops kill more white people than they do blacks but you don’t see us yelling racism when a black cop shoots a white man. It happens all the time. That’s all the blacks know how to do is play the race card it’s pathetic! All niggers are racist but refuse to admit it. This country wasn’t made for niggers. Go live with your own kind in Africa if you’re so proud of your race. You see how people in Africa live don’t you? Well that’s what America will look like if we don’t put a stop to these uncivilized violent niggers! WHITE PEOPLE WAKE UP AND TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!

  84. John says:

    Dindu Nuffins blacks can barely function amongst abundance and sure as hell can’t function in scarcity. Blacks as a whole have low IQ’s s, low impulse control, and high time preference. America is not going to transition into a space based economy with the Baltimore’s, Detroit’s, etc hanging around our necks. Dindu’s have to go and will go. It doesn’t have to be race war which the Dindu’s would lose. It could be done with an ethnocentric disease- a designer plague strictly bioengineered for Africans. America has hit peak negro level and the White working class which keep America running and the ruling elite have Dindu fatigue. If I was black I’d get out of America before its too late. EQUALITY. Is a Cultural Marxist social construct but race is real and matters because genetics are real and matter.

  85. yourdumb says:

    Your a stupid muva fucker, i live in baltimore and them white people werent white race soldiers you stupid fuck, get your head out of your ass.
    They where patrons being hit with debris and and called racial names by your black brothas, You dont no shit, except to make a bad experience worse.

  86. Larry Miller says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Any group that generates the deafening controversy such as blacks do have forfeited any right to live amongst the rest of us. Proof. Do whites follow blacks begging to live next door to them? Fuck no. It’s blacks who “follow” the white man wherever he moves to then move in next door to live with his kind because they know full well black culture is bankrupt. LBJ was the worst anti American born shoving the 1964 civil rights acts down the rest of our throats. Fuck him and everything he and his kind ever stood for. May, they suffer for all eternity

  87. soul sista says:

    white people are the true savages. look at history, lynchings, burning down communities, spreading std’s, smallpox etc since over 1,000 years (yes and your christopher columbus….what a effin joke). why are you trying to send us back to afrika when it was your white dumb ass that carried us here (middle passage). Didn’t know we would multiply and take over huh? guess not, jokes on you….. tee hee.”Hell no we won’t go” I proclaime. i’ll go back to afrika when your white ass go back to europe. I’ll sell you the one way ticket….dumb asses. I have all the right to be in this country as anyone else. just one more thing to add to you condemnation, is the fact that we won’t work your fields and pick yo “cotton” and let the old masta beat our asses. so on that note……………….GO TO HELL! have a nice day.

    1. Mike says:

      You have no memory of slavery, That’s like saying I need reparations from ROME, because they enslaved most of Germany at one time. Get a fucking job and quit spitting out ghetto bastard children with 40 different fathers, and quit trying to look like white women with straight hair with your ugly ass weave while bad mouthing your betters.! Whites are far superior to you niggers, and you know it, that’s why you hate us so much! Oh and Columbus was a spic! Vikings’ were on this land 500 years before he showed up, another example of white superiority!

  88. Mike says:

    White supremacist sports spectators? Sorry, but white supremacist’s do not watch sports as they are chock full of the very filth we hate!

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