White Cop Face Death Threats For Breaking The White Supremacist Code

One of the reasons why the system of white supremacy stays firmly in place for so many years, is because so many people from the dominant white society are afraid to speak out against it. History has shown that white people who break the racist code and speak out against white supremacy, are usually punished by those in the dominant society who wish to maintain that system.

This “white supremacist backlash” has occurred recently for a brave white police officer from Oregon,who turned in his chief for making a series of racist slurs about Black people. Officer Alex Stone, of the small city of Clatskanie, Oregon, said he and fellow officer Zack Gibson decided to come forward after witnessing their police chief, Martin Hoover, pound on his chest and howl like a monkey while being briefed about a complaint by a Black suspect.

Race soldier Martin Hoover was placed on paid administrative leave after the complaint and retired soon afterwards, receiving praise from the city for his services.

Since officer Alex Stone has come forward to expose the injustices of the department, his life has been threatened by other white supremacists who wish to punish Stone for breaking the “code”.  “I’ve received death threats, a tire flattened with a nail on my driveway. My kids, they’re afraid to go outside”, Stone has said in a recent interview.

‘My wife’s been forced off the road twice. I’ve had people in the community yelling the N-word at me.’

It’s a shame that we live in a society where being honest and doing the right thing and standing up for justice, is something that will garner death threats from people who wish to maintain a system of injustice against people based on race.


196 thoughts on “White Cop Face Death Threats For Breaking The White Supremacist Code

  1. Prince Hadji says:

    May ALLAH make it easy on this man & his family for speaking truth to power… & hopefully this wont disparage anyone else for standing up on truth, let alone us as a Melanoid people to stand up for ourselves, a GODgiven rite, etc

    1. Adam says:

      Why don’t these white bastarda that are making all these threats to this cop show his fucking face??? Or who ever made the hit to harass this real white person, why don’t they show their face at all? Because they are cowards and bitches hiding under a couple of attorneys and other fake cops. And none of them will come out and admit who they are, it’s sad because even the Arabs get down on their knees to praise allah! And they do it any place, any time, and in front of anybody…. They are not afraid to show the American world who they are and what they believe in. But these people who are in America and claim to own the white America, are afraid of showing who they are…… sad really and they claim this country like it’s theirs, but these people who praise allah are not afraid of showing you in your own country…..

  2. May the great god Allah be his Protector Guide and Salvation by Night and by Day Amen!!!!!!!!

    1. Jermaine Scott says:

      We as the people need to help out to, we need to back him up. Make sure the good cop family is safe and secure. Watch over his family. Other wise we are just as fake as the evil races cops. Jesus or Allah, don’t just want people to pray, we are to also help. That way the good cop and all of us can be blessed.

    2. lucille says:

      My prayer is for God to place a hedge of protection around Officer Alex Stone and his family. There is Power in Prayer and I believe that strongly and so his family and there name will be placed at the Altar at SPMBC May God Bless him for his courageous acts od service

      1. Prince Hadji says:

        Your comment does not apply to the point that I expressed. Yes, we are to & sould be actively mobile in our progress..but we can also in being concurrent with action concerning things are above human control

    3. dwayne belton says:


  3. nik says:

    How about setting up a gofundme for this brave soldier instead of hollering Allah?? Get off your knees black ppl and start doing

      1. WB Mathews says:

        Okay I’ll take the bait. Why is he an idiot?

    1. eddie says:

      These are Moor not Christians so we don’t get on our knees may the Great God Allah keep the European safe.

      1. Stephen says:

        Oregon is in Europe?

        1. Marlon Hill says:

          FAR Western Europe, yes…

      2. Prince Hadji says:


      3. Moors do get on their knees during prayer, they just don’t stay there..

    2. Jimmy says:

      He has one its at gofundme.com/helppoliceofficer

    3. Eric says:

      “Get off your knees black ppl and start doing”

      It’s not just black people, it’s all people. You just exposed the true problem that lingers day by day. All lives matter and just singling out a specific race by saying “get off your knees black ppl” would lead people to believe you have your own issues to deal with

      1. Prince Hadji says:

        Youre speaking on things you Really dontunderstnd clearly…if anything needs to be prayed for , its for the Creator to bring you out of your ignorance. smh

        1. Prince Hadji says:

          (To Doug) Youre speaking on things you Really dontunderstnd clearly…if anything needs to be prayed for , its for the Creator to bring you out of your ignorance. smh

          1. Prince Hadji says:

            (To Doug) Youre speaking on things you Really dontunderstnd clearly…if anything needs to be prayed for , its for the Creator to bring you out of your ignorance. smh

      2. Leroy Hughes says:


    4. Doug says:

      I agree with you my friend, this Allah and Jesus crap is not the answer. If Allah is so great, send him to Syria to save his misguided followers.

      1. Dab says:

        Allah leaves it to ppl to except responsibility for crisis we are the ones being judged not Allah

      2. Prince Hadji says:

        I concur !

      3. Prince Hadji says:

        (To Doug) Youre speaking on things you Really dontunderstnd clearly…if anything needs to be prayed for , its for the Creator to bring you out of your ignorance. smh

    5. Tjack says:

      The get off your knees comment wasn’t necessary but I agree, does he have a go fund me page? I’ve never contributed, but would for this guy

    6. Britney says:

      Wait so it is up to us to make him a go fund me page? Seriously?

    7. japhya says:

      Maybe you need to get on your knees. The devil is a liar

    8. dwayne belton says:

      who is on their knees…you set it up

  4. Dave says:

    Someone setup the gofund me?

  5. Dave font says:

    Has a go find me been setup?

    1. Jimmy says:

      Yes there has been one setup for him I seen it its at gofundme.com/helppoliceofficer

  6. Truth speaker says:

    Shut up Nik you sorry piece of white trash. Why don’t you get up and do something useful with your worthless life instead of speaking hate and condescending comments

    1. Kevin says:

      Nik is right

  7. Lerato says:

    I support u 100 % Nik for thinking on your feet instead of hollering Allah on your knees when a life is in danger

  8. Reggie says:


    1. mark says:

      Nik u have a point why not setup a gofund for people who stick their neck out to help our race u want to talk shit to this man when u idiot can’t get outside your religion u pray to Allah u black except your spiritually and move forward within yourself and stop waiting on a savior to come save u that come from the same people who oppress u

      1. Jermaine Scott says:

        Mark is right, we need to back the officers or anyone that that point out injustice like that Oregon cop. That is a definition of a hero. Because it’s not really about race, it’s wrong or right. That cop did the right thing, and we need to have his back. That way more cops will start doing the right thing to.

        1. Daniel Silva says:

          That’s right! “In my best Dave Chappell voice!”

    2. dc1969 says:

      You are absolutely right, brother Reggie.

    3. T-Dawg says:

      Its not white peoples job to save black people either, dumb ass. Your a racist piece of dirt.

      1. Z Rasul says:

        I am in support of What Reggie said: Actually, it is their responsibility, considering that it is their direct ancestors who have and is perpetrating the tyranny, terrorism and mayhem on Black people. If they are decent human beings, then they will do what this decent policeman did. We say thank you and keep it moving, no one suggests starting a Gofundme fund for all of the Black Heroes and Heroins that have put their necks on the line and died for it. We can not afford to show and Love other people more than ourselves, especially, if they are doing the right thing. Recognizing that this is a good deed, Say Thank You and keep it moving in our struggle.

    4. Now why yo dum ass got to get on here and yell all that bs it’s everyone needs to start doing because it’s been sum whites out there helping wen them black dude got shot and your one of the reasons people afraid to get together afraid of being turned on who wants a mf standing behind them who might stab them and that’s goes for everyone stop yelling and start doing let that be the motto now i just might be sum dum street mf who don’t kno shit but I do kno yelling at each other ain’t doing shit but watt they want to keep the attention off them wake the fuck up and let start with the real mf

  9. Joe says:

    One man’s traitor is another man’s freedom fighter. I would gladly have him patrol our neighborhood here in CA. Have all the good cops rounded up and ship em where their communities want them.

  10. Frank Sha Francios says:

    I posted this story on my Facebook page. One white persons response is that ” not all white people are hateful racist” I believe it to be true that not all white people are racist. But like this article states racism is often kept alive by a a code of silence. Racist white like to deny the obvious effects of racism and deny its continuous effects on non-whites. True justice freedom and equality seeking white people openly speak up against racism and are actively involved doing something to put and end to it. RACISM AND POLICE BRUTALITY ARE MAJOR PROBLEMS.

    1. Halle says:

      Well said.

    2. Z Rasul says:

      Well Said, and to add to that, Remember that “White Supremacy” exceed individual people, This system is functioning and controlled at a level that well exceed many of your every day “White People” who will and are happy to follow orders. The Bigger threat are the White People who have the real power and control at the Government Levels, Local, state and Federal., Judicial system, and other levels of government which will allow Privatization of prisons who profits of our imprisonment, more bodies, more money, statistically and historically that has always been predominantly “Black Men” Now its Black Male Children, Department of justice, this power is synchronized to keep us under foot, their soldiers on the ground are implementing their design to help keep them on top of us, keep us in check by any means necessary.

  11. Leroy says:

    This comment section is the most racist thing I have read in a long time. A man does the right and all these comments talk about is racist white people and some dude talking about how white people dont need no help. Nothing will change until you change yourself.

  12. Jimmy says:

    He has a gofundme account I seen it the link to it is gofundme.com/helppoliceofficer

  13. Khalid Ali says:

    Honors to him! Some body has to make a stand.

  14. dj says:

    I understand where most of y’all are coming from but at the end of the day Stone really didn’t have to “do his job” knowing that his career can be on the line as well as putting his family’s life at risk but he did anyway and I respect dude for that. I respect him for that because most of the black cops don’t even have the balls to do that. Most black cops go along to get along.

    Look at how that female black cop immediately co-signed and got on code with that dirty pig who mistreated Sandra Bland during a racial profile stop…oops I mean traffic stop. Or how about that other dirty pig who shot the black guy in the back mad times in S.C. and the black cop watched the dirty cop placed what I believe was a tazer by the viticim’s lifeless body. I am pretty sure y’all seen examples like this with your own eyes or experienced them y’all selves..

    Remember how back in the South during the 50’s and 60’s they call people like Stone N!&&3R Lovers and sometimes those N!&&3R lovers ended up missing and dead just like the Blacks did.

  15. I’m am so sick and tired of blacks saying they don’t have the power to be racist!! Man y’all more racist than white people! Always always having to put the blame off on someone else and that else is always white! Y’all aren’t the minority anymore!! So quit with the poor me I’m black sob stories! Y’all have more opportunities than white people now a days! So save us your white people only racist bull crap!!

    1. JayBay says:

      Y’all aren’t the minority anymore!!

      ……So black people make up the majority of all Americans now? So black people control the government, tv stations, police forces etc. I’m sorry but last time I checked there’s no groups of blacks oppressing whites. There’s no blacks passing laws trying to get more whites thrown in jail, keeping them out of corporations and so on. If you’re gonna come on here spewing bs, at least try to come with some examples to back up your point. Otherwise you look less like a “truth speaker” and more like an emotional dumbass

      Y’all have more opportunities than white people now a days!

      Let’s see what a quick google search says about that;
      According to the BLS, African Americans experienced an unemployment rate of 10.2 percent in May, up from 9.6 percent in April. Meanwhile, the national average was 5.5 percent in May with whites experiencing an unemployment rate of 4.7 percent.Jun 5, 2015

      In what regards? You mean in employment? A quick google search shows that blacks have twice the unemployment rate of whites. Plus when you take into account how blacks are stereotyped in western society, even a qualified black person can easily get denied a job.This shit doesn’t just apply in America. White supremacy is a worldwide phenomenon. I live in Asia and if you’re white you’re automatically given preference over any other foreigner. Including other Asians! There are literally positions called “white monkey: jobs where you get paid to pretend to be the CEO of companies out here so they can appeal to western nations. So save your little bs. You white supremacists come on here spouting that whole “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” ideology and completely ignore that most of the time you’re connected to why we’re struggling in the first place. I’ll agree that blacks do need to make their own economy and learn to love one another. We do have a lot of coons and dumbasses in our group that don’t advance us in any way and keep us in a state of ignorance.The thing is though, when we do get blacks preaching about coming together and building there’s ALWAYS some group of white people who want to come in and disrupt it. Every. Fucking. Time.

      1. zprude says:

        We try to build they burn! We network, they infiltrate! We reach out, they cut off our hands! We gather, they steal the gatherings!
        We would do in moment, but there is no support to keep them off of our trail long enough to build anything substantial, or self sustainable to change world views about who we are, or what we can contribute.

      2. Ronald Price says:

        Add me we.need to work

      3. Royc says:

        Truth Seeker, the story is about a White officer whose life has been threatened for exposing racist cops in their ranks. How far up your a$$ did you have to reach to pull out your reply to this article? My guess is not very far!!!

      4. African Jiidah says:

        Im with you one hunned per cent. Bless you

    2. Jarrod says:

      Do you really believe what you just posted if you really believe we have more opportunities then whites then dress your self up as a black man for a week or even a day and I bet you could tell the difference we out there getting arrested for failing to turn a signal I seen 1 video where a black man gets pulled over for simply looking at a cop while driving don’t ever come out your mouth and say no bull crap like this you my friend is what is wrong with America y’all are so blind to see racism and another example when that racist bastard shot up that church and killed 9 people he got taking to Burger King WHILE BEING ARRESTED!!!! I never heard no crap like that so do us a favor and just stfu

    3. black says:

      Yall are now what i know that you’re a racist by the response.

  16. Rachelle Lindsey says:


  17. Tony says:

    Jesus cover him with the blood

  18. Blacks don’t have to be a group to be racist jaybay. And the city I live in of savannah,ga. there’s groups of you everywhere. Whites don’t have to throw you in jail. Yall handle that quite well on your own with the drug dealing and killing of your own kind. In my city there’s a shooting everyday of black on black. The only reason a black person is struggling in this day and time is purely on his or her own doings. When a white person doesn’t get a job you don’t hear them yelling its because I’m white! Quit blaming every damn thing that doesn’t go your way or when you don’t get handed what you want on a silver platter is because your black!! Take responsibility for own lives and quit blaming the white people!!!!!

    1. JayBay says:

      :sigh” It never ceases to amaze me how many white people find their way onto this site and start bitching about “pull yourself up by your bootsraps”. It’s funny cuz even during the civil rights movement when they were burning down churches and lynching us they still said the same thing. When they burned down our successful towns like Black Wallstreet or denied us loans to start businesses, or created the prison industrial complex they said the same thing. Look dumbass, no one is saying all of black people’s problems are because of white people. It’s just that you, like many white people, can’t stand it when any race says anything about you and it’s not praise. Your people did and do play a role in black people’s situation. The fact that Dylan Roof or any other white person who goes around killing blacks immediately gets millions on gofundme pages is proof of that. The fact it’s been proven thousands of times that blacks receive harsher sentences that whites for the same crime is proof.

      I’ll agree with you to an extent. There is a lot of violence and problems in the black community. I’m not so arrogant as to believe that we’re perfect. We do need to come together and take care of a lot of things. Thing is though I’m also not stupid enough to believe that black people’s situation isn’t by design in America. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. White supremacy is a group sport.

    2. Royc says:

      The only White people that don’t complain are the ones that are qualified for their jobs and positions. Those that aren’t ( that would be people like you ) are always crying reverse discrimination. This sense of entitlement is what blinds you to fact that you whine the loudest when you don’t get your way.

  19. And white people can easily get denied a job also and do. The only difference is white people don’t turn it into a race thing.I know plenty of white people who work 2 or 3 minimum wage paying jobs to make ends meet.And they don’t bitch or complain about it or blame another race because they have to bust there ass to survive and put food on the table. And they don’t take handouts from the government or get on food stamps just because “they can”. You don’t have to be white surprimicist to see the cold hard truth. And you talk about being stereotyped?? Huh…seems to me your the racist and calling a white person a white surprimacist just because I’m calling it as I see it.

    1. JayBay says:

      Google is not your friend. Here’s yet another article with a link that shows that whites will get hired over blacks.

      The study, published in the journal Social Forces, shows that while a degree from an elite university improves all applicants’ chances at finding a well-paid job, the ease with which those jobs are obtained is not equal for black and white students even when they both graduate from an institution such as Harvard University. A white candidate with a degree from a highly selective university, the paper suggests, receives an employer response for every six résumés he or she submits. A black candidate receives a response for every eight.
      White candidates with degrees from less-selective universities can expect to get a response every 9 résumés, while equally qualified black candidates need to submit 15.

      1. JayBay says:

        . And they don’t take handouts from the government or get on food stamps just because “they can”.
        Once again, Google is not your friend on this argument

        Welfare Demographics
        Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
        Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
        Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
        Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
        Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

        Your friends might not be on welfare but according to this whites and blacks are on it at about equal numbers. Hmmmm…..Guess you white people better start pulling on those bootstraps.

        1. Shocka says:

          And that’s what they’re willing to admint publically. Yep.

    2. Truth Be Told says:

      I also don’t see a single white person taking responsibility for a single action of theirs. If you did then the world would know, that it was white people who came here slaughtered, raped, and pillaged from the indians. Now ya’ll telling the indians if they don’t like it then they can go back to their own country. You say that if blacks don’t like it go back to their own country. Last time i checked black folk are the only race who did not immigrate to america. We were stolen from our lands and home forced to serve disrespectful people who stole all of our ideas (which still continues to this day.) Then when we say something about we’re crying, we should stop and tighten our bootstraps or whatever the saying is. Look through out history everytime some major genocide or destruction occured white people were at the forefront. Yet we should take responsibility for our actions when some of the time if not most we aren’t even breaking the law, we get beaten and arrested. Tell me how many white people do you know that has gone through the same thing? Not one yet you criticize us ted kazinski, jeffery dahmer, john gacy, ted bundy they have killed mass amounts of people period. However apparently only black people are the ones who are wrong when and if they kill. Get off your high horse if you don’t like america go back to your own country. I’ll give you a hint seeing as most of you don’t even know that you are european descent, from the caucasus mountains. America is not your land deal with it and stop thinking that you’re never wrong, Because sadly it’s the racist one’s who are always wrong take the hint.

  20. And Rachelle…Y’all are not racist huh? Well I can say the same thing for my race too. Leave y’all the fuck alone? Nobody’s bothering y’all sweety. Y’all stir up yalls own problems and misfortunes.Riots and burning buildings and looting stores when there’s an injustice in your community doesn’t solve anything. Do you see any other races acting barbaric like that? When white cops or white sulvillians get murdered by blacks we don’t burn down our own city’s. White people started this fight? Sounds like that’s coming from a racial hatred towards white people place. Sounds to me your the one with the racist problem.

    1. JayBay says:

      Y’all are not racist huh? Well I can say the same thing for my race too
      And Google says’ https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map

      Here’s the highlights
      784 Total number of hate groups active in the US

      57 State with the highest number of hate groups: California

      72 Total number of Ku Klux Klan groups in 2014

      142 Largest number of groups by ideology: Neo-Nazi

      ……Yeah according to this a lot of you guys are drinking the haterade

      White people started this fight? Sounds like that’s coming from a racial hatred towards white people place.

      No that’s actually coming from a historical place. You know the past several hundred years? Strictly speaking, your people did start this fight. All across the world it’s pretty much been the same pattern
      1.White people “discover” a land
      2.White people see savages
      3.White people civilize savages by making them convert to Christianity. Also kill and rape the natives and force them to do slave labor for them
      4.White people get upset that savages don’t like it when you go around killing their people. Those racist savages! Yeah we kill them, take their resources, and punish them more severely for the same crimes but so what?! That’s in the past….or present depending on where you’re looking.
      5.Repeat All I’m saying is, there’s a reason a lot of countries don’t like western ideologies and can’t stand you.

      1. JayBay says:

        When white cops or white sulvillians get murdered by blacks we don’t burn down our own city’s

        I agree. Burning down your city is dumb as fuck and I can’t stand it when black people do that shit. The reason why your people don’t march however is simple. Your people control the police. If I go and kill a white cop you’d better BELIEVE that there will be a manhunt and my ass will be going to jail If not me, then someone who looks close enough will suffice. In other words, justice will be served. However if you go and shoot up a church like Dylan Roof did you know what’ll happen? You’ll have a gofundme page set up in your honor and get tons of cash. If you’re a cop, you get the cash and a vacation. Or if you do get taken off the force you just get transferred to another town. Also (at least on the internet) you’ll be called a hero. So in other words, not very justicey. That’s the issue here. Justice. Getting the appropriate punishment for the appropriate crime. But of course you already knew that. White people love to play dumb and pretend that we’re treated equal when they know damn well we’re not. This whole attempt has just been one elaborate plot to get black people to go back to sleep and pretend that we’re not hated in America and the world. And they talk and talk and talk but never actually push to DO anything. And then get mad when we get upset and start talking about coming together. Like I said earlier. Every. Fucking. Time.

    2. Truth Be Told says:

      Like white people have never rioted? Last time i checked there’s always a riot after some major sporting even that you guys love. Hockey games being the most usual place to find one. By the way hockey was made by black folk if you didn’t already know that.

    3. Yahn says:

      We’re either here to support the cop or we’re not. Right now the comments are representing what he stood up against. What’s happening to him and his family is an obvious indication that there are still some racist white people. If you have hate in your heart toward white people because they are white, you are racist black person. My brothas let us not entertain the ignorant comments made by ignorant people. Let’s us praise the Most High for the work our white brother .

  21. Rob Zombie says:

    Hate always comes back to devour itself and land on its own sword.

    It’s just a matter of time.

  22. Tony says:

    Colored Waiting Room is a novel worth reading!

  23. Is didn’t matter what color,race,nationally a cop is…if he or she has a badge they use that power they so love to have against the race or sex of a person they don’t like. And you can’t tell me if a cop has a bad day or run in with a race or certain sex of a person they had the problem with there going to take it out on any person that fits that mold. Most cops are nothing but bullies with a badge! And as seen in the past and present are allowed to get away with murder. There is no justice system. I have no respect nor do I trust any cop of any race.

  24. Yes I do see color and yes I do stay with my own race. If that makes me racist guess what? I don’t give a flying fuck. I wake up every day I go to my job and I interact with other races every day. That’s life. I don’t go through life mad or enraged I treat people with respect as long as you treat me with respect no matter what color you are. My belief’s are my right and nothing will ever change that. We’ve all got one life. Try to make the best of it and stay true to who you are.

    1. JayBay says:

      That’s life. I don’t go through life mad or enraged I treat people with respect as long as you treat me with respect no matter what color you are. My belief’s are my right and nothing will ever change that. We’ve all got one life. Try to make the best of it and stay true to who you are.

      I’ll be blunt and to the point on this reply. If black people truly hated white people, as in the way the bloods and crips have hated each other, there would be drive-bys in white neighborhoods every week. Currently what I’ve seen is we still (unfortunately) have blacks fighting abroad to defend America’s ideologies and plenty of examples of our side showing forgiveness towards whites. So stop with that “you’re an angry black man” bs. As for that “Try to make the best of it and stay true to who you are” comment, ….no…just…no. When all else fails just tell black people just to accept life for what it is huh? Not really that much different from “if you don’t like it then go back to Africa” is it? We’ve tried making the best of our life in America and all it’s done is get us killed,thrown in jail, or discriminated against. So no, I won’t “make the best of it”. My people are going to come together and fight this corrupt system. You can “make the best of it” because you don’t have the same issues that our people do. And at the end of the day, your people don’t give a shit. So stop with the lovey-dovey speeches. We’ve heard this shit over and over again. Even MLK was quoted that he feared he was integrating his people into a burning building before he died. Looks like he was right.

  25. Donkey says:

    How did a simple article of injustice turn into a race war of comments
    Lets please stop blaming each other and just fix the problem
    Pray to whoever you please
    Signed by ” the blak stallion”

  26. Bann says:

    This entire thread is full of ignorance….which is why I never talk to people that don’t have a full set of teeth.

  27. Amen Amin says:

    Goodness and fairness should not have to be defined by color or race. I appreciate this man for what he did and I am a proud man who is Black.

    1. Amen Amin says:

      I also think anti Black people racism is more economic control than race. It is also about some people who can only feel racial importance by putting down other people that don’t look like them.

  28. Nika says:

    Fuck You All

    1. JayBay says:

      Elaborate plz

  29. As I said before people can feel however they damn well please. Seems “jaybay” is the one filled with hatred towards white people. Your responses are filled with racism whether you admit it or not. Just proves my case that “your people” are just as racist! So when your people stand up and fight better believe my people will do the same. Mlk got what he deserved!

  30. Alex Mitchell says:

    say when and i will be there at your side,

  31. JayBay says:

    So when your people stand up and fight better believe my people will do the same. Mlk got what he deserved!

    And there you have it folks! It didn’t take long for this white supremacist to go from “That’s life. I don’t go through life mad or enraged I treat people with respect as long as you treat me with respect no matter what color you are. ” to “Mlk got what he deserved!”. So you can only imagine what he thinks about the rest of you black folk. All these white supremacists are the same. Just tell them the truth for long enough and you’ll see their true sides come out. And just for the record, I never said anything about black people needing to act violent when I referred to standing up and fighting. Everything I stand for is for black people coming together economically and spiritually. Additionally, I never said anything bad about the cop in this article. If he’s exposing the truth then I think that’s a very noble thing and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. He should be rewarded and put under proper protection. On the OTHER hand though, Truth speaker and Alex Mitchell here think that every one of you doesn’t go along with the program of white supremacy and gets gunned down gets what you deserve.

  32. Truth 247 says:

    I guess that I am a little radical, but with all the rich minorities in this country, we can help break this silence on racism in the USA. If I was Jay-Z or Dr. Dre, I would help this person start a security service and I would be one of his clients. He can move out of that place into a better one.

  33. Nik says:

    @truth247 I know it felt good saying rich “minorities” huh? U catch my drift I know the codes

  34. Same goes for a nigger. There true colors ALWAYS come out! There stealing there breaking into peoples houses. There tearing up there own projects the govt. Gives em for free. Shit the city i live in of sav. Ga. Us white taxpayers just tore down and built them the sweetest set of condos with parks for there 10 per family of illgitimate kids to live in of course rent free and it aint even been a year and theyve already “customized” it with grafiti and demolished the place! Your people devalue everything that is given to yall for free!!!

  35. Tell your people to quit breading like cockroaches to collect on the goverment and live in free housing!! And you want white people to treat yall as equals?!?! Lmfao!!! Your grandmothers raise all the the kids your mama spits out and it just continues to the next generation over and over. History always repeats itslf with you things. Yall will always be beneath white people. Because were better,smatter,richer,more intellegent and dont have the blood lines of gorillas. Except it. The quicker you do the faster your 8 lil jigaboos you spit out wit 7 diff mothers will learn to accept that there shit and always will be….brown ugly wirey hair smell like rotten milk pieces of human excrament. So go tell lil lateesha now while ya gotta chance. Or she can always get a job cleaning my house and her lil bothaz and sistaz out my toilet or litter box : )

  36. Ghetto jaybay is a angry black man lol and hates it that white people will always be the surperior race heeheehee. Im a happy proud white woman!! He hates it that his 7 kids are gonna be working and cleaning white peoples toilets. Its ok jaybay. At least laqwaanda and chakeeta and tyrone will have a job! Hey….theres always that govt cheese and the projects of free housing you and yo wife taneesha and dem 7 kids can fall back on!! Tell your pepes ta keep that head up!

    1. JayBay says:

      Meh. I don’t live America, started my own business recently, and don’t have any kids. In other words, I’m doing fine in life. No drugs, no criminal record. Also I’ve gotten to travel the world. This is boring now. At least with our earlier conversations you challenged me to bring up stats to prove my point. This is just typical “heil hitler” crap that you resort to when you can’t make any points anymore. Well, off to bed. Laterz!

  37. Black people coming together economically and spiritually?!?!? Lmmfao!!! And when has that ever happened??? While yall burn down the 7-11? Or loot a store? Or or burn down ya own houses? Yall get all spiritual when you do that? Yall burn some candles and say a prayer to mlk befor you burn sum shit down?? Lol damn your funny jay!!! Im getting the best laugh at your full of shit posts!! Lol thanks for making me smile as usual! : )

  38. Barry Williams says:

    It takes brave people of conscious who “Truly” believe in the phrase – To serve and protect – to help rid us of the embedded pestilence.

  39. Houston says:

    We need a stamp of a approval on white men that exhibit this kind of conscious objection to white supremacy after the ideals of a free colorless society. His words and actions speak volumes. He deserves to be treated with high degree of respect from the black community. Where they punish let us reward. – IAE

  40. Yeah I’m a white surprimicist. And I’ll be proud of that to my last breath. Racial segragation needs to come back. Every race needs to stick with there own race! And negros can pull that I’m not racist card all ya want. Y’all are and always will be. And fuck that bullshit your black asses can’t be racist! Cause y’all are but you think white people believe that shit. Niggers are just as if not more racist!! So go try that bs on someother dumbass! And fuck your mules and acres of land u think your gunna get!! Ain’t happening bruthaz and sistaz!! Good try!! Lmao! I support black on black crime! Kill eathother over drugs and your gangs PLEASE! DOIN us a favor!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!

  41. How bout all the jiggaboos raping and stealing cars breaking into and stealing cars. Y’all dig yalls holes. Just jump in that hole and stay in it next time. Do us surpior white race s favor. Love seeing black on black crime! Keep at it! Doing a great job!!? : )

  42. MarkR says:

    I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson yet, but I decided to start reading comments and of course they quickly went off topic, were largely ignorant and read like they were written by angry third graders. I have learned however and next time I will not read the comments and not lay in the muck with the idiots, racists, and just bad grammar people. This article was written to bring light to a brave act by someone with the courage to tale a stand; these idiotic and off topic posts dishonor this man and his family. Thank you those that tried to keep this focused on that, but the fools seem to outnumber the conscientious.

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