White Educator “Shucks-N-Jives” With Black Students

The Internet has seen more than its fair share of sensationalized videos that go viral in little to no time. From infants who display mannerisms atypical of their age, to animals dancing in rhythm to popular music, we’ve seemingly seen it all at this point. The following example will be no different.

In a story that’s eerily similar to Hillary Clinton’s “Whip & Nae Nae” dance to impress prospective Black voters, Ron Clark–a white man who founded the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta–is doing a little pantomiming of his own. In the following video, he engages in a choreographed dance called the “Bet You Can’t Do It Like Me Challenge”, inspired by a popular dance.

Time has reported that within the first 14 hours of the video being posted, it had been viewed well over a million times and shared over 44,000 times via Clark’s Facebook page. As you will see from the video’s stats, those numbers have been far surpassed already.

While this story isn’t simply about dancing alone, the question must be asked: Why is the sight of seeing white educators buck dancing with our children conjure up warm and fuzzy feelings in the hearts of so many (including Melanoid people), yet the concept of African-centered schools staffed staffed with all Black educators–institutions that are guaranteed to introduce a Black child to its truest forms of history and culture while reinforcing its sense of identity without having to feel compelled to entertain them–are deemed ‘controversial’ by white supremacists and suspected white supremacists alike?

Ron Clark has been known in the past for using his Black students to entertain the masses. In 2008, students from his school appeared on several national media platforms to perform during that year’s Obama vs. McCain presidential campaign. Has Ron Clark made a name for himself by “slumming” with his Black students? Check out the video below to decide for yourself.


B. Clark

201 thoughts on “White Educator “Shucks-N-Jives” With Black Students

  1. lisa says:

    it’s just a form of stockholm syndrome. we’re so used to being treated like crap that when we’re finally treated like ”humans” we melt like butter. tragic. not very long ago i used to be the same. now i just see them as the devil, and dont care about their approval. even when they’re nice i’m always thinking ” what are you up to… >.>”

  2. Austin Johnson says:

    Wow… They say the white media lies… This article is far from the truth

    1. Jani says:

      This is ridiculous! You are absolutely right and the writer needs to do his/her research on Ron Clark. This article is reaching for straws.

    2. Riss says:

      Ditto! Just sounds like some hatin to me…

  3. Jay says:

    Those blacks are getting a very good coon education.

    1. PRO BLACK says:


    2. ken_j23 says:

      What is a “coon,” education? If a black person was doing this I guess it would still be “coon” related, huh?

  4. Black2TheFuture says:

    They would never teach white kids like this no matter how bad they were doing academically. Whites would never make a spectacle out of their kids for the sake of education but they are willing to use ours for their entertainment like circus animals.

    1. Mr. O says:

      We’ve been entertainment for years

    2. ken_j23 says:

      What do you propose the black communities in America should do?

      1. Do For Self says:

        Do for Self. All day everyday that is the only way.
        Your own schools, business, community, police, politicians – food clothes and shelter.

    3. Allie says:

      You are exactly right. Still yet have seen a black educator at an all white school doing the carlton dance for entertainment. Just doesn’t happen. But, for us its like we are expected to dance for treats. Mmmmm sounds like circus animals to me.

  5. Kay Gee says:

    After reading the article and comments I am almost speechless- As an eduactor connecting to our students is essential. He can not connect through the black experience so if there are other options so be it. Just because there is a video of him dancing with the students dies not mean that is his main and only way to connect is to shuck and jive. By any means necessary and I dont care whats the color of his skin, if his character is positive and kids are learning I’m all for it. It’s a shame that color has to play a part. If we are saying only black teachers should educate black children is very disturbing to me. Because if you say that, you must also believe that black teachers can’t or shouldn’t teach white students or other races. Let him teach and let the children learn. FTR he is not doing it alone, he is the Founder, Principal, and Teacher of this fine Academy. STOP THE HATE UNLESS YOU LOVE TO BE HATED

    1. ihearteducation says:

      I agree. He is actually very down to earth. He is doing amazing things at his Academy in Atlanta…built directly in the hood. Are there any good white people out there???

    2. Landre W says:

      Pure. B.S.

  6. Mike H says:

    I just read this….and it is truly disgusting. Like really??!! Do you not know anything about Ron Clark or the Ron Clark Academy?!! If you took 5 minutes to do research you would see he is not only Disney’s Teacher of the Year on 2000 but his students EXCEL IN THE CLASSROOM. He takes kids from underprivileged backgrounds and push them into success of all aspects of their lives!

    1. lisa says:

      disney is known for being racist. wouldnt trust their judgement

  7. Mike H says:

    How about you go to ronclarkacademy.com …read about their vision and mission.. Learn about to school before you judge on a video. This angers me so much!

  8. D says:

    Why do black folks have this need to defend white folks all the time? When black folks want to start schools it’s met with resistance. When a white person starts a school for “underprivileged” kids which is code speak for black kids they are exalted on some white savior B.S…we must excommunicate all these coons and bed wenches

    1. dj says:

      I hear ya…

    2. Ray ray says:

      Black folks are so quick to defend everyone else except their own.

    3. ken_j23 says:

      What do you propose black communities do?

  9. Mrs.Kifle says:

    Why do we as blacks feel the need to stand up for the dominant society when these people are literally killing our children you don’t see them in large numbers defending us.

  10. Eliezer Clement says:

    I would like reply but the environment/scenario is so complicated/complex that any/every comment is liable for distortion/misrepresentation and vitriol.
    As an educator, education is best transferred when there is a comfortable connection between the teacher and the learner. As the father of 15, who grew through the racist, white supremacist system of capitalistic liberal democracy in the urban enclaves of the northern United States of America; I’m appalled, embarrassed, and ashamed. As a one of the trillion life forms created to exist in this universe I realize that we must transmute as much negative energy into positive energy as possible.
    Is this video depicting comfort and connection? Why? What are the mitigating circumstances which have created this situation. Why are the students underprivileged, who determined or created the conditions the exist? How did dance and music become the mode for expression in an academic environment? Is this cultural exploitation?
    The dialogue can continue ad infinitum… Truthfully, we as Africans in America are in need of direction. We must decide where we are going, how we are going to get there, why we are going, what we are going to do ahen we vet there, when we are going there, where there is etc., etc., etc.
    Once this has been determined we can analyze effectively our current situation and the effect.

  11. GQRugged says:

    Coon along 101

  12. confidencemagnet says:

    Here’s an idea of how the classes are ran in this video


    This teaching method is actually highly effective. Songs have been proven to help memory recall. This is why children may not know how to read but can recite all the lyrics on the latest songs at the same time.

    The video where they said he is shuckin’ n jivin’ is actually tamed compare to what happens in the classroom when they’re learning. They do learn like a traditional classroom, but also incorporate song and dance, and from what I saw, they look like they’re more focused and involved in the class. It’s a good teaching model.

    Does this mean I’m putting Ron Clark on my shoulders as the best teacher for Black children? No, but I’ll give him his props for good teaching style and having Black children graduate and pass standardized test in the 80th and 90th percentile. A lot of White teacher need to take notes from him instead of giving up on the Black children in their classes and funneling them off to Special Ed.

    These are actually the types of teachers that get fired from traditional schools because they don’t like the way the classes are being ran. Children learn better when you teach them the way they want to learn. We don’t need song and dance but if it helps to keep young children focused, it’s okay to use to keep the blood flowing and keep the mind sharp.

    1. Over it says:

      Best response hear. Much better than the actual article!

  13. Sunjata says:

    Black people sure know how to put on a cape and defend their Massa. Insanity i call it.

    1. confidencemagnet says:

      @Sunjata What is your race?

  14. hassia says:

    Hmm, I find his teaching skills to be exemplary. those of you that call it cooning or shucking and jiving, I would like to see which school you have opened up. Which books you have written about education. He used his money from his books to open his schools. Those children get to travel the whole world. some of you are seriously pathetic and need to get a life. I still to this day and I just turned 51 remember my high school English teacher in England, because she engaged me.

  15. ken_j23 says:

    Why all of the negative comments about a white man teaching black children? Have any of you attended inner city schools? I have, and it was horrible. I wish I at least had the privilege of sitting in a classroom with no interruptions from other students because they didn’t care about the importance of an education. Every teacher I’ve ever had struggled to keep a classroom under control. Seeing children of color happy, learning, attentive, productive, and actively participating is amazing to know and black people are just bitter. Why? Because a white man is behind why the students are doing so well?

  16. Truth101 says:

    Wow. Black people will defend anyone white that seems to be throwing us a bone. why the fuck do these kids need to dance on tables and do the whip and the nae nae to learn some damn arithmetic?. Contrary to popular belief the black race isn’t a buck dancing race that communicates through dance moves, sport or rap music. That myth is the reason movies like save the last dance, substitute teacher, and Freedom writers are soo popular, this whole belief that you have to act niggerish in order to communicate with the negros is a belief that has plagued our image for years and it’s coons like you that perpetuate this Image. black people have this thing were we don’t care how the meal is made as long as it’s made, we have black people in this forum talking about “who cares if there dancing on tables and doing the damn nae nae as long as there happy and learning” what kind of backward logic is that? Babies learn by dancing and getting accolades for it why are teenagers being encouraged to whip and nae nae during school hours? If you want to do the damn dab or the whip then open an after school jive class and whip and nae nae and dab until your heart is contempt. No other race dances as much as us. facts.

    1. Swt says:

      You do know we danced in Africa right? The hell is wrong with you? Black people dancing is a part of our heritage too. And i don’t mean only the slavery part. Wow! And YOU are deeming it “acting niggerish” wth?…So you don’t dance?…I wish I was here in January!

  17. confidencemagnet says:

    If these were white kids dancing in the classrooms, what would the discussion be? Be careful how you speak about Black folks in a forum that may have non-whites participating. Let’s put a few things into perspective

    1. The children are already smart because when they get interviewed, they are very articulate. These children would thrive in a traditional classroom or this school. The children are smart.

    2. Children in Public school do this (dance on tables, etc.) and go to the principal’s office for disrupting the class.

    3. Don’t be surprised if you see White children or Asian children doing this in their schools. I better not hear, “Oh, Asian and White people think outside the box when it comes to teaching their children. This is why White and Asian children score higher than Black children”

    4. If this teacher were Black and the children were Black, you would still hear words like Shuck n Jive, Buck-dance, etc.

    5. A lot of people on the forum have a problem with this, but when you have someone like Umar Johnson looking for donations for his school to teach Black children in an Afro-centric way, all of a sudden people are like, “What’s he really gonna do with the money?” Make up your minds, people.

    1. Truth101 says:

      You will never see this in a white middle school unless its like a performing arts school. And a black teacher did try and get his students to “engage” by dancing and guess what happened to him? his ass got fired the next damn day so why is my heart meant to melt now that this white teacher has taken an interest in black kids? how on earth could you possibly learn while doing the whip? 2 nae nae’s subtracted by 1 nae nae equals how many nae nae’s?…. or whats the square root of the dab?….this has absolutely nothing to do with communicating or relating to black students. Ron Clark figured out that we dance more than any other being on this planet so hes just showcasing his dancing negros. If all these students are soo academically gifted why on earth does a program like this even have to exist?

  18. KJ says:

    I cant even bring myself to watch this, so I wont.

    I suppose this is white peoples version of the opposite of the Spring Valley video.

    I heard Tariqs podcast discussing this, and I agree 100%. 1). If this was a black teacher, they’d be getting dragged to hell and back by black parents; but since its a white man its “cute”. 2). This harks back to slavery when instead of learning, it was impressed upon black people to dance and play instead. The is nothing more than a reminder and reinforcment to stay where we belong–dancing and singing, dont bother trying to learn anything. As well as “not all of us beat our niggras, we love our niggras”.

  19. DomWhite says:

    Then continue to teach your own damn kids ebonics drug slinging and gang bangin. Motherfuckers only know how to bitch and moan. Even find something to bitch about when kids are getting an education smh

    1. confidencemagnet says:

      @DomWhite You sound foolish. Stop trollin’ and sit your ass down. If this was a Black teacher doing this, you would probably be the one saying something foul against the teacher, saying something like, “you can’t teach ’em… all they want to do is sing and dance”. If it wasn’t for Black children, this guy wouldn’t make the news, don’t you think?

  20. DomWhite says:

    If anyone sounds foolish its you and the rest of the people on this page bitching because young black children are getting an education. Y’all find something wrong in anything and everything and put the racist label on it. The kids are getting an excellent education and you STILL have a problem. And I’m foolish?? Lmao can’t believe I even gave you a reply on just how ignorant you are and sound.

    1. confidencemagnet says:

      @DomWhite Unfortunately, you didn’t receive an excellent education. You are playing a victim after you insult the Black people in this forum. Wait let me ask you, “Did you get any fancy book learnings from where you from?” That’s how they talk where you’re from, right?

      DomWhiteSupremacist, update your stereotypes. I bet you think Black people still use the word Jive Turkey and Sucka when we speak. Come back when you have something intelligent to say… even if you do disagree with what the board has to say.

      To a certain degree, the way the children are learning is effective. They are not bored when they learn. Children learn better when they’re into the stuff they’re learning. These children in particular could learn in this environment or a regular school. These children are very smart. If you watch the video these children are very articulate. They could teach you something, DomWhiteSupremacist

  21. Taneika says:

    You forgot the part where he took a classroom full of students in an inner city school that had been written off as lost causes and helped them raise their test scores, get into exceptional schools, and realize their own potential. The previous teachers had been Black. They all quit. Who cares what race this man is so long as he is educating and enriching our youth.

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