Bernie Sanders Said Reparations For Blacks Is Divisive, Yet He Supported Reparations For Jews

2016 Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has gained much traction with white “liberals” (and Blacks alike) because of his unconventional political views, and his alleged connections with Civil Rights activists of the 1960s.

Sanders has also been well-received because of the notion that he would be a “better alternative” to Donald Trump– and in many ways Hillary Clinton as well– because in the minds of many Melanoid people here in the States, voting Sanders in would ensure that the two aforementioned candidates would be excluded, thus creating a “lesser of three evils” situation in the process.

While it is no secret that Melanoid people have been systematically mistreated and oppressed at every possible turn, common sense would lead people to realize that compensation for our 400-plus years of pain and suffering would suffice. However, virtually every other group has received some form of government assistance and/or tangible resources that would bolster those respective groups’ socioeconomic (and in most cases, political) standing in this country.

For much of the past century and-a-half, the concept of compensating African slaves–and their descendants–for their involvement in the inhumane institution of chattel slavery (and post-slavery discriminatory practices such as Melanoid people’s involvement in cruel eugenics experiments, the Jim Crow laws, the prison industrial complex, etc) under the U.S. government’s promise of “forty acres and a mule” to Blacks has been an issue.

 However, it hasn’t been until the past couple of decades that the reparations talk has been revisited–and gained more momentum. Even Prestigious Black attorneys such as Johnnie Cochran pushed for reparations for Melanoid people in this country until his untimely death in 2005.

Fast forward to slightly more than a decade, and no progress has been made in regards to Melanoid people receiving what has been owed to them. In the past decade since the last serious reparations push alone, many politicians have seduced Black Society with their cult of personality, only to offer them no viable solutions to countering the system of white supremacy with a system of justice; and filibustering when confronted/asked about the economic empowerment of Black Society.

Today in 2016, Bernie Sanders has to be placed in this same category of other politicians who play on the emotional heartstrings of Black Society with no real intentions of addressing its most pressing issues.

As of late, it has been shown that Sanders has gone on record to take his stance on his opposition of reparations for Melanoid people, even referring to the idea as “divisive”.

If that wasn’t alarming enough, then the following information will possibly shed more light on Sanders’ political agenda, and Black Society’s role in it–or lack thereof. It has been reported by Fusion  that in 2012, Sanders supported a bill that would pay Holocaust survivors reparations…a stark contrast to Sanders’ staunch opposition to Black people receiving payments for being victims of our own heinous, yet longer-lasting regime than the Holocaust–the African slave trade, and the centuries-long Black experience in America in general.

Unless he changes his tune on reparations for Black people (which is highly unlikely), Bernie Sanders is yet another charismatic political figure from the dominant society who has not given Melanoid People a concrete reason as to why we should continue to back him on his run for the presidency.

B. Clark

198 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders Said Reparations For Blacks Is Divisive, Yet He Supported Reparations For Jews

  1. Carlton says:

    Very enlightening.

    1. 2Beme says:

      I understand the frustration with this whole situation. But to alienate Mr. Sanders viable candidacy for president for this one particular issue to me is weak, compared to his constant fight for human and civil rights that has seen and documented throughout his term. So what he doesn’t want to give money…what would that solve? NOT A DAMN THING! We’re suppose to condemn this man for this one flaw yet accept Hillary and her MANY ASSUALTS AGAINST THE BLACK COMMUNITY? I ask you, which candidates issues are more pressing and relevant to your well being as a citizen of the united states? Once the answer is clear so will your vote. No disrecpect for the author of this piece

      1. vangie griffin says:

        Please don’t post anymore comments……PLEASE!

        1. JImmy Dore says:

          Were you afraid for hillary during her victory speech on Super Tuesday with all this “SUPER PREDATORS” standing right behind her?

          Stupidity like yours is hard to come by, if you were a jew you’d be voting Hitler.

      2. vangie griffin says:


      3. Charlotte S. says:

        You mean like Sanders’ assault on the Black community with his vote for the 1994 crime bill?

      4. sassie cissie says:

        I disagree, i have not heard of Sanders until he decided to run for president. I googled him and didn’t find much of anything, but him being a weed smoking hippie, that he participated in a couple of marches. Their is never a good candidate for president when it comes to blacks, because all they do is take from our communities any helpful programs. Neither president has made a significant impact for blacks except the clintons, yes they took away lifetime welfare, and created mass incarceration for black men (police exploited that program ) but we had jobs, the economy was growing. Hillary has the most and best experience for the job she has relationships already established. I think she is the only candidate with the right credentials. I believe now as i did when Obama won the democratic vote that Hillary should have won /win

        1. dc1969 says:

          She is a con artist like her her was.slick Willie. None of these people have our best interests at heart.sorrry to burst your bet is to vote independent.

          1. deb says:

            totally agree

        2. Sheeka J says:

          I totally agree.

      5. Mary says:

        Human rights? Whose human rights, the news? He basically said no to black human rights. He made claim to have five works in civil rights movements, but NONE of the heavy hitters have ever seen him. Not one picture.

        1. McMuffin says:

          Ummmm wherr have you been. A picture has been released

        2. Barbara Larcom says:

          Here’s What Bernie Sanders Actually Did in the Civil Rights Movement

          “Although Sanders did attend the 1963 March on Washington, at which Lewis spoke, most of his work was in and around Hyde Park, where he became involved with the campus chapter of CORE shortly after transferring from Brooklyn College in 1961. During Sanders’ first year in Chicago, a group of apartment-hunting white and black students had discovered that off-campus buildings owned by the university were refusing to rent to black students, in violation of the school’s policies. CORE organized a 15-day sit-in at the administration building, which Sanders helped lead. (James Farmer, who co-founded CORE and had been a Freedom Rider with Lewis, came to the University of Chicago that winter to praise the activists’ work.) “

      6. NUBIAN BRO says:

        Are you serious? Are you justifying the “gifts” to racist Jews, but not reparations for the one group whose suffering was the LITERAL foundation that America was built on?

        You disgust me.

        1. Allen says:


      7. Jazzy says:

        The only issue that will affect the melanoid community positively is the border and illegal immigration issue that trump raised. Thats proof that you are uninformed, emotional and exactly the reason how they’ve been getting around the reparation issue. The fact that you think the issue weak is testament how our politicians and religious leaders has sold us out. This is another form of the house/field niggar dynamic. Now while you think it won’t help us, it surely helped other groups who received them, so how do you qualify that assertion? You can’t and that’s why i can see that you are an inspiring negro boule. Your condescending tone is unwarranted becuse obviously, you’re a fool. Its sad.

        1. Arron says:

          The border and illegal immigration has nothing to do with black empowerment. We need to be building our own businesses and things for our own economy on the local level state level national level and global level. The way we produce jobs and wealth for our own people. Latinos/Hispanics take care of their own legal/illegal. They have communities in which they own all the businesses.

      8. Michig911 says:

        Seriously? Your kidding right? If he doesn’t want to give the one thing that has evaded us for hundreds of years then we should not support him, Clinton etc… Jews received reparations, Native American, ( recently again) Asians and so on. You must be white to be so nonchalant about my ancestors unpaid abuse. He is no different than all the rest of the candidates. We are talking trillions of dollars plus a split of power.

    2. Bruce Scroggins says:

      Bernie Sanders has Repeatedly Voted for Jewish Americans to receive, American Tax Payers dollars for REPARATION.

      Lastest, Bernie agrees with:

      This dose not include all the other VOTES for Jewish American Reparations.

    3. Natani el says:

      The logics of this anti Sanders article does not square with common sense. There not a single elected with over ten years in public office who has not said something that some groups are opposed to. That being true the question is why is this organization attempting to make an issue out of what Sanders has done which is what all of the candidates have done. All have supported something that is not in the best interest of the Black Community. So why are you concerned about Sanders. It tend to suggest that you have received some kind of promise or benefit from one or more of the ones who are competing against him. Articles like this use to upset me, but you have nothing but a personal opinion without the power to effect anyone or events during this election. Hillary Clinton pushed for and got Africa invaded by the U.S. military who killed and murdered thousands of Africans; women and children included, but on that note you are silent because you have to try to create a issue over something that is going to happen no matter who wins. Sanders is shaping the issues and forcing the democrats to address many of the issues that none of the other candidates would have touched no matter what. It is a hard cold fact that hundreds of thousands of Blacks in this country are pulling for sanders more than any other candidate in the race. If he wins New York he will have enough delegates to force the Party to officially address many of the issues that are very important to the Hood. Hillary Clinton is not a friend to the Black Community. The White Cuban Cruz is an enemy to the Hood.

  2. Rev. Rethis Murry says:

    The further he goes, the more he’ll be exposed!!!!! Just watch! Don’t get caught up in the Bern…..

  3. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    Of course he supported reparations for Jewish people. They’re his brethren.

    1. tom says:

      Why do Jewish people need reparations. They owned financed all the wealth in the world going back centuries. Atlantic Slave trade, finance and aided Christopher Columbus. Rothschild and the Rockefeller’s, enough said.

      Vote Bernie,
      Saga Continues

      1. Mary says:

        They already recieved reparations after the Holocaust. Because everything was taken from them during the holocaust.These were additional funds.

  4. Nubian says:

    That’s a whack argument against Bernie. Reparations is not our most pressing issue. We just need this Government to stop creating and supporting racist laws that incarcerate and kill people in America. Bernie supports those causes 100%. Plus involvement in the civil rights Era is alleged it’s proven. Get it together Black people and do your real homework on the facts and real issues. Right now you remind me of Magic Johnson when he supported Hillary over Obama.

    1. Philip C. Hassell says:

      I believe the judicial system needs to be overhauled prosecutors need to be fired judges need to be fired and investigated police should be investigated thoroughly to make sure they don’t have a questionable past employment files should be reexamined police administration needs to be overhauled every person making major decisions in the world events should be investigated and evaluated and dealt with accordingly.

      1. Mary says:

        No body needs to be fired. His will take care of it. Rip.scalia.

    2. Ben says:

      I’m still trying to wrap my head around reparations. Seems like it’s ok until I wonder who’s going to pay? Slave owners relatives? All white people? US government? Or just slave traders relatives? Does fighting to end slavery on the union side allow leniency? Or work for equality? If taxpayers take on the burden we all pay. This issue is complicated when there are things we can do today. Education and income inequality. I’d like more insight into this. These are real questions.

      1. D says:

        Same place the money for Jews and Indians come from? That money didn’t just magically appear

      2. Arron says:

        There was no argument about who was going to pay when whites calling themselves Jews Japanes and Native Americans got and continue to get reparations. Only silly black people argue differently about because they allow white supremacy dictate the talking points.

    3. McMuffin says:

      Being the mother of two mixed babies who the world will see as black and a husband who is black it is completely inconceivable why the black community would stand with Shillary. She has done nothing but hurt the black community. Called black kids ” super predators ” It is disgusting. There is a huge problem when before me and my husband were married being stopped by the police and them taking him to there car and asking me ” Is he using you to smuggle drugs and gun because most black men use white women to do that for them ” it is disgusting that walking down the street with my husband and because he is black 6 armed with semi automatic guns undercover cops rush him and throw him up against the wall because ” he looks like someone they were looking for ” came to the house for a warrant for a minor traffic fine of 100$ loaded with aks snd over 20 officers to take him to jail for a traffic fine……..all this because he is a . super predator ” bernie stood with MLK Jr. He was arrested for standing up for the black community he has always been on the right side. Hilary just says whatever she thinks we want to hear at the moment. She is a #flipflopperforvotes.

    4. Sharon says:

      He passed three bills in 30 yrs. 2 regarding post offices and one for vets. Since the Jewish population went through the holocaust, he should have been more sympathetic to the African American. Since the Jewish people carried on the slave trade, maybe tat’s was his reasoning…..

  5. J. Grogan says:

    The proposed reparations were to come from a French rail company, after a lawsuit, so it is a bit different.

  6. Soniamarissa says:

    From wat the man has repped and spoken…I don’t think for a second he thinks reparations is wrong. I feel that when he says divisive…he means it’s gonna cost him the whole election. Lets see a democratic, jewish, socialist who believes in reparations? Hey wat can be more American Pie than that?? I think he should’ve said exactly y….he doesn’t just rely on a black vote for president just so everyone knows…and neither did Obama. Someone else should push for reparations tho perhaps….but in this climate as a candidate who’s not actually in power….that’s career suicide. Hey why not Obama push for reparations since he’s black….but I wouldn’t call him a sell out for that…necessarily….I just don’t see how he will gain traction for it yet…but it should be spoken of and on the table..and now is the time..

    1. Dana says:

      You made solid point’s, especially about the career suicide for an out right push for reprieving melonoid people for over 400 year’s in counting of injustice.

  7. BANGTIMEUSA says:

    400 years of slavery and 200+ of generations slaughtered that’s a fact. Banks designed to keep slaves poor an un educated for 100 years after civil war. That’s a fact. The European criminals were given 50+ acres and the tools to manage the land banking loans and everything that’s a fact. you damn right there is a difference. The holocaust happened in Germany American slavery happened right here. Bernie sanders is a fraud like all of em that’s a fact. So what he marched for civil rights. That doesn’t make him a president. That’s a fact..! He may be the lesser of the evils but you can’t have double standards as apresident. Yet they all do..!

    1. germell stewart says:

      Thats all a FACT!! Double standards have been happening alot lately

  8. Malik El says:

    The first holocaust was actually committed against melanated people (Moors) in North Africa before the events leading to WWII. We, as melanated people, need to build our economy, shop ONLY with one another, AND we deserve compensation (reparations). That’s a given for past and present injuries! Who ever is saying no to reparations is sick in the head. Don’t you go through processes for compensation for injury on a job or when you sue a person, group or entity? Come on family. Take the money AND build this economy! You can only build with resources! I can say I want to build a house all day and night, but I need tools and materials (resources) to make it real! Tangible things! Not good luck, hope, “Jesus”, etc. Get the money and invest in ourselves. Peace, love and light.

  9. JayBay says:

    Bernie Sanders is not gonna save black people. Or did you all forget how hyped we were (me included) that Obama was was going to become the president. The moment he showed even a HINT of trying to side with black people he got shut down and apologized. Stop trying to look for white Jesus to save you. Come together, stop wasting money on America’s holidays and customs and learn about who you really are. Don’t forget that Trump is still the leading runner for the Republicans. What’s your plan if he gets the office?

  10. Sharon says:

    Don’t believe the free education hype. He has been in politics all these years”what has he actually achieved”. JayBay said it best, stop wasting your money. Blacks are worth over a trillion dollars collectively. Stop giving to those who don’t have your best interest at heart.

  11. R8sing A Nation says:

    I was really hoping Bernie was going to say something to make me want to cast my vote but I’m going to have to give him a pass. I think sitting this cycle out as far national is what it will be.Many will think it is crazy but local and state is where the focus and true change will have to start. It is to corrupt at this time and the price for admission we just don’t have the political capitol. As a community we really need to focus more on moving our money around amongst each other and not with people that 1. don’t even vote for things that have an interest in our community. 2. vote for things that work against our community using our money that we spend with them. I have to not be fearful by the idea if Trump wins and think that the pits of hell are going to open up. If my parents made it through Regan and Bush and Bush again then we can make through Trump. Think about what our grandparents went through and theirs before them, Trump is nothing.

    1. James Cornell says:

      It’s not Trump you have to fear, but his psychotic conservative fan boys.

      These are the guys that are itching for that great White hope to come in, and restore the Whiteocracy(that’s what they’re calling it, lol) so they can feel like they still have everything under their control.

      We’re living in different times than that of your parents, and when you add in the fact that Whites could become a minority in some time, you better believe that racist will be wilding the hell out if Trump gets in office.

      1. R8sing A Nation says:

        @James you very well have reason to be concerned. my background is complex so that at be my reason to not have the Trump fear but at the same time second guess a republican win …

  12. Scott says:

    Sanders is right. Reparations would be divisive, destructive and probably useless. Rather than giving people a handout, it would be a far better idea to address the underlying causes that led to the situations for which people are calling for reparations. Instead of saying “You’ve been the victim of hundreds of years of oppression; here’s some money,” we should say “you’ve been the victim of hundreds of years of oppression; here’s a job, here are repairs to the infrastructure in your neighborhood; here are laws that outlaw redlining; here are tighter regulations on the financial industry; here are more educational opportunities; here is better access to health care and good food; here is justice.”

    1. Sharon says:

      White slave owners received monies constantly from the work of free labor, no one told them what they should do. The whites owned the patent office, so all inventions by slaves was stolen and proceeds went to whites. So when you brush your hair, stop at a stop sign, iron your clothes etc.. The list is forever. So I really don’t care where the monies come from African Americans are owed monies. We became “lazy” when we stopped working for free and of course whites were working so hard screwing men, women and children in the slave quarters.

  13. Neither the ashkenaz or the Amalekites occupying Israel are Jews!
    To be a Jrw one has to be a defendant of the 2 southern tribes of the Hebrew Israelites from Shem. The 2 southern tribes are made of Judah, Levi , Benjamin and remnants of Joseph! If your descendants came to America on a slave ship, there is a 98 percent chance that your defendants ran out of Israel in 70 AD to escape Titus and Vespasian , went down into Africa and were sold by hamitic Africans and Ismaelites and Amalekites into slavery! American Negros are Judah the Jews and Amalek and ashkenaz ate being paid your reparations!

  14. A vote for Hillary is a vote for trump!

    1. Larry says:

      How do you figure that?

    2. Sharon says:

      Especially if you are a Democrat stuck in your feelings and don’t vite because their really wasn’t a been, just something simmering

  15. Ron says:

    I think the issue should be #1 on the list for A-A. We need tangible resources in out communities

  16. Tome Shawver says:

    I want er got Damn penny I’m owed…. fuck des cracker none of dem deserve to be president of amerikkka…

  17. MagnumBoom says:

    Why be surprised or outraged. The Jews spend millions, billions even endorsing their political allies. In addition, HE’S A JEW! Of course he would support initiatives that basically puts himself and his supporters in a better position. The only people to be mad at is us. Where is the Black version of Bernie Sanders? Until then, griping about it comes off as naive.

    1. Jeez says:

      We Had The Black version, Jesse Jackson ran on the same platform….he didn’t get too far

  18. str8_talk says:

    Bernie Sanders like all the other fake hypocrite so-called Jews only wants reparations for himself & other whites. Those compensations were not “divisive” then or now. These parasites have gotten millions of tax dollars from the people who they have oppressed. Their transgressions in the slave trade have been well documented, and man how they use the media to pervert the perception of black people ever since the tell lie vision was invented. With the billions of “welfare” they have gotten they use it to buy politicians & real estate raise up rents and gentrify black cities. As far as I’m concerned he can kiss my a$$ he’s just another lying krakka..

  19. sam says:



    1. Alexis says:

      Not voting is just a stupid as voting for someone you are totally against. Not voting,especially on local elections is how white and immigrant politicians take over Black communities. Not going to public hearing and being actively involved in your local government is how Blacks become even more disfranchised,under-represented,and robbed of federal money that should have been invested through our local governments. Blacks only care about the national President election,when the local politicians are what affects us economically the most. The mayor has the power to change the minimum wages,like in Seattle. We don’t need the federal government,not even the state’s permission. Vote in Black local politicians only for Black communities. You think Latins would vote for Blacks to be their mayor,their police Chief? You think whites would for Blacks to be their city Manager,Commissioner,Mayor,Police Chief,etc. You think these people would feel comfortable with black majority police force policing their Latin or white communities? Race matters,it always has and always will in America. It was founded on racism,and refuses to apologize and repent,refuses to pay restitution to us Blacks.

  20. Try Thinking says:

    Ta-Nehisi Coate, the author who WROTE the now famous article arguing for reparations is voting for Bernie Sanders. This doesn’t mean Sanders’ opposition to reparations is a god idea. It’s not a good idea. Sanders needs to think about that one. But if Ta-Nehisi Coates still believes in Sanders–that’s something. And Dr. Cornell West’s endorsement speaks volumes. Don’t discount Sanders.

  21. ABANE says:

    America will collaps on its own and soon. its going through the , process. white will never respect or accept blacks as equals. no matter how you protest.Blacks need to fight and wine the war in america against white. Only through a civil war in which the winner must be blacks for things to change in america in favour of blacks , if not we only have to keep on complaining and protesting. remember they are house slaves and not all of them will be saved. THE BLACK REVOLUTION IS ON THE MOVE AND WILL NOT BE TELEVISED HOTEP

  22. The so called Negros, Afro-Hispanics, Native Americans (which were dark skinned before Columbus and his Jewish friends raped them ) are the real Hebrew Israelites who ran into Africa from Roman persecution in 70A.D. From the Romans aka Edomite white man. After Rome fell in 193 A.D. The khazarian empire had a mass conversion to Judaism in 740 A.d Edom decided to steal the identity of his brother Jacob and then come to the shores of Africa and enslave him to build their god satans empire. Read Babylon to Timbuktu page 84 &
    Zondervon compact bible dictionary:
    Ham-The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the flood; and one of the 8 persons to live through the flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negros, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libiyans and the Canaanites.”
    Bernie Sanders hates all black people and could care less about if you get reparations.
    Revelation 2:9 KJV
    [9] I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

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