Black Americans Want To Know Why Obama And The DOJ Has Not Spoken Out Against The Genocidal Violence Against Blacks

President Obama has spoken up for gay issues. He has spoken up for Native American issues. He has spoken up for Hispanic issues. But president Obama has not spoken out or done anything about the genocidal murders being waged upon innocent,unarmed Black Americans at the hands of white police officers and other white perpetrators who generally go unpunished for their actions.

Any policy to give any type of protection to Black Americans against violent white supremacist attacks has historically been implemented by the federal government. But now that people who believe in white supremacy sees that President Obama has not been willing to do anything or speak up for Black Americans specifically, this is being used as a green light  for a wave of white violent backlash against Melanoid people.

So Black Americans would like to know why does the President  speak up for the needs of different specific racial,ethnic,religious,and sexual groups, but Black Americans who are being systematically and legally slaughtered by suspected white supremacists  in front of the world stage,are getting the “benign neglect” treatment from President Obama and the Department of Justice?

107 thoughts on “Black Americans Want To Know Why Obama And The DOJ Has Not Spoken Out Against The Genocidal Violence Against Blacks

  1. louis charles says:


  2. recordtwist says:

    There are several reasons why he has not and will not speak up.

    1. Barack Obama does not relate to us. He has given speeches where he gets on the Bill Cosby tip chastising black folks. He knows he’s black but he has no connection to us at all.

    2. He’s afraid of white supremacist backlash. The bigots have already warned him but letting an armed man run up in the white house. When he called out the cop who arrested Skip Gates for breaking into his own house, the bigots let him have it and he quickly backed down. As it is, white supremacists think he’s a Kenyan illegal alien muslim fundamentalist who lied on his birth certificate so he’s scared of white outrage.

    3. The factor that people like Claude Anderson have been talking about for years and Tariq talks about on his show can’t be ignored and that is blacks have not formed political action committees to donate to his campaign. On top of that we have not asked him to do anything. That’s on us. We fell for the home and change hustle and did not ask him specifically what he’s going to do. Again that’s on us.

    1. Kool Keith says:

      Right, so let’s stop complaining about what he “hasn’t” done for black people, when we haven’t even asked him to do a damn thing for us. Obama doesn’t NEED to do anything for us. Let’s say he does something just for black people and gets assassinated for it, and then what? We’ll be back in the same boat. We have to do it for ourselves. It’s always been that way, and it always will be.

      1. Kim says:

        You have to ASK? Since when? The Hispanics, gas, jews, etc. didn’t ask but it was given freely. SMH

      2. Charles says:

        Do for yourself,dammit! Nobody will do it for you. That seems to be the thing with black people: instead of doing for themselves,they expect someone to do it for them.

        1. JERRY says:


    2. Joy says:

      He’s not going to anything because we live in a “post racial america”. Remember? The powers that be that chose him for office probably told him that there will be no speaking up for the rights of blacks in America.

    3. shbkkyn45 says:

      I agree. Obama were cased out, groomed, and educated for his position. The White racism system, hired him to do a job, go beyond what other presidents have done for the country, they wanted to put color on the president’s face, because so may people of color in the world do not like America, so they wanted to say to them we are nice guys, we have a black president, nobody can out do that. The needed Obama to help keep America’s friends, and gain new ones. He told us early on, he was not the president for just blacks, which puzzled the heck out of me, because he had not done anything for us as president. You know what I mean?

      1. Atta Bectemba says:

        Word on the street of Chicago is he and his wife was caught up in some stuff therefore had to take the off to run.ijs

      2. Charles says:

        Malarkey! He gave free phones to black people.

  3. Brionna Bacon says:

    the reason I feel this is is because Obama, like the rest of us are puppets to this system. he is just the pawn, the voice without the brain. the hand you see but isn’t moving. he can’t do anything due to the backlash of republicans and democrats. it’s a race thing even in the white house. lets be clear.obama is just like the rest of us. he just has a title and because of that title he is given a little so called thing of power.

  4. Jeff Veal says:

    We love it when m. Obama dances and does video bombs with the Miami Heat (and so do I). We love it whenever the president does things that show that he’s cool and down to earth, but this is a distraction. The president is just a figure head with his hands tied
    Gza from the Wu Tang Clan said it best “I’m not caught up in politics, I’m no black activist on a so called scholars dick”.

  5. Chris40 says:

    Number 3 of your post is on point!!!! Before 2008, I was hip to Dr Claud Anderson and in his book Powernomics. By reading Powernomics and researching, I knew how Black people vote was “janky.” Black people don’t give money to candidates, and demand quid pro quo from them and we don’t have issues that are specific toward us. So, I knew Obama was going to be bad for Black people.

  6. Chris40 says:

    Who are these Black people that want to know why Obama don’t speak for them?

  7. fras says:

    Do people know that Presidents prior didn’t care about people giving them money? Those presidents wanted to empower the people of the society at the time (Blacks were being marginalized at the time as well). But aside from Black people being marginalized, those presidents held up to the standard of helping their people prosper because they were in positions of power to do so.

    I agree that we need to get our money right and make it work for us. However, if a person like Obama who has all of this power and can begin to take steps in addressing the issues, he could do a lot of good. He doesn’t even have to openly address the issues, he can just begin to start reformation of certain areas and putting better schools with practical skill like machine shop and construction courses back into the inner city schools. But he doesn’t. He’s been indoctrinated into politics.

    There is another thing here, the presidents prior set up a society for their people, so now the children of those presidents can play games and the like because they are powerful enough to do so. Obama isn’t like them. He cannot be playing politician like the dominant society because that isn’t his society and they will soon reject him from their society once he serves his purpose (time is running out).

    It’s almost like hanging out with a bunch of wealthy kids that have money and millions they’ll be able to access once they hit 30 years of age, and you, the poor kid in the same school partying it up with them instead of focusing on your studies. These kids already have it made, they will NEVER be poor. But you, if your ass messes up, it will be even harder and you may end up poorer.

    1. Michael Williams says:

      How about you read this thing called the constitution learn what the power of the president is before saying what he should do. There’s this thing called the separation of powers. It relates to the power of the federal government and the states. The states can do all that you said. The president can’t. His job description, if you’d read it, does not govern curriculums of state schools. Just think, people like you vote while not having a clue what the job is of the person once in office.

      1. fras says:

        I live in reality. I know that Obama has thrown the constitution out many times, and his administration has thrown out federal law.

        Disregard of federal law:

        He and his administration, disregarded a federal judge’s direct order to not shut down Yucca Mountain (which is a nuclear waste repository). You can google, “Yucca Mountain Shut Down”. That is enough grounds for impeachment, but he wasn’t, I wonder why?

        Disregarded the CONSTITUTION:

        He ordered an executive action to pressure schools across the nation to limit the number of kids suspended. You want to know something? This was on racial grounds. He wants to equalize the number of black/hispanic students vs white students, stating that they should be of equal proportions to one another. Therefore, don’t suspend black/hispanic student passed a certain limit. That isn’t constitutionally correct unless you’re adopting a self-interpretation of the constitution to which the Obama administration did.

        If that isn’t constitutionally abhorrent to you, how about the Obama administration killing a U.S. citizen without due process? Search for, “Abdulrahman killed by U.S. government”.

        Obama also have instituted policies for loans for black people, i.e. quotas so that enough blacks are able to buy homes from lenders. This isn’t good for blacks as you can see what happened to us in 2008 when the economy collapsed.

        I look at what they do, not the job description. As I said or alluded to, many presidents in the past have side-stepped the constitution and the law. Adhering only to the constitution isn’t smart when you’re in a variable environment. In other words, one size does not fit all where it concerns a society.
        Obama could do more but the policies he’s been enacting for minorities do essentially nothing if not hurt us even more. However, some of the policies he’s authorized have been constitutionally questionable if not downright constitutional or federally illegal.

      2. Jeffery says:

        Thank you.

  8. Christine Rickett says:

    It’s because black leaders are too busy assassinating each other characters, instead of all of the entities bringing together all of their folks on to the nation’s capitol in protest , like King and other black leaders did in the past , to speak with the president and on the floor of the Congress . But anyway , what message will they “the combined black leaders ” send to the hood? Or do they want the President to go there and speak to them in the hoods ? Folks baffle me everyday with nonsense .

  9. mo says:

    Bottom line is we need to exercise our voting power. I am sure he wants to do a whole lot more and we should have his back and the back of all other black candidates and vote them in. No one is saying that having more and more black representation means that things will instantaneously get better, but I surely believe that we need way more black power in low, medium & high government positions. EXCERCISE YOUR POWER AND VOTE.

  10. Robert E Hayden says:

    I believe he has done more for and trying to do even more than many skeptics among us realize. His job is to execute the laws. He is president of all in the U S A. Other races seem to come together and support them selves better than we do. He cannot do this for us and yet be an effective leader even for us as well. We have to take some responsibility our selves. Just imagine if more of us pooled our resources and supported those in position to do what’s right in God’s sight the better we all would be. Think of this- vote in large numbers for candidates with humanitarian and equal justice and opportunity for all agendas; Be we’ll educated with marketable skills; Save your money and maintain good credit; Know the laws or someone who does and hold those accountable who break the law even law suits if have to. When some people loose money , livelyhood, freedom, etc. that in itself may cause their heart to change. When someone is broke ,uneducated , unskilled and useless they are also powerless. I pray that our president follow The Lord’s guidance and we all do the same. Our president is only human and can only govern within the laws.

  11. Cnet says:

    Genocidal? More white police officers are killed doing their job every year than unarmed blacks killed by white officers. Have there been 5-10 events over the last few years that received mass attention for several months? Yes. The reality is that there are crooked people in every profession and the 1% of crooked cops should be weeded out…but they’re not all white. It’s just funny how outraged we got when an unarmed man was killed by an officer in L.A. a few months ago, but then everyone shut up when we found out that it was a black officer.

    The police aren’t evil…the media is:

    Officers involved in shootings that are found to be in the wrong should be dealt with appropriately. But, genocidal??? Please…

  12. The Airmen says:

    everyone knows a puppet cant control their own actions…

  13. Justin says:

    Obama has spoken up for black issues.When Trayvon Martin got shot Obama said if he had a son he would look like him. Obama has also with the help of Eric Holder tried to bring civil rights charges to many cases in which there would never been brought up. I believe he truly is trying his best.

  14. Emanon says:

    President is just another victim of White Supremacy.

    He has ZERO power AND KNOWS IT VERY WELL. And let’s keep it real, he could be speaking loudly about Black oppression but nothing would be done behind (The White Supremacists have the true power, remember ?).

    If he was Black First, he never would have been president.

    Moreover, his dating history shows that Michelle was the only Black female he has been with (all others were white) to my knowledge. Not that it means something, but it’s note worthy….

  15. Mr El Bey says:

    Proclaim your nationality… simple.. we are not negro colored black or Ethiopian!!! Wake up my people!

  16. Monty says:

    He hasn’t done anything cause its not what the executive branch does him stepping in or taking over a state wide policing issue is against the law we have 3 branches of government which balances each other, with congress on his ass they way they are they will impeach him quicker then hell if he shows any type of favoritism in this situation. He must remain neutral but it starts at home you elect the officials that hire these men and woman that “protect and serve” our communities. I’m from columbus Ohio, i’m a semester away from the police academy. I remember our mayor saying he would personally see to it that any cop found disrespecting or harming a citizen would be punished to the full extent of the law. 16 years he has been the mayor and he hasn’t been tested in an election. Something happened to black people when this man was elected it was a sense of pride and it should still be there, but if you don’t no how the government truly works then your doing your self an injustice. The constitution was never created for people of color so if you don’t do what you can to get the right people working for our people in your city, you don’t have to worry about whats happening in Washington cause their gonna be the problem no matter whose in the white house.

  17. Anon Nona says:

    This article was a total lie.
    As of now, over 500 people have been killed by police.
    108 of the 500 were unarmed and mostly White.
    Of the 500 killed:
    46%+ were Caucasion
    26+%were Black
    18+%were Hispanic
    3+%were Asian

    The ONLY time the Black communities show concern for other Blacks is when a White police officer or White person is involved, and Blacks ignore facts of the situation, and ignore the behavior of the person killed or injured.

    1. Jerome turner says:


  18. dude says:

    Barry Soetero aka “Barack Obama”, is merely an agent ,a circus monkey with symbols ,feed him his peanuts and he will do thy bidding! One needeth look far at the downfall of black & white relations under his presidency.

  19. F Gee says:

    Because if he dose he to will become a victim of the same

  20. Diana Prince says:

    president obama has spoken about blacks being killed by police several times. people just complain just to complain. he faces the same prejudices that we do every day!!!! even more so now that he’s in the white house. people only see what they wanna see***also so sick of people talking about President Barack Obama. ***my thing is we always have something to say when that person is of color. where was all this talk with the previous white presidents. who didn’t do anything for us. smdh***also we as african americans need to take responsibility for ourselves. we need to stop buying sneakers, clothes/shoes, jewelry etc. and start opening our own businesses. we need to get evolved and start uplifting our communities. we as adults/parents need to make sure that our children know their worth. we also need to do that by changing ourselves. we don’t support our own. we talk negative about our own. we don’t up lift each other but we constantly tear each other down. we fight our own. we separate ourselves by not liking each other because some of us are lighter/darker skinned than others etc. the only way we can survive is if we wake up and stand together. #ittakesavillage

  21. jarga says:

    Hi Obama and cohorts, How dare you accuse Hip-hop of misogyny? All the evidence seems to prove otherwise. Urban music, including hip-hop, brought black and others closer than the average politician and before your rise in politics. We brought man and woman closer in the nightclubs, workplaces, ‘in the bedrooms more than the boardrooms’. We went universal love and you keep denying us entry visas, censoring us at different levels, while you claim freedom and liberty to terrorize ‘terrorists’. You recklessly attack our youths for marijuana while we were peaceful than the Paris attacks “victims”. Our videos over glorify women and under-attack their evils. Today, I Jigterboy, the God Father, declares December second as African Urban Music Day; or or anti-Obamas rhetorics day; or pro heterosexual day; or anti-masturbation day.

    Lyrics time: We don’t want no plastic fucking girl – we don’t want no mastur-bating girl. ‘Bring our girls,’ to our boys. ‘Bring back our girls’, from plastic loving. Bring back gratefulness, bring appreciation. The Saudi girls are selling you oil for good or bad ? Out of the oil you make plastic sex toys? Plastic sex toy is “thriving and throbbing” in America. Some girls own three, six, or ten sex toys – And they appreciate such tools more than God’s made tools? Me I want one, two, or four wives; me I want one, three, or ten girlfriends. Me I prefer who the Lord made…

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, Murder time– we are ready to murder Obama and his cohorts unless they are ready to repent. Give me millions as dowry to marry one or two his daughters, and prove to the world I do not hate women or the Obamas. I love women so much that I am wishing for green, purple, and pink girls, not knowing if they look good or not, but hoping they will appreciate men than present earthly girls who are increasingly leaning plastic sex toys. If they are of no good, then I don’t want them, including the Obamas. With all my love for women, I don’t want the ‘Micheles’, I don’t like adultery. So tell Obama to XXXX himself, if he is against me or black men, if he is against me, hip-hop, Reggae, or marijuana.

    I want at least hundred similar songs and may the Lord bless those who forward them to artists who are brave and wise enough to understand the need to fire back.

  22. Katie b says:

    We need more than the central government. We, blacks need to reconcile with the whites. We need to engage in town-hall meetings all over the US where we invite whites to reconcile. We then need to stop the slave behavior by:
    – marrying before he have children.
    – being better parents
    – take our education seriously
    – taking God at his word

  23. Imhotep El Ali says:

    I know this is gonna be hard for most of you to understand, cause like you I was unknowingly brainwashed from almost birth. I am not here to argue beliefs with anyone, that is all they are, a belief. Obama is the CEO of the corporation named UNITED STATES, US, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, U.S, etc.. The last Constitutional President the REPUBLIC had was Abraham Lincoln. Our congress adjourned sine die in 1861, with the ACT of 1871 they turned our country to a Corporation and eventually in the early 1900’s they were able to enslave the entire population with the Birth Certificate and SSN. Black/white are adjectives that describes a person place or thing. You are not black or white, theses are brands placed on us to make our assets and property non-decendable and property of the state. There is only 1 race on the planet, The Human Race, outside of that the human family is broken up into different tribes and Nations from which humans get their Nationality. If you have been improperly labeled as Black, Negro, Colored, African-American, I desperately employ you to find out what your nationality is. The 4 mentioned are not Nationality’s as they don’t represent a Nation. Obama knows this just like all of your Priest, Rabbi’s, Pastors, Politicians, judges, and even your so called black leaders…..They all know this, they all have a 501C3 agreement to keep the Lie alive, cause you are the product that is why they keep this information from you.

  24. Timothy X says:

    Barry Soweto aka Barack Obama is a whiteman with a dark tan,for far to long Africans in this country have been fooled and tricked into thinking that a government that does not consider them as citizens,will treat them fairly,Judge Taneys ruling still applies,Africans are considered as property and can be treated as such,we see it everyday in court rooms throughout this country,Crackers get probation,Niggers go to prison,slavery was never abolished in this country,If you are convicted of a crime ,you are then a legal slave,Stop thinking that you will ever get anything out of this government but Hell on earth,That house Nigger in Washington is powerless to help African people,and no matter who you vote for in the coming election,you are going to get the same thing/NOTHING/,Dont think that Mrs Clinton will do any better than,Mr Trump,,they are both for white Supremacy,,Black people its time that you wake up and realize that you are dealing with a Bestial ,Barbaric people,.When the Crackers came to this invaded this country they where not peaceful,ask the Native Americans/wait/you cant,the Crackers killed them all,,The only way Blacks will ever receive anything from Crackers is if he makes him,and this change will come from violence,You do not be peaceful with a violent people,If blacks stop shooting each other,and turn the gun on the real enemy,then change will come’Revolution is needed,and you do not fight a nonviolent revolution,,If we as a people become violent against the people who are oppressing us,thats when change will come,,They cannot police us and police us and police the world,,theres over 100million of u in the Americas,,If 1 million of us became violent against the oppressor,shit would change over night.

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