Is There a Double Standard Between Black and White Teachers?

With 11 of 12 Black educators in the Atlanta Public Schools system being hit with convictions in the teaching scandal, the world has witnessed the harsh consequences that these teaching professionals could suffer if they get involved in something seemingly minor as giving their students the answers to tests.

However, many people seemed to have forgotten the heinous sex offenses that certain white teachers committed against their underage students over the past few years. A link has been provided here to show that an overwhelming number  of white female teachers walked away unscathed by the judicial system after being sexually involved with their students.

The article even refers to the sex offenders as “hot” & “sexy”, as if to suggest that the overall well-being of these young students could be downplayed because of how the white female teachers were perceived physically. Since many in the dominant society and a few individuals in Black society are calling for the heads of these Black teachers, where is the outrage to know that children have been sexually violated by “sexy” white female teachers? Isn’t that considered to be a double standard?

Perhaps there would be more outrage if their pets were being violated instead.

by B. Clark

3 thoughts on “Is There a Double Standard Between Black and White Teachers?

  1. fras says:

    Well, pederasty was a common practice in Greece. The Catholic church is filled with pedophiles. White people even went out of their way to try and destroy the character of the boys going against Sandusky. There are billion dollar sex trafficking rings of kids that operate out of Europe. A girl that was adopted by a white couple from Africa was severely abused. There was a man who was a missionary or something of that kind that went to Africa and was sexually abusing kids…. Many, many more sex-like things.
    There is no wonder that they don’t take such acts seriously but will take a bunch of black teachers who ALLEGEDLY were switching scores for a bonus. No wonder the judge stated that what the teachers did was the WORSE crime he has ever seen in Atlanta…. They think cheating is more serious than child rape. That is what it seems like to me.

    I like to prove myself, so here are all the links:

    1. recordtwist says:

      And there you have it. White people literally rioted to protect child molesters and their enablers at Penn State.

      There was also a billionaire named Bill Epstein, I think that was his name, that ran a child prostitution ring. This man has ties to Bill Clinton and the British Royal Family.

      Also, for those who have been to college, you will probably end up reading the Symposium by Plato, and your professors will tell you what a brilliant literary work it is. When I actually read it, I was appalled by the glorification of child molesting in this book. When I questioned my professor, expressing my views on this demented so called piece of literature, they thought I was the crazy one. Go figure.

  2. otto stroebler says:

    Letting a kid advance, because he might be left back, is just a way for lazy teachers to get rid of him. Let someone else worry about him next year, otherwise he might end up in your zoo again. He’ll probably be a drop-out in a few years
    anyway. Products of Atlanta public schools are not known for their “academic excellence” anyway. So it’s OK to give them the test answers, they need that diploma for their affirmative action career somewhere.

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