Louisiana White Supremacist Race Soldiers Make Propaganda Video Targeting Black Citizens

In a recent video that has gone viral, a group of tough talking suspected white supremacist race soldiers acting as law enforcement issued coded threats against Black citizens of St. Landry Parish.

The system of white supremacy has always created Black “super predator” threats, going all the way back to the 1800’s.  And the super predator myth/propaganda has always been used to justify excessive force against all Black people.

“You will be hunted. You will be tracked. And if you raise your weapon to a man like me, we’ll return fire with superior power,” St. Landry Parish Capt. Clay Higgins says in the Crimstoppers video while wearing an armored vest, holding an assault rifle and standing in front of several dozen race soldiers acting as law enforcement officials. Higgins also used dehumanizing code words for Black people like “thugs” (which is the new N-Word), “animals”, and “heathens”. You will rarely, if ever hear the media or law enforcement use these type of terms against white suspects no matter how heinous their crimes are.



In order to further justify targeting random Black people at will, these race soldiers use catch-all terms like “suspected gang members”. In a system of white supremacy, all Black people are suspected gang members or suspected criminals. Because the crime is melanin.

White supremacy is built on deception tactics. And one deception tactic the race soldiers in this video used was to surround themselves with elderly  Civil Rights/Christian Clergy type of Black males who stand in silence in the background. The white supremacists knew that their agenda had racial overtones, so they thought by placing elderly Black people in the video and mis-categorizing them as “community leaders”, the racist agenda would be ignored.

Well it’s not.

This video is nothing more that Nazi-styled anti-Black, racist propaganda that is used to justify terrorizing groups of innocent Black citizens by associating random Black people with street gangs, whether there is a real connection or not.

Below is another video of the same race soldier Captain Higgins from a couple of years ago talking about locating a white female fugitive who was wanted for drugs and weapons charges. Notice the language he used is totally different from when he was talking about Black suspects:

In this video about the white criminal suspect, Clay Higgins did not use any dehumanizing terms at all. As a matter of fact, he showed complete compassion for this white criminal, by porting her as ‘a young lady raised by good parents” who just “continues to fall prey to the criminal element she seems to prefer”.  This is proof of this race soldier’s racial bias.

Government backed racial terrorism like this is further proof that Black people need reparations in the United States. Because the white supremacists have maintained a non-stop 400 year old campaign of absolute terror against people classified as Black. And like the United Nations recently stated, Black people in America are in need of reparations to correct this onslaught of legalized terror.


199 thoughts on “Louisiana White Supremacist Race Soldiers Make Propaganda Video Targeting Black Citizens

  1. Blackphantom says:

    This is blatant evidence of the assault on our people

    1. JamaicaMon says:

      So you’re a gang member?

    2. Kurt says:

      So you’re a murderer and a gang member?
      You’re saying all black people are thugs and murderers because by your statement you are

      1. John says:

        Nobody forced those criminals to do what they do. Lack of love in their upbringing possibly. If they are shooting up and robbing people, they are better off dead. Period. They’re from a largely black neighborhood, so, yes they are all black. Nothing racist about stating facts about a gang that was causing that community to live in fear every day and who do you think they were attacking mostly? Yep, you got it, others who live in their neighborhood. So everybody here should stop squeaking their hatred about someone who stood up to evil and tried to make EVERYONE safer, especially hard working, honest citizens from the neighborhood that gang resides in. I don’t see anyone complaining about Capt. Higgins doing anything to fight crime themselves. They just good at pointing fingers and stirring up hatred.

  2. SkyChopper says:


  3. Karlin says:

    that was thing is we have negroes making excuses for this clown

    1. Mr. Siggs says:

      If I had to guess I would say that the black people behind him are likely either coons or black community “leaders” that got punked into showing up in the video. They were likely afraid of what might happen if they refused.

      1. K says:

        Where’s your tin foil hat?

        1. Mr. Siggs says:

          Nowhere, its not at all hard to believe that these black “leaders” would be scared to tell the Sheriff that they didn’t want to be in his video for fear of future harassment from law enforcement or political reasons. Its not hard to believe that unless you are a white supremacist/coon/bedwench.

      2. str8_talk says:

        Instead of showing up with artillery to let these mo’fukas know that there will be a heavy price to pay for fuckin’ with black people we show up with religious coons & sell out house niggas. We need a purge in our race fo’ sho’..

  4. JayBay says:

    Things are going to get worse before they get better. People need to realize that our entire history in this country is a lie and that ALL of the nations of the earth were in agreement to keep us at the bottom. This video will explain it much better than I can but people need to stop praying for America and these other nations and realize that we blacks need to come together and get ready for war.

    1. Area51 says:

      Right on! JayBay

  5. Byron says:

    These criminals target primarily black people. No, not the cops, but the people the cop is talking about.
    What about the white guy in the pictures of the Gremlin gang members?

    This is ridiculous.

  6. Devonte says:

    All those crackers are evil and I wouldn’t trust non of them ever along with those old slave thinking Coontoon Niggaz!! If revolution gonna take place we but get rid of all poison

  7. mark says:

    HAha Rolled over died laughing When I played the second clip of the druggy girl its like he is a different person

  8. Shabazzim says:

    This white guy is talking about fair fighting while boasting in his superior firepower! White people don’t know what a fair fight is! If wars were just fought MMA style. Black people would be the ones with the whips in their hands!

    1. KKK says:

      That’s a racist comment.

  9. Ramsees Jordon says:

    The blacks who stand by this kind of blatant racism are far more dangerous than the ‘supremacist’ leader.

  10. Lil L says:

    This guy has got to be kidding. They let her go twice with a gun charge. I understand the weed but a gun. She must have some good *****. He stated some people get involed with the wrong people that’s why they are in trouble with drugs. Now they are in full tactical gear stating these gang members are armed and dangerous but let her go twice and she is known to be armed. Granted we can’t have gangs terrorizing our community they need to be put out of the community. We also can’t trade one gang for another gang that’s going to terrorize our community either. If you are a upstanding member of the community then you should be armed yourself. Go through all the legal channels and obtain a gun for you protection and family. Don’t just rely on the police to protect your family from gangs. The community he is so called protecting is not represented at all in the hiring practice of his department. The only blacks I see are from the community it’s self. This guy is trying to hide it but he can’t, he hates black men. He will hunt them down under any circumstance legal or illegal. he said these guys was uneducated and I would bet none of them has a passport, but yet they are selling drugs that came from different parts of the world and using guns that was not manufactured in their community. Now how do all these uneducated guys get these things. It seems to me only educated well organized groups could keep this level of criminal activity going. I’m done.

  11. dwan says:

    They need to be a dam man carry your punk ass over to Iraq fight them hunt them down and see who’s the animal. Use your weapons toward something you’re nothing but COWARDS fighting.see you are the one that’s uneducated can’t find a job. And your biggest nigjtmare is a educated Black Man. You should be tired fighting for nothing. because this world will go on with or wirhout you. Every man everyone has ro bow down and confess . Cowards. Go to Isis., Africa, go to the Middle East ans see how lond your punk Ass last. Why worry about a Black MAN you been taught wrong it the White Educated Man in Washington that got you fuck up youre fighting to keep them Rich get educated stop listening and Read get a tutorial if you cant understand. You fighting the wrong Man…

  12. Whitey says:

    Wow this article is the craziest thing I’ve ever read. It’s obvious that he is talking about a bunch of criminals and not black people in general. First there is a Caucasian guy pictured and I think I saw a few Hispanic people in there also. It’s amazing how racist the reactions to this post are. If you think that all white people are evil, because of a few cops who are bad apples, then you are completely ignorant and hopeless. Come on you are really grasping at straws. All of the people talked about in the video are violent offenders and I’m sure many of them have a few murders under there belt. Are cops racially biased to a large extent…yes. Do minorities typically get targeted by police investigations? yes. Is the system rigged against poor people of every race? yes. Are there a lot of benefits that minorities get that Caucasians don’t? yes. Are all black people bad, because of a few bad apples? Of course not. If you stop justifying killing and violence within your own race that would be a great place to start. From there if we create groups of ethnic diversity who stand up for Civil Rights and the Rights of All Poor People, then we can come together and solve this problem. Dividing everything into a black vs white issue is exactly what the powers that be want to do, because it makes us easy to conquer. Have you ever heard of Divide and Conquer? Well it’s a real thing. When are we collectively going to grow up and take responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming everyone for everything. We are the authors of our own story and if you can’t see that, then I feel sorry for you. There is opportunity all over the place, but if you sit around blaming people, and never take action, then you are the only one to blame. This fact is irrespective of race, class, or whatever other label we give ourselves which keep us divided. I do my part of holding my race accountable for their actions and I would suggest doing the same, before things get even worse. We don’t need a race war in this country, because that would mean that the elite (aka The Only White People that Owned Slave) win again. Please I pray that you will someday wake up to what is happening. We can’t keep buying into racial propaganda on both sides. My race is also full of bad people, so is yours and every other race, now what are we going to do about it? Blaming me because of the color of my skin is equally as racist. My family never owned slaves, in fact they were slaves way back in the day. I don’t blame anyone for my life circumstance but myself. I control my future, just like you and everyone else.

    1. JayBay says:

      Oh please stop with the “let’s all come together and skip through the tulips” bullshit. We tried that. Never worked and never will work. You might a pretty decent person but on the WHOLE white people are the worst thing to happen to black people. Hell, the worst thing to happen to the planet. If blacks in their numbers (which is in the billions) did the fucked up stuff that white people (a minority on a global scale) have done throughout the earth then the planet would already be uninhabitable by now. We don’t need you and we don’t want you.

      For Esau (white people) is the end of the world, and Jacob (so called blacks) is the beginning of it that followeth.”2 Esdras 6:9

      Esau is your people btw. Every country that that whites have inhabited is the same pattern. Kill the locals, enslave them, rape them, put them in conditions where they’re forced into poverty, and then say “see! look at these savages! They need our help” Not falling for it.

      1. JayBay says:

        Ever notice how white people always have the same script when they come on this website? How come you never hear them say anything about blacks building their own economy, not spending money on Christmas, Halloween, etc., show love to your fellow black person or anything like that? They don’t want blacks to put themselves in a position to excel and potentially become equal or greater than whites. It’s ALWAYS about keeping you dependent or at a lower level than they are. Don’t let them fool you.

      2. JamaicaMon says:

        You’re free to return to your homeland,no one’s stopping you.

        1. JayBay says:

          White supremacy and/or American and European influence is a worldwide phenomenon that affects just about every country in some way or another. Besides, black people’s true homeland (Israel) is occupied by invaders at the moment.

          1. Pan-Africa says:

            JayBay First things first…marry me. SECOND..These subhuman troglydytes have no empathy…they are emotionally retarded. They are incapable of feeling compassion, sympathy for us. They exhibit all the symptoms of a psychopath. They conquered us through disease, rape, genocide..essentially… Extermination. All these epidemics just popping up from nowhere…they’re being created in LABS…by these CAVE BEASTS. You’re not better than us…. You’re merely sick hybrids…no more better than Jeffrey Dahmer…Ted Bundy..Charles Manson…and Albert Fish( who are all White surprisingingly). Psychopaths, people with various forms of autism often have very high IQ’s…however…no one strives to be a psychopath and no one strives to be autistic. You guys kill through disease and guns… You don’t fight fair..you could never fight with your fists. We would have broken you all into two if you didn’t have guns.

          2. Tha Bigga Nigga says:

            Man you is a fucked up lil foo! Whachoo be scared of whitey fo? And neva forget yo own sold yo ancestaz 2 da white man. Go be mad yo biznitch Obama dindu shit fo yo punk azz. Dats why you still be livin in da projects in some broke ass trailer wit a broke screen door.

        2. White Devil says:

          I’d say you’re a pretty weak race if you allow yourselves to be beaten by a global minority.
          P.S. You’re grammar and spelling is horrendous.

          1. Black Devil says:

            It’s “your” not “you’re grammar”.. you need to learn grammar dumbass..

          2. JayBay says:

            Says the guy who can’t stay out in the sun for extended periods of time otherwise his skin will peel off like a damn vampire.
            Funny how you guys always say how much you hate us yet you spend your free time coming to sites like this to see what we think about you. Esau is the damn devil and you deserve all the horrible things that are about to happen to you.

          3. Pan-Africa says:

            We will go back to Africa. When you return to the Caucus Mountains. And you guys act like we brought ourselves here lol you walking mutations act like you got amnesia

        3. Michelle says:

          No, u came all the way to Africa to get us now want us to go back? You go back to where u came, this is the Natives land not yours.

        4. elleb says:

          Your free to return to your homeland … Oops you don’t have a destination before your savage ass ancestors stole this land but the mountains

        5. str8_talk says:

          The Krakkas you love so much are free to return to their homeland no one stopping them FOH! coon..

      3. Kevin says:

        Speak tha real, couzin!!

      4. str8_talk says:

        Go head! JayBay

      5. str8_talk says:

        Go Head! JayBay hurt them krakkas feelins’..

    2. R J Williams says:

      Good comment but the one about Blacks getting benefits that Caucasians don’t is false! Go do your research on this one, it’s impossible for blacks to get more. The population of blacks don’t put them in majority, whites get more??

    3. Kwabena King says:

      Well respectfully “Whitey” after reading your post and seeing that your using terms like “civil rights” and “minorities” in clear referance to us so called “black” people. You have no clue as to the true meanings of these terms. There are NO people called “civil” and a “minority” covers many differen social catagories of people. You either miss or clearly ignore the whole purpose of what this website is about… Good luck figuring it out.

    4. S Howard says:

      So St Landry has only Black criminals?

    5. KKK says:

      Not badly written, but you are wrong about only white people owning slaves.

      Blacks owned slaves also, and made most white slave owners look like Mother Teresa. Do some work and learn the real history and not what we were all spoon feed in school.

  13. emani says:

    Who ever thinks that race is not a problem in america is either a racist or stupid we do need to come together true but the powersthat be are in control lets do away with it all we are a peaceful people its you all who have the problem

  14. lol says:

    I have never seen so many black people make a white supremacist video

  15. Grodd says:

    All I see in the first video is that black folks in the South are still doing the job that was given to them on the plantations. Negroe give tell your people what we taught you, as they sat by to make sure that the preaching of “Obey your Master” didn’t change. It’s the same behavior. Many of these negroes have to go along with these cops for fear of what could happen if they don’t. Don’t get it twisted folks. It may be 2016, but the South is still the South.

  16. Bryce says:

    What other approach would you like? To ask the criminals nicely to stop committing crimes,turn them selves in? The fact that the race card keeps coming up show defensiveness and ignorance..white,black,Asian, Indian , etc..if you are a criminal..you deserve to pay for it..

  17. Black2TheFuture says:

    We have all heard of the Great Wall Of China, well those negroes standing behind that white supremacist piece of pig shit is the Great Wall Of Coons.

  18. Black2TheFuture says:

    Lets Decode what he was saying about the criminal white chick:

    This is just a nice innocent white woman who go caught up with some dope dealing niggers. If it wasnt for theses niggers this white woman would have never been in this situation. This white woman fucking up her life is the niggers fault. We must do all we can to control these niggers and keep them away from our white women.

    When white people say “criminal element” that is also code for nigger. Theyre for damn sure not talking about another white person.

  19. Nykeesha says:

    He’s Racist & He Should Be Terminated

  20. KD says:

    Cpt. Higgins is a redneck POS. I would LoL for 10 minutes straight if I found out tomorrow morning the Gremlin Gang took him up on his offer and murdered his ass.

  21. RON says:

    So, he’s supposed to be “Educated’ ????????? ha ha ha ! One White Trash BRAIN DEAD MORON, talking to his fellow White Trash BRAIN DEAD MORONS ! All he did was expose ALL White Trash folks for the world to see ! ha ha ha ha ! White Trash BUFFOON…

  22. Monica says:

    There is an AMAZING difference between the first video (about people of color) and the ensuing ones (about white criminals). It can’t be denied that there is a completely different perception of black people over white. How can it be this blatant, and continue?

  23. Creole says:

    Louisiana is that old confederate state that backed Dr. David Duke for Governor around the earlier 90’s.

  24. Captain Clay Higgins says:

    While I admire your passion, and I support your first amendments, I must advise that your assessment of me and my mission is completely and alarmingy wrong. Further, whereas you’ve apparently done a bit of research on me, it appears that the authors of this article have chosen to mislead the reader with omission and… I assume not purposeful… false characterization. The conclusions and implications of this article are dangerously wrong.
    I invite the author to come spend a few hours with me. I’ll answer any and all questions on record and I’ll welcome video documentation of our entire interaction. I’ll introduce the author to every single distinguished gentleman who participated in my production and I’ll share the entire background information that lead to the decision to organize the production.
    I ask every respected reader here to reflect from bended knee, as Paul told us in Corinthians, to place not your faith in the wisdom of man, but in the spirit and power of God. I ask that every reader prayerfully reflect on my words here and feel my spirit. I am not the enemy. I am real. I am American. I am human. I am Christian.
    Captain Clay Higgins

    1. Jenee says:

      Bravo!!!! You are a true gentleman! This is a smear on your good name and your supporters will not stand for this!

    2. melvina says:

      Way to go captain Higgins!! Your a great maN. And Your followers will not stand for them labeling you like this. This gang is killing fellow African Americans but that’s OK? It’s not OK for captain Higgins to hunt them? They are violent animals with no regard for any human life. You ppl are sick to put this man down for what he has done. Its ppl like y’all and this gang that gives us “black” ppl and bad name. So shutup with the race crap and let these criminals pay for their crimes. Go search all crime stoppers videos he has called white ppl cowerwds, animals and ect he is not labeling a race he is hunting crimanls u ignorant ppl. Grow up get over the race and obey the law. Please keep up the good work mr Higgins don’t let these clowns affect you. Our younger society thinks the world owes them something. Your life is what you make it. I chose to be successful y’all should try the same.

      Sincerely a pissed of black lady.

      1. JayBay says:

        Please stop with that foolishness. No one here is staying that we want gangs and black on black violence to exist. But I do believe that black people (yes, this includes men AND women. No one gets a pass) need to be the main ones to police ourselves. You don’t see Chinese or (fake) Jewish communities needing guys like this in their area because if your ass shows up in their neighborhood acting suspicious they’ll beat the shit out of you. And no, I’m not exaggerating when I say that. Stop looking for other races to take of your neighborhoods. Especially when those same races are the ones who traffic the guns and drugs in to begin with.

        1. JayBay says:

          I chose to be successful y’all should try the same.

          And yet we have so many black feminists on the internet bad mouthing black men about how they can’t get ahead in the world because of patriarchy. Yet racism somehow stopped existing in the past few decades. You better get your shit together. Black people aren’t perfect but if you’re not doing a damn thing to change the situation (whether it’s volunteering or donating money to black owned groups) then what do you think is going to happen to the next generation? The same shit but in a different year.

      2. Mr. Siggs says:

        “Grow up get over the race and obey the law.”
        Spoken like a true bedwench. America’s broken justice system and killer/racist cops make it real hard to get over race. Outside of street gangsters the next threat for a black man would be the gangsters with badges. We have learned over the past years that the gangsters with badges can beat and kill black men with impunity.

  25. Mayor Pro Tem says:

    We stand together in St Landry Parish…………

  26. minkpink says:

    whyt’s modo: See no facts: Hear no facts: speak no facts.

  27. Meduty says:

    As an Afrikan living in Europe, I find this individual very disturbing. It is clear that he has single standards I.e he thinks only of the preservation of his race. The fact is that Europeans are dwindling, they are not reproducing as quickly as the other races, hence their innate contempt for us. Mother nature will take care of them no doubt about that. Since their contact with other groups from their emergence from caves. They’ve done nothing but kill and create wars, first perfecting it amongst themselves and then exporting it to the rest of he world. Study their story from the time of the Greeks they show you themselves. I am not surprised by the coins in the background, we have always had them . Collaborators are the worst types of people in any group this is what lead to the downfall of the Black Panther Party, Malcolm X, Martin Luther king Jr, Marcus Garvey, I can go on. In closing we the Afrikan people’s of the world should expect nothingw if these type of individuals we must organise ourselves and plan 100years ahead. Truth is they have created all these scenarios and then blame the victims. We must be grateful that they kidnapped us enslaved us dehumanized us ,lefted us in an impoverished state and then expect it all to come together in such a short space in time. Those brothers who they seek to eliminate are also victims of the distruction of the Afrikan civilization. Yes they may have committed horrible crimes but ask yourselves this question what we’re the social economic psychological, lack of educational circumstances that impacted upon their decisions to take the road they chose. He made that analysts with the young European women, why because he could empathise with her, that he could not do with our brothers but we can and we will for it is only through that we are able to combat and eradicate this behaviour from our future. Hence thinking 100 years ahead, my Afrikan family this is war look at the way he was dressed when he was referring to our young men and the way he was dressed when speaking about the European woman. In any war there are casualties we have fought many battles over the centuries lost some and won some but the war ain’t over yet. This war is fought on many levels physical, educational, economical, Cultural and Spiritual. So expect nothing more than what you see of this individual he is just displaying his natural barbarism which is innate in him. While we must ignore him we must at the same time educate our young to be aware of that type of being. Knowledge is power we must train our children to define their future and not have defined for them Peace out The Prophet Meduty.

  28. Bomani Asad says:

    If this is truly captain Higgins, do you see why people have a problem with you and your two videos of wanted criminals ? You treated the white girl with kid gloves while stating she was a victim of bad choices yet you don’t give that same benefit to the people of color , you chose to demonize them as only a racist would, why the difference ? No one is supporting gang bangers that destroy and upheave their communities, but your videos are but a glimpse into how unjust this criminal justice system is

    Your videos may have been an attempt to appear tough on crime, but when you contrast the two, it’s racism at its finest, racism and hypocrisy.

  29. Mayor Pro Tem says:

    I asked Capt Higgins to reply and for the record there’s more than one race in the video. Research all of Crime Stoppers videos before passing judgment.

  30. chuquestaquenumber1 says:

    9 cops were KILLED since January. All of the cop killers have been WHITE. The race soldiers have had little to nothing to say about that. White cop killers don’t seem to bother them.

  31. Jay clayton says:

    Higgins for president 2016

  32. Jolie Darbonne says:

    OK so let’s turn this in to a racist war! It is totally OK for you to break the law! I am so sure all the African American men standing in the background were forced to be there…. Better yet I bet they believe that the police made these people commit the crimes they are accused of. Let me ask a question. If Captain Clay Higgins was a African American would the thing he said be OK with you then?????? Get over your butt hurt! This is what is wrong with America.. If you don’t want the police after don’t break the law. Smh! White Supremacy what a joke..
    I am sick and tired of all the politically correct BS in this world!

  33. Jenee says:

    I live here. In Louisiana, a few miles from where this was shot. And take it from me and every other law abiding citizens that lives here, these man he is talking about both black and white are violent, selling drugs, robbing people among other things. My brother’s best friend was shot and killed by one of these guys. Those black men in the back ground ARE community officails. They were not scared into being there. They did it willingly. They are tired of the gang members messing up their Streets and their citizens living in fear to even to outside. Why is what he said wrong? Look up all his other videos, he talks that way all the time and the people here LOVE him. He said IF you draw your weapon, which means nothing will happen if they just surrender and turn themselves in. These men are criminals. Plain and simple. The DEA and state police have been running investigations on them for months and are sick of the bull shit they have been doing to our community. As are the people who live here. This has nothing to do with race. Nothing at all. It’s about sending a message that we will not stand for gangs or the problems that comes with them. Clay is not a white supremacist, he’s an officer with the St. Landry Parrish police department. He’s on the swat team and does a lot of work in the community including help the local ambulance company jump start their security department to help keep families safe with home security. Look up St Landry crime stoppers and watch all of his videos. One of his videos was even aired on Jimmy Fallon’s show. Because he’s taking a stand against dangerous people in our community he’s a racist? Tisk tisk. This is the way shit gets blowed out of proportion. You people don’t live here and have no idea what this man stands for. Do not let bull shit articles like this lie to you. The writer of this article is not from here and chose his words carefully to make you think this way. I’m sure he didn’t even look Clay up to see his long history in his community and all the good he does. As for the people who live around here, we support this man 100 percent.

    1. Ray says:

      The old I can talk about my Mama but you can’t syndrome. Let face black men we are more likely to be killed by one of our own than a police officer. We want to embrace the thug gang culture which idealizes death and violence and have the nerve to get upset when cops respond in kind. Grow the $&@? Up and except responsibility for the $&@ that you do.

    2. KKK says:

      Well written. I’m also tired of political correctness. It is killing this country and causing more hatred. Everyone is racist in todays political bs.

  34. Moe says:

    This is pure bullshit! He says that about everyone. Stop trying to turn this into something it is not.

  35. NV says:

    Lol racist?
    They are targeting GANG members

  36. Kurt says:

    This article is just retarded. So he’s a racist for hating murderers and people in gangs?
    That 2nd woman hadn’t killed people and terrorized people. She’s still a drop kick because she has a gun and drugs but no near as bad as murderers.

  37. fagarh says:

    The only racist here, are the race baiters who wrote this article and the people who agree with them. There’s nothing racist here…

  38. Sam says:

    this exact same video was posted a week ago under the title “chief of police threatens gangs and gang violence with extreme repurcussions”

    But no, go on about your “White supremacist army” standing shoulder to shoulder with no less than 10 black people. and no, not African american, because not all black people are from continental Africa by heritage, just like not all white people are from southern texas :/

  39. Thinker X says:

    More psychological fear tactics. “Ooooo” look at my guns and shake in fear. Those who purposely mean black people harm, are going to be in for a rude awakening when the people loose their fear of death and all this psy-op fronting behind toys won’t make people lay down and allow them to do whatever they please. Eventually the pendulum is going to swing in the opposite direction.

    1. KKK says:

      Your dumb as a sack of bricks.

    2. KKK says:

      You’re as dumb as a sack of bricks.

  40. MoneyBett$ says:

    There’s a Sheriff (what’s his name) in every city. All white supremacist with licenses to kill. Black people need to know this. And if you think about it every black male in that video looks like all variations of brothers. So what every black male that lives in that area, their life is in imminent danger.

  41. Theboogieboy says:

    Man I grew up by Louisiana they won’t try that shit with them crazy niggas out there. Trust me don’t even worry about it.

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