Michael Savage:”You Can Push The White Man Only So Far”

So-called “Right wing” radio host  Michael Savage has decided to stop talking in code words and outright spew white supremacist rhetoric in his latest on-air rant.

“The white man is a quiet man and a peaceful man,” Savage said, “and right now the white man is very, very quiet, and very, very peaceful, and like many dictators before him, Barack Obama thinks the white man will remain quiet and subdued forever. Hitler made that mistake; Hitler boasted that his supermen, his Hitler Youth, would easily wipe the floor with the GI Joes that were being sent over…. But it was the white man who defeated Superman in World War II. Let me tell you something else, you push the white man only so far, you’re going to have a reaction like you’ve never seen.”

Savage added that Obama, whom he called a “lunatic” who hates America, is “flooding America with illegal aliens” and pushing for the Iranian nuclear negotiations to irritate and incite white people into a revolution.

So the question we should all ask Mr. Savage is, when “the white man” finally does “react”, as he claims,what exactly is “the white man” going to do and who is “the white man” going to target?


Listen to the full radio rant here.

106 thoughts on “Michael Savage:”You Can Push The White Man Only So Far”

  1. BluesSinger says:

    Michael Savage is an idiot and always has been. No one serious takes this guy seriously! With his banned from the UK a33.

    1. Asoka says:

      Michael Savage hates the fact that he is Jewish, he hates himself and of course anyone of melanoid complexion. Check Michael’s real surname. Michael Savage is a complete fraud!

      1. dr dro says:

        Weiner hahahaha

  2. Hassan Jones says:

    That’s a good Question First it will be impoverished blacks then all the rest of us black people. I said that to say let’s get prepared arm ourselves with economic empowerment and if need be weapons Peace!

    1. Rosalind says:

      Thank you so much! Someone who finally understands what we need to do. Economic empowerment first. The wallet is power now. We need to boycott those who need to be boycotted and buy from our own people. We use to have our own businesses. We even had our own towns until white people got jealous and burned them down. We have to come together and rebuild. Stop worrying about who has more. If we work together we can all have together. Then we arm to protect what life and business.

  3. William J says:

    that is the most deluded “woe is us” rant i ever heard

    1. Dee says:

      You’re an idiot.

  4. Jacob says:

    The victim mentality of these White Supremacists is pathetic. It’s always somebody trying to “push the white man” in their minds.

    1. brand elguapo says:

      There is a mental issue that is embedded in white supremacists. They are psychopaths plain and simple. Comments such as the one he made are near the core of many white supremacists.

      White supremacists cannot get along peacefully with anybody and never have throughout history. They take anyone else doing good as a challenge/threat to them in this world and thats why they are dangerous.

    2. creaky says:

      For real—I only listened to this dude once a decade ago, and after 15 minutes I couldn’t stand it any longer—had to change the channel. Sick of racist idiots acting like only the white man is important, as if black people and other people of color aren’t part of this country. Fuck assholes like him for spreading that bullshit—if he dosen’t like people of color, then he needs to take his ass somewhere in Europe where his ass he hasn’t been banned yet.

    3. Jessica Nunya says:

      Wow. Coming from a race that thinks they were the only ones on earth enslaved. Now are being kept in poverty by ‘white supremacists’ . Who can’t get a job “because they are black”. Not because they refuse to be educated, drop out of school, prefer to be thugs on the street, have a rap sheet that will fill a file cabinet, feel entitled to MOB ROB stores and people, commit beat downs on their own people and on whites, find nothing wrong with looting and burning, but scream “I’m Oppressed!” Look in the mirror! There you will find the one oppressing you!

  5. First, The white man is NOT a quiet man. Nor is he a peaceful man. Because based on the track record, he manipulates and is full of rage lies deceit.

    To be boastful about defeating Hitler as if he has authority on morale is a joke. Hitler’s holocaust lasted 4 years. America’s lasted 250 some odd yrs and the impact continues. This does not include blacks around the world including Germany.

    And third- what more can he do that he hasnt already done and continues to do? What WE have to do is never forget and continue to study. Our problem is we have forgotten what slavery, jim crow and all the other host of racists tactics has done. We want to accept everybody. Ee have to stop that now!

    1. Chuck says:

      To correct one thing the WW II holocaust wasn’t 4 years Hitler was in power 12. But if you look at the bigger picture its an ideology present in European culture.

      From the crusades,Spanish inquisition, the destruction of the Indian nations, genocide against the aboriginal in Australia and African people and not just the enslavement in America but the destruction of the culture.

      The European holocaust is just the latest and most recent example of their destructive culture.

    2. Edward says:

      Hmmm, White man beat the Superman whom is also white, and were certainly not quiet….I am so confused rofl

    3. Dee says:

      Never has been. Look at what they did to the Native Americans. Peaceful my ass!

    4. Whitey says:

      What Black Holocost? The one white people ended by taking King Zulu’s rejects? You people wouldn’t be alive today if not for the white man. You’d be lion shit on the African plains if not for slavery. If you hate and distrust the white man so much hop a plane and go back where your own kind sold your ancestors from for being criminals or rapists or just not being black enough and thus classified by their king as a race traitor. You are historically the most racist group of people on the planet; even towards your own kind. Learn your true history not the bullshit Hollywood “Roots” version. The only ones at fault for your so-called oppression are you and your ancestors. Stupid monkeys.

      1. L.P. GAS HAULER says:

        Let me guess kkk member correct?

      2. Honky bob says:

        There is truth in this comment,black people are using the slavery argument as a deflection to channel there own racist hatred views towards whites and use as an excuse to create race wars.

        1. creaky says:


          Oh, shut up. White people have been dumping their hatred on black people and other people of color since this country started, for virtually its entire damn history, and you have the nerve to wonder why some of us don’t liek white folks? You claim we’re racist—well, guess who the hell we learned to be racist from? White people—who the hell else? Y’all practically taught everybody else how to be racist, then you act all surprised when it gets thrown right back at you. How arrogant of you to think that would never happen—it figures,though.

      3. creaky says:


        F*** you, you racist POS. That bullshit “black folks wouldn’t be anything if it wasn’t for white people” is the same lame racist-ass shit you’ve been using to justify doing whatever the fuck you want to black people since slavery. Africa and Africans would have developed on its own like every other nation on earth just fine if your greedy-ass ancestors hadn’t decided to not only invade the continent, steal all of its resources to enrich European nations, but then they kidnapped my ancestors and brought them here to America to be cheap damn labor for more white folks who apparently thought they were too damn good to pick their own damn cotton. This country was built literally off the backs of black slaves who made the South rich—slavery was the matter economic engine of the South, and it made them fucking rich—that’s why white folks fought the Civil War to keep it. And get you damn facts straight—it’s white people who have historically been not only the most racist people on earth, and gotten the most damn mileage out of it, but you’re used racism and white supremacy to justify treating everyone else in this world who isn’t white like shit and making them feel like shit because of it. Your ancestors didn’t do us no fucking favors by kidnapping and forcing mine over here to do your ancestors’ damn work for them. And “Roots” is much closer to our real history in this country than anything Hollywood puts. Of course, it’s just like an arrogant-ass white person to ell what we should be thinking—-well, fuck you again,because nobody asked you for your opinion in the first damn place. You ancestors enslaved and oppressed us—–you can sit there and lie to yourself about it, but any American history book will tel you the true story. Quit trying to twist history around and up to make yourself feel better, and trying to absolve white folks of any blame in historically oppressing black folks and everybody else non-white, you stupid-a** racist a**hole.

        1. Honky bob says:

          Yeh sure,blacks would still be dancing in grass skirts and throwing spears at the moon .

    5. Gloria J. Daniel says:

      I agree with you Melanie. The white man is the only one that can stop racism , and he know this , and now he don’t care if Black people know it. The white man teaches white supremacy from generation to generation. The white man teaches racism in order to maintain his so-called white supremacy. He is lashing out now because he know his time is up. He has the lowest birth rate of any race on the planet. Nature has a way of handling those who don’t play well with others. Remember the dinosaurs.

  6. Lamar says:

    Although I do not agree with Michael Savage on probably a whole range of issues. I think black people have to make allies, not friends, to meet our agenda. And I don’t think illegal aliens benefit black people at all.
    When that allie no longer benefits us, we should shed them like an old pair of shoes.

  7. Daniel says:

    These white supremacists are not playing they truly feel that there is a “war on white people” which is them being afraid or intimidated by any progress by those not in the dominant society

    1. Chuck says:

      It’s called projection, whatever they are guilty of has to be turned around on others.

      Or maybe it’s their guilt showing? They know what they’ve done that’s why they hate it being talked about. They can’t allow reality to intrude this bubble they choose to live in.

    2. Gloria J. Daniel says:

      And that’s what make them so dangerous, but I guess they feel comfortable in gun laws that are put in such a way that a Black man risk his own life if he try to do OPEN CARRY or if he has the nerve to carry a concealed weapon permit, don;t you know we didn’t pass these laws for you Black man, these laws are made to arm our people while denying Black and Brown people the ability to arm themselves without risking their lives. Oh we been thinking, we are preparing, that’s what he is saying.

  8. Tomi B says:

    This Savage can say whatever he wants, he’s an American Indian but hiding behind white extremists bcoz there is nothing supreme about this group of people. We are not the ones killing young black people they are turn around and say we are pushing? Where do they get off thinking like that? They must be afraid of what we can do to them. They always want their guns without it they are nobody

  9. Seth Evans says:

    Michael Savage is right, you can only push the white man so far–for example, right about now this white man is just about fed up with all the bullshit white supremacist victim complex narratives being pushed by bitch ass fascists like Michael Savage, and would love nothing more than for him and his ilk to just fuck off already.

  10. labman57 says:

    Conservatives continue to insist that their vehement hatred and unparalleled disrespect for the Obamas has no racial basis whatsoever, indignantly declaring “stop pulling the race card” whenever an Obama supporter points to evidence suggesting otherwise.

    And then yet another FOX News commentator, conservative strategist, GOP official or political wannabe, tea party pundit, hyperbolic radio shock-jock, or right wing blogger steps up to the plate ..

    1. Chuck says:

      They hate the race card because it’s not to their advantage anymore. They created the race card and have played it for almost the last 400 years plus years.

      And now they’re tired of it?

  11. Black Queen says:

    Michael Savage your name speaks for itself. White men are and have always been savages, trying to destroy every race of people that your kind have come across especially Black People. You white people have done every hateful, vile and despicable things that you can do to us. We are and have always been a quiet and peaceful people. If this were not so, then WE would have had retribution aagainst all the things that you and your people have and are still doing to us. So I say to you and your kind keep pushing Black People and let’s see what happens to you all…..

    1. King Solomon says:

      LOVED ITTT … 😎😉

  12. Joy says:

    Except the “Savage” one plays a very deceptive word game. Whites are extremely VIOLENT! Just look at police murders of UNARMED Black people. Read the comments on right wing blogs, they constantly talk about wars and killing. Have you noticed the “open carry crowd”? Do you remember a few years ago the news stations started covering the “gun shows” but had to stop because they were shooting each other? Have you forgotten the SF World series with? The World Cup? The March Madness? The Pumpkin Fest? They are violent when the are HAPPY. And yes, Savage (NOT HIS REAL NAME) is speaking coded terms that will excite his minions to violence against BLACK people

  13. Keith says:

    you sound like a big fool and the only illegal aliens In this country and else around the world are white people the people without a civilization a mythological Jesus and a stolen legacy can’t even call y’all Europeans but blacks were there first and as well around the world. Second white ain’t never been quiet but I can til you that yall white people are wmd Of the human race . Another thing white people will never be as dominant as the Moore people yall just lost tribes of us who shouldn’t have survived in the ice age anyway. You can try but at the end the first to come me is the last to leave and yall our the last descendants of the moores you savages of lucifer the men of the North Star are going to be the first to be extinct from the human race and and your kind knows it and fear it because if you’ll didn’t you would sound like a bigot with the hate of the Moore people. What’s never had power over the gods you mere man

    1. Blane says:

      The day will come when blacks will pay for using the race card it will backfire on them!!!

      1. creaky says:


        White folks came up with that bullshit saying “the race card”—there is no such thing. Race is not a damn game you play with, especially when it affects people’s lives. So fuck that “race card” bullshit—that’s just something white folks throw the hell up whenever the hell they don’t want to hear black folks say anything about race,that’s all.

  14. Ken says:

    1. MIKE SAVAGE, is just as his LAST NAME said…a (SAVAGE)!!!!

    2. MIKE SAVAGE has said so MANY (HATE FILLED) and RACIST comments, their are too many to even LIST them all!

    3. MIKE SAVAGE is a HATE FILLED JEW! We need to
    (PUBLICLY) air his HATE and RACIST comments to the WORLD and to the MEDIA!

    4. WE must EXPOSE (MIKE SAVAGE) to the WORLD and to the MEDIA, for all his HATE and RACIST comments!

  15. Ken says:

    1. MIKE SAVAGE, is just as his LAST NAME said…a (SAVAGE)!!!! WE must EXPOSE (MIKE SAVAGE) to the WORLD and to the MEDIA, for all his HATE and RACIST comments!

    2. MIKE SAVAGE has said so MANY (HATE FILLED) and RACIST comments, their are too many to even LIST them all!

    3. MIKE SAVAGE is a HATE FILLED JEW! We need to
    (PUBLICLY) air his HATE and RACIST comments to the WORLD and to the MEDIA!

    4. WE must EXPOSE (MIKE SAVAGE) to the WORLD and to the MEDIA, for all his HATE and RACIST comments!

  16. Robert says:

    He’s right.The chimp in chief and black lives matter has become tiresome.You mess with the bull you get the horns.Black people grew crops,they did not build this country.If they participate now it’s on our graces and the lives of 2 million white men who died to free the chattel.Don’t forget where your bread is buttered and who your daddy is.

    1. Arvind says:

      Shut the fuck up whitey faggot. You’re more like a robot than a human, considering how you people can’t even empathize with other humans.

      1. Dav says:

        Typical immigrant says they hate racism then revert back to the racists they are when they don like what they hear.

    2. Keith Morgan says:

      Lol…that was funny. Internet warriors….gotta love em!

      Tell you what….since you’re such a bad azz, post a picture, then your address. Since you fear nothing, you have nothing to worry about, right?


  17. Mike says:

    1243 Washington Street. Denver, CO

    Come on by Keith.

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