Terrorist Dylann Roof’s White Supremacist Manifesto

Today a website was discovered that traced back to white supremacist terrorist Dylann Roof,the man who shoot 9 Melanoid church members at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston SC. This week.  The website thelastrhodesian.com has several new photographs of Roof and it also contains a written manifesto of Dylann Roof’s white supremacist views in his own words.

This discovery proves that Roof was not mentally ill when he carried out these murders. This proves that this was not an “attack on Christians” like many media outlets are trying to spin this story.

This manifesto proves that Dylann Roof was very clear and specific about his white supremacist agenda.



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Here is the full text of the manifesto:
“I was not raised in a racist home or environment. Living in the South, almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply beause of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country. But it is a superficial awareness. Growing up, in school, the White and black kids would make racial jokes toward each other, but all they were were jokes. Me and White friends would sometimes would watch things that would make us think that “blacks were the real racists” and other elementary thoughts like this, but there was no real understanding behind it.
The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

From this point I researched deeper and found out what was happening in Europe. I saw that the same things were happening in England and France, and in all the other Western European countries. Again I found myself in disbelief. As an American we are taught to accept living in the melting pot, and black and other minorities have just as much right to be here as we do, since we are all immigrants. But Europe is the homeland of White people, and in many ways the situation is even worse there. From here I found out about the Jewish problem and other issues facing our race, and I can say today that I am completely racially aware.


I think it is is fitting to start off with the group I have the most real life experience with, and the group that is the biggest problem for Americans.
Niggers are stupid and violent. At the same time they have the capacity to be very slick. Black people view everything through a racial lense. Thats what racial awareness is, its viewing everything that happens through a racial lense. They are always thinking about the fact that they are black. This is part of the reason they get offended so easily, and think that some thing are intended to be racist towards them, even when a White person wouldnt be thinking about race. The other reason is the Jewish agitation of the black race.
Black people are racially aware almost from birth, but White people on average dont think about race in their daily lives. And this is our problem. We need to and have to.
Say you were to witness a dog being beat by a man. You are almost surely going to feel very sorry for that dog. But then say you were to witness a dog biting a man. You will most likely not feel the same pity you felt for the dog for the man. Why? Because dogs are lower than men.
This same analogy applies to black and White relations. Even today, blacks are subconsciously viewed by White people are lower beings. They are held to a lower standard in general. This is why they are able to get away with things like obnoxious behavior in public. Because it is expected of them.
Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an inferiority complex in blacks. This White superiority complex that comes from learning of how we dominated other peoples is also part of the problem I have just mentioned. But of course I dont deny that we are in fact superior.
I wish with a passion that niggers were treated terribly throughout history by Whites, that every White person had an ancestor who owned slaves, that segregation was an evil an oppressive institution, and so on. Because if it was all it true, it would make it so much easier for me to accept our current situation. But it isnt true. None of it is. We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons.
Only a fourth to a third of people in the South owned even one slave. Yet every White person is treated as if they had a slave owning ancestor. This applies to in the states where slavery never existed, as well as people whose families immigrated after slavery was abolished. I have read hundreds of slaves narratives from my state. And almost all of them were positive. One sticks out in my mind where an old ex-slave recounted how the day his mistress died was one of the saddest days of his life. And in many of these narratives the slaves told of how their masters didnt even allowing whipping on his plantation.
Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them. And I mean that in multiple ways. Not only did it protect us from having to interact with them, and from being physically harmed by them, but it protected us from being brought down to their level. Integration has done nothing but bring Whites down to level of brute animals. The best example of this is obviously our school system.
Now White parents are forced to move to the suburbs to send their children to “good schools”. But what constitutes a “good school”? The fact is that how good a school is considered directly corresponds to how White it is. I hate with a passion the whole idea of the suburbs. To me it represents nothing but scared White people running. Running because they are too weak, scared, and brainwashed to fight. Why should we have to flee the cities we created for the security of the suburbs? Why are the suburbs secure in the first place? Because they are White. The pathetic part is that these White people dont even admit to themselves why they are moving. They tell themselves it is for better schools or simply to live in a nicer neighborhood. But it is honestly just a way to escape niggers and other minorities.
But what about the White people that are left behind? What about the White children who, because of school zoning laws, are forced to go to a school that is 90 percent black? Do we really think that that White kid will be able to go one day without being picked on for being White, or called a “white boy”? And who is fighting for him? Who is fighting for these White people forced by economic circumstances to live among negroes? No one, but someone has to.

Here I would also like to touch on the idea of a Norhtwest Front. I think this idea is beyond stupid. Why should I for example, give up the beauty and history of my state to go to the Norhthwest? To me the whole idea just parralells the concept of White people running to the suburbs. The whole idea is pathetic and just another way to run from the problem without facing it.
Some people feel as though the South is beyond saving, that we have too many blacks here. To this I say look at history. The South had a higher ratio of blacks when we were holding them as slaves. Look at South Africa, and how such a small minority held the black in apartheid for years and years. Speaking of South Africa, if anyone thinks that think will eventually just change for the better, consider how in South Africa they have affirmative action for the black population that makes up 80 percent of the population.
It is far from being too late for America or Europe. I believe that even if we made up only 30 percent of the population we could take it back completely. But by no means should we wait any longer to take drastic action.

Anyone who thinks that White and black people look as different as we do on the outside, but are somehow magically the same on the inside, is delusional. How could our faces, skin, hair, and body structure all be different, but our brains be exactly the same? This is the nonsense we are led to believe.
Negroes have lower Iqs, lower impulse control, and higher testosterone levels in generals. These three things alone are a recipe for violent behavior. If a scientist publishes a paper on the differences between the races in Western Europe or Americans, he can expect to lose his job. There are personality traits within human families, and within different breeds of cats or dogs, so why not within the races?
A horse and a donkey can breed and make a mule, but they are still two completely different animals. Just because we can breed with the other races doesnt make us the same.
In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black. For example when we learn about how George Washington carver was the first nigger smart enough to open a peanut.

On another subject I want to say this. Many White people feel as though they dont have a unique culture. The reason for this is that White culture is world culture. I dont mean that our culture is made up of other cultures, I mean that our culture has been adopted by everyone in the world. This makes us feel as though our culture isnt special or unique. Say for example that every business man in the world wore a kimono, that every skyscraper was in the shape of a pagoda, that every door was a sliding one, and that everyone ate every meal with chopsticks. This would probably make a Japanese man feel as though he had no unique traditional culture.

I have noticed a great disdain for race mixing White women within the White nationalists community, bordering on insanity it. These women are victims, and they can be saved. Stop.


Unlike many White naitonalists, I am of the opinion that the majority of American and European jews are White. In my opinion the issues with jews is not their blood, but their identity. I think that if we could somehow destroy the jewish identity, then they wouldnt cause much of a problem. The problem is that Jews look White, and in many cases are White, yet they see themselves as minorities. Just like niggers, most jews are always thinking about the fact that they are jewish. The other issue is that they network. If we could somehow turn every jew blue for 24 hours, I think there would be a mass awakening, because people would be able to see plainly what is going on.

I dont pretend to understand why jews do what they do. They are enigma.


Hispanics are obviously a huge problem for Americans. But there are good hispanics and bad hispanics. I remember while watching hispanic television stations, the shows and even the commercials were more White than our own. They have respect for White beauty, and a good portion of hispanics are White. It is a well known fact that White hispanics make up the elite of most hispanics countries. There is good White blood worht saving in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and even Brasil.

But they are still our enemies.

East Asians

I have great respent for the East Asian races. Even if we were to go extinct they could carry something on. They are by nature very racist and could be great allies of the White race. I am not opposed at all to allies with the Northeast Asian races.


I hate the sight of the American flag. Modern American patriotism is an absolute joke. People pretending like they have something to be proud while White people are being murdered daily in the streets. Many veterans believe we owe them something for “protecting our way of life” or “protecting our freedom”. But im not sure what way of life they are talking about. How about we protect the White race and stop fighting for the jews. I will say this though, I myself would have rather lived in 1940’s American than Nazi Germany, and no this is not ignorance speaking, it is just my opinion. So I dont blame the veterans of any wars up until after Vietnam, because at least they had an American to be proud of and fight for.

An Explanation

To take a saying from a film, “I see all this stuff going on, and I dont see anyone doing anything about it. And it pisses me off.”. To take a saying from my favorite film, “Even if my life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society.”.

I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.

Unfortunately at the time of writing I am in a great hurry and some of my best thoughts, actually many of them have been to be left out and lost forever. But I believe enough great White minds are out there already.

Please forgive any typos, I didnt have time to check it.”


This proves that Roof carefully planned his terrorist attack on Black citizens.

212 thoughts on “Terrorist Dylann Roof’s White Supremacist Manifesto

  1. bee says:

    i think every black person in this country, have the right to stab this fool. one stab per person, and then hang him from the highest tree

    1. Robert says:

      HEAR HEAR!
      I Hope that the Brothers in state penitentiary, Will give him a warm welcome

    2. Shawanda says:

      Hell yeah.. They should put him in a sell full of niggas and show him that he is a white nigga

    3. He is not the problem. The guy who took the pictures is the problem. They hide behind children and teach them this hate of self. Just think if they were to have taught him respect of self. Find the teacher and stop them then you prevent him from being so sad a person with so little self worth. A life time in jails is what this young man needs. A LIFETIME to think about it.

    4. Head Banga says:

      I don’t think he wrote it especially considering the fact at the end it said “forgive any typos”. I find that coincidental and we all know there aren’t any coincidences.

      1. dj says:

        @ Head Banga. I agree with you. I read like a quarter of this crap and was saying to myself, “I don’t believe this retard wrote this.” Some other simpleton wrote this crock of $h!t…This is a bit fishy…Do you think we are being played with this “shooting” or what? Now a days I don’t know what to believe, especially from the white news media.

    5. Zakiah says:

      I agree

  2. Aaron D says:

    This is a guaranteed hate crime if this manifesto is indeed true which all signs point to it being true given his pictures and lack of sympathy that he’s admitted too. And we still wanna forgive this crazy lunatic

    1. R8sing A Nation says:

      Funny thing though S.C has not hate crime laws. IAs I see it you have a large population of blacks in an old confederacy state that memorialize massa. During reconstruction when blacks started to out number whites the KKK popped up and used that damm flag as a way to let black people know what time it is. They burnt down black communities and terrorized blacks out of their land all the while waving that flag. Why would there be a hate crime law, that would be totally contradictory to the “history” of South Carolina that everyone keeps using to keep this flag waving. South Carolina was built on the backs of slaves and controlled by whites by means of terrorism and hate.Why any tax paying black person could live with that flag flying above their heads and support politicians that rejected a hate crime bill is totally beyond me. Here in Cali if someone has the nuts to put that flag up within a week it’s gone.

  3. naj says:

    This was a great article. . No body can deny now

    1. Shawanda says:

      The proof is in the pudding. I can’t believe that white people is still that sick in the head. I give him nuts. A least he did better than his white people back in the day. He showed his French fried ugly face.. He is a demon.

      1. B says:

        You’re just as racist as he is with a comment like that. You should join him in jail. Shut up.

        1. hmmmm says:

          You shut up

  4. Jacob says:

    Anyone that defends the Confederate flag should be suspected of being a white extremist terrorist that would gladly kill you and your family.

    What else is there left to say?

    White supremacist have been very consistent with how they feel about black people in this country for hundreds of years.
    White Americans could have solved the race problem in this country decades ago but they continue to be complacent. The time for talk has long since been over.

    So again….Black folks need to :

    Arm yourselves
    Start owning land and businesses while circulating resources/group economics
    Move suspected white supremacists and coons out of your communities.
    Stop referring to yourselves as “minorities”
    Be more Stingy with your vote and make politicians work for it
    Further educate yourself and the young people in your communities
    Network with your brothers overseas.

    Stop allowing other groups to disrespect you and protect yourselves, protect your families, and protect your communities.

    1. Habibah says:


    2. Mary says:

      The Confederate Flag is not a symbol of white supremacy. It is a symbol of the Civil War to represent the South. Do not confuse the two. Not all white people are racist and not all black people are racist. If we spent more time working together instead of putting each other down we might accomplish something good.

      1. dc1969 says:

        To Mary: stop the deflecting. If represents white/supremacy to this day as it did back during the civil war. The average caucasian could not give 2 fucks about my people’s well being. This is real talk. As far as us interacting more with each other, sounds like some fake utopian nonsense. I believe separation would be best for everyone. Business,nothing peronal!

        1. Don Johnson says:

          And I’m sure the average African American could give two fucks about my people, so why not reciprocate?
          Read a book and stop generalizing, ass hat

        2. JC says:

          @dc1969 Hop on a boat. I will pay your way my brother.

      2. vanessa says:

        Tell you’re white friends that…they won’t listen to us

      3. Kenneth Wallace says:

        Mary, why are you STILL lying and in denial about the ideology of the Confederacy? All one has to do is read each confederate states’ declaration of secession. These declarations make it clear that preserving slavery was the rationale behind the formation of the Confederacy. THAT’S WHITE SUPREMACY! So if your country was founded upon the ideology of white supremacy, what in the hell does your flag represent? Stop the bullshit..

      4. Jacob says:

        Excuse me Mary but I did not say “All white people are racist”

        You and people like you try to project your own ideology onto Black people so you can indirectly justify white supremacist thinking.

        You WANT to believe this is how black people feel about ALL whites so that it gives you a reason to feel that way about them.

        I’m not falling for it.

        And as for the Confederate flag…. I am not confused in the least.
        It DOES represent White Supremacy and ANYONE who reps it is not to be trusted.

        1. Shawanda says:

          If the shoe fit wear it. I believe all white peoples are. They still hide themselves.

          1. Jacob says:

            Well they aren’t

            But playing guessing games is out of the question so Black folks simply need to arm themselves and get an economic base.

            Anything else is for the birds.

        2. sam says:

          All white people are racist some more than others its just in their blood.

      5. Zel says:

        I haven’t met any white person who wave the confederate flag and still believe in race equality
        Very true not all white people are racist in fact I think majority aren’t racist but the less educated ones mostly in the south who wave the confederae flag are safe to say most of them are racist

        1. R8sing A Nation says:

          The founder of Aryan Nation worked at Lockheed Martin in Southern California as a aerospace engineer. He was educated, and he was not southern. Racism comes from every walk of white life. Don’t be fooled by class and for sure don’t assume that if a white person is poor they are racist. We may be focused on what seems the obvious but then the real white supremacist that we do not have our eyes on is the one that is posing as a cop ,teacher, doctor, your boss.

      6. Dar says:

        The Confederate flag is a symbol of white supremacy only. To defend it is racist. It was the rally point of people who saw (and still see) African Americans as cattle. The country that it stood for is dead. Imho southerners should be ashamed of it. If for no other reason than it reminds them that they lost…. but there are a plethora of other reasons that they should be shamed by it.

      7. Elaine Mayes says:

        the hatred that he displayed was instilled in him as a child. When I lived in Dallas, I would see little Caucasian children with the Confederate flag on their clothing. This hatred starts in the home and it festered or contaminates this world. When grown people sit around and refer to other races in a derogatory way- the children hears this, they learn this, and they incorporate this as being normal behavior. the Bible says: “15”Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.” Psalms 105: 15. even if he is allowed to live because of his crime, he will answer to the living God, not the god of this world, not those that are full of hatred and think that they are in power, but he will answer to my God the final judge. We got to remember that when we tell our children to do as we tell them to, they do as they see us do, they say what they hear us say because we are their first teachers. If I had instilled hatred in my children from the time they were able to understand things, then hate is what they will know, hate is what they will spread out into the world. He is at the age of accountability where he is responsible for his own actions. He may be a KKK, but he did not have the right to take anyone’s life. Every person, whether he is black, Mexican, Asian, Indian etc. every person has a right to live free own this land that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us. America belongs to God, not any race of people own this country. Every man should be free to live in peace without fear of cowardly groups that parade around with sheets over their faces because they are afraid to let you know that they could be your Dr. your attorney, your neighbor, your coworker, your nurse and the ones that sit with you at the lunch table it your job.

      8. B says:

        That makes too much sense! Stop that! 🙂

      9. JayBay says:

        Yeah been there, tried that, it only got more black people killed. We don’t need white people to be successful. It’s just that hundreds of years of slavery and having our knowledge of self stolen has convinced us that white is right on everything. Wake up. White people don’t wanna work with you unless it’s going benefit themselves more in the long run. Keep telling yourself that as we get gunned down everyday that it’s somehow our fault and that we’re not trying hard enough. It’s always somehow our fault. But name me 3 shootings where black people walked into a white church, killed everyone inside, wrote a manifesto, and then the white people prayed for the black person and forgave him. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

      10. Jesse Gibson says:

        Mary stall me out with comments about black people being racist. What makes the comment so laughable is to be racist you have to be part of the power structure at best all we can be considered is a group of prejudice people and prejudice has about as much power as a fart in the wind.

      11. kim justice says:

        the only way that we are to solve this problem is for our country to understand that the whole world lives under the system RACISM WHITE SUPREMACY we should try to change it to a system of JUSTICE

    3. Ben says:

      Hold up the confederate flag is a sign of our southern heritage not a symbol of racism its just when dumbasses like you pish the issue that anybody who has southern heritage and has a rebel flag will kill blacks because your wrong this guy was possessed by the devil this goes deeper then a white black thing its a devil god thing

      1. JayBay says:

        By southern heritage, you mean your heritage of enslaving and raping black people right? No seriously, what is so special about southern heritage? You came from the shitty poor part of the country (at that time). What have old school southerns done that is so amazing that you feel the need to hold up that flag as a symbol of pride? Or is making moonshine and fucking your sister something to be proud of?

      2. kim justice says:

        You talk like a suspected WHITE SUPREMACY

  5. Manu Lewis says:

    He is a product of white America that support the entire menality that White Supremacy is the order of the land. White aggressions can never be checked by White rule… this is the way of this land yet the kid with skittles and a ice tea is the problem…

  6. Joe Gould says:

    If Mr. Roof is found guilty of the murders of “those people,” he should not be executed. He is a star who should be given a few semis filled with Brillo pads and sentenced to scrub off the face of Stone Mountain that awful bas relief.

    After all, if he wants to clean things up, he can just as easily start by cleaning Stone Mountain of Davis, Lee and Jackson and their horses. When he’s done, let’s have him remove all of the other Confederate monuments: give him a few semis filled with plastic spoons to use in digging up those monumental blights on society.

    Besides, his execution would probably only send him to a place where he might experience really forgiving mercy. Now just why would anyone want to do that to him, if he is found guilty? Let’s spare his life and let him use his talents to clean the stain of racism from our societal fabric. We could really use his help.

  7. Habibah says:

    This man Has Clearly Defined Who He Is and Is Unapologetic About It You Know That His Mind Is Sick And He Is a Damn Fool For Even Thinking Like This And Bee I Totally agree with you If I Could I’d Be the First To Stabb That Ass!

    1. Dom says:

      I filed a police charge report on you.

  8. BlackMamba says:

    it’s about time that we stop f****** with these white boys and white girls we need to stick to our own race and start f****** these n***** up these f****** crackers think they run some s*** when this is a country for all free men and women. you got young little white boys running around here trying to feel like a man killing old folks in churches if that was my grandma on one of my family members that mother f***** would have never made it out of church he would be dead right along with him I say this to my brothers and sisters around the country we need the uprise against the white is that simple they are not our friends they are not our saviors there nothing more to us the slave masters and manipulators if I had my way all them f****** would die

    1. wow says:

      Shut the fuck up

    2. Kurt says:

      Go back to Africa , this isn’t a place for you black men

      1. dj says:

        You stinky, smelly, stupid troll BE GONETH!!!!…

      2. kim justice says:

        wow another WHITE SUPREMCIST

    3. Italiano says:

      Go fuck yourself. Come see me and kill me you racist piece of shit.

    4. Don Johnson says:

      – hates racism
      – also extremely racist
      You’re part of the problem

    5. Jacob says:

      There are so many white supremacists online pretending to be black I’m not even sure who you my be. I have seen many white supremacists make statements like yours.

      But either way…shut up.

      1. Shawanda says:

        See this what I was saying. They hide themselves.

    6. Mami says:

      This was more hate-filled than Dylan’s manifesto. You’ve obviously been brainwashed & taught to be extremely racist. I feel sad for you.

    7. marcus says:

      Most white people have been pussified. And black boys like you should be very grateful for that. your weak mind can’t win a war.

      1. Jesse Gibson says:

        Is that alls we should be grateful for pussified white massa marcus?

  9. james williams says:

    When you read the mentality depicted by this young man and realize the power of social media it is obvious that black people in this country need be prepared for revolution because it’s coming whether we start it or not. Between the terrorists, the scared police and now the radical white supremacist we the black people are headed for extinction. Additionally, our behavior killing one another and not willing to join hands together as one is also against us. So as I always say every chance I get on social media; WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA BEFORE IT’S TO DAMN LATE.

  10. clewis says:

    of course he wants Asians as allies they are the majority in the world.

  11. Jas says:

    All of these white supremacists should be eradicated. However, this white supremacist’s idiotic commentary on this country is interesting. Some of his points are (objectively speaking) accurate on certain things he speaks about(educational system complex, white flight, hispanics, east indians, jews), however his assertions are of course from a white supremacist nationalist point of view. Many Black people have made similar findings on our “society” a hundred times over. So these coons and negroes who play dumb are borderline treasonous in their cowardly approach, because everyone is seeing this but the willfully blind. This terrorist summed up his true motives in the last few paragraphs, and he decided to act on his extremist views, so what are WE going to to counter their chess move?

  12. R8sing A nation says:

    Well the media is going to have a field day with this, talking points for days. I can already hear the slick comments how what he did was wrong but there was some truth to his thinking. I’m about to vomit in my mouth over this.This manifesto just was some gasoline to the fire.

  13. Not Convinced Yet says:

    Am I the only person who thinks these pictures look staged? In the second photo he looks like he has been crying. This whole Manifesto seems very calculated. If this boy really did write this and pre-meditate this alone…I will be shocked. The more I read, the more I wonder if he was threatened or forced. It sure is stirring up so much HATRED though isn’t it??? Everything in the news these days is stirring up so much Hatred. My heart hurts more and more every day.

    1. dc1969 says:

      This is real life. Remember, we did not start this racist nonsense up. A European/caucasian/white male started the racial theory up in the 1500’s. I forget that savage’s name now. . Now Look at the mess they started.

      1. kim justice says:

        WOW so thats were WHITE SUPREMACY started

    2. Marlon says:

      Preach!… as I was reading, I could not help but think of a bigger agenda behind all this… things are just not adding up!!

    3. R8sing A Nation says:

      He may be a little high but that letter is all him all day. I think he is down with Aryan Nation and this was calculated. I think they are trying to destabilize the grass root movements by using old school scare tactics.
      People that are about that life and want to do something productive with themselves, need to offer up security to their local churches and black businesses. No shakes downs, no trippin if another set comes through, shit needs to neutral if its in the name of protecting blacks within their communities. They could start doing street patrol like blacks did back in the day, when they were policing the police.
      If they can’t destabilize with a soft target then they will step of their target.

  14. Kenneth says:

    I hope that he gets a chance to speak publicly. He doesn’t look like someone who would be able to articulate himself so clearly and eloquently. Something still doesn’t sit quite right with this who thing. If this guy start talking and sounds like a White trash uneducated person, that manifesto which I presently doubt that he authored will come under high scrutiny.

    1. SmartLady says:

      My feelings exactly! See my comment.

  15. SmartLady says:

    What instantly struck me while reading this “Manifesto” is it sounds like it came straight from the desk of some CIA agent and not some goofy looking, racist 21 year old white boy. NEVERTHELESS, next time I hear a Christian say, “We are suppose to forgive.” I am going to ask, “Show me in the bible where did Jesus ever forgive his NATURAL enemies, the Pharisees/ Saduccees/scribes?”

    1. Marlon says:

      “Father, forgive them for the know not what they do”!!! Luke 23:34… as Jesus was Dying of the Cross… [sighs] Forgiveness is a must, I do not condone violence of any sort, for any means… and as a Christian, I tell you, we are taught to forgive as we have been forgiven!!!

      1. SmartLady says:

        Please show me where in the bible did Jesus forgive those religious leaders that meant HIM HARM? I will wait….

      2. SmartLady says:

        Marlon, please show me where in the bible did Jesus forgive those religious leaders that meant HIM HARM? I will wait….

  16. Harold says:

    Nine people are dead, with his death there will be ten and can anyone tell me what has been accomplished? There is no debate about this, this young man had a lot of hate inside of him and it is all from a source unknown to all but him. I spent many years in the military and on many occasions we had to research extremist groups and his words are so on points with what I studied.
    Let’s accept that this kind of thinking exist throughout the world and very little can be done about it. History tells us that there will always be a reason to hate someone, be it religious, culture, or racial, we must find a way to be superior by making others inferior.
    Those who look in the mirror and don’t really like what they see; tend to project that onto others as to feel better about themselves. I have no pity for this young man because he dug this hole, and as my mother once told me, when you dig a hold for someone else, dig it deep enough for two. However I don’t wish to see him sentenced to death for his misdeeds because truly that would make him a hero among those with whom he identifies. He should have many years of life to consider what happened, to dream of the fear he forced onto others, to hear their voices in his moments of solitude.
    I have long since felt that Heaven and hell exists between your ears and you can only connect with that part of your mind while you still have breath in your body. I fear that his will not be the last incident, however I believe in the people of this great nation to wake up and decide that our enemy is not always outside our country, but is often found residing next door.
    Finally, weep for the living for the dead hurt no more, hate is forever gone from their lives and those of us left behind must work to make their deaths account for good and not more violence.

    1. Use your brain says:

      It does strain credibility that someone so childish looking and acting (posing with a child’s flag in his white trash environment) has given himself over to the most heinous evil and shaped his own twisted pathetic impulses for glory and revenge and power to create more evil in the hearts of others – to wit all y’all talking about stabbing and rising up … arming yourselves. S**t, that is ignorant and useless talk. I understand it comes from feeling powerless to change things but talk leads to action and look a here at what all that hate talk on the internet led this young moron to do. Your talk about stabbing and global comments about all whites is on the road to being the same evil.

  17. Calvin says:

    I remember in Hidden Colors 2 Dr. Claude Anderson said it was a waste of time hating white people,but after reading this how can you not hate white people? How do we know who are the “good” white folks and the bad? A few years ago I watched this documentary on this Skin Head leader and he was telling his young followers to stop shaving your heads and putting swastikas all over your body. Grow your hair out and blend in with society. Become judges,police officers,and politicians. After he said that it changed my life forever becuase how do we know who our enemies are? It can be your kid’s teacher,your doctor,or your co-worker. I’m sorry but I don’t like white people or trust them what so ever.

    1. Marlon says:

      Damn, this is Crazy!

    2. SmartLady says:

      Mutually Understood!

    3. Mami says:

      Wow you just totally outed yourself as a racist. How about if everybody treats everybody based on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin? Smdh

      1. recordtwist says:

        Tell that to the white supremacists.

    4. Use your brain says:

      I guess I can understand that but it’s wrong and self defeating to be paranoid about All whites when a slim minority are evil sickos who actually wish you harm. Of course racism is pervasive in the Republican party in this country – it’s f***g depressing and infuriating and indirectly leads to greater evil.

  18. R8sing A Nation says:

    So glad I’m not a Christian or anything…I have no issues not forgiving people and wont loose the least bit of sleep over it. You screw me over and I’m done, and If I were to hurt somebody I would expect the same in return. But I do my best to treat people kindly.

  19. Shawanda says:

    Why black people always has to be the one everybody look down too. They like fucking us, the like making money offf is, they like stealing our shit we create and the music they try to duplicate and always want a black person to sing on their label. I believe we are the shit.

  20. R8sing A Nation says:

    I hope the Million Man March Anniversary doesn’t have b.s security….

  21. James scott says:

    American history x …….is where he got his saying …. So very sad for the families dealing with this tragedy … I pray with all my heart that no one else has to lose their life or anymore families have to feel this pain that we “Americans” are going through due to hate,terrorism ar any senseless acts of violence upon one another ….. COME TOGETHER!!! Or devided we fall like this tragedy ….yemx

  22. recordtwist says:

    I love it when the enablers of white oppression try to lecture us on how we’re supposed to react to said oppression. We’re in the midst of a holocaust, that’s the reality.

    I watch documentaries on nazi Germany and the parallels between nazi Germany and the United states, all the way down to the media propoganda, persistent acts of terror, an obsession with empire, the similarities between how blacks are treated here and how the jews were treated in Germany is alarming.

    Unfortunately it will get worse for us unless we get it together. We must learn from history and if we don’t, we will be wiped out.

  23. Maggic Mann says:

    Can not wait for your trail to be over = will be waiting…..

  24. Champion Gear says:

    Not only did this person only listen for information he wanted to hear, he ignores well know facts.

    >> He feels that ALL whites should be wealthy. (He is not wealthy when he should. He should be respected and superior with all the benefits when he only get a few of the benefits.
    > Every single white person should be wealthy to show a systematic benefits of being white. Not most like we see today. IT TAKES ALL WHITES TO BE NOTICEABLY WEALTHIER THAN BLACKS TO SEE ANY—AND I MEAN ANY—WHITE BENEFIT.

    >>> If he kept his eyes open, he might be able to see the benefits that all whites received and killed for.
    > One ‘benefit’ being the response to his murders. His outcome is being written as the man who yelled, ‘let us start a race war to kill all black people because they are murder-crazy’ to an innocent child who cried, ‘these Christians have to go. they are not like my low-life black friend because they are secretly killing people. I know they do. The people from the screen told me. The screen that lights up the darkness in my life.”
    >> He IS a psychopathic killer and he is not a mentally ill child in need of help.
    > He planned this out for days.
    > I have every right to call BULL-SHIT and not pray for his safety.

  25. Cdz12250 says:

    Does anyone else see this as a possible hoax, written by someone other than Roof and calculated to put a white supremacist narrative before the public?

  26. Junior says:

    I’m a black American and I have been watching the whole thing from the get go. I think the Dylann guy has done a number in our head and like Marie said, not all of us is racist. I’ll tell you what, we have two options : either we separate America into Black America and white America and no more United States of America or We find a common ground to live in that little time we have on this deteriorating earth. If we beget hatry as the terrorist wants it, we will cease to be a nation and we’ll be the laughing stocks of the world. People we are America! What we need to do is demonstrate to the world, how we separate evil from good.
    Listen, I know that we have some white or black supremacist in our mist; we have to find them and neutralize them. But let the U.S. Citizen live in peace.; I don’t think we are ready as Blacks or whites for what we really asking for. We may not be the ones paying for it now, but our children and the children of our grand children.
    Wake up America you are being misled!

  27. Jamarr says:

    I’m black, I own and operate an excavation company and I work and talk among white and spanish folks every day. I think its all on how you approach a conversation. Breaking the ice quickly has always curved a lot of talks (business and personal) in a positive direction. I was raised to respect this world and everything in it. Remember, it all starts with the parents.

  28. R8sing A Nation says:

    What the heck are you talking about Black Supremacist?
    There is no such thing, never was and is not now!
    What are blacks now and in the past so supreme in that excluded whites economically , socially, politically, militarily ,educationally. Please tell me?

    White Supremacy was crafted as a structure to marginalize, disenfranchise ,oppress, segregate, murder, mis-educate, sexually exploit, and confuse black people.
    We are not even in the history books in any type of meaningful way. That’s why we have so many blacks running around lost because they don’t even know their own history.Black people know all day all about white history white inventors, white greatness. There is no black pride amongst many blacks because if we say black pride white people call us reverse racism or people get uncomfortable so were shamed out of feeling any type of pride for ourselves.
    If we had the ability to be Black Supremacist at the very least we would have multiple chapters in the American history book as to now just 1-3 pages.

    Where in the history of America has black people kept a foot on whites neck for over 400 years. Remember the civil right act has only been since the late 1960’s and even then it took until the 70’s for many to comply. But even with that you still have a mindset that no matter what bill what laws will still continue to practice white supremacy. When a white baby is born nobody hates it or wants it dead. A black child is born and there are people out in the U.S.A right now that would love nothing better to kill it.

    Blacks as a collective have no political power otherwise we wouldn’t be at the mercy of politicians basically begging them for things like not having the confederate flag waving in our face. If we were so supreme then why is it we have a “black” president and he can’t even talk about anything that ills the black community that isn’t condescending and playing to his white base .

    The second that man goes off message like when he said ‘Treyvon Martin looked like he could have been his son”. The media,some white people, and his base when nuts! But a white president can talk all day long about “welfare queens”(Regan) Repealing the voters right bill by insinuating blacks are illegally voting…. nobody bats an eye. As long as your shittin on blacks and perpetuating stereotypes in stump speeches ,and speaking in code about blacks it fine. So tell me where the black supremacy is in that?

    Why is it that during the great recession more blacks lost all of their household wealth than any other group? More blacks work service related jobs and that was the industry hit the hardest..no job can’t pay the mortgage= foreclosure. Being most blacks don’t come from generational wealth as we had a very late start in the economic game there was no family lifelines to help.
    Blacks in poor neighborhoods were targeted with bad loans even when they could have qualified for A paper mortgage loans. But when you have bank representatives combing low income neighborhoods selling pie in he sky to people that never thought they ever could own a home and then they get sold a turd sandwich well that’s another setback lets say 10yr of how things stay on credit reports.
    Blacks with little to no generational wealth or means will never recover , they’ll forever be stuck in high interest loans, utilizing payday loans, cant get certain jobs due to bad credit. Here in Cali for many jobs they pull your credit.
    Where I live there is one payday loan place. But if I go two cities over where people are of a lower economic means there are payday loans everywhere. People mainly gain household wealth by owning a home and building equity. But you cant do that if you have no means, bad credit, and cant even get a decent job to pay a mortgage or save for a down payment/closing cost.

    I knew so many white people that when they lost their homes their parents or grandparents would go buy a home in their name. The parents or grandparents would get low interest rates and would pull equity from their homes and gift it to them to pay for closing costs/ down payment.

    These people were still be able to send their children to nice schools and basically live life as the same. Those people now are able to pull equity out of the home to pay for college ,vacations, pay off old debt from the recession. If blacks were supreme we wouldn’t have a thing to worry about we could have weathered the great recession storm.

    Finally would a supreme population be regarded as “refugees” in their own country during a historical natural disaster????Why did it take almost a week to get proper aide to the gulf coast(New Orleans) When we can get aide asap to another country around the world next day.

    Tell me please where this black supremacy is…..

    1. marcus says:

      All the wealthy blacks in professional sports should be helping inner city black people. They have the redo.

  29. kkkwhite says:

    This article is very true us white people need to start standing up for our selfs black people are trying to take over that kid is a hero!!!!! Fuck niggers

    1. R8sing A Nation says:

      @kkkwhite go put on your Thomas The Train Pj’s ,your mom says it’s time for bed.
      Oh and by the way fuck you and your moms twat that you came out of and the donkey she fucked to make you! You need to be worrying more about other whites turning on your racist ass.
      Fuck White Supremacists!!

  30. Junior says:

    r8sing a Nation,
    I appreciate the way you explain in a very informative way the totem and Ill-fated events that happened to black people. However, I don’t mean to condescend blacks when I said supremacy. If you paid attention, you’ll see that I said that we have to separate evil from good. In every race we have good and bad people and a person that condone violence beget a cycle of violence. We need to start thinking outside the box. Give a break to the contemporain white peope that are raising their kids in the best racial and social normalcy possible. At least give them credit. Our place in history is not to be angry at any body, but to take part in the future our own people as whole. I mean all the rich black people should start coming forward to invest in our kids, by creating avenues to empower other blacks instead of criticize them. Opening colleges and giving scholarship to their own is a start. Look, we’ve been complaining and angry for so long; don’t you think it’s time to reshape our destination as a race?

  31. R8sing A Nation says:

    @ Junior much respect.
    I agree a lot of complaining but it’s about simple stuff. I feel talking about real problems and coming up with new solutions is the only way. I think we agree more than not.,both of our approaches are leading to the same place.. I don’t have issues with all white people I just have little concern about how white people are living because it’s not do or die for them. It’s do or die for us .

  32. Kevin Reed says:

    I felt that I needed to read the whole thing in order to get an idea of how Roof thinks. He’s just sad. I have 3 members in my family with Phd’s and a brother who’s a MD and a nephew who’s a lawyer but this moron thinks Black people are stupid. I live in Charleston I’m Black and I hope this stupid piece of shit gets what he deserves.

  33. sam says:


    1. marcus says:

      Great statement. if a white person drives or walks through a black neighborhood he has a better chance of being terrorized than a black person walking through a white neighborhood.

  34. sam says:


    Racist whites feel inadequate and worthless and this is why they go on various websites and try to bash or belittle Blacks and other cultures to compensate for their inadequacies. The truth is they hate themselves. Many of them commit suicide because they feel guilty for raping their kids and their nephews. Also many of them feel guilty for plotting to kill their relatives to collect the life insurance money. 85% of these whites are on Prozac or anti-depression medication. Their lives are pathetic. .

    According to all reports, the average White student in America is just a “C” student just like former President George W. Bush.. Prove me wrong.

    The majority of the poor in America are White. Most Whites don’t live in a fancy house in a suburb. Many of them live in poor rural communities and trailer parks where the crime rate is high and the meth addition is high.. The majority of people on Welfare are white. That’s a fact!

    If being White is so great then why kill yourself.. The White male suicide rate is very high. White men account for a whopping 67% of all suicides.. What’s the problem buddy?

    White folks hate their pale, corpse looking skin so much that they will risk getting skin cancer just to get dark.

    Why do White men spend over $1 Billion per year on penis enlargements and male enhancement drugs and over $1 Billion per year on sun tanning products? Are you ashamed of your pale skin and small penis?

    What people who claim to be superior would do that? SMH

  35. sam says:

    White people are a disease.
    With a history of deception, genocide, rape, the conquering and stealing of countries that didn’t belong to you, the provoking of countries to go to war, funding warfare, destroying of important human history, the development of A.I.D.S. to kill off Africans, the creation of crack cocaine to destroy African american’s Melanin,(not to mention their very lives), all whites deserve all this returned unto them according to Universal Karma.

    And, the list goes on and on and on! White people you are a dying breed, the sun & the Yakub Muslim Melanoma Executions are killing you and theres not a god damn thing you can do about it. Your Chemtrails won’t save you nor will your pathetic synthetic melanins and sunscreens! LOL!

    Tyrant white men control everything, white girls (i say girls because women implies that they’re mature and posses a developed personality) are impassive and death-defyingly bent on beauty. THERES NOTHING PROUD ABOUT BEING WHITE…Pretentious, hateful, deluding, the inability to feel for other races, manipulative, untrustworthy, bent on world domination. Down right horrible people.

    You bitch all day about Blacks and Latino’s being violent,lazy and uneducated. FYI you made it that way and it’s a world-wide scheme to maintain they’re downfall- subjected to poverty, hunger, zero privacy…no escape.

    It took you hundreds of years of mass murder, oppressing non-whites, Thievery,(etc) to get where you are today, yet you walk around with a sense of accomplishment like it was hard work and thinking power that put you where you are today!

    You owe every race of people on this planet for your ideas, culture, sciences, beliefs, religions, inventions that you’ve taken credit for. Every last one of you live an illusion, in a psychotic matrix if you will. Never will you grip reality or take responsibility for what you’ve created of this disordered world and give back what you’ve taken. The racist things you say are an exact reflection of yourselves for being the mindless, ugly, low self esteemed, cold hearted and destructive morons your are.

    So Smile chalk face smile…Drive your nice cars, go home to your fancy houses, devour the media, indulge in refinery, safety and comfort…the spirit of MAAT has arrived, the evil white empire will fall

    As for every non-white whom have been brain washed in this white world…become conscious, be aware of this dreamworld you live in. Sweet change is coming, the dramatic reversal of this white world is already in effect, unnoticed yes, but in full function. Ever feel worthless and unappreciated? Blame the disgusting whites for creating agendas for you. It conquers as a whole and unites as one to deter revolutions that would rip it’s world apart at it’s roots. It won’t save, it is a villain selling the same bullshit to deter a real hero. A hero that died out thousands of years ago, maybe a million, maybe a billion, who can tell? The magnitude of human will never prevail under it’s influence and power. WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT HUMAN.

    1. marcus says:

      You’re a funny guy

  36. sam says:






    1. kkkwhite says:

      Fuck you nigger you should still be pickin cotton on my farm you bitch and get molested

      1. R8sing A Nation says:

        @KKKwhite that’s the best you got?? lol go pick cotton!!! lol Now I know you are most likely not a day older than 13yrs old.
        Over here messing around in grown folks business and you got slapped the fuck down with some truth. Please know what ever myth you have in your mind about blacks, were all not the bow down pray and forgive our enemies people.
        I know my enemy I was raised around my enemy I know how you all talk, think, and navigate.
        At least level up to the Aryan Nation and not try and make a statement with your weak ass screen name.
        News Flash the kkk is a dinosaur just like you immature comments. I think they wear there dunce hats and capes for gay pride day.

    2. marcus says:

      Thank god I’m white

    3. etta says:

      God hear you and will come back to you

  37. sam says:

    Who would honestly want to be WHITE? You knuckle dragging, pink skin, leprosy cursed, hairy bastards, hook nose, vitamin deficient, onion headed, inbred, big ears, horse f*cking, child molesting, stringy headed, flat chested, monkey handed, booger eating, albino APES can’t even stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes without getting sunburned and developing skin cancer. The reason most of you Mountain Apes (Whites) HAVE TO wear shaded sunglasses is because your eyes are adjusted Iiving in dark, gloomy, unlit caves where there’s little to NO light whatsoever. The only light you degenerates are used to is the light that comes from hitting two stones together in order to create fire (Like your aboriginal, cave dwelling ancestors). Furthermore, Caucasians NATURALLY carry diseases and pestilence that are fatal to most forms of life on Earth. There’s absolutely NO other race on Earth that are born NATURALLY with Sickle Cell (Blood Disorder), Tuberculosis/TB, Lupus, Genetic Lice (Crabs), ticks, and scabies coming out of their scalp/skin (other than Caucasians). No other race smells like wet dog and sour bologna meat when they get wet except White people (If you can call those sub-creatures HUMAN). Also, the last time I checked, the Black Plague didn’t originate in Africa or any other country; It came from EUROPE (Home of the Caucasians) mostly due to the fact that you guys ate, lived, and slept with RATS (Natural disease carrying rodents such as yourselves). Aside from that, you guys allow DOGS to eat out of the same dishes as your children at the dinner table and then you have the nerves to consider yourselves “CIVILIZED”! To add you guys are ALL ugly, ESPECIALLY your women who put on tons of makeup to cover acne, aging, freckles, dark spots, etc. THE MALES all HAVE tiny penis which look like baby NAKED MOLE RATS. To end this finally, you guys are also history’s greatest liars, thieves, rapist, murderers, pedophiles, and disease spreaders of ALL TIME. 

    1. marcus says:

      Nope. Africa gave us aids and Ebola. You’re so desperate, you’re a special brand of retard

    2. Bob vagisil says:

      i love my naked mole rat.

  38. kkkwhite says:

    White is RIGHT

    1. R8sing A Nation says:

      @kkkwhite I’ll say your next comeback for you “White Power!”
      Now you scurry along to soccer practice, your moms calling you….

  39. Tony B says:

    Its the color.green thats.the real problem an the lack.of.it.at a football game..at holiday time.on a subway.or.playing at the olympics or a kid dyingfrom a disease like cancer ..america has issues..other countries have issues..envy an. Jealousy of each other..but when the music is playing no one knows what to.say cause its all beautiful..

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  93. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give a mix of text message, video, interactives, and troubles to practice what you have learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Surpass, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to higher use these programs at work and life. Let’s get going!

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  95. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give a mix of text message, video, interactives, and troubles to practice what you have learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Surpass, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to raised use these programs during working hours and life. Let’s get going!

  96. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give you a mix of text message, video, interactives, and issues to practice what you have learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Surpass, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to higher use these programs during working hours and life. Let’s begin!

  97. Thanks again for the article.Thanks Again. Keep writing.

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  99. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give you a mix of textual content, video, interactives, and issues to practice what get learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Surpass, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to raised use these programs during working hours and life. Let’s start!

  100. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give a mix of textual content, video, interactives, and issues to practice what get learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Exceed, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to raised use these programs at work and life. Let’s start!

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  104. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give a mix of text message, video, interactives, and issues to practice what get learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Exceed, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to raised use these programs at work and life. Let’s begin!

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  106. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give a mix of textual content, video, interactives, and troubles to practice what get learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Stand out, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to higher use these programs at work and life. Let’s start!

  107. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give a mix of textual content, video, interactives, and issues to practice what you have learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Surpass, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to higher use these programs at work and life. Let’s start!

  108. Microsoft Office or are just looking to refresh your skills for any job or the one you’re already in, you’re in the right spot. Our lessons give you a mix of textual content, video, interactives, and troubles to practice what you might have learned, so you can learn the basics and more of Access, Surpass, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Word. You’ll also learn tips, tricks, shortcuts, and more to higher use these programs during working hours and life. Let’s get going!

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