Newly Released Video Footage From 2013 Shows Chicago Police Shooting at Black Teens

A video has surfaced from December 22, 2013 which shows Black teens in the Southside of Chicago being pulled over for speeding. The video footage shows one white supremacist race soldier acting as a police officer opening fire on the unarmed teens, which is an apparent violation of Chicago Police Department policy. The Melanoid teens did nothing wrong and the shooting was completely unprovoked. The officer has not been disciplined, and remains on the police force.

Follow this link to see the newly released footage of the shooting.

4 thoughts on “Newly Released Video Footage From 2013 Shows Chicago Police Shooting at Black Teens

  1. dc1969 says:

    Interesting. How many other unknown incidents like this have happened that we don’t know about. White/caucausian supremacy at its worst.

  2. blessed says:

    Stop killing our children , amagine this being your children . Keep it up and it will be….

  3. Casir says:

    I keep telling you. “Black” people have NO RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW. This is why these things can happen. Why do you think cops don’t to this to “white” kids?. A hard head makes for a sore ass.

    Insanity is doing (talking about) the same things over and over expecting a different result. GO LOOK at the video on sf181 I posted in the forum. It will give you a basis of understanding.

  4. BEL says:

    Another big reason that black people are targeted is because there is less chance of the race soldier, corrupt judge, bigoted teacher, etc, harming someone connected to them. The easiest and quickest way to determine this is by skin tone and/or race. This process happens in an instant, with a mere glance. This is why cops run into situations and immediately swoop in on the dark faces. They rarely make an attempt to assess the situation beforehand. Capture the blacks, then get the ‘facts.’ This is why black people are pulled over at a higher rate. This is why 6 cops will line up to individually search a brother’s car looking for a single cannabis seed. The way I see it, each of those cops represent an opportunity for one of them to plant evidence. Anything for an arrest…
    This video is just another brick on the tower of injustice that grows higher every day.

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